Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 16 Nov 1916, p. 7

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a ~ us n.~~1u;Por Ne oferd fo th la Thirough the prid, fRed Blood Dr. Charles D, Waicott, seeretary of 8frk HeadacheUreTembltofaacigrop befh othi BA 1) POTATO ES B8t» TO POORnd aiiy t ol aIA Cpr ~~~ ~~A c t u a l y M a k e . 4 i e o tct S e v r b a i a s o t h . - ad i an u b a e êto d e I " t c k I l z The biood la res ,ponsibie fot i and.Aeôpfd bg iiied iee«i."ets hd hudb - b~~eaith of thse body. If It ln gOOd ds-0 à 7aPaeke,, and cook, they ij>e»t ~ tIl aoedfiutwe ude 5gôit eua Tricked by Governnent Ito Buying m m OCannet exist. If It la bail, the 1Most O o t inte nad eriy fai onla 1sat l i o h a y re oce e t FodT a lknddoor in shut againut good heath, dis- 1 he ont la i. be w ibh fert n ffia ht l e ad m ntinCtaa n t ha e b e Foo Tht 8ckccd ae la bound to a ppar in ne forrn tUh Couh a in b et, sou l era h ana-Ofscatre pons T e moo trc ta "v l, bu yo O r a n o th e r . O n e p O TI n m a y be g 1 < ' d r i en P C il e E Iw, s tu d y i th e & o o g v s el e . a as s re d a m r b y u o a y S r d e h u D.T o awutnYith rieum atiste or'scatica, another cam iin oc ks" I,cnt ling t e hoas in s, b t r l w ys h n a ii D.Toa utnof Boston en- witis ansemia, indigestion, hcart pal- Cmra ok$cnann h osl i o ielrle.Sl n oesos titi.s hie article on German condi-pitation, heahes or backradies, un-reo of thse carileot animal i ii."n, handy Mi tubes at able, arestibte.tartacon WhC cntnsn tin ulse nteLno ie tugnreo nOwlng ta thse hcavY snowfall of the àhmn and genewa stores however, l ltpatcbeweefUlflfttai "T he. P tato T ri k ; R ic is A gain t other form e ofaialm ent t ht co rne i u a i t e ol gi a rando s e fe m b t tu e .ha d n , o i ea h oa - u nl g w e t i c itr, iPoor." It charges that the. poor ai when the blood la weak and Maer nt fchth e wlusec a xa mi o' n Refusae àbiet ikd engn. a not cnmcla lh Guard Gcrrany have been rnld rotenpota There in Ju:t one certain, Speody Cure to 1 w ~abut ts tmefre in, on reud.b dboo. rmekhv sffrd edad a& d- "Th dlficltesBabtsecynical new, rich blood, and thia ood blood lAugaPrtr iouwu mrdeion wcre sin. romahefi uo on n te a-"e o y g o p ho are tii. reai rulrs of Ger- sttertthen s tie w hole systeui n d d a nd mt, o e aur, d u tis e Mount omnatives bu th y a e m de r atmr H a fimany bav'e tneg'eae," ho writes. bringa good health and hapPineais. Asiioieroiomn ran hreu e iam,lihaoinloo- One af tise countiosa nures. af aux- Thousandu owc their present ood noie rt> eoleand Kicmng tivs -fhicrecsian chay Wolom ad t H e a lt h CHESESROIJtOHet te teMPG. CO.d uinît . T h ostdcite tatos I g f r a y m a C*ru.Cu" Urn iety has been the. harvest af tise very heatis, noms, lii. itself, ta tise pilla. More psawhee tie CnmdanCo.i C h e rfu . C u b b C h d rc I P O rta n t p o t to c rO P , n o w n In te g - M ise D e v in a L eib e rti, t . Hoa m e, tIc R " w h a s re d e a a d o b ioa p 00 b ' ..M .iare b i t a o mT ivsa t s r MuA. the Home Hasppy rai part ai the Austrian mnd German Que., amy :-idLaat year I neeined truhts onani ro ao-wt ris b e d h ug th O n a n i r e te o -m ule is tte h r e h y a e t u t r c e m e i bread gradually to grow weak mand run down. tain a femaible grad, on tise westernwatyndad-oinadnd eaPuny babie, are a constant "The handllng ai this crop exhibits 1 did nlot sleep well, ha or pe id itsepu.lte ane ute a unro-Md nCn care tny dird noîhr, dn a r he m o t naked orm af pr f teer ng tite, and grew Pale and genera ly an- o re yearsa go D r. W alcott found S O L D IE R O P 1: 1 d er t tveZ ý gauge ta me a l i p n a m a ny - - . . . . . _ _ ta an ieY cie htd fO cte bich the poor haebe ubjected guid. 1 consulted a doctar who told a remarkable fsi an nbudr o 94 h e pl t y o rc l d r e n i t adh e iW h a veer i bm e 1 a s a neo n, a n O eoe wi l.h d eh C r-e d t T iiF u s o aInI Ià k n d o f r b S wy te fo d si utricn G r-is.. Th s 1 o k aIhuly foTom oT a Uck n u e t.r meecwa atemamndgAe m awhihosadben rrnie"t Klcldg mi.lamues s hme Pf.eOBIfby uegtsosciotens t caryforahavr.eJelwae. ar S«ec that thur>iv he movi e rod.l any bas grown worse monti b-y tume, but it did neot heîp me, and I mp- long ince disappearol. Thisnsmiondfr waflWLIto 'n eiali v dst-e .ng ti e inethan e iod m onti. I w ould ask m y readers n t peared ta be gr w ng w orse, and inal- e located thé our e af tises boulders ta hanupam unito n o d t h ai every rhiild a d the utm at re to bu ild faime hopes. This la an accu- Iy 1 w as hardly able ta go about tie hig is up is tie m q ntaia crque, w h ero Fr 1cm 2.OO te P oao t s ve an s u cas w o R T T M K N I E W caution chotild lie- taken ta keep rate atatement; rat.hing j1ppraaching bouse and almoat whally incapmcitated a Portion of whmt muet have b00~5m Bui nou WamutSl og tIt d e fie o m.t B th co sse tu e oof G erm any. Thus far Il'h ave discov- friend advised m e t a try D r. W il- M s. W a ca t, f me l M t e.iss M r appil tiot tel-iason Pebrl 1 believe liam a P ink P illa, and I g t several V aux, oa iPh l ad el la, M ino h a ry tud ed Q u ek t e o ue &t o., 'i&o. st o ise a ctrp rt.n h g n s u . I W s d l l e U a By th coitn tUic 0f te dinfn t d ithorate l ik. tai n bxe- t agearaog. On I iowglc gear theyho asÉtdid doMt1 rfourC T e ra M r s . W jfl I O Wlime of peace. N o G erm an is w ithout their use w hen I c uld aneasmi k o s ea Alpi i at, v nt d la cW ier IEOELLA N U O V:s t na n t e t s r t a l s h n i o e . I a l t l n éf e r es a n gl o a e s af o r n e r a fi e m d G la c e r , , W e o « aff a t h i n t i m i l e s a n b u , a n t f u l s e e b u Soothing Syrup a sufficiencY of some kind of nourisis- provernent, whicb Juat manifeated it- Britiis Columbia, where aise measurec Con. Soldiers' Supply qsjg'n eigbt miles.TecaruwtheulC Iî tL1RS ifl otil ôaodmn hlih1mn ocarry onexistence. sl i nimproved appetite and bet- tise positionoft'wo large glaciers,. arr~ aîiy owr bcwr. re <J~~~Yau aj,,t1~ hi f pse ibe aiermn y Wchindldjgh . ff r ter rest nt nig t. rom thia on te anddetermind tlat tie front le. foot tiseir ood poins is tist tise xisaust s beforefao out ThImprvenent was rapid and I was nt in acis cae had retreated at tie rate tergo 1: lu à corrective for darrhoa, olc i"The weak and delicate are sufer- long in regaining perfect healti. 1 ai 100 feet a year durng tue past two a beiu and other infantile afl ,ents T s ot e, in and there is a gre t a rount of think D r. W illiam s Pink P l a arv ea sete l p a es v e o l e d l itt e . a ntoih v n th' rettng bby ad pe--tperynatinttleritnoise-ande ay iw Pioauae a eats Stel pat« ere buye ongakyoour citeieep riebabyand cpermiealthe ainl riailt ase ylwreal blessing for all weak girls." 1thse iceaon thie prissent surveyed bhourn- - >------I ua ch mld t a e ep wn r jel n 1 g i e m th v. d ie t, b u t e v e ry o d y is g e ttin g a lo n g Y o u ca ri g e t th e se p i s t r u g b a n y , d a ry lin e s. Tise epm ateA re ierta k n. b u rir i l chid sand mother. treelywelî. ndimdiiedelro by ingpil at 50 cents benetis tise wxnter's snaws, but, uince ATD ip pl %V i.a box or six boxe, for $2.50 frans The tieir p sitiaija are relatvely low M G r s T isr< re cs ba egGtneA N O N o e o l e a r m r e e a s ilv a n d ' D r . W illia m s M e d ic in e C ., B r o c k - t a a lt itu d e , t ie s n w w i l b e e lte d f a1a eTo h e G e m a s ri a r il So tfnoS rp ment than the Germans. L'incoln 's i-' tien will indicate tise monunt of for-' For Al Dortaionts lery tisat t.h rp okswl d So<>tl Lin yru p 'trm about nlot fooling ail of the ward flow of ice during te year. 20,000 emplays t nrae tsi u- ~ ' " ~ ~ " people ail of tise lime doeq not appîy THE RUIBRER MARK ET. Mrs. Walcott'a studies prave tisat tise Mv a k e a C h e r fru l, to th e mn . p utas.e n te di yS t a d laly m nfE, 'lina ýo i a i e j c p r it i s G o v e r n m s t a d ly r e t r e t i n g d u r l ngg l a n d m p o m e t e e h e f r m r r n e t b i i -A d l Ch ubbY Children a mnale d eion was B rei nt.< et Contri H S te past six years. Her measure- Oo a . en te tagG r ayand thy arai.tT uoitepbi ihte BfeitdtePurcisaser. Mente agréewitb observations made Go agsmnwcoîteî rgnz orts li.abioluitetyqueom-areotmc h cari- tir.t potato -quPPIV. For many montha Since tise econd year aotsf wr Aaua didcthe tisaitiseI taIs~ oiu, mrpin tor n~ a ptai tck~sh1 been in use, when 'dawned mare every day mien and war climate is not as severe as on the Paci- A Vpmuatub-e mcsgetrttnay lt dhei e p I ea . Fm o hi n g a ns. a nl f ica.ot c s ap e r d m e ri have becom e fam iliar w ith t ie f c aide <of t ie continent as it w aî D A P P L Y puatis gt h au t e m a y s s n e e t bl i -'u aoh r n d ] e le,. ao f e er ohae s ying t hat lotatoes could he had for stock mnarket its ups and downs, t decade ago. mo t c n p o u e t l ad t a m o tji " a n i H s o a bi e v o l d h a v o a tf e %v î i a s w i h u t t i c k e t s , s h o r t a . î i r g ,m r i e dD u r i n g t i e fi e l d w o r k a l a r g e n u m - £ q A u I D M Lu n I i l l . U , L dI LI II L be n h n fîd by h n u p ci g publiec r e e dends, etc., tian ever bef re. Toi ber of pho tographe were taken, in- CR I T N m .th gu s o Du 'ttL rVat qoantities, and thse agrarianste polthra Pps ft, cluding a doz.en or more panarahnie ardno roste akbte, iei tuviî .dIdo But ~ udthug got rid of ail their bad potatoe, îm arket means something, w iere a ,.w vîew, expOures being mad cl n- hon. by ne mata Ralie . &" Piejal m y o dboeinz then to the mass of the peo- ears aga it did not, but ta, tel! tises tinuOus filme eigit met in lengti. D . M o e B U a d T Sl yaldà pie. In many cases they were rot. pieople tisai a goverrnment, adn-v Besidea being ai grent D.iciteetUJC.E WMe.o priclr So.'d 4, ~snd in g o faa th a tis p ur has r ad ai, th e B ritis is G o v ern ien t, h md in t e s . P iotog rap h ea f an s valu a lle p ic- It w as n t t ie in ten tio n af th e U S T T H ~ u f m u to bury îisem, and it was feund tisat terested itself in tise «'puiling off", af tonial records nisowing tise general weaver, about whaît London Tit-Bita îiîey produced iliness when given tC' a corner wauld undaubtedly opnte localities visited and definite locations telle, te pose as a isero. Re JoinedFO LTLE N[SMioetTal _____________________swine. W'hat otier People te eyea. 1 ofr a certain strate and fosailib-ada. tise army at tise outb-reak ai the. war.F %vord bu th Ger anqm-oud hae' everhelss, hiTis tuGet T eParty bruie camp at Banff, rom "omtewhere in Fac" e 4 t o rd i t Nr i s l s , i i ire , G e t A l b e r t a , S e p t e mn b e r 0 , w i i c i s p r o e r o e h mit a m n g F r sng > B a b y ' s O w n a l t r i e h i u r u t a t WILL UY Brtainhas acomplshedone o the oveforotcasme hor onng.aaer htog ~~4# ILL BUY ai-Fod tDitatoBatockihi bee un-biggest bacomrsed nc ani tise n fortunate move coeras s etirehWhisaaDCme om oMasordfr-ocineyrglttieboes S..ou cornra een kBwanane@n tie next day a sdia .CM dcn ohr o iebrltl Standard B peumnop. naleto tflike tise agrariana put te commercial warld and tisere la every- ev alo n.cvrdteetr %nh an oeo hr u-oe.Te C& t a n d a 1 c p I « . p o ta c r o p n o w g ta t h e r e d u p o n t h e . t i n g ao i n d i c a t e t sa t t i s i c o r n e r w i l r g i o n . l o ig , t a i e s u r p r i s e t se M a y o r , s w e e t e n t se t a c ; b n i s c n t - Doaaala.a ilower & market een at the maximum price'continue for years ta cme, tc un illors and twn band y lm a pation and indg si n elv od ~ g " i o w t t P l d . a l l o i a ' i y t h e f o d c o m m i s s i o n . T h e y T i s p r d u c $ a f f c t e d l a u b b eOa o s i m l e e etme t O U O A T C U O I I tiamninon Pow & Trammlsmîn BEST HUThAR Y ON S MME. te staton aa rconveed-hlwtatheO eatationceand Ctisni lir. Met-ort the fanduIsimp.lehor O na dian 0anm Ua &% D e Bon ds.. t e c amM ' s f every lay a t etow n hall for n banquet. Speec ie ss - a lOan i cs Xlv îo ,ms. tBonsa e oldng c te sup pl is unmi ie m ne~ a riles- Ge as " - S Ontaroiuj5~ 5~~ onds.they have orced up tie maxmumand tie corner, unlike tisas.exeuted G rm n oliesob.U Ojeet ta B littling h. went tlrougiseverytung. 'Joiitn, -M ynn, Ssk, w io : pirie, just as a year ago many agra- by private inte egs, la for tie benefit of B iis Fioo Durng tie course of hun speech tie #1 have usee B b s O n 1 paim Iv*r RonS . *f ritiSites aoe o o f h m ses nsed of a wn l m y said sow rud they ail wretie p at four yer mn fndts ej t I L.L S E L L r a ns îloe d tiase ta toeilin s t a o te a i e m ss s n t a a i a G erm a view s *bout you are chan st - of m , and tiat ho fully des rved tie tise tiing for b b e n o s g cii rletn]xlev .(iaterthean sel! s i lling taw tie gou p a, ai tl i ata. (frke i, ntteAi inri tes w tD. Thomas Cu tin, an D stnguihed Conduet M da. d~ n" They ar sod by m e . PeolasLa a. picei'xed bylawldi f is hohl nai I a t a t t m nh n Then a lg t appeared in te ia» or by nia ua~~b h Ontarlo LeaFir P ce. i1possible ta get any article O abni-' GermIany, in an article tai The London '%ero's',eya.fron Thse Dr.WilmMdii.C, B u s atu a e v er n m e at u o a a u, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , b e r b e y o n d t is a s. a lr ca d y m m iu fa ctu r . T m e s . T h e C o n te s t l h c s t s D s i g i h d C n u t M d l " ~ r c s l l , O t o i ~ o a e i BitiL Nihe~ amg% Bnd."In any ot ser country in a atate a u utonfa, iehs cotold Enlas wreiodbfrete w rba ad Wbttsygve m m Ds - oo 4 fe I O si711851 ' ieie te .Ovrnm nt voldbo- tise asa te ts, Boht o-d t lai e n b-e n îtmerdta i ynw n n-tr"it inCourt Martial for pi t,, h. a Faste,. O i 't tcUme, 'are ýh price of ausible be> md -for c f cilveg aIIôWed to eef.9 You, if yotz eat acan have iore real beef 'and Shredded hie whole .d, shred-m ke it your ir and sec YOU. feel cnigthen. vith milk abination nma. Ordo# rite for qua- a lot uon WIn l obl eured wts Pano EL" I eASES ui EFeed I Ne,ý Yakh recrea- de?7 I ee0r7M ~nt -s-- .4, unifori or tise <isplayung of tise flag (fti hé rule ai tue proiteers." ;vrnlftu-e aiefot Te at Germa dot01ina«t a .ruj h nUt AIlY 1a8s oiva3e"dittte bd fo, su as ta lu e m irto n. T e w r er dec ar s that tie l s 1 n en c . th&c y abutTIIi 4now uyt â rtat c l y is A l um bago, ci IOiM% buYandaa postio fai blis a as l"a escaPe. poita ocrop vas peer, ryevts oom, litaha, appreciahthng e ii rl a andtlritisis, sw u d-a*Om 4100lisl Mou. ouir.md UWA.t5,u. Equally, tiese laugister Of tuas. W11o0viseat was fair. as.and barley cx-'o! the. lndustry &antu a.paaslbtifos~ti ialet n atI Caadime. ittewa. d. n i ca m. o mtft.i isave surrendered in proibited, vise- c-îlîent.le refera te tise great ef-'inceasie,coneelved tue plan of e»- mte+t m Opaody r th" Uvi t ré or a!a Ua m eet. Ca tiser tisey have dont su et discretion; forts of tise Germans te get oil, nuts,, couraclng rubiser plantations in tue enti.s t 4yPlt4 ra >us Mes on upon conditiontt. ernad poppica, tbut says tise pco. Dlay State., Sumatra, Ceylon &MSbSW éL Then arma or prejudices v ýiti ere andhte steCfenetJ av.Tescea ftepjtl ýCwy iftm-(e àow cause unneeeasary pain or suffernig te ha. laken'he cropsata priie.. air.asly ' 'u apparent.msd? an eneniy must not b-e used, neitiser &et. li ends: Ila n f Is *e rusier produsosd la "Over iligr, cf kowtea.,i.tn must a flag of truce b-e abused ta gain i "Thea conquest ai Rtuma" a y - Sutis Am.nica wa.s &ftleient fer the. uht basa Ov« ie.tbe information concerning tise strahegical y ield footistuffa antI ail, andI mmug. wnld a use. Tht. ysr, tis. rubis., ftiey toi' me ut vaéoMer bat.*r Position ai tise encmy, and i n the In-,gling l'y neutra l. vii scp thse arnty! supply viii h.202.00 tom amm tuS tot-estu ai art andI posterlty, User. -andI munition vorks, but if the bbck onsAmuri=% Mrn a o te s nIaa~u«" .s must h. fia reekioss destruction a of la strengtlsened Gerrunany oa t>b visolola oniy 93 p«et-oat la spite «1 valuable property, such as85 efe08.aîed t.- or aclent buildinigs, ivietuer publicr__e'fr h ie eisAereaP-- or prîvate. fductiou I. ful, asMlare meIt v.R la i"miboremn Tise lawa of wtir aise tIi-lan.r ad'ea, 1'W 'OÙl'U 15 *St is -ag f Wrw - a d a ha a b.d and, tI K it.'. are ' b" e gg 't-- ake evi eut lit o0 l'lm m. *mho i a puy , Ny ,jat~ aototisen tulngs. tisat only frt-fast friendî, arent Usey 't Ue tmPortam0t lrabbor ladony.1 i UiurneW " t 5t41~ cite, avsorvllge ae lo t Maud ad Kate tislnk tis., am th isammoMf aBt-*, Mu. t4*f irw t.!sd? r e. mi nu ecet h neg o bin ar mcî The- bth fgt o n, bout 2 l ~ 1 iu tu.ae opris b* * t is as- ti-4¶10 ~ Ii be gbJee toleueor-ornb rdmetcfx w 0 th e a er@ 0 i tbt.ata.1 ji Pooi.eu ot uaetoefe bfes mtugwhm iu , -a aet m g *0M o k Tih - <tOfe *u v1oknae ,t esflnwm fb t miiWU s> la frtIW *v f. W$"d sue Insl«dM" ut Poffiae**# tue drug4io, ne*?, tê q>" Mmk

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