Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 22 Feb 1917, p. 2

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NURES WANTMED l ý_CROFS Pupil Nurses wanted for f îs Train- 0P R CE T O E Sun Li feo Canada lng School, Hospltal for the Insane,- Toronto. ThTee years' Coume ; $18 per month, withboord and uniforin. Excessive Autiçmn Rais Re- fhIUslgPwuOs Se s N w R c r sApply Ming.D. West, sponsible for the n oeto h ,la' S ets N e w R e c o r d s ~~~~~~~~~~~~999 Queen St. West.epth rmPrssas h AAD h re @~is flESULTS secured during the year 1916 re-afffrm the psition of theiToront_.___________NADi ft Sun LiE. Assuranc'e Comnpany of Canada as the. badin tif. assuranlce A despah1c fth AriculturisInoay:TheonA organiza in hei Dominion. Once more it leade t¶îe field amongUADN report ofteArcluaInomin Canadian Companies i each of the foilowing respects:s JYIA1U MIT Bureau, puhlished in the officiai jour- EWGLEÎ,,PN IIE nal on Thursday, gives the average Largesi New Business. Largesi Business lai Force. Largesi Assels. E. ~ ~ condition for the 1917 Winter crops as Bsdtfsten per cent. below those of 1916. -- Largest Surplus Earulngs. Largesi Net Surplus. Largest Incoine. Toronto. Fmb. 20-Manitoba whent-ý' With-100 signifying very good; 80 New No. 1 Northern. $1.90à; No. 2, do. 1.87, No. 3, do., $1s.8; No. 4 wheat. goof ed 60 rather gbod, the averages A B Largesi Distribution el Lule Assurance Denelits. 1I 72rtrack Btay prts.~ * for 1617ascmre thho f BA C.W, 71c; extra No. iý leed. 71c. NO 1 1916, are:- THE YEAR'S RESULTS feed, 70c,. 011 rail d elered en route. 1 Winter wheat. 62, as against 70; FO HC -OT P The follewng large anufornlncreases rgiseedduring "h year 19 16 cîearly demonstrate the subject in embargo. rye, 67, againzt 72; Winter barley 65, stremmtliof1the Comipany,& position and the confidence sud prestige le enjoys ilate.public nund. Ontario o No. 2jpwllte. 6.1 lu 65c'. aant7;Wne as63 gi nominalNo ht, 62 to 64c, nom! ual. gis78Wntro.c60aant 1961915 INCREASE ftveordinx to freighti; outiide. 72. 1916 ~Ontario wheat-Nu 2 Winter. per car TeTep'rpaisth ffcaNews of theRvitu.r ubea i uaGetyI Assets aset Deeember 3let $.. 82,94414996 $74,8,423 $8,622,573 (11.6%) lot. $1.71 te $1.73: No. 3 do.. ISfii Tms xlin htofca Cash lac@me.............18,499,131 15,972,672 2,526,469 (1.8 >e'I$1.71. accorditg to freiglît outfi(ideý figures by the bad st.ate et the soi] ut BlihOfcas Surplus p.id or aflotted t. P@lyholders. 1,110,900 985,487 125,413 (12.7 ýc) ea» No . . 2.40, tircordlng in the time of seedinig, Insufficient sup- Net Surplus &aiteDecember 3 1 eL . . 8,609,866 7,845,501 964,274 (12.8%) Tarley---Malîîng. $1.2fi în si 22. a'- plies of fertilizers and the excessive TotalIPayoeents tePoficybolders . . 7,571,016 ", 12949 448,537 ( 6,-> b intlr'its o1.29 . andn Auturnn raini;. Some of the Iate seed- A deqpaùhfotodnxy:csio.I stebi.fhr Assurances lassed snd Paid for [n Cash . 42,772,296 84,9173,851 7,898,448 (22.6%,tufelrit 31uiqd.0. nominalpard v prngqe Rlye-No. 2, $1.40 i 1". a iI ings on acutof the frost, tlaoughBrts Col"cdent wut te.above incrme es, .Company succoeeeddursathe. year In effecting bfrlghenia î,ur--side patleUtF InJute 'Most of taccount copwas weilpro- in the vnpeey ensowîoe subitaUtl asd Important reduction [n the ratio of expense, a feature which fasvou rably affectse.ag qt, afor- rn aentq i m- t-tdby the gwwheathe ropbrak new fte eouioayot NwYr t aaa earuhaus on plerholders' aci C1 900 tieroîîg bakera'. In juif lage. yte$bw.e hehaybra nCbtweete ser.TeBrts aala oi *cC@Uflt. ', ~~~~~~Trontlr freez came and was not injurcd. The they have reasnT upc emnte aefie odsoo THE COMPANY'S GROWTH <'n~rterlo for- ýne.ncodn cold weether ir, considered te have!agente have be twr o ogmnsimrn aei h THE__________ H minpe $7-10 tb 3' 2f, i n '.îp Ira-k.1 -~~ - - - - - T<~~ronl" prompt shîpoienl, S Cl~~'. lprcdut'ed very favorable codtin tire. Only sfwwesaoCpandedcaeta hyh YZAR INCOME AS8ETS UFK ASSURANCES Pen.hcard. expert grade1t for Spring seeding. Hans Boehm,aGrmnryofceesn suptteitet IN FORCE___ îîre erlotq. ,-ie< MNutreal 1872 . . . ....... 4,4.3 64196 10485<eîghts. bl' ginciuded-- ratni ur t"n 1.- wae taken fromtu lthsemr erast sals n h 1886...................173t~O0.3l 1,572,27.10 9413,3,iS.01$36:. shorteq. leton, 341, goo(d 'ed (,ERMAN NAVY IS WARNEiJ 1 Zeeiandia atFlouh Headnhiacneqnethy oo 1<16...............188625800 6,389,144.66 38,106,890.92 ltav- Extra Nri 2, pet-r b, S12 tu DECISIVE BATTLE IMPENDS possession a cato at uh'co pnteCbno lm906 .. .. ,86,58-00 $1!Z ~,pbro iiS5Ù~. ilxed per ton. $q if. $1 tîar-k By ua 1916 .. .. .. .....18,~9,31.62 82,948.990.068 281,434,699.94 SttraW- M'Rl lI, l'e-r tori. $4lrlu'k IAdepatch from Amsterdam eays : papers seized a h ai ie e-mn farfg rmwi - -- --- -. - - --- ---~- - - -Toyo'Oto -The foltowing Imperial order, qigrn- man agents h1 eue notcn-rnscudoeae Country Produos--Wboissile ed by the Gerinan Emperor, and ad- Iiitter - r.-sil dalr '. <'hotus :,J6t< , 39' dr'e.sed "tu my nu-avy," ije published in -ainrri'.vlrito, 43 to 45r soitd.- 42 ýthe Marine V'erordnungbbtett, acod Eggoe ' 1 i orage. 47 I 4C..- Ftor- te a Berlin despatc . hi IILIAT RL CIIE ET S U Ng. L le ts 6uto .Uý da1 tni ri-pendngdecive batte the task falls N G fS E CHW E N M f ou 1. 20 to 2(-.ducks, 22 to2cse u tr eart uz. $400 1n $46~0;. tunl'a'.m:.",<tutinate enerny intendg To overthrow le mag ob f~iu o ateI ot M&11EAD OFFICE MONTREAL 1917 . K e 10 t1 9eragaint hum A tive- T MALA Prsdt.('tieese-New, iarge. 25à1o 261. lns th eman people, gishman 26 1" 2£6à(. tripl-ts, q26t 10 L'6f i i. his allites by combattiî.g tieir sen t.raf teoBigUisU o yBii large. 27c; twins. 27J te 271" fic wit H ne- i~te Cbover 21-lb ile. 14 Iofewt ail mneans in Ilur power. 1n to 14 c. 6-lb). lina, 134 te i 4c, I, 13 t" this work the submarir.es wilt stand trgt.W shp 18 c 60-lbý 12J to lic. buckrvheat. f)fi) ntefrtrn.Iepe hswao tsac rmOtw ss h epthfo i a tinus, 9 tb 9i'. l'Omb hn- e <fInocntefrtrn.1exetti epn Adsac and lesv woight. per dos.. $2 76: etie' It. to be developed with 'wise foresîghtcaigouufhemlta ntag AnoicrfteBrts r .10 275'- o 2. 2 10 2~2& t Our admirable yarda., In co-opera- ndctefotonihs f hacoirdth h'a',a-Oîri.per tsg. 9$2 "O oandoc New llrurswirk Delawaret. lper blag tion with util our other naval flghting ileerwekilt euesto.ecnnvabtie0fj$ $3 26. Alberts per t'ag. $2 55 1 weapons, and, supporteit by the spirit bedthlleterinw edo h oen~r Beans, Imporled hand-plcI(ke<l. 1cr - 125tmie off th bu4.$2ýCanaâlan. hand ptuke'l. per ýwhich uiz the whole couic of the menthae lu,,h, 87OC1,Canad,,rien,, lî;, s ; "wBr ha.s enabted tirteperforni bs-il-mn1 e ertin ln oe rm :Su é Ina, ler lh, If, t" o 'int<led t c k lshadowed by tesaeetise nnwpprRa h ls ALL COAL MINES IN BRITAIN DOMINION TO ISSUE i Povion1oe&. antdees, Nillns." grenm e-4ýter wihytersmto fmlta cmadrrcie Pr HasionNbee. <diîdesigns." < 2c go e N, 2 t'.9I(.' a kr d 17(l" o ; d o rinntitierirlw' - ~TAKEN OVER BY GOVERNMENT ANOTHER WAR LOAN .1-: hour nit 2312.'i îooýed 37 b" ý, ' ORPEDO MAS . BR NIN. dH th ilb natv anag h ihfi nyo 27__(o________ will British truter31AmetbystTw lLar ."e r!. 13o . E-l arr 12' Ilear and Discretion 1Iot)e- ~ st benutd ln htuehaehatct.he(eia A New Oficer Known As "(ontrolier of (oali Mines" M'ilI be i la'Fotation Early. in March to be i,,i5(j02l1 i5-,c tte21 2' 'n-vseCus.of outr nitet htea-nmeigtre f * j~j f I , i-as ,o g i-rIaý- ît petho with ears and a brain,,ternative of apyn h iui c h elfgtocre e New York. 5,.ieiMont5î <,înpri'anadjuitting itself temeetuail changes of Ynotsecurpd in hswv sies eiul iwso A despatch from Londobnsao:ILt, melil luu untrol the cual mine-%. The A despatch from Ottawa xays: An-! No 2 \Peibow SI 24 Iu $i 2' ')a'5 monistrated before the' Acalemy of hringing exiingicmlt vresmkn hi sae il icaraîin \V681îrn. 'NO 2 ô74 le 7-. t il') Trade to take possession of ail ctuaI' Vestî'mn Railway have placed the Lu b. issued in the Dominion, will be,10o Ba1trîpNv 2<lanliu'hs <cet. $1 'ville M. Wood, of Chicagyo. This tom- remainder ov', sdat stob owa xen hyhdLe îý,nLaltlliig $1.36 Ftour-blanlter')a spring mines in the Unilted Kingdom for' the servicestuf their generat manager, float.ed probably earty in INMarch. In . wltl iierbe t-q Iretm.s. 060ý. " ei,'nd, 'pedo, he declare-d, le 0iom the- pus- pushed withevnretr'ioade.Tathyhdbn period of the war In addition tu thoe Guy talthrop, at tht- disposait of the 1View of the exchange situation be- $9 11 t" erng t'aku.rs', $S 50. \VInler session of the United States Gov'ern- that there mayh tm aia ml oeej uedrdpo In Souîth Wales aiu'eady takeru ov er. Board. Mr, Calthrolp'â official desig- tenCaaaa1 h- .nte tts ,: st'î < o. Iu n i'agp, 4 10 îomeunt. He claimetl the torpelo cuuld gamnating <(nW fn te a aie sbtee ohv Tht-Presdentof te Bard f Trde ntionwil 1<e Contolle ut ualwhich la at present adverse to this 34ý2r, ,, 1 iicoatx I'arreis. 6 9511 'ht-ar* a vessel approaching a mile found of deangwtthsate.O ediabttedonto. has dcide Tu st upa ne~' deart-, Mies. cuntr, it s rearde as lkelythat!sloed'c - à,ra s), $ u 34. 3 t .s31 n4. é4 h , ay nd wuls hen sed a-cuut ofahedtct tht may Caa-,styst uffeed slghofarn] tb. securîties ut the new ban witt be il)83. rild'(liing-,s te)38 t'> 4 în"liIc. 1ite nhra< tak inspro fiesi nln aeuemnkte niuewu $43 bI*$40 lil< Nu' 2. pet. l'rt. car nh ra datck inspr - - ~made payable 1<th in Canada 1.Ne ic 13 t Fee iî-ect wesî<r-ric .26 I'*Tht ' 'ars' work on the' came priii- dropped tht-rrn aî oe ote FMIPlRF'S W OOL CLIP York. lu 26ie 410>. cast pr"qe 251,u.' Ittpr- - ciple as humait ears< said Dr. Woo0d. front as lietenns n htte .NTIR CR IIAJF X 5 P RT'th't'e,!cm,.a mner:. 42à tb 43; seconds, ff A S O TDEEDED FOR RIES No information as tu the amounit,'39 to 41,- Fgigsr'sh. 5 ) 6s4.'<Tht- 'brain,' that's my secret. breaking up o nt nodat a term s or priceot the new issue can, isce. t,! 48r No 1 et'ck. 45o'Pla- 1 -No vessel tan get withi t tn let. a surplusee fletnns n'u iee aaaMk Shrinkage oft Worid'a Rupply ('ompris 'however. be igiven at present, as these 1,mules of our conet ,vithbout being de- i the Mut-hem Conrnytw -rct. 'Swig 'OF EXAM INATION Brtî eSfga~Otu details will not be sett4ed until imme- iWtinivea Gr&LU tected. The instrument ig a devslop- of officere wilnwl.suîdrt, despatch from London aays: Rt-- ,li e determined laritely by the- con- NO'îtl'b ier 1l, Nà u rthv'rn $i tIt rncpei.tsdinteea< tt htue rso iie ak'ilg nea dunlt nuac of retamy T the Wa Officeexplinnd t-ionsf thedn instcurties, o tht-fj Oi.d l"«xof'hi ment might teit accommodation nut A AfiTPR HItTOS îct. 1î - sofRu"anandGe-9,do50, <diln u. l", 'l. 8.6to i ii uiuigs<'<v?.aib uu~ tht- maps, h£ eleaerigt h R loR S YlEt the Wiuter port soriewhat aeverely. j . e tRssa n e~8 " t< <<ie tle 71 uC 0 reprerented the gmet-at"tonin si man scouits mebt reeently and 'veret- b <l.~u ill]*î. 1t. $ 8 lo 5.butchebrb. i ti ' hp police: 'I waed omk aefrO U AT Officiais of tht- Naval Ser"ice,' Cus- 4î9%rr 1.400 %Soldier, Vot«I Arainat li ly enngtg in a tikirmish when a large, s%:5 o - e , 55 ie , u.i uidig.myssîf when rtu ed oth Fth - tmJustice and Poat-Offie Deîîart- Il, 17 21wFor h. <lu. nîediutn. 37 i..e us wlll go do nnadMa21tFurtaii ck af wolves îlashed oun the se-ne u $16r < ý.if) 2 th 01010eu )OOif uderlont-u$%;.landJ.' epTh rm La forn adeamiaain taftram nllVancouver eaya _ a ttacked tht-m. lHu>tilities weCiý $, 4.mil,-rs goo«1 tin<'h.'i<, 5 Io hier saister ship the Mauretania, uand Gr oeruetl o teri n xamnsio saff wl<h ' gv.-to r-It aitii r R re sans dar<d <Cermuans uail 134) , on% Liîght e ctho l b. -' ' edby xpe t ram " u A table get othence kof he ro.l &5>0pr <, S u '10'Il t oi" he nlrous, but, alas! unfortutiate --wthtt udsa e augmem.eu o~~~~~' exPert,. ~~~~.rest uut istinctively attaked the S 6It Ili-a.' 5 u'5 l.ni,.dic ax- -orie 5,O Britain. Arranîgemenîts will b. malie hubition s'ote ovter»ag up te edrint:) f 1 ý-s. hiuj a»t lt 50îv ~ < ~~rto Titanic and arowd ut other gmet-a 55 Ienïiing asi1.46.a5ainst, i).ydo.ak, diumitigtiboutsfhay u, longwogoei&4&lten.tht-odmt-atl1lt1<.e. sle ARD FO ]S 2REW lstgoa"thotülattewaat a1G acA ta avoid al possible deiay tb the a C*î>i -06e'îuît f.2 or Atter tb' hunt the soldat-n steparated, l$9 S colc si il i e'S, d td.wied. at.m i cigl, ridiao tî-T ATD-TOY 113 e1i ipprqutt vessela *xaunined. Thé.rt-w plan han aîîd 41 spoiled ballots. $$04 5f ICZé dt. wrd and ,wf arsýeEetr nInt.tedh n o-T bt-en adopteti at the uequoat aif uieu- -Il -atJ o~ 4 6b <n 314 1à, du tub. L sî$il 66nage. --dsac eteEcag iri uî îtersT, heae nxousGERNIANI"S WAR COSTS <>wii trencheus4t SI0tle.I e51. 20<--ch"iole st.r-. udyth-eto rises theî<A despatehrin aisay:AC.tlupobeddt ta avoîd the- dangers ineIdent ta ex- IT BLîNMAK S. A1g5 3 bt'4n i hsfotit-e<u-, 66 (o 84. butc<.uruw Es'ulî2b.if to t j iuper-Drosdaousght the- luetword in phrîi'e of 6000Mrnsfrth rw tittt e ae i aminat-lon et Etîgtish ports un iii. hungry wolv.iesha-.e beenuipartikulanly je ?o. t.sr* t1itlS 8"Q>i9 $, c-n- battît-shipal Would it ti possible te' et sny Vretib le ra-ia etI nteepotto'adr» bloekadeti ares.AduL 1re Lao as:G odUt wrir ouîu.în oitit ti5' oit.tatmbit. #3t 1C al, b.gS* build a ship which" wouliuutraage, llhstcualidt-êlga i iha e s tu' 85 ta ai citaI...te1dlu 814 7 j tstiean. aMW outweigh the biggesît t.cklng suiar. pvîeifrl <e - - ed te totl oc ixt7dbilion marks. 1repealy the combtatantà lha ve had toi-- Que.n Elizabeth Britaîn bas, ant inla I'wu$ht-iof ntioi~tdli-h-Can aycrae QELRMANS ARE BLUFFING ma4 jlqma fomilirln,» t-d out hunting partit-,agoïnst tht- M(INTREAIL ORPERS actuel tlghtiuîg smaah and ti sik er bMer t Dtpuîlao Usa yAdecudarcpalafrcoh ABUTSD UIIR e! y'Tecorspadut iAmtrjoMlotI eaeisy. While aethiu sort t__________________________ TFOI U UBR db 14crelegrma Cmrî,'e t 0fWo'k aaîping tg subperdeti ty ai COAL P§ý0X THE WEST. 'viole <ttiflandot-ailidfodt e um? asie amiof ert avetMentlamoîtg op- SatrThns[ -aras ttt --- Ds,î .'Auirican gays Thare I. SurpristeI. '>6t~A d»pa" 1ift»iiiMont-roI gays- scate Naval C4Oimmitt Ii W*abîng- Pvte'1. ~ T '---- lng Lot of- New Trespu. iprvide t & UnhpOMM «w-anb.maetosri, biriki the thing t-au be'dousend 1> AdipthtoLodnsyo-GERMAN TIIUOPI140VED 'îmedtat@ly th# Ciiy et motrentbas pro"o«esthet-irit*4 tates shiould bet~ep AnAmsdeamh felliatiht l* dun « ROM YfOYTIEm TOW.N, t ~ -- <ortieseti scsethans4rcti suy! fff t hei s it <a .attempt 't-M* WD*Pa, âl An As t n m dpire hotabTu . s a . iMAXIM M I AM&fl 910Cî'-M of <oa romsîthe ,R etDeer lr wey C -a # -ite aiiW' t be îng u ofa -bot-,~~C I I 1 1 -Tha maJoromIFraketrt wh he Th.i Iato bore. dtlty-five ro$'1m"ryftti.m,.AJ. r , saln lai thé, G«uIEIIhave aI Po.t 01waui o bv das- [sTh-ShP" i~~netfi oeet tIuW vi el1w700cl ath ~ 8 Y. snd surprlulng uuuberoff »iw tbOOSpeqe u h w, iau-ÀAa-.thf w >i Tt<wu.~tan6eut <detd s roo# ed t b a id8lp n on*t. 55( *y intCh Thgae oft! ta lmi tio isussybs _____________Gt«i mmn afetmllltaty sq. Who la net T* Fodbt,'c-W4 W rie m aU»*tom.t-tb# et epwo AtrSat thWt- VcM ontaged In the munition__________bu___________ts<- m p<e #'-4-r i»I b 1* 1 'Il .* baien ord.red lie ot4i. "MeY, '&iilmse 104h'ovitbt iVsW<(or ilk. et 4tt* b*beq »*14 * 9 <tâit ee.to resut tbnt the Gernan iraqs art *0D~eutbd In 1 Jo tht- ONï4seUastaui tsi! -:-. »A »Wv mem numwm ntissu sulbb,-h.SoW" scaUu i'as teP"k. 'ob amte ____, ath O"t"o "4*l glnnlng of be l . i-et " wuiîMi -Pm ioe4 u1e tq c«nusf« In t. bae ifetemgo mue tu Mm ptt tiiw 0..t 4 ty*t ep« e 'mývn to.4 4uAthM o mle.Pl t sali:m ttto g reM 0"* ~li. 111Qa0111-9- 1 RATE tiat the eing de' ment fmom .ieS' whlle any Gem- Wegt In- long had aon oftheii re, and as' riti susPi- roject, as estt-fi ph - -h puiîîa- VERS Atlantic ekro gays: liser Gl'as- rbs of 1% hando de t-amt ex- g to the gow, how- gagom e nt report J Iwing tiay -troni the hich alune iraiders, r Fernan- )ne of thi bserved tII 2eefle< lIn t prevexit. iert-ai ring en damag- damaged, iablc, One "Tr) beach- The Arne- :e anîd had nded. 18 Splendid i-gst Can- ýpanies in i t - je 'I 1~ c"- I - 't: k- r jb4ys:-The. dlacussins -et ant inl- ),DO Inter-; eorffing te in a flugue, he- papers,' ,py to coaL »nY tramle, w'hich in- Iiig, eau, b. 't-, c

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