Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 7 Dec 1916, p. 3

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'11h 1 T 'IIWU~t~THE BATT1LE IN TEE FOG. ALL >UUI WALS ~ O Ml FRO SUNET CASTVivid Pen Pietufe 0 TOBE PUBIL W ENDVL PMEN WHAT "TBB WESTERN PEOPLE 01 altega nvlbtefoh- Birtish Government Tokes Drastic Ste to Conserve the SUPPIY Government Advisory Council AR OIG hrouded in fog both actual and fgu- onepncl eerh rative than the recent Jutlanddse& and Prevent Imminent Trade Disputes.o Tehiaeerc. Progrens of the Great West Told fight--veiled in smoke and fog at sea A despatch from Ottawa says- In a Few Pointed and obscured ever since in a umother After a year's cons;deration of the Paragraphe. of contradictory ançi contested dlaIms. A despateh from L-indon savs:, ment had taken stops to control the best method of Governrent procedure Only gradually th4 truth emerges; Under the defence of the realm net price of cç.al to somi1é extent, but to neiurage and assist in Carnada Cows sold as high as $125 per doubtiess the whole trut.h of the. the Board of Trade aiinounces that f ranithe beginning of the war there manufacturing development based on head recently at Lulu Island, B.C. greater issues of lo's and victory wl1 from December it will assume control has been trouble in the South Wales î cientific and technical research, the Two of the three niembers of the not be known until the war le over. of 911 the roai mines in Souith Wales. con) field arising f romi the constant M inister of Trade and Commerce, Sir Koksilah School Board'are wonien. But scene by ecene, picture by plc- A co(MMittce has been appointed, re- conflict between the coal miners and George E. Foster, has scour ed the ap- The City Hall employes of Vancou- ture, Iurid flash by flash, we are get- wN r I O preen~ g he 3ordofTrarle, the the owners on the queestion of wages. pointment by the Governmeto nvrhveakda nrae of salary. tlng glimpses of the battle-terrible, ev Homie Office and the Admiralty, for A year ago David Lloyd George, Honorary Advisory Council on In- Halibut has reached the record tragic, splendid glimpses of destruc- the ad i ,itration of the mines, and then Minister of Munitions, had to in dustrial and Scientific Research. The price oe 11%k cents per lb. at Prince tion, death and deathless valor. Nono YL[4 kV wilI mnct to consider the question of terfere and concede to the niiners a Cuelcnit fUiest r-Ru pert. are more vivid than t.hoee given by %Vages. filfteen per cent. bonus, despite the f essors in the departments of applied The Bantanis of Victoria, B.C., will the New York Tribune from the let- wt There has; been e long dispute con- opposition of the owners. But with, science, and of men prominent in steel use live bombe in their course of in- ters of a young British officer, written aaia.u-nCaamsr sÎfoh.R tlaalC. cernig tho demande of the South the continually rising cost of living hnd engineering work. structions. home the next day to hie famlly. *laoat.RSr.oa.8annteoSusfh Wales mnars for an increaIse of the the men contended that they were The appointment of the Council le A panther that measured 6 feet "Somnehow, 1 never thought of a IMPMIloaNv.lmdasoemasV. nyie war bonus. The Board of Trade et- entitled to a further bonus, and thet in line with action tnken months eoro was shot recently in the North general action in a thick miet where temlpted intervention to procure e the grent war profits the owners ad- by Great Britain and the Unîited Saanich district. you could not see haîf your own fleet,Pa .1Mnim rd -FeKt settlenient, but the mine-owners ob- mittedly were making justifled their States when Governmental action was Lieut. J. G. Hay, former City Soli- let alone the enemty's," he wrote; "but 2.O.MaSpatlnlo nc jected ta an investi gntion of their demande. The owners especially ob- taken early in the war to secure the citor of Vancouver, has died of so t was, and vast f orme loomed up affail- \ih a view to ascertaining jected to an audit on the ground that best expert advice, with a view to wounds In France. out of the muet, firing like Billy-o etApytehenretNvlRrut whether they could just iftably meet it was unprecedented and unreason- lt.eking fuil) advantage of the trade Cayottes have been seen in con- IIhe ships that were perfectly In- IgSain rt h the minrie' dem ands. able. and manufacturing opportunities of-1 siderable numbers in the vicinity of visible. The action o! the Go)vernment in The con) owners have been general- fered by the exclusion of Germany Kamloops recerttly. "I saw the Invincible-rny old In- taking river control of the South Iv condcnined by both press and pub- from the world's market. The ob- A longshoreman of Vancouver has vincible-blow up lilce the Bulwark, Wales con) mines is an entirely new tir, and numerous conferences have ject in view le to include technical died from anthrax contractied whil right aI ongside us, hardly a mile off, departure, and appeare to have been been held by the Board o! Trade with and scientific research and utilize' handling Australien hides. n great crimson race of flame a hun -___________________________________ cauped hy the imperative neceggity of the objeect of finding an issue froni the resulte for the developmeftt of The City Council of New Westmin- dred feet high and perhape two hun- preventing a trade dispute from inter- tl'c difficulty, but ai t t no purpose. production and trade. It is hoped ster are furnishing the Soldiers' Clubi dred broad, that went up lelsurelYO R ferîg wth he cal uppy. Erlhr oingta te oner~ Irecocilblethat the free assistance thus offered with free light for the balance of the contemptuouely, with an awful, ma-SE O D N L N ta inducotrselofirme wiiithenablerCanadatieare.jestie dignity, to a good four hundred u., In hecors o te ar heGoer- tttue.to keep abreast of the world's menu- Mayor McBeath, af Vancouver, feet; et its very top an Immense bulk facturing reedjustment during the has declered Iinseif in favor of the of ship's plnting, end meny lesser bite.HE D i W AI> FL chuica $7 611 l, 17 1)(, do. good, $7.16 ta war, and of the keen international public ownership of that city's har- Then the deep red faded out, and e&! et s of the MWorld 7HHOH n(3e,5.tie 8, 60 bt: ebe,,$6c0. mpetition which :il follow it. bt there remained oniy a black pall be- i hk.pi h diat tWieat eutn $nt", re.duufu e g$6 .doR, 1 r [)l. ers have vtdtheir idmite fthe smoke of ait the shipe running aet nuinoNe Bod de, 6 etck-$5 $ 75 t.'fii,$, 3 50eh1i) NEW IMACHINE GL'N. $100 each to the Canadien Patriotic full speed w-ne creating; above, e new N lI 6lot,$.2) atpsfn]&i-Fn.billowy cloud was added to the others_________ Il 141 No3 .J N I, i ~ 4 " " tg..t n S3 I tr $4 9(lmilliers.rhnie. pach lis(eîn tCnFr 0 ho t is expected that a new pulp miii in the sky, only to be distingui.hed J .1, :1, t a %k-tI . 1 li " 'l 1 - q )'1il t 1- ' , t '.1 $7"tel' , 41-1 . t' oniton anxd tttf-,iiim îligGetn t- a ie ,0illsý *1 oty be o e in British Col- from them by its g e trh ih .A d s a Mumnt.'t ýNl21\ i") ma twS" 2' W Sit"2$" ttrl,..er. 35) t 31l0. Pr MiuteMeki200 Day umia, nvolingan ependture of Eigheen inues Iter he pil dmirutSisJoh JeiicothComaner b A. . Bafou, Firt Lrd a.d3I;l.(' tN, 1.1l ,7 , tn $7 2o val \eq >gond tue ,hnlcp , Adspelfourw oksas- 250,0.clae sfsaidy oeabem t fee'i 66o, t) t' htPal, l.tst $O $11)t t, f" tne.$'i 11 dteclrmNe okey: $5000 lne sfiinl oenbem oCeo! the British fletwa on eîesAmrty MrB At,-r'ntri S 2 11"1li 6" Ill, teadjiuil, $11 ' 27t" $9 PI, hugm. The New Yurk Sun on Thursday mioro- The school chiidren o! South V«an- her bowe sticking Up above water et odbecnquniihag 81.4, tttt,-'ta"tmî tii.tU tia. h T -dfr1atigt Iatr ll mf5.ti vtigh-Pi offing says: i couver have depaeited nearly $1.000 an angle, with the red bottom above day appointed Fi1 e odo h nteBado h diat tt',nttttal .5" 1t, Il(g',o62 t" tel$",.ctnid'e --st. $6 t"l terday afternoon on a machine gun 'the peet year. an equal angle, with the red upper- ado h rn le yVc-o diasJlioBat n &ict.'t<'tttttgt"1-fi iLlt -iO ,,t s FI 7 $ 4 13 ~'tao $ f;'arinn0 rQ 133bel ()i tiil 11 o%% . ,! N"tN5 'e"l'2" 4 Ltl ht' 1H' 1111pt; s:.25 te, $, (,a- capable o!f fring fifteen hundred shots New Westminster je fitting up a most. There qhe stayed. the British Admiral Sir DavdBatoocm o a ae oetm g car -dl, $1t73ît' Si75$1'1- 17 at' 3 the, 6t"te$7Bi tt1 11 "73 ;1,- cfiý11t f g 1 t $ le, 'II 6 bele, 7 5 a minute, and so easily handied that, clubroom for returned soldiers, the' fleet passing by on either side, going mne h rts atecusrBlorsibtfrmltr Pl II-as N.,S2$2 Cl. S 1 1t"2 5-'S t1 1 ,,3(, t$a4îte i cnmatpitei., 41ok engdneb tecovlecntinoacin,. Nrn-eope fr sudrninte utad aalbtte tinnoncmntws eayd ielitt> t.aitg :t . m- test w'as made for the henefit of re-: heroes themeelves. ing when thbe Invincible blew up, as AmrISrHnyB akote Q en se hte itumit ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ lliý%) a',',ttgo r'eî"u'u--I'l<IONPOUATiON presentatives o! the British and, The wives of soldiers in Vancou- they did et the battîe a! the Nile when present FirtetSeLrhsbe p hne nteAmrlyma tuf,-kwlet -el91 ' i tt tutti ";ilLLST F EAS.Irencmh ;overnments, for whom the ver declare they will patronize only L'Orient did the same; we moderns pointed Presidento h oa aa hne nhge omne tri ftrettthtt, a'mt-ili,cALSTFRI'A 1l( .P NS"l2 $t14" tl it' 1..îî'i new death-deal-r je intended. The those merchante who contribute to have got beyond aIl these coortesies. College et Greenchforepedttunubey tri frelghts tutmie 'Il Prohibition, Orsportunity for Emley gun ie of a new pet-tern manufac- thbe Patriotie Fond. Nor did we notice the noise of the ex- The announCEmeta h hneo ol ecags hc o l'g,$10 24) t. i "u r,-I tured lty the Merlin Arme Company of Customes receipte o! New Westmin- plosion, which seeme to suggest that command of the rts rn le none nteodnr o et t1à 6(. 1" .I..t ment, Enlistment Have De- New Haven, Cono. ster show an approximate increase there were a grent mnany other uttt l 11,65tel Vtttt75, l 'it it, Ilit" creased Crime.' The gun le fed from a long tape to o! 60 per cent. aver those o! the etrange noises-which indeed w-as theth ' . To - t . iiti& - ttt A cpthfo Ot ae h -hch cartidges are attached, pees-' saine month lest year. case."~A i o teth luit~~~~~ $71 t 1. \ f»t rt"$3 t-I V dNwhIe hegIisinacioA teareecoo hur te ro g f vssl w oe esrutin e it__lo'saîtîthbTthey adw tî ,-p.-mts brr'i ati t $ 3-r penitentiary and prison population o!fn hruhtbewBonfo ide toI For allowing young boys in hie The Invincible mwas flot the only eoae ihcrsnh nltdtttti,eMlit'-1at,.t t. s, :tel $41,-the Dominion le now smellc-r then it c1j5rdge eso! .762 mllmersduit ringh Ta hete Vno- esd;tee eeotes btIm gtb(ý( fet fi,- tir -r riu .t',tg37 '.3 trig ag vr a ied$5 cse $2h90tre, nessedor were buthwarticontinues, wI IIN- I1 rt ort $12 .5" l,$3 1 enfrya rhbtoc-dameter. The weapon bas a rnes prer ancou-tîtere$t25orn; m ILII $lte$1Le rc .t 1te. lyetconditionîs,- and te nls i pressive as h. found the spectacle, 13intm'.ttII-l-Iýi 1.. 'et' -,,, -o! 3,000 yards, and is said to be par- Three firet-clase German prisoneere, t-he vag another sight that impresse Il u T"trtmt ,. ~ r ,.3rm urhen waiha ve obnuroereaîn ticularîy well adapted for use on air- who w-et-eofficcere in t-he Gemman ed himç1ute as e eand moî-el htm Ternis Guar~~ig Eitne Acrigyore-eYl e cri eand e-mpty the jable. Pacicl planes, for bt-a weight- le oniy about army, escapcd f rom the Morrissey In- more. i pro fvcoy u l contry Produce.-Whr-ieoale. lyri enie teepo r actu te D- thtto<f the average rifle. Iternrnent Camp, ton, miles from "As t-hase wene t-he essence o! chat- and FutureoiainAe ti htte atd? O r ,-~,.lIe t.h",-. 4 ~l I eiettre eott h e Fernie. tered mat-ter, so this was the essenceRe iedteunrenad uai, crm,,,' ii" 4. t"4"- ii" 44 tl, part-ment o! Justice that the "slack-' Silver Wings, the yacht that car- o! triomphant spirit.: a little BritishII Lggm '.t t"tsg'.4 " 4' 'tr-season" for compulsory boardens has - cERMANY CUTS DOWN ried Robert Louis Stevenson to his destroyer, with her midships rent-byl Aepthfo Bein ay Inwlhagrt-cneofee t,' ltanpeen t ee pion iniaiin -h Rv A D einnpataM!ahes-nrcrnobandgnal nt-s'orgea, anu-e-tba-nemay a SLDES IL 1.î t t,'reic. l 4J II-4àk e., s1owusd ot"g om c15er'-udngttamtm vei esI y tm,'. 2- t 2 gt-s. .m,îùg . .-I,, - totries running. - pot-at-o crop t-hie year, it has been de- Kit-silano Presbyterian Cburch, thinks jour line (which was at-her congest-ed1 was ready t-o edthiarb ec tÎ,Ir.-,) . mii-'li'i--em21t tI, 22v,'-. - nrdceane cem ft-bat-t-be word "obey" in t-be marriage just there>. She was unable t-o get gueranteeing t-.eitneadfur NJPYS f le \ i't '7 'te' k' 19MII t- , staba io ain-oueane ceeo pt-t Iiiz#tir S4 t" $4 irtltmî k'ttb' 1"t". 3,.c.(A N ADIIA NS TOOK 750 -pot-et-oratboning. On Januery 1 t-he ceremony should bîwmade -t-o applY -out- o! an9one's way; Iikeiy t-er b. ram- o! thbe nation. I snigtoth giI-s tk'tirig 17 te tt9c. A RNCUTubn ouainwl eplido t h ana ela hAoan ecsa h tiît'5'h,--ltr fh Ii. 1staA (RA[1OR3u-bnpouato wille lce o t- -h enaswIIn te oonnemdbyen ncofadoeasie-hm eihta -b bl frt-enaioa r daptc roiT1t 13'5Atti.1.l 71 '-l - . 1 .i aioaneo o1 T .hure ndtbt-- yug 5iit taI.Pe---42tîrn, Arntrlean No I 'b. ne-w -Governor-Gencrai, t-be- W ould ne-ver be taken for a neqet. tar-shell. Âfter ai the furlous, deep- récclved be" onft10,0 .,.a- yeilouw.$112 t! l 14, aS4 tilODuke- of Devonshire-, bas manifeeted Ired d lasof yrtchis eba '* worIu'int Ly l.At entonw otat'Wi WIlpeîet'nNo 2. B8)cle.No 3, 691e, extr i n-r-t -.ar en nttldRL'MANIAN WHEAT STOCKdspys yrtciswehd*wol Noý I fret, 63e. itartey -liais. f ee!. heitrs ntewr e are e t iethrown out o01 i imsan ie mrenpepe bs eg $Iti5, rmiilnx. $1 30. Fîlur - Mon. 1-h CaadenPs-t-ot00 0.by000 ><<>BUSHELS i -RI u- ie-a treat-ed t-o'fer over tht-ce heurs, Ints o vr caprns. $9 Nt sttn. f bake. $100(5' î- onsen tegé- bCome- UPatiic Pte-adent- - Lit-tIc WiiIe wore his dad's dot-bes.,'t-bis gent-le, cool, pure, whit-e, suent m hery twie niolp1c.'F.wklapttt-seosdu i-uq.$ hg4rnît-e. <,ir. $»W.tI ral ns va Adu-psth romRo. sys -tne-ewhcbbismo-bet- ie tu- iown fr f strros Bt-brh-moas ik t-e- piit otber, vve su chldonthe *atSpoiriti. te ftnt. t-fle lut-&ali olers. oft-be Fund. This position w b eid pr sud h ntrainlmtb ima et h ol.o! Pence coming t-o brood over usi." --- v - îr)to i 7. 101" Ota - re. by t-he Dukes predecoasor, t-be- Duko t-ut-e o! Agricultuire estlmat.., Ru- As lit-tle Wdile vas gretting il"t. Shi K. tibdie., S $35 lrat-80ofCneuh13fo7 -.mnepi oaniase total wbeat stock et 109,000. i vest t-bat haldbe-en eût down Into an CIEAPEN COST 0F LIVING. Mouille, 840 ta 846. llay-No. à pe t-be- fund unt-Il bis departure frein 00 buahels. of whicb 80,00,00 overcoat ho began t-o growl aed,~ tt. Ita, $18. Cbeae-ils,îcslmest- Canadaand thbe pt-e-sent-position of ý i 2er ztt ser, cah-alteaers, 4 tg btIla pIestit-.lo!t-bsyear's burpelusA.N gIumAIe II . tintj? le 253r, (oesSt cre. er, 3àlthe fund in national confidence bsheanderset as er' u.ls tb atte- o? s ilterution aof DaIly Menu bhlUVl A N 24c'h sîaeo hs"a' u«l'«Whit's theChettp Food" a.d b te 44c; seconda, 426 t tac.48e 90.~- inencie> strength I.in atgoy duc t-oe editsg July 31 for t-ye, ba-bey. oct-s dad. .n.eamp5LFe"& V Frresh. 5040 to 66c lt- ac 4.No.1 teny stock. 89c; No. à stock. air. Potalocu0-- bie inspiration and pereonel de-valon! and rtn ii 148,000,000bubhe-Is. j1 %Y,Itsald Willîe, "t-hie pociet- bas' The.Kansas Cit-y Tinies sey%:.- 40 g>à4u * W P'er lie , car lots. Il 70 lu i Do t-o lt-s int-resta. 'Fb.e ew Governor -' Sligbtly >,-et t~ ~- vs'.75 "'Flc everag boue-wde, tly'vpropose» te tak7e1, W041bet k4.441 tes $16,7G. ceunît-y. $1675 tlu 816.1A-eLm civ a I leota -e etye-ar bave t>«» sown fcr t-he Wla- I"Poeket,» seld t-ho dad;"-a a rtut, thinke she muet have Irlhno-1 Dr,îe# g--Atheîr sieda8me a ~ cvept- iprooses ttho tek. 1tt«o h alD at Wlaatpeq Gralin. 1 velfare o! thi. grent- national uedet- ibtoub .-tt'beyo -hta be i ab* .rwa t -FO ?N Wlitns te Dec. .--'«bcat, No 1Nf-'taklng. 1 f r -I- f.~ No. 3 Narîhen Il81il No --4--- GERMAN PEACE M18ION -.Ct.--.-a.bdb-ntagt -.to 1,401No. S$i.4O. Oat-No 3CW~ (ERMASS INUEASEARRIVES IN HOLLANO, A aomewbat- b4g«"led Indtvide " *h801 it--u-thp',o oile; No 5 & . extcaiNo. i f<std. b v u, d u 59 3x No. îi feet as88.No. à f eed. 671c. LEYON 8ELGIUM. The.Rotterilaïn torrespoudeat of t-he -t-rWe taooodire 4 on board t-be k«- Ib U * t t 'P«4»019,t- to ntg »0sI Blotly-brNOa 81 4- No . 4#te; trflOd.3c;f d.. asN.Il.WC -- .TS ~ iid~n'ia aa ,t-- i- iehl sMuek an tae' pot&- iGeoman aut-bort-» lhave Isaî.ed a 'e- ne ae ait-leins v it- s erostIosI " mhsV t-h. mte-a? hb aikcmà -att 1 YfM, #>5$ flt 41 <1V vua4 tl.e Urkstu. cece mposng a furt*eer parum.t 0 n.etiaSbve arvù a afed à#*ly . .tbrrake~t. 3-wt4çor4om«u iteacO! ber * #6 to î blînneapollo, Dec$.--Whct, Dsem- 0,0S frnan smanth o egu 0-tb ure.o etUglîoe- -r.lapteoa "lttsiri t to p to m h#r bo9 te har l.$; ai. No.- C2s~Not4,sceri a t-O a s a e-g i- aUs-pcpgads-.,tt 0 Io7 î liai . <iL tg hi81«I Havre. Thia Ila dltIonalt-o t-he «- t1 1 *bd folU* 0TtIpoO6t- 'itou 4 I ka a wite 61t-o Sic. Fleur-Iting Ievy o! 40,000,00 france. l.t 11W ~P~- OU o-7 gr1oUwMkbaet-k.î 13*40 749t-.8 es. dPt15ay ba beteb 5M7W*tbfleAm s Ulr"Oh. -.__ est- baJ. Iu* t-t-ot W 81.88; No. i Notthqm IL. ;Ne. 8 Ilr- cownishavebgoe eSvokafor [ Deut- jkIàU L et to$L $1.te;8111 mber. iL601,combe-r 2 inet-de-r te approve t-issu INTV*"D TU ANNEU<td -- u$ -eoa nase4t-e arrIVeý.730L Nitveeber.PU0?,u» i t.bet-t-esfor e Mau te du a Ut-ti TiIvumsIakUak .klekîng t-ban teo Iseomeas humne foot.a IA*mdtktlJLe-1 IR Mt. M,.M jET [n an mmong )f t-be' t-bers The t-mente I Jack- ),Mr. [t- ot-het fr. Bal- t-bers Lild b. t-se. lepur- 'hencel- is deek amuma - t-s de- ir eaid. ire It_- ier as a bey oh- ir Unes t-hrough 'bat se o' the 't-ber." W'slECK enays soldiere st-dot-be. fan, roid d-WIUNa 1Cheek Ustmg Muhboeilu h. -~ t' 'v 't -:5 i lm> r.- - itttti bte t! the é-a,îîe -hid ta m To. tail -bhen

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