Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 7 Dec 1916, p. 8

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AA8~J 8~1~AJ~ A 5 ~ S, ~LUAU. UVStkkeeersand Féodo's CONFERENCE to be lilal the Depart.ent of Agrloulture Teot at O .larenmont, Thursday and Friday, 0 .1 4-15 1916 The South Ontario Board of Agriculture and the Local Branch of the Ontario Departnient of Agriculture are co- operating in arranging for a Monster Live Stock Judging Demnonstration on the above dates. CapaLle speakers have been sccured, anid a profitable and pleasant ime is assured to everyonc interested in our greatest industry, thie feeding and breeding of live stock. PROGRAMMWE Dec. 14-1.3) p.in. l3eef Cattie, by R..1Il.IHarding, Thorndale. 3 ()0 1)rm. Dairy Cattle, by R Il 1. llarding. Dec. 15-1l.30 1) ni. Heavy JIorqes, Dr.liI.G.Reed, Georgetown. 3 00 ).11. Shecp, by R. Il. Hardling, Tlîorndale. Everyone intercsted in improvel live stock is cordially invited to attetil, cspecially t he 3oung men Rand boyq. The meetings are freeo b al l wil] bo of a strictly pract icil nature. Corne îrpared t al îo~n. iIellp us to stirt tîhe cetinig8 EVIERVIJODY WELCOME NVAREIENN l1,1>S(uN .î î1w 1. I-tl, . NM. TIPPlEII, NWbliliv llems ç 1;( afdr f \,,r iiultie Sec.-Ireas. S (). Board of Àgr. G ' I* N \M.l Toronîto, Suli.Board (if.\grjrjjjture. -)JÀS4VE TORONTO UNION STATION 10.45 p.m., Monday, Wednesday and Friday l'or Parry Soa.nd. guilbury. lPort ArthAur, Fuit WilmWinnipe[ Iaîleu.li. egina, Samkat(,011, 'e (~~~alay, North ":,to~rd, Eotuontt at- t and Pacilic Coant Peints. Tickets andi bertis renervation% trou, tucai ag-ett or write It.IL. Fairliairu ,cerai rammeîger Aget 14 King St.. E., Toronto. Jùehard8on & Richiardson, Agents; XVII ITBY THE DOMINIONý BANK Poid Up Capital $6O,OO0 R.«.rv Pad 87,0000 *Depositors in this Bank ans ammur.d of eU.iem rit A A ENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED M WHITBY BRANCH: S. D. TERRY,' Manager. * OSHIAWA * C. N. MENRY, lr K*yLtters froui Ouar Correspoadeat: j The Districe Epworth LUague Cou- vention'held ln the Methodist Church here on TuesdayWas very largely at- tended. There were 75 outsiders ln attendance. There are 15 EIlworth. Leagues lunie district, anîd they were ail represented but three. which la anl exceptionaliy good showlng. The meet- ing durinig lte day was most Interest- lng and should prove heiptul to thoe ln attendance. At the evening meet- Iîîg the church was crewded. The Rev. Fred Langford. of Toronto, addressed both the afternoon and evtening meet- Ings ini place of Ret'. S. T. Bartlett, whu ha«; eclisted. I-is talks were very Instructive aîîd ielpful. A detailed re- port of îut-eting wiiI be gis-en next -,t LI A I i ('IINlS'-ELVISS. A very quiet wedding teck Place on Wednesday. November 2ftth. at the home et the- brtde'it mother, when (Jagîn Marie-, daiightes- cf bhe 18be W. H. and Mrs. Elvis,, waa unîteti ln mar- t-age te Thomas N. Chinn. The- bride wa&a beautully gowned An cr-eam de- laine. andi waà untiendeti. Rer, 1H. W. Fciey pes-fot-teti tht- cereinony. OnIy tie limedlue ntrlativ'es of th@ fsmily were pi-tsel. Tht- bride seelved a nutuber cf b4'sutifui prsesit from her hout ot frit-uts. 34r. and Ms-s. Chia letfmter tht-e e-cmony for tht-t- new home, luit tta f tbe vill. COL W 1 L-)ecCREC>'N. A very quiet but Pret-tyii Wddtii vaa lmae aefuz4 t New S. 34M« Cburch. l.ondon, OL. on W«Wa417, NoveSberlitb, by lb. litv. M)&. Ut- iCay. vheuu Mi.. Mrgfrt MetC'>dtm, ef f4l Coibor Uat, beinti tii.bil et Mr. lainesCotL a DronkilsOIt boy. The. bride looekéehearutU la a travelutîn mit her kudy aahn4lbo cloub vItitbâtma vo.l # auai&Mtw 5datuty ltitt-IaOeïm *VIStti tib sa t4 tii brdaWsmob. t liehaaWet<*"Se loft « b #* tii. t1voulu;tvSïv* ot ad paots ouý 40 tOu tI.l ,S ur a wW-h r«4". S nt 0Co*bw!on S*41AC4 returiedti teber home in the. St.ates- on Satin-day. Mma. J. A- Carmîlchael viited fiends In Tor-ontote1lt week Miss Cora Totit, cf Toi-onte, spent the- week-end wlth ber brother. 3cm. fi-cm ht-se attendedtheUicLague Convention In Drookila on Tut-aday. Mr.-,and 34m, Ltvu Tardif ettertalu- eti a number ofe- their frit-ads te a progressive pt-saut Party ou Priday night of 1ait week. Ceunclitr lBrown attende.! tht- Menthi'y meeting la Broeklia on Mou- day. Nov that the- ruh of silo tut-tut and tisr.ahig ta pma and Umne, Wrank eou spend owe Umni nuoWe 'I. cOsto1%0 uxro ta be vmll dvessed Ut YOU buy your eot Iisfu Mars-y T. 00honipmm, ven lya&, of lt Stof viatr umu t leamIi.boi t b.y t do&t* %aki.buttfls1aISt OMa isMr. aîd Mcs. 0. Sebert spent a tew ___________________ days An Whiittt t1ils week. I MM A Tii- total ainootint coilected in W'hitby MADAM LPA Townsh-iîsp for-lied Crocs sas $2,677.60. 85 St. Rose St., Mfontreal. April 4th. Afoul stuteit will be prinied Inter. " For over two -,ecrs 1 was sick andi The matiy trietîds of Miss Cltara Fl- miserable. I st'fTcreç froni constaînt %-I' wll hfe iicar-ed ti ktiow that ste IHeadacies, and had Palpi/ttion of lte la rt-eu-oring nrvfr rmftr illness of rear-1 sohbadIv tlat I feareil I wuuld ,lie. overfi'tt- u-t-. diraîlti.There seemed to be a luipii inMY Tht-n'(lidtudtailot 21, . ti7, .NWhîlfbv tmciadte osiainN i'ro-,;tishili on ii tdi * i. Dt-ct-tibcr 3rd soahat u Cntpto n 11191iaritl .1 Lil d Lewis, son of dreadful. 1 sutVered frum Pain ith /e Nir an iti-Fîte tint L-ws. îtgcd 9years. Batit and Kidnev L)iscuise. 4 nioittiît t and UVdas. Ieceaspd wi(s 1 was trcatcd hy a pli% sic-ian for a t-ar st :tîîiir ron a boaird'n i up ut a silo. Rndi a hait anti Aie didnie ni> goail at ail. -ý w ir 0p, t i-itta rît f ,t- ans d flt-feu 20 or :0 f't-Iin li-luroindcauing b I. 1t-led " l-ruit-a-tives" as a las reurt. lt-ad w tîîtd aor w ail as lit-mal Injir-1 After using tlirce boxes, I was re1-y ii,-~ NVht'n i" iarcidetit hapîtened I ifip-ovctanti twelve lioxus na14- nie Nits1 tii t n irt il w o1ldpruve fatal. weil. NowlIeanu-rk aIlday andtlicre t tr- i- " te doiiiin- ru averth- arc nu I leadt'thes, îîo l'alp'itatiun, nu ftt iii i r w jr to ýadrto ail t w-us I lt-art Troublfe, nuotonstipation, nu 1 tri ili t'- G ht' sand int'ihloved I Pain or Kiiluey Troultenlreliîk il. Ilis piMlrt-.tet s The fitît-ra tuuki a 'seubrti,-aîîd it was "l-'roit-a-tives" irittoair iroda% trou tth' tnîht-r's r',ii siti 'i' ri') -iii" i t-uwlr' Nlch tiat gavte nie iîack nty iteaitl s'pa utî'at,\ri itde-d te-*%r and Nies. NxjtiAIIT1II LAiiN . i tt î ii sr -ad f'ert-a't-tti t. ')Oc. a btox, 6 for $. ttria) size, 2.k.. NIst vatinfNig ae asiit i sitana last At aildenIers or settIosI p)aitlb> F-ruit. 't;'-' ;t11tii-,itîdsfdt'outlier tuetlier. a-tives Limited, Ottawa. \1nl '\tts -'tt-titîg, 't't u lthe fi'te a' -___________________________ t loctrtaiait- til ti't-oight a yoting lti-rt PIls c\'t- m iiv son ut Dr. j1Nirs. T. C Oshertit'Is s lsltling witfî tor1il Nir-st N'i t 1\. fît- fît-st w oinded ttr itiler ut flownian %-llec. s-iAdit r 1toarr iitu infîtfrot'kliî. There Josepht Asltb>-As %workîtg ai tht Gos- s tut ii 't*"d Nai larit- eruwd ai tht- -,iitiiu-ti at-in. ,ýilim o ;-, i hiù ti)titiîvive lhua ai Sîtrrs t ertport lthaï .NlIs-s 1:-nSVood r *) ' roa- Il.- wais akeîîIta1thp Asts o' on tli iîck lAsi. NNe Ilît- lfir ;i- ir i 'trtiit;u it-adt-d hv aliro- fier apt-t'dy recu'terv. o"'f - t iii reiiîr u a cn-t-ed iia iiiefrn io tedd Rln - I l 'W i-aies' vlitcharge u of l-a t îî tb er freCin lirt ioii d Collclor i i rmiston,- I:O1.tir rnd-iiiîCirs k~, Nr.1) ali lruuiliu u--u dia ' \.tatiir i pildil o h lit'ltss wlîhA}11tLN tri.tii fi- --iho i-0 tttî- iuit' rt-eetiuîî (rîd cuit 'rt lun Litrus (thrcii. t )ts, 'tass 't t civ w tiitdt'd matis'1fier i2th. NliAs MNldred Walks-r. uote iion irs ia- t. a id i as i-cii iitri t'e bus-,ut Titrait tus I 'ahfng- t Asic.assisu î'd litlial tttt - 11u -î'aî'îi en . Ht- lias lit- e-st itocal taiet-n, w ill lunît t ilt- (,t li st-ar rtlfils face,-oneItatid adi;-1,îrog raîin.- Dciiiforget lUs- dait-, le- wttndgi ut ista Itifîle lanto Tiiratgh - tt'itbt- 2t ali tis til.'si.- tits kt'pt fisls stiai Rt-tp ) ecerniher 212îid for the grand tii r-- fil di'-t'tueft ioli Il.- ill ri-t-iiîu ctîl('tiei-t-t ii Nma frý et At iimîîcîluîî fot- t f-t; rita-, 'iiti iris lut-c-its. bt-tor- 'tt vith A sh l)itii Safibaith Scfîoul. T'ft rerrtiai) Ttr"ti'i toi tft'cti is-eîtîatttre Nat-c w tîrk ibard Lu iniake, t-i-ut i htsp.ilai - isaffair retcmonat-sitcct-safti i thui Nlr. (G-t*- i- liîaîî As oufitied lu bis forr mt-oiest. lDc sure lu aitut-îd. hom Iit llirouglig 1bir-ss. --0-- NisrJ-~t'Siti ti sp~titi," seek- M>101 SIOtN. enîd IllT oritir. -tht'l Arbiickît' As 'tsitinig lt-r slst-r I-l-tv t - ir. 'at-rs. tft Port 't't-t- r- t-- t tt--ci (aitk. clii Aridt flte 1101 lit In i ficNI ethoýd Ast HI- W Aicux spcn fSulida> aiW -R. R Ch tii-clu aitSiutîdauv nst andtriprc'ached Muwbraya. Klîsaie. ver)- irniîrt-ssi'tî sermatis. Alex. Rogers is vis;ltfug blis brothier. Everyonî- set-ais to fayo- keepiîîg the A. J. Rogers, bt-fort' takitig liAs lcavc- lîresi-tîrCittl for anttuier y-tar. Theyt for BtfAhî Coltunbia. have dunle -I.and wii> go tto flic cx- Bt-v. J. W'. Buiner. ut P'rince Albert, pt-tise uf aitlt-lct Ion. sreaclied on "Social Service" on Sun- Sec tht- Nationtal Stwing Machines. day. orinaIlîrre $2 A snait at Xînas "1'lîe voles o!flthe Woniîon." a Fpe. for $19. Nilcholsonî & Seldon. Whltby. riai misslonary treat, wili be glven by Mr. Lou Alienîs. ut Torotnto, spent me-mbers ot the Lonegue at Mt. Zioti thic week-end wlth bis piarents. Methodist Cburcb, on Tlîursday. De- It costs no more tu be weil dressed cember 14, 1916. Program cummeic- If yoii buy vour cloflies from, Harry T, Ing a( 8 p.m. Admission 15c. and Titomnpson - Wlii by't menswear store, chilîdren ]Oc. The Nlisses Lowe. of Oshawa, spent Ses-et-aiofthLie Epwott League mem- Suinday at the- heme et Mr. W. Brown. bers nîtended the sessions of lthe Con- Miss Helen Hiayeraftand Mr. ChriAs- vetien at llrooklltî on Tuesday atter- tin. ot Oshawa, vislîed the- tcrmer's neen and evening. meuier over Sunda>-. Chas. isenty bas moved ente the- The sale ut D. Burns' book le re- farm soutti cf Mt. ZMon. markabik-. Neat-iy aillthe edîtion, et Mrs. Jenes, cf Pickering. la keeping 200 copies has been sold. Mr. But-ns bouse for ('lai-les Disney. requeits that those wishtng copies will Fred Ward shipped stock fi-cm Dag-- order b>- mail, as he cannot cail on mar on Wednesday. He la becomlng a everyone. Fit-e pet-sensa aonc have very popular buyer. ordered 21 copies tor Xmas gifts. 'it. Zion i-cads have bt-en unuchIm i- Those m lsblng covers ef tartan plaid pt-osed b>- grvelling, but met-e le neetd- kiud>- noty Mr. But-ns, as tht-r wlll ed yet. b.- an extra charge for tbem.-0- Thet- rxzcollecter. J. N. Hltop. wtli MYRTLE. be ai Ashburn on Mcnday, December M~rs. Hawthorne. who bas been visit- lUth, aid at Myrtie on December 1Zl lnita.h*. Aa.,.hto.. M... flynn QSiiu,.u HONOR ROLL FOR NOVEMBER. liE KYiî TREF.T SCOOL. Sr. IV-Dorothy James, Roy Pi-le, Eunice Beatty. Sr-. 111-Helen Hudson, Lawrence Agg, Isobel Davey. Jr. Iii-Marjory Beatty, F'rank Cor- i-cil, Margaret Gray. Sr-. JI-Gretta Graham, Helen Rich- ardtson, George Cowan. Jr. II--Olga Senft, Ruby raae, Os. car Moore. lot Clan-Ivy Lemax. Margaret Cor. rt-Il, Frank Palmner. Sr-. Primer-MaUry Brawley, Gordon Roddt, George Lemax Jr. Pritmr--Mary Moore, Ada New- ton, Albert Sawdon CluasA-B*eaie Rarow, Jean 1Rob. ortson, Ruth Robertson. Clan B-Lueiliee aord. El..., ('osrtIl, iMeta Campbell. nirt., murrar N«sKtt M. Pv. M- WlIII. Uhvypmdch, -Mar Potr, Vranels Midm.sou ov r. t-Mamie nowe, 1Kv.lu av. lo.I.ua.I »RldpIy, 1-4'red wtt& atr Ml.N t,4bit or good material aùd we1 lliihed. rpuiopfloe Regids 35 cents eacb, 8 for 81 .00., 15 cents eacb, 7 for 1. 00. on. HOMOV P repared Wax and Oleaner- Job nson's CarbnRe o r Will make your car like new. Guaranteed. --r C. A. McCIelIaa, Your surplus- earnings in our Savings Department earn inter@$ est at current rate.' 236 HITBY BRANGL< Pirry ('iînan bas guifîîlcciy set- ierin Anliaisaii. CY-tIl anid Nrtq. (adieux hai.ve retîtru- cd atter spetiditir a tesvdays xth Daîvid aîîd Mrs. Jones. Walter Bttsbby bas rcfurîîed iotne aftt r ssurkitg for flic sommer at MIr. T a tr rs. 10tIiOINTON-S CORINERS. Thia s'wet-euer is very îînseasoîîalîlc,. Thuînder svas lient-hon lnNonday. and tlitis a sAgn ut a laie fail. IlIt i uAte a long tinte since plow- lug lias bt-ciidoue asutc- u s t sis ct-ar. .Ni r. M'ffred Stt 'tii suihli;sbeotiiu- tenrit romnI bood- loiuilit z An lus fin- g ('-r. Niiss Editli Sîoneilioîuse vlsiicd lier graidiit't-,Mrts. Lamibettoft Brook- lin. NfI-i Fanitie liai-lot-k, ut Pickerinîg, sp'-lit a cou i'it- of s' o-ka u t NIrs. nViî. t at-tard's. Mur. and Nr.Edgar Pascot- have NI ris Fîsit- F in Pî t'as ouîi-tue dur tors t-ar'- ittwc MNIrautd Nirs lîJîti ;artltîîantd clifil renu ofu Staha-wza. aiid Ni lssNyil trr of i u Si ît.vistu d a;,(iMr.Wut S',1i rta-sa, , L tu rt MNie' ia7(-1 ,Siarniet-iats li a at-e lI a-. ndtîIsfa ri,.% vît-v II ii i u t.t tîfoiri itrtet ViI Piersun wat'ittterqîar- aittitin i utrudfor at s' tt-k onailC- Colin of u slA) tiii uîtii.tiîgA t s. .S(,theu iNatAunai Scsviiug Mac hîis, orliiali)tiie $22. A sîtitî for Xnias auiH Nlcbloiin& Selttul, Vîit. c;ITE TlION. plt. itî twu ti iugai Mis,. J. E. r'î itilii ttt' ilut ttt-t tilt t tiltott sti l 't (et lai.t i iriidi't aftt'îutt'îîîî t d is u Au ta lIi 1tuiitc MsW. Graltuiu spent a put-t a[ titis 'tsi-t-k Ii't-if lîltf rleuds. Luîie liras., ut Oshawta, ar(- advertls- ilîr, e~îxteiîsivt-ly tlit-lt-speiciai values it thiIsirsoe. Read tht-lt-ad. Il will puy )-ouî. The Soinda>- Schtool at-e prelîat-iig for thelr annutaI Xmas eniî-rtainînent ta bu hid Thursdny evcntug. D)ecem- hier 2lst. Pt-s. Bittuiî and Harrison visitcd ai tAit-rhtbomtes ht-t-c IsUt uday, -o- 'O LU BU S. Tu'le Eatîc Whitby Brandi of tet C. RIC.S. wlsh tht- co-operatloti o! ail the- people ot East Whitby te aid lu the- collection et waste utaper, etc., te t-aIse fuiids for cat-rylig on the- wou-k durlng the- year 1917. Bring aiong ail yeur old newspapera, magazines, bocks, rage and rubbers on December 22 nex-t or Rt nny tiine ecen atter that date. Leave with Mr. J. Frise. Columbus. The lut shipinent realtzed $17.66 clear profit. Ohrl.Iowm mws R.4 OSIN6rN ROYAL THEATRE'. EVERV N[CiGHT Grafi-" every Ilonday nlght. Wednesday Nlght Broadway Foatùrelf Admission - Adnita, 1IOc hiidren, 5c Special show, 10e to al]. le war tax, extra. MRS. PERRIN, Manager. sillings 01 Division Donnas COUNT? 0OP ONTARIO. 1. WHITBY-Mls B.. L. Macdlonnelh. Whitby, Clerk-Jan. 4. F'.b. 1, Mar. I.. Apr. 4. May 2, June 1, Ju17 4,, Bet S, ,- Oct. 3, Nov. 1, Dec. 4, Ian 2, 1917. OBIIAWA-Mis I. L . Maemnefl Whitby, Clerk-Jan, 5,Veb.2 Mar. 2, Apr. 6, May 3, lune 2, Jl ,sept 6, Oct. 4. Nov. 2, Dma 5, 3an. 8. 1917. 2. BROUQHAM-M. Gleeso Greea- wood_Oerk-Jan. 8, Mar'. k MaIDW40 July-6,Sep 7.Nov. S. Ian.. 4, 1911. 8. PORT PERRYf- 3.- W. BEunhai,. Port Perry, lerk--la*i 7, Mu,. O, May 6, July 7, Sept. 8 Nov. 4. laný 6, 1917. 4. UXBR1DQ&ý-lI, J Moore, 1Uxbutdpéý Clerk.-J'an. 14, Mar. 1, lui 8, JuD il. sept. 19, Nov. -24, lau. i, 1917.' 6. CÂNNINGTON-'Thou K. éuto, IL Canningtôn. Clark-la . 1, ,8 May 10, l I& 2.sept20. l'My . - Jan. 11, 1917. O. BEVEUTN-.- i8u. A.. Ptrmsol Jané 20, 1817. Atbaey, Clerk-lJm IL1, Mar. 1, MaY 11 luy 14, Sept. 30& Nov.210, las. S. - -1-. oppoufteH l ro1WU7 ' .014H Dn1g nm I MIat s1k b toI .It vil!Dar.y 701to eau sk t u ier 4"d binapoot foi yoimlL te sotb« isilWb & tl ~ni~ w.b~ E~1 ,~A1Ii.oIU ha'- t-tua ItouMa O~. Iaw, ~uWtuWt~ -- Why .o~ v~ St aw~ ~a. SU13SCIBIE NOW TO THE GAZETTE AND CHIlONICLE BAD STOMACH TROUBLE Yields to Deliojous Vinol Shreve'port, La.-"!I had a bad stom- nci trouble for vcars and becarne su, weak 1 could hurdly walk or do any work. My appetite was poor, my food would flot digest, 1 bluated and was very %veak and se(rvous. 1 ti-ù'd many rexnc* die's without lîIep. I saw Vinoi adver- tiied and triid it. antd now my stornach trouble is cernp letellv cured and 1 arn wl.-.L. MARS HALL. Vinol 19 guRrantetonlb tone up the tired, over-taxed and w~eakened nerves of the stornach and create etrength. A. il, ALIN, Driugglst, lb, Ont. Also at the hest druggists lu ail Ontario Towns. i81 ' l i iti WINTER SPECIAL Fares 110w in effeot to ~ resorts ini Floride, Georgia, North and South Carolina, Louisiana and ollier Southern States, and to Bermuda anîd the West Indies. Retorn Limit May 3Ist, 1917 LIBERAL STOP.OYERS ÂLLOWED. For ful informiationi write C. E. Hlorning, D.. Il. A., Union Station, Toronto, Ont. M. STEPHRlNNSON, Agent, Whitby, Professional Carde LEGÂL DM0. E. FAREWELLs K.C. Barrlater. County Crows AttoruqMdl Couaty Bouoltor. Offlu, uouw wVI" court Houa,. W"fbt As E. CHUIISfAN effltetr. soIlter. Ntur PabII, fila 09111%Brook St. Om BStad"rimatu lmoaey4êLmD j An eiýââ1ei,t,'týmortitftt m-ade- LyI1aMeB-in tey £ttended a dante nea Abtu~i.l"t mHday eenig. TIe tarMers havfe beenfnD mtrelg the ttfi tihing ul> Xtow1ng diling the openi weather. Look out for the annoutcemeflt of- our concert ln the near future. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lewis, of the Massey farai, Toronto, are spending. a few days with friends and relatives in thi. vicinity. Rer. Johin Bunner, of Prince Albert, preached here last Sabbath ln the ln- terets of temperance and evangelism. Mr. Bunner labored here seme twenty- one year age. His eid trlends were pleased te again melet hlm. On Monday evening of this weeki Mrs. C. J. Stevensen entertained her S. S. class and a tew other frienda. A veryr-enjoyable Urne was spent in games, etc., and partaklng et a nice luncheen. Ail returned te thelr re- speetive homes at an early heur. Our mail man had the isfortune to gel a very sudden drop while on his wYay eastward frora Kinsale onie day last week, one of the buggy wheeis running off and letting the vehicle down. No serions damage-. restilted. -o- BALSANI. Ed. Pickett purchased a horse tram Wiiiiani Hopkins une day iast week. Edward Pugh hbas engaged Wi;n. Lin-i ton for a time. Walter Kerr is attening the Guelph Fair. Whitby, Ont.s T HE ~STANDARD BANK! OP CANADA le %.À. EAD OFFICE -- TORONTO PamRcî, dRo-cï Cheeks ýýiv ;vd i,1 ý!-, n imch is no'prop- sh vIs r dull cysail nfrrllmt condit.ion,;sho ci' t tai to avail tinsv s f îh - t Yctîcial etfect. B3>,iechaîns Pis are Prt-.eacii t e.t sary relief. Tficy ci ctr the ,ystcin oe' i ip:rt -n îi. .' e Il-r, regulate the' boweis and trine th e eN.t i Tbir-n-, iA it in;i g'îaction quickly SI tte skiia of bleiisliîuiýipt c i tc i,,uaLi ,ianid bip the digestiori. E 't ywonian àboutlri Ine t i.c oiotti ct îen th ttheip of I>ug>ared nmly hi, Tnieif,,he.St. I in.Lancashire, IEnolond, Sod veryw~herc in Conadri ond LI. S. Ainrica. Ila boxe$, 25 Ccil. t- 1' 's j- Ni The - ', . I ~tor Rai, JL91sujuz4tijgjK y; lulti; 1 . -1.1 - 1 - - 1 - - -là- ý m - 1 ý 0 Flash Lights, Batteries and Renewal Bulbs. Mitts Robes and Harness. Automobiles and Acces.sories. Visit us before purchasing. Bell and Ind. Phones W. F. DISNEY and .Gloves- 11.1 Mont 1 t

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