Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 23 Nov 1916, p. 7

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TALK ON RIIEIMATISM N AIULI- -Jbjprliuflî oi ad AUlF reneh t degRv eoePp ~r1er fi r TaO!ihg How to Actuafly Cure A SI i' pAN t t 1h aarj u f rof rs O11m The sIU t1Ia Soer.whrth oue This Comr»n and Pain- ~~for wal, exxenhes, $32,000 for the I-1 b ilad» aM enmd fui Malady.i GIFTS AND SERVICES 0F NA-, dian relief fund, together wlth the AT MANILLA, HONG KONG, AND 1 armlies arel otteteItma, hle mstiy This article la f or thp a rw- TV OÈTTS servicies et the Ipra Ser-vicelin te anwosfesfo huai Transport Corps.* The Maharaja of AT CHEFOO. in ate of oe eelo~ad wliS de W Whoantosteb uife from erore-Alwr efered hie personal services % se irie Toeho oreeaIthnjtben CtWiOitkth and 4he Alwar Imperlal Service In- rom u* fi >, l > Ileved-but actualiy cured. The imost Aid Ha@ Included Solera Mounti, fantry, while drafts from the Imper- How the Britishx Admirai Provided lhardi a" lu atewoe500- teBsuti h the rheumatic sufferet can hope for in if. met.hriolee ogicapd eiFeefrAern00 nnwom Fac hsud? etr rubbing oometing on the tender, ach- Hoeplta, Motr, Alrcraft lai Service Lancers have gone as re- ar00ma te peetmmntwol Ing joint, Il; a littie relief. No lotion and Fortunes. "The Mysore lansecond only in aise 6""""'t<en " huf lm% C(ruiser. net smoking or liniment ever did or can make a t drb&Tfct4hetbites sid âi m -app.htrik Incnraitono hemn r- Mhrjaofre "Ofa "Pipe smoingl n ftesvra ev ihsie eUle. Thie rheumatic poison is ronted I oneditbiostemai Y'tp yereaaserTe« adraja iStiofithePouitney Bîgeio'w, an American lbreaches u cipiel h rnb o te ris In the -b ood. Therefore rheunlatinTllporta of the disloyaity ut India te the hspesnl evce xd hseo ii aliia aâdy ghass ies mad t elran uhrcfwd ae, la armny. ean only be cured when this poisonous Britiph Goverament, the Goverument yoeIprllSrieLacr.Rs ift tubes1 at échemiil anmd -a letter addresmed te the editor of the They weroficaltaod rgy ucld la driven out of the blood. Any of India nt Delhi bas iesued a sum- gift ot $1,600,000 waa mentioned ln endstore everyritere. R. e or inawie: nacut fti fe ht ode doctor wiii tel] you this ila true. if mary of the w9rk donc for the em- almetHeis ofrd h- Icno btu htAe. oncort you atsmtigtt ilg ih pire durlng the war by the princeslac carta, homses a.nd boapitai tenS. *r *- maied on rt anotbetrc ha Aercan smoking apiecnopsibyalt wantaornthig tht wiI g rigt ~forCue ineeFranc*.naval officers assisted Prussian aub- an ff icerwhm ema canet to the root of the trouble In the biood and potentates uf that eountry. It Aort nfrnc temnfcntgso marines in their dirty work outaide mneet withthdintteocaone take Dr. Williams' Pinik Pilla. They containa an enuncration cf many o u Apartfr ethePmuncentfs o t Idi of Newport. Meanwhiie, pray permit quires.- make new, rirli blood which drives out the gifts and services -01 th esté rulera, hm eadm l~e etmn re- 1The. fa>peo h.Fe thc polsnnougapaid and cures rheu- including the Begum ef Bhopa, per- av16tiucdattlo mr hnfgaldig the aktitude of Great Britain1 to note thtiren ersnong Matiam to Ftay cured. The truth of hapa the muet noted woxnan lin Idle. I 6,72,000 te the war cheat. 1 CHEREOUGH WFG . . -in 1898, when Imperia] Germany sidedpieunith prcceadecm -these statenients hait been proved In "TInspring in Its loyaity and thril- - - mcuds)e with Spain and sought to buiiy our pipeactilyuîesll eeaî t thousanda of caseot throughout Can- ing In its magnitude la the assiistance, a Ch A U111011leal allant Dewey in Manila. tri».dth act tatai hveben ada, sad the followiniz cure je asatrlk- rendered by the princes and ruiing SPAJ~Nfl YtRILE _____________ "The tale uf ho-w tiie British Cap- nu buey fighi ta h rahcf__________ Ing Instance. Mr. Hlenry Smith, St. chiefs of India te the empire in the - ___________ tain Chichester stood up wlth our ad- discipline isae oie Jernme, Que.. saym: "For upwards oft rreat war," the report reads. 6"Thay 1 f~7' n ~ rv -- ia gainst the German admirai han Now the patc as nvra yeatr 1 W.91;Rvictim Of rheumatigm have given of their bctfreeiy, enthu- WU - UUI FN TURK AND BOCHE -OPRD SHOWS BF AIMU I ePR been told before-ant-4lnay by Ad- and se flrrnyifpatd nternaPTTE in a mo@t painful form. The trouble Fiasticaly. They have suppiied mirai Dewey hirnacîf. This story Il te pils ta the qusinup(~eg oTTS& I Was locatcd in my legs; and for a long thousands of fighting merr te march Former in Brave andti Fghts Fair, checked atep by step In Manila by roeting it otpeet eospo.S aa upyhmtdW tiane I wai; so bad thnt I couid not with British soidiers against Britain's WINS HONOR IN THE FRENCH Sasu Austràllan Soldier. 1 conversation, not merely with Our own lemi. - Th en a hywr rvntIn .W a.n walk. The sufering which I endured enernie@. War-like chiots have taken admirai and bis British colisague, but'te sokingpiebcaetetbao can only be imagined Ihy those wbo the field with their trooRs and th FOREIGN LEGION: Anzaca who have been "*through iv!yohrpriiat nta eo-lrihc have heen iaimilarly atTicted. Dectors, treasures of the east have heen pour- inreallrepe o t Metukas a fighav -ah.lefight.dontledicfteigrteolngOfcslosaea treatmnent dd oct help me and then 1 ed itotuthe empire's war cliest. The ge bepctfrthe TLondona Mcmh- AdeiDeeya fon on. tah bsnsem uh i beRan trying other remedis, but with nuxber and sperdor ut these princely a ofse t S alher, sa s a writr in he L ndaUup to WÇl eweynt ongbong no hetter reiiîîs. iinlly Iwas îid gifts la India's repiy tetos Oac W Aefor oChance te Meet yong ustrallan, "in cOnIpsaisla;In long onr, thouBitih leally nies -D vlaed to try lPr. WiIiam' Pink Pills. -would aeek te, undermine her ioyaity YoSiwihuic Boche a gertt"i cmarn etrI n t rpronted theiouti es ilyn te We kt.enwon a.o h and although 1 hii' hegun te li;e taith and lander lier honor. -Rel iner. ih heBoheinfavorablee ra, ntrpetd thedte Amte tANCRTMRs.ic i viie1 iai pde t i "i ni srpeetdiiteefights fair and ila abrave man. grhe'ng chid wiil fifdvromptereliefhe1 nternai nd exterosi tplls a icil. 1nn c'i e fl gve it ondmi re snote do thse1The almorer et the Foreign Legion, German 18 a swine, who shoots at can ships, and Dewey found no diffi- uec aysOnTh Ibfr u ae i el ti. ila arm. uivery grateful giua cX-epire. ad amongt.he doors F1Ithrough theO anb u oetei now thnt 1éi-1 tRo, for after taking lore men ot great accomplishmeuts and Pather Xnthas bonofhad airdcrpalmwounded and heiplesmen. l'y. acen culty in fitting out te the beat advant- les. Theyaraboueynefoah o.llmtd olnwo.Q eihtbxe o ii plq hetoulertrkirpersonnlity. Tint spi.ndld ponncd ou the ribba ound e i grcosshini do It. The Turk wiii fight like age prier te stcamiug acrosa te the chidrcu andnyrai oauhay rcumpleteîIY IisaPilva-reîl. i wafi tfree eid !acidier, Sir Pcrtab Singh, the ma- aofor heScarre attewounde gin.the very dcvii at close quartera. Did cucmy in the Philippines. And as ofthtei.Minertsto hc iteD fron I ain suid rouît 1 am a welî as haraja Regent of Jorhpur, aithougb y ffth ome atieveuder hear ut the Germns risking the Yankee fleet steamed past that eteeoufe.Cn'rigten r I taken the 1,111qoctatonaliy aý, a jîre- a vîgoroua rampaigner, and bis only i ter with the. bayonet 7 Bet you can't biuejackets mauucd thc rigging and 1rta Ihv adBb' w a n o This heroic prieat, whe is loved poei. 1 i. oetteysscee1shariyamotunu ries and'Ii ktea dd~5.15Ie os cautionar nimeasure. and 1 canuot Vwîsh is te die ln the service of the sdamie y vr siir fti.u oing at the momnth tii bayouc an d s montileneros tchire e ily e pc r ssia' speak too highlyilhtheir favOl' Emperor. The young Maharaja, une iegion for bis self-sacrifice sud de-!us oages." The Tabthlets Plandanur ILcLAYGI.OVE,1 chldrn o Dr. Willianiq' 'ýjnk paqucaluliileofotheymTurkomwnil Chefooliwaetxngtauyanswerowfron ttii.kneemaaldatAt25 centsaa boxuntromgThe Dr. troubles due lu wcak, watery iiood or ano)g the Ininprinces, in ouly 8ev- tiaogth egoale1ha stuad up e yer wtats.Jhe yontur and Ruasoo ian com anerat Prt r thr, iiliamst d' ___25______ biroken down rere.. iu - an get cnten, but he han seeu figbtiug o ou wa o gctre l charest h a h tn d elcîne Cc.te, Brocadkvîllecomadea PrtArhu, thfotnn.h a o er ncag fafs igiieagodndtuh-Alort btnIhdapiW o ems ionOn.ihaSms' aPin thednepilao r omi u s anviounler()lu t ntinent. Tiservice ttiahi huc l ari.Fialy haps kuew tbat. -'And Jehnuy Turk to cross Siberia. The palace revolu- cetq bx i.'Rçj ne, or qi rqor iv h' " i h ervioce In- bcame e t yofhearing at the cou- maIplpî . a fis .r u essi a n y t e-ilyIin a d et 1 * j iv I tllyou've outed h m . If tien was in ull 5swing at Pekin and A C c i n n i t o cenThea xDr six iî ,illefor .,Ivre' oeter th rend frcee nts fhessoa uytcnlysn u ety 'he shouid prove te b. a better or a the fleets outhte- great powers con- jPri.Wmn(uhu e vy~ O r I trm ii. Ot. WiC 'Meiie(o., eredte and eyarepted bontii.intrigues etftthe men and womeu uf cleverer man than yeu at bayonet'trolled every hucket of cealinluthe luta icestM' ..B"rck'cile. nt. sd the areuoviocec-the. Spanish court, and anked permis- j work-well, you're dune iu-tiat's treply ports. Itapoaln-ie u hv IA O A ' ti\f aluOfre OnSevîr no ofhie bisbop te go eut inte the Bail.da RUSSIA A HlIVE o I IT 1. "Wie<ma nue Otee mofn Srvies.worîd and seek a parish where h. ____ 'tBuy CeaI. Ofie- Remrkbl Nw - laSengpal, oîîe of the mont remarkable we- might come lu contact with real sin- "Tien it was that our Consul Fow- bu et 0M A eakbeNw l en e qseisoeo h otma-nems. Hin requent n'as granted, sud IaelU ~1r rau up sud cdewn the. etreeta cf h, o tb*st Ims aealo Manufactured terful ruiere lu India, gave great as- beame e We-Give, Wglng Chfuo r a t nhs hut ceand-bt i ast nigbt, n 'a' arygo al siUce ontry iltryad e 1Icaeattacbed te FhîPrst Regi-ocderitnethm Under the. caption, 'Thei,' 1irt1t tgSfCCnmneaforiitraan pr eu e ttonsio a poet.Fo alup cud . uy H netd e _description__________ the Ne Ruiga, th Rss aunrai. Her Iligbuna off cred te train several years iie foîlowed t.e regi- lu 1915 and 1916 Ontario contrihut- WalupII provîdeHeshwe m tm ii N e wJ ua ,"of i R u sia - r ino u n t a for t iie g ov er n m en t and tUi e t a o t n r b r f i a h e - c o e t h a a i n P t i t h eic cab le la w ich b. nas o dered t e oot m l y w t atniorican Jornallycf o mma ier cle lhopal Imperial service lancers *ee', the loney, ick sd w undd, ad- Fund than she drew from it, the sur- coal is cruiser, expected every M - ifr t ldo' r athe toedtrisaiiy to behstiere placed on garrison duty at Merut ment on a burry caîl tei proteet Am-êrtghelagwn Ten heepitteaieeth nderesenth f ,the dying on ba ledgan nml.Provinces woecontributions, l th lngh ndhradh tFrrance. She set eut on active service, up~~at~dil f i hs . i Tain. Hie acîn me ne could net de MINARD'S INM TowPmu u.@,g the Russan Em pire." AUl travellere b)ut wan învaiided at Aden. Biiopali'in am pi auad reading thte last theugrh exceediughy tiberal, did not antigmnyccuîd net buE. M BON. anae pc coming out of Rus4gai i la tntcd. bparheoî teinudawrterlr siml ervice over the. dead sud un- equal the. ieavy demande caused hycnecfca.Nosn,'ai ,th Inascrdfahacseu cr-ts om atar t.estimonv b 1the wonderful reaiwak- is a womsan, aud the.present .mornd olîcaî Oeleio.Britisb admirai ban plenty et ceai.' ache by MIAR'LIMETprc. eniug everymhervoi, ubale in tithe eîylvig oa1rue bsWent ltineTrenches Wlth the Mcn. vinces. For 1917 the. situation n'il "Tu, a11oslFolr btMR.S ALBC.Cs 4 Dtra emie h nylvngwmnrlrwoh& Wbeu the. iegion crosaed treni change. The demanda fron tItis Wprowhtre tha?'I 'aCcordsulsnstie una y aRRUa butAT empire. hbeeri iu action n'ith ber owu treops. Arc oErp l i.atm tvince ount'b Fun are îtimted t Makrgeu "Amercans~t, artir iiur" 'the ourîugz a pilgrimage te Mecca sIte1914 a teEropei- ca n'i fc rab sixmllin dolare s ad tcr-"cpYusi. IAR' IIET eH s Journal snvql, -'et-m most deeply im- nduther hodyguard n-ere attacked by corps. AthregXe-tl rator panther as ciondotelasantae te- "Our , use, another ARD presi;ed itiithe t'ha l1ged conditions AraI - homhe reuned atter a crs eietlpis rps itehndcddt s nai e Orconsul, ycu sewqs no In ussi ad remot anui ras ,1, nom ne ep blds be ak o tai ad myraise tint amount-in other words, te cf that atrange species n'ho tbink tiche ututure thitcoifr thTey Ilerceunnes cotrbutd $T»0ey y allier osbleiughnps-s wr ccntroisinbutedor ts weneoeyht codwargs athatbug b b gay thiît there t, aemething akmn 10or ePrice e butsrelif tndpriestnt ntouthe ol. in lolelm t th od al f h Wsti 0, r hePrne f aesreif untrenciies witb bis mca, talking wîtb ITii. total represents about one il u. statey bis caaen Admira im ea i ge tcWtiiti'f ast' $9,00 liencdollars aoove tii. conti-ibutinsI Wl Ris aeoAmr]Syor Liie id calrtiipet eraundrttfor udin toop, them aud encouragig thern as beattelirn1916,rsandteoe thecnbutos. e HiWei, xerty mlles tte the ea5.- "idyupaltefhrabt e openng opoiunitca ud tt- i,nd $1,600 for relief for Belgian sut-,Ite couid. Juat before the Firat Regi- fr l1,a weeil-olgnthee art eward. H. nniffed aspicmously, but Arthur"akd il e aciiiug resourc ies of R usia theiicb f r y sh. d m ent charg d north ef Arma o a y no wea iness i e ld i g o h a t finaly yielded, and together we CO n- "s.i dd e ' ni le a r e iU , mande an an oua inge hrougi tbe "A vry fie exa pie c iii. uld 9 191, h. tcîd shor serAiceriecaOnarusineassutlc peupltsuofr1cic.d tilcaie te n'hic in9aheur1ith n. h ptUy, reshorthe wooe. y1Yom. Man orprespector whoha@ dci vcd RpaetRais.,wfbs ee tohe- he r tcrlgwd rush, to 4 I yote teur cîta thi y nunli-.or Mth me loto RusWa.%condItnonstas tiies' cxlst time sheice tu France ever mince tii.. L.. M t J 5 _ seing mans' snd varled stortes eft Uh pia ap Loylt., *ll- is-% ti' e caried Lieut. Chartes 'Sweenyi unr kacea ln a couple et mentis. Thes'1 I 0thit r eseu r 'hes uet th ate pieO n es t $9000o f or s r p a4s l o s s th t American volunteer officer Icoulti ave put down a thousant i ~1pj tll.UIPORa ime EFdwin utnaan. Who W U M1 eth s a to00 ,0 0 t h av ef e ti ai n l y s ti n t 310 0,%) 00 cigarette , and i s la s' sîmo si dy ng a int Uic G er mnan fIlit hel. fi at eek . lîhe . ino te ii. ' et. pretty ham t.et o c t aw sy 1 o n t c e U, d s t e l i tln ,00,0 mn av bc, ecnuycontribution et $228,000 te various! "ttcGraa a arcioi 1endc1 Isepet. Mass. ellmbed up mIne wittei'. (CWLfO'iAlmenuel sent tte efront and tint anether 9 hat'bcd vire entanglemsinto near the "fteGmn a are u ott P »b ingMaer t «e ? efe h S rudl weiti i fuioltesZ'as add i5c~i~lustre te heproverli- Navarlan a, adwaedS«oy. tatpumtheiculdave ote >ne un s uanyanobu anlias tt a Û e torapenuIves pcZ be t teasltasuac ht Catuel Corp. Are PrevIde. hen, after Uic battie. sme o n rasen andtholIn bec. ln BtPetersburg In lpeda4(i. e stb.o a ee- terilimuat h. tic decidlng<sacier lnu "The. Maharaja ut ikaner prildetiof et Icleglon ne bw etere btmusotlierat beu.eti.deelnatpin1 cd.îoctshe nidtS eo o eenuv <ru t'ir the wvar. Tiee haiî ben tbld, tee, th&' Bikaner cameh corps and hiaseif Porary eetes cm i.Bl btPerr t rntatitr.ved o -Iuas a nasîs' iv n the ast M . ia 1&00n>1à.oas o the elors' of anen' explosive midli e- - procecded on active service., Six ;this brave pi-lest o et .Rom a h. susis' fer aR luy. ag IW$7d Siitilyli U4 S'i#le p lte a t ! theusanti loadig caine!,, . 2OM«hO i'urf P er for them il - a---w»'. frein vlthbruisse. and wvaore Froel formula, but net y.i used en were previded auteng ether gifta by M aurai 5PirisM angPAUibsrmh. <t Geed N.w. i s& d-' cbugts ooe the western front-a uheil wiehinc theii.Khan of Kalat, the. Sirdar ef ".- a" he .frocli and ieamoek, d"Ol5td 15lYou LSa-Isscat hiemieli 'PI bosu ft <sistbte iera'g epoding spmeads oves -a radius o etlain d the Jain etLas Delai, trontier hi*i. Iutitits'&Manti esetetbelet.î 'm salol byg~lhg i.mtt- ~ uilap WIsso 01 "a Vu7en * - ar u to S#yards a lest etf3000 ceg eg - ifs, vii. Arab chicS.from <ho withhering bfluIcalulateci te incîtur- 'Perlit 0,1f homme ontaestlsid larg &e&U ai v it i lsSoy reacl.» smoasotonRed Croc. vorLi - . "Tii. Maharaja HRoîkar e sd Pruayersfou' Soldiers.plated bilt pensonal econi aqwadroit the servtre of tic G;ovral MWi Many BrillaI tevnà have jutatat- contÎlhss.d 8W2,000 te îletaillit r-i- ed Uie practice et having the cburrh lietf(und, $16.000 for the purchase:;cf belle ring et a certain heur avers' muter ars, 832,000fer .omftta ard day to remindtheUi people te pras' for 8 21).(m tot the Prin<e et Wak* a'disi. the soltilers figiiting at the. front. "ToMhrj f Kaptunisaavwat- cg mgted bsrh7, a -oiinto ereatng a ioot u- - mnl dd*I u t lTb* Pa"t.»Ww«UtI f L PeogulViyl7wtNu have fooadtbat * (rape-Nuts' à *Uu muet nutriLlous ad ddloWm mc.rwItoé kow,. - "Teres aRaon as~ ~ ~~~~'g a~ pis ffll.' M11e01ae, n05 , 155 9557 1 b* M"ti Voud solWos, te% soqs i .ls.IoIl t tru queetouia&ac saetila Uthe Sg4oe ilmwt» ihSmIl W vCTo4em, 1okS abota ua'.antec"sti.o.s yt h I. d Toue. "I tint b me aa$ls baril for hum te bi e ismos te bu 0741 lMU51," sai ohlmy- va, s< e formsrvaao tm Ofte "Y@#oolMWiro700 Iw *"WacIq church usoaUy 'dia jow< tî'se *b h.ous y&»I* M W,, ,iruTas. -1; in~ ~ ~~~~i euY"'e nutrluse riaIt meV bat If <lr' d»1 "Y»prtty <«k4 (¶ ho bêuto" Odt ht e % er', igb 64 t * * ~11~Lorla or the homel ife knows prepare a mng meal hieat Bis an worr dfast heat oven tu nd serve 'or lunch banana MIade ini ISHC ritec fer quen mat on. ai' ma ledWis nrtU p"- ONiteto luàe th- ON aly fre t lil 1*11~- -~ 'fiwW Wo-, SMAbî Mut buat litai ve 4e ut mn asé .~ *0IL i 44-

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