bOu simê~t~ 3~fou Th 1.9 îý trais guing Lest ba been eut off abd vite ftrom Wh"tby unetioa Uw 8fia foflvu:0011E vt, 4.52 g.i. 72 a.I1.8a.1n -.4 !),.m.. 7.30 p.m. Going Euat 8.20a., 10.10 a.m, 3100 P.m..-6.19 p.m., 6.53 p.m., 1.30 p. - The very, conventent trains leavhag Toronto at 8.00 p.=. la therefore b"e on service, w-hich w-tIi be mach appre- ciated by the public, aiter the. greatly curtalled service of te past few menthe. PTe mornlng trai from Lindsay now arrives at the u>towrn statian, Wbltby, at 7.13 o'cloclK and connecta w-ith thé 7.25 for Torongo. The- ime o! titis latter train vas. fOr' merly 7.30 am. at Whitby Junctièn, it being te cnlY train ta be change tram the origiarti achedule. MAETHODIST TABERNACLE. Sunday, May 6. e. A. H. Poster, paster. Mornlng. Anthem, "Lead Us Mca- venly Fatlier.** Anthem, "«H. la Able te Deliver. Aiternoon--Oddtellowes Servie. -Anthem--God la Mdy Salvattia, Solo, Mr. W. D. Dykes. Evo',nlng. Ânthem, 'Mdaki a Jeyful Noise Unto te Lord.' Amtiebi. "Throutrh tite lay Tity LoveaLut Spared Cg." Sermons morning and afternmon by the pister. IKvenli by Rev. Dr. Mare.c S.-O;W CLAD 'HILLS AGAIN. i t Pa»wui BIAS FILLED CORSETS poqitivcly the Mo% t effective coruct for ladies who require abdominal aupport. All the latest styles of cermets ta suit any fi&nve. CORSETS MUADZ TO ORDRE -Write us for caat. a»d u'azuzem toma. REPREZNTATIVES WANTED Write to-day fer pavttcalare 10 Dq.arneuî A DilAS COR SETS LIMITED 39 BRITAIN ;ST. TORONTO TRAIN SERVICE RESTORED. Commenclng on Sunday, April 21., a nimber of train services, tat were cancelled In lte wlnter lu order tu facilltà te the movlng of frelght, lhave bevei restoreci, hroughouit Ontario. As far as Wltby ta conterned, the C. P. R. stilli continues lis reduced passen- gcr se-rvict of two train.s a day each way. The. Grand Tfrunk skrvice on et lCoe~~1~h oume for abut eigbt- vuk, r ý~ableêto jet out a lttl e.! We bîar Mr. Rolit. Bçnd, af the 7! eeesion;ôhny glv.i Wts rder fok a niew traetor Ram I v4iIdô hiE farmbr:a on a wholesale basis. At the aà ntsa meeting of the W. Soeiety some littleUlime ago, the saZrf staff et offiers were elected wfth bu one exO2-ptIOfl, )drs. Brignail thi'oug~ fil heaith, giÃing UP lier Position as Treasurer, and Mrs. Harbron was ai> polnted ta the peaitian. The society bias done excellent work, proeeeds ad- vanerd from $25 la $50 over Iast years givingS. lin. R R. Mowbray was' made a 1fr member during the year. If te weather continues favor-able titis week. Most of the farmers wIll bave Cofl'leted their seeding for 1917. Rey. Mr. Totten Preacited an excel- lent sermon ber. asat Sabbatit even- lng. Next Sabbath Quarterly Meeting wlll b. held et MOUnt Zion at 10.30 In Jte jorning. Ail lIl be made wek rieOnfollowlng Mionday evenint the Quarterly Official Board Meeting viIl mneet ln Gre*.uvood Churcit. ZMany regret te learM et Mdr. Rich,. ard Wilsontt Ilneitess. MHe Ilves naar Greenwood, but te well and favonably, known ber.. 0e. .nd «Il of hie. majy iIîIqm SIul1rn COURS Thete urions sterm ot wind ai rein tram the w-est that raZei through thse nîglit of May Day muet have takea lte tarin ot ana on lte Rldges. On Wednesday mornlng, May 2nd, Big D3en and his bretitrrn presented tite appearance they dld more tit a montit ago, ierce In their splendid covt-ring o$ snow-mantles, w-h le on the lower levels the. ground w-as as Il altpeats bhereabouts. black and other- lndieultve- of havinc been sweptr with mutl torrcts. Thtis wonderfil p-h-nomenc o! altitu-dE, affecting the torm Iln which te precipîlatinon c- Sale 0OF O»» PANTS, OVERAIS &nid WORKSHIRTS MIAY 5th to MAY l2th Ilairlines, Whi pcords, Tweeds, Worsteds, etc. Regular$4.50 Regular 3.75 Regular 3.50 Regular 3.25 Regular 3.00 Regular 2.75 Rkegular 2.25 Regular 2.00 Regular 1.75 Best patterne.1 line for $3.79 line for -2.98 line'fer 2.79 line for .2.5 9 line for.ÃŽ29 uine for *2.09 uinefsç 1.'*89 ine for i-. 69 line for 1.51 uine for. 1.39 (î20 PAIR TO BE SOLO UNSEVEN DAVSO OVERILSBackwth white -srtpê, le.3 ~~ -&xty 0o i clt, large, full) aized *~iiiiW ork Shirtà , a snap at t'his l)rice, UHarry T.' Thompson. MENSWEýAR'STORE, - WHUU'BYONT0 is the name of the firm which- (allers .&mn@1à Roady -Clothose Semi-.Rea"Iy je not a descriptive tern iùh tailoring, it is the naine of Lhe registt r. ed company which tailqr*w Semi:ltIeady Clotho$. da~' Auld' *~ -Ottr mado-to-measu're olothes'are designed -by o 01fLb leading designers in Canada, cut -by experts and -tdiored by a staff of the moist skilled mechauiéa obtainable. Senii-ReadyLitd. are the originatorseôf the fanOUS physiqu Type System, in 'vhici, every vadiriton frsomi normalM ï care-fully noted ini cutting and making the gamonti..41 customners height, weight, ageQldrad ic dsrf Lion being used ini conneotion witb exact Irkdivîdual'mens- --uî'es. Thîs gives tue cutter a phyr*kMal poýh to nid i ci tting and -iuufes-a perfect fittingsulit of cl*tb. Thers is ni) guess work about SeiiÉedyTuio We Fit' the Rard to 'FItL O rVal et SsEmh wUlCar. for'1You'Vado. eqUuueu robe..s.sua~g~ "Fïfta-lvs"Mmd. DiFuil As If WaflDeg nMAr OzL.UÂ, OYT., Nov. 28th. 1914. .5For orer two yemr, 1 sas troubled wili Ceiutipailion, Proiinets, Lacd of 4jiefiteasdHadticks. One dayl saw y-our sig whieh read "}'ruit-a-tives make yeu ftel like walking on air." Tis appmeld tb me, so 1 d.eided to try &. box. la a very short time, I begma teo féel btter, and now Ilvelfane. 1 bave agood appetkite, ro.4ih everything I mat, and the lmadaehos are gonc frUdI mdtuue tg)ail.inmy frîis" :, 1 DÀN )&cLEÂN. Me..a boxr, £ fer $2., trW iasie, Me. At ali lW* oauir sent peatpaJul by Fruit- cura, se ms.gailcèntly dispiaved in thte view cf tite ea-cls.d hisl te the. xerth and w-est and upw-ards eft w-en- ty mules aw-ay. la lthe lame as Is- patckea trouslthe ftghtlug lin@ In F~r anc.-»of laie have censtantly rffer- rpd te, namely. of batties taking place ln blindint snow and eleet, w-hile else- where un that country and in England the moisture took tite ternet rain. It lis due ta the battle lUne w-here the terrtlc truggle la now an beung a- mone.t a stries of hlle, mucb' tb. ba-inl relation ta lthe great level piln of Flanders as lthe so-called Rldges La the nortb of Whltby bea- ta lthe lower lands along the lake front. The -altitue o f Lake Ontario, that ta. ils heigit aboi-e sen lerdl.i, t'245 feet. whtle Blig Ben towers more thp.n- a tbousand teet higiter abat-e lie ses. this Good White Lead 1. It is absolutely pure, ensuring the brilhiancy of any paint in which it is used. 2. It bas great covermng capacity and long hife. 3. lt is of uncqualled, uniform "fineness -is neyer crystal- Une. 4. It works easily under the brush. 5. It need flot be scraped or burned off when, aftcr several years, the building requircs another paint. Its high reputation bas been gained by riearly 200 years. continuous manufacture. Uscd and reconmnded by experienced architects, builders, painters, owriers. SOLD BY LEAD!NG HARDWARE AND GENERAL STORES THROUGHOUIT CANADA WXITrBY-NiIL E.t.. acdonnell, Wbltby, Ceuk--Jan. 2, Pcb. 5, Mar. 6. API. 3. May 1. Joa. 4, July 3, sept. 4, Oet 8. Nev. 6, Dec. 4, Jan. 3, 1918. OSHAWA-Mhm E. L. Macdonnell, Whltby, Ctrk--Jan. 3, F'eb. 6, Mdar. -4. APL 4. May 2, -jue .. sept 5,' ot 4, Ney. 6, DO& . 8,Jan. 4. 1918. BROUGHAM - M. Gt.uon, Gren- wood, Clerk-m. 4, blnr. 7, May 3m, July 5. Sept. 6 Nov. 7, JaE. 6. 1919, PORT PER1RY-J. W. Burnitam, Part Perry, Clerk-Jaýi. 5, Mar. 8: May 4, Juiy 6, Sept. 7, Nov. 9, Jan. 7. 1918. UXBRIDGE-R.J. Moore. UxbrIdge, Cerk-Jan. 12, Mar. 16, May 8, July 10, Sept. 18, Nov, 23, Jan. 11, 1918. 1. 2. 4 IVLI, ENTERTAIN SOLDIERS. The ladhEs or St. Andrew's Church w ill b( "-ýt lHome" lu lihe soldiers oaf ilie Ceonta1ve;c ni Hospital un the nmu- I ic hall on %\*dniesday tverî'Ine. May- lUth. Adiniet>ioni to the pubiic 25c. 1 PînceedFt ln aid of \Var lRelief Societ- sock fund. iSOlDrIFP% 0r 1t2ND ELOPES NWITH OSHAWA MAN'S W'IFE AND MON EY. Pte. Chapman, wba is belleved ta have ê-oped wlth the wife of Dav-id Collier, an eniPloyee af the Oshsa-Aa. Canning factor>, and $2.50, w-hlchl Ccllier had given lis ife ta put ln the batnk. bas bad some matrimonial -xperience. It la sald that the woman who ls supposed îa be bis wlfe and btbe drawlng a separation allow- ance us such, la lte wlte of anotberj ian. Howe-er, she belleved bher tlrst hughand wben site marrled Char>. tman, and after several letters bad bévs-n vritî ta-it the Departent. ex- plaunlng thtcacs. she wss aiiowed ta retain ber standing as Chapman's riêitnlber standing us Chapman's wlfe ndreceived lier separat ion allowance. «hile Chapman and the woman lnj quiestion have been goite aver a week, ut la nlot know-n posbîively ilitIthey t-loi)td. Eacit weîîî away tram Osh. awa at different imes, though It à a stispected Lbey met In Toronto. Thel 182nd Battalion autitorities; are ina k- 1r _4eýrýt raaLhsa>4taa, as la a deses-Wr, an ud Safli"rl titW whole matter miay be clearýed up.- A-CAMPBELL iMILL FOR PICK- ERING. A buslnesLt deai of great l'nportanSý La the village af Plckertng bas beni under negottatien for te past few veeka, and la now neariy compte,ý whierebY te Spink IMills are heiag' Purchased by te Campbell iiuig Coe., a, vcry progressive conceri w-lth a large amut af capital bebind IL The nev management viii lista large amoutof new ainiçtmol o. ern machInery, and viii rua iegt aid dan, and their dafly outp t vii b.' 400 barrels.' Men are nov buay mak- ing neoeasarY changes, nmm thLb hum ef lhduatry viii bbe uthrongb- Out the MAI. A feïuas. e the trana actoof et mah lterei t Wthe peopte of Pickering la that tbey vinus e .r trie Pow-er, probably tromi 1256Le 1M herse Poêmer. and tbey bave beeu giver aasunueby te ydro.Eeetrte Coi.ý Mtnima .tha( Pickering Village veuil b. suppll.d vtth pêver and lîglit thia ammea-r.iMr. Tephwaa rvice ii b. retaliïed a'meedial auprw tendent and Ur. Hicks w-tilbe busi- ne«s uiaaaer. 'mue nevm iw-ni Ca>- r7 y &WU Ofd ettd, a"d vIiiboy w-leu t~a al indi t o! care rane, Farnaare à flhtng betveesi show- r. î Ot their meeting doue. d U Mma~ lr G. Stafty epet lb veh.i4 vflOshawa friends. li. .1Câriitehal and daughter. of motr vtsted w-ib '*the tormev'e m ot n ce mday. . Mi» IDoris Oat'ertegg and &alr mmfl j>&Y. jfttefrienda bere Isa w-eek. Mr. and Is's. Grant et Troa, _ver. recent guesta eof3Mr. =4Atm i John Qûlue. M. Pfvh Sel bas entaucd villa An mrorcred la tht, Ipwr lan week la iý sketch eo f r. J.Brigt'as -11W e, WUcvasmata-ed to a MeS mith,, 'or CIM=bs$ daugluter ot lit, AL 41. BmlUi mMl the lae. Mm .Sailth. M ,oniW ebisaUte4 vIth tlse-t aêa., iget. ad "0 £ glUiiet laactive mai- Vie awli a 1Moith£s*g.wbM be wwoua4d& od la »iw tula aboqtl JIftn Dwemftg gla 'dua4ag bis e'a Oser tI le>omllSIiU.Gaub reibraalde x m u Oohe. 1: Cannington. Clerk-Jan. 11, Mar. 16, May 9, July 11, Sept. 19, Nov. 22, Jan. 10, 1918. 6. BEAVERTON-Chas- A. Paterson, Beaverton, Clerk-Jan. 10. Mar. 14, May 10, July 12, Sept. 20, Nov. 21, Jan. 9, 1918. 7. UPTEROROVE - Dlaniel Leonard, Âtiterley, Clerk-Jan. 9, March 13, Miay 11, July 13, Sept. 21, Nov. 20. Jan. 8, 1918. (By Order) J. E. FÂREL.1, Clark of the. Pes.. Dated at Wh1tby__ Nov. lGth, 1916. WOMAN AU. DUÃœN DON Made Strong aMd Well By V"o Waynesboro, Ps..-" I was ail run do" af ter a hard spellai bronchitis Do it wa&i hard for me tu keep about. i had pain# in. my ceet and taok cold eaailyÃ. friend aaked me ta try VinaI. I didau it buit gm up go I amn strong and welj and I arn able to do my baumework wbie I liad flot donc for three monthu befor taking Vinol."-Mrs.y. IL RaBDuacH. Wvne sboro. Ps.. Viaicet.Rn appetit., aida digee; tion, maakes ppre blood and ereate4 strength. Your money back il fait l A- H. ALLUN, ruggIat. Whitby, Oný Also at theat Idrug.gstâ in911il &tiuà ro Towns. ROYAL 1"HEATRe mVETV NISHI WUdMuiy Rlgt o uiWy nu?#; Admission - Adulta, l0c ; ehuîdre, 5 Speciti show, 100 toami. le war li, eUtr. Aamste 'lt ue e t bm fdlia dia-I sugpl..em .t a nom Un .tleun friends arotind Kinsalep would be very much pleased to hear of his speedy and permanent recovery. Messar. Molirlen and Hortop. of Oshawa. accornpanied hy thk-ir wtveR. motored out to Kiinsale on Stinday la--t- They, lîke many others. like ta en~Il on sorne of their old boyhood ac- quaintances. Tht. art- bath makitig oood 'a Oshawa and m-111 ever be m-el- conte visttors among theïr old Kinisale friends. - Mrs. Mayne has gui iitcd-y selt1ed ln her little home ln Klîs;tle. John Emmerson called on bis oid rtistomers with bis nnnual suîiply of suckers. 0f course John found rendy sal( for his catch ai peod Iifs BIRTHS. ST. PIERRE.-Iii Whilby. on Stîîuy. April 29, 1917, Io Mr. and Nirs. i. St. Pierre, a son. MARRI AGES. OAU-BOYD-On April 22nd. 1917., Mir- iam Hamilton Lloyd. daughter of Mr. an-d Mrs. W. G. E. Lloyd. Hamiîlton, to Lieut. Erie V. Oag. son of Mrs. lIsl>el Oag, Toronto, and formeri> ,of the 182nd Battalton. CLINE-BALMER. - In Whlîby, on Tuesday, May lI.t 1917, by 11ev. Dr. Abraham. Eva Marguerite Balinerý* ta Stewart Austin Clime, bath of N'i t by. DEATHS. BlGS.-At'St. Paul's Hospital,'sas- kaloon, Sask., on Sunday, April 22, 1917, Lizzle, beloved wlfe of J.-W. Brlggs. HARPER.-In WVhiiby, on Frlday, Ap- ril 27th, 191-7, Ma»joti'à per, ln bis Profesmionlal carde LEGAL INO. F. FAREWUXLI .C. Barriate. Couatg Creva Attonmy Md Omw% M"b th wgCourt Bound% Wbtbr A, E. CN8UIfAN Sndgu. Se"mer. NoeUwl Pmbis, 1est OWN ro*k et-#OM 8tsaImi B",a AA.ROBINSON 5.11 akl Iand emà » p h& m son a"a»t.tOo&D U~OaLN.-W ONT. Bu . ueIRO1W mi , u»M 8r.,opoieFi WtYONT. THE GRANGE FARM Vour'Back Yard Garden Needs Tomatoos, Cauliflowers,,Cabbage, Colery and Other Plants. We liave on hand a good assortment of the above, germiîîated from 4elected seed and true to stock. Deliveries Made Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays Between 9 and 12 o'clock. Owing to shortage of labor, patrons are asked to b)e as considerate as possible of delays. Individual orders must be sent for. Large assortment of box plants.- Golden Self Blanehing and White Plume>) C k à -,r Earliap.a, Cliatk's Jewvel an'1 Carter's Sunrise Tcmatoes: Ear1Iy'Jersey, Wakefield and Danish Bal H-ead Cabhage: Snowbal), Walcheren and other varieties of CaulirIowers Peppers, etc. Buy early from The Grange Farm, Whitby, Ont. I -a t * i fw~Tct w-i - th 7Days' Directory First! .IPEN you "Dil-a telepionenueber from vmV gjatal"wbWhoySe uueaai t ySu 1» at o e *rot*. à mSCd di lm-ySou rqwteRelyto Say ~Av~W IidS dan M k fOr#hwyog t4 ad«tM. m . pu=:oi eIIo=1boug qybur & oeard eboikIwh eù<I it mUoe them mteapR w t oeiaaulMt The Bell Telephone Co. j I 1 - - -1 m