k sortîîîeit imade id well tiwihed ) 3 for SI 001 7 for < and I(leancr- urc ii~ e e 1; d:I 1;! ve fby, Ont. ANK '44 4.'S '<:1 AND EW' I. -E' - A Sorlte ~NTS, kept lu Stock 1 at our worka len e, îdo 3equently we lentsi commis- bck you Viii sin& from U&. ted. 3ELDIJN ERS MERITS dt Jt ot tu 1' 'p -i --'-.4 I ~i 1- Àde8Patýih rom lôndon saya: The. se, hé i uiew !"vict«orlan" wilI be an Issue at couid ne o dr 'e W.had eie perceont., ah tthe price.cf 96, the. reJected noe eae tenusj,%"the. Pre- period te b. 30 years,- but with an op- mier said., andi atded.-, tlen of redemption la twelve years, "'W. wer. net oeed terme, but Denar Law, Chancelior cf the Ex- a.-trp balted with fine words. It choquer, made the announcement at would suit Genmany te haî~e peace the. Oùldhall on Thuraday, where now on her own ternis, W. ail want r titish financial leaders assembled te 'peace, but it muet b. a real ene.et launeh the loan. The meeting was un- Tii. Pemier said the alles were der the. chrirmanshîp of the. Luorde the opinion that war was preferable Mayer, antd Lloyd George and hie Fin- ito Prussian domination over Europe. &ace Minîrter were the. principal 'Tii allies had made that dlem, he Speakers. said, in their reply to Germany, and Intcrest in the Premiers speech clearer still ln their reply te Ainenica. wae whotted by his recent visit te Tii. grim resolutien ef the Entente ËOrne, wêicb was expected te celer Alies at the. conference in Rom. wms hie rcmarks and afford a keynote that at al costa tiiey muet achieve for thec ountry-wide war lonn cam- the high alm wich was before them palgzn of the next few weeks. when they accepted thc challenge et Foundatien Crumbling. the "Prussian military caste" to rid Bonstr 14w said that if the loin 'the Er"opevfr of unspeaads shoirid fail-and it would not, he de- &a@Erp1omusekb d- l.rd -tliere were other inethode Which cnid be applled, and the. rate Defeat là Impamsible. *hen weuld net b. fi'.'cai one- The Rame conterence was under neo ________________________________ quarter per cent. . delusions, Mr. Lloyd George con- Trhý'Wtary position, the Chancel- tinued, as to the. magnitude etftihe A New Portrait of Preier David ULoydOeoa"rg. 1er, sa1flhis ndtlrepu, dld not ropre- task of the.alles, but teit ne doubta ____________________________________ lent the true position of affira. T' as ta'the. results. The whole situa- -4!_______ grst'. Gçrman milltary machine, he atian wss probed, the. difficulties were " " DfD LD P DI JVW a w u i deciared, wits restieg on an internai al ada it hm I i. AI OSl S THE11L ORDULIl u m 0,M 9 9Ui)fifJ fouedation which was "crunibling ir- lies felt, h. dc"ared, thnt if victory "N -rU rt'ststihiy hefare our eyes." im-s ficlît, defeat was impassible. P I li ' Trr Boîîar Law said that ir,.-Pstînent ;itr itsYa.WBAT IS GOING ON OVER W UBL1 UP ILU uni111 ln the lonn wouid b. on bel., r ternis 1 VcoyTi e than would be otTered le tie future.! The Premier aaid liee nvy hati THE STATES. Theeasnalini t te at fe strmngled the. commerce et Great -Pne Wii Not Bring an Imme- Ther- %asovermenî w.the a Britaie's enemles anti would continue ec b. coulth e clavrne, b u d pa, ta do sa despite "ail piratical devices Ltet Happenings in Bg Republie diate Solution of Food fo oerh eca ti. utren igfar sof the enemy." rateot ntireet thanfutcresgent Witi proper support at iand, î. Condensed fer Busy Problem. rate of nee . p ald he, st1cantinued, tie arinies woulti clesve Reaitem .A.despatch ftrnAmnsterdami says: A Tn, Nt AaOffer. the rond ta vlctory during 1917. A irp NtAnOfe.The best security for pence in fu-' One tiausanti gamecocks have beefl Dr' Michaella, German UdrSce Preniier Lloyd George sasid Em- turôý Mr. Lloyd George said, wouid b. purchased ln Savannah, Georgia, te tarl f etti Interlor, contnibutes te tthe pei-or William iiad told hie people obtaineti vien nations banded them- amuse Carranza saldierg. Voîke Zeitung of Cologne an article lI, ý the Entente allies had i-ejected selves togetier bo punisi the. pence Tii. Unitedi States benefiteti front warnng Germmany that peace wili net 1 pence ofl'er. Tii. Emperor dld breakers. Europenn war orders totth. extent of bnitg an immedliate solution et the ___________________________________________________ ive billion dollars laet year. 14306 probi.m. Hi0aya: _____ - - - Three negroes were caught at Or- mutepect fer a censiderable NOTE LS CLEAR --BRITISH IWIN awelarw t ln a slon ltatioenhofpi sman adrain Aseilboard of officers and i cvi- ing as regards the, meat important Y~~~in A D P STVIN AL S IE reportai to the Senate again:t f ood:tuff s. Germany in tecmn I of munitions. mont excluelvely te such toodetuifs as Tiire hold-up men with guns are produceti within ber own borders. r 1)tminds Restoration of Bel- Anzac Mlounted Troops Destrey 1stripped two men an a Buffalo stee Tonnage wili b. very scarce, and de- Sei ndTurk Position At at one o'clock ie the mornîng et terienatlon of the rate of exchange glum. Srbaan their valuables and jewelbel7. aise will oblige Germany ta import as Mon tenegre.I Rata. Mrs. Nellie Pope, a prisoner in th littho as possible." AdA tam1 Detroit House.et Correction fer the Pointing eut that thc German har- eA tpatcb f romi Londan Say&: The e spath frm Lodon s. past twenty-twa years for kiling ler Veat, even when a full yield la obtain- Timies' war editorial an Friday on îthe The War Office reports: uanasrgiehrlbrt. d c emdeosfieolyI a allies' notesanys: 'Eminentiy courte- "On Tuesday aur troope capturedihA bintehrgaine s ecter inerty - tican br. Micael itasieo: yi outs and triendly in tone, elear and a st.rong inemy position consisting of b itt oer itilla expeed lnaI o- tenei, Dr. Minchaeliassay posLiNý I sateent clsey raso. sxaine ofubteani a entral keepsi tion ta cities in New York State, as necessary te k.ep the belt puibed tigit ed, îînilanimatcd by the betty idealsiwnrdut ndacnrlke, or pobicl, moi'als ta which the. people covering Rata, 80 miles narth-east of advocated in Go-ernor Wiuman's anti there muet b. furtiier sharp ra- cEti Uitd taeshae lwyspatiEl Arish, Egypt. The. attacking mes sage. tloning. Tii. yearning ci-y, 'Give us. on the ryed t the alies teprearcLcmpsda A1cinutt Charles R. Post, 91, father of liie Peacel Give us more breati,' bas ne -v s~ident Wilson's note muet connnanti1 trooips ant iei Imperiai Camel Corps,ba.CW.PsBt.rekbek-nerass 0ftswmuteai thie etient mnd approbation et the 1 oft El Arish an Montiay, andth le at- fast food manufacturer, was married Oascious andi net cry for pence on Jgreat nation who inheriteti, assîmilat- itack on the position commenced at 7 te Mrs. Neblie J. Moore, 35, at LesaccoluaI t fthe. scarclity frein which we id andi deveiopet the. bout principles a.m. Tuesday. The. flghting ,l.ti i Angelea, Calitornia. sie. and tr-aditions et Western civiization. untîl 5 p.m., when the. position was( Fitteen hundreti iumberjacks are on The. German Governient haiteneti ta finally caried.1 strike in northern Minnesota; under Why R. Supperted the Fund. aeu themselves of a phrase wiich 'Atr theenamnta urii leadership of the, .WW. Cbeanin -tiiey plcked eut of the President's relief force was locateti, dvancing of lie, camps once a week and nigit- iets otrsngteCnia note ln order ta curtby refuse the ln- tram Sialal, 18 miles eà .t ofB.aia. shirts are- among the. demande. Patriotie Fund le not ail senleus werk. formation which he aeketi. They matie! This farce was engffge ta a point Atter belng dent anti' tumb for It is lllumined here anti there by flash- ne 'avowal cf their views as te i.aotformlsfo the Raa e-, sixty-eigiiî years, Mre. Coria hirk- es et humer, anti evenywhire tien. ternis an whieh the war mgit be con-lion, anti wa entirely destroyeti. patrlck, 72, becamne se excited ah the crop eut touches of humnan natureit cludcd,' and tobt im ni i substance he "Up ta the, presmnt we have t.aton1 trial of her suit for divorce, tint hon tint add zest te, the work, Take the J wms an a mîstakîn rnd te pence. Tii. 1.600 unwounded prisener anti tour, voîce wms restored anti she was able case of a Quebec county councillor.t ' u llies do net pretend inthteiprescrit mountain giiie. The eemy iil e n t r butes ceiltan um enlankdtia cnt- p> osition;tostte llTh ii. aaima in 1 1 ~~Ã~:nae.~Hi o~~::1o"' detail, but tieclare tiie genermi objecte ingtoite increase thc salaries et ficer of the Funti ealled on hlm tae 2000postal cek an4 officere secure hie endorsation etftthe proposat0 than len ny shatoment tiiey have yet IMPISONED FOR LIFE. by ten per cent., necesîtating an in- Re listened ho an explanation eft heh Tht' enumertes Teegrapine on Mltr e hui. Theon he salti: "Ail ight. TheTiieethn enueraesthe dest et feni onden h. Affaireah tWashington là consiening MI voe fretm t 1 find that ter4 f te llis)viz Te rstra- A espte frinLononmay apropslte cal Up &lby flt i"n l 4tdelans,-but I'dc tien O eguo Serbîs anti o- eerahn frem Amsaterdam, Ré-stventeen, anti requi.1r, hem te un- ratier pay even twenty dollars than tenegra and complets nepanation ton 1er's correspondent seys: "Accordiag i dergo militai-y training during the " t th' wmrb" the. damage they sustaineti, andthie te Les Nouvelles, Baron von Hueine, aummer for four yeuns. vautof et iInvadedti eritorleabInterim Governer-General et BeIgluin, The EBosten bridge tiseaster on et France, Ruisia Itnd Rumania, wtii bas publîsheti a decre. aanouncing November 7th, "whicii neulted luthie S63,000Fon Province. suc-h nepenation as l consitiered Just. that as thi e esit cf tie court-marti al mthof &g pensons when a stneet; A despatch frein Walkerviile esys: Thie reorgaalzation ef Europe, guar- et a number of Belgina cIvlisas ton car went tirougi an oenicdraw, liasisuccSsion detesait he 4»WM000 anteéd by a stable roglie and tound- atterapttng by forte of arma to cross aéelop.d damage suite aturegmting utt tEwr inirWmkr ed. upin-tth. respecteti nationalîties te frentier tnt. oioland on Decumber bneaniy half a miflien dollarsfees he dad t BnaierWke' à snd fullli berty and securlty ef al ot, thmrhy of them were coiidmiedb A bronz statuette ot Mme. Sarah Sus, distillra, Win. mout te $003,- gneat andi mal nations, to dethbut thnt, out of con4dem- Bernianit, as Quernitnla Ruy Bine," 000 tbe (aat oeema a e The. restitution ot territorles Pr.- tion etftthe tact tuat they 6114 Dot nemI- preeentded taho n with caterbea.Pi eeurs. Theumt. bu..b .viowîIy mevenet tram allied nations by Ize the gfavity ot their crime, tue! ceremony on Dec. 8. witlu John Drew'ti. langeasmoat p&l ati tie on- 0-< 'c or contrai-y ta th inwjhes et sentence were commuted te Ut. tlm. making the. presmatatin speech, bas, tarlo Tn.asury fr-om ar ny L hidi poplatins.pisoameat. The. tisr.. conctudedi: Iben returne ta t hie aulptorle wideior1 Tii. libenaton et Italiano, Siens, "TI the event et any rspetitlea et the Ni-e. Kltson, on accouat cg a biet RUMarîlani andi Clech Alave f rom offunce, I ahoulti net usé î<y prel- g.$w50for the. statuette listing b..m -, teigia domination. t ive fur mercy.Y pneseuedt te i.cti-... for paymant TheMtiMen oftheTur6h m heproaeetl«on f Dr. ILClarke49 - ; fr tmipEurope. Hyde, chagetiwitu the. mande ut, o n Th-. e-,xPressjen 1tiiey muet provitie OF CERMAN LOSSES Col. Thoinsa I.Swape, ut psa jyoofe i.provinces torn framn 70 PER CENT. RECOVMR.Cit , sbien cnded. Col SwWp. the. allie# by terce agaînt thie wish e id of ur ganiD.lid iio s i s et Taire S- tock Nartet. Toronto. Jan. 16--Choie. beavy lIsers. 9.6t810.36. do.' ood. 39.16 te 49.50;' ~utchers' cattie, ce. 0%-Z5 te 81.60. d o.. o $ 8.76 te $9; doý, redham, Is.id Le 1 -50--do.. commeun, 8710 te 88; butChers' biUla, cheice. 17-75 to $8.11a. do.. good $7.35 te 8.60; do. rougit buil,85îo4te 5.buteherV e w. ebetea. -87.sd ., " goS.$7826 te 81.80, do, medi u m. i ta 87 - steolc e. ié ta 87.26; choice feeders, è7 te $7.7ï. &B.- acrs anS cutters 84,$9 te 55 60, milIter.. choie, ech, $76 te $100' , 0common and niedjuni m, . $4.0 te 5;enne $60 ta 1100; lght evai. $89.38 shep heavr. &t c- , te Ott;do.. rmediuni. 37# h-81tg hogi. ted eand Watur.d, 8184k, velgiti of(caru. 818.16; Se. i .b.,$I enuteal, J.7 e-. S-'-42beie.mnà = geed et*er. 7.60 te $8.8;butees bulS $7 ta 8$1, butchers'co ,1830ý 175-canner@&luis. 93.40, eanmaeow00 à . ga.8 fed aaite. i i:-au voite 310: leils, o $18.69. seléat bol". &1.76 t, $8.60. WAR WORK IN RURALýENGLAN». Ntin> 8malý Induastries Giviag Thoe*nr QUM aTovad alg War. While 0cr farinea arbard At wk att.ndung te the tomd suppieset.*lm ~In liait quota u sthb e ef Wb"lc in teWin the mer, ageLmoie Tins, wbn lte van sutrti. mu tr> blackomitis verô gtviroov--to MiPVi>' 8omat>' Useabue.ferhe ~nnuyacIee tag t hisir gpbhyt, ngu matiela liseviuaeê Trench w*afniwue e4oe -006-astime tes.>. MWsêaw with ti*tw, to - e. ,1lOnndrY .W-erls neaà Klngsland , WFIIThéeonlpany wag Just flrinlng 'lems ? Tuaa at1neaee .-,00,OM contract forithé - Rusfà elotely destro».d tii. fattôry, l -~v m~t be a etthe In a lomst estliated ailt the way from, b usy -for tfiean two yeaïs. hry $4,OOAO upt@ 10,OO;oo~tored thel eight- one andà two story buUidiÃŽneÉ84 evacuattla, of a large part efthtie town been erect.dtri the Jmeadow, and .three_. of Kinîglaid, maklng 1,000 people shifts-et1 1400 ýworkmen each, m iostly homnelens rorÃth. Urne. negro ,,,ere empieyed, in fiffing the -For thi.e patiê. t more than, five êx>6-è purchased from powder- licurs northern i h rs Nw C h "'à into thesheli cases, 30ome Yerk~~~ ciy nÃtewere brought from the. Beth- Long Island llstèed to a-, them &teel Company and otiiers ment that approximated theé 'ofmiade by the, Canadian Car & Fouit- a great battle, a bombardmeiit in dry Co,, elSswhere. The contrs.ct whlch more titan hall a million: three- was within two weeks of completlon, inch ish-.xplosive shele were dis- and one of the shifts was laid off charged.- Tet se, far as the, police Tuesday nlght. and hospitals of ail that section have Fourteen Hundred Men Employed. been able te learn- not a single life was At wiirk ini the plant when the. fire lest, and no one was In.ured. Com- broke out were the. 1,400 men, a con- paratively few windows were broken sderable number of office employes ln the sUzrrounding districts, and, in- and two or three hundred guardu in deed, the mateial losa outside the, uniform, wiio have been patrolling the, plant itelf and the. téléphone linos~ factery ever since its erection. It running near it was very sllght.1Iwas 8.40 when theb laze broke out lnt Police Prevet Cauatien. building No. 30, when tn or twlve mon were at work cleaning the. bries Consequently, as the flames reach- cases of tthe sheill with denatured ai- ed each case of sheIll, aund exploded cohol before the, proceasset filling waa the charges, the. projectile shot hlgh begun. Somehow, fron seomewiiere, a into the. air-oftn several hundred spark toit innto a tub of the alcohol feet. But as it descended witheut and set It ablaze. On. theory le that the. fuse, which alone could explode an electric drop 'ligiit hung above the the. charge, Ita fall was enly that et tub had becenie short-cireuited, and so mucii métal. Even se, the tact that the spark was a plece of burn- that not one of the, thousands of peo- lng insulation. ple ln the. nelghborhood was hurt, .801 Thîre was anotiier story that the far as could b. Iearnîd, was due pnin-1 spark tilt tron the. carbon et an arc cipally te tth. prompt police measures1 ligiit high above. Hewever It began, in clearing eut the houses in the en-t the. tub et alcohel was ablaz. in a dangered districts near by. moment, and the. workmen ln the. The. munition plant lies ln tiie Jer- building turned and fled without de- sey Meadows, seven miles west ef the lau'. FRVEMEYS LOST HELPTO-WJNWAR- IN 1MONTREL FRE ANDSAVE MNiuEY Maid Perlshed Whlle Maklng Dominion Goverument Issues BUre~-aiîii sus118t6 $Lm >,me qeOrdIr« te fr.Lýghti entsnt*. 1 uekwheat- - $L26. accoldingtet freigts aulside. Itye--N. S. $1.87 te $1.39, accordint ta freight» outolde. Ma.nitoba fleur-i"Ptrst Patents. ln jute baos, $9.90; 2nd do.. $9.40. aîrong bak- ers», do., $9, Torento. Ontario fleur ýWititer. accordlng te maniple. $7.20 te 17.&0, In bags, track To- rente. _Prompt shlpmnenL- Miil'feed--Car lots-Oelvered Mont- real freighte. baga bncludod. bran. iper ton,,#ez; $ho te, do.. $37; good f eed ileur, Par 2.ý te 2.80.Ha-N.1. Per tan, 812.50 te $18.50; Ne. 2. de.. 89 te $Il. track. Teronte. StrS.w-Car lots. per ton. $9.50 ta 810, tracK Torante. OoUatry Wroduoe-WhMoissat ]Butter, fresb dsiry. coele. 88 te 40c; qreamnery prints, 46 tu 47c; solide. 43 te Lgs-No. 1 atnrago, 89 ta 40c; ster- age, oeleots, 42 te 48c; new-laid. ln car- tons, 80 ta 66c. out of cartons. 68 te f0e. Cbee-Large, 266 ta 260. twlns, 28 to 36j; triplets, 368 te 2610. Dresaed pouitry--Chickens. 22 ta 24c; fesel, le te 18c. duck, 20 te 22c; aquabe, Per dozer, 84 te $4.50;.turkeys, 26 te soc.; geou, le te 1se. I{eneY-Wbite claver 21-lb. tins. 14c; 15-1b. tins. il te 13&c; li0-1b., 131 to 180. C"Kb., 13 ta 13c; buckwheat, 60-1b. tins 9 ta Die. Conib honey--extra fine and Potatoeo--ontare, par bag. 83.26, D3rltish Colunbta, par bag $2.25; Ne;; Brunswick Delaware@, Per ba«. 82.45 te 82.50. Beans - Irnported, hand-plcked per bush., $0; C'anadian band-plekea. Per bush.. 86.560 to S7; Cariadian Primes se to 86.5; Limas, Per lb.. 9& to loc. Smoked nxoats-1.ame, Mnedium. 25 ta 26c; do., heavy. 22 te 23c; coaked. 34 te 88c* rollft,,19 te 20c; breakfast bacon. 36 ta i7c; back, plain, 26 ta 27c, boneleso, 28 taeSo. Cured mneats-Lotilg clos r bacon 18 ta 18tjc par lb.; clear balîles. 18 ta 189e. Lard-Pure lard, tierces. 216 ta 211<'.: tubs, 218 ta 22c:Mala. 22 ta 22j<'; com- pound, 16t tu 17c. Meaotrs maktt. bfontreai, Jan. 16.-Oat---CaLnadlan W.. No. 2, Tic; No. 8, 69c; extra No. 1 teed, 80. Bqarley-M'anltoba teed. $1; tmat- lng, 1.30. Flour-Mantoba S pring 'Wbeat patentim, firaite 810, seconds. $9.50; strong bakera'. 8e.eô; Winter patents, Choie, 89.26:; Straight rollers. 88.50 ta 88.80; do.. ba, 84.1 e842. Rolued oats-Bbs,8725 o#7.45; do., bagu. 90 lb $ 3.50 ta 83.60. Bran. $382. Shorts, 3. Midlilaa$ 33 ta 140. Mouilt., S143 ta $8. flay-Na- . 2per ton, car lots, $13. ('hoese Flnest westerns, 26c; linst eastertin, 24c. ]lutter---Chocent çreamery, 43 te taie; seconds. 40 ta 4lie, seconds. 40 tetair<..Eggg-Fresh. 65 ta 60c; selecte. 42c, N. 1 stock. 40c. No. 2 stock, 34 ta 36. Patatoes-Per ba. car lot.". 81.75 ta $1.9r,. WblnW.g Grain. WinniPee-Jan. 16.-Wheat No. 1 Northern, 3 Ii ; No. 9 Narthern. 11.78à ; NO. 3 Naribern, 91.74j. Oms-Ne. ed-660 Ne. 3 (W., 658.extra No. 1 618e Harle> No. 8. 81; Na. 4. Odc, re- Jected, 78c: Teed. 78r'. tax-No. 1 N'e.$2.58à ; Nao. 2 C!W, $2.56J. United States lUarksts. Mitnneapolis. Jan. 10. - Wheat-,Na.. j885; Ju ly,8$1.78. cashNo. 1 hard. 1.96 te 81.97; No. 1 Northern. 81.89 ta 1.92. No. 2 Northern, $1.86 te $1.92. C'arn-No. 3 yel.lew. 91i ta 921c. Qate- No. 3 white. 58à ta 549c. Flaur-,&n- changeS. Bran, 327.60 ta $8. DuI uth, Jan. 1.-Wheat--Ne I1 bard $1.898; NO, 1 Northern, 81-81; ýNo. à l Northere, $1.831 te 81.852: May. $1.872. Linsee. te arrive. $2.86§; May. 82.90j; FOU PRISONERS ON MBE Tii." Aie eanIsgTrait.and meas h.rtgLatngug& A despaci trom Douglas, 1le.d Man, &*Ys: Tlsq are busil> engaget i pr.parngtfor Pemce i he prisn camps onthe JI.<>i aLi.fierlaur neani>' 25O0' Gemaisanti &U#bn civilisa p asi"r - Mà ny *t iue bave been reelionhse t lie- »dth ta es for l1511or fth een " eas- an i e- pec togs eak toth* dduân ua pl une s seinos peseom os Otseu ao hm sla Enlaa-to',U e 4ban15,penotis ati int, o mont buha' iobertasftonlamoet hieo o i th bu orilon>' W Certificates to Amst the Thrlft Campalgn. A d.spatc froua Ottawa a»Ys: 'Th Mimtilatofc Finance, Sir Tienne White, bas annonetismre cf .tue deo-' tala ei tue comlag Issue et war-sav- lugs cirticates la nction wlth the. campaiga ton national vantime aavlag anti turther coe-operutUi b btue' publie geenally tevard vwar fnnig Thé. wa-.avngn.ýc toi', llU andi $100,'maturilngW. 1a 7ems Tii> wi, L- otainablt a $21,56 $48sMdt$86 repe voly. cmse ter emer> $21,.w mie-wloaneal t. ta Gover3munt $28'wil be.ët*trWa4'aât tue 0d et tbl'ir eis TidiueoUIl tien oven ent. Provision la matie helby it'h h"a duntthe first Iv imoat14 ah $e â ' Mrias pie.; ltir tit tmont, but vitibitmsty-oux, menlét" isat-*22m , fo i , twI _- menthe at~alS a f r .iv II1. don. ~.y.raI Raids Ah. fluuIud ~th. DsagIsg.t rupfpuhs, I ~hOSuB%. p~ ~ reoned. ipt' do- vlce. 1182 arle ci Attempt To Save Children. A dqespntch troinMontreeal Bys- Fin. claimeti five victime ln the. de- struction of the. IdealographI Moving Picture Thentre, at 1891 Notre Dam. Street weet, ah 2 o'ciock hIbur-ay moraing. Tii. victime vere the ciii- dria and mald ot Dr. and Mr.. H. Leblanc, a deatist, ah 1889 Notre Dame Street west, who wern lt ti.familials living querters on tie hhird tloor, Dr. anti Mrs. Leblanc wore eut spendlng the, evealng wi tn iende, anti adloft cteir tour cidnen la chargéofet hse niaid, anti un elderly eervant, Mme. PEACIL 1