Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 2 Nov 1916, p. 7

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i - THE SHADOW 0F BROKEN.HEALTH Can Be Quickly Dispeiied Through the Lme of Dr. Williams Pink PUIS. MAKINBREADFOR BRITISH ARMIFS MILITARY BAKESROP *"SOMFi- WRERE IN FRANCE." When the shadow of pon health Waonderfui Organization That Feeds follows your lite; when hope begins ta h risi h fade and fionds look srnoue, thenteAmesnth ie the time you shauld rememben that Field. thousands just as hopeless have been Bkratnin"Tewrso rured and estored ta the sunishine af cBiake rianotin!"the ords ail health by' the use of Dr. Williams cmn igati h ra al Pink Pis. These plille actually make F rom their positions, bent double aver riew rih boodwhic brngsa gow tbh long troughs, 200 mon straighten oi heîilth ta nnaemic cheo1ýs; cures in- bi prhanhn rct ys tay 'ligeîtioin, headaches and backaches, hads rigid at thoir sides. Iivrout the stingzinz pains of heu 1- Carry ont" natism and neumigia. strongthons I mmediatoly 400 bands plunge inta thtl nerve and reliives asneonn ther the biiiowy dough and the wonk of medcicn e' n do tho aches aind pains ki ading begins again. A man cîad from whicb umnifelk alao sufer. in a rleeveless shirt, woarng a cook's Iu nny emerguni Vuof poor health givcaP, passes by men, beaning a heavy D)r. WXillI.nir ný,li Pills a fair triai 1I ba(l aifrosh dough, which ho flings and thcy w ilnot disappaint vou[down a "shoot" ta the faonr below, Fiee e aCi~O ha wii rin hpe ta ritos W. Kay Wallace fram the Brit- many a wcaîr\ sufforer. M rs. E. C. hhequrosiFan. Ta\-l()tr , \A sct \ Toronto, save: "A liV are insperting briofly the pro- fe-mdiv \uva ;. o"s o run down with roe of providing bread for an army. annmoth Inoîlfi qsarcely walk ll*'re, in the former factory, the bnead aiout t he andC, ilas not able ta 'f the British armie- in the fild id envie it. i li;ti no -oor: my appetîte being made. On e hundmod and twenty ws pnor wi \i w ,-y aotly troub- thousand two-pound lbaves af bread led \%ith beî, '. l R polie and are oarh day baked in the avens of gr'erl jsi. lnîunta move about this bakery. 1 was givon a suice af nir doanvotbniI- i1îmîc'î rnanv mi"li- the bread. t wag crisp, appotizing lues4, buit r 'if lhcm helpe<l me, and e\coellent. Diy nd u night work anl mll filenI- 'bu.iL:lit 1 was in a de- IS carmied on by emi. ted( men af the iine' 1l vI.a friond who was in ta army-men who wear their khaki as îrc oie' ,ail f bal triel Dr. Wiî- proudll as any of the troaps in the nPiol'nk IlI 1bal he'arl or ihis front-lino tronches. The division of ,noldic'inc oficri, lbut h«d toot used it, sa lahor je admirable. Every device [ dtemmne. ll ' ,xe It a trial. I1cen- wbîch tonds ta increase the efficiency 'âinlNvotu a pl'nvant surpri-e, for ai the men has bee.o inetalled. Yet it qfler wrng tiii luxes i couid feel an is" band.-made," onoe might almast say mpmovemeit in rmv condition. Con- "bumt-mrade," bread that es deiivered inuInir th e u f'tb.se Pille 1i lean to the men ut the front. o regain ni ' ybealtb. the' healiî'es î-'îour Brought F'rom Canada. and lizzy 1.15w4-me uiiappeisriog, andi i bogan iou gain in w(-igbl. l'un- Ilere, in the long sheds, the flour ph' lîegao eiqmirîng whai 1 was îak- that bas jusi camne in from C'anada is ng and 1 wa' not slow 1o ii" D r. stacl<el. and, passing throiigh the William% Pink i'ills thbe creulit. i took baiîus of skjlled workmen, le turned the plis for less than two months, antiiid r-da i aî.Aeed 'ompleteiv regained ny al time' stmeam of kneaded dough. freshiy ýiealtb and str,'ngtb. 1 hope my e'x- leavu-neil. je bcing carrju-d tu the perbu-oce may convincu' some îboubting "shoot-,;"; below it is gathered up and persoo as to the great ment 'of lr. .sIungL on flour-sprinkbcîl tables, cut Wiliiamq Pitik Ple as i rertaînly int rouînd lumps about vîght inchos have cause tu l'o a firm champion of in diamneten, ach' lump forming a Lhem." laf; each i.4 carefuily wei.ghed to You cao get these pills thraugb any make ailt te lbaves of identicai sîze. deaier in meubîrîne or b>y mai) at 50o Then the foaves are shoveled io the conte a box or six boxes for $2-A oavens, baked to a turo, dmawn out, tram The Dr. Williams Miedicinie ('0.,! carried into the aîjoining storeroorn, Brockville, Ont.1 where they are lefitat cool. When - . 1 coaled Ûue freRh lîroad is packed inta S(UIiGFOR SHEI-1,S. nackiî, laadu-d ino goods vans-, which wait right at the door oftheb building. Ingonious Instrument Nos lleing and twelve houre frota the tîme that t'sed in France. it bas mîft ibis bakory the breaul je in the hands of the quartermasters mcmlv \Nhere the tideo f liattie has C'II- for distribution ta the me,-n cil and flowedl.the reuil oi Fraocem us-0 full of projectilus that a F-rench io- ventar bas ilevisel an electrical ap- paratus tWofend tbcm. As soon as tbc bhrifty French recaver aoy portion of landl tram the. invader. bhu'y return it uit once la agrîcultural ose, but 4'ore thu'eau il iploughu'd il is necce ay ta finil aoyesourt'es of poteotial dlanger -in the fomm aifuu'explodeîl chllis-- that may lit- benteath. Accor'ling ta thtedFiison Morithby, the instrument that they use is an adaptation of the [bughes ioduction balance., m des- ýrilîu'u in the proruelin oft~ the Fre'nch Acîle'my of Sciences, tht' ap- paratus ire su sensitive that the oper- ator caon eue by sounid, through thbe tebephone, tht' presonce ai a Fragment ai shebb, or even of a tun cari. It is isa possibbem hum ihm nature of the round ta ui3iinguisih bebween ronsîder- able 'masses ai mebsul antI amalirag-. ments. The instruinent has bwo coibs af barge- diamuter, the winilings of which art- on woodcn trames. As i.' usual in tbe induction balance, no metal ai aoy kînul e ueu'd in t-bai part ai the instrument. The tutu coils, at- tached bu a bandbc, iorm an instru- ment wlth whîrh the surface of ihe sali is explomed mn(d temstd. As baong its thure is no metal pre'sent the mu- tuai induction oi tbc primnry and the serandary circuits i i in a nieutral istate, with the' iesutlitlat bbheCile- phone mu'mauitiresuc-ni. When frag- menti t o seebiart' encorer"ed, evv'o If they bic ut î<îas it'rabbe deut h, their preseocu' epuaks, as it were. througle thet'tule'phunte. h ides two persane about an bc,îm b teei ibor- oughiy mail acre'oai grounîl, itut cuhen fermier cao lie sure ibid the,' ix îath- ing eft iheme te) enltangetr lit, ift- or Meuni hie plougb"buîrc No, ('artt-lia. îîlîu.ee' iîît al ways buntuîîg tilu'.e Indlusbrialism in its bighcst state ai perfection oevu'r produced a marc effi- cient oriznoi-ition. The mon womk ai. hîgh speed. Ntiitary discipline pro- vails. Theme is no taiking or i haffing. Hueeibere ~Is none ai that mumospheme of pergonusl înresponsibility se preva- lent in industrial enterprises. i watch- cd for' a long ime theso mon tut their womk, straningr every nonce and mus- cIe ta do their best as ufficientbv as possible, muid as wve passed fmom ball ta hall the c-ommand, *"Bakens, atten- tion!"'broughî the men înstantbv ta tbe igîd position demurîdud bic-tib druilreg-ubatioues. Looking occm tht' bang macssofifaces I 'as nat a bttle astonisieed ta linti sotie a variu'ty oi age. (ray-baired men work ie by ride with what su'emed ta o ememc boys. On inquir- ing, I learnesi that tathers andtisons aiten enisted together for Chie speriai service; skiIbed men of bbe tmaule who l)eftine the' 'an had cannieul on their work tar the' muet part in adusidual shape. Army the I-inesgt Union. Thoetof us wba bau--ve e~n aught tu elu'c'that tht- Engclishman le a cynfimmed inêsidualist, that ho is in- cripabl)uleaif rganizaiiouî in the Ge-r- man setie, mue4t ecise aur notions. 'rhost' cba bave bt-en lt-utta 4tseIve thint the British workman ri u ploseti lu cuimpulaiiny milîtany Cors ire andi that trade union me-n are- sulbmittinu i scalcitmantly teo arb),re> mculationh mort c hangre tht-m poinutifo c ge' A s ai 'ujdiur bort', a tIradeu uniani man, maid ta me-, -The tineNt unilonn ti te 'vomi tais e armny." Tlhis grcsl hakcry ix u'nby a neasiel ,f marev uthc'r eut-h e -taî)ltements %,ic h 4 %is i st ed. Nusry are suare- boumes 1Wiî,.tl i itis tores fier thse tru<)pmic n the field. Thte amouant af af the great wam, and have wondered whether those antd other anomalies in thc 'veathor cauld ho raused by the tremendous gunfIre in Europe. ',Ie - teorologists scout the idea. They say that, ta cause nain, gun-fine would have ta tee an a vastiy greaten arabe than it bas yeb attained, and that al attompts ta produce nain by bombard- iîeg the rbauds have failed. In dis- curring the extremely heavy nainfal in Engbsnd during the winten ai 1914- 15', Dr. H. R. Mill, direcbar of the Brit- ish Rainfali Organization, made the iabbawing st.att-ment: "~The vastness of the work donc by the quiet praresses oi nature noquirer oniy ta be realized in order ta show the incalculable im- probability that gun-fi me in France ran produre a 'vet 'vinter in Engimnd.i Take the case ot three andi a bahf inches at-nain that febi in excesai the average in Deernber aven 58,000 square miles ai England and Wales. That quantity is 203,000 square-mibe inches or more than 13,000,000,000 tons. At 'vinten temperatures, satur- sitedi 'ater vapor would form about anc per cent ai the mass ot the at- masphere that containeti lb; hence thes minimum quantiby ai air that must have crmiesi aven England and Wales in Derember, 1 t4, must have exceed- esiI,0,O00tdO tons. The arnount af force requireti even to devîste tbe direction ai moving masses ai that magnitudie is sureiy fan beyond that wshirh can ise oxerted even hy nationes nt uam." Miamyd*u Ltaimes Cures Col"s.bc- S4he Met A G.od (>uu. Thee npector 'vas heariçsg a clas of Nmaii girbs reaul, wheru bhey came te ihe word*'-piignrm.' -Now who can tell me the meaning aiflise word 'pib- Crim?"' A ittbe band 'vent up. and e voicridPeae ncm, s pilîgnin e a man ileat travelie about aosteocl deal." -W til. I travei about e g"oti tla, anti i m nat a pîirîim." "Buit. piease. biu, 1 unran a gootiman'" iuods gharlied i n orte u-lsnmeru t i 'nsguoi tterb Iottle tii) your "lutp itaioumi; 00 tins of jane 2, ws* 'titi puxrtsofitMent, cases of oniote, ty C"urkn otiae. ,)le tltîulanls. hxati iu rjr ey the litSo,, IOie.. of ic'a by te ton.aid' ~,,mf FLUA~u til l hk.Brougrht I rmalparrleIIFNAIIl 1If "~f tht' 'vorît itirec-t by trAa.ponl. thei.m trouAs are' tore-d ie the warhos. sttckt.d in:&ies ste arrunimtd tisat IIS Dti*, JT1M ctzle-î 4anti raelts are hre . teareidyu4 ;tilifffl nt àgfittnl e.bc c abounM ;Hunfmg Trip On a Wet t)ay t-.1 1h,- ýi c".u I n hanîl t'*ie e er.'czntred. , B iw 'f1i4,"o p;ehrem " 1 .~,0 &tq lut nu ~ h' P liu I.n4a1.s rT rý,, i.h"uca l(rs. îthe' rrqulrittea nay ,,Ilýirîl lSe Itrtatby rtlîic& 1i -a (latrie u !a tie <" tI' uht, -'~~ ~~ j .bis g a lh A*. ast >u r~s. tu <ad and tmle J5 ar a i~lturet It ;s' f us- are -a llât-& Gi. I ii~ i~ait' l* i , a* tou. 'Ai "-'iiiirs"îal - r rnie c t7City ibe Io L4, abt "~ ~î ie ' rte tai u~. eishbss' twttý . e Q t w lae ie s «'4~~ o'~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -I the, î-s î " 'n ~ ~ o e faa'~. il*îlewu 1boe1$ua mtralegeAM eîl r nt <tY <of tMe. Ilul ite44~"slu «',iI " ai de ~ Cocia»"(tise Iuid 0ft 1* ptei-tbyî. a s-as a s *Un reparâm a ,41<b« Ia 'iu fit **M* maikee CtgoniMr. lariong p t0 4 bob n. *Omo**, Stombo* &4 m c' hftrfie madi. of bac,* of uguar '14»40 &** bu Oi m nh o arwsyl lit e fiItu beu«hWM. edfror f4ulthsit Lt iqbdits u o.- s. in Fr-aen, Ibut nt th* tas. tii t â a«t cimentt uitwtam$ lundi w.aid t'O - ý- "p by t&s,(ki SNAP JUDOMENT. An Incident Whlch Shows 'How a Person May be Mistaken. ' In the British Ilies during this war: a great many wemen have been "heip- ing recruiting" by waiking the streets and putting a white feather into the buttonholeof~ every man they met who was flot wearing the khaki. I wgs standing just outaide the cen- tral station in Glasgow, writes an American, when a woman waiked up ta a man who was standing near me, and without a word puiied a white foather through bis buttonhole. Ho was a great big fellow and she had ta do same reaching ta got at him. Ho smiled when ho saw what she had done and said, "Thank yau, ma- dam," very politeiy. That was like waving a red rag be-i fore a bull, and she grew crimson and started to tell hlm what she thought of him. Hie listened until she had fin- ished, and then ho asked, "Have you another af these feathers, by any chance?" Crleari r COLORS YOU CAN'T S . Many Shades Painted on a Gun Bias Strange EI!ect. Fo1ur years aga there was at Aider- sh)t aw, ordinary fieid-gun which look- ed as ti'ough an insane artist ha.d used it for a palette. Every color from a paiiit-L<r x had been iavished upan it. *Blue, brown, yello-w, red, andgre had been laid on in the most haphaz- ard blobs and daubs, says bondon An- swers. It was flot until you began to waik away from the gtun that yau reaiizod there was niethod in ho painter's mad- nors. At two hundred yards the via- lent colors had ail run together, at thwee hundred the gun seomed ta be fading out of sight, at five hundred it *was practicaiiy invisible. The armored train, mnanned by Brit- ishi soldions and British guns is paint- od in precisely sirnilar fashion. To give aur War Office its due, it.4 was the first ta roalize that the thin rcd line of Crimean days -was quite out of date with rifles that wouid se abieohetely teos-.,oeti j U7 at AD AIStUISg TA~ anal coasaios n.î'nbcr opmsws. ssetafp&tSe 5i~ .517 of dsefr dcc.. .It. _ -~ -- ~ v -wvv -. * -i Mc.... WbiaLwmg~' mi~woehe ~, isc*aa. aii ~ 4.~ .. - ~. Symp r -- 1 The Bread Problem is npt a problem in the home Where Shredded Wheât is known. The whole wheat grain is the real staff of life, and you have it ini Shredded Wheat Biscuit prepared in a digestible form. It -èon- tains more real body-build- ing material than meat or eggs, is more easily digested, and costs much less. The food for the up-and-coming man who does things with hand or brain-for the kid- dies that need a well-bal- anced food for study or play -for the housewife who must save herseif from kitchen drudgery. Del ici ous for breakfast or any meal, with niilk or crearn. couid be abserved during a brief so- journ, 1 found everywhere stgns af rigid econamy. A regimental cook at a base toid me that ho had saved 8,000 rations during the last month. This doos nat mean that the men are stint- ed in any way, but the allowance of frosh meat, bread, butter, cheese, jam and tea isg greater than needed ta rat- isfy the appotite. "Muddle" Gene by Board. Efficiency andl economy are the twa dominant factors af succees in mod- ern warfare, as in modern industry. The aid spirit of 'muddle" ta which mnany clung so tonaciously during the flrst and even tho second year af the war has been -m-ept by the board. The third and, as many hope and confid- dently believe, the last year af the war le opening auspiciougiv. The signq of success are not ta be read exclusiveiy io the bulletins from the fighting front, noir estimated by the number of prisoners taken or miles of trprnchos capture(];lbut rather by watching haw smoothly, silentiy, ir- resistibly the great machine af the army, now perfected in every part, is gearing up the speed of efficiency. . % _ - HA2JTLEIS AND RAINFALL. Meberologristâ Say Gun-fire W'ilI Not Produce Ramn. Many perrons in Europe and many in this country have noticed the un- u-ual mainfalle that have occurred in variaus localities since the beginning 4 lýZ , -4<) Lji ~ Y.- -Yes, 1 bave, you coward!" she If - l carry a mile, anti juet befone the' snapped, and abe put another foather "I South Afriran War khaki boraine the on hlm. As she did so, hoe puiied a- univensai wear. Victoria Cross fnom his pocket and' At first aur Tommies hated khaki, plnned it rigbt undor tho foathers. 'T V fl? fPK W and in August, 1903, it was announced That woman gasped and stutterod "M EI FOR VI IIIJL1IA that it was ta teaadnd n and stammored, trying ta make an AYlRn ' II I"Atholi grcy" substitutod. But it apoiagy, and she reachod out ta take rjl 1 I was pointed out that grey would stain the' feathers back, but hoe stopped her. terribiy, and that it wauid not bo as "'No, madarn," ho raid, "l'Il keep invisible as khaki, and in the end these as souvenirs, if yau dan't mind; INVENTS PORTABLE BATH FOR practirai use won the day. but I'd like ta say a few wonds ta yoii HOT IMMERSIONS. The Germans foiiowed aur exampie,' about what you are doing. but their khaki has a greenish tint "The fact that I am in rivilian which is oxtremely and unnecessarily clothes door not necessaaily mean that i y muainShudO eR-u gly. I am a coward. For ail you knew, 1 asAptto Sol nyB e The Russians fight in grey, a colon might have been physicaliy unfit for sort.ed ta in Extreme well adapted ta thein vaqt plains, cov- service. I might have beon a manried ered- in summen with withered grass man with ton or a dazen smai I chul- Cases. and in winter with rnaw. dren depenîding on me. There are any Surgeon-Major Proiessar Ingianfli numben af thinge that might have pro- ai the Italian Medical Corps, in ~AL E T vonted me from joining the army, but change of a field hospital, bar appiied UFIILDH DDJIIE T y'ou didn't even wait ta inquire. on a large scale a speciai treatmeint "You thought that berause 1W55fr okjwwhcLl ivn m B at- Childhaod aliments in mort cases flot in khaki I was a cowand. As a lsiactory nerults. corne through rame derangement ai matter ai fart, 1 have been at home, 'The antitoxin treatment af iockjaw the stomach or boweis. Baby's Own rocovering frorn wounds I neceived uetnsively ured in the ItalianaryTbeshv benpvd by thou-1 wben 1 won thîs lîttie crors, andI as a preventive and, thanks ta it, the sanda ai mothers ta be the greatesti shahl shortiy be on my way back ta caser ai tetanus have been greatly medîcine known for the cure af these jain my regiment. diminished. Unfortunately, bowevon, ailments, simply bocause they regu- "If you wiil acrept a suggestion tbe disease bas not been stamped out inte the boweis and sweeten the stom- tra a an ho now mo, yu 'iland nothing so far had been'discover- ach. Concerning them Mrs. Napoleon stop this siiiy business, for you do ed ta check its aimoat certainly fatal. Lambert, St. Ignace, Que., writes: mare hanm than anything else. If I course. "Baby's Own Tablets are an excellentj 'vere a civilian, aiter what you did ta Naturally in field hospitais local medicine for childhood ailinents and me tenI wuldhav faod flingconditions are such that it is impas- 1 arn well pieased with their use." party before I would have joined'the sibie ta resar!ta prolonged antiseptie The Tabiots are soid by medicine deai-j ammy. 1 trust you have iearned some- 1btigo h one rifce r rb ala 5cnsabxfo thing. Good aiternoon." btiga h one rifce r rb ala 5cnaabxfo * I oun Qu laer hatho s arer part, and the mort effective remedy The Dr Wilhams Medicine Co., Ffnoek- geant piper in' one ai the most farnr conaisted ln amputation. But even ville, Ont. Scottish regirnents, and that hoe won early amputation aiten proved of nao the cross for aaving thrce off icers avail when the germe in the wound SlmneJde * when wiinded imeeti.already had set free a lethai dose ofSlmeecJde their toxin. Besider, even when arn-!The Comnpiainant-"You aee, your, putation saved a man'a lufe, it left hirn worship, I 'vas a litt-ie too happy, as! bUnard'a Linimeat cures DutainDar a cnipple. muaooFel. you migbt say, wben I went home, a.nd Doctrs mpuateTooFrely. me wife was iranin'. We had hada - IOften for fear of infection surgeons word or t'wo in th' mornin,' ans' so i Going Roth Wnys. 'in the field reoat f reeby toampta stops up propared te make peaee. I The oma-Hee's 'vndefultion knowing full 'veli that it would uaid, 'Let'a forget th' quarrel; we were tihing. I've juat been reading ofai be impossible fan them, t. kuep the. both wrong,' when what does she do man wha eached the age ai 40 vt 1 wound dlean until it laemcrpleteby but uhove the. bot iranagiatm out learnîng how ta rend or write. Ho e id . l orhp" igt met a 'voman, and for honr sake ho! Professai Ingianni instead in con- M00Ot it Itover, o1 courte You doni!t wo vnce tht aputaionshold nlyblame ber for tha*b. Go home, bo*t made a scholar ai hirnseofifn twavne htaptainsof ny yer.' be resanted ta in extreme cases, as aaiou The Man-Tbat's notbing. 1 know doc tor'r flrrt duty is ta cure, not ta a man who 'vas a pnofaund scholar at cnipple a man. Pralonged warm bath 401. Thon he met a woman, and for ai the wound is an almost infallIble Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. hon sake ho made a fool ai himself in remedy against iockjaw, and nothing Gentlemen-I have used MIN. two montha! prevents its being administered even ARD'S LINIMENTf on my vessel and __________________________iun the fild under ordinary conditio0ns. ie my family for yeare, and for the. IThe profeasor bas invented a special evr day - ibis and accidents of lite 1 portable bath wbich can b. folded,.as consider it has no equaL« ut in made of rubber and shaped la I would not start on a voyage wlth-, such a way that any 11mb can be im- out it if it cost a dollar a bottie. mereed ln it. The bath le thon tled CAPT. F. P. DESJARDIN. ta the patient by moins of bandages ScIY. "Stonke," St. Andre, Kamou- and placed la any position either hori- raska. zontal or vertical. Aniseptie Solution la Um.d. _____________ A warm antiseptie solution can be easiiy kept un it at the smre temper- Hard Work, AUl Rlght atone for fie or six hours. As a 4I'lvant you ta understand that I rube a 3 per cent. solution af bypo- got my money by hard work" chlorite le used or else corrosive sub- "Why, I thought it 'vas boit you by limate ine the proportion of one-habi your uncle." per 1,000. But permanganuate ai po- "àSo it 'vas; but 1 had bard work - , - .taesium, lodine or lead 'vater aIso can gettràig it awaY from the. bawyers. b. used to advantage. It bas been found better to aiternate the. employ- * jgjEdd ment of these antiseptica. e ZfinaWb«P, The rmeatof tua treatment are mm,, toomdwIh wondirfub. After a few days the deWttUli.by% l Sh '11E IO 'S wound begine 10 heal, suppuratidn dise. i E N TI N S appearu. wellag subsides- and foyer 7Zl~ E ceas. Recovery fobbows au a mat- er&umma FUTuRE ter of course eve n l cas«s 'viire ais n l putation 'vas consbdered the oaîy rem. russo N thY S.t tey ThpendaUnoer o f bockjaw ln en. Camoîs caa emel!water more than a He"àl y abiles AN ETERNAL COMBAT. m "e cu« . .wwoelaCOP 1 When The Doctor Says d"Quit" -many tea or cf)ft> drmîd ers fInd themseivem in thg giip of a "habit" auîd think they cRnt. But they canil ensliy-by changing tb the deliciou.s. pure airîî& POSTUM This fine ceres.J boverage 4 cortains true nourihment, but no caffeine. aet do t-e; and coffee. Postum makei; for coin- tort, heaith, and efllciency. ,,lhcrc's- a Rcasun", Oanaélen vt *,t*Jt». .d s For chappedhnnds and lips and ail irntatians afthe skia. AIl the virtues af "Vaseline- Camphor Ice, in the faim of a creata. For sale at chemîists and generai tures everywher in lemn, handy tin tubes. ktuse Suie. titutns. Bookiet nsniied free on request. CHMSBROUGH MFG. CO. IAmu'LLaA.. m .... A Iuis! nalmd Imuuae *adety th.. at.ctali eberin acodanc lih b2 Authorl»A Legpobtinme'niber end chasta 104din.. lt 7Vovfr.ç4 in Canada. .Putab Comédien. nie,. urd and eoe. Iollowini offi..,. DJ.W. Uvad. M.F. W. F. Montau. Grad Coeoeal. GCM"Racontai. W. F.<bIL J. iL 89, M.D.1 cam oqmà». Ganad MoUlu HAMII.TON - OJETAMJ -B 1 LLIARDS-W Those long wlnter nhgbts you wiil need iadoor rocrea. lion. Wby not Imatai a Home Billhari Table ? WrIte for partlcular of our famous Makers toIH. M. the. Klngt .14 Chu roh St., 1 o onto rWhem bucylssg your la IlMit on haVlng S "OTTO HIGEL PIANO ACTION -men- & BOYS- St.ady EmpIcýymont Goobd-Wages- it KvD POTA bU& IRISH dO9- Jbiers. Vole - Carmin. 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