Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 19 Apr 1917, p. 7

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But tlieseq Qt s a si.denasmelaw wu, îsapplly othows,.te&. s<n«M. et'& sna4mared by w*Iïffl ess am aitb a hply of e.saaaa)eni i parts of t4 .cres" ofau thrwo éIîs th tiasa 'sauogaewl i.l»aâ*asVr - "dtuUtîoa Theis "e t as t c h... vi. hW es v.ady gca tmp ther.lr U » 4 as»le l jo la k»" ét wu MM 8t.,7 , untSIe bl milieu. I Man's Staff of Life Is NEW RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT the whole wlieat t gai-not ormer Royal Family Are VlrtuallY the White$ StarChy Centre of Prîsoaseru Under Constant Guard. the wheat-m-nake niorais- The imperial Winter Palace in take about that-but be sure Petrograd, one of the inost gorgeous you et te whle w eatbuildings in the world, where formaerly you et te whle weat were held the brillia.nt affairs of the grain ini a digestible foi-m. autocratie Russian court, is to be the Shede W ea 3" * scene of the first gi-eat decisive step ouruue What Iscuitotward the liberation of Russia fromn contains ail the tissue-build- the shackles of political bondage. The ing, energy-creating materia palace has heen seized by the Russian i the whole whecat, steafl- revolutionlsts and will be put to Gov- ernment uses. Instead of the imper- cooked, shredded and baked. il standard the red flag of the i-e- A perfect food for the volution niow floatg abuve the edifice nourishrnent of the hurnan which xvas once the home of the ex- (zar. body. A better balanced Russian women are to get the ballot. ration than meat, or eggs, Announicement is made that it has or starchy vegetables, sup been Rettled that women shall vote for memliers of the Constituent (Nation- plying the greatest amnouflt al) A'rsembly. of body-building nutrment Among the precîcus Jewels in the at iowest cost. For break- cruwn jewel room 'of the M'inter Palace ta a diamiind-studded si'epter that cost fast with minlk or cream, or $l1,2(ý 000 The Orloiff iarnond, for any mneal with fruit&. formeriy the property of Empress Made in Canada. Catherine 11, 185 karats fine, je valued =at $225.000, net to mention the price- M IIEN TIHE MIOOSE CIIAR(;EI). less qualîty of its historie associatioss ____ A urewn ordeied by Empress Cather- r'hriliiRi Incident of a Huitùing Trip me I is valued at $15501000. ini Quebec Province. In addition there are millions of dol- lars' werth of diamonde, emeralds, In a IeR ikLoers llolidays in the ubies aund pei-l, gathered from ail Col". Theodure Roosevelt tak's i parts of the wcorld in the course of the ti emiîers into the less familiar co r_ ilset centurv and a haIt. r-r etloth NîrthaidSeuh Aer1 The M'inter Palace xvas completed *n c'ii. Miiny of is experiences were 1764, but part ef iL was destroyed by ?xcitiîug, but perhaps the muet thrill- fire in 1937. It vias reteîored dwing nz xîa,,hi% eccunter with a bull the uiext two vearq and made finer l x" iheu oua ieceuit tut ing I ri>t han e' ei. The building is 6~00 feet ~'Quelîec. long, 38-7 feet wîde and 95 teet high. Vi hon xvu wNere haîf a mile froru the The grand anthassadorial staircase. lanuiug, he oRîy s. xiv saw a big moise i'înstructed of (arrara marble, is oneý ouT t.he e of the shere ahead cf us. 0f the irchitetut-al wonders of the le leeked ligger than ithe oev1Ihad wi d .;hot thal meorniug. il oihie aritlers 1 l i a 't(f t he Rormanofts x asunder wç(re rat lier more pal muliet . We pad. delenticn ut Tsarskoe-Selo, literally lie1) t xx ltýilti La undredlNarI.- of"x'i!îag' cof the Czar,- a tcwn sitiat- hini, lati gti ig aneti lling, and rt' el abouit foerî ru iles fi cm Pet rog-rad, me kîig hiîw tuîi.r r wi h'ul bxe :'1A oi taining a Royal residence. The Ianel if \\ ii'ial ot ilii> t f irCzar, tit-(zan na. the Iroyl mue' ii îl sxi lvy sort a rîdt teir feur At fit 't lie lioi i t '-'îiitt o ttile lis. iliauwhterî are inov.- ltîiîsed iiu thel 11w r he al eI t i , i iît i ie fur- pi-ilaie Every lofe rcrice ha s lien, tlier ht'x-l Vit' were .eitpi is('d, but shuw al eer .1 r,'.. er , f e ,r-1 'a dt 1leil '-ri 111) it }i ni .N- e s 11p p os ed hlat 1he dtiIrî(t yrtal ~ i-c\Nhiutr1wo sue e Ptut at.trrhunilr'ut y i-,b.put os te mi itîdwNaîil lnstead "f uti îng întîî theit fiirest witi lii' gel (-utrvi îrd.the muose nro','ly tiret led up lte haîr lin bis' wxithct s, trhi'k ir> ht-îl anI walk eii iiitgthe 'shore afilî i-i lainlv lit niearit mis-hi,'f. Se %,ue lui nîed the iiîîii riinit îîid paîldit'r îur liaLk tr-x But ithe m u'- c p romptl1y tir rie t iîîîl fîllîîoseil lix .îlîîr.g t he erro, uic slled at trîru. ait Oîiiiuît sit r ick thte ratte o 'Il'h ], it1. îî .t- l'ut îî,th rioettTîei 1 us froni ite sur rt, roiit g iic t' nlucis xi ý( liisex n ui'Ut iCi1 te e lc f t vii ruîIOWi %"F' S %Vxxi iirg, Tt A a c,i-'l 1 s-i P' - gati t' bluxi lIvwuio rt ailr'1asaRîlt- loch inrg 'tamit i nîtIt the xiitSn the dock We x iea,' e r wixîti euiq tî' i-îî- \uhat t'1' \. tU a!rt ho Utr cil, 'liîi' hi> ix li,. iî îî. \i t b il flur iii uf lii'.heî-!-x. galloped iot't r'ttt'd i>tfts rurtif1 Y 1 p 11) 1 1 rg thei lîv1tt le i i i i tat lpar allelt'îlthe poirtage Irail. 1 itil !vdA vtli iir 's ai terrii)letutha t, asq lic har t i t >rel l iig rue'Iliait a brg bu]ll lie> er gaillipeil 'Th etiiîiilv m'use dirs. Li t a trot r rtr, ',b. 1h 4)d V 'We Malto>1a few irurrut r-s, sut roue Y riid(ed ai-J ta'lei aldig ltht trait, i ai -hi ng t scec if tht' bill iNcere 1kîng 1!wait fori s Arthiir' toit rue ,h:ît f hê' nu ttai lied l~Is inust shoot Lm ru«il ire i r he %vuild k i llNome- trie. A cirupleof huriîîrt'il yNarris on, the tI r led \\iîthiîrila t-m N'ariIs if the lit- ti. river 21,3 uc reachedl that point a i-mashiîrg iiihe bhiush beyond the op- pîiebatik caîîsed uis tir iheel; and ii,' g> et bull came headlorig for us. 4irthîut ialled te me tri shoot. Vsith ; aot hîpa' rof frrghtenîing hîru 1tino'd qx- hr,,,' his. w itheut the slîgrhte'it f.tf'f-(-t At a 4laahinîg trot he croseed ilie iv or, shakitng his heiri, wrth his etii rsIait lraî'lianud thte bai r ol in %A it e'nrs. l'rlat1iIigj "lrt, t"ie1.tre -;% ite, \ îte' titletl Arilhur, urîî w her the bull waà r t hi rt v feet a" y I put a bîîlleî tuitu him ilicët. tri the stic'kinz rpiiit. It iai.,i it tu t xer 'Ioipel h:m bd. i r t I .%rtN "' Iir' haxe t i-itlL m , 1,t 1)tirîn t is r.>i'ter7itlNc AbIt, lw 1 I îy erre hirm niithe tri>k of tunie. sutd badi I t ht stritight al les "f u, %vould hlai, paît ýiferteil w îth h-if i U Eîce, Iri A frfuj câIha % v ne' et ,'rx ir.ytilng ex 'pi aà r' greeleph- i,. 'btls l, ei auOr-si uall IZrhinio lu teatt.aCk ru r, îously oUr tir lu ret'meditat ion 'shen he As ie rt'th %%' oî'rided noir threatened Sci.av& hec"oprove th. dru& coliirie. in tee edco in h}armful <o camnamn. athepure f ood-dntnk- POSTUN s not ouly r. frooe dmS*e but aisoomki deliciouaas qdaa bit Cd wttso eeTbus 0m.- S.ium fbvC, - -r- - ____________________ Telis Just What They Did For Her Well Known Lady Makes a State- ment Regardlng Dodd's Kidney Pilla. A eaPhoto of Prince of W~ales at She Had Numerous Troubles, Ail of Which Came Fi-cm Iiseased Kidneys and Found a Cure in Dodd's Kidney Pis. Ayre's Cliii, Que., Api-. 1lth.- (Sp,'cia)-Mrs. W. Coiules Macdona, cf The 'ai-m. a menîber of (ne cf the oldest familie'R living iii this ncigh. borhood has conitrnted to gixe the public the lenefit cf her experiencc with Dodd's Kidncy Pills. "Miy trouble started from over- work," Mrs. Macdona states, "anid I suffered for txvo years. I vas treat- cd by a doctor, but the recýuits wei-e not satisfactory. My joints were stifF, 1 had cirmps in my muscles. my sleep was bruken and unrefreshing and I w'as heavy and sleeîîy after rneals. I had bad headaches, my ap- petite was fitful and I wasalaways i-el and nervous. 1 was depressed and Iow-spiited, 1 haîl a lit trr taste in my mouth, in the mernings and I was often dizzy. "I perspired with the ieast exertien and 1 often had sharp pressuure or pain on the top of the head. Then rheumatism was added to my troubles. 1 have taken just two boxes cf Dodid's Kidney Pills and they have done me goýod, not only in one wiay. but in mnany. Even my rheumnaîi;m is much better. M rs. Macdcnur's symptoms ai showed that her kidiieva were xiTong. If you have similar s'ymptoms try Dedd's Kidney Pille. ARSENICAL FI.Y POISON. W'arriing on the Danger of Using l'oison Composed of Arsenic. I)r. Ernest A. Sweet, Past Assiet- 1 -ý11 ýýilli Livme oi lle 1 o rn- t iC e r ni.1 -.._ er royal farniiv.anL Surgeon, United States Public the reputation cf being the shrewdest 1iThe hein tir the British throne joir.- Ileaîth Service, is the author cf a 'and siliest cf ail royal brusiness men. Tho c Eperr ~ rrltr erit r; -ed the arrmy four days after the war gox'erniment health bulletin on -The Hoe own s theatres, cinemas, -tLobacco inugoardesuthno unexscetton' tperir liegani August 8, 1914, as a second Transmission of Disease by Flies," factories, dairies, and ham made con- monicati î'the îru except cii ermis' lieutenant of the Grenadier Guards. In wbich contains a timnely wai-ning on siderable sums on the Austrian stock un v tt ruvsunal(iot'nmet.the follomwing Noxt'mb ei-h went to the dangers of arsenic fly poison. Dr. exchange. The fermer t'zsr's dag'ger was taken F rance ris A.D.C. torSir John Frenîch, Swe'et considers their u8e a menace_________ six-av front hînui %hen he was interned.l, ado0h 8bc h ot a r- hc h-aeseeyhm.Ta h The ene-limne ruler of utîl the Rusnians n nte1t ftemnhwspo hc hetiseeyhm.Ta h s ilecrirerîas 'aît' h~grd n oteil te lieutenanît. On Marcb. 1916, fly poison peril is a real one is prox'ed ieoslyribd s-le" Be frequnl H.RH s-,as lemporariy transferi-ed by the fact that the American Pressà PAIN 7 NOT A BIT ier xts iîtrtcr s leiir. tireft LIFT'rt hefo h MdtrYi h as he ya-.OR CLUSSOF bust nt tfraidbenan tefaeto EgN-pt as a staff-capt.ain 10 the has recorded 106 child poisoning casesL 1>URCON ~-fh îrxrl funt trinI y -rancart Expeditierîary Force. On be- Dr. Sweet ads'ises hie readers to de->o irg prorrîed txi'rhis regimental cap- stroy flies semae other way than with> No humbugr! Appiy few drops taîncv, he w-as, iast October, Post- arsenic fly poison. He says: "0f other lien us ut Iift t.hem away A GOOD MEDICINE et as a ucoieral staff' officer, second fly poisons mentioned, mention should witl inSges-s. gradle, at 4rrmy headiquartere in be made, merely for the purpose of'-o-o'oo---.-.î...... FOR TH.E SPRJNG ['rance. The Prince cf W~ales, who condemnation, cf those comsposeil of This new drug is an ether comn- bas treer> tnilen fire iun the trenches. as arsenic. Fatal cases cf poîsonîng cf pound disevei-ed by a Cincinnati puiiliqlied sile letters relate, hias childi-en through the use cf ssich corn- -cene. I scl tmice heen merticned in despatches. pounide are far toc frequent, and 0W- cens. I scle IDo Not L'se I-arsh lurgati-s- Sir John Frenc-h 'meuitioned" himi for ing to the i-esemblance cf arsenical renesdca nw A- '[orne hi Ail You Need. special xîork as a liaison offilcer atpclsoning te summer diarrhoea and tîesta ere shcinabt N'cux e Chapeuue, for zeal and thor- choIera infantum, we believe that thse eylteco fmay mýtfxý,V bt1ýtf-lnoug ndrugn setore.rmacuatf ask, 'u te sel lvliai ite h elinMost ri hi ep ter p terfo mnce ofdutycases i-eported do not, by anymeans,, VCi-Y sttl oreat ona.uî iyiîtrt ntemnwe-comprise the total. Arsenical fly de- - for f reezone. Applya prope felnul the rprrrig. Ea5ilY tare. Sir Douglas Haig "mentioned",sti-oying devicSâ must, therefore, be t ired, appetite fl cktle, surnetimexhim more recently -for gallant and i-ated as extrensely dangerous and' drop or two dlrectly headauhleg, urud la fee'ligof depreorsion. distinuguished conduct in the field." should nover be used, even if other upon a tender corn or l'rmpîes or eruptirnt May appear on msrsaefo thnt caîlus and instantly the the skin, i-n thene mnay' be t%%nwes of 1 4b- _______ soi-eneas disappears. rheratigm "r ieursgiaArryof , Some Heipful Mlaximeq. DEATH RATE IN BRUSSELS. Shortly you wll fnd 'hese indicate that the llooru isà out of: the corn or callus mo crier- that the induuir life of minter 1Ho e truls' bsppy who mnakes others 'Pwelre un Every Thousand Die Each l ooue that y'ou can lift it bus letf it.x mark upon yîru .arri may happy - o» nhi pt f eifEfrs off, root and aIl, with easrlil eut-lointtu More ce t» x rîîa Y u can pass intîr the templeouthi Sie of Rle iot.the fingers. ble. h onor only throug-h the temple of vir- Appalling figures have just been i-e- Not a twin.ge of pain, Dl, ici dose Yî.unself lvti purga- tue. ceived pointing eut thse situation in oc- soreneis or irritation; ties, as su mari), peuple do, in the! C(ontîiua] cheerfulnens is a sign of cupied Belgium, with more convincing not even the stiglitest hcpe that yeu can put yuur bloti wiedcom. details, penbape, than has been given umartlng, oither wheus rîghl. Purgatives gullop throughl The goddess et fortune dwella in before. In the city of Bussels twelve ~ appiYing freezone or thie ystemn and weaken nst.cad ot gi'-, the feot cf the industrius. The god- people out of every thousand die tacI atterwnrda. iluur etrenàgth. Any doctor wili telli deits of mîsfos-tuuîte dwelie cri the feet mont-h, and pi-actically every death i This drug doean't eat you thus in truie What vou neeti in cof the aiuggard. traceable te starvation. Up tiie corn or callus, 8pring 19 a tonic that 's'll malte new ('bau bhanda are better than faîl i This is t.he condition that obtains ibtsrvl hm o Wloiam'nd uîi up the or.Dyrcdo-e&yoinîstheesig t of huagdtht'spite cf the two and a half yeai-s of they loosen and corne lght out .It là Pin 11llmis he nlymed ll'Poris isa srt f hrnae tatceaseleas efforts on thse part cf the' no humbugi It works 11h. a chai-m. minie that can do t-bts apee.dily. eudfely - vice psY. te vlu-tue. Beigian Relief Commit-tee. For a few cents you cuis uit id of and mure!y Exery dose orf thîs meld- iîeelth and uusderatanding si-e the And to make matters worsée, iL la 1 evez- bad coin, soft coi-n or cor-n b.- in i mtts uew bloud wshich cleurs two gi-est bleseings cf life. women and c'hildren, aged men and twemi the tOes, as Weil&As P.lntU the t ukiuu, trertgthens the appetite and L ,azini travelo so slowly that po- woznen, cripples anid the heipless who calluses on bottom of your feet. lit makes tirrrd, depregoed men. m-nen ve'ity beon overt.akes him.i are the victima. IL in those whom tht DVtldisappoints and nvïer humai andI u htltirt-ri liright, actîiveuand -tnong - Nothing i. well &&id or donc in a! soldiers cf Begium had to leave be-> bites or ln.flme. If' your drug-lat Mi riY, Maude Batz, i*mberg, Sask , Pasicn - iind wben the'y went out to figbt t-he basst .My freesoneYtt, tOl! him to ciail "ra urheittingly reoom- He t-buuentmahepasobtec ua t. g<t a little bottie for yS btonc bis mend 1) r, Nilliama punk pilleas a osercome, him greatest enernsie. i-hese are the conditions that the ho WO~itiI ouse. Mldbuilîlor anidt onîc. I -se ery Solitude je tthe duipair cf fooja.,ilthse Belgrian Reolief Com-mlt'ela askii< t4 M u Ilrun ri-^ en bg-a ubngtore c f the wicked, aund the joy of the people of Canada to help better I the liils, sit a tew httrs f uti.re- the&'Ood 1The Belgian Relief Committe-the Do-o cub mreeai ý-t1ej y hultilu leua prirseipel rule ut tif. lot t-o saine cominittes tatba it wrktothi$ morniag. Patient-i cuht to. 'toi~~~~~~~~~~~~~ cdm eil 'I e~u-a t fie t pra<tiW dnearîy aligu?ý; Suttti hv nLM t f ia iarlnsr l'y vie loo ma-h addicted to an)-, Ire t-hîsg. do ielu= a8t ofcset6'4 mail a( i) rio CC til iîiUr >ci ulx ee (,iifl grt t'Y alie wilI huais une's St. Peter Street, Montreal, and in tî'r S.. 4.uf rom The I îr. %N rllsams t'fl ilae ru practically every to'sn ln Canada UflaarmS t ztàmafe, «O&aS ? em Teseher: a.ftgbet4 bus'id it you haven'tbai-niyour besu«? St oSuldait have been so vey bard to beau."Bobby- 'No. ple, tesch. en, 1< want because 1<waasno liad to lesru. but beesu»e 1< w» »0 051 Tib b l star &M sg la <owa» .*at17ehcmWa" at & M. n thP. Ma . u'.au~ ve gttr4 e u a, fa*Wqm. as'c4*8 - uslara u54~'1h. T.N.t. sa" nid lb u # ljuS» W" * mh fo = 81 w« u«*ie la th# Aimm;-4 iw ffl»W m à" i es, When btwhsg yor Phmn Iuit on having ut S"OTTO HIQEL" PIANO AOTION ENTERPRISES 0F ROYALTY. Long Liset of Crowned Heada Who Are Engaged in Business. The King of Spain iq the proprietor of a large motor and bicycle factory neai- Madrid. The Kaiser runs a cafe at Potsdam, close to hie castle-gateS. Hîs All-Iligjiest also receives divi- dende fi-cm a large beer brewery in Hanos'ei-, and he is the sole owner cif the big and fiourishing porcelain works at Cadînen, which return hlm a profit of about 9 per cent, on a capital of $500,000. King Peter of Serbia owns a shav- ing saloon and chemist's shop in Bel- grade. Before the war, his majesty was the agent for a well-known French motor car. The Queen of Ilol- land supplies from her dairy, near the palace at Ilet Loo, n largte proportion cf mîlk consumed by buyers in Am- sterdam. The King cf Wurtembîerg diraw's a net profit cf at leset $50,000 a year from the hotels he runs in t.he Beach Foi-est. The beautiful Quoten of sorely- strîck-en Rumania started, a few ycars ago, nu factory for manitacturing tolthpicks. So Ruccessfuî was thiq en- toi-prise before the war, that lier maj- esty xvas ahle to make quite a rom- fortable income out ofît i. The Czar cf Russia is a tîmîtîr mer- chant. Thse luke of Wurtemberg' owns perisaps the largest. corset fac- tory in the v.orld. The Grand Duke cf Saxe-Weimar i<, a butelher, andl, like ail Hluns, does a flouriqhinZ business. The Ai-chduchess 'Freîlerick cf Arîstria invested neurly $2,500,000 In a candie- making factoi-y near B3udapest. The King cf Lenmark confines his com- mnercial ventures to the stock ex- change, and haR ruade many consiît- ci-aile "(Ieals." The King cf Sweîlon has a large in- loi-est in a 'Stockholm brewery. A large brandy distiiiery fascinates the new Erriperor of Austria, w'ho has put quite a large sum cof money irîto this irdustry, which thi-ives remnarkably Weil in the ramshackie empire. King Albert of Belgiumn, when a young mari, court(,( fickle fortune as a reporter on an Amnericari paper aL a salai-y of $15 a week. Thse King cf Bulgaria enjove For Stiff Neclk Apply Sloan's Liniment 'wilhout rubbing to the sore leaders and the pain will soon be relieved. For rheumatic aches, neura1gia, gout, lumbago, bruises, sîrains, sprains and muscle stiffness, have a boule handy. Quickly penctrmtm mand moothes, clcanlr than mnutmy pîmmeru or oint mente, doe. tot Vtain the ma un. At mil druggimu, 25e. SOc. and $1.00 THRER VITAL QUESTIONS prsessionola omeek nd chestaltier emiâ.wih Art yoo funli of emarg-, cvia l orre. end Jeeamii consipation. b«idmctue damanea. Krue aure sid-n ood bomltb?Do rOU kBow rfami gooaldigesrion ~ofldgaim ohreii yn> S rs Ca'the fouadation of good beiih Peine and op- b erbirsnedy &a~d usc, wii cure rou.- FT- OTH EIR AND IMEALS E E IBELS SIOMAH ITAKELiMSy ptU p. ATROUBLE pFt'ITMAXNGNEMiS AND .>JOB p fIces for sale In good Ontarlo towns. Tihe mont useful ansd lntere»Uns of aIl businesses. FullIinformation on applicaU.on to Wllson PubiishIng Corn- pany, 73 Adeluide Street. Toronto. IICLESNEWV AND SECOND-- s.nd. 12.00 up Send for apecal ý rice llst V arnity Cy-cle Work. 413 padinu Ave.. Toronto. f 1JC'ÇÇ. TUMîFtS, L.UMPS4. ETC., ~interniai anîd e'uîerrîai. cured wiîie- l'ut pairli ty "rlonie i'tatm,-nt. Vrl r us i'etorp toiCar-tiiPr.ipllirran Ntediî(al "Clean Ail" DLE Por Ail nolier reed Wsters Cyclone Shakilg-and. DumQPing Grats Nez. sfor sU roqufrnaents Canadian Steam Bolier Equipment o. Là.nit id Tel. Gorrard 3900 20 >10e. t. - Tomoito EAGLE ~ MTs BOO01VO DOG DISEASES ~!Ç And How to Feed Pl aie he Lulltdreu h Pisses IM.CLAY GLOVER Co., bIc. o ReiuedIus118Wst 31et Street, New Yck DON'T CUT OUT A Shoe Boil,Capped llock or Bursitîs will reduce îhem and leave no Llemnishes. Stops lameneço promnpily. Does flot blis- ter orr remove the hair, and herse can bc workeîl. $2a botle delivcred. Book 6 Mfree. ABSORBiNE. JR. for mankind. tbe aurtiar liniment :firB"1ta. Buites. Sores. 5eii, rs.Vicose Crifte. Aiiar's Str rýnarmrîu. Price ila»d £2 a bo«Ui.ai dnum auor deiivered. Wiii trU pou more If you wrime W. F. YOUNG, tk. 0. F_. 516 Lymans Bldg., Mortreal, Can. liroorbine and Absebrbine. Jr.. t"oe a18Cin"d A& aul D oior d1e ie m koi. i 5ýmd 51.00. The large boni. Co"» tbna tie m.u muaimath mamilor A.i. W zs & Co. LIM1'rED. Crelà Sirm aW. n omL Pocor .ilH04w-To Str.ngthen Eyaight 50 per cent In On. W..h'.s Time In Màny. Instancet whou- i Tiigh the 4op and lsof .pn y m bs -i u r- * tdm ,u *de bey" fom lr i 's iv 1 1 ,', o 'i -xi i-I - '1< "s -e-' ',~ o, '-y lé --j" "-'i -s C --'-J'.' ~ Nlodiriner(" lCo -idî' OvA i(mat Mai ri aib otatrauipie on sawere Contributionsi to tu i-es"t- re- - - O. 'soMu or eMn". tean empefor. tbefcause may lie ent. s LI'r it %T ( \< DIE. Iauel will curry a meus arrc e s ______ b rook~ if h.oseaflot toc Jazy t-o lep. MON EY ORDRS Prod Tadiion cdBri" "3,Y Thre-, sfnofeeluckier then b.»vise PAY your eut of town aoeounU by i'r-eua haîluna 0 Brlsas \%5 Itnkt htmàelf sm.ewBtee'sufer aieOUi « Expre.sm oney Or"Mra ~Iaiastined byUnrj reen*t l s.ndo s littie on@. i Fa".dollars c«Ut.Sthrft e«nts. .he glorv or the fBritish rxavf î-y i n irLx peeusektathe .fathir of wiadolm not die while tht-ne are mon tîke those at nd e'non- 'he nthes-lJ tte htte mn ub î'f t ho Bl& mbtransport TYrsuareus >îitl iae ha i. sontass hati mtuîk aourbed by DiabUnia <the. War Loani mine offisîtThersis Afrra Ilteb.:BABYS OWN TABItIS las ntii. eigiib<ibd of £10P000- j'oh" sH«en e oloek, iuild distel "? arnbY ;- 7-u'ZirdJ te'1'iAN EXCELLENT R 1M ED Y pea" f'rthe £ot7 of Ledonodny- I <ur puaion Oscar lmei't r'd sfýjtomaI______________________ at attenthion tW!l .he croi!mas ail . Wien tise baby t i -reole Tho% the ordr trxi a u",&» g'ciuititd ie.întgs-o «i en, andt te'y Ulîtîgmu tir sung a# 'q -cnt- sç-ef'e- ret'oio i. t>~tap s-n lb nxaahetrilatrtg1 1 uqeca .1 e MflNARD'BUIS' la-ae tire gh sta'e cfFusa-a-or s ld ndBaby. 0wn Tetsle eioRLST Làdomst lin . c,!lb--r iolaitiai grn' in e btmawla &<h M lwwelsa #îuslebo I bathd Il s'eU w" IN UAftDO'S ric tat na eriiulfiu t the caute o a (f t uj i » wZS< adl a 'U ter I.ii enr-. tdsiIhm's teosespgtie. as # - é t h i r r ; I i u r b d e 4 i p e e t c i [ ) t e r s e t t * r . ýew 4 J S e i W t * T i S S U S 5 1 7 " Y4 7 tiss' u rh- y ari.eîtmt~lira iOsa5iya v 'i ~ 1.G 'M1L tbt~ ~ ~ ~~J' x'etlholtao __#. sram P 1 .j; j W.it. to-day for our ]big FftEE CATALOGUE sliowing Our futll hue cf Bicycles for blei anid 1Worricr, Boys an d Girls- Tires. Coastrr Braitces, Wlreels, Icci- Tubes, Lamr"ro, Relis, Cyclotineters, Saddles, Eqriiuîent and Prsfor Bict-cles. 'l'i cr111biv you.r supplies f nom us et wholesaje pns-le. T. W F. BOYD & SON, 27 Notre Dame Streos West, Montrýeal.

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