Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 14 Dec 1916, p. 1

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V'~~ ~ " .1' -~ '-'"v "'-'t E LQVol. 54-No 24 WHITBY, ONTÂBIOs CÂNÂDAt IOUR8DÂY, DECEMBER 14,- 1916 C .Gonao oPbi lers Xmais Pefu1ures ages from 251 Hais' Brusi Clothes ini Ebony, S and Mak Fountai Guaranteed n and satis(z everyi Pipes, eîgi Cîgar Ci J. E. m Drugglst an, MEDICAI Brock St. 1916' in bulk pack C to $5.00. -hes gBrushes Satin Wood hiogany. In Pu s non-leak;ible actory in' way. ars, ,asestetc. NILLIS id tOptlcIan L HALL a Whitbv. THE iIOUSE 0F QUALITY The Dealer witli the Coal and ieSri~ "Scranton Goal" Thie l;lndiird "AFTER TUIE 'V'RIKE~ New Prices Now Establisheci. r reeh micrdl "Scrantonr Goal -cdxning dailyintxcr brighit and ndry. t an nelcroît I ara. srnithing cotîl always Inist ock. I Yeu want the lîCst. 0iî-dr rrow ER. BLOW9 Whilby1 Bell phone 91). Ilm('ru, liont- 1il J. J-IEWELL JAIMES Carpvwntvr, Dilldorziid Contraclir. Ilun ui)s laimsi111!si Im-ýfi ii. 11(( Saslir doors and tramies. Algent for Brantiford Rooflng 601 46t W[IITUY Phono 149 Mlarriage Licenses. A. H1. ALLIN. lesuer of Marriage Lîcenses. Corner drog store, WlitIby. No wltnesses rceauired. The Oratr Canada Iniprovement & Land Go., Llmlted GENERAL SESSIONS 0OF THE COUNTY COURT 1There were fi-e cases on the docket I repair. and that the enus ef keeplng ln the Gerreral Sessions whlch oppned 1 the horse sate devolved uipon the de- here on Tuesday afternoen. Thrpe were fendant. 1J tury cases and two non-jury.' The Mciny witncsscs were called on both Juryv cases were: -ides, ind a nigl session of court was I l.-.\y flovvcil vs. Eilat; McMulien. hcrld. T~he case' was given to tlie jury Ný WHN Sinclair for triaintil!: Robin- at 1() p m., aind t(bey took long to de- ct& Co, for defendant. cule iopon thevir verdict, which was ln 1 C Il>ltne(r vs. Triisteca- Pickerlng favor of hie plaintliTf for $100 and costs. VXliKq'( RontO iicl & C'o. for plaintiffs: Jiulge Mlnltyrc ou, Wpdnesday mornt- Sinlair oror defecndanl*. img heard ilie case of Palmer vs. Po- JohniiC Fretrian %-s. Lake Sinicoe lie Tritstees of the, Village of Plcker- C 'î < ' o. MNcUllnllgiî & But ron in.g Mr. ("I S. Palmer claimed $1500 for îiiIsF.L Joucs for dtfcnd. dc agssaid 1 have heen caused by anisfloodlng, of his Land ond rellar for -ýv- N.: jiir.ý cases: n iMs--roCns.due <o insufflient dralin- ly that Mr. Brue was perrnanently. disabled. Arnold jipent seven years ln li the Pen. for this îw8au1-L 0f late Arnold bau ben accused ot chieken steallng -ln -Oshiwa, and on SattXrday was betng brought te Whitbyî gaol by Constabile, Stevenis. Durlng the drive .over tn, Whltby Arnold as-, sumed the teins ndsuciceeded ta up-' settlng the buggy..lRe did not get a-i way, however, and 8tèvens succeeded, ln getting bis me- back fato the rig and compietlng ttk journey. Upon arrivail ln'Whitby Arnrold sald he wanted someththg te eat. Stevens took hlm te the -Chinese restaurant.' Arnold ordered oyster stew, Stevens ordered steak. Whlle Stevens vvas cuttlng hIs steak, Arnold threw the bowl of oyster soup.inte the constable's face. temporartly ýl ndlng hlm. lm- medtately Arnold *truck Stevens, ln- -hristnias Suggestions forMo SIlk Scaris Large size 1.25 to $2.50 TUES TUES TUES An endless assortmenrt of lies, 50c to $1.50 Pyjamas, 'winter weight, i ri% 4...i on)E NIirlrt l irray vs. Tlios. Le4acti az. o!i ho roîtdadjacent. Mr. Palmer iflctlg 'a Nwound -over hbis eI-ët ey1.0 U> z.uu NI Il lioaýcti for llintiff 'Mcft aml. i e::îo i thal lie hid made attompi s tei Stevens was able ti draw tris baton', * i. o fr! delf, tidatîtsio er-i-eoditiins but itiat on raci and ia bts semli-bltndness struck at I Englisîl.Cashmere .i>:-:(r)lI-. vsrrie M Fcv csio:lhieTrust--es ltîad donc worklArnoldi. Thle bloie struck true and .NI. H l bch lfori- lainitlft, , lý x.cî& i :rlic (Ilih(and c:fl-ri. slthagain Arnold was laid oùt. When ho came Sox, 35C to Oso -10 for it.fenidanti. riî;s r (I io k a nrI inbs' quent 10 consciotusnessho was like a crazy 0-t cnsê' -I!cîthi wteITowe r-Il sfnitu:Ttî.- t.în-îîratioi: of his bousge mati, and malle chairs and tables fly. Khaki Collars, '-i c \llt il Pi*- fotlowin g jiîu r »i.%lsI ire oi i onde. r inîo . n d Ie u as 'lien for ri time there was a ti erce îes Han ke hef w- 'T JoInsto .;-tlioisi:, I1 - ai)to loild a irr ii:ffrrcillg wall 10 strniggle between tblý constable and lits TeH n he c i ni--1,\ il' :-is Nri: A\.joIiji,-tnii î il, Pos c ,i, i isaid. prisener. Constahié MacGrotly xwas 1 1'iX'rik.Friîkliiîi na . l P ! ir - I,! livcy lt::C. callifd tri and Arnold was overpewc r i Sweater Coats, LR-- r! Uc tb,ii j:- i. \':Li: r1.r --a- lbimi: 1d:inius frion Ilire d and :vas finally Ianded In the cage i, r;Oiu:h Ni eit . .1 nes 1r-s-S iiO oi' _i 1: fi iî (o.r cT! -down the slairs. ils tg now ia gaol 3 ,5 955 " troi kl 1obson. J ohl ri tnvroii mils o iiat irir dlas! es' ciii a. an d awal ting trial. Ti :f '.1 a, ordinvtsfo ii, %;sil____ liil - -Everythin il -II i lo.r'-- Iloîeil. îîlio lit- s uffiî:tn for iii îr . r-er--iril îîî. i î f : rit!'l :t'o.v hs-finr. l-sjus( ' itiu -"r. or Shîti,- t.îî.tFr-'-larî wtas, COMfesIO1 R JARVIS M ore S O' f 't t ie 10w n rof 0(ici w'a, tnid g-i--tr iiiid o als kno ied d owi and tra' NnLýc tile) r'ict- re tif sof di.'alýi l' ii.u , Siiiicoc Na- (gai (ou t(\\fi fllhieanit p-t'se r v rr d (oC o ai iiitl, d eisioi. and thec d- Ii- , of\i,;,i .1 -cderedrti I i. NI c- (Commodore Aemei!bas Jarvis, of To-, 1"-iii ti o fs li i t-o-- ~m:i a: ,- Ior iîli:ieed r î'en'a11î, r o, was In Whitby on Monday even- i -th(, navy. A call hbas corne fer 5.000:Hp p _____________ uien Io mrinthle cruiser squadron op-,ar vrafng ff he tlaticcoast, 2.000 ot ' COL C0K~3RNSEES AD F CUNCL hom are wanted by the close of the Th e Menswear Whil-I it takes years et study andi ri fi, wo l CNt-îîl, ol Ct'. k'I, so -- icf i tir i i-b of Coumm iodore traiîîinlt Io become a ro-ficient 5.-a- - ro I i li i ld cct .i i ,ilao l.i b r " niiio-ýa h t h a e r i cani Nbi- VY~: :: i ieI:ue odti tr ronil po osal.]ucwrobor i for several monilis. Hier maideni ,do h ie heIs cquiingthetecliqun. - ý!1- ) :. rii - jI rIîrThtii- r'il r-au Ii- o- rnei-iîîr. set n o teservice. Jri sc hti n iameo ias Anii Stott. She was pre- I .- ' - n -.rîtia-u~ r.ttr: liri aletli' îîtn i Cromodore Jri s d hti lydncr-sed severat .efars by lier buishand, !.l !-t lllt - - , I\~. -t n ie h i s t C o-nCi(i ik i r e f ,i , i l ionnotir- B t i ie <ecriiiliîg efforts the clatmA o0 1 file late Jame-s Shetherd. ef Plcker- --1 i iîîck 1 b,: it , sii1( <roi ( lu r l Idlte fa--n lilfîritîr hitar- ho na:-y rngt le given considerar ion. iia.Tfl ic rcal as lbeldi oitSuiiriav I '~ -- : iar ofi , I'ori :h:0. I'ni tr'Uoîîi illod a. liirzed uI tli e uavy conditions were those Of aftcrî-)toi ort0l'ttkerting. service bétig. -1,-cI I. i 1 u;r-:toiîgiN oinii i to t tr- io ot ci ldas ie iorai thi coniliararîve corntort, as contr-asted c1)dyid -lu- A. H. Foster, pastor tIl i Ilî ctîicIlri iili tir- UouI It tua i itouii to1(ircî- se. l'ie Buint aflion 1Il itrthe discoifortýsand hardslîips etf of li(,Methiodist abrnaclci. il 1, î li r--O - i l i tin r tii c er he. ad takt i nh t aga .u 5lmi 1100î the land soldi'-r. I.'i I C:mi ' oun int- i i 471 han ec and tib a-cet-hail taon h-fl nt 'ho eConTodereinlaaddressina (the jî t-'T ,;JOHN IiERY \NOUNP)ED). Trowrr nCetncil and -a amall audience et 1.i'n- rri Ii0tdi.rto he fori't'no.togiPr ic.ts perso l. l ir.n e frci! izpns. sail lie would be glad ho come rdnd p-ii of it ec-mber 11, i-c. - - o i .: tivt : -it' wre i no nrrIii v his t i <- s în and (ie or0 Io hltb)y gain and ýaddsess a tati c- Cil>s: 'Lrii-J, H. Prrry, I1:tmlsttrrs. lin-r ii(i i -- i :4iri l-oi- rfi. i o ý,0 ircfo-b. r 10 rcîtse . (inîtîhi'sni.','!ing. sliewirîg ictures of ila- f.irmocîs yofQur' Own. Toronîto, ac- i- i Il o d.-Ii!' -11*1i n -ejj'bv nal'icdr i 'Il v uni led ait te(, front. has l o. i i i: itiio ttirdf-rît!: tb-- \I r .io- ti i ilt:: ti airîan ileit-sîo advocatei te orgaiiizaîîon jicrarlicd Lonnio." Mns. .1. oH.erras of Il i.ltiiir'otitset'îrl. :r.- s( of iht. oîhrc f iltif, - ir riof a "Next of Kin" Association iu Whi lvorh ihy li Prr John ier'. lias e- 1 . n fi lhie ie!objects of î iici luodl-tJh a otd: )IciIl rs io( t0,l, cari.s.- of rI: Civ l iiîrt, - : 'ii i ' iv r oi cd itiait ihei- r .- rr l-h -'uiin iIig ts rici 'l o b o'-rrld Vie ho look atter the iiiheresîs of i"t-itosi ob i i -.1 lia.i thts îgran1iid ol<i~ i . srrni--(If i il is oltI i:iit.i,. i - rtriîed soldiers, Moinded or dis-, r i:co t. ()ui-' of the men w-ho wa. .;( :' d aI s: -lIiI(ino 4 lite-r. T'l'rc-- tc lPai-. i : r rnr-n:'rr'i ti t li h arisr cto rppi a l i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 11 boît.li- :rîrrr!î;: re heie emd1 pra emm bond:, suhidli -xlloded. and Lieut aY r il, iill-eity11ri- ni.,z of-: i rici I :ad iio tir1l-Art '. l;.liii rThe id7 a seee Woareat the e- t'rer-tFl' outrictmndopedh ls. ut riîtlurr :tg' ii ! :--reurrl in Ve i id oi tîln tîe nI -of Couniciland citizens, and Ilis lcnyua Wûn1 buttelg i!ijfIl 7lnri rIft a:Itj>altin u isit: rîtî.-r lordicgd fer !tkté,(lie """l) MaorWare, a.'here A aib-.r iia' strn of %ir a prpos trili .iiteofr F,011v. Ouredfr itt etet fCouiel, called a puîblic meet- i IS i id il and ilers, spiag for ri col. o- un si Ietlogh reeIng, te be held on W4egday evening,I île tr-ndtiii1ieq 'iraig ure! olmost tiir s 2he0,t000 ire- Ã".The Kînsale bi-anch. of the. SentIV lisiFilnt.must be'50,11Afer-t of lunaber o the Ilecember 2rlih. at S 7e'cleck, for the Ontaro Women's Irsstitute intend bold i'î 'nil a.sk-d the Fotraci le oadopt grceunds. pussoetogn ing a "Nete m rg social atithe hÃ"me ef Mrs. R. R.,! Ilrs inr' ti ili is lsue. 'l - 'i il accet i lotriiiî'rrq'<Ut to 'ti wkhîr ru lad sa id lie advocai cd il..' î:eng rtf tirle *t(IN(,r- s Bis Nain' crirr r.and tUne orgarîizirtion of a rru illig ir-gup rlu (ati mrnincipal- liv li t-frlalned <liai srrclra leagrîn'lard already t-t-nforned tI W'hllti. .Mayor XWarrenî lntormed tliinlitary sliorld Vie la.id, u :oezha le tir pald for ritl fer-t at $27.00 per ili outisan d INr. Baieman sc'cndn-d tis MNr. (colin opplosed It. on tlie grouind ttîuu tht- old lîimlîer w-as net worth the Whr-n put te a vte. Downey. Bate- mian, Aunes and Hallett voted yea, and the Mayor declared the motion caried. Whitby Ontario COUNCIL TO ENCOURAGE' LOCAL RECRUJING1 Real zgqtate Dealera, Eoltateiq Mansged, Rente Collected, iut Loana Arrtirged, Propertieit berglit and ,old. For tonirea aly IIiad Office, llrock St. Bell Plione 193. Id. l'irone 70. EXPERT OPTICAL AD VICE If yO-9r eyes require glasses, consuit lme. A large stock of mountinge and glass oyes in stock. F. E,. Luke OPTIN6 117Yogu. S9 TORONT WMITER SESSION t'oro*W9 1ï. cou with Seten Brasneb pa a.snt on req t Write W. l. 8b", Prguiotetrt,. Vouge and Oerard 8&a., Toro4to. IIPK MT. WSITI Ld tm»WIif.r. to. -.Salaios lm~s~dbv 'A îeCCial ai(-eting et Couneil was lield on Monday tilit at whicli the njrr.-rt on ot assintiag recruiting wasi again considered. New methods oft aldlng the movetuent were prerrunted fur considerattoîr. witlr the rt-suit tIrai the fellowlng resolutionh were îrabsed: ('AIL A 't 14.1ViiuzristiN. Downey-faman-Tbat this Coura- cil request, lits Worship the Mayor te caîl a meeting at an early dame for thre purpose et termînit an orgaitat ion or associatIon 10 ire knowmr as -The Aur>- ciraîid Kin et Expeditionary Fortres et Whitby.- anth<at we plr-dge oursr-lvr's te work muid use our bt-st efforts to for- ward saure. lYs deslretn o Place.-ositrecord our Conviction tîl iut lt-ast une thorasand adâlttonai maen trrrm Ibis County shrruld b-e ri-rrititr-d for Ove.rse.s rStr- Vico tore t<lts Crrtrnty r-an t-seaitd te have donelils duty under thre preseirh ctreuînstancea. Afler constdrrina thre ditftitl v otn- frenag lire military formt u Uar efforts ai recruitlie se are o!fthe, opinrion (bat direct and Immkeditatm- tien ahould be takecr by ailt tre civil (erffl In ibis work, snd ln thua end w. berctîy rledxe the. Munitipal CoutSil eft ills hown ta undertake Ibis wou*. r-lylrrg ltîots the surie support of *Il mililary forme.and r'ecr<njg tlesU t0 &"fiat. Y-vatOsttpot Wî. aine dwsre <0 Pluie @TnU emou rr-crola favorlfsa gj*" l BfaommIA te thre gorcftOiain ifayrof etcpm- net proving sue.s.tularmlAlg our quota of mtu, wftblaa a perWe et 110 'Me Town Ulm* la asaosd &Mm IamaUciae t oaia" pieset lb. leter <o .a m et 0< ulwy 40% s» msbmI 1.4 by Cet LA.Cse&UAre. Itamules tu r.earuttIag Tv. Caes Nmou~ Ind M~lli M " ", l 'nd DEATH 0F MRS. SHEPHERD. Afler a lepngthy Illlaess, death re- moved Mrm James Shepherd, at the boeefet er son, Levi Shepherd. on Friday tast. Mrs. Shepherd lîad been Mowtiray, on t'riday evening, veveux- be r 15. A good programme la b1ing arranged. and ref resbments wil be served for tbe small suimet 10 cents. Proeneds for Red Cross Wot'i. Every- bordy welceine. Mrs. C. L. Mackey. President; Mrs. R. R. Mowbray, Sec. COME TO Whitbyxoeas F aîr 1Saturday, December 23, 1916 $30000O0ilCash Primes The Prize List is now out. "Get -oti and'make your entries early* G LOVES-- Englsh Real Buck, $3.00 Grey Suede, 1.50 .Sabian Deer Sicin, 2.25- Chamois, 1.25 to 2.00 Linen Handkerchls 25c to 35e Leather Collar' Boxes,, 1,25 and_$1,50 English Woprsted m45E~EE5~tYdLeatheri1 mg Put up in Seasonable Boxes. Iandkerch'f s, .1,50 uggestîons Next Week Tg Store, Trhom psonf WHITBY, ONT. POTATOES New Brunswicks, $2.20 per Gag Dag bncîuded. 1 Good Stock and Good Keepelrs. I WANTED-Oats, Barley, Alsike and Red Clo-ver. JH. Downey Company§ Whltby, ýOnalOl« THE WELCOME ýGIR 1 THE, USEFUL GiFT Do you know that a'largé numbero-,f thýougtf» peopI: each year are buying Chaistna prsusin Shoe Stores. Wc have a vanied stock of Xmas Slipperý, and t, latest and best wearing Boots and Shoci, Rubberal Overshoes. Heavy Stub ProofRubbersifülly giar.ý anteed I'Firat Qua1kty- Laiei and Childreuns Leggiugeand 'Spats -n blaki*grey a"d wt. colos.ý Mchrsns iIinu~Ht4 f coe h9s TI. "t, - .i:- ' - -x p~i aiqsau lttd and aerlously ln.jured Mir. I-raser Smitla, et Oehawa. Iaat Sep- tember. Thers wusne doiabt about Mdr. Smrithr laving reeeived certain ln- ijuries. but there jas no evidéntîoe' îrroî-e t-lat Mr. ?4ackey was the offen- der, s.nd <lhe case agalnst hlm waz si»o DEATII 0F MRS. RICHARD GUTIIRII Th,- déstir oceurr-ed on Sawrday] mornian last ef Barthr jane McQuay. ri-Ile Of <lhe l<te Richard Guti, at lot M. cen. 4. WhitbY To'abip. Thse dt+crased 4been la poos'bwillis or ytia, but aterla sveratlas-k of pneumouia som in v. jrome BIS lad been uriabte ta e i,.br bosse. The latneJMma.OtbUrte wu bore U yemaa, an@ and a baiu MU« .gai or be la te bo e. and v wu a d motet exoepuo tfrte yazs, ao balb"Uv. ber whom i.lft tu<h. aimmmtsay, Md eons.queuty %wasWMetyka*a Dtur. tuth* iemaaay tsas *lque smw ta ber bou" lo ab* sem ba uallr " erd et '0' -,*, -wvor P IAtt bert 1115 la thams h ger. ¶!b* btkr dettb vw" Mot Dy fl« the- %, à tap » S aassimia*s7betsro fr»M ber dasbosr. ors Iber d«a bm* tb4u iffl lite. Uso **à a 4.v..i o%*l timim, mm er bot Ymj .tb. 4ttb10 001 U bel mu W '* lb. v*& atu *# touts te. U i IMla ft Ili

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