Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 14 Dec 1916, p. 8

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tookOreeders ami Feoders 00N1ERENCE .1 te b. e ol.lethé e Opalint et Agriculture teout et Columbus, Monday and Tuosday, Doc. 18-19 1916 The South Ontario Board of Agriculture and the Local Branchi of the Ontario Department of Agriculture are co- ôperatýing in arranging for a Monster Live Stock Judging Dernotbtration on the abov'e dates. CapaUle speakers have been séetrcd, andi a profitable aLld pleasant ime is aseured to everyônii interested ini our greatest industry, the feeding and brecdii4, of liv'e stock. P O RN Dec. 1B 130 1 1).Inllcavy Ihrses, Dr. I.G.Iteed, Georgetown. 3 00 1) nu. heqp, by R. Il. -l ardinig, Thorndale. Dec. 119-1 30 p n. Beel Cattlehy iR Il. Ilarlîng, Tlîorndale. 3 ()0 1) in.1)niry Cattle, lry iRIl ilariliug. E veryone utretcin iiiiproveî1l hvo t tek is cord iaiiy inviter1 to atti-uii, e~-ilytthe' ycung menii nuit boys.'lie meetings aire freot' ailI and Il iii ofo a s trict ly pic i ical nature. Corne preparurl <r)a- k riiîstioius. Il el p us to start the meetings EVEIRYBODY WELCOMIE 1't Til N \tM,'lot oiiite, t .Iloari ! grî-()frre TBiEASUBi"S SALE 0F LAND FOR TAXES - itr of a irirririt mdi rtie iaitd of ili- V.ardi-n anrd tihe Sé-ai of iref C'orpoiratio i e Ill. (rH t% of tirtarto, datud ire 1-th da) or Seit'-rnbe-r. 191,;, çemiialirîtillu ii t r i-r t tîiti0ltaitds ii toued ii lu uefoliowling lisi foîr iiirriac if taN s tii-trrit arnd cois t as -rit-retin setforfth, 1 Per itv (î notice- flhatI rile-s s i(th, na i sare soonner îiaid. 1 sital.lu IIcoiruîlrianice wih tti- \-ssessment Ait r. î'rrcîed Io pdi li îiicrîtiittiltesaid lands, or tr i utrt-f etrt-crf rtci tin ,iii ,ctri-ciar3 for tlite tax-s. aiItire fouiri lt i, iiu tlhte Toi i f W t i ' tri3risday %,,Iieeeimer 2htii.I1913, nit Ii(,e hotir of i o o*ciocl lithn1re a ftrr-rie-rt Part Lot Coin1. A(rr -s Ta xt-s ]Paîrt N. 4() 1' rf 'I'ifWN ll 1111- Parf l't Cotntt 'tnte las 'il IV. -Il1 lPart Lofini bruir crnrs lii 1E, pt cf Nori l 2 i J < l'OWN SI111 P part Lot Curn, .\Cr Ta \r4-s N. ý i~ l 12 1 172"4 Treasîmrrr'm Otltcr-. C'o. Bld gî.,.S-ii-ibu15tr 1 :- BuibsIt 0I tP \MA. t ritns CI-t F ru.Art Iz tx i -iior lCrs ital tuirni ( d tirlun t1-(t 1ili ai'd. or I"nîri)id. T il I'nil d. otr t nplin d. CI T.-; i'af'd. Totuti1 t'd. or l'ipnît'd ru') I , l'atd. E. A. NICRA\', t'ouuiiyTreasnnrer, Bulbs 1Ve-âîvc a fcw Icft, and wtthle they last we ai-e sefing them at lîargain prices. HYAtINTHS, Double and Single, Red, White, Volow, Pink and Blue, 40o per dozen. NARCI8SUS, Double Von Sion, 25e per doz. NARCISSUS, Paper White. 20o pop dbien. TULIPS. Single, Red, White and Yellow, 12o pop doz. TULIP8, Parrot and Orwln, Ilusd Colore, 20o fer doz. CHINESE SACREO LItIES, Loge Bulbs, 3 for 25c. A1.T. LawIe r The Grocer WI-ITBY Phones :-BelI, 4771 Independento 47# S- -00 Ilwsy Lettm fr.m ouf Correspoaukmts BROOKLIN. 11-091ký-TEE: a I hmbl ûà Umrani A nuniber et the men pt the 'village ii-aii'mage iDliii roui met at Mr. John Whlteford's one even- .L Ing last week te witness the presenta- Asif f0, g n*Ai to! o a cane to Mr. Jas. MacDonald. Ai A most enjoyabie heur was spent. The ORILLIA, ON-T., Nov. 28th. 1914. foUlowlng address, wrltten by Mr. D. <'For over two years, X was troubied Burns, was read: To our old frlend Jitn- with Constiption, Du"rwsiness, Lack oj As tume moves on we are more and Ahpdeffand Headaches. One day Isaw more nimpressed with the tact that we your sign which read "ruit-a-tives have but few of the old friends lett. make you feel like walking on air. ' Some are lying ln the 11<0le hîllside Ti peldt e oIdcddt cemeteries, and sanie have gone to oth- Ti pcldt e oIdcddt er lands. This fact niakes the remain- <r>' a box. In a ver>' short Urne, I ing few feel lhue drawlng dloser and began to feel iretter, anr1 now IfetIfine. dloser together. Just f0 show ou rap-1 Ihla-e agoodalrprtite,relislleserytliing preciation of one of the truc and tre d or ur ieilaah! r o fav'orites, we have assernbled here to 1 aadteIvaahsaegn carry otut a long, lreart-felt wtsli o! the catirtI>'. I reconmcend titis bléasant conrîrany, <bat you will acept thîs fr-uit ined.cinc to ail mi' frierids ". 1 Ilutile lin et ut, and if any one of oîtr DA"-N McLF.AN. told giirari uass over tri the, great un- 50rc a box, Gi for $2.50, trial size, 25c. kiroî ru frerir -littce retraveler has sn -tai yFut et rr xî-tr -u rt ci, at î i s caie wm AIt ailtidealers or.etpspidyFut reîrttud y u of tht- gnod feeplings of fel- a-tis-os Lirnited, Ottawsa. lots-ci iii r f irttr'd beltween <the de-j liair da irri yiirrireif: anrd also when - you arr- urrartng thcire strst of yoiti on the 22nd of flecembe'r Programme, ife-, heI liresuao are grotvitg m-111 constet o! dIalogîres, recttions, trrrtr-1 rrrrd iot.r,--n irati t i l be some drtills, sourgs, etc. eiprrîtîrftii ot. W itrust tîrat your It costs no more to be weil dressed 1ijff, tN it11fie as tirini-erahle as t'titis ,if you bu>' your clothes from Harry T. Irt-ti. inri ti er - ti. fdrlai y-oru s' ilIen- Tironpson, Whitby's menswear store, rh-e.tott jin trr tre foteteps o! ---G- ton r rrr-tnir arkr ir t- greal est o! S S.NO. 2, WIIITBY. n tîrii rtst.iii nrentIre Immortal \XVaated-A full bouse a i Siaciairs Si- JonitA.Ma( ltonald. We trust irilo FrayeetgDc br i-tthei, retriaitig pIrt of yottr jour- r1-01o tioday rrorr Dcebe miyovnilrs riuwyrny b neo rç .John Ritpenmea day or t %vo ni nd-r aii ttfatitiness la the supern- - mîtiv'iiiartr tiaiiii i uircotstat i-n t- uiltvone das - se seek. - - - - - Mrs. Piîipps. of W*lihy tinri tie.PLSM ýie~li2tioi - - )r'id tr - on -l w-1eek -enrd an i n. Auderson*s. s tir11t e iltririnfoinsWiîii fîlrnd W iri. Sirir i . tr.Ormîi, .t-Nirs. Edgar Pascoe liras r rrad Wrrigiiisare rrtnrig. - froni s \Vnl.lîi er inotrer iluDet roit. it-r-us îurrad ilcad Clistrrtri Ime-me rlut -dear h rt- - -rs. XVa! 1er aird Wii I Irrard, E. Ward's fariri necei i i i rucat ed irv N'ai- IN J (,s ,,Ilac k anrd George lpearce have beeli ter Ward. tt s rd. a t irt îiiess of tuait'wek on o tý odtýt ndnos hgIýre lrSe trresnrg cituver anti alsike. Richard Ward uns îîtrchasc'd Reit- -r.-~~be ,îf ît--triiinr rîn auer lighl re i rrri rstd. rîts nf t he net gtiiorlood, - nitr erjtiaiii diner îpart% ;- , bnlese itiem ireir tin0, th o n.rsourr rf M rre W mn.îbowles, ir ireid ai itIe ihonie of MnI. and M rs. Jolins Qtrilltea i nber froînlie re auietrded hurii Tut y r:î was hon n lu b - on Tiesdntx , Decenihepr 1-2rh - tifilre itox social ait GlitiNlajîrr Frîdax- sm-.t-.ri mas a daughirer of ire b - trahe ari- sîy of tireir tsi- il lot ~ ~ ~ Sh i-llf i iretas i ived i ditrg ýTlireat r- inernurreo! the Victor Jaurieson lias îircltared a li IAfatîril r arîd rclose fritrnd s anroi i ir. r s, tir1%iirm iiit a itl l r i ife. Ht e was 'l'Tire Lramati- Club frue îr rcîartîîg a - îrii -r V -aea;-s) tnrCoititutrîrs toi -draiirti îd inrfç-nd itltr a rriv ln NVI tiri brn u5,n r rrdp-c-aqed lhen'_a- ArLNi 0 N1t J.ýiri imary. Proreede for ied (rose. borut; forît >y arc rgi.Ste w as aic-ti I M1ts V i- ra -r l iirras rt-tuii î -l 1u0ont(, Wtt .TJacksont soit a val trabie tean ii tf il1tdi 1tt Ciircli. B>'itîr - ni fir si( rrd ii ' a Na1 e I-k itriar lt-r-es iiir o! lue-sý- 'rire d ' bref sl vCi d(jar ii fi iiiil' of tiic fzrowNi up ci d - (lstrra . Wali r -r Rn !r imi itrrr-d ir onie froni r-t, utý 1l 1 r- t i l '!af it1h fti , 1litv 111g atild NMies Lelia Firteni-sotli as Irý -ut sis t h te mmii tirand Torritru Vains. rit--(l rofrur. Thp sonsr n ii ltr trarr 'tea 1-irrrt 'VecriratIiatî n.Korron s-lun- r r -d' lut i , ; joittr s. )VIII, of! tIilbirt lr ad Mrs. 1T. NlorcombIle sisite-d nirig .tfaindi41ii1 trirre rrt tIieiîri, and t If rr .dur irusir. of Alberra: Wal-1-tHi' latsi- et 01neeanrd ieter.fi 1-trit Toronitor(onu a liifrnud-r tvo ( S é tir iHit es orf Wtuitîîiieg: b ioro oser t1ire it -kctry-cars oid. t f it ~rlStr tdus îuDorraid, o! Il rtir aseceo!fîesA. I. Foster. WV.llonk irre ccldiiiirmnair-r of irorses l -itirutir. rItd 1Il. ai ironie: aiso is-io lrad chrarge- of a funnirral tinl'tck- eue day tast seek. ilrrtr - il r- \Varrur, bu tras so eir<ringonStrnîtrv,11ev. S. G. Nc('or- Rîlot' ari-ije tsy liadinga acar of f rtflhui iir. I tforn t-r nrîtier for tnack lrad etrarg's- o! the service luire ttrrntlre aflIngnir.r unr t rs -ire Tirr t' ntîrîf r'o! Il co';ss1n0oMore ro be wetl dre'sse,] r ruriiiY w i il,'u r xt - nrtieid i o r tirbereased 'If sNotu buy yotir lothies froni Harrrv T. oit- l'tu'if, t ;-it kfs patui- tiday -ToiisuWst usnenqwêar stoit-. SALE REGISTER. r tI . t -di r tris Tftr Cha Ciitrcir. Mliss Wtnnuie MeMtilcu.il of Newtion- Weidesday, Ie'mrr2ur-Atrction )lNi t aiier od ctiitriio!flTron-Nues iit.-] Brul heuion. clu ,-î-;r - In- o irt(k iî-rs. ofi ifktacano te,(on gl ts- irr'îtl il ,rt\-rffIl.iAi ir tri-, - 11.1 :iyNo rier:itirr J s Si1h{ i pr- NhS.vicied taft wc-k bsisoid rit Ivrtle Hatiot, on lifC.P.R., Il mr - -r W r it\s rut-isma rn stotre. n I :u1Iitd Illt.re Ils nr.-r-ttrg si tlir a r rr- t dr-ai cf in-î s l ittire erders trno tr fieuir nif -ru tire ls rr-r iivî-d aur- ord( r lan-t ii r k ttrru Sm lriRobnt lBor-,- fl A - iifrîr.c-i-y li rrs irl af-s' i O rdor T a*iloring f Thirr, n lic uantacoî. iii iirrd thireir c-nrturatnreit o0 frr r-rtiv sitirg. Iictnieor 1s1 UR LU E Tiro \I-titidist Sîinda>-School svllO U -NE tîrld tut-tr i h ris!tunas ta teîinimen t ln tti' ,r«tirol roîrni ou Tîuesda'y et entng. SEMI-READV AND FIT-REFORI CLOIHES Ih-c utber 1.ltit. ît 7.30 o'clock. Any pi reuinliras hig jrfis for the Ieaconesses Suits or Overcoats Made Io o! Tirnio ftor distribîution anrengst M aue1.0 3.0 ttuc Irnor lktrtdl%.lrrrung tîrrnior send M aue1.0I 3 .0 theni ln aird sait etll re qbipped at orret IiiTorcinto. ruesM d Io- aue Yoîî can utilord to remeinher alil vourTr srs M d Mes fri-uds If you buy vet Lawreîtce's, .r $4.50 Io $8.00. Your nioney wilil tretch. Mcas Eddy le vislUing in Toronto and - Buy clothing withi a registered trade Blranmpton. mr.Eeygretgaate Mlifs Snyders a deaconess, of To- /mr. E rygret uaned renie, ils îislting lier iiece, MIrs. UriaM by the makers. Your money back if Jones. rnet satlsfied. Mr. W. A. Dryden waa lu Chicago iHv ormauetknb last week attending the XN'nter Fair. Hv ormauetknb Mîr-s. 1). White recelIvesi a letter trorn pra.ctical tailor. We stand baclc cf ber son, Gunner Ralpir White. who la u utmr ihacmlt ae ai the front. that he had got the u stmrwthaC plevlt church Christmas box, and sends many eysttim. flianks to the church triends for the Pressing, repairing and alterations box. Ile saisi the box was very much ap- at moderate prices. preciatesi and was la perfect order. Wo trust the other boys will recelve 1" othing toc dainty for us to tieir boxes la good conditton and lu French dean or dyoe satisfactoily- good trne, The stores here are nieely deorated suite, waiete, dresses, sweater coits, for Xraas. honsehold goode, etc. Kid gloves, Mr. Don. White la conined te the yteghcaedfrlc liouse wi th neuraiga. y oghclnidfr1 . Mms. Janmes Ma> nard la vlslting hen sou la Toronto. . . a le'f h LI L lL Mr. Frnnk liatt y won a number of'letum-E prises nt Guelpb wl-terFlair.U1 1 . .guy I lliMW sw ,V I be held on Fridafiy. December 22. A TIO N LAi cood progns.m bas beea prepared 1w the toeher and puplis00.iïM The, Presb>terian Suaday Schoot en- terWtlnnt wt1ibehteld onWeftes----------------------M,- - day evening, Decenber 20. Mr. George liolma. who bas beeui rA S'riotWSy 111. la a 1lîtti.btMer it tir». of vli Mnr. ad lMrsDay. et IJxbrWtdg. 'l it < he I*tter. paents, Mr. a" limu Litho ROblsso. ai. Preti 6vles.et et. Jokui, sA" dr. Charu eSwie et W'Iptpqrê wn'" lat" lbmI b ls'w* Wtt$U0aa, *a- *ssaII4et ei 0*Mnt. -4usbb ai. e u ay.tor to M th Do ou hismr ru,% MW- fo - geod maitons1 àifd wel! fiini êd- - raphophono 'R0ord 35 cents each, 8 Èo« $1,00, 15 cents eaoh, 7 for 0 johnSnS Crbon OMO repared Wax-and Clesiier,-- Johnon' CabonRem verWill mnake your car jike fleèw. - Flash Ligbts, Batteries and ,Renewl Bulbs. Mijtts :Ond Okbve-- Robes and Harnese. Automobiles and Aceessories; Visit us before purchasing. 'Ur; Che..lai1 ot I-h4 Bâuiôieua irâ tréentiy,.. ëm biy Lh> lit; Île boy plarin t bthi aeaudle. ' Ut. Archié BishoD *-WIa la shatî on Mondky .ttendlng the funeral of hMa Mfr. Cha.. ldIla ha made arrange- ments with the FaIrbanku-Morse Ce. for the returu ef the ganolino anginte purchased fromn them iately. Miss Hazel Hobbs and Mr. Arthur Hannam were quietiy married at the former's home ber. last week. Con- gratulations. Mrs. Russell Langmnaid, nee Miss Violet Guy, with ber chuîdren, Js visiting triends and relatives here. Glad to report' Mr. S. Stocks somne- what Improved ln health. The East Whitby branch of the C.R. C. S., wiah the to-operation o! ail the people o! East Whlthy to aid la the col- lection of waste paper, etc.. to raise funds for carrying on the work during the year 1917. Any magazines. books, irapers, rags or rubbers wtll be very ac- ceptable. Kindiv leas e contributions wtth James Frisiz. BASE L!INE WEST. Mr. Joseph Yotirex was ln tire city on Sa tu rday. Mrs. Marsdon te visiting lier parents ln Nova Scotia. There Is a shortage o! sofi coal. Farmers are findîng It difilcuit tb get their tireshtng doue. Mr. W. Aliati 1s rîrtire si-k tist. Thre Syuud icat r' iot o wt il tir)tih le grain tirreshiug titis week if m-eaiher A good deal of jielth iitg is going oit ln titis iocauity. Some hav.e lorit axes, plis, i rats, t r-gr-trriîes and other articles. ht isiiî skife io leave anyiing arot.tnd. Mîr. Beatie bli s cne'ltoîgh geese from the farmers Io gîve tire pafiets roast 2rrose for -N maF. -li Bell and Ind. Phones Whitby, Ont. THE STANDARD BANK- 0F CANADA HEADO OPIE - TORONTO FARMERS - Advances to farmers are made a special feature by this Bank. ,s 8 WHITBY BRANCH D)on't 1iave Xmnas card orders any lonzer. Order INOW. Sep our samples. A Nvtie range ai r(îducvd ptires. C. A. siSSO-MELiRiNi Ai Vietoria Coi- lt-ge Cirapet, Toronto, ont Saturday, DF)elctb( r 9. 191e), Mary MNcLeai, darîgittir of Nîrs. Meidrîrîn and tihe talietir.ir. GMNtidruM, f0 Catit. E. W. S-issott,. FC., son of Mr. and \tIr,. . W. Sisson, of uethaîiy. 1) E A T H . Gt'THRIE -On Sîr4trday, December 9, 1lflf. rit tier ta t- resideuce, lot â5, coir. 4, Wtitrby Tlp., Sarah Jane Me- Q;îat r of t tirte laie Richard (ki une, a-A 75 years. I3OWES. AtBrooklin, on Stunday, Decemnber l10 113, Isabelia loNvi-s, rettet of the laie NWin. Bowles, aged 79 years. r'T mW. CHRISTN14S AND NEW VEAR FARES SINGLE FAR'-E December 23, 24. 25, good for rt-i rnîtntil Ibec. 2i;th: also I)ec. anSsi 91 rd Jan, Tlt, 1917, valid for reti rr un! il Jant. 2nd, 1917. FAREI ANI) ONF.-THIIID. Dec. 21, 22. 21, 24, guîod ror returu tuntil Dc 27th; aiso Pec. 28. 29. 30) and ûlst, 1916, valid for reiturîr tlil Jan. 3rd, 1917. Above reduced fares apîîly between ai staîtoits lu Canada east of Port !Arthur and to Detroit and Port Huron. lch., iBuffalo, Black Rock, Niagara Falls and Suspension Bridge. N. Y. Tickets now on sale at ail G. T. R. Ticket Offies;. For fui il informtation write C. E. Ilornirig, D. t'. A., Union Sta tion, Toronto, Oint. F. STItPiRNS;ON, Agent, Whltby. Profesaional Cards IJEGÂL dPdO. E. FAREWELL, K.C. . I BarrIat.r, County Crovu Attorney ad Couaty Solitor. MOfie, south wlng Court Houa., Whitbi Berviuer. hilctor. Nas'p Publie, Etc.- OfficeBrook St, ODp. Btanhar d at UMOneyto lom& MAIXEsGU LIONO et VOIJNG SMiH, IL. AA.R013NSON Ben Md 4qI"O .en 4be&Da 't ~ r~ Manager- ROYAL THEATRE EVERY NUGHT Graft " every Monday nlght. Wednesday Nlght Broadway Feature, Admission - Adultal 10o ;bidren, 5c Special showv, 10e to ali. le war tax, extra. MRS. PERRIN, Manager. BAPTIST CHURCH, Sunday, December -17. Suinday School at 10 ar. Tire nusic of our Suaday Schooi or- chestra makes the services of the- school especially bright and attractive. There are clases for ail. Mlornlng service i1 o'clock. Subjeet --The Suprerne Quest of Lite." îEvening service 7 o'clock. Subject- "Job's Corn!orters versus Job's Com- Good music and bright services. 0o- For mother (exnbroldery set) 60r- up, Bassettts. MOUNT ZION. A few f roui arotînd here-attended rîre bazrînr hetd attre BaptIst Churcb, f'larernont, on Fniday evenIng iast. PunIt forget tire entertalnment te be- ztiven b>'the members ef the Ljeagîte at the Mt. Ziots Methodist Chtrrch. on Thureda>'. Deceniber 14. 1916. "lTht' Voices e! the Wome-n," a ,apecii mis-- sionary treat. Program commenolng at 9 pni. Admission 15e., children 10c. Fred Ward shIpped a carload et pigs f rom Claremnont, on Wedhesday laut, N'Y RuJT -~rTronto7it Lyndhuret Hospital, on Monday, D)ecember 11, 1916, <o Mr. and Mr8. Wm. 'C, Rut-. tan, a daughter. SHEPHtRD.-In Whitby, on Friday, December 8. 1916, AmnIe 5tott, re-- lict oft-the late James Shepheýrd- or~ Pickering, aged 70 yeWms §illb 1kRolle.D OpposIe HW* Bras Wbl4 mDO ti b o - - yi t& -w »omG de Auuitét, ta& V '-r ok fl W~a me. b~sé. B il>- -'t '-'r i j 'i - i 4 - n -f --i -i 'I - If t r Wu Fe DISNEY EST'D I1873 1 C. A. mccle

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