ku4.,h. hoior of Ita tt1' tQIestistd Ul e ha 1'ei CUti < C dttet nnalIreote "bh laté Ohins. Ring, la 1897, Lhen tteeve et WVhttby, W" .ail C-x(Ccliet Warden. g1V4fl7 îûUticîpalîty ccopt NWhitby liai liadth ie honer and nany nt tiîem more thtui onte ina ti u Iierval. For la. *tante, cair neîglbor ownl, Oshiawa, lias evera Viat i -ei no liotoreti ln tlttat e.Andi yei llîi'r' e uactive propttgaiidtt t l anud iL again iaow by the (ection of Ileeve Mason ris war- dont. Were the naovcnientt uccessfmil a dangeretaBs ituation wvoild be creuteti, Oehîitwa la goînsg out, îuparatIng f rona te oo unty. Thete oltens of Oshcwwn at uile rpc(tuit municipal elections by a large îîajority carriedth ie iay-law for th li uîioe. TheQOnttu-lo Leglelattire i t (4laet seridonapassti dait act nautb orisittg stithseparntloît. Tht' only thlit t l conuplele the golng oui of0f;.s, ftwa frOa i te ("oliiîy leq tue pastsng ot a by.law nît the Pepton oftheu Colinty Cotincil wh luiets lier. iext Tuies- day, As Chie-f Magirtrate ofthIe Ceui' ty 'luihle ft-d'ilaehit-, r. lMasoti Swontld sxerIîe the LowcS'r, IîoVselhly o r i litidgi' i>tw'ten'ithr' iive'rt, tntfresism ofthile cotnty andtIlile tiiior iniiîuici- Ilng. Tht' .'oudittt'tîs thuuobtailnng aeal only Io<) br' îîîîîtit,l irousa anlti- IM Illy m tuttiIl is coîîdfnnîtatiuiti On tlle panrttof nil thlae oilit-r comnpon'n t plarte of tI'ecOîly. iVýlldes bellug 'Xýliîtby'R itrui nore' i11-iti auiy tif tihi otite,-nitin itIpal ils 1to ive iii Houri liil Ile chaiuta s irolifr 1917, it It; Ioi ln l Iti 'tt'Or a:hbe miii cxpc t' i'-lic'ed t miunticipîî a i'ltt'ot as Mi.t l t iit ney cviiii ' l eî fti,' s'> rt',wttuIii t' r a jo sîlloi. lit'Vmasfor fiour mttiMa>it. 0f W'iiuv, mu ilî o iiit h 0lit crcdttitidr Iiîu. thit (-o f icI om a u ttlr o ta ' 1,1 litillil itc'wlîlel' ts vi'. W 0 1) ~iiiak ftrr bitai, wuvhilîtlb'nutsc llu'e of 4ail Itat' itit' r itîîcpîî e t lftirn' ottil r'utnubi't'iisti f'ot i i at MA e ,'lcl Ion utLi,;t'di i. * e a A mnister ot the gospel wl-iteal sotne lenîgthti tethank the edItor of te Newmnarket hExpresa.Ncnltcl fur lab servlcça to the town generally, dnal par- ticularly thit churcla ot wicthé Vterev- vreuti gentlemtan le pastor, 'Aumoseul owns (not Orlîlla, mark you!) the genitftm'cîî of pnestor andti hureit offi- chius ii more apt to run ln lte direc- tion of parlng down thUe prices of the neuvaPaper ometc, on nlecessary prltltng. andt citmplainlîtg that thie publiaers do itot do etaotgl for îiotlalng. Hfappy New'nîuikî'l edîtor. --Ptti'kef, T'lt' ctai sit-itttn lu OntarIO nfffme to bu' btromnig vv-ry actit,iinti the prôt- t. r ,'î. -1wit>,what Is Dra.- *e 'nr s'the DrpeSt. bU wouild aoelitc* to. thoun udlerthe, very trying cehditlons in whIelît tbyiae placeal. e * -a e l'he Tow'n Council titi well Vo Ia- rtructthLb.Cie tf of Police tu Insipt upei the obserrvtti'ce of lte euow by-law. The'regialation providing for the sitov- eling of enow, by ecdi preperty owaaer or tenant, front the midpvalk lu frot or ilotigsite of lis property, liad be- como in many cases a tiead I-e-uer. Many ipeoplo'nbsoltte'ly Igriiretitht' by- la%'. ant nevc'r ninmde aîay effort to keop l)the nbidc.w'oik cifar cf snow. The publie rnight etter wqtie hrough tha ctuow. ruieking it down hii course ut tiiito or-fi! ou-ar ltI-thk» hant or owu- er c.nret i mai. Memiter of the Town Cotnceil w'rf tben>splvc% offTnders, antd maofactttrtng conerna alloveti ' ' -1-f-e----'lita dte-arqpublict(o tr.'Ît lndownnlite tic.miby r.cotîl latilie. During a vina- j t ede puli tto rie -.m the tithn tir of thite ai'i'ity (,f(tOint prt'uaililag ýnwbmd M atrm tf-t in OtRIitrl a mlltlage oIf uel 1%ai aloskt 1put a man amiultejob for nia houti. ('it' as badlaas a Rbortagt' of foodi. The att- tiaint Iiaon lîe îcc;,a o fuia lof t'oneeri thit te lloveraamrtit ef the country- mlaght mwelt lak a h n.buai li t'at cdea' vor taourovida againsi tite posalilîly uof lils crlitirit tîcigimatde ilt' uleitivis tif dcaîlgnlîag cvi-ti trot'im noni ourrators% uho bat,'taktig iouvtta'of thé situa- i icu traîtcoiîssmlftrtiies. The iùli' n (îil"imluttiittght st-o that meh n-t' tiui c att 'Xlictlbit. Lotcal dtionqterrt'or t huit cars of cnt litou'" 1i-u t ii c utii ii %% i to thu'ni lot' ut, hp it I iii'ift' tut' t for mit tas it ge t ýo mi o a n d t i ti iit (, iii t t ittui Ili i ' w illtît ît i oif 1t)tir t ~ ~ ~ ~ l,- Ct-t' ttt'ti Ie u W ut titi, cf Isens who macle a point of lceepinig itI<r mialim îar bîave hi-eti aînonytd iay baming Ici u-ntiptiilirtutigli the cmnow or omar drifts teside thplr îeighbor'@% Iirtîerty. Unm citiznit sknaw, vlan bos a t-halte of twto t'outs em u'ng h1.0 residpet ft the man s(trees(i, ca set out b! nelîthan' witihoitlmuaklnt a tracR tlurnîtgh lutosa snow or udrifts. 'rheré are hloctis on lirtîcti irt-ccth(be haye :uot betn ti hou'ýr-utfor ye-ars. TIhe (Comîic'lli tas slnîly rcoioseti is yee (o tutracl (ois tif fluebyltee, snd citizanm ut id ntcîtrrni In y ai '<tpttmit tgainept tIîc'rir rîigt)biire h Is mtrîta ttît ie- ire placs mu lit u-"t ha iltr e ik asl- dat'tiç(. ritoiltuthrso oc's g n txc' tîtîin mll:iat he Pn'iowî ci froin tue ibmi.;-r- u'ýmr(,c uf thta,- tilamt ittuttoîu Lhe tit'i i trîetorut'tuait-rlitutittth ;arr il'(i' o011tt'tqfor Os -' j;ftînttflrq, "rthi tut f%!", oilfit ro i ý'1t 1fît"'w ;lil * * s * - ..~. o ~ î~ ~ \'îîîcg A 'lt 'n sîî gnpic('d o ths' N% rtt,'r rc ial lit (i, hie -r'i rd Io n 'tnae JI 'i ; 91i nsh îîtrat itoi Editorial Comment, ciai 'tnnker and iau advocatt' Or 1etyitn h te<fitonno -------runi for the' men Inith( irpenchtý; 's.1,k <t l O tnt;ltiog a tîr.-rtnpo Thore art, rnaliy good fellowa on Ilt he ruiîurort of Mark "wniln's dcath, h. bsl@% hir woldti]( oin i k' rev'il t t hv Cartadian Proe, but (loodfitiow of the'i i.itort ma.N he 'g rosi1ly exaggeriîîe9! j litgi' stga of t0111. n"' hirrtcoi WlîttbY C 0hl~andi bis brother of Whntt irib' thte nootds of,tl)ie men jIli 'tIrtios 0f t hi, ue fth f(o eow ploît Ille NMdiand Frlr ri'i>ri'ss arc' the onîl t hP tri'nCfi4e. to10amni chair criuctirioîti wnor N11ith ia, idcwaikg t laan flntarlo c'diors 1prîvlleged Io1<emplia- FI 0tho1U)ant tllsay cai Sayltniîli thIT)g hlti tilatit heîç' the' plow ""UE hîir cnradery by btheluse of tho' (onnor hui!iheeti bbît'rei, lîag o;p n ' tzi ued rt'giiarb ,tht' wabks eoon tic capitl i(J.-Orill 1 (i PcAe'f. Inolt h'ti .' t he i'h rdmlii tlg uii ta caîn ti rotîn d ibtke t' h r'roof of a *'h ijv * 'ai (iî f t he life ut ilhe front. 11, harit, andi Itlirent:'luei(d tibi' chrontce s uoiti', iitîde luçnt uîai:i o otîutî¶ihe icrctat, of tho fllcor r tît a 'Y<'nihtI F li of stnicoe(' ou:lty t' ' î't ,,,, litv" lil t l;a cn iea i ham haËl 25 caisas lnu otrt fori' aelitng tt"1ir'nc-i1r r out iirin i',î h r. idnti ch of a luibor, (o kc'cp lIaiuor since Septembter l16, bas obuain- spiind ing \wî a.ry da: 't andti nigliItti;Iti p < Fbdw Ik ioN't'elIcd atif.-rtiac .41 convictions lti21caiqtttA, nd onti IteIi- c ol wtgrotid-tliten wêfi't'r.ti fai i of ailow.',for- the occupant Io vd fines of $1400. FPlislîtIt% 01on0'of Ile arc 1pre,)itretInb taki' Riilph Cottuor's do thit x'torl eonsIr)ic hoe11w osi cfat l>c t nt;pectort% inithe Province, utahmr wfo t Venetry iii conlpva'Itstctîmethoti. Tbiertare hiîjtrtlct'tt who can be relted uL),n to do bis drtîy. ofwhat II. tnighî ne.in 10 apelld a n epk ln the operatioti of sucli a ecleine, He ta îlot onie PlthLe AbAJ Who, prevIous is at line Ili a trech or dug-out î iniowever. l3rock stre(et sotti f rom She bath donc what she could Every mar- ried man ini theranksof '." Canadas sol- diers means that his wife : gave her con- sent. es the sacrifice, the danger, yes-but his also the interest of a new ex. perience, the companion-. ship of conrades, thie in- -spiration of actiçn, the thrill of the advance, and the gIory of victory. H -er's the pitiful part ing, the weary wvaitir.g, the fcvcred watching for thue drcaded'rnessage, the grueling dependent upon her--and lier alone. ( i grind of daiiy ruoei~lty for those No, No-,flot alorue! Not alone, as long as, tbm people whcse batties heu' husband is fighting have a lieart ini their bosoms or a dollar in their pockems XNot alonc-as long as Canadian manhood wcti womanhood laiow the meaning of the word "trus."NtI 7eas'in as Qeaeouity le the band- maiden of Duty and ?rivi!cge. Only an apprecicition of the nevd le reqtared by thoec of us who hm n t homne keep the heiirth fire burning. Not for WOsWieOf us the smprMeICj but for one and ail cf us at least that whoWhesatod answer to tbe cry c otism thiat ncvêr yet lbas faîlcd te go rk4gng srxcwd the wSird whez th~ el bas corne. GiVE - GWVE - GIVE as yeur own heart pnmut yo&gia Wth Canadian Patriotkc-Fumd. $6,000,000 niust braised th Outaxk> for the vitat Ae0miie ofthe geat work of caring for the pcmdy fsuilies of QntW m at the front. Svrycase le carciùlly invcstpted, CM wah ex limnmtî mistakes mand Prevcsit 1 b heIplÎug ,ha nwthout laviduhaet4 but with Iý want u*i$upUlecI. You mr agaîn offered the gret pà M1i 'buer Of the Oanlcec fC&aIg iienembert If euma the w b... 1 queita,, basebail, anud aillsees et cli. er aperthng eutflte' art kcpt on h»4d. andl lavLMkly hanit4 out te tii. men, r t 1k lieusaotut ôbtheite rcche. rMay be ppent.in bealtbiy amumameftL Concrta uandl *i4g-songt art- beld Ngtularly In th* .vas-lous ceutrf-s. witle ten IlttaesprevIde muale in if. ebis mfamQieS, 5and testW m««ng plotre ma- elchn"ps-ade pt.ctt*Xnt wbk ieit tleorfflbly emnjoye4. Itffl reare ase clghepm Ppliuiid 4 s lpbwaow £14c bu&* qtaanltu of r«oes* Quito ma a adeIa lgq'u1 baa alo etallahed a f-ce ow maugaaiic es Mt A o1m p te nue tmoebn Iilitbuoe amtkat. *bifle *tý *u lte $uutà go telu«de»4 of C matmCânmiu anevpe.r utagk .Cof 1 bleau*"n i-eu ->w.C1 1. Amp cHIAT'1ODY H~NT 1*4 Au Mt.t ioktswBl F '~---~'~-' 'i t" """t' -"t- 'I i t-I . È ZmI'êéntMt. t'O theieunotia iattodt< cWntera ýof-t ta!uproDeci 4~yeè kêbti> vudewalk clear rft sneW, ýThe occupafltrt ci, owners lupon Vhe opposite aide, wlt ecnjôying the ue of the twaik ou thé we'st aide, contribute nothing to- vards te labor and exDenge of keep- Iug the We.Ik elear of 9 siao 'lhme oare other placets simtiarly uituaieti. Thtre are' many laws i tat work out an ln- Justice tu the tew whlle servlng te Interets of the mahy, and this snow- by.law soe Vo tube one ofthem. The Tur, 1I g Point A Jiugz Succcýs N0tIluil long time lias a more de- lightful and e'ntertaniinx concert haut stag.di WhItby than the play pit nu under the auspices 0of the W'ar Relief 'Siociety on 'rupiday evenlîîg. t'n<er the direction of Mr. Louis Gi. Nt-Ville, a4l local talent was uti Ii ti t play "The TurnL-ng Point." Th.otgh ('11y iwu weeks were tAken for r'elieur- %al, and In some cases <yen laie thar that, there wai% an «a" , ;nd earnc'st riensB on te part of CT<'ry partic<ipatto that placeti tht' whole affair above eriticinm. The tact thet Lias playa'rs %v'ore local yottng smen andi women mtitlIitti b ttrcsiituid te nitmie lhall wrri IllUd to capacity for Vho concert. TIhe Iblayerm themives semrd Vo risc to th(, occamion, andti o excel even thrir bvmt rchaLrmai effortx. Mr. NpVille, who hns lied iwidne xpprience ln thim vork, himmeif stie t bt ha wus lm- nienlsoly pltase-d with te whole per- formancr, andtinha ntothing but itrnisù and irtiproctantion for Pail ho iook part. Thé caste wns se foliows- ttDctt"rny- W. Il. Airnenti. IrercFt'rgiiîs'n -G !4 Inoh!iquii. Bt'haafyrd-Kîilhip' n Nicholsn tl (t ' Ailckr nol - AircncQcjMIli nt 0)rIl i ati.my lar #r ueMcibutyts-'. Attira - Ea lin!'. Itil""md ir c'îîîî'uîp of twcuty- t'xi1i r itthîtrn iîr'itrs r ntrtitutid tlut' tîl't'"wilhhtiri o- fît,' chorumsos. he'airb imo ltv'nt'" or cc cIlît ti lite \tli1 z 1ittitt'ta(ri a difft r- ttA <'ostu11010. ;iiI h tl&tNrilti CoittS. rat eh y ti nceait' ilspia i autitetîco grr utly l'rolbiy' tin> m iaicai n timbcr of t hut M. 'uit n or' lirari iiyrttev< andtit i t i:îidr ci tii t Mi8' itit s rtetd- crinp, of "i rç'ItuilMi t tho ll(it i ii'ai moite t bai grln pped ail, v'jsfoci lllythea I rlili lion rie. rTh' plav itseof lm a tv trv rf N'ir- ginia, 81lftinlaBter tu New Yo'k lb re-ters abolit tho.t' niiloîttons of onc Fredeî'ir T-(rkliion, on tiitttistti1ous fInaîclot', who <'tîdeavors h'i1),, pr mcttiti(o Io ritre rottrol of maiuabic coal lands boiongling 1.0 bive I)enny, a roiuntrv lad, andtiunder the guardlan- iht of flret'ttlrcctrrw Thk' New York tet, who go mouth for a holiday bçoconne , fiaticiille involveti with t"ergusoii. entd are ona the' point of loti- ing their üntir fortunes iatt'r, when l3reckenridge. who lias Ihecoînp a suc- ccsîI usintss oman, mkivî's thelr inter- esta by c'xlposlng Ferguteon, wtîo die- apppars%. The' love <lemt eterst n5 nto the plot, of courke. andtIincrrases; the lnterret. Dr. Sr;'telkcr wiq sthe comic characa or. and ' created uln bounded mirth ettai ne. Mrs. Goor;'e A. Rutes presiticit ai tihé îîiano dînriîîg the evainng lut hîr usual highly effiient manner. 'Tha resaqit of the oeiiixtln'sperforai. i.nrp was the addition of over $100 to thoe funoisof Le War Relief Society. 'Mr. NeVilie. Lias dîrector. h» amade We Je Luke & Son DEALERS,ý MR. MARRIOTT d3 Lees Ave., Otltawa, Ont., À up-ti.t 9tlt, 191"). "Iltist-i IL nu> i),ý if,-',t- i lti ot ati VruV-î-tirs ' -a.libL iritu for me. 'rîirre 't-ars i-o, I lcut b I er tedn- dowltansd timed, an-I simf'errorb ary mute fî'om Livr,' aad lî'itficy Trouble. flau-ing rendcor " 1'liit.atires", 1 tlaouglit 1 e-cuIt-i1liv t liciii. 'T'eresuit was sapriisl. Ditîi i tbic tfli cuirs putl, I haroe takri C iett r 1.vît'atari 's'ttildrî ntt'litnge for ut u \Itin',,. lI/,re sud he7d an hr.-tw.% ti-kf:e'.tsint"' 1 cowui- rirure'l ttsing 'b 'nitoiit -Nr- ', tint-I1 kiu1ow now Mul I1 li't iilnon nfor of a liiully îoîly tinrb <-tuar iitkinag r,)0r. a luix, hM for $71 riuîl iii,', 25r. At dt'clt'r't tor Stt ftip'aIuid Peccilut cf price lu> l"ntit-a-iuues lirititoi, OVttawa. t ho s-t enai, niot-n i ailrrLisor tif îîils. i« bututti ihai ciirT-afyi tr' titi' is mplitid id ut trk HOCKEY \ Miibyefrsi away-fronm-homî' garnte tut lit i'ctrt Ihope on Wedi(Eday iant. 'Theu gamp w-ai t fanfrom slîrtIio finish, lu' first jîrilod oeiding 1tio <0 lu Port liolîr 'sfavor, anti 2 tu 1 ai the cutiut Iivi mciottd, both(came sc'oriug ouceIa the finat. It wa. lPont Ilopt-'s tiret î'iciîîry ut the setutomu. 'T'éWltby, 1hie Ili)vas: Cini, OConnor; rigil defent', t'. itice, icft defence, SrniIih: rover, A. ltnc'bard: centre, FRcemglît I wng, WVaicoa; lefi wbmg, C,.lBlanchard. IIOWMANILLE FAILS TO APPEAR. ltuwmnanville utas te bave played ln Wthitby on Moriday evening of (lais ute-,but owing to fallura ln aklng itaiconnections, the boys titi not ar- ntur b l tawn, andtihe1wgaine hati te b rnailtdoff. Itumor ha& IV (bat the ltowm0anvilie boys intentionaliy miss' Aid te:tralii, as some of their best men were unablo te play. Hovever, the g7tme gees as a vlctory (o Whilby, but inuany bocal hockey fans were disap- rîoit, nt ni of beng able to Re@ the game, as schedtileti, On Wetinestiay lutL Oshawa bé-at Ilowmanvblle at the'latteor lova by a score of 4-2. Oshawa and the 182n41 playeîd ln Osaawa on Fritiay evetîlua. Vhe former winnlîtg by a score ot 7 Vo 4. Oshawa went down to dfet on Monday night at Port Hope by a score of 2 le 1, thelr lirat luesofthLie seasen. The game requireal tea mInules over- imne to d-ida. Tlhe standing of Lbe gi-oup at pi-e- sent la: Won Lest Oshawa--------- Wbitby ..... .......2 1 Port H0ope . .... , 2 2 llowmanvillc------------i1 2 lS2nd Battallon----------.O0 3 (Jamps scbeduide turing lb.eemmg veek are:, Jtan. i7-Whitby ut IS2nd Bn., Bew- manville ui Por-t Hope. Jan. 19-lS82nd Un, at Bew«Iaa4ille, Port Hoe.at Whbtb>'. Jan. 22-Bewmanville at Oshawa. Jan. 24-Pert Hope atIM2d Bn. The. ont-armod 'tiilclen tief wvite e- euiied ts-un Whitby Gaol 416 not cet far-, once thie acta; head et the On- tatb Hockey =sciton vas on bis rtu. He migit au volt bave corne back wlhhout bolng tetceca vien Sites- itf Pa.ton waa su«s- hm. and hI10t te fit-st robq ltai the O. H. A. baiu put lte clampa ont.-?efenlo lbe.J r 4- WHITBV, ONT. WIIITBY THE DOMINION BANK j Paid Up Capital $0O00,000 Roserve Funad $7,000"0M S Deposito:s in thim Bank are assured c of llont service. IA GENIERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTEO M* WHITBY BRANCH: S. 0. TERRV, Manager. OSHAWA 0 . N. MENRYo -QLJAITYIý and, SBRveI cal! o; -Th iir c ,' Pà c ately ad va i C"I M çe ITh- 1-4 of inakit titt ta ir 14- 1 soill Abt- --.uîî \{r i f. fi Sem et Q, IfvouirF drttg 8101 ut PErs W. i ili withblbi IWOwttwekm, Idm.anti 1 wiih tf.ieud marrlage ai Mmr. anti b day for MI A aeetili Blible Societ day) eveWtx "iv ~ mettaodtst 8 -ance la reqi Icorpl. AI, wîshes to 1 'Wbby for --ut ~-~t very bappy, Mise 13. ent.bad t mornIntg te im ant Il course, for 'psao on ti takea by'Mhl boli't mut vinsti Bokard-fr llihrdIsoi & RIliaîrdson, Agents "IdADE IN CANADA." THE 19 17 "FO-RD TOURING CAR $495OO f.o. 1). Ford, Onît. YQu don't nccd extravagant dlaims to justify >'our cliaice whcn yoLl bu), the Ford- Tie new model five-passenger Touring Car at $9 is standlard automobile value. We don'É necd to make " claims " in offéring you this -car.. we show you thie car, itself, and give reasons. 1Tlie qtîality, the price and the service it- gives mnake- satisfactionh suie. You can always- déend on lthelFord. Let us show you the new mode! to day'-