Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 10 May 1917, p. 6

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BetweeneCousins; O-R, A DECLARATION 0F WAR. CHAPTER IV.-(Cont'd.) keep themielves from atret-ehlng But Adam scarcely looked glad. I erningl r towards the m~en bslow. John's serene unconscousness týhu-l ii stra ght-featured face, free of injr the defects of his cousin'u attire self-coaaciousn.ean, was transformed Was evidently nlot shared by th is - b> the illurg1nation of the *yea, while tor, who deapite bis toilýworn hande, the summer llght turn.d hie closely- haci a much clearer idea of what waa moulded lient! te dusky gold. At that l"the' custom" and what was not, than moment bis neareat relations seemed thi t posecssed by bis clerical relative. to be looldng on a strançer; and as The color of bis face pu, bis beard te rElbrgnpwe mçnto saeas in the midat of a shuffling! tlared up se violently that it drove Salutation he t xpiained that positlvely'the tears to ber eYes. hie lhd no idea of meeting-iMrs. M'Don- (To be continued.) neli, else he certainiv v oýu1d not have taken the liberty of presenting him-~ THE R&,AWAKENING WORLD. self without his Sunda>' cat; but thatj being- on bis way back"fron the The Miracle of Spring la a Parable ef quarry, and hearing ot John's unex- Siiul ebrh pectcd arrivaibh ad pet been able SpirielKat u e-bth.ay 'w te keep himseifrf rom steppirig in, just 'InaulKnusdtsy:To to bid bis cctusin welcomo. things fill me witli unutterable awe, John',5 laugh broke into bis stam- the silent st.ars above me and the me- mered excuses, rai iaw within me.". "Don't trouble, my lad'? Ella un-) "Most thoughtlul persons muet derstands perfecti>'. What's the need have felt this speechiess awc as the>' of c,,remonies between men wbo have lIooked up and within," writea Dr. Piaycd at marbles together in the vil-; Ru fus M. Jones, in The Friend. "But lai eStreet ? And wc've donc that there is one thlng whtch 11lle me witli -nven't we, Adam?" ".Ayecrnd man y's the binet-hole to profounder wonder than Kant's sulent th acng of whsch our four bandes ta rs and that is the re-awakenlng eof have gene. When 1 look ait your-the world in epringtime. lit seeme black coat, John, it seems to me like a, seme et these merninge as though wo An Englishwoman Plowins WiLh an EIsphient in England kind o' drearn and yet it'e reai en- might hear t.he sons of God once more )ugb too. He a a wondertul hand at MDonne]]," added Adam, with a laud- new miracle of re-creation going on. V OF B I A able attempt at easging the conversa-! If we were flot dulled b>' habit and I tioni though, in truth, 'the look et: made callous b>' seeing the miracle re- la s peurI -grey gown eeemed te have peated, we should look upon tjis n WB BY ME overpowere,] him <uite es much as stream ot lite with those large cye lohn's black cot-"and with the of wonder with which thse first Adam "u mm af raid 1'on". undetrstand much saw bis ftresh-made world. A TRUE PICTLRE OF 111-E T ahot 'tose---those instruments," said «' mnt upie h e nalTHlE FRONTAT Ella, witb a rather unsteady butages have taken this re-birth et the . studiously affable smi]e. s "And John1 world in spring as a parable et a ThPlcofEtinheDt. 1,b a.-Ado evrg hnm too wiil seon bave forgotten ail abouti deeper re-bîrth. Long before there TePaeo gsu h it iesi."niyunyrgLtig .tbe»s. 1-e bas another 1ield before'was a Christian Easter, with its ym Because ot the peculiar teos] value back--or, if you do, nine times out et Showing the CaIm Courage et Our h"Mnyun ow, s M .'elMraie--" bols etf iewers and eggrs, men cele- et eggs, their relative treedom from t-en tbey are spoiled. The>' borrow rUhTop on the E'e y'ours, ma'asm," grinnhed Aslam, mean- the ted the oeoning et the flowers and w8it*e, and the ease with whicb the'> everytbing---aimost the shees off your ing ne hars., "We're pretty neariy>'th hatchlng et the eggs because they may be prepared, their use as meut teet." - muh, et.o a German Attaelh. ail M'Donneèls here, unieui we're saw in these events e gat.eway into a substitutes et least is often desirabie, "Tianik you, very'mc," Ms The teîîowing story f rom "nm M'farons, or misybe Robsons. - But'deeper mystery end were touched wlth even when a consideretion et their Reynolds responded cordiaîly. Il Sp- îseinFac" as rprdu- lIl]bicegoinj now, ma'am , if yeu'E ex- wender as te whether thse Seul might price alene woull rbt se indicate. precînte it, 1 have ,ýevera1 thingS der thse direction et the British War cuse me'- or -under t-be lofty gaze et have its re-awakenlng and its new While t-bis is true et eggs' servcd as ýshoulI net care te loe." She was Office and therefore is a truc picture1 thoso pale bide cye a recrudescence career et lite, ere et the principal disbes et r muaI,1I rugbing a littie, and ber warm band- tf hesst ffdy J ead.I "And onr'-That Power tbpt guides t-be untold- it otten fil net truc cf eggs used inn shak< sent ber ualler nwa>' comtort- o I wat thefrngtbereaexu- our'seves b>' waîng on yeu-antîin înir tft-he acorn and pushes up t-he cakes, pudding%, and other desserts'ed. dGrinatc.nd ehdte jîroper fashion," he added bashfuilly, oak, that Mind t-bat- bringse gorge- aliong with ment-s. It is in the lat- j fI an heur lat-er Mrs. Rcynolds British firing line as. t-be t-reatened t-uking Stock et big lower extremities. eus butterfi>' eut of the duli cecoon t-er use ef cgg-s that t-be bousewife had anot-btr caller, the oldest Carletonpon ervpsioswr m nd "And] t-ebeoy<)>? fring the boy along and raises it t-e its new and wlnged wbo wishes te econemize can try es- girl. She made ber erran<t knowîs point rd ese eptosreo manes] u wvit-b you " urgèd John, pleasIn y>, un- career, me>' well know how to sawal. peciail>' te curtail consumptimn. A wit-bout an>' embarrassaient. d awar à te scialenority'Ve asIow u otaiywItb lite,' and brlng tact which makes t-bis latter practice ohrsbkee cptswpraenrgcyuto4l-evus o- commltt-ing. llDuncan muet b n.U otlt vear sber arpt weeranem ergcy ultqthnt4evoul -oc- tbrec U vt-hi. ,te us and ours te a hlgher sage e -. easier ltg fa that wit-b the present avail- and lie wanted te know if se could cpe] h eut n htltl ttme?" 0et the cemtort exiiste,] wbich even in' .'ls tÇ ree t-he visiting ege at Ar- i This new and mrater miracle oi abiîity et baking powdera, cern starcb, borr;lw yours, 'cause cempatsy's cern- loch ?"I askcd Ella, with a Çuintîy pIeay-; another lite beyond does net stagger giletm, etc., t-he use et eggs te insecrt ing. a trench thse presence et inhbitants fui amile; and ageirs Adarr reveales] us much atter we have fuli>' ent-erad igbîttness or te thicken liquida us net- "'Won't you sit Jown?" Mrs. Re>'- alwnys ma3ures; asan ofetht-e dugout's, I -bînsselt - as a~ much more experienced, Into t-he wonder et the spriug. It- ua ao essential as it- was in thbe past-. acIde asketl pleasantî>'. "When is disarecbloe. » ut an b<r ump attrt-b manet he vors] -ba Jon b' lok-more diffilcult to.cerry a seul safeîy Thse principal food] element furnish-!your cempan>' coming?" eieee n tts a-ain a ind geornebat strl>e, adepled up over t-be bridge et deatIsinto t-be light est b>'eggs is pretein, t-he tiseue-build- "No'm, I gues 1can't. She's atkersofoer ofeirq artstîseeon, a bis bag of instrument-s %from t-be floor., and jo>' ef a new world et lite than it ing element whose. presence in censit]- ceming to-nigbt." thbe greatest individualiste eftht-e Brit.r t-bat Jean knew "t-be custom)' far te is t-o make a sptlng dandelion eut erable proportions aIse gives menals, "Se you want- tLé sweeper for t-o- ilhaIrmy, had convertes] their dugout %W1I te brîng a brat- like that along et one eft t-bea strange seede which fieb, milk, eeese, et-c., their special day. That is very cenvenient fer me trom a derclict tour walled et-ru-eu wit-h ber on t-be occasion et a iret- a cbild carelessly bliew awey last suai- food value. Eggs can, therefore, be since My sweeping day in t-o-morrow. into e well-arrangd ~nfr-bebl Eia. ey aehi e hn mer. ubstit-ut.ed fer t-be later fooda wit-bout 1 know yoms wîll be bue>' witb coin- lt Ellabravl>' ave im hr et! "But ber, la the dandelion! It ig matîrjaîll aIt-ering t-be proportion et pan>', se t-ell your met-ber net t-o bot--lt h roingm buen she tound upois ber w common' enougis, We hardI>' stop t- o iein consumes], In addition t-o 1 er te rot-urs it-; l'Il come for it myseit SdifeeInThse Trenches. tIse gunpowder $t-in transmit-ted irom look down Into lt-s Yeîlow face or te protein, eggs ise tfurnish fat and a in t-be orning." At oe end a rack bas -been made Adam's broad palm.j medltat-e on the wender ot ita arrivai number et valuable minerai elements, The C'ariet-on girl gave bier a puz- eut et two trench boards, and] bore Tle John site cousi net forbear one over t-be tsmw brl4gee oft-bat ftying including sulphur, phospherous, iren, zlet] look. t-be deadl>' eniplng rifles are stacked. word ef gentle reproof. seeci But If vo uld peftetrate ail calcium, ans] magneluai, in an easil>' "I -donne as we'U hi t-rougk witb On a sheif above, aise made. eut et a "18 it quit. wlseofe you, dear, te its mnsries,/couls] kjqow It root and assimilable feri, ans] are believes] aIse it," a&ho e ntured, - Tiis achear- trçncb board apread wit-b empty sand- ked, bezs t-bey wer "-abe. <in ~- allin aIl, we coulIs] soec througb a&Il hte b ohric in lacertain essentiel vit-bus- 1>' an experlence for whlcbahi bat] ne bega, t-be veluable teleacopic sights ye e et-ba tbe er en hidet ~myt-rlîs there are, ans] vo sheuld ing element.s calles] vitamins. joi'dei's.'and t]t-er lnst-r.ments oethtie craf t are wasqut-ewkardgt bengprien-i find it easy te sayî 'I beileve int Use Lîke musk and unlike meats, eggs, A glint- of laughter lîghtes] Mra, noatl>' laid eut At regular ii tervals ti> me ln those dreadf ul lothe. ans]80- reaurrectlon frümesatiided anith ie de net cont-ala substances convertible PLeynolds' cyes. along t-he wallsa suspendes] from a completel>' without-wlt-bout t-be usuel lite everlasitlag."' in t-be body into urc acid. Tiseir "If yeu are not throteuh vit-b it yeu bayenet drlven in. betwîen two sans]- forme?"---------- - abelie constit-ute t-he onl>' vaste ma- »cen tend for it agisin," ase id. baga bang, t-be coefumed equlient et t-ler~salbt lieni~reUss'derstans-d -'ýgo te a meeting. lRe vas, Irn tact- , isOPt irtÎtit nt supposes t-o de- Hayezsusis], bcîltatilst.onemac l ebu umsfoatb bair s oyes pre(ent-for Instanée t-boae of;meroly a member o et -be<leer - teriorat-e. it-sentet-inss dois. Thtsvioiswez hemet M"-s .eyoI], byitbe exception ef t-be moite clous] tise -wealt-by wldow across t-le loch. jgrade," vit - -ne parifrular nîgiâs aotten causes t-he enu teoswell aet-thie>ou v-t- on vit-b be Canteton." clînging t-o the 'otht-bair o' t-heduc-' -Wben t-hi moment came t-o ber 0"wn iatover. But- Dov al t-bat la at«. 1cdv. maklitg viait-bhe tras],cale!'4"Oh.s'ery pleasaat-ly. 1bey bavels't-out la Pure. r.urprnse a wave et genui'ne *motion, e.Temmiviteis ay ais]. ltais] a "avals." Sarcm#c s re alwayasols] borrowet] anthbing fOr & Mo!." I'iclrpaiusorSp,- uiicenneet-ed *Itb t-be set o er o-Ib.j heatosfr tPt net--nbbons made beor hold ber breat-hft-unit ibh vah ui»eeln -publice t r educes] prira, uaualy et- a "slM"iM ,HayOe' e>'sidontd.,j I don'î TheIîreparat-uns for e mi lare vel lnoxpectatuen o Jh'sa e-n u lt« ndhlvat-mr, antiy 1 t-be ythr 'eth OpeWh eeoluo i.ime ie xlam et bn. n botirhoft re t-e hi hgh lc. etee bad been He bas hein nalses t-o thbe statuesf et the coentait,-dxe fIII. adthIvue f Iving nlis mmen fr p o aysosin l., tas] bot up bs»ba]gnrîl. rqamtI -e ak -.soi ie s iuynd t'as xlie, -s t-ad.One bt rasir iti saît hi snwv the-ho itenes fosf--- --- tbûfief oyT»e"e H r,1uitlE-T10l h tt-be -oilistg Pointlot fir -I9is Le, b>' t-be-alarmes] glitter la bis1 MU ' WSINBMAU(9UII amE "AT ROutA, shdLil fritos t-bat - la y M t t t aes, vbeh -es t, vîsîil>' rembîîng. C13O> SAL UL.vad.t- su>'sl »»Mi« . itis frui t--o.A sîers-ats ya tb ag ostce ber.tithe ele-paekes] con or - nCmem Fre ea ian cys ssjer M,,1tt v*kmBuabl fuil1etft-m adS] enr Mixes] t-getbovi1 <SI. I . CbadPrsfrga* 1< esqayiaasa ofl epu -d Ud "w, tees]for t-*be "wing anti ont-ler la, I retthe ymoe trea eid'ter1 iprylng off th oftieta t-h$ t Ouma e4If1det-o-mrrov 1i ibaîl dit 1hoAaes , mi mt-h.A,ýWbt aa<'ausrlebae? uI-8e.rlt-ie fMatael cOtent " ebi]sais] te ber, anejo tho Bit-ab "T<UMmy,"O %lr e*f t t-ifh.<,,,gap ,m e Whetlut a *. ianisa verda-r"t1, are eutngo agrllpam klased ter belon. laevlsjt-he bou. *îrai ane- rîl le morap.dvî- ~eppi>'amuI«ea t et-sI% tt -oe.'aq ptbi .zeýtMt-l-tuth t'Pray on)> t-bat- I abould net-die >et breadt- not <alil at-st-atwet(rs tuie InteCrfi< ie. ed te-day,"bd«Il *ý baetOIL i o*$ mis le no b.. sesat ft-bis bkW s»are v t-ûbUtI oue t-bt itebu d#ou h On ù4tilsst Suns]seJohn dazzedalet 15.jut tbt- bint sa -th"I< «ahet->p lebmwoema>MsrU*MIsewPa, oleboans eand edusgly deliv aj t <.«ettbeii aeeI nobody vit-hbseouectII s~ ~ our be eqt Ma.sd vli -s, o byes* isa0<*] nit.tite f'êbuas -e r lsaTi.btois h.li-iem snis tuMrI t-bYneassst-hi bamperes] bis more-.! mlics- Of vh"le imut l spn d s<je, hep-li a d4w of vas-t,. (,%«p t» Le* tinkeerla; ai frequent- ntter' Up fron t t-t-, h** -li' ts h; ll -met-W quit-e atmucb as ddbis] ulotsos, gonde ihdaitjvs oua.. reuaeiytgkt t fbe. r& "-i a 0i-ldI-l isa sdï>.,$pee .csaaCklHe bas] net.. y«t-lesant-téo dd este ra] ath t-e auvMitIf-W ofRss -bi uza-b.saêialcuie tbeyln« do aa ahe&ie.M tore tb&o-rovs et tanîllar eye. 5- ~The le.whh ve uWtt-hoé.mut u.p.ssir. at- o. kn.v, M ëb -vit-sa iliat -by rot pett-p hans caogbî st-y t-t-oyho snd almost cols]. ,It vas* net- unt-i1~btvtro ep l pl -ebc..t- fea t-b#y arr ,,rtut gt-be Ir r*ot-a.tee",Iâug *lm be *'for*. 'f*<s sw ootglaa-t-e teeesnlngOth. - polplî atepe, t-bt al espo e e aM.e euwâ .ae êv e- tbu - Peutkt-t-T9 i ll utt nure paft. (r«t-wbs se.oytor It- 5tth# ilO IoW »M»ihttbe imo« tup, tat 'ism e boibw ew1*g ex a. iorx'iXt ïlUpee4saj1 lýt ue*t-1p».v Wit-'t-àt-luruebse pesuO( roth is etiregret t-be,-'Opp<art-u - a.tt a -e enti. a Smilapêet-v01eulabels <est- , b 55e t-is a -tfuel biL n&50 O Orer bis, aewel »dte~db ~epites st-bu gsOMar. ofUiw .rsé 1 4Maia. i tUteC <'t-isas' *'B«M»d' osiinudSeigb «cé eside a* as s cobveiK, ls~ 440151*tioP. o» Usg, m KAlmmaams t- el oy ts. aa Ï&*w"wq#< w mamwy-ahi <Sd ua!> ~!L5s tvadat-e lgit lchs os. a15 -Ut, pst4u 40"dkkmk asum e,, ate" so~eh aL asdff tosaou b We-»rd* 4ia e.u f l-y osqu» atuaisse bu m tor usewt- u t"9 bu uO8ù1ý sSm a. end ar haMh.'be b bà. à~a.. w" ul &@*mm l*« àà - -t" Mr _._ 16M don #1" -as.m. la - the other end of the tlugout. flore two or three younger mn have been aitting, and their conversation, gra- duallý/ rlsng in key, ha.9 been loWy breaking in as a tlisturbing factur to: the solemnity of their eders roundi the brazier. The noise now renches: a climax, and an indignailt uice ex- dlaims: "Ye're just a blther, Jimnmy Duf- fus; ivat a big, bletherin' eediot." "But I tell ye, Wullie, I heard the, off jeer sayîn' so,' says jimrr.y ag- grievedly. "Well, even through w' did." re- jcins Willie, "what richt bac ye to be turrin' ower whist the tftur§s anyi in public ? "[-le didna tell me to keep il quatc, Wullie Black." "Ie didna tell ye ony'thing at a'. Tt was jist thite big lugs & vyours hap-, pened l'y at the timeé. An.] noo, likce the big niooth ye are, ye gouin clyp- L.g it a' ower the place." Jirnmny rose threnteningly, and W illie was tnt a whit hchind him. An- other second and thcy %would have 'corne to blowis, but the sergeant inter- vened. The $iergrant*s Orders. "Corne n)weý here, baith o' ye,' he raid sternly, ýtnd the two slunk up to 'It wvas DuwYt.s 4hre, sargeant, wvas hoe pok( bis worls hnd rio refereice te S a v n ' t la t t -bit' lit - or %v a s -%a y i ni' t -ba t- t h e c u r nin g a t t itc k - t-be (erinans vutl at-tek----" i"hsig n a1 ip' sèsi "Be quate Black,-broke m st-ho ser-' ,tîy' lta.- !vg a tPuinfllllîplr-eci,,- geant. "Ye're but a- pour ignorant'- ivly 'Wiil VO t-ik a sup, Andria ?" boy.- WuIle," lue cont-inued, sekingý with gi-eut delibrAtimn, "enly sguedtct- i bold t-ho hors0n by t-b emas. Uto an] A LI 'S: T GAZA. ccai t-bat rifle or l'Il tek it trom yei n'thegitber. " - j 1917 Will Stecltritniî, in ('ont-roi et WVillie wunt effto' his task with Cradie eof (hrntiais Is tf WrEÈ t Gilit ý The be at yeast in the world. -S STCAiçjýes ~GlLf I -~ MADE ONT, 0 CANADA E.W.6II1[TJ COMPANY LIMITED TORON TO .ON T. I WNIPE MOTRjI na-, a to the reasori for the recent niove, lut vt'ah had! ,rwn bis own conclusion, lan,! the n'wsause! no Big Adam learlet forwarl and rous- d the sergeant, a d ul n(- or twa ()f the youngr <t-nin ln.keI up inquiring- ly exPecting smine nuth,,ritativc 'u)n- 14c- . Nttul'di o.11t -1we hi ivdiAaoftieie rifle, but b. teareI b-'is .'reLnanue ofaa c>!-I-a ut- th- ou ic- eloqueicc. "A ndlus for veu, Duffus " Po"tac'u eb-lty >rvc s3ais] t-e latter, turr.ng kto theo it-er torious IBrit ish troujs cu Iprit, "if jouj<lu ntkeep yo ir Gz stb- iue cunt-pr mueth shut about wint your bt-t-t -ofs It i-. a site (f if aundanit gay', yé'l bt'(ot o' the section t-le f,-rt il> tyun thel g'of a gr'a t disert morn s mornin'. .îist min] iin future abro o i-~<,,i~at t-bat onything thlfie «cer wants t-be nK' o u ru ca"-tDit- stion to know, l'Il t-elI vo." isiascut 1,;st ili-t b'roî-, v tof it TIse youtb sat <'<at-n greîtly abusbed igrc-at îhlgrinag, andI i-<t4 an-a4cus antd t-be sorguant leuanet laitk agalint-'-1. wat t-be tirs!t-t'ret-a Sy r ian station t-he bagg of charcoatl anti genity lo' - rosstheb< I-,,rt from A -.yr i i, se t-(' offh. i '-ît- ilf omlionwlsicb buîîî> ad ;:'nits thbe nitu rai <utpost <n-roiSSt ho hearl bis <officer-< scsigprtn-et aIl- lt-sortfrons lgy-pt. togetler t-ou)nsucb for'ItUffas t-,,con- -The liloujus fi-in a huîi-oI miles tain alune, andt once -ho saw t-he' ser- away conît' into t-he ha-zaars for their geant seund ausleep he -4bot bis s t-mn -elith,_%wunipoiîs ,and Pot-ttry. TV'iein- -lorbolt . hablitant s t-ert' cairacteri:teil as 'levers Kow-th Nes Wtt eceses tf plris'whorn, île oubl, like t-ho ;Dîîmascenes, the>' foun] profitable. As -T hud et-tfe at dw n." el*l., rons i D1 a ascus, se fr çua Gaza, igreat w o u d a t -a k - n t it w l ., it rîî d e r o t e s t r a v e lle ] ii n a I l d ir e c t io n s ,ie Spmke liîn.o.st iin an usîlertene, -to Egýypt, to South Arabia, antI, in Yot with t-be exception tif theo sel-geanit -tirnes eftht-e Nabatezun Kingdorn, te ever>' one in the <iugoutitcould beeri Petran rd Paîrnyra Arnot curses -îirn Net a man stirre], bowever. i (Gaza for triifli'king in slaves f rom No- official announicemeîît bas]beun iEdorn." r PARKER SERVICE Juat boisas.tý iser, l tt a Ipýker" Aai ynear y=l erisemavis>'y«n sbeud do vitbout "Pmlwo Theicoeeleaceqt iour ola s» e I uive ft-at h ies]Monl uI>'b.moed bhm. But t-be coeveegoftoui service b>' ssito dIst eusteuiee l n*» " Articles et et>'Dot «a bo*e-se- oiem bypa spstUer -4Mnti ro tant lt-e se m =su. Weps amuig - va>. vy pufttiai st-o toi *éutt>Inutrasi--W Ï« '~ lgt-bat-tbe ValU " u-issrvic U e apparatt-e ?.~ltea7 Y«t-besI 91 çlesaisgortdrie, tiuea of PARUS, . 4'â e-a IRFk~t =irs/ ~set ansd t£aiaza PARKER'S. DIE WORKS# LIMIl *ED Diô-your. suc"0 Il. .1 1-i

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