Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 7 Dec 1916, p. 2

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NOTES AND COtrWENTSI. Great Britain is isoon te take the laa agroater control overtood supplies. A "food dictator" will be appointed, wlth the duty of preventing waste in the. ue of sugar, potatoes and other Milki stapie food producta. Attempta ai Qapeciall exploitation by commercial inierests sick; bi will be rigoroualy suppressed and new one of tl powers wlll bé agked of parliament tasin@ ai] with that end in view. If the govern- protein, t6sli raig "bto A meitagi>s' HEALTII Milk. is one of the beat of fooda, 1 snn X1 ly for the young and for the ut et the same tume it may b. Rev. the worst of p poisons. It con- Tg JI t.he five esmentials of food; fat, carbohydrates, salta and Verse i. ment deemie it advisable, bread-tickets vitamines; it is usually eaaily digest-' will be rcsorted te. ed, and ita taste pleasesniait palate%. But it may contain germa of sarne There la bore nothlng quite equall- of the most deadly of diseases, aI- ing the. German organîzation and con- though it st! preserves its innocent ire! of food supplies. The question appearance and sweet taste. Tt af- ef the praper territorial distribution tords an excellent medium for the ef fats, for instance, has not yet be- growth of bactenia, and wben they corne important in Great Britain. have once gained accesa to it, they go -Municipal cooking establishmients are'an multiplying until the fluid literally not yoi regular institutions. But containsl millions aof theni. Great Britain 1a following in Gerinan, These dangerous germa niay be in footistepa and la plalnly prcpared ta . the muilk f rom the beginning, for they go ta any lenguha vich publie need may corne froni the cow breloî;. tbey appeara te demand. Under the stress maY enter il during the proceus of et the great confliit the extremo in-' milking, if they were on the banda aof dividualiani of the Briton is giving way the milker or are thrown into the fiuid more and more befare the superior do-, hy a rareless cougb or sneeze; tbey manda of stite and nation. msy he in the can, if it bas be>en ______washed with impure water; they niay Sucb measures in Great linitain bear lZet into the mnilk m-hen it is poured btriking witness to the fact that that from (,ne rantainer into another; or country doea flot even profess ta see tbey may find their way in when it the. end ini sigbt. She is girding ber-. stands in open vessaisý in the home. self up for a prolonged conlict and is The only pratectio'n, therefore, is nat disdaining ta learn a<1113T î.n,, extrema rare in handiing the mulk nt. even thought it. ha taught by the every step-in the dairy, duringz tran- enemy. The last. step is a signiir- ait, and in the home.. The cow must ant reminder of the state of organiza- bche ialthv, and sha must i>e kept in tion, aof amenability ta <discipline andl rlean surrounidings. The dairyman of close economy in whirh ail the and ail his family anI employees must greai nations of Europe will find lie rleanly and free froni ail infectious theniselves when the war end8. diseases. The rafl anad other con- t.ainers must ha washed %vith sal soda iii'<pLe f he iffcuiia tht h~eand then with boiiing wvater or steani. confî'ontcd China under the ne hymai erldwe .h ik< rogme, the governiment has shown a' poured into theni, and kept raid-be- growng el'iienc, prîîclsry ina fifty degrees. rertainiy. andt the groingeffciecy paticlary i anearer furty, degrees the btter. The fiscal way, according to a writer in a, bottle that rontains the niuik must recent issue aof the Quarteriy Journal epadinterfgrtoason of ecanomirs. In varying degrae, h. e pau nterfieao ss declares, the people bave hegun ta' as it is delivered, and kept thora until realize the idea of statutes ae ruiers the mniik is wanted, Finally, the neck of ronduci. ta be understood and ohey- a nd rap of the hottiae must ho waahed, ed, the idea of taxation as distiniruish- lefore it is opened. ed f rom official perquisites or froni A cirrular that tic Departmertt of tribte. Mor imortnt til, rr-'Agriculture bas issued mentions the INTERNATIOIL LESSON DECEMBER 10 1.Faithî'ul Unie Death- S2. 1-17. Golden ext-Rev. 2. 10. week, is the spiritual counterpart et the church in the unseen world. hi differs tram aur impensonations of' a collective uniit--as when we speak of the achievements or the failures aof "Methodism"-in its suggosting a real existence. Ephesus, like Laodices (Col. 4. 16) and perhapa morne others of these Asian churchea, abared thirty yeasabofore the circular latter f roni Paul wbich we caîl Epb- esians. He that holdeth-in each lei- ter the description of the Lard ia part ai' that whirh is gathered togethen in' Rev. 1; see the last note for Deceni- ber 3. Walketb-For ho la on eartb stili, as ms-eli as in heaven. Lamp- stand <margin)-The great lampstand ai' the temple, sa ofien deacribed in the 01<1 Testament, and pictured an the Aich aof Tutus, was ta boid seven lampa, one at the top, and tbree on each sida at the extremities ai' tbree' aenii-cirrulsr concentrir branches.' There were aisa in the temple, "he-' fore the oracle," ton lampstands, five an cach aide, and evidently single. z5i- ol- r -...is mt" o '-ine ~ail; but Num. 31. 8 tella us tbey 1slow e o rIielving, unuer aur antil 1- - - SUi-.1- -- --- U! lampstand with sev-en branches, each hlm. Since, thon, Baiani had nthleyfe. cnina mEgiairs pn,~ uIu.L the problem oai constructing 10,0000)110 a lanipstsnd isteif. This bninga outi onet-o bis "place," or had returned f nin g , obuve t on he rndjustSHIBUI. mGon shipili y ard wold b wail the unity as weli as the diversity froni it, jewish oxegesia naturally con- beoecak n aî lw banlA 9D T I U I about 3,500,000 tans, in addition to in the chu rch. Thai Christ "walks in .iectured the business on whicbho had . 11UILR IfndlL YYIlftshrpne their niidst' is no difficuity; b this cTm. , upon <t upon it.the aipa under construction and inti on.Descend an Enemy. arder un the current year, wbile tlE' book symboliani rares notbing for 15. Paul's tearhing an "thinga'nu era'siathe elce i- pictorial limitations. Wbst artist sarrifired ta idol)s" will ho remoniher- The mon arrive at the suppont TENrofsistoh elae n c-aldputanravas the description ai' ed, and the collocation ai' ibis and trenches "aIl quite don. Up," having - MLIN TOS (F NW; creases daily. Anierican yards ha'e the New Jerusaleni "fornication" in Acta* 15. 29: ueo note douhled fan part af the way, loak SHIPS NEEDED.1 orders te keep thamn busy up ta 191,'4.' 2 Toil -Chara tristic of life n n the passage (Lessn Tex i Studios, about for sheltera and find sane in a Gema moîh iners sore ot wich hon earth it 58, were lh aho"u'<hsen Maul rý.Ogad nth ngrmenean n i dý ay. uie"W. unitio and spoentsI Bg~mfbeen delayed since 1913. works continue-see Rev. 14. 13; 1 Paul and John ray well bave diffenen: gallery" whicb had been bit dur-ing the, There l eaBgBo o te- Acecarding Wka-imotnt'eî (;raek word. Patience-Read en- the eartb la the Lord's, and an idol la the night thus." makers and the AIlied can shiphuilder, in the constructionf duranre . (anaL flot bear-it is tempt- notbing. But Psu! abstained because *'The mon lie ta a large extent in Industries. igta cannect withves 3, and under- aof other man's consciences, John for shell hales" and the English aininen uniyostcurl teapt stand that the hated bur<îen i "borne" bis own as Jewwho had tbe e scend mabout quaniindai'ttructurl stee, spar after ail fer my namnes sake, au hoe has emanr:pated through fine, as Paul had and ire on the garnison with machine lgwl .aogte ia nutis-five and six million tans, and the co;p- aadwba nd tares mnust graw ta- heen,' Paul's îoacîting on anti-nom- gun and signal wiib haras." ta show activity ai the end ai' the war. per requirements for foundry wurk, il equi'p-- tam - an thon- 'lectrice 1 a0 ho 'e- c. th senti- Ur. Fred subjects, nan, an a Navy uLh and.- ving mn sed'. The Spointed 1) nians, ejacket. courts- ,ont. tin ro-,v, ,avclling a graup )le. The si-y for in ibre. m pointe France. modest front ai' estre et mtited te e *other nojoined >Oti yoiir le but a me cause truc te> linicib, o Aicittiscita AU Brit "t .5- s,- 's- '-1" w-' o' e cso siL i n cr igetner tili thie farvest. Try-In the jiani muai be necalled on this verse: 'Ihec orponaî's accouila confinai-! The ntdSaeGetBian îhu asdnn lcrc tain paliticai conceptions. previouuly ' eep denLodUnnitmndyaosenultondt forein bu now indipensble . mlk cla, cald, caver- Lr' w way, -by thein fruit." see Rani. 6. e by lettons wriiten by ouhen Ger-1 Japan, CanadaNraanAutai cd.g btnw inipnsbeI ' mIf theietîngatheetc., lwouldnehbv about t their saivation, notably that of' na-,e."Ith dairynian and the dealer Aposties-2 (Cor. il - 13. The word 16. Report-The rhunch had hesitat-nanslisintifotln. Oehvenerd scmpiar ab- iioa.ltyhae ben eiad y te hav-e donc their part, you need oniy isusued in the mare generai sense,' cd ta expel thoni, and fon their ow'o atbemn sys:- building. an os ahnr a tinlthv ensie ytepojobserve that precepi. in arden ta bave murh like aur "mlissionaries." sake as weii au otheru' thai was the "Caver thora is non.; we lie in a * Before thewate odbdjutcnrcinisavredst the sate's rights party durnig. the 'whoie"omc mik. IL is a safe ruie ta 3 Bean-"Thinc own iaad"' (Gal. Iart ai' love. "Cold or bai" is Lhiellol ae and defend aunsoîves ta the sufficient ahipa atk aaa'bae-yn sia. summer et 1913 has done mucb ta dW- PasLaurize ail mik that is ta he used 6. 5) and "ana anatber'.s burdens"I only alternative: mon who thought liss man- Day and nigbt tue earth1 national comrce hn wsa _ t'elop the. strictly national ides. by adt-s amilkIdi' rebe utf or (cal. 6. 2), unless wo are ta take tue uhey were Chistians and denied its'quakes with the. bombardmnent of thei ateady annual otu ake oSnietFrJc infata aw uikis pefeabl ifyausuggestion miade on verse 2. The 1 othical toundcation wone anly s nause- heaviesi g-uns. We have bad hesvy' wiîhthe eadadwi the no-detmiynei mbe i The now gavernmenî bas deciared cari he sure afi ts puruîy; for the ex-'tenae rathen Implies sanie special trail. OU& mixture et cbtr-cb and world. ' laies already." mal maritime ae. Ta nuanitsti toyeah:b and in extending iLs contra! aven theý--usive use of Pîîsteunized mulk sanie-~ 4. Didai leav'e--"Har iaft" would ho 17. Hidden nianna-It had noveri Anoiher nian wrtes.:-"IOiten h get output of merchatvsaswsa o-Jnii ntro aa chiot agoncies et internai commercse. Lim"es seenis ta cause scurvy in aiali bctter. impiying a recent declension. been seen since the day "the manna'so despenate unit I couid thnow niy Iaws- adt e!a'a I ete Five years ago an imper»lal edici a-children Youth's (ompanion. 'rhe<.charge is protaundiy suggestive cnana Ah anduhebei Tons. poenfuhusiariicemembeandai'ith cn psntear hrenn Aohr emn oden rte rm1915 ............4 ,0,3 ege h iie otm tionalizing the railways actually F<'law a'Laghe ulwesith and etoe htuinesii- ai'cudsee u on6 23 ol' hospial.-"We are alneady sick of 1914 ..........1.1 2,275 okdnNes'sVcryI precipitated the revolution (bat aven- Telago agtrulwat n e oetefln fcudse u on6 23 el threw the. Manchu dynasiy. Last 'ro "laugih and grow fat" mnavnoui the ana thing noedful! 0f course thoe us, how the true nianna was offored ta the waxn. My feeling about it la suri 1913 ...........70 32,8 tebaer Abuecktps year a deere. ta thai offert troni tho appeal ta thase tehase frames ara had not bast ail their lave; but the con-! al. -White siane-Lilte ibose an wiicb that, if I amn ta go back, h shahi serve 1912.......,1,2)179adgnlea ezdb n administration waa accepted ainiosi aiready ot'ai-covered with adipose, but dition ai' Christian life is that we muait votons wrote the nanies ai' the candi- for three weeks. and then go sick' 1911 ..........1,926010tahe icoy wlthout question.- What la more, the' good, bearty laugbter bringa athai- ex- <nreasa in lot-e, and not diinija or dates fon office. Of' course white is again,'tan thora is no abject in fig-t-' 1910 .... pof« have yielded certain aiher r elient thinga in uts train, stand stili. Thystira ( verso 19) sy<nbolical ai' heaven. A new name ing any mare." 19...........103 16207m ii? aecamd e1atent they have benetotore insisted' A medicai nman wha has studied the showsa the ideai. -Christ hiniseif bas a "new name", The sanie feeling was perbaps at' 1908.......... ,0 ,3,8 Rier"rpidtebi - -iï particular!y that against the sait> subjeci ciosely says that theî'a is flot 5. The tirai aworks--The "lahor of (Rev. 3. 12), ton h uis a new world work in two mon wba are the subjeci 1907..........1,8 ,7,8 h' h i u hy hl tax. the remates crner ai' the hunian iota." Out of is place-In the ana' ibat is raming, and in it ail is now. ai' a repart by a Gennian rompany 1906..........186 ,9,73mrilu! body that doas flot i'eed sanie wavelet united lampstand. Even bora ho is "a'ew every menning," sergeant-major:-1 1905..........1,7 ~ l,2 Growing populan confidence ini the'!ai' the convulsians caused by laughton.'- 6. Niralaitans --An antinoniban se, and those whe understand hlm aing "This atternoan, au 2 o'ciock, I pan- Since 1914,wihtedvrona' 'raein Teaea F Wvorrnmont inu aignificantly demon- The "life principal" ig shaken ta uts' versa 15), presumnabiy faîîowers et. aven a "new sang." Compare Rev. , aded ail Lb. mon of the conipan y. h shipyands to navlcetutosot obi~ itefoti r strated by the iwo internai boans suc- innerniosi. depths, sendlng new tides at Nicolas. lu ha afien suppoed thatý 19. 12 for the one, Rev. 14. 3 for the. road ouit ram the sick liai ail the age of labon anai ercusbea-eoyptonneai'a r cessfully floated wltbaut compulsion of i' ie a-nd stnength to the surface. ho may heen the lasLt-named of the othar. nameofa the sirk, and sevon mon wboni nual output dereedlevn sht-tarecip yfnaedb In 1914 and 1915. Bath were qulckly i Cod ealîb is thereby insuncd - seven in Acta 6. 5. It would be.al On a1l these bttera atudents should the dcton conaidens fit fon trench duty. ageofai'new contrcincnsntiea'pianhpcFenhpp oversubicribed-which seois an on-. The bloôd inaves more napidîy wben curjous roincidence if the iast-namod J read W. M. Ranisey'u Lettens ta the Thereupon Pte. P. rame torward and ly oaîiniated at ,0,0 n'sLn.etr aahrai ee ttrely new pbenomenon in Chinese in-a i laugbing boa îtily tram whsî ai' the aeveo was unfaithfuî like Lb. Seven Churchea, whicb are peruîiarîy said: 'h refuse ta, go inta tbe lin.,' andTeanotaishpngeioyd heeerrm csispkd tonnaI finance, The proNom aof the~ it does at other tumes. For ibis es- basi ai' the tweIve: thora mhghi also i.ý valuable in shawing how arch2eology was foillawed by Pie. W. who said' l'o1 heen'o B bring600,t0thtons.dn'nsadditionitas-these refpeintoao ongotheelinee. n way ta b. aolved. Then. has been a _ lengthen ite, as it convoya a new and Sniong the seven (as a prouelyte) , aus1 mations uaed.TE OND0 NFR. shipatb.paeis tbeavrgeTe îysae ienude( notable refonm iin the administration! distinct stimulus ta (ha tital forces. Judas was amang the twebvc (the opdy 0TE ON O iNIE annual buildIng tnaî ,0,0 avsroadars b et the sait tex-long one ai' tbe main' Ia bet us blaugb! Juda'an I. But ibare ha absolutely ne A VERSATILE PRINCESS. t ons, ba.sed on 1111 iueai~esaeaetowrs T sources ef revenue as weîî as a prin- ___proof, and Lhe name ha rommron. Note. atflWf f rneAtu f Heard at horDistsane Ne.'an indetenatinaeqatî i o- h Fot"Teaeeyt i cipal field for waste anWgraft. it ha the works Christ bates: net wrong Battl beo niseAtine er a hr isac, truction for si9 l evcdet wastaaa neir h doctrine, but uts issue.1 Connaught. Under certain conditions the sound incessant voyage n asqetl~-arrlsee New taxes we are abd, hav been 7.This recurnent verse, w-hici tells1 rneofrhu tCoraghte i unfine can b. heard at great dis-'traordinary delrcato uswtaesthaart thehve eei Pne s&i Art hurlo nun i h an.Th e ain t Waterloo lu uaid applied or are projected. Reports u httee"open bttera" are meantI eUiUand camn consort of Ththrne Ior eu poaod an officiaI sait marchants and, ems estl fpicse.1Dsrcin firme and conipanies hn general. The ifng t.a. 9, etc, hdnt enpr-1Themo:tersaoflthe twprincesses o ohUndan4,then theonAmormle: i Destcinscn ueaîdh m. h fid. "hv, icense tax in ta ho extended La the - S'--served, we sbauld neyer have knawn ithePica oa n h uea'was sunk off Cherbourg. the. sound eo, launcbied has bencma tvlyheir,"fyubaelndu trades aind an increase ai' ihe land tex a quotathon. Prababby there ire many Ff, he has a distinction unique in the guns was heard in Somnerset, on. alight. Theret",i tewncm iohoryumaiae ma la discussed. Noir dues tLiii.appar- ~ uirecogiii2ed asyhnaaoai'Jeaus un tthe anl tEgîhhsoy o h undned and iwenty-ive miles dis- a sudden concluin wth ]e cnyma ently apoîl a beavy burden et' taxa lutter haItoetthe New Testamient. Tiihe h avil o ng e sn, PinsaAlfo te-tant. Durîng Lhe present war, ati! -__________________________ tien._ The pen capita bunned in ' re.e!flfe-Froni whhch man Aaa4 andra succeeded LIo th dukadorn and lcry actians in Flanders have beeni Japan la abo)ut ten tumes as mucb, d 4ve a- Cen. 2>Wban ha ha aur only duchess ini hon own right. adible in the uouth et Holland, in Ail hnaaIl, China is appanently doing "a oecm"b The Pnincessa, boudes being an sr- southensitern England and ai places F II DC N C E C a great dca! btter (hanitnla enerally ' ha.n ZIbeck the ictory, ho twilib "eat mlse uiinand lingulst, intan inland, But more remarkable than _______ realized. and liv. for over." Paradiso-The 'mp hd acmthie tact uhat-cannenfine cati b. heard Persariwor fora prkus" ,3,tht fi'-ni beiever in open-air lite and tsc ogdsacsi h atta Greek tr-anslations ut Geneltia t'jrc E. -a exorcise, laelng a good herse- ln itne stetc ht T olwFlhadaGo osinel h eti ffOAI'SCAR('E IN RUSSIA. sn(E ~ -i,Marn wmnmer, and al-round gym- 1d' ... sit AIlotbevear utii eortn Rat sen "ten.Sic Ihahes welI, tee, and cnjoy distane.Alobevr Ia h Poor lPeople Wibl Get Laundry flotte B. Smyrna-Tbe oi'tana'(i ortaaong ftshiof cx- ataîcna battle front remark te t>i. a ______ at Public Places. sevea thai stibl flouiuies-*o fta1 is s neoîhanofthggui nl Bensuage the pniceofai'soapa and - clty unden Turkîsb get-ernaient can' cursion. Since the var thie iswork- 1 saeot wthen fontiMrg. Clsly uuch necetaltbos ,tferwaahing as'! 9. Poventy 1<buî (hou art ich-The cd nceainly n Ui case t or ja the Mn. Charlosc Hien gaehmdagodce- wehe o r sonugisu ceased loaxRsad bteyodlike eacit 17).coSerseatof- 6. 3; am e . 3 ai, dignified, and boira a remnark. t ure! ohw aattof ocrigfithiemd hp nw.g tdt dti 'eble rsembnanu ts ho geynnd heret ne occaion in 1901 flot a souad trom' wrek. "-1. TMouy . 9 nst otrni r ifr et ti. oorpooleh lapnoose i - 'Reviling (margin) la perhaps more ofestabls peopVlna a nmboee t op alejTi thea By 3 " Aoada. e a '~~UcSpithed, puis could b. heard in iThe.questionetupaeimoaneT.voea'cnsecendt '9) recaflinonie!aLa numuni of tbom-e th Ie "handy man etfithe royal Î'amuîy , i ehboring towns, and tIsaithe tor the. marinari Wihrbus?1q nhaaio r te er niennlal laundnies" ton patronage by Ancfiduke Charlekauc. 9) onocritioneaof thc dioter>' f theas prince Arthur has been called, vas nearest place ut whleh any report wu&hs tga ofeevengetrneetfodauelthsuTa t toe who cannet afford te psy dearly îeasr sYtn erta for eeanlînesa. Jusi how anuci the (rand-aephew o! EmperrFrancs 'l'Tubi$Wtg chu" thOt the, P ru quit. al u rpIsPr' e entalhaveOrfI a fty iesaay a a veythul>ft eso. Li' l e lioouui ieod blocl nhabitants have been able t.oîjoseph, beomes hein i. the timon.etfa bitte*r alu*ion l'e Paul! l ii juttie .tilthaePrine ndmore popuhav er J 4rye iinlcan ie trm ou have o-mut hemdou' . sdtm .detatnlis f-atquIs<oc.t do tor themselves, through the Austia'lungary. Ho ha. n iii"con ai'e fLte ps'tiîîunt Use in ttai oU the. rive &Md ries, hofave <0140t'ytd i In sol anle mru Ans r. tb teohe'ad. Ja .ti aloivuy4ltaoglmiob agency ot 26 "Aehleser soceties" or command ofthtie Austri a anues onth tndnof e naht- ieJs-â,"bar e gs lY tie lav eani ectY end il e *te Ir«Oj«orlu Japon , iuti $M tabigufflepa at rvugsotsfII ~ eeIna.. tinstitutions et brothenly iiebp, la in- vanbeuh fronts durnagthe. pasttw, (holeders et sm. natio thet che=l>-tiei &m'Msly oi i activun es et tIonti smyat ft v ony stud anes.Etes i wbynilaIli*e u a~lgti dlcated by the six menths' report o et' m r. c<tid i"reasais lentth iisnr-ihes. ya tiVe l O, 0cousit ", _» .< guidaite, esaat iesas nh rposltI.sd or.s thse main organisation Juat lssiied..1 Arcbduke t(harles Francris vas bbo mir cinu i u;.<'gul vreua6.Daemesi hni-Mr Dilin nruult o laualq l cei1.1hsmda a4 onoeu.,fn he ls.len.but. Âcoodbng to hits report,tise 25; on August 17, 1887, Ibi$ vite vas u tedI--Ntateee' iimlspohe î.t -u nwWelima 1teva nw à teCMinel branch societies in ail ths, portion»,oetiPrince"s Zita, efthLe Bourbon bouse' iede .Ntsmeear a m*lct . potpee la evIeth vou tlti epianatleu <MttiwY beUn f jI tCncecel u'ejitsa rii a aas*A'liots ~p Vlnastook ln durlng thé. paut haIt- of Plarma. llus fatter vas tUic nti e Saan, às"0<tt i tas> srt-si a-pre,;; ut the G o iti t ",enme"tall-f twd vuvembo e b of b. Kitet by e- l owarder -LaI<.Is'Ua o1sieewlmutf*i -52 year Just aven $16,000 and expendcd a duke Otto.,%aie vas thse yeungrr .n . '1eent the, anlcn' Lal>)uks, of RutbMa d drumoSv 'e 5114In fttrmutd*, sy f5'v@nbli * ",k KIM end tI ~Mi4~WIIW aU4a little more thsa 11600n lacplng a brother ai b"arotlsFerdin*s.M. 1 -alia ie La nio lx.r iiu.truildvst ii ea tbisIi't. W,~bs4e.N, C~a4ts total ai' 50,000 pensons. . re.l»1 h ,'i* p.w"rftttt hnmAleada »».Ot*$ttO w prmic 't 1 it lali. W i<, wlsq u l jd Marty Ktoit Manuel etPe«Vu-», odwhe t' bs er t a y. lie c ,thej b. lobut# tgk sl "Pleasc, air," pîpodthetictiny cuatoni-' <;j.test to ei>tm. k is vt*hl rînee tM'e"&" li te m t'-e-thre C4 etbtrdateipeeW y tesnt~t e -lnImu fStiuIle.PeII1~o m st fi. or, whose heati scanceby reachedte6 t at io alwuyu h e ufr cvil uwmaen lit ietitan l" "b« bet.4, t4iIu. Tke >i<itk 0M, b&tuW nWlào _ e counter, I"tather wants soie aak Lu t. lucuastrmnsoou: lan UN1kr ais-bkImmt.. Ibo. o tlIt i . Illeciterwu #Souk lua rmsdt »u# varnish." ekts e" l, 1 1 d' ieha h coshtu a a- b 42$e iit 8 9OtisedAlot-ste et"'. "How muci docs your father want. - suulpr, itNepts tité «0 t 518<fltrw f te ist- ntiber 9"i *ekatrd tiCuubIsboe t pM.aonte êS tu#4* *. my litt!e ma?" iaquîred thse smillas Ltam*-t e, as tep 'PNre t lv, h-4 r4Miles distamn t ii aPm"lêI l ~ e ~W bu, an Wsawisp gt tise tain arse 5M 4f. '0"pk < U* YWO «, rmthe, #vu& I»#ter ys ou wa» at i! tis," - P,4.vWtiUg plp, m*Icoer uh bl-1"AuS14 Wt <ai5*'4Iemss r.pie'lli litIe felaav, hanellîni'ovin M hmamrm in th# tiat risb aha, ss aNIM~ a pluft- janr. îf g4,4, we1-,XI is.. 04ose site s. ai '18-M, - ItVa. doly filloti and Isaded b&. olOe aIS'W < ' h _ _ t -'1i '-oow '*'I tise ru ipleje, -w 4 M - mu - t 1 4- - iraÏ« wll P et v«W le*W 4 àtla w *M & , th& phw ti rl c . 2-5 tu' Pc 2 $1 s et ut i s' a ut ci 2- te F s r $ ( Pt .4), imd the. "crownof(I rlghteousness" (2 Tim. 4. 8), ýwhlch >CIERMSIMRf likéë Our: teixt and that in lIanm, es cïllsî tho Lord'a promise. Perh4ptq he ' sa ' Ill give the crown of lite to 0Fi flL>_A them uthat love me." Four of the dis- ciples. thus independently quote a say- ing of the Master which is flot in our SEE NO OBJECT IN FIGHTING Gospels. N LOGR 11. Second death-Explained inNYLNGR Rev. 20. 14. What the awfiil figure lînplies ia left in myatery, but "the TeSgiiatRpr fA nm dread of something atter death" is h infcn Rpr tA nm deeply set in human instinct and made Non-Commissioned Three Mlackinaw Crews. jspeck and morse] of that fish for hia by revelation an assurance of retribu- "Caw, caw, caw I" tion for evil. Officer. One day Old Mackinaw, on theoOWfl Ii.r 13. Throne-For ho is "the prince AviiaconofieinteGmn shores of the big blue water, three A long came a big whbite guil sail- A iidacun ilieinteGemnblack crows found a fish. ing through the air, and the big ht bootk wmnoc" Ail theugh thî front lino opposite the British Army "Caw, caw, caw!" said the first. guI! heard the three crows quarre!- makes Evil caricature Good. Thus on the Somme has reached the London crow.: ing about the on, fisb. The white in thedeilthebest nd hefale'Daily Mirror from a reliabie source. "4Caw, caw, caw!" said thc second guil had two wondcrful eyea. From in "thed e vel, hebeas tran thets "The enemyla airmen," wrote a crow.i away up in the blue sl<y ho saw that pepht,"one avhellis arinity, ret- German corporal in a captured diary, "Caw caw, caw!" said the third fish, and ho thought of his hungry odbln to oneoan the ivamne rnre- "are far superior, especially in nurn- crow. c hildren in their nest, wailing for seming -thtthe Divin Triniofty. bers. Our airmen are powerless and It was not s0 much what they said dinner.- ntinstho "ugnerair.îy aoftext" are put to flight as seon as the enerny as the cross way in which tboy spoko' The white gui! said nothing, but Wo have no record of Antipas: bis machines approach our trench linos. and their impolite manner that made down and down and down ho circled, "Acta" are wrltten in heaven. Dwell - i "Ma ny air fights take place. About ail the little birds in the taîl pine treos coming nearer and neirer to the eth-akin us ack o th opeingeighteen captive balloons are up on the go fiying away fast. The three black, shores of the big blue water; and when eh-a.ingcus bakdtSathe Opwein othor side; onîy two.of ours are ta b. crowa were old friends, and yet they'the quarreling wa the loudest, thon "Thhr ntmrl "oor. N- en would not divide the fish they hd on hé swooped, under the very bi11,-i thing could more vividly illustrate eatlriie sqle rmn-, found, ahare and share alike. of the throe black crows, and ear- Jon 7.1. oua The English airrnen are otten "mhe first crow was hungry, a-nd ho ried away the fish for bis hungrY .hl 14. A few-Since these antinom- over our wood. Wo are often ablig- wiahed every scrap of that fish for bis! dren to eat for dinner. ians were in a minority and had not e.t ekcvrfrn icat h own dinner! "Caw, caw, caw!" "aw"gmbdthfitcr. infctc th chrr asa wole But fl nevertheleErs, must have seen The second crw was hung-ry, and "Caw!" grumbled the second crow. the "ange!" impersanates the whoie aur encarnpments, tents, etc., for vig-! ho wished ta eat every Fpeck of that "ýCaw!" grumbled the third craw. comrnunity and is responaihie for al] orous artillery fire on our bivouac fol-. fish hiniseli' for bis dinner! "Caw, Thon they flapped their wings and who have not be-n expeliect. Balanni lowed, ail the evening, meatly 15cm.i caw, caw! " 1fiew away, looking foolisb. AMter -The text of Numn. 25 bas no bint of shel. We seek rover in holes over The third crow was hungry, and, that hack came ail the little MarkîinaNv this fiendish rnethod by which Balani6ft. deep." ho wished to eat every scrap and hirds, laughin-g.-Youtb's COmpanio-n. is said to have "cursed" Israel after1 The corporal thon describes the dif- A the Ili from of ali A cor PPlsa, the- Waru lerni J lu Flip the r Th t a k i i Walu de pa ferir in tY

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