Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 7 Dec 1916, p. 4

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tr "MADE IN CANADA." THE 1917 FORD TOURINO CAR $495*00 f.o. 1).Fordl, Ont. VN i n mit necd extravaZant clairs to jiislîfy 3 otr chloice îvhcn you btoy the Furd 'l c new modolfuepasngrTotring Car at $49; 15 s'andard auloîiobile valute. \\'c do n'c n cc d t (ji ia k e - c 1 îî1:;11 ; "1 n () ffe r111 \ o u t 111s c ar. %vc shîowv)-ouî lic car, ilsel t, afnd v' e1 011s. 1 lie 1hait, the 1utce ir,î! titi' crvce i ~îves inak tati-hictutu suie Xcii ¶ iwy de[îcnclon i lue toril Lct ii.; s1bow you thte ne\w model tn) da% - W. J. Luke & Son WHITBV, ONT. FEEDIl DEALERS9 FEED 1FEEDI We are taking in stock several cars of Ground Barley, Oats and Corn. Farmers will find it to their advantage to sell grain and use this for feeding, as we propose tur-ning it over at very close prices. We are always in the market for ail kiods of Grain and Seeds. Hogg & Lytie, Llmilod, ,Oshawal SALE 0F LAND FOR TAXES 1 Dy virtue- of a warrant tinder the hand of thie Warden and the Bgeai of te Corporatiof o the County of Ontarto. dated the 16th day of September. 191G. eommandlng me. to levy upon thie lands mentIoned lu the followtng list for *az'esrs oif taxes thereon and coots au berein set forth, 1 herehy give noee that unies.s uch arrears and romts are sooner palti, I uhall, ln compliance wlth the Assesamnent Act, ngoceed te oeil by public auction. the saId landà - or se much thereof as may bit necesaary for the taxes, nt te Court Houait, ln the Town cf Whttby. on Tuesday. December 26th. 1916. et the hour of two o'clock ln the afternoon. TOWNSHIP 0F RAMA. Part Lot Con. Acres Taxes Costs Total 13 H.. 100 $66.31 $388 $69.19 Part i N. 40 12.03 2.65 14.88 TOWNSHIP 0F EAST WH[TBY. Part 'Lot Con. Acres Taxes COss Total Pt. N. % 13 b 11.06 2.63 13.68 TOWNSHIP 0F WHITBY. Part Lot Con. Acres Taxes Coots Total B.E. Pt. Of North %~ 29 2 Part Lot Con. N. % il il Treasurer'. ones. Co. BIdgu., 8.ptemJ TOURiww Pat'd. or Llnpat'd. Unpat*4. tenpaî*.d Pat. or Unpat'd. Pat'd. Pat*d. er Vavat'd. 1 2.985 2.64 a."8 Pat'd. TOWNSHIP OF MARA. Âcres Taxes Cos Total PaLE. or 3mpwtd 100 17.34 *tu 20-02 PaLS. &. A. moKAT. b«r 151h. 1918. coru"Trruw. FALL iIdîirial eComment. [Ii On and ater January 1, 1917, the price oâ the GÀzKTTE AN(D CHnoit1cLE to Bubscrlbem' i the United Statei wtil be $2.00 per year-an Increase of 60 cents over the present rate. Th'-re were 458 votes cast lupon thçe traclor hy-law. To carry It required that Iwo votes should be cast for the by-Iaw for tach one against. or a total of 306 votes for it. The by-law was therefore lacking 128 votes. If Messrri. Creelman and Sorners wbo recelved sîîch a caid water douchf bere on Mondav, should sîîcceed Ir, 'sellin.- thpir propositiciu to rome othet town, and shotild the indiistrv pravi successfu]. Whltby m-ill ffel like six teen ccnts; on the thier band. should thrp bho a collapsc. 280 %WbIltby rate- pa3 ors ma ' pal hiensclvus on the back Iand say. 'Pitt for iîa otîr tow-n w ould have hecn s1inp.- If ti h C re4n~ alid not bec-n qui (111 0st sibbor-i vO i(i ithe agr entent n ' ol~drikwili p. ;nnd had . i1,1cd tu orsas an md iî:mi grecciteIo SO Outhn $1o (leof stock. as lhe dîd S111011 10 bis îropsitioiniiht have hiciIl tuîrned ri s idie. Ius attitîdc tut iîoii1t (,noii of r' licince and PSr ' s , t' failted Io lu tle Iî i ji!(Iils cîîl'di10'- on îîîaîîy pontsiof i l' 1lmd h- ei nid, ut lfraiuikly and tue ir ,dui ails lutH rnt ,tîtiti iiin f i n( ii il L ar. ti ru %il O sh I. i i fo -91. Te i bin . iii iu % i M . for the ' i lia i ýq \a ic s( tsi ta N% ile % il iiia- i l IE t,;'s iiîn sîlilY. 0e iii) i adou lt a$d rl!ir for miii tlru Alr.04) piur fer ai sthinys p ti ferlty duThe il.iîîg iii st t-w uit iii. for is sPre I ni thiiatîîan In ie creash e itshoulg is îî clî ad, nd i;îg lii 10doublyex-n 1(t elIe-fiibcritrscu-" a $10 ier yfar til aint iench at e n inchoy urn renial ht an Incease shoul, uit ho r te, and w ae corfdnye îu\ ct onror t;ubscrer aîa ti ar I tn lu-ut thede stuaion. Wter the slrs arefo iWhtle whisking glimpser, show More than they oughuer. Form-ard the dress parade, Is iliere a man dismayed? No-from the sight dtsplayed, None could be 8undered. Theirs flot to make remark, Clergyman, clubman, clerk, Gaping from noon tMI dark -At the four hundred. S hort skirts to right of them, Shorter to left of them. Shorter In front of them, Flaunted and fttrted- In hose of strtpes and plaid, Hued most exceedlng glad, Sportlng In spats run mad, Corne the short-skirted. Flashed ail their ankles there, Fiashed as they turned In air- What wlli not women dare! **Though the exhihits show Sorne of tbem blundered.- Al sorts and shapea of pegi, Broomstgmks. piano legs, fiere a.nd there fairy shapes, Just but f0 walk on eggs. Corne by the htindred. When catu their glory fade, 0. the wtîd show they made, Al ibe world wondered- Grand dame and demoiselle, Shop girl and Bowery Belle- Four Hundred, H*m, oh, welt, Any oid hundreti. -Nc. Ycrk$un. SALE REGISTER. Friday. Deeember Sthi.-Auctlon salis ci wood lots. ai lot 1. cou. 6. Picker- ing Towushtp. beîween AmUley and Kinsaw .Sale ai tWC o'clock sharp. Wiai. iaw. auctionez. Tuesday. Decomber 12.-Auctimsai oif stmang timber, the proporty lot Wm. Lawrence, lot 29. con- S. Whitby Tp. BSxacres ofamaple, Wbd s ordar. Bale at tvo o'odi ssay. WM. M&W, autes. SaIteu*y, D.oebw14. - AUUM MM et- a 4004 lot et oeam pf@po1y <la raa JlklaUýat ai BDM.iSlosti Ma . aaedsan. -3L _ F0OTWEÂR Yes, take îrigs. s. t', prepared! And wc kýnowv the nwealing of that word "éprepa>red."5 Prepared to care of your Xmnas shopping Eist in Furniture and General flouse Furnish- Positivcly tiiere neyer was sueli a stock ini Ontario Colunty f'or the purchasing k r 1* Il most elaborate 1 ý 1- - - -- -Ï-D - ?ID- - --- - Easyn -chairs-- by the dozenç,, coluclls by the dlozens, tables by thc hundreds, dining roorn suites inl ga-eat výarietv, living i'oomi suites in tapestries, leatherettes, and the best rattan quality, w'ithi or witlioiit uiplîo]steringr as Yoll w gi'al shortage of*nmen anîd naterials. 'îshi. Early choosingr advised because of the Our stock piichased rnany months ago. -x BELl VERY 7je Ill dcliv( rILthlt to sbip the tdorne ini early tirn e. er your purchases to any part oi chýeapest and hest xvay'. \x'ille the stocks a-re -unb)rokeni. f ~SuthOntairio, r-eserving the \VC assure delivery at proper Open Evenings rlght up to Christmas. Dur Special Dining Room Suife Buffet, Extension Table and full set of Diners. uad seats, woni- cleriul value. $45.00 complete Kîtchen Cabinet Kitchen Cabinet, one of lat- est models,rust-proof bakeboard, spice jars, bread box, nicely fur'- nished in every respect, new goods just in, splendid value. $30900 OUR DRESSER BARGAIN Six only to seli, a three drawer elm Dresser, 16x20 bevel plate mirror, nicely castored,cornplete. Speclal, $7,o95 Parlor Suite Pa rloIî' sUite, nmahognay finish- ed liramies,ý, well upholstCVCe(I in gr*en verona covering, a new suite just t() hanci, five pieces, a sightlv, serviceable and a strong- ly m1adq suite. A Bargain. $28400 Music Cabinets Many designs, all mahogany color, some bright, sorne duli fin- ish. A splendid range of prices. $6.50Y $8.00e $8.50, $9.OO, $10.00, $11.00, $12.50, $18.50 and $17.00 each. GET ONE EARLY. 24 full size Mattresses, pure, dlean, sanitary filling, wool fill- ing top and bottorn, made of a pretty blue art ticking, splendid value, while they last $5*00 each 18 Bed Springs, for double size beds, very strong frames, splen- did woven-wire fabrie, absolute- ly guaranteed in every respect. OUJR LEADER. 3.95 each Two very fine Dressers, large bevel mirrors, one high base style, the other a three-drawer Princess effect, shaped fronts, well finished, new goods just in, a rare bargain. 19.00 each Ghlldren's Toys Kiddie. Kars, Shoo-flys, Rocking Horses, Doil Beds, Do Il Carrdages, Littie_ Dressers, Chiffoniers, Cupboards, Toy Swcepers, Kinderga'rten Sets, Morris Chairs and Rockers, Little Desks and Chairs, Arm Chairs. A splendid selec- tion for the littie folk. Cannot repeat any uine sold out. A fine set of quarter-cnt oak Diners, leather pad seats, nie panel back style, well made in every particular, a worthy set ini any home. $1 6e75 Set 16 chintz covered Bed Room Boxes, will match almost any col- or seheme you wish, woodwork is finished white, a isplendid gift for Xmas, only $4M0eEach $M9.00 buiýs a splend Lbrary Suite, in ffume "14 automobie spring ue4t cuahIonê, in Spanmh roo& 8dM, sone roeroie arm tabl t018oe4lL 4oâ b Low Irio $»Ml C Couches We cari but give you an idea of our assortnaent. We have 25 styles on our floors for your sel- ection. The prices are very low ini conaparison with what they will be for coming seasons, froan $10.00 to $3&OQ, a great range. Nfundmret 1Table Wea"dat the top oftj"îad- vertisement ' hundrecls Of tables. 'we ha4Ve ftom -tue na Jardineer Stand at 50<, each to the -inely, finislW« ýolid m~g rarY tab$1»p " a t,4 lumd U.O Fine Divenette A bed by night, finelypiropor-.. tioned settee bydamy, sldue or golden oak, in unitation lea- ther, full size feit mattres, 'I steel frame, very comfortable. Our SpecialRocker of qnatter- eut oak, roll- seat ery, easy-and' comfrtabe, a. nielyfinished. stock, strong'and durable.,, have- -Snytou' si 1 The regular meeti- Christian Temperar beld ln, the Agrici 'Wednesday, Lhecen O'clock. Arranigemi at tlW-s meeting for Mas entertatament Refuge, and Ji is h a large attendance ent, A FINE I - It is rsurpristng a note bow mm.y pri -anti newspapers ha %,tlude lîquor adveî cOIline. The lai oý:Chicago Tri bune. th Tribune Is flot -liion organ, but botas fine a rea Nrking and prayi aNeal Dow c le uld hàve given: xlatthe Tri 'â-be a p&rtY to il pten evenings, i1 'ore te the da, he Royal Hotel ember 7th. 75i 'ountain Pens, mett'5. teý lack Baker- ted te Oshawa:- ini future, le-YCounte*,ot'q Lu<oIlufdm1eI CaIl at -our store and,: sec thse w th i -tCigs hm Made by the buit manufacturers ln l ess, tue J.& s.' &iid AbrenWs' oU4 SHOJJS. pubtllic to i'evel iii. Evervthing froin -a ten cent cottage p)ole tQ the liigroo)in furîiiture tidfiolstered iii hitrh trracle Eiiçlish tapestry. ut' liii q. k '-t, '.5 - lt-i i.-, Bulbs \Vc h ave a kew 1lft, III1 whilc t l'e> last M-e aie selling thcrn at bargain lîrice.. HYACINTHS, Double and Single, Red, White, Yeliow, Pink and Blue, 40c pep dozen. NARCISEUS, Double Von Sion. 25C per doz. NARISSUS. Paper White, 20e pprdaien. TULIPS, SInglo, Redi, White and Yellow, 120 per doz. TULIPS, rarot andi Darwin, Mlied Colors, 20c per doz. CHINESE SACRED LILIES, Large BAlS, 3 for 25C. A1.T. Lawler The Grocer WI-ITBY Phones :-Bell, 47; Independent, 47. TREA 5(/RER'S Ëi that fit. lý j,"lý 7y. ý Il Bulbs

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