Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 23 Nov 1916, p. 6

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Q.the .<Kdis A-1 They Want of, dini"fAlT L K twol - pI Mls bave a Ides, fourtnenuaefone S sid.d oeeatflres. The$ ane mistaken.ofounegaslmnadan You sew bemtifully, and yet, white LISTER ENGINIS ARE cpu fwtr ra h utr yeu stftch, 1 thnk of your 'cordli." BRlITISH BUILT d ti.uarmdwl-ebneg Tt was the ûret. tiiii. ince husvacciÀaelmo uc n gee ida co ffl dent that Wintworth had mentionedi litlafoe eof the delicous -Caod thinga" that hait a real food value. th1har rbsns f~ sr oin h itr utb ~d suce cf v aur good homemade î~}~ *Dorea"began bo trace out the pattern e sfermilgan f tthea hr Aalso orgo oeiebread. spread wi ' Crown Brand", forma W/C tii. naugh to b.kneaded adde pottne mor a pcrfectly ualanced food, thatl a praoticaliy ait nourtahment. dah was embralder fngewiththembe theralntathnhet Cuinhae SorrIde ifhcy balin isui s ndPanCakes. and on their o e eei. Hr igr tebe. iu.Assols i.dug ebr Se-ethemhae I o bacf t ad h. spoke wlthout Iooking up.. Epr orr'l f 1k.h. focn fdl aksatBac .gead"You haven't cared ta hear aboutPrpq, *didadbkenamoea ve Sh sint Yeu c us ie, for Cakeon Coaides, sud B an M ng à d business, Enoch. There are mre u tib a n a e s i lit ~~~Baked Apples. Andyou'Ii flnd fi the mosl econamical sweetenur tig o a att nw ic DO o ausfrCks okeCingerbread aminces Have your husa à glt i n, th. neul lrme ho lualn îosm- youare sti'ong agalyL Mr. Owald essdtreqatrcp i fbonciknpe 5. 10 or 20 pound liti-or a 3 pon lis;r uawrcp ok Ds rs salied for England a fortnight ago.' ik w utl iotnel n-afc ai yt THE CANADA STARCH CO. LIMITED and Candios", will show you He hated ta go, lea4ifig you before tesonMFisoa n esaafl Bêdmi MONTREAL. CAROINAL. BRANTFORD. FOR WILIAM. haie ta make a iot cf reallfy the critulcal point waa passed, but the 2.3. 7&9 FtP. On Skide or Truck. fikngp dro-hftepo Mcuk~w .1 1~v Wi.ur 'oemitarc- dellofou dtsbes wth "Croien Strand Theatre offered opern lime faoro~M~~t i~to%.sal 'tQ~N S1l1J~' I#IllPj~~~1 1;; Lad SW Brand. Wrf l for a OPY 10 August and it had ta hoe attended tae.o~tc ~ uic ULal ueblf~ mne 22 0 #llIIfIlIUIINI bur Montrea] Office..rdaean hpdnusifg-flIW IfeliUIilhhIflJeuuH.l rehearaing an Engiish campany Cruatebtrmxwtug unsavr new for 'The Hausge.'", Lister Silos, Ensil.la& Cutters,laui> t ___________ '~~~~~~~~Didn't he want you for it ?" asked Trse.SprverÎ Milkeu's, anadsurmLoabkgpaw wod tey _______________________________________________ ad oughtwaas sîpping rom hîa Wentworth. Electr c Le6lt Pmt% e otte de notmawicbsbene- reacb. (Te be continued) ê CreeiniSepattalors. *fu nuht aedub alti aepr 'r H I~~~ lA p~~5 J~~ (1 I~~ Wentworth's eyen~eid abreathless adsaei mi ice. To n a. T T H E L A 1 R SE O F w.. aquestion. "You were net hurt? h. "l THE LISTER ~ ' pikewt ae-n-usmxuetesen whIspered. For Catarrnal DeafneussIDE N. NI ~ LJ ~ u~ ~ T'r"~i rr'~ 1~'T ~ r "No, old mari; ne. I didn't have aGIDRadbee rvn h IZ I~ '..J~' Il V L<1'~IV V IÇI ~ cratch. Yu teck it ail. You aaved U J NAyavrm E O W N W R my lhfe, as you have donc more than andU Headu NiiOses Reipe frtec Oane.railoriepi By IABEL GORD N CU TISonce, and, Enoch, yeu understand- llere ti Amerîcu therp iq la r-h sufrr Fou f fijjpt etnpeople %noutddo i l e1to c<nstder thef 6wa: ut days, with everything f orgotten, niethod em pî o>ed by the Englisi te cern- -amwtr ?eeg n .aiscol Author of "" The WVoman from "ovrtn everything buried, buried sc deep thatu bat this nattllous dlisease. Everynna y lle atl ~VoIvertns neithr cf us ill evergive it nkowa how dainp the English clirnate -fimledbteon-aftiqof-sowoe n oether tofgh.'us ilee iei nathow âaxnpneaeaffectm those auffer- nî r uprmv _______________________________________ ting frorn ratai-rh. in tE-nogînd they treait CJII>TR XIV.(Cotd) Mery' huda riped cg-th 1 The thrili cf warnilh over that conttutional diiesse and use an Inter- eCIsibte adb.igpwerjrfrftr CIAY'-RXI.(otd. Mryshnsgepdtgte o-ýtrongest of al things human-a bro- nlai remiedy for Il that te reatty v.iri Wrtfw âogrtu aDppecasnch utr elth vrhv "No, I f.-it tat way et firat. Then- Vuisively. The nails cut into bis ken friendship made warm and secure Sufers-m ho coulid siart-pli hear a RiA-LI STER & Co. Lintodorneeuitoscsn-hrdfautemu it eoncilfîîîlîh.Oncnigt Idotr- nls and an ache which hurt tugged again--ran Ilke the ýigor of transfua- smali-h tii-k tell how thpv hait their heur- TOR~ONTOinhtikdpechnbterndfy ett uea i .enelooih.Oengt1dtrPlse t tcg reetcréd liv this Fngllmh treatimen? < nde u ni rond ri u rudtec mined for a minute to set myseif free, at hie heurt. Wentworth's chamber od bloci through the veine of the oik 0 uch an extenit that the tIi-k of a te gel thcî pccy blck, and te make ycu held memeries for him: hie thought cf min. ilappintiss fiushed into t'he wvan waîrh wae plainîr ac(iitle seten und __________________ d P ght tinches 'Ie fllwyn reip fo maînlad eny Parut undei-ît-anil. R -as the night-thut n4.ghts %vhen ho hnd tain helpfess upon face and his fooblo strcngth returrio Therefnire. If %ou knuiw smeoie .Who ______________ e-vî, hü.s1n bdan nchhd aetMr'yrgip qtroubled michct.rri. caturrhaî dra- iss e:Saveeornee ycu fouît fnie in tho-wbeu you gave cure cf hiîm in e lumnbering fashiou. Andrewv îuughcdad . Yucif eis oandc it 0 îbis ft v u im! N godmaab du nie ncw tcourage and e fresh outlook During theme deys he had stion the ,t-nnd, Enoch, we ai-e friends-fienîîs bi-en thP nminq lu f savîiizsonie poor air-irectngsdaadoe. Meue on life-%%lin n ofmtý." iýggedfui-e grue vati fr waînt uft hat, ncîhing rau separate zagain as fi Pi Ici!taps icffri oti di-afncîce Tii Lns o hc H unlf wînvîcu made a man fm. rg~ rcsr;infan hp P: î1 irfrard t Iit o h o e h riadad ei he re Di-as aii. .nd stood facing him slocp; ,tilt for him a semîle alwnys lit long as life lats- c î oi abouti75ccfnds1ermade asDRoNK e with he-1 eve -ear ching hlmn. Why Ucsoufaue.The wistfulncss of gi at1tad., dim- Vni,î::i- mnil i i 1ii- ý c( finaearhndhoorugtqdte dîdîît yc do it?" he aaked.Suduiînly, as the labt reruinant cf an mcii the e tu f the aick ion. "As t'g»il~lnt <Ibutileif SnzIII.d about unxtmrin el e ints LeuFJ " c:,'siid bMerry, unsteadlly. "dsi-ab eîeugh, of. evryfrgmntlong as life lasts! That vcn't ho a JîlOt of ho! wviiei and 4 curiesstn aohe ngtsd nohfsc "de yu4u zt-ner-mer you -no I 1 - of hatred, cf ie'E-nftent aet injustice, gi eaî ehil,,Boy," bu whispercd husk- iruiýiulatpd ir. - iIa'pdndirigadpltfrluc s- asked w nman had ailen asTake a taîsuîfi fr limes a day. FA y" u liuof pe-in aînd retutulioun whic'h for ton ily; -only now--it is ail righb-ar.d it Icîntîl n îse l 1>-i ut av not oîuy te For Unusual Stoes, i n o o rti tjlis tra lo ;1hdi chdayhn etmunth, h-ad been esi-pinu' his nature se lz ifent. 1fel 1ke oad i-etue b.ýt u--i-n tie Inflammtio!în tteuposb.Ifdpp low i I îci f hohad uytbng lftu eem oi-tt, e ze ccwr cni eweling b in'- eEusiaiuhari ToheaiChili Cou Carne.-Th-reo rupfuîsclwrd i l4t rt lodnghs J fl way f10 filttl woueazd takemeber"a that % îîd ull hîm tb is feet Yuuf luighelf fu f-m lll hl Yououranbe d thuîiîe eualize thei-air r(rassurf' o diced beef (lean>. thu-ce chopped ou-aune.ge sald, Y(13, suc long as ho hi-s hon,>r, Merty's heart. The love, the implicit that writcrîg chap m-ho died iately? le flue dl-urc. but lore c-it a! i ,tcc- Ommeiate. there s nf nd cfa chace fo him. confdenceeven ho boish îepend~ce sii soothin juetbefor ho w rt. ii-nre Inînttri te nuiîlie -ar, nul fic re i9/i thre choped i-d pepors, uhreeHouseold Hnta. ed rngneel Oie eide man ram floedin . . '1' -k d ff-ii culfusPcfakedeysbeaus.hlrhmbaeka isyaidupbulsfiob ce be scald accu fi-gela, "O!eredDra ghast. "Oh, to upc n teol r an ae lo ing1thougbt cf it tis morrcng-Im îîîcî ardt e Culte .sîcrnachfour ti-culon 1*111 rshould l gîe 1ilits rairue cia trial and1 of clive ili, eue tablespoonful of fleur, Vngradsi eea xe-paafnc 'Tut tebat iu my way? I)eqi-est, wth l sceuied unimpertaut romp'&red I know-" , deae sauce. The cil le placed lu a sauceigbrse.c t thtnigl1 came arou the cerner- wtli the viîtal tact thuit tbey bad been 'Listen, Eneh." Meri- apoke ithi 8e»o cd . iil er rens 1t. "okForm Notes, pan aud wben hot the culons and pep- Txel se ybvn ls tha nu ÀI1hait xen wandering lu the sua sîal i-tnd. o f passionate ceneicto.1eo Ipers are added, sud when the cons esrn cpl ahth orbnaîrao.H dcsert. Suddeuiy 1 feuud tuuriue, Wberi the nurme beckoued ho i-tale boe, old nain, you're net gInghme l Jamaica a kicking herse is flag- are yeîîow the*meat is stirred in lu.ew u ua i.apl m 1 found love sud hope, 1 found you. noiselessly ecross the floor. She iu the dark flot, et. You'v-e gut thirty ged with a red ribîcen on bis bail. A Ir. As sean us ail the metlha- Odboesrbgeeut in iicle adatpaf That nighî ce heu yuîuwe-et away--I poifîtedu to a chair lîy the bedaside. or forty yoairs before that homegciug."i good ides. cd thcroughly a cupfui cf bot wnterpee nk iemt epaeudrbutcue beg.un tic iuuerstind that it evas the "lie bas dozed off," she oxplairicc in a Ile turueul impcratively te tube nurse. Littles lu n hie mngrfer the i de udtb mutheeloualya most coulai fuI chance Ged e'r put Ice ehîsper. "le asli.ed fui- yeu juut-t Push bael, the coitains, won't yeu?cosleemnyutepcetfrtecvcd acpn buepat. lu a mnaus wtc-y"* bef ore be 'cent te sleep. I told him, PUFeh tht-m av-ay back. Tbere's a glo- man sd bis family. for two hs Te b a rioe te ste Whpcerluapterisdf An inatnt latet-lhts arma w-cie you werc coing. Sit bore se that iloua sun sining-let it lu." Tbe feer straps you bave dangliug sud thickeuod sligbtly with fleur sdetaeueig H about lier and abc toIt his kiss upon ho cati sec yOPîoiu ho e akes up. Tlie coman understood. She i-an up about the legs aud body cf youi- colts water. The Worcesterhim-e sauce l l:yc aiadppe hkr h "Deu't," rried Dorcas. "Don't!" tegan te sec perfectly through the The rooni grew suddeuly white sud te make trouble. stirred lu. thdnertb.t- Sho f reed bei-self fi-uni is ciasp sud gleom. Wentwortb's gim gaunt face ràadiant. Nover fight witb one cf your uni- Turkisb Stew.--One cupf ui of rico h breigfr i re hudsb held hlm net-y tram lber. "Can't you had startled hlm fur a minute. The "There!" cried Merry - "Talk et go- mals. It wiii be the victer lu thbe end, w cpus fi acs(mnspulpl understand, don't you see, Andrew, cyelidawecre ciosed. with deptha of ing homee in the dark ? Sec bew the for even if you kif I it it bas conquci-- afecpu fcoebace h> bplgkie-pseso after chat EbNocb did te yeu, that 1I shadow belac themu. The marl's domi- surn la hiftng! Go home lu thbe dark,' or you. It is out cf trouble sud ytiu onde, eue cbopped oulon, rcast ianub fyuhieapi fncsoat cannot ho yotîr wife?" 1nating nose atood out like a silhouetta the ldea!0!are out, cf peeket to the arnounit e h ieme irthoofd hn e ra u pinl bm gnru "You -tnot-le-my-" He stared' aguinst the white pillew. The mua- A pathetic e-agerness flushed inta the value,.r trig It amn moved fi-cm the lire and tbe tamatoos ihtacm ad; h esi lu erinbewiidced dismay. tache bad been savod say and lUnes, the cyes cf the man ou the bed. The 1 I o resati ont am nie u lod ie u hnto-Rikakbadswdo i de a "Yes, thut la chat 1meanb- abe chlseled by days mand sights of Wpa iglre et the sunabine sbow'ed clearly and do not kucw asiC there in te be dish-,iàs allcwed ta o bitfor eueneu-cfterfeaicleusndga- ap whiapere( temeoal. "4Doalt you crinkled about the. qutt oththe wc anuessansd gbastly shadowa lu kucwn about cees, ài lebetter ta put langer. When finisbcd it is meuudedmnscî aeca u er understani7 l? Hecoculd 1 marry you Merry at starlng at the>atrard face thc bandaged face. I the money into, tbree really geed anes on a platter sud surreunded hy squari Wbn hppgcrataepitherpov with the thought ofa bs orrile with a diii, turgln hope lu bIs sOUl, "She says." the acter pcinted airer than lutte a dozen animais that Mnust ef rosat lamb. - Eggplant sud okr rmsatrn uplc ic isgt h wi-cno coutantys betetny b? theheh.usldnetw-otceeventeCDi-- isnobuldeoai he ebtengwnedhoofd, buiwbibhnukedyerneito-treeoher fvcrxgoaditIos te he siffuaper ver he tp cfthe hwlno cppro-b coulI4 nover forget it. Resaumber It cas.- H. wanted timne-time enough nurse, -she saya you ai-e eut on thbe mises. Fromu the thi-ce you a-rkish stcwihawy a ee--wt ml o utecer ferortte athitiws han wýse Enocb, my brthei'-dou't yeu te tell Eiioch that the aid sfluity wSS bigbroad--ceming bacte hasta> wltb i-aime a dairy ei-tb baiing. u a îslmb as itsbasis.baor undsratand?-.-im¶y brother-who did dead, that the old love waa alive, us-iudefiuiteiy, you understand,, Sometimes a neat cow habitually Hawaulan Flsh Stew.-Fou.r cutpful io bdsta aebcm a 'og h tits! Row couid you go un Iaving me stengthened by nec ies. A Saeen Enacb' She kuces. Den't you "' Heles dows lu the stauchion as fair for-ofaimlIk, oue cuptul ai gi-ated ceceantmi- frue ayhwasdbcc- iic>a cas yos5 brtherof pain rau thnough Uic aick man's looked inta Uic womau's face witb ar- u ard as possible, se as te keep dlean. n tablespoainful of chapped aucaio sl nnu u tizda oeIg~~ o "'Remembr-it wsyu rte face, crinkliug the paliid forebead dent pleading iu bis eyes. Then when she rises she bas trouble, eoeefableapaonfui af butter, anc tabl-fratnnhi. TeLnni i uc sveu mylite," sRaid Merry pas- sud tcltchiug the lips. MIdery Igok- 5h. smiled sud nodded.8h. wcansd somc'bodysisableodsdtî-spnulacrrnceaoofl i sycoludefehg -O te wsavedmyy ay .h i od nd ei srefulofcury on tasiof lug ou deareat I Hc ulu I st op qedue t ns e. Se - te heembodim.erît o baih nd7rigeor - or 'rlsowatilc. Try.glvim ber a uew;f giner. The ovoanti tin soaed a Smtms1 antes t e btAOlCJ te kitchen me>' ho grest' o. use thons ta trimi raisinesuad fige, drea pare grapeifruit and for os that ina>' hodiscaver-, e tWhnklng bouseie. b wlth eampneeeed Yeast b. sponged lu the mn- d ta romain over th V sinalquantit>' ai yealmt vi-U be heavry; lu ethai mot outgnocs itseif sud rated cavera ion tue ir>'- leo mahi haies wcli show bo escape, dli pi'event 3ring out, bat W1il not food fmonbrowning. iy ho periorated witb à !k anid hamumer. prepsred thus unake bot- chou atewed ln the aid choie one ln a Pen Part- 1water and coak lu s il it burets ; -scoop eut th* tb. seeda, and it le readY ýe into pie or ta seal lu- a e use.- your oeobes Pull eff lu Irveking, isn't it? The ip e heavy ruhber band veraboca, aven the instuep. Sbit uuslghtiy, and takes e.if necesssry, the baud -led ta make it tight eu- it this cluten. HOT WATER tINDIGESTION hysldlan'a Advlcs tira. aufferprs tram gas, lent-e. stemacî actdItycm trec atari-h. heartbtiru. etc., teaspouful et pure bleura- lu hait a glass cf hot mater si-lot eatîi. they waUid ey were ecier afflicted wi th ble. and dectors could have- ýhere for patienta" luIn0e- thege wcrds a celt kuown ýhysidian stahed that mcuh îrnach trouble are due. te ty and fermeêntatiaon af thse i ot the stomach can>binea ficient blaod auppi> ta tse )t mater incroases the bload iurated maknesia lnstantly ,ho excessi ve stauaech acid cd fermentation,-tecois- the twe. theretare. betur- succesatul anidocidedly the une et artifictai diges- iats cor medicinea for fa- UBMARINE'S EYE e Reflectai on a Pice et Papçr. larinc's tire grest a e are her invisibilit> a.dth )f thss terrible ongans ofi -torpedoos. Yet bot in- athors could ho uscles ilt Ceuld nat sre, sud this fac- ce practieshie b>' the pcni- atride a have'been made iu ment oai tie medium af firat ane cas a short tube s reflecting Priamn, which izantal raya dowucards i tube au te a, fcs. This oppouite au eyepIsoo, an serer mas obigied te kep ceutrated. - telescopk prineile, the tii.bed nde hieshee la Uicmcon bit. kues beaide the. led, hi, .'Or or à Ra sius tOu ito bis rMies Uoiies ouîte e hu nin' bag bdy gers stale undr thcshoot. sud caugkt broueiti poe.suad s paie,.es8o hoPet su edon ih nw adg.ed stonement mas drawing la thief 'mtin P att, ve te tsamotes .edcofet"0esa miat'*sosuL Tlhe nurse lowercd he ttsa)poin fti oaahl g 8II.ct%1.0-f 171o1 cwuu Wdbiotted o«a theoradian tWmUe , pur ot aysobcokyslIi ra oiIn h 1e3 vhch Booded tic resu. th bt. seoutibisa.raslt- oqoindtettekestpeel cpae , tve oIbe m 6« rM* s~a~~ u~o ~gStWStom as wrde rwiweu= Ibemla c bu u-* wl--l w ern.*rd jot1 stave w moolc»en a e lnetg ii. poot a ifl'b mt M a bsstdasdead vlues. A stylaaU ~gts- hfau, - wOde 91oamama LII" b Pourîs 4l t -11 -.1 911 fiet uyr fi h ira? u E ii' flbeosby flhnc brlht .11k bt"su your fLug rienou g Umm g,, Le nos apa,-e-scupiul ai but- i i J nul ici

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