Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 23 Nov 1916, p. 2

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_____________________a hgt .tse. are q uit il t. flot d1~~~I~~i1t iii. e~~~,0 ow and iltnugly below ti.baiflMre tradgin -C PO G IN S It e leg-o'-mutton ~Ie belng brtughtA EIY IC I A the bmutifu Maeoý,' fýwardagaJn, andléeeves withft eepT A1M- 1 of Rumaisia ln writlng for western _________________ fts are very popular. Quit. a novet I __ readers of the country of her adoption. idea lnx sleeves was not'iced in a blue «Rumanla lua a mail, new country, but4 It la .speclry true tisis autumi that: serge drese trimnied with moleskin lRoot Abacesses and Cumbolls. i RE( IILITING IN CANADA FPOR a country 1 love, and I want others toi etyis one of the greatest clurma fur nt the coller, hem and pockets. Il in these days of ekilful dentistryl THE BRITISH NAVY. love threearis pSenwt nof ero- o the styles. Although thoJt Who had tight-fitting steeves, the upper there are few people who are foolish j pie, mainly vyer pntaonafpec- have bien Iooklng for revolutionary Part of whlch was of f ur and the deep enough tp continue suff ering Wên i-- plo, that lu et aimu, tet an affec- chantes ln the fashions have, no doubt,' cuif of blue serge.1 frein decaying teeth. We have letirn-! el aosOrmnadMm teiontte b. bt uaned aby pro bendlsappolntéd, they willi certalnly TAi eare f ew roate without packets., ed that we cen anve rnoney, turne andHelqaFmu rsaanMm lere pot t e pobethie la no ln &- digit thati the dlversity in tise present AlI are very snag and Ceiforteblf, leatth if we have the cavities filled. ber of British House of 01grsy hehdtrw lonbrbgn hpbeth prstha ect io n o be styles more than makes up for the, espeefally the elt-eii veloplng bop coate When e tooth han so fer broken down paal ihtedsrpin fhrabsence of anything that mtght be'buttoned to the. neck and covering the thet the ixer puip is exposed, there Coinmens. For e longtieKhrne ldwtinhecceththegt predecessor, Carmen Sylva, ah. llimcelled radlcally different. F h -entire dress. The coat lnx the illustra- la ne question about baving it attend- CpanRpetGinss .. lot nd spdr itefxtrir ee oetItreeeo the picture of peasant labor and rustlc tereet la always belng arued î. the tion le of heavy velours wtth large ed to, for the pain ie se intense thatlei Caanadaufor thpGuines, .Pf ai- dth idet "h"i db ial wt hr iy lisr ntegodnsnhn f ne u bene buttons and very large gathered i aaafrteppoe o ri-,te eo cl curn, uw O blium re lix ti glde Thuebfinofete- clever varlatioris ol the present Fwwmnwl es the bravest cannot long endure it; and ing six thousend men for the British "chummy" withagntthteclg;retyuhriodbetw btossomling, the hyacinths and daff o- ey tley un ied without ont' ai these practicalilme o ut1nayisnIrha w a bnln on ndht dits luxuriant, the' sprawling, bappy At eyeh enrlruelall ,t,,every tom. Idin il i t ue ca e grout.n o' London seine forty-two years ega. have a bad temrrioesrol ertegn a h lyd childi-en, the slow-moving oxen, th stalgthug iegeneirt true a e fuît atwh my eusdinal iden Btlweame bandgretyine edco-Moreover, as the eldest son and heir Frosty hed neyev ene ehrn o dark-eyed girls about the fountaîn2n srih-an gizn ofskirts ofthe-e are a idwah r en' ahon ttratmt e aythint ie on- aofViscount Iveagh, the' richeet man or anyone e1.., butsmtne esok OdFot a oe o w1th their pWantive singing-tbeae tydpens and dozfenh iekion rom thes h idnre ns eshioced ns eiathartethere jenting wi-ong'in lretend, he will himseif, in due hîs head as if h.le1af m aa e a ihhensan lnx ber presentinent only serve to deep- otype hicnedfe lmlyone ente Chilrens arhoewnot netcte dea.ywitb or teth. Soeimn ces ~'tion!course, became Ireland's richest man. be cross,' and oci ehdatal u a hwtt ae ioeo en the mnelancboly contrat witb the teatures which -accounts for some ai A great deel nf attention ie given te ai the eyes are the redult af trouble' 0f illîmitalile prospective weelth, butted littie Splide. Kteiecu tloe iehrree. K cutythat la overshadowed and en-the ~differences la the uen-hem ad- their clothes, which tea Ïtinde hat it going o at the' rootofai tooth,' Captain Guinness bas been lessed ixnot forgive tha, frSie a o lne on. N n'ws hned btyhndwar, ht' le fing asrote boustes. li ane ekrtthe effect la gree follow the fashions of their eld- tht' nerves fi-rmwbicb brench up tta- . , îrîendrepects. i Frostye o-d1thouglit bard.n vocted - -ers wrd ht'eeror ht ey. Fr te'dinai-y lot ai men. He i.9 very good et him in fi hl ohbnetthAlisfo th obtas.Ined sblusesa lok ata the spcimeeai an-averyday ey iedthdeFostytaoaehehie sri-yorFgrd teteh battletleld and ptt'aded for the' ie o otan by a gradueiltengtbening nt The Russien bos style i re- saine reesan it is possible ta tay the tealok wth a frank pce-utfacean.;stake soiewthErei h'ocado n n'a e ok? Sol hie nation. the' back. In athers, paels et the. uently enplayed for yaungsters, bath bleme on a toath thet may be perfect-' a sensiblehad -sk e on atrdyeaot nd thke gaen ohrinhefedeath'bmetto audseryt front and linck or et'the aides bang for echool and efternoon frocks. Bath henltby, but le suff ering liccause it esbeha e nsurysol ntegre The' Rumanlans., a pleasure-loving several inches lielow tht' hein oi dxc plump and slender girls cen wear this has the anme nerve suppîy as its ders. As an oarsmen hie neme le a barnx, and there h rpe h at wyfonhm folk ndmittedly, had become notoriaus skirt. When furi- l used ta edgei style becomningly. neigbbor, wblch is realîy ce-uslng all househald word, and he le, besides,: grass until he fetiebanganp Sddnyad rsyslvdt ix tbe world's political amphitbeatre'skirita ai thie type, it may be placed, To vary tht' long coet, which is al- tht' trouble. a good abat and a -skitled yachtsman.,Ht' was fat andwelcnntihlfebmfohrbyrpizgt't for their indeelsion. Regerding thern- 1et the edges ai the penesor the aides wivsan setialie f the irl'e hnvrLeei ani napr ei amme fPrimn oa;h on l selves as "Mtte Romans of the Est," aif the ski-t, but nat al &round; and, wny he smart little cent suite' are ently heetthy t'ai-, or neuralgia and' South-eest Essex., end *ras f orxnerly mnia*ed a chancetabtfo o thn tathhdto ueeoft' tbey have dmnled tbir affiliation wltb thîs is another meens Col varying tenwbig r i el ordes wligaon h ys t' ianot ember for tht' Heggerston division,! new te est. Anwbcebtm aindiga. Prpatel thernl Bakan nqua- They dian- 1placing ai fur banding ai akirta. Saine'weer these are o! velvet, woal velours otherwiae lie eccounted for or that oHe o ha. aIea e pave ofheLandon."gri" noloan rs I h'tmIehrn dtdaltl eî cernin Blka quarels Thy di-!ef the French designers wbo ls.y parti-J and duvetyn, and for generel tuse they doea net yield to treatmnent, il, la i'Heha ise evdo th Lnon"m angi 1k. the Oreek and despise tht' But- I culer stress an the 'uneven hem are'are ai serge, gabardine, checks and teaesk the dentiet ta bid out whetheri County Counicil and on the London It wns aid Rosys aptt o hnaltt err lF' garien. They believe that in 1877 Callot, Bultoz, Agnes and Beer. mxtre.a e h screating tht' disturbance. ESatAice duintht' waesrThu s erne 1k hm bttr ntle ts oc ateienwtûth they saved Russie, and it bas been Not anly ski-te but casta, tac, are! Embroidery in colored ileîks, wools An alveoaer ebaceqsla an abscese! ot fiadrn h wr hsieielk i wîtbin the' ambition of Rumanien marked 1w tht' uneven hem. Not s and beads je as popular for youniz that foirmgin the' jaw in consequence it wiII lie seen that he la dawered: they racme sc odfiedehtftndyadgn edta ew sovereigna ni recent yeaî-s ta rule the' few droop et tht' ide-, whilt' tht' front girls n's for womren They 91-o have uf a dise-aseedteoth. When it ferma with tht' gift of public service, as'even faithifîJ litteide huh hthr e. S h tpe Eat irain Constant-inapte. If their 1 ns wide a chieein ulres.< niaterials'only in the' gum it is calle(I n gumboitl, gwt many mare ai fortunes he had reasan tasodKthinfr'ore- n were nat mort, blamt'worthy thanr',' ,i ' readblu ie q, -ef 1,4"1 sh(, aiire u' s ed h aean l, aft-er tht' menner of stong Unianit-an lrisbman, if a Tht' friendship aeaotil u- oyuti. h a1 Gi-oece tînder Constantine bas heen; for thei-îme n ln freckq. huile. Put if it occurq faither duWn, Uoionist, la usueal]>'e strong one-but ious wny. Tt eftbtodFot'h whatever tht' min or tht' shame of vaci]- T <c j ttti rnma Il- t ta nel ait the roui. o! the Üt'outh, it cen cus hie frank, cheery, breezy personalit>' Ont' day et schoo h'tahrsi iantt edradcee n lation, thei- final val<roue decisien has froni '< tLocal Mc( ah IDealer- oi seî-ious trouble. Unable to diecharge mkes hirn popular with menofai l] ta Katherine, "o ei> utd'pee n h în efa etoned for IL The countryi-y eworth froni the' McCail tCompany 70lBond outwnrdly, it mn>' burrnw do-wn inoaparties. He la ct'itainly an excellent youi- numbei- execssmr et>!sehdd-w h'pci Raving fi-rn tht' liquidation proposel 'Stret Toronta, Ont-ai. )ept' W." the hone and find an openind thi-ough candidate on a platfoi-m, hie persan- Tht' paper thatyuhnd toayitchr Kthit'ieet liy tht' (entrail Pawers. Tht' pen of - the- che-ek, or it may woi-k Its WS> Up- ai> engwrhalo !vts Te easih! o.ywihaltîegs. H e Queen ma>' do mucb <o meke bet U 'IM'U ?C'I vam-I to tht' car or even ta t-be b-in.' i s h wst country>'known and t-o dimpel the pi- Ii U'UA L))i When the pain in the jaw is cienrI> aesewetrd free eces "h bleeadF-s> ie valent misconceptiona of %which 1i,%iir t-o an absceýs t-bat is forming, .-t cngtiedyoknw Kt'rnecied atrn. "iCO Rumnania bas been tht' victim. Yormcn huri-> it elong b>' but pplica- - knew ver>' well ta h eevc btsoî a aedanta a UNIJ'lI 'TIO 'l FSON t-lis and poultices inside t-bt mouth; t-ht' teacher saidbunee-eîsiturndadFat>bssa Aft-er ail, t-be superbuman ihlt-arv bIut-du not- ajpi> t-hem outaside, for t-bat mfe eing sulk, adwiee.ws tl ritobe ytaigi u caste ln German>' hav-. not been able OEI R26 may cause tht' abscese ta break feigslys ta '""i' withthe omm p opleoft.hrough t-be ce whicb wauld teave picture ai thteace ea.cudleiina fe i. Adie France. It last-be seme as in the' in ugi>' anar.w Nepoleonie Wa'rs. Tht'ei-ietocia-st- Lesson IX.-A Living Sacrfice.- As soon as t-ht' alceps iq ripe it lilank page inberaden se Tenh wtdsrthtu tht' "Vans," "Hoerbgebarni" and thbe R- omans 12. Golden lext. abould bet opened by e physicien. But ment t hwit t e -eatbrpuiaFiatyhnoutbraimwo "Excellentes" went dawn lîke grass R 1: htee- -e -mpri- resmetai-wol oIub i. We coltt c-dja si hybdbe liefare thegeer 1 risdup fo Rmn 2 .the' abscesa ma< lie, that le certaint>'ul auha ,.e generals races fi-arn e~~~ut, bowever,ahwe tinnga'Il-eulie, tht' common people (i France. "Ger- *'t-rue: a toath that ien fflicted wiltba', oehn le n aptth' ok n rmta a ati h many's Liberatian" was secured b>"a rttuefrnecisrcie. succession oi ahacessaught to camne' * s no er ag wtera-e- ok ep atemevuhesce tht' German middle class, led h>' Field out. Teeth wit-b septic i-nota cause, Marabal Van Blucher--s acommoner--templerand tot-ht'animal sacrilfice af t-be'muhmoetrouble (han î'eîie' thustopp-ingtpeairon. mangla< laorite advised and asslsted b>' Gneisenau' ihehn imsedNeuralgias and beedachest-a no WeKtbrneecedhm that neyrsI(nneson t St-ein and Hardenbierg, al] cammoners. Cbristian gives "bie members as in- druge wilI cure, and etoach troubles . atnon-h'Irt-iga.ddwatogig o$ ndKtez Fil asa o idn*l wb i strumente a! righteouanesa unta God" that df.al . . bswllote ave a good fricwtSpdrwodrnneloepîtrsohe la bai-el>'la t-h. "Von' clas i4. ioN Rm .1) hsi 1 ito il as b>' magic t-o a lit-t-le treatment asuul "e t-ht' upreme mliliter>' bei-o a!Ger- wbat le alive, <2) bol>', whereas t-ht'y goud dentist.-Yauth's Confrpan- S h. scarcel> gav inee l 0nnt> ot htbrbah ote a nisi etadb-Fi-ast>', who was adn -eg-s pca an apas e o m a n > . H e ' ls e d i e i p n t e i l « d f e l l o w , a - e a n l - e f n u r ] n i o n . ,b ' n < h t d o t n t c - a Y c j h s C m a i n wo wa put- out ai service 'ers ag,, 1 MLL care unhai> if an unhol>' man brought- Ie-r I Ian< and bas spent most- ai bis lime mince it, (3) acceptable ta God (contrat T -- ____- - -- playing carda anti dominas with hise Cen. 4. 5; la. 1. 13, et-c.) and (4) a'lIathHns 'NC RIN"I EGAI.dyelte aefenteP cronies la a village "(Iaittbof." It lemi-t'aI act af wai-ebip (mai-gin-compare Ilope and auccesa make nbinci- tanic , OC Ali commonl>' beilt'ved la Germen>' that James 1. 27, wit-h a different word). t-han medicine. o a oit'avsn h'l Pr- named Ludendari, wha lis bis ('hie! like the' Engliai Revised Version i-ta- The- best iest-ai-e is sleep. -.--Mnrriei eodTm.mdhdbe eundfo ofStff ad 3o te-aierree1-soaelle, la wrong; tht' word at t-bis The beetst ubiltjlis e txeri-Cet. hlm. In Lady Gwendolec Guinness, Eacb mantb nnetb vrgo"maya oai niT lymd Vn"tm ettmetaphorical (1 Pet. 2. 2). Fatigue celis for etadn h, daughter ai Lard Onslow, who was ing number aiof hAdnwoecnvrainwsanie-a 1>' made a"Van.' XIIrnoon lîrexm of Satin wilh I)i-ped A literaI "service" was periormed b>' spur. ' president of t-be Board ai Agricul- uexpected ret-unsatrcvesat'deat-thdfoxryblo - ' ~~~~~ ~~Ski-t a piest lnae temple made wit-h banda.; i)on't ncgiect ta take dail>' txt'i- ture in Mi-. Bniiour's Administre- tmswt o' admnunma t eh.wi.Se iie h'wr ONE-AN RLE I CEI-'eNi -and il ha-k are even. antissrrne caste suggests wbet ia external, and fbeet- partant as dal>'food. l- i n, hpopulai ra carnt-ia n, s edandsa,.t-a .wsbeirtba~ Reichstag la Nei-ely aîhalg~ '« ul ipippuaa eaigs.I-eal'oding2. Frabi(aned-T basGreek wfrd cie la tbe enformet-s tofat acsei-tineasn wi a ic h i-mto lie paseda L tt ees mo eweIîg a-dtbcds deai lanirer in the' hack t-ban la th-e n:eeyst mzgn a t f- Ot !tb etfim ieecs aModeat and lanly. clcty acd Ssfety V'aIt'@frnt hioa." Tranaioi-mtd (thbe Gi-eek, walking. Every de>' when t-be weet-h-Mebt D. Thocmas Curtin, wha spent <e-n Anot-b'- -ereewhicb bas had no raiesls mt-arpbsang. Reeimpliesanciperi lk ta rfiarnonoui-rk C aptanlGulTheaisne odGutns who bavere n ofcai'rpr-c m fetd lxcneun mont-haix German>' for t-bt'L.ondon n id o! variatione la that ai t-he' poket. rdia.iwracane Rnwig.- adcetin> duin no hu. elamn n. Tt nin i unns 'iIearacl]nel> adn thm-' oic adbentkhef i Sa GaI. 6. 16; 2 L'or'. 1. 17, et-c. Prove-,! A hall hour's bu-lsk waîk in t-be 18 an -at e cw alae h'selves, either l1 an aeg a-atIh s ensn aka Dal>' Mail, writ-es ne foîlows tIn a re- Tbi-ough t-he long lii. a! t-be p<x-ket, lit- Test b>' experience. Tht' text, not f reseb, dean, out-door air ever> de>' wiîî worid. But, personaîl>', cane ai the' pltal or elseliaGeanpso bt-biecagdp-oer cetathuic aa-k aetbt.- eaurea othe desmaingerswbo hhe te mai-gin, la ta be folîewed. Ac- bring lits own reward. If cuIt>' <or famil> are la the habit ai ndvertiaing camp. A caselapitcu-eoi>a-dn-yTm . mens augcosuindarck a hiaenter- eorlced of he dilgntsomt'-hanv'ceptable-The word ai verse 1, but cold when walking, take deep brethe. theniselves. Lord lveegh bimqeetisj a f ew days ea we '.Bir' Ti bsadtxta.te m ait- stFa-ituon ana< as s m na vet lax -e di reiniontAn, stn' tiansfei-red ta man: "Oui- wilts ai-e Walk with t-ht'chest high and head up, a ver>' -tticent mac. Ht' stands ver>' Blngham, whowaanailsyeîswstveprtclya mi aope fo'theiFrac-ri n t-bat a x' trvea nthis eixteei-s' si n c-'dayl, o ara-to make t-hem Thine," and wben and yau cannot feel blae and depand-' high, itýia known, in t-h. persocal con- bridees, weiss udeyt-dta-br «c-e>'bknInh lhh @opafur thachiacrefibis iwtlît"plea -es" us, ent. aredence 6vfyt-beKlng.inAndhnetewibs-bout busliand, ut;.meeh.fibedctboughetKinu.bAnndtwhom oiihusbbnd, aho paign, he neyer inteaded t-be Reich- for large acd amaîl pockete are st-lit for we know it- le always good. 4'-----reason. Far bis chai-acter is a i-e- kilIed In t-ht' lutennalbt-lwt alodtatieciv ac intag t-oheIastitiomen t-t s ndtht'vgeryogai-ment-s ai the s'mple,' 3. Tblnk soberly-'-Sanity is ou, OXY EN ODDLY APPLIED. markabl>' fine one'. Ht' in ethorough actusîl>' alive ac ell n ! -et1uee ffcrfgtu lawlbt d - eai-est word-freedom f ram illusions,'mnobuiesbthi ndeae-Gra psn la Great Brltaic. ciai-ed w<ata and ski-t to ht tu a- i-rnvait',ficmpasin.Noe -bt-ReaanaBadaesunLodo MII inea cdmuifc aceaie roeriavie-brbialrsa.rctao.fho aehecgnzc rmoe Whet Blsmuaick gave tht' (ermarla tii-easy fi-oks and suit-s. 1 ftont e. nbot bid sin. er te tGod' lcsBadgsinLno i H'leamn iwiecltieadis h'r a ragcot h'a-e tbrhsiamds e was a debeting mociet->'and s safet>'. lnafsternoon fi-oc-km, a nxost chai-- st s Frefcîesevc eýtayIcpt Chancellor ni Dublin University'. Hia day. The huabns iavr'pplrnt ieoeti dniy u vale. ticonead eat-plae theirsk iuert-s fling e a casade. Tii, Ohneed ta know t-hem accuratel>': aur ;Man>' wonderful examplea ai new mind 1kbath keen and diecriminat-lcg. acd well-known oa ai-I-nitinnwbtenhmdt shi hoisadvniaetermityle l xcingi>' gre a sae.lnTsitsumessure ai fait.b con then fsewhist'and npproved appliances and met-lids Among bis icterests art and art col- prisocer in thbe erydy itb a.mcwoneeoc oe grîevances. But t-be Chancelrofr tl «ieceinl ,,fli of ido service we ca achieve. Many o! tuest-ment are t-o b. seen et t-be lecting are pre-eminent, and hi. faim- He was soi-el>'wuddya i-i a - bmbralgac Iren wau ver>' cai-eful ln drawing up satins, amîlka, chiffon velvetis and even a slenderl>' giftcid max bas donet' i-ent milita->' ospîtals. In an iateresticg il>' shares t-berneinterens. Hîs Los- a lapse of tit'Weitpitda e-d t-o psec forathet c de- ig ie*intheolan Tt'sei-es ansbon eer *ft ithi. way. Note t-bttht' me- 'ari-IcIe a London correspondent t-hua don bouse, 6 Grosvenor place, la liter- Iing <ied In a Gemsoata.Er>-- inse ia i one e omar reitailt,-set ra m.Tes eîu pie-t-y own e. i- &sure in elastîr. Faitb la-a grain ai describes anme oi t-hem: ally packed wltb art t-iesures. go is t-ing poInt-id totb orc-eao'?oU pwroth noin@"reprisenta- lprtsti rtymd. I muat-ard sced*' amaîl t-o begin witb,j1 At- Quein Alexandi-a's Militer>' Hos- Elveden Hall, hbis plae un Suffolk. the stetement, sdtb ie-> en We -a . o ui poe"ton t-t'n etoed b t tup- fasblanec of soit satin wit-h a collai-but created te gi-axe. Dealt,--Uc- pisai t1s»w several patienta under- In I-eland t-be Guinness famil>' la wldow mourned Ic osfi ls ne-yuwydd' e on speakers ceai- MaibIt'Ai-ch lanîLotndon offui- cîoth and a bndlne o! fui-q&ly for mec are nt equal in t-be'gon a cew healiuxg tres4tzent Two ver>' populai-. Tht' Dublin business a ycar, and t-hieateabcior-mens-de bewubck' on Sunda>'.. audthee e fthe kit. The Kingdom o rc an>' mare t-han in'ai these sien were Most severeily cives employment t-o vaut nmers, ship, mariled a mswolxth er adtb odltueby.pe Mac>' people in Englanti andl tbheîmaist incinthcrer e eeaoine ai tbet-tsaofainature. But- t-ht' i-acwith wound'd in Sept-ember et lest- yeart and t-batt-hiGuinness employes are -biere heri-trtwdlg adbeI . Unitcd States ai Amerîca, I find, -de ao *adthr rerx'si itteýtwo t-lensa got tht'sanme riwai-d aanti fer ten montits ad bien trestod t-iest-id welle a fac-t t-bat la appre- ber #aim firheti c dIe."eIyn"sl iego- net et ail undt'rstand thc metiag-^ie whicb end in ittie pockets. - hose with bye, for a propertiouîal'la Oie custornery way wlt-hout any citedti -kroughout t-be contiy. Menthe elapaccdsdet n' ,,yuci,.1 i a lesxneba of Ger'man partiamenter' Pa iadl aca 'aw<r e of ais capital. aiWin ef heaîîng.- On August 2 t-bey Lord tveesgi was made a Peer in ___1111_________i______1.____min___ pr'oeedlngs. Govei-nmenta do not 4. See Paul'à more elaboi-at.e wo,'k- wée brought t-o Milli*afl, tht' bandi- 1891, bis oldec<t brother, Lord Ari-l fait lin Germa> in coasequuuce ofaid-i. ng out aift-is favorite tiaiable ia t cges weî'eflung away, t-he woundu tous, bavlsg lieux Mimuidtth. Peer- verse »Iechatag votes. tast-ht'> do ('or. 1 t 1wci-c aubjt'cted -t-o rQpeated applita- ag eieght yer3pi'eviousUy. It- was " EG IIS A D M A U E " wit-b you. Tht'>'ai-e not- tht' people' h.fi Celtetively one. let- (not in an tiens ef a stream eoz oSeb.isg ticir tather--and the' grandiather et (kvirsments, but mercI>' tie Kascr'sorganîaaun. but-t lin Christ-, w* iIi- lgbt-Iy covered wit-ba loeslalyer et Capt. Rupert Gulunes-the lst-eSirj troai- le. Tt> is n sî ' is <llsai eedUti ~ i< lh.imat-in thet' irvtls, and lau fr Bcumln LCe Guinness, hiassef bot-b iW, .MAptT W.g Otsr'Vtu o L hva Tise Oc-ca Govermeci i Veit '*essofnture- unit-y lit days heetïg w lu rapld prpiore. a brewer and tht' sos of a rewer,! Thra erm ose. sn itaone- dlveraàty. ls what people torcet s-ia Tn remes a slpadty ilt .wb at-artmd t-liedevelopinttuon r1yT.f hotsulga §an tffafr. lit-conis t- Iperli t"alt r Ir att ytes rmar»"i aoP»tVu &eo o« Chanceller. Al bis 8.cretarles ef lu <out-<' and el <kt- '> 5- welOzygcnPm"sssfi' usiol- at- rset-Lat e ale patef a t eit_______ itt-ter Wtn, for Ose Admirait-y, me&"oliWka cti r1 a-. cw lit ci OMfaal mhum W M «t ,oa ealu whhlvmhe .ty art qe. et It fer the Treasury, fon the pont ~t me Fr <l &rm do d it u t. es; #tieeuse . T e ut'istSi, vas ely a lhedot oie., el e lai t-s'ek' atç- ** i-e id1<. m 8 »U t-o hm, cdt-e lm aonse dTht'> bveit-be parapbs'pîe t-bewiter mutroerit'chine ls wh.ed le h.t-e t-hepatient,# bs'ew.'LAMsdhoieeisporti-t te o me.Ic b«lug Iverwegta areis 1lecrfolmeau ta te hâs Gi-umemar of N"'w lestiant-bd b odu"oe n s. lldtIatIVe eft tber own and no- <i-cis.Gli-Grlwk chasusaisWb"1i< -b eas aneee d li toe. î=d y t-htac-W4tb -t sat eoeb«W Ia lis bi-st aelso ie authorit>' exept that de-iveti fi-cm'becarne a toehniel trsa to âesrita. staiaM ot thbe m A .dia eos h'1.eleae ti unea ag s iaivIhf.kI . mr tl the Chaneellor. lie, and sobody e las. - Oe iaiul-uespnt-mtgdratt a «#« off id -»dnt-lic duepest91w' ws- o <' . <u<d >aut *r5- 'bAvpe AtbamIWaJ$viltsuî -o Uhsit -h W o in the uGOVhUMMqnt,ft aubjec-t ont>- itou eMÂ si, efe Cosreta-eciueirsvaetiaevr$n as:la -hhoue tsPaul1att7 iiThr~*r pe te, whoaee lddlng of .hce F.M.< bm.krt f t e xgut*i cbast tipaû-Leat 1 "aW bo'. a Moe eeldy, Of l.mhImarc.WWub the Lmr b 14ht .atdum -ot*uas lver«q.- the id, ni, tbe Caellr het, tI(iAi h 31>. f -lremer- &*Mie,'wh»ied"d W s igle fot. S Bt-lett. foi-**e W geaeetl havie t-he& ( OL 1n- xII)saglyapaswh k4ctwhuiatbe prohappuouMb. A oycuit Py* AU 0 *r0~ ~- ut rffedltug frossA a bunet or bit et m*Iout è' es ami ~oLt~rt-holte r are miorel * ~g%~~ te cout eof îtds ihan umim. uitb ~ôb.uh I__- p le3 ~ **I~ihi4~ rbo.truuta 80 but i4e nltb puie fbook*. 's rape ed ber Friosty, lit are i-an as ii-t'i te uka out had lie- r them. ,therine n sight et otd Shoutd ,as eab- she ]et get it he pro- book te s_ plain lekaves ie did hoped. er; and y fook- d att et was e Mîd not Eîuickt>' ok that A what t 4. - t. as d tai- ,0 amati Lwiiich ai t-ho it' dis- wv!" ex- urse I iid pic- eti me ,beo re 'ate ta <l>' t-ht' and, bis Fi-est-y friends t'y bave ef thet- Spider ne lias r takes r t-hemn. dy tiiet lest bis e 1ont>' id adi- J wbeme eovered xci, He cd his ong a as an bt decd ., i«a " 'ledias I a dis- i foi lu *e maon i t-o as- sse b6 t-e thle Md t-he in -nov sud t-etl- t bM 1 I un met- t-le boy. s door,"' dotZ.-- Ap t I t o c v t- T, - d c' 4- ~ a 1~- p p tI !3x

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