Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 14 Dec 1916, p. 7

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j, * fitJCIii~IkR4" ~itIT B~1I1OUS. f £4 U5.. ~.L...... W:u1 %T.a. r ffOffYOUR- l",V!' Genergl Says Panlshment là; More Cor e D w 0 ~'r m e o w n 's h e n ge. ïupp i __When tbey uihp an d thoh Questions have been asked in the ]Department of Agriculture. IBÂ __youÎ can quiet and 8" thean British House of Gommons about Field RT1AI INVESTIGATION BEING MADE' F fi Punishment No. 1, known as "'cruci- Meat prices will not worry i P OFThe -AK fixion," andf as the news that this thue in or wofll9.flWho t cf ailhbus ntes HEROES' LIVES. form cf punishment was in vogue of C JJ Iaplcation ta l! Y . II Icame ln the nature of a surprise to ko ht eeaAB*UUOU pany,c7t l ettL V a s e lin e most people, a certain arnount of re-. Wheat Biscuit will supply Men of Every Station ln Life Have .-u sentment ha& been exhibited.ro Won the Coveted Inl an interview wlth a London m r el bd-ulig R EM UAT Wkly Despatch representative, Ge.nti en hn efèek r ES. G uara flaIgÏoae Smith-Drrien remarked egsand etmuch Iess cost. WriiS achin . ..F the course of the great war near- pelm ig that the punishment sometimes con- Srde ha e an h iy 200 Britigh and colonial soldiers A combination cf the remenles sisted In tylng a man ta the wheel cf Srede W ea rmansth have won the Victoria Cross, the yordotr r s ncf pure a wagon or to a tree andf lesving him same price, the same high 4 ANCER, TIUMC gett houer that can corne to a 'Vaseline. " there fer aome time, usually twa ,1C ,internai and greses Solfr riai.Re-etl d in cier, handy tin tubes hours. qu<alît1, SUPPlYing all the eut pain by aur ho aia h ihsfr rti.Renl t chemiats sand gencrai stores"hsprca rfr fpnih urmn amnnesfr us before tea late. the British Intelligent Service an- everywhere. Refuse euh. "Cspriua omc uis-ntietam t ed o ., Lîrnted. (7ollî nouncred that 195 officers andf men of etitutea. Frec bookiet en ment," explalned Sir Horace, "«swz- a half-day's work. Two the iland sud ses service had proved reqoctt ceeded flogging, whieh was most un- S theraseîves worthy ta, wear thne v.c. i desirable. It is a. mental punlshment, shredded wheat biscuits with - hen buyhi flnce then ut least two more V.C.'sj as well as a physical ene, snd its ef- peaches and creain or other inslst on have heen won, bath by aviators wha fect is usually very salutary. Natur-fris mk a o pe , accomplished the mast daring af atonal CHESEBROUGH MMG.C ally, it munst be understood that on nuihn meal at a Cost Of o rr I e lfot, the destruction of German Zep- ( ný the battlefeld It le mpossible ta l-no sI.nP AN peliais. l880chabot Av.. a troduce dlsciplluary measure such as flot over five cents.PI N Testaternent annauuicing the num-II obtaiu in poace-time. Made in Canada robe f those who have won the V.C.- "There is ne guard-rocm in the1 OR those on your eii htd om c the alaut ded Nfer THE KING'S LIBRARY. committed an off ence can be sent, THE "ANNOTATED GUIDE."DO F chri«strmas lit t e nhv ie to aenth e--sd even If it were passible ta im- I An tvheni you %vish te gve coratiens oh eridt wasar ede- A Section for Regimeutal War Re. agine such an incongrucus thiug as An lnteresting Volume lssued by A something that con- posthumously for acts that cost them tords ie Being Addecl. a guard-raom close Wo the fiinug hue,! the C.P.R. ASh' biego ateuytheir lives. King George is ceustsntly imprev- where are the men te be spared f rom Pisi H.O bnecd u tit,bet\ t te o look after effenders under deten- Ne publication issued by the Cau Dq I mels11 inutltys'Ittarr aterial le being accumulated in ing the great library at Windsor tien? adian Pacific Railway ie botter knownl man's Ideai Fountain Eugland te enable studente ai nation- Castl eTn library hss growu te its '.,ïhe civilian eprecspsil I vntewrdta h A Peu I lst fr casai characteristics to work ont Tfma prelsent tremendous proportions out oif a sense cf sbock at learniug that pun- jnetated Guide," describing every sta- Perptua tingt lieClirist- eugnossinug hues cf thaught which the a series of smaller roomes added y ishment ai this kind bas te he in- tien along the line. Issued eriginally R A mas seîntiment, sud develepment af the war bas revealed, successive Sovereigns fnom tlme tflfilicted at the freut, but if ho were lu at the suggestion cf Sir William Van R A 1 nmore and amore etrnphàt- aud an attempt is beling made tei time. King George's contributions1i the army ho would realize that the Horne, it bas passed through mnuy l wl» pa sîzîug its value as an trace the life histories cf men who and impravemneuts, e'.eu thu s early in moest essential thing of ail in face ai editions sud la ncw a fair-sized bock he n article of cveryday con have especially distinguished themi- his reigu, are as notable as thoeeOf the enemy le the abselute mainten- jcwiug to the great incresse in the ex- vaine. Amk Ven lence. selves by bra v "ry with the idesa ofauy cf bis predecessors. ance cf discipline. For the morale andf tont af the railway system. It la in- anda hi;laU Plain or vod and ,*1 rr learniug something cf the piychology The request for regimental records streugth cf an army is lu proportion teresting te look over the early issues EW R mounted ah ailszti'anl which counts so hcavily in the stres;s whilh the librarisu, Mr. Fortescue, is te its disclpllnary standard. to see bow Canada bas pragressed. InluAR styles. Wbîrevrryouwich cf figbt.iug. Letweeu the men ixho now making trill euormeusly increase "The offeuders who are seuteuced 1888, for instance, Winnipeg had a 0 ST. 1. te pay, lunde or rnuch, you have g-aned the V.('. bv fighting! the collection's histonical value. otepnzm tcaldb sm ouainofny250,FrtWl cati gi'e the grnine Zeppelins in the air sud- the simple The library is largely usod by of- tetepnsmn aldb oe'olation400f egnay 5.00, FalaryWil- O' Watrmnans Idea, recog-boy eoofH .S.Cetrwo icesonduyatth cs 0e 'ecrucifixion' generally feel mare acute-li140 0, eiehna 800 Calgsy 2- nîzed the mvend eNrr asan ho >f b d " 'w u n t thecasdî,surly the ridicule of their comnades than 40 aeLuiehdntbendso- B atheugstaadardwouned, snn psur-occupants cf the Equernies' om1 the physical discomfont expenieuiced. ered, aud Vancouver was pneud of its B 1Li tbmanadeuanr.rouuded by dead sud dylng meu, e- iwv bre th'-re * . oo il e tma e ae frgrnedta At Best Stores. 'taeetrand îlb myh ae e rne ht5,2. Indian Head was famous for fsltYUn,fetetr ockea or mained qtanding by bis gun "in case delighted with the new war section. whatever disciplinary measures the the Bell Farnn, of which the "Annot- y eî IAOrVtr martatnt% - ho might he wauted," there le a %vide A story cf the great librsry la stili srmy authanities adept are cnly %hose ated Guide" nennanks: "The furrows tion. Wh) st any ha.odIrpnge cf typeq. Tbe V. Ç. reaches toînl lu the Equerries' Reom. Ifor very good resens considered on this f anm are-usually pleugbed fonr L.B.Waterman Campais no ene merply because hoe bappeued 1I A youug afficer cf the Guards, highly desirablo lu the intereats of miles long, sud ta plough one furrow Home B1 te swore was outward and anather returniug la a Write to inoat wr meaofth awrd hvethe ibrary a phantom f Sittiufgu dsiliee________ alfday's work for sarmau sud tesm. Our aa cf ntemen cf humble station. T passed h suad dissppoared jute the T A KF IM T E S Tary orgai nitian anby almost mili Malsot - thy "omplted ther edcatou"meut created a sensation lu the castle, gades and reaping b divisions." Ta- fr1 as) o L .*.under the enforced discipline of refer- because the ibrary is suppesed to be Theusands ai thankful mathers rente is descrlbed as "distinctly West- Burrough. mat cries aud indu striaI schools. hauuted hoy the ghost of Queen threugbout Canada-many ef them eru in its activity and energy. Maen1t others, were quiet-living workiug- Elizabeth. your awn neghbrs-spesk with the 34 Ghurq liciascsfolk befora' the wam. C harles 1l. began the collection, but greatest praise of that splendid medi- Heroes are Sportsmen. the bulk of the originsl library was cdue, Baby's Owu Tablets. Many REPOU SBTE. handed over te the British Museum mot.hers would have ne ether medicine TRE RDCE BTE.Te Blut it la cuius te note that ucar- by George IV. William IV. thon for their little cnes. Axnong these l aude sdSopC Is e ae la atie - ZEPARRADWvIN..~ ail of thetn seem to have had a breugbt together at Windsor* the Mis. Albert Nie, St. Brieux, Sask., adeanSapC AsDeM e at. ZEPARRI ANN S. qpice of the English love of gemes in books that remaiued lu the variaus who gays: "I have been uaiug Baby's 0f IL Wedmore-Yc -their natures- th'e gaines ini whlch royal paisce$. Heo bit them, however, Own Tablets fer the psst seven years Mr. Yerby, the United States con- get roped lu. ['heatres 'lo Be lafoamed of Ad vent they Ie-arred te 1w fearless of physi- in s biggledy-piggledy state, sud the sud they have doue lny four children sul at Sierra Leone, tells of a won- cal(lngr sd arfu ony orth Prince Consort evolved aider out cf a world ai good. I would net ho wlth- derful tropical tree cslled the shea, J cO of Zppeins actieveents cf vhat they had in chaos. King Edwar, contiuued the out them." The Tablets are seld by or butter tree. It furuishes the na-, Armangjements bave heen umade iir iew. j good womk, aud now King George is medicine dealers or by mail at 25 tives net only wlth nuts, which they I London by which theatres, concert Take the (case tof Private James iccmpleteiug it. cents a box from The Dr. Williams hlghly pnize, but with butter, whichi yl halls, music halls, andf cîber buildings Miller-, VU., cf the Royal Lancashire - -> edcimne Co., Brockville, Ont. mnay become an article of cQmmnerce In wbich the public assemble ini large Riegimeut, cf mwhom it las aid: j BICYCLES AGAIN POPULAR. ai importance, since it is already ex- numbema will be warned ini future hy "Ho was a gros! believer lu keep ing BTLN Ni H E. predtErpweei eue talephone cf tbreateued air raids. The cool. They callod hlm a plodden, aud Maitufacturers iu Canada andf United BATnNGUNERTH SA. pote t Erpe, whbtere.iT hiesd FrePr question whether tlîey talce advautage when hoieîsiayed football he sufered States Have lrodueed 700,000 Micohèeor MEléficm Ears, For, tree produces a Dnut covered with ,a Fiuda rrangem t epinfts rsu l&ftfrmm lack of devil."' Once ho gave e Co.npered With 350,000 umrnssotplwhc in ntr eved .=n-Dy cfths eth otonti hee '5Plt.good hiding to a biggem fellow who iu 191. Sbwrie.sith puip whe i n. Thiuru v iered l e se the conduct ai places tif en- bad fouled bim four times very badîy. Although the submarine is blind wt aadmoeo ki. Aisouî0peris tertinmetiament me testr sorties a ilenamarsnatndr 'He TheWalaStretlJornaltae thend thiert dies, t chehoWadele herrcet. fJthusutas btter whih isiDr.esLé« veo t music-hall manageas have net up to iot bing ini is life ta suggest that ho day drew attention ta the fact that iterithdei of b mde h larc-ebt. a tefttis uter 4115051*So th pesu sownan dsietedesas anything more than a verv ne- this year han seen the returs n w ocf'sso O edl. etrebgnst o r if .10 se h .trical ears. Mr. Edward F. Chaud- when it la 15 years oId, ancf seaches - = t1 "à v tise iThd echemne bas the approval of spectable, bard -working paper-milh the bicycle te pepular favori and te ler, an Inventor who has made a atudy is full capaeity iu 25 yeasa. Bar- Mako tefedmarshal commandiug tt h abomr." satlsfy the renewed demand the *fshaiepoimhmuvue igjnl ie utrpatto lImS" ueM home f orces. But this le what ho did: manufacturern lu the U.S. t'aie year o u aS rbembsivne in ugefrsabutrpatto Mti.. e method by which ho bleves a euh- je a long time and profitable inveat- rï:wn Wheî thne waruiug bas been gi en 'Orderedtl t take su important mes- put eut 600,000 bicycles, c6jnprdmre rf eydrctg oremnt .Cooaemsfatrr ol 1kO -t ia fo h aaersdbssaf esg ndrhay-el u i -tire with.300,000_lu 1915 . q More - "biUkes ee ra hot die ti tscore ent. .. absorb t' aprodctmrsGaud ýoiS1 irnen Mil- ire caritan. Crçl« [mited. Write for 4. 1aw50?, Brampton. G0 NEWS AND JOB sale in good Ontario imeful and InterestIng Pull Information on smon Publlshinx Cern- laide Street, Toronto. [TREI) TYPEWRIT- Lnteed the e qual of iu 50% ýýto 75%. Will proyal. The Cs.nadian Comnpany. Toronto. ORS. LUMPS,ET. external. cured with- m)re treatment. Write Dr. Beilman Medicai Ig-wood, Ont. ai your Piano 1having an HIQEL" ACTION BOOK os G DISEASES d How to Feed jfroc ta oy addeilby tne Âutboi IA? GLOVER CO., Ine1 iest si st Street, New Yr fFURS by Feu ow0 Ubi oa sible houas, gan rtu arkeSht forou price Ust POLLAK & GO- PLUMT. '.WEST. JARDS e long wlnter nigbta need Indoor recre- y flot Imatai a iltiard Table?7 .parUceulars of nette Table, S on easy term. es & Watts, LM. o . M. th. KIng. Ph 13t., Toronto ed Dowu. hey say that marriage ou'l fiud it 50 if you AShoeoIa Hock ori Bursit wif reduco them and leave no blemisi stopsilansenesu promptl. Doee flot b ter or remove the hair, and horse, can worked. $2abottledelivered. Doolt6Mfi ABSORBINE, JR.. for manklnd. the ami* Unaiment for DlBi,. mSoret sweIuau .VauicecVI Allays Ptilanmd ZSmao.Price il and 92a a ho dieiltuor« devred.WW teu Ton moto U "il W W. F. YOUNG, F. B. F., 516 Lymans BIdg., Montreil, Oborblian d Absorbine, Jr.. or' màde la tUn WBJ WÂNT fIINK l~arten, Foi, 14u.krat, CoQoIad Skunks Ariy of these Unes wil! bring 10%/0A DVANOE on our qiioted prices of Novemnbe? lôth. Market l3 strong, shlp at once and get benéfit of high prîces. Have ou aur pries list a.nd brown tag? Write for themn. Hoeriieir, iIine ».5 fi'.lU 'EU Wf nu"'. W, lmOHINEA! dis- rr. Tells How To Strengthen ight 50 per cent In On. Ve.k -9a Time In ManyIn tei Iption You Casa Have 9890-t getauP id Uf. àt Bôme. a1D ih nh Itefis, a1e fiae e leru tir ermcpt1 fbtrmlmel et tue Wei> a 1 mot m te Ol5ba iow I *l zft MhI&ul Sde1U5 ss z*t01M» 1M BAVI the Worceîter Reginsent, w" Wclied ivbidi breaksi ai 9?re5ous mrdorli e ei apee.fhew uueis b. pud fo« p gIdtoi, mais hvene eets.out of the trenches te be spokes to , A thmoh 1* a pre«ty feable to Wie.bo".gbttor NMt uo ~~~ by t» King. Wnting hanse to hlm Tt*iD sIng ffr51511S«4 O m direct a submariue by telepM.Isoet leAÀgss.-WisY, I spose ho esr" à Imother ho sald. siabsquentiy: -1I ae- wokU,15 !Vbo 580thicyclemforsgo-eMU& mm t te ecu, ert tii u bis habud__ net tell visat passed. 1 troasbledaci lî "~W t. ed trou ves'k. moubons &Mdl isiropisone vulwtiousloto Vbssi of ierce fightlng ho rousan.d vith Ui ee nd f> sud * from e oi sa uune b" thie oyt wsh* ChIldIsh Cravlng :pless t reatadtosltrise purf. wWeeaoméý wheut «d l bey5, tood (3 rapeý,»Nuts (M-*O taa ais) under costlewous Ire trous mame <.Itta< htit O"qdleklv.0»useuate.- W OSIJM a.o ald ~11.tu runs ansd bombe, and, altisough t o.'turf a Uis Qt t7 O1r th* .t5te..; ho b. es.t4 spmbI tha- tha ie oaspletely eut oce, 'a. 'aeiis;tïha, m fl e4a at Om pelsW~- tI opo iemtîWib. ground md RfUIy arried tish e uias fue ru 53174114.IA Iib mtqg.ie*oIp- liste ise BitiaistissebNova a t'!e t <05*17 li o l painter and pspeulumrw y trade, > 1ia i. d~h*rlbt f~I ~ hqi~P0.<0 sud an enthumlaste leycist. sU~0* II .f eII5ues ~ .6 A Young Yorkhisre mas» s lad 650b*<pIfrkl &W4Bikr. As *N voM weme00S., twar Vionald Simupeon 8.11wuvms ehW.l- t b 'a5the Meu' 'e'buimm torwt.w Is«4 tencher et lHarrogate, and a footissller. f 50 51*h 44111 10 PpimMi St o3s64fite5-~p~ Ho vas a leader et youg men l ic' lnte RiV9t o psIetr f *40'upettouMawoi~& Hiarrogate distrit a«b"oo. Wsin lu l ili pl'otly reum"pUOal. vb the. srmy it W*sthUicsams. lne W&as just a big boy ilut* lapy and lu hl% %e< ficUlsg 'fies Au itîaspie..It a relations te others outaide hie vomit. I ty » tawMy Durir u a tarcla à ursh.y saBlai e & s et..te pS« & dMiih po*MI «$&li* u 0me*0 w tie .octup a cuaxestl.'otigis, 14.iutV OC" »* treecs, tolowe b 9 t. fe, vta65d ns ac. I meve lb h't. h&W< IU trss U, f075W his'bev B,,..4me *. i vayamtsaieue te à I* gu s*ad Peouualnl a 6mb.,, mvotq jm liv* an 11* uI*mSt'& ûh.w usu It vemUalâtmls" oe etflthe attitk.F«r "b1e»b. pt lieogelatuei&hait a0âoaieplm la WOA* W> V.L'. l10t Mbislif. Ave dayut ale p..ptct ftM54«1 A souma auu etis A Illiieu fi6MY.inbu* «l *W #4 atit. O0Mboawoe l*te"' 8o eueis" roilaltis.h&lu I vi- KIR*j~MON 410 BqlTi-PAUT/STREET Elatabllshed aver 39 yeâafts Raw Fur E.oaoi>i Write us for prie lat S.nd lu your furm and get thie fi hiahlest riarket pria.T bý--

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