hoieâ mp.tuoafty, skie a1tibït ns for theIim Hep im el T btet!ià pitit shefteilfIhto UXon3s siwti*, * o t o best rtpie h iieea n 1> *nd UIIou here?" âhe cries. "4Why1 9 . ~ thought you were at Rowdon by this Economicai Recipes. ____________ - - .î it «I got a.s fat as yeur entrance gate, tiotato- Pamcakes-Thene cil for frsritIswo-1wluP7 wh1 Iad aebe fiv'o medîum-slzed potatoes, grated. bsI l oya1h! d o.nt whn1repented myself and ame- e Add tbreo tablespoonfùls sweet milk,bah zlae Sealed Packets Oftly. Neyer ini Bulk. for something: guess what à t was?" 1at "Your pipe?" ja. plnch of usa haIt cupf ul flour. 'ew rn'!ahlm.nt'ih Black, Mixed or Greevi. 13217 "No; yqu. Tt is a doudcous walk, Rix weIl and bakte in rather largoen odc elo h ___________and the sun is going duwn. We cakes on a grlddio. Breakfast bacon m'tdlcosc al -- ~~~~caji go alincet the entire way through servied with them lm fine. .*erc~Si u e the woods; se put on your hat and Flatik Steak and Rice-Have the~&c eorsby o s l utin ae III ~~~~corne:"pts hrC IT JN steak weli siashed; eut into rather s. riefracptoriInrslOfh.2,60sd III ~~~ Krin ptsdown brbokwithout aa i&Mely cesoll j acpien ledrippnu2 let.-d3 î~ ~s~ a word, adjuets her lbat, and cheerfully fpleces r ooi! ech infleuripan e eî ,vrvee sv r.w rrd iii I> ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '" 'r ~~~prepare to f ollow hirn. So, together, ALU M %TAIS NOAU"V steak bas sligbly browned. Have twou~qa ADNL ~fFOD 0f 1UM theypaà sout ntc theglowngwglde T E T L F ALO K D LO Rsunshine, and taking the side avenue, cPuso okdrc ed.We Il! TAeLEpaFsAout nto the gloli1 goleneufusoea k erie th r eaLdy. e ourjiz.s 'LI , 222Isrnp ,eo'sC escape the drawlng-rooin windows, THE MINTOSH APPLE. tsteak nd 9thyovruthey don eapour22SrhadS!nr ls'Lus' lr ___________________________________________ and are soontout of light,-and atone stakbander aitanedthelack e; eand- -- - Ot o the olazroo m ornesunrin, w of "I on't kenow th ayu hadCrofton. acronsa aflowery lane, over a stile, wt utr atadbakppean itthe cooln rmesof estaun t h"I eon'thkoe, my de a yrih thoy go, itotathe deep green woods. of Twenty.elght Years' Test. Corn Dodgers-These are reaiiy a bwl hen speditwt akie be wvig asesofchstuthar e o heemyder. The hou-3e Their words are very few, but they Ever mince the first orchard was breakfast bread, but youli net find 1 W, EVEpiDOplates as untidy as usual, ber îipe warm and wai net open te any one. 1 fear, Sax-. saunter on conîontedly, aide by aide, planted at the Centrai Experimental them scorned at the evenlng meai Tou on pi, e ae n e i nteoe partied. lieor nuslitdisses of pale on, she bas been taklng rather a iib- and when the Btile bas been crossed,' Farin, Ottawa, in 1888, the Mclntesh i ake, Put baif a teaspoonful sait int an:we tfesdyup h azure lea al htiy crumpleci, white two erty witb you Ia your a.bsence." Saxon retins ber hand Ia hlg, se that apple bas been under test by the Ex- aj DOINC TIIEIR tasonfl les ad e dark etains, that abine consplcuous- "A lberty," repeats the youag manamt 1to otne hî a * îFraSe n uiglard and scaîd with boiling water.pes ldsti asoeutldy iyl utoei, btry er ist t te acontinuey rthe se as on m w .pouimons Prm ysm addrn Wheoe the edgEslo ogiwe ti strawberry-eta bdr. i e h a ho n. I sah iko ho oldsple eYet it cannot be said that ho is making that finie mucb useful Information Seat bard for a few minutes. Drop! dry ibey mustbectthapirf strwbrr-bd.an oron1 hallik te ldplcelove to ber, as ho dees net se much as bas been obtataed la regard ta ibis a largo ispoonful in a greased pan. AR HWN SMC "Corinna, my dear!" proteste ber better aow 1 can imagine ber ferni press the bond be bplds, on.ly keeping fine vartoty. Ia very sovore winters! The botter shouid be thick enough!i ER' ASMEN inohe, erfcty ghat t erap- flitting tbrougb It. How like s gbost It aiways in the sanie firit clasp; whiie when the Fameuse appie was injured baeyt lte ntebtî o- ang eut a eae ou rag pearance. you muet bave lookeci, Corinna, mev- KIt is conscious of notblng but ibat the Mchinosh remainoci unharmed,,irtg the "dodgers" quite higb tn the on ut a rudloet the to, ak '"Yen, darting?" says Krin, inter- tng tbrougb the ciosely ebuîtered i l ablseulsume' noon, and thus preving tbat it l adier ' a ente.ana bot evea u i hema n s bo h ihan t od eean hr tzeaOtea oke--n u-white as you c£nwtotbeka h rogtiely ad ganes usîclusy oorn, lib ay oe u d tee a the wy n an e syaoelerntoe notafu~rtt rn hibi a ~ isaOamel Cokle aneCUP kia'toali aesitn h abtcSotsTl~e a doscries the fatal marks, wbea ebe wiih se old s servitor bebind 1 Wero, exqutsite biue. urne the McIatosh appie bad tbe re-' shortenirig, add half a cupful sour Trnhs bluahea the daintieet crîmson. yuntarl oeget oers (To be cantinued). putation ef being a shy bearer. but in mtlk or buitermik, iti whicb a tea- thoaup nd f lpietendr;hotkê "Where have you been?" Mrs. Crof- Wou"' rise te challenge your ap--~ nearly tbirty years' exporter -e wtth spoonful cf soda is dlssoived, four cup- a pou n o iep gaaqar fw ton goos on, whea sho bas recovered Proach 7 "it ai Ottawa, i basbeenfoun teb fuis raw oatmeal and grated auirneg o or lanpootodo h rne; JutsWh.fowrc ot breath, "and whai bave yeu been do- "I am net nervous," says Corinna, ENGLANO KIND T FE. oe of he s oce a riou e orvenila oxtrac e tstîe. These bil an tke ofte upau l i l b rnhe eaei witb aa su hi shakeocf ber head, adancao moat productivendaeuettes rtaeth' lb ing 1 Your baîr ta ail over you head, Sgt a yHounder test. The tree does net eften myb oidetadctm w-nh* o u ayu rne n a aytîrsigeîoo and your dress- But let me intreduco' a shsdowy gleAmlil'g amite. Bn afyHme, Aeelatlng Othere bear hesviîy, or overbear inanay one : squares and bakod a delitate brown, let them tbeila tti n o hr t ae twa b aie r i A week, a fornigatdayhor wtwo tattheoos.rup;rtheabetakeppeiahtng.heMany pathdatior tori you to your cousin, Lord towden, pAssweek, andotaîght the lgt repawek IhFo.yoar and thon foul te bear the follow- soor n to a rppedfrm tin.c the yolks of twcogaqatro ado h eoino fa wbe bascone te spend a few days -iîh gopos a tBd tthe altgo repare fa rras known tn London, Pngland ing year, but it ta an annuel bearer, as spoon on te a gresdin. i t-pint of creani, ba hr eltgt-ftn"l h ofarto Phobs polobs ee mkigpleetheniselves, or else Lord Rcswden !gtr ndauar. Sioft twicehon ry rad uatrcfapua mcues-gead oea h PheebwstAporlnsoabe eye t oos edipoiio e ui isauî .bich supports e charitable commit- crop aiternately, the number cf amaitgthra alspofuwhhir m ute radfu pafl f ak oae nth otwi tm fre wih rina dorbl eys t' eel n dipoitin t qit isaun'gtee for the belp or euemies tinlt-s cropa being few. Foiiewiag are the tr n ua.Sitt e hnaddbutradf sucb an oxient that Up te tiisthb conifortable quarters.i midf t. Yet sucb tm the Emergeacy yields of one Mlaiosb tree planied at stowly one-fourth cupfui clive cil, mix it ail togethrii orbte 5 Afwdy g bs'~ ,drawing-roorn hbas appeared te ber Day atter day he lingers, as though Commttee.frthe assistance cf Ger- Ottawa ta 1890, thbe firai yîeîd being mixing wO il. Add tbree-feurtbs up meited; thon fîtlt rne ihi h olvr itrHga --oÃmmrised tn seml.darkaess and seeunwililg te toar binisoîf awey-,and mans, Austrians and lHungarlans In recarded ia 1898, the Stb yoar et 1e irn lbpca leurand theedcupfts a nd O - he bas; remelned ieially uaaware et the lie othe beart of the Honorablia Alicia Diatress. plaatiag. Sorne trees cf ibis variety j as yauwouCdoa usilrdn tondplaceerbaMlerPiaîjean ddted o eirangor's proseace. Now, ladeed, Crofton bas entered the deliclous This society was forraed by Mem- wtt! begin te bearinta he 6îh or oven'vineg*r. Ck eok s arad. I oub le olier on i wiih a falot star-t, ah. turcs, and, peer- tbougbt that tinte alune le requtred teo bers ef the hReligtons Saciety c>'intahie bih year afier planiing. The tl bc 1.csad fbtidthoraitsani irn u na n 11cr epn si e er iagglrougbthehinthe rym mignsesysemherbanderne Roda betrtedaFrtendse Rad Ia centtlleneneraesfyetnds reercorde langlionsnbutifiibs wtlekeeeiadeinitey. thra reth sck, mitndbuttelond, butaaifaressng taber hi tnigon tbe beartbrug regard- mistrese cf Rowden Hait. Thtis ar- lanEGreat llrltaun rendered destitute by 1l la desired te reduce iheni ta bar- Fig Pudding-A quarter oif a pounifd - taspeddi ing ber wttb amnused acruttny. Ho leat-angeL.ent w-oui b. la every way de- the war,.' and Ils report for the lat rets thore are 24 gallons la a standard of fler TndanguaTor Remember. four.ing a tati, fair- young mac, decidedl god- ait-ahi., as, though the incarne ai- fiscal year shows tisat neariy $100,000 batroil. Yield et one McIntosh apl bread crunbs mixed together, a quRr- looking, wltb but a ver-y alîgiti tinge tacbed te Moorlandeis t sufficient te was ccntrtbuted and dlsbursed. Mont-j tree frora the Bih year alter planting j ter of a Poundi ef suet cbopped very JL mai hurrtdysalwdt f Mvdb ty asrsb ef tbe fashtonable boredomn about hie enable the famliy ta keep up a sbawy bership ta net confined le the Quaker-s. tn gallons: 17%, 26, 37, 64, 74, 94, fine, a quartier cf a peund of moist small value.adtre cnseth dic onit gray eyos, a steady rncuib andi peat-nceofe wealib, euh lu barely head of the Church cf Lnriand, and 146 112, 44, 1494, a total et 1482% a mail pleces, and a teaspoanful cf bak order as you go.angcnbrcek b a chia, and an irreproachabie brovn covers the yearly éxpeases, and baves thUs B siiopa et cîsleîd and Lincoln galions for 19 9eosans, or an average vory tborugbi th a tuigde tlk ad Ashes shouldglash itd t lwa mosbefrieit musiache. Ho han been waichlag aothlrag wherewitb to carry on a as weil as Vîsceunt Bryce, Lord Hal- etf a tittie over 3 bar-rois Per year,' save the cinders. stand the meesuren cf berhe losa Krin's entralice and goneral deoer-t- London cmaiaga, or even a visit te dane, forrnerty Y inîster of War, a-ndfrioe ee two weil beaten eggs; if no eggs are i If the dianerpnndsosna-FitfuteD th ment wltb languid inter-est up te the those tashionable waterlng-places se-or-at merabers ef Partianient and jIl bas been found by experirnent sad ut oeiit il .re-mk, anydset."vr lii"sest," pressai moment, but aaw corne. for- wbhicb eligIbles are supposed te haunt. mînistors of Protestant churches are that ta Ontario, et least, the Mlatasb quired. Put tho mixture it a Ifrestir eel Word wltb seanetbing 1k.cagot-nosinta Thte girls, iber-etre, bave notbing among Its supporters. lis soîf-storile, or, ai least, practically reeurs' old i toe n iiting. h earaaigpudns ln50însteternre a rd bis manner te recheve the hand she but ibeit- faces te depead on, a-ad auch The r-epcis't shows how the aIrain se and ta ensure a good set et fruit Mllkr oisOepudc lu, n htteewle hittie or nothîng mak shyty offere hlm. chances as the aeigbborbcod mal at- et thse war- le tettIng on many there should be anather variety or dor arcompaaled me flernad actothre w Ho la about te speak te ber, w-bec ford; and certainly their cousin ftow- people. Many of thse wcmea varlettos, bloorning et -the sanete , l D ucetbuereeuneoyasadloIvr.igatgura. Rboda's voice, sweoi and ripptiag rings den la by for tbe richest parti that bas visited are sufferiag front depresslon 'grwngnO i. itl.milk and sait. Warin the Discard ail odfutjrrll-s Ls ot odsper tn betweec tbern; iheir banda part. as yoi cone arngtheni. Mns. and et-ber nervo troubles. awtng 1 lte j heMcntshaple1a ubec t to anitolvethe buer i t they a edt to eoeItouh owa eto a-nd Cor-lana <elle back a stop or two. Ct-ofton, seelag al ibis w-lb peinful great mira-le put on thieraby the Isola- The AppeSle Fuhagule, a ts ine fl teur.sait, o arbotebottecntteaWseo nainggaehcd.cletBt n lh wsaaee "4Ccfo'lnna," soya Rboda, sniid w-oc- dîetinetr.ess, yei iko t-be wtse nother tien or thir -positlon and tise struggletepeaso s f e FirOosa n praeifpeur tae arnulk an heas n mixaIl he odd bits fcoelfut n ,dorment la ber toe, «"wbere have pou bat abin ta, contents herseît wiih for existence. A oait speclal fund teproriftone t No. aruInt sw-tII ho beuinth eugb Coan r iea boand ei i al]teodlbpatyadrxteatakwna-kaiheoo.I 1e.dean? Yaur haii le utterly watcblng the hat!. frein star, andi bas been epened ed enable our visiter-stveropomtin Tfiso.p1aruitawa, bae a a warmpla.cve. he w ndheltheib.tte.piis ilad agodtep iedeanthe wild, a-ad untidy hairI se uabecomiag showsce iniclitione n taterfere or te cheer- these poor -seuls durîag the. w-as foacLi e ar a taa ay i eadeginta wllaeturc itton tehfaer. I"it n eeeiwt te you." ~~~~ssaist malters ilanay wxy, beyond on- Urnes of acute criais or prolonged 'treeiý six tumes wh limne-suiphur' board andi knead well. Cover thei If you bave aoil oto fwa ayt . .a chV Krin blusbhes,--such a suciden sweet cours"ln Saxon te ma-ko bis stay ionotany, se Usat th. mental and W-osh te enaune cdean fruit, but the bewt ogain and ieavo for a lime. Fleur, string beans à a nalprino ogwy hl -scra transition et celer as itleh,-scad pute wlth boni lest as long as possible, spiritual airain rnay'be rolioved befor eadwar ag rpotoetN. 1îgtc eratedubbibos utientgte n rs dsoeeiudrbscla both a-ndete br boarh Ina van ea- Meantme. uly l drawng t a 'te br-akle peraelarraches."aifruitge aroportbec oner owaso. arnil rlus, honncer -ad tveew-i buter-.placei ibre bymputodtee duver te subdue the. refractory locks, close, uch a warm, oppr-esslveiy suitr-y SUU11 1h.commitîle fad 1ma- ruima iy quartr a eny mnal repor- ag, sain frel abouten tweniy nuteae.iThobutteprk. sdasuae aedi iteBl erto Wltbber arm sorateciantitheJulyos as ci bon tIt ormaays cses her deprialon e GrntaY ten e Nori e aci onusepayei t m l. tps t uh reis wîî eaieforitaieonutappeizig brakfst'tlast hotal me is lac eta-tled, baif-asbamod expression on; yoar; andi as the. cloek atrikes tour on or Aus'riala sought. tpofoy 1prad reons. Aed rute eganth ons bfke ri a qick oea. diab. To pevat usigwhnfreia clg Mdr ar qL -_. - -- P - - , ý 8 .. -inemor__---LeatternooetSaxon airlle j "As lb. s eaAs enthe o! Use war ibne or tour aproyl.g. ae sufficient. ParmT- -al eanua-rsy uy > u Y<@ 5 1 PoL liBut Saxon wlUnot son the pretîy ta- O eldkpit eHoRmet iIIessla-j, fitripu eoalier a-i doma notet .p mI"<. AMi<bell bt hi ubi*or 1tm-@Iraeiiii<t ia-m SWiOf O- ,giabc oee bl i but a bareglipse etI hibs mora-gtvîtatio«ât o laBa- wates tin tbey beçepe tendier. -'Tiai.ccklgt',ub.din- - sîilli, It truek me asu eag ecado la j »r«I a bela<or uch 1ta"eut Usesud*andtib, jute. ïi ertbe4tea«M Umemo a-bly eut r'pfrtb1ha.4ro00,is w'.,,*h*mp;*re a- are M a few- pOe.evea poo i a a deta-ie drpl est thn tb a pln a- den 1 ust#b nioo ecm amUu bl -baena' y of Il.% Ituld have basa mort close. be al»top a &duga-teld uowfafter&R t* pubic apette bo rlIWoI Ck Jon ne;toc trowl6Mbllug1mtheouh a tr U hurrel4b ly ~lookedtattér, but amy oncle wual.mi-t»me 1 niaI mld "ueicmore eeep~ hoa-dut< Up goïci. un theb.Lo«- - lb Jln ve t ondmcab ouM of is prulpt a- ha flta S &IOGo-y hdrdufrtte rmm iiootl amAt. a- p of ht dou able r' n globmp,, tes, a-ad sîIMosiun- keep me lat. r rm-ory w-ile 1 am savfl<i m.eti<t l M«w" (Stlg&a ) the ' oM~#a-LA. smmiii beate " ia-hi ed- UW ehW - d t"IIeS a-nd te ~î*~~Uat i.01 iI . w-bionie. lNov, t"iplace, XMaasnttrou yo" mOkRW et oS'. pfflm wbe b" 00.FSI ab uduu eu*l&. FruitU slt eee;ta aahi e'4W'a-dtad# P Ugtte"g a-U wa wa tév0r CJrotton, teas no Inntely mort ebeerfül« MuObWla a M@eW.. u.i- tni-£ hiUOdP~a.&put illebtir 1 î ", p7SIi4mr- &1. o*ag adbodci pt I lit offyou ggdur-"S'U iouia*f aoeawyno th evary va-y." omîy, and W% a trieusciy no<i my tord a"" paioUle sUvUA ha ed& oue <'"h eu i f rein tbe re. a*m wbes 11 t'5ie foatfr '<Moodladcinhe spretîlest- place. cep.ru. wba-va bot t bat ithpe - a-OP<tda- d* M d ktt, 'n e flumke Ito tul po ii i.e i.bndd-,a re ,Pomhbapa,O" sapeMe-Crttoh, es- t * eas t iise Cente r miutes tonity of an a-Uttloui-M 80a-s #*atM -M' rénove, it$4*5 l UVp« )1 m #Mr- mg. M*but But 'ru 0 aai Te ,- -ho '41 «c a-oput a- verp et-dim. w-hM -Krin en era eroom. biibt sutd ""a ha" SbéeftsOufflt, e SP t 1 Uhoiia l e itea t a- tUme, tfori t dry tee WMt$ed, sOuaaiLrt . i but, the w-e bave nu , groom*s Worth uiia-, ba-v. e u he b.pumgw Abt e tuem ou fS a- à kul t l bm «t îs hi s t1W.Ummboe*s&ta 4êbASv tnittottlug- Howd.iïI Ifal usttt.te p0moilai'ddistrctet D.éufra, PPM tkemroc 1 u MtdS îa t 4 be the ha-ding ,place l bte ,e ~ ~~Wb-* th*e peb- a-eet a- " omalhu.1 bdi5h u~ *b oaen E u 1 oudd ,$IIIù a g ca-a tu p ou thay am m "M #ewoul eti t t* r104-t1681Y u*IMM' 1j ve l-aw* ea-. C4V7te" duolki fwa iett nhve~~' ~ ~ 4t<Wh li~IM~1 "I ~ V w-at O wildf alp '.i . thubdmi uay a04isstln ti be tita-tee -Maur *"*- Me «tbg B P'bgf.tw- 'IM,f "y@ &X014 v mie! Ma enop- «"lu a "iSet tete a Id.e bo- pk*tm.lu ~tdS S wotild al emte, a-*M lo* i over, aad garm 0vobave e," hsbzdoa*;400%7 te tha-7 b ne w * *U tu toantpe ttly à 1ma&,* &web-dte toc table.-m& i .d le -aob" e l. m ov tt do hun *0 ff tni 1 -t'Ir case. "sela*06 a Ue apk ak * toux ml* $*a* th rt üM M'ur* w üa awe r " " OM "M- BIT BRAY- teq s. doing se dogs, are r- Rcoin- ies at-e s best ,bal bas [itile la- ,re ors w-ornea, a bond- t wauid- rms tse bai bac chauf- stoppeci onsotate -a t-un- Id tiern under- when I Crosa- es, Me- I as May ci fer a r stelefi. rasioned as Me- !gnizeci. nud, It- Cone a - ;ng bita- a lette son n sut-prise- onthe - , rol. 54-N resiti r nj 0 ___l ~ iSë j-A