Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 10 May 1917, p. 4

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PAGE O UR recp"11tio atuwhich civie oiReals ad Twenty-eight vwent over;, - of which e offcial andtwenty-threel were McLaughlins and a- public took part-sircee- Mr. Biouigh- f bout 150 spidiers were taken to and Those Ina poÉition to knlow state ton's return last suimmer. Hence there from the oëncert. and banquet. Th2 that, the prospeets-are that the coal has been no civic-reception unrepprted, men enjoyë tefl te e mensely,- ituationnext. winter will be even by the Gazette and ChrottIcle,'. ck çre mhrte dr tn od u more neuite than it Nwas this þast Nvin- Canuctk to the contrary notwithlstand- þoth hands for Oshawa hereafter. They ter.Deaersare indng dinculy a in. .were profuse in their thranks to the te.Deesn avedingords cld t , a.HatNtHatAnHurs iknlaSicehes fr-the baquet and all went THERE are good signs, bad signs adidfeetsgs nia gavreyo hr would seem to be the part of wisdom Taking FRUIT-A-TEIS. ess of their undertaking. he OshasueTis sign s a--uldtyoallthoes ait ndi a abgdob menn. for those who can'do so to seoure their The appeal of the Board of Diriectors people who showed their appreciation Cpaie n uiyo h nrdet ob on neeycn fBH"Edi winter's suipply of coal early,' of the Ontario Ladies' College for the ton this occaesonaof theeriethesre Pitadi gaateth stsatoc • + • e support of the citizens of Whitby to- rned edfrs athe patriotic spiritwl aea h eul fisapiain wards the institution, Is one which whic prompted them and which.IScntntuebmnbetqafid oinosatutrday Nighr m=kes the should find prompt sympathy In the 1should actnate aHl. JdeanVle1antesgoie -editoriar» suggestion that a couple Of hearts of orr pecop)le. From a purely , egie yti resg n u liuindred thousand Chinese lalborers be monetary point of view, the College Is WESTERN BAN'K FOUNDER DIESEnls Pat10buifthexror brought Int'o Canada for -the duration a valuable asset to the town. Each Det as OemevaWA your home of the -war. Canada la very short oflyear abouit $30,000 is expended here Dahhsrmve rmnn meabo t r0verseas have been brug h ota cotrolable eenditteof theand theProvince of OnarioOsnheG SHP JALN YR , - htM, bakto ur shores. Saturdayl.9h instItution aoes out of towxn. This is a esnoMrT.HMcia.th argtes hattheChinse re pledidverysmal sm, hen t i cosidredfognder of the Western Bank of Can- wor ers, and that the(re are othler for- that 95 per cent of the College's revent- n at ihsccred neSatuo rd eatr eigner whç mke les desirible iies comcs; to it from puipfts living out.-ona i eiene to tet £end. However, It lintimates that theéid! hib.Cheepuis 4pedatOhaa ed t Chna fte thewar Th su- • 78 Lees Are., Ottawa, Ont. es tinaghtbe rth con.iderinu- of their own personal m'oney, mwhich August 911 ,1915 rer to blush t e ems r easonde ra umni s not Included In the financial 1thin it My duty tO tel] you what crives yearly- $1-200 In water and lighi Three years ago, 1 began to féee run- CVNYO NAI • • • • f~~ees from thbis inst it ution. The Col- down and tired, an ècred very muchCONYOOTAO lege brings ýthe towni a large number from L -erad 1ne rul..1 917YM»P MconI t h G a z e t e n d C hu J r k i ti t ý - a k e s o t v i s i t o r as t h r o u g h o r io u t h e y a r w h o IH a v i n g r e d o 4 aI- i e t t h t b , C e k - - a . 2 e d n n M a e a l h f r h v r l m n b . b t h h u net reporting a civIc reception given midst. During the part t wehty years tho uht rIs wo uinthm he rslt , OApl. 3,oMay5, Jue.4, JuzLya3,9Septhemd monviie wths, th e rehe dnur96vsesrpr hwd 0nwo coo us nte to a returned soldier. W onde r w here it Is estim ated that half a m illion dol- pat, 1ha e taken ng the e ear s N o hi b , kr - an , Ja. 6, the.mi an y activie s Io O h awae r s c ose9e a d m n h o e t de r t e b n .ft f m o Jack Cannek got Its infortnation? lars han been expýnded in Whitby by w iudntchn emfo reigu la 4.y 4 anWb y, CerkJan. 3, Feb. 6, Ma. ens ogascae.M.M-i es isSa eo-e he r- M v e et There have been lno civic re¢eptions the College. Ahother feature o(' value fuhad» ot e ic .er- Ia 6,A&4My ,Jan.Sept,5,9c. W n by overfty toeansaw eorectoso h col.h un. nf t treturned soldiers within the past to Whitby is that through the exist- menced using "Fruta-2." BROUGHAM - I. Gleeson, Green- he began his business career In the ftrsmdscsonn the sujctsrvdatmdeae hr onlyone ivicrecetiontb aretu nedcevesf lareoun t of advhîb ertis no w OWwht laven't nown for July 5, Sept. 6, Nov. 7. Jan. 6, 1918' occupied in Whitby the highest mu dsyseietpucaeaaerbe.Aptonzthtetn. Ononier--and·th t wis t Cëulled errwich t ageaouteta. tIsn agoot many years-thiatis,theblessing 8. PORT PERY-J. W. unhmnicipal offices and was warden of the syst eaic olcinonat aer Tesl fhm-ae lat iterAd-t d civi y riis wor.th something to the town. o eltybd1ndcertinig PrrPry.lrk-a.5 Mr8'Cuny.ews nbsneshrlorwleeintttdan l .eaon-rcetybrheSmrt . ecn c ecepionCon;sidering In an uinprejiidien(d man- brain". May 4, Jnly 6, Sept. 7, Nv ,Jan. cownsiderb tie ndilttheonblock andeoeserqetdt aealppe ne hecneosi was given to Ernest Broughton, a nier the various ways tin which the col. WALTER J. MARRIOTT '7 1918. Strnwew b et. Boho rokavn oeg o hspups.Toewsaaeie ucs medical student, who had serrted in lege Is of service to the tow-n, is Ilt t • 4. UXBRIDGE -R.J. Moore, Uxbridge seet aing a supply on handhay com. bout $12 hospitals in England and Salonika . no 50c. a box, 6 for $?3,trial -«ire, 25c. Clerk-Jan. 12, Mar. 16, May 8, July' AociaT.Nihiselfnwith.the.late mnieitMr.GS.Jhsn Tefowncnrbu hian who ega d o nd few d - f, reasonable to expect that In this At dealers or sentIpo-st paid on receip' 10, Sept. 18, Nov. 23, Jan. 11, 1918. iown T. N. Gtibbsahe ndtMriW.F.nvA enoer o h Trf omtte"Hm uatemnh an -orahdtw e ays af-.time of financial stress the citizensi of price by Frut-at . . 5it4d . CANNINGTON--Tho. H. Foster toa.te one h nai on Alte a edfo otPr cnwegd b.b ders hae been gien hea irty "weýl· ed r big srption Wls ol- the awa. May 9. July 11, Sept. 19, Nov. 22, being its first and only manager dur- favorably cniee h mlynn lopcls el.fs, coeshaee by M ar Ware n oe-'Cad in Patriti Fnd ----or hTJan. 10, 1918. Inglits long and fruitfuil career. Hean8.arsoctt. times at b aorWre.sie-(aaii PtitrFn and for Y. -- 4- - . BEAVERTON-Chas. A. Paterson will be better remembered. however, tlys at che ert, somectimes private. M ÀA-orkad' e Brleilr KIGTNRA CNIiN. ay 0 JulyClerk.-Ja.10.Mr.1'In the larger sphere as G neraj Man- sPeaing therhoe s. Bn nopivcre-yetmpo rta n eand o hi n That the township of Pickering has Jan . t1918.' which sucedssful institution was amal- spekin, ter ha-beii o ciNle e- %e fiiporat dmaid.not yet been criminally indIcted for 7. UPTERGROVE - Daniel Leon& g amatdIt the tandarBak9o - - - - -- ~~the dangerous condition of the King. Atherley, Clerk-Jan. 9. March 13,Cnd nteya 99 ston Road through that municipality May 11, July 13, Sept. 21, Nov. 20. Much of the industrial prosperity of s is more a matter of good fortune than •an.8, 1918. 'ishwcatrntberaced tofis foreh wise management on the part of the (By 'Order)inatrgtoheatsfalreesPa Y u council, is the conclusion commonly JE AEEL clientele not only in this commutnity. Th P ~ ~~~eached by several of our citizens who • 'Clrk of the Pea bunothealso troughoutherMidland n Srow.;erie Vaaio r h ave thisq week been over the road to Dated at Whitby, Nov. 16th, 1916. nrathern coun tewrhereveouseVi T e Promlpt AIISWer. -Toronto. while the town of Whitby eatmntheaservices oortuhyapeopleVaO E ON ON UBR and the towns;hip of West Whitby have--- -nengtesrcsofuhamn- put the road through these two muni. r tary Institution. STEAMHP"ATOA"US KA.K YO elams ie saig hands with'a cinalities In fairly good condition, no. E FW f After the absorption of the bank by , KWATHALA hU he h.tli dali thing whatever bas been done in Pick. the Standard Bank of Canada ir.'Mc.- evsOe on tmdih .K AIA Y man when h comnes to his tlephone the ering. There are placeès where simply .0Str0g nd Well by Vin*l Millan accepted a seat on the Board of each THRDY (oncinFEC ad mmnthbelrg.running the towniproad-scraper ov- Thrks letter proves there in nothing Directors, which hie continuied to oc- .rinl -oet heel ins rfit would make the road safe for equal to Vinol te create strength for cupy uintil his death. %tfr a lae oot .5p:. IKRLRV Il If he answers by saying at once "Mr. Blank motor tramei, that now In a constant we** 'r"wn°** °° ions. °&*- • Mr. McMJllan was a mnember of St. nforiutse aiPr rhrRDA AE speakmg nstead f usmg he timewastingmenace, not only to the welfare of the Vestal Centre, N.Y." am a fr George's Church, the Masonic Order- n otWlim SEVER RVE - ello g" or " el"f y u astilluther ple-ased "mah ines, but endangers-lhe luves and mer f4 years of age and got intoa an d other societies. He leaves a wid. EVC i PR cIO. f o ,o *,aveil 4d au able S utit e and l mbs ofthe OCCUPants9, In case of an weak, rungdown. condition as a resiult ow and family to mourn his loses C r eihtu eot aoidoued aîrol fbe tme.nd.e ps -accident fren the atr-ocious conditions of the Oripe fdruggist suggested .MENEaJNn2 eahd*i1CP avode a hoe scries pf unnecesstary questions. rJIlowed to continue, an action for dam- Vine ol t uild m up and 1 noticed iTPANODR FNUS . Il To always angfwer promptly and to lv ouldatce .Tnispstuation l ad lt lhas re My ea a V0iTRIuArmNthRD etFnURSS.for INN PEG AND VANU announce poursel/ait once imstead of say- aggravated by the dog-in-the. cn nw e agod dy'.wok.M Te elromonthly, Mtngofthe ing " Helo '"Yes " lor "'Well " will go far attitude maintatifed by Pickerin e wife has lso taken 'Vinol for a ru Vr... ashel on ModnaMygh..AETRNO640PM AL i TEPOER toward keeping up the quality of your telephone wards the assumption of the Kingston down condition wAith soplendid results." TheMrs. J. . Mitcelpotres heding. ,Partiuasfo L a service. ~Road by the Ontario Government un.-R-. %W. LasTå. hed treaersceotforhemothW.3.tAg sriee: der the reent legislation resDecting A. H. -ALLIN. Druggst, Whithy, Ontshwdabanef$183... WADDitctPsngrgnTontn Provincial highways. Whlsrt Picker. Also at the best druggists In 11 The Bell Telephone Co. htiO ltÏOltu'M° fttetor hIto an aot e e tronthe r 6mu54s Niht esawayFetere toGaad winofirt b nother more easter!. 0Ai&S'ina t6ait, 0 ;eilrn, ItÏ of fall, oris, it was at the Home rdays dirinj es. All those are asked te cook-ing hld ni Committee )f Mrs. Keen, nd neltt-d a- tons te ihie re 2ratl.1-11y tter. S dozeni quarts frit; crenam, milk, Now L ES, CES RS nd easily 7E t, or s he na e ffhe fimr o ETUR nsaD heOLIG-oernayn't s -D O whchtales oe a t e Klug e nAr ho e a-- n - - a caasprora t r i caNA D A" %Kloigi, s h nm o tereite-t ihe o fo ufely d e e-&a.M , ring ine gain.nildtheorarco I ins te to meur e f cu y ep rtbyAne a suuAn. a*o oi TheedOth.wa e t e or i toraniTheb8aM hys ne n Tye yte, hich evry varationf1e aas ful" ly o i reea d rthe1r en th ule es.se. Thsniestetute tp iclpheh w re abe t *one C à 60 d 7ogra tOlad m o arronm aas wM tat ing a insres aperfct tmg sit Ofclotes. retimateer te aet tese18 en Thes s n gesswok bou Smi-eayOTfo. rr"e nd ladm b" M We Fit the)HardltobFit. -ot" *** S e ii B -ad i n t d se ip iv t r i n ée naiourf r igW ao d LOO A Ients.- Don't A meeting i IClub wiHl be Trueéday after so'clock. Hear Sergt. ýof-war ln Ger fences, at the Monday. ?May The-annual :gar Daughters Hotel, Toronti those present -Maxwell, Mrs E. Starr, Miss .û benSuperint pita at Tor rime, was als( The War F aceknowle-dge -he following Church, part ýCrucifixion," The reg-ulûi InstItute wil three o'clock, "hoped.there i -em P.,R

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