Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 2 Nov 1916, p. 2

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NOTES A DCOMNIEN - lut that tbey are umed for ail occasions IU TSJ snd d,~,loBd' là wldely va*Id mater-JO EP W I age, ln the course of a hundred tliglits dress o shopping and the"' *u9 T issue of lfe la the one show rcrstide - bas ,brougbt clown t'wenty-six aero- veloped in serge and trlmMed with planes. The fate of such men e rows or brald ln different wldths. It Sergeant Victor Chaprnan, who fiew te> The long top coats and one-p)iece buttons trimly clown the front from OMR RME the rescue of Norman Prince wh.n the Rehih won derhemtto hin latteir was engaged with five aclver- rse hch are w nunder te colla Rehm.up e r h ation. FORMER PREM18 ER F NW EA sais tocbinshm eu h trike one as being of moat importance Prom Paquln cornes an exquisite as oeng oersnrmalho ay bcan hse AJ 1 EFMAEMN riekthe ir ightre icur In t is eailon, though tailored suite are one-piece dresa of brown Georgette ris th ai fihtes icu. I orin-ais, wllrepresented. The coats look crepe te b.eiipped on over the head. que, there will, nevertheieas, be found ary battis the warrior f eels the corn- Ise warm and cornfortabie witb their 1V le trimmed with duli gold smbroid- variations In recuperative power se He Has Alwaye Been A doaeo municatîve enthusiasin of a hoot,. He'srehg ols f ~gye,~ r~si ut great that they can be described only le borne up and on hy the men at hie to the neI Many of the colea are wsighted witb a deep band of beaverasmsrou.C ploySeiefrThAlaet.Pt. Bide. He bas no time to ask ques- madle of fur or fur cloth, which rnay fur. A high beaver cellar and dee This capacity for recuperation-forHoeDf in; f e n miegiing e e nay I eh in sucb good imitations that cuif esof thse sme finish the nec k and the nokrmgainig of physical lonsesHoe efn.DaeApbtgveapty hisfersandmigiing. e ayonly a vsry experienced eye could tel ebeeves wbile tbe front lias a eoft blue -l th noi alu if ofhaltmober ch " " Sd Sir Forail he wrld as tere nft ersd imotlpei ut the difference. The materiale foT~ veivet vent a.nd a touch of the sme odadyuh Watmhehslndttsa,"D] ______rd coats this season are siniply irreelet- velvet, appears on the loose g-irdle of noV hâti the experience of finding one Joseph Ward le a selfmae an But n te seialduel "i ailtheIbie; so beautiful are they in ths rich, Georgette which le arranged below of hft brood suddenly and aiarining- His father died whenh a ae Butfl injhe e igs"dtel,"avity11 asisal vrth oyhg l heeyasal, lnlnsofwns teaitrasa warln colore and so wonderfuiiy soft the normal waistbine. Another tW lii? Peinpsati -o e od higb l thre yrs id n d i noerE 1eutf ru le, must depend utMerly on hie on in texture. Withoub being heavy or charming one-piece frock wae of light sempertusfr epstratinn wnder coubd aford hlm no ter dcto aecatrn bef reeources. If reinforcement cornes to' clumsy, they are warm enough for the blue chiffon vebvet with ekirt gathered i errfrhedanss fh i cool weatber. to a long body. Narrow gold braid iIn threr fris diagosci If b e s chools. hl'm it is a happy accident. He can- Arnong tbe very neweet materiale trimmed the body and tbe skirt bad ei h aiet fchihob At fourteen he becams eerp fi nrnig flot take shelter behind a natural ob - aeBlvacoh arc erewt towd tieo godbadb igwill noV venture a die.gnosis on that meesenger, usuably reare inti sttade; he offere a conspicuous arget sen adbrenatotopnwa e ther side over the hipe. vst o elh nw htb ~ecountry at ail events, a yîa e rnig aof eaim hi d f i n oV aly n d r et som ewhat like hom espun but very ý These patterns m ay be obtained ned y V s bn e a p o e V blind alley" occupation of îm is if leinsanty n frfet.much more attractive and liner in frorn your local McCabb Denier, or fro anyting--or notbing. He wiil order It did noV turn out shwvr n isetdisaty No more awful deatb is imaginable* quabity. In addition to these, t4bere he McCall Company, 70 Bond Street,,r meiie o h rle'o h m- bis case. His restlesesnryadV 1; than that whicb confronte the man are he more well-known wool velours, Toronto, Ontario. mediate syrnptoms counsel complets find an outlet. He bcare ntr,1 ikdkoigy wbose machine is wrerked and hebpleses wool plusesand wool velvete as well restland quiet, with isolation f rom Vhe cbèerk in a rnercbant'sofierprtrLlckdsiaauedngs. anul perhepF fr nmdar ote as many other fancy coatinge. A lTf*T other children, and then await develop.. on a nwppr n avnuosyuhtepopcofa1 esignoein te evslcspment of Il U ~ A ment-êt. The next morning be wibl noV in railway work prior V trîg i ~ na arwes jouet u-th a wînged adversary ji -a î neT1cots1for il le Vs use o be surprised Vo find a well-de veloped business for bimself a ri x O ieaiw, bsl trd tinglingz romance in whlch he le star- trihet-wcontare o l]ning. Aheryusandf, rash, or a seriok>s condition of the pre.ppoe rty red as ths hero; to, the veteran of' a hroat, or-strange Vo say-a rosy, Ail this, before he wstst-nQqieqeny qeries of siî encounters it i a ain sm rnmported coat of navy blue serge INTEIZNATIONAL LESSON hsalthy child, clarnoring for fond, and at whiuhi age be flrst bgnt aeRrslnetrboserd ister and a sohering experience, in SO0VEMBER 5. rebelling against the hed that it had a practical interesVit oîtc.A const-ant, expectation of catastrophe. crept Vto 80 willingly the day Virty he entered RlaeanStoupr .> -before. four yasltrh The teru-uhle cruslt.y which Vîscount Letsson V 1. Shipwrecked on Meite Inas acd juseright,-ohernoner whocpseneunallantl Iiiycc descrubes in bis report on thes I cedjs iht-tgýoteWo In 19063 he becemePrm MnitrV suvvaty i urkish treat-ment of the Armuanuans (Malta).-Acts 27. 38 Vo 28. 10 in ber quick alsrm Vook no chances,ofNw eandapolbcbb.edWswgihns shows ibid the uincreuilble Turk" is Colden Tet.-Psa. 34: 22. but i se fornhs octor; Vhsoctor,I for six years; and heba aloflelXeusdxctdy ailso ian îînchanged andl apparenîl Iwoinbs iso"uotradnfrwathe offices of Mînistr<fincei uhang,.able Turk. Verse 38. Thers le no connection be- but did noV make iV until be under- 1 Posîtmaster-General MiNise fr andwai ' tui t-rue Lwo staternents, a huhso techallenge oui erso uuusu; a Mode me am wnen wii avei Jthev~ threw overboard wbat was lefV. hs chîld, wbo unconsciously played Vhe J . ~~~The abup was laden with wbeat. This youtbful IDavid to Vhse(ioliat-h of dis-Adcre plkeafuf id gradually hypnotized theýmelvýeq unto .liizhtening procees, nsceeeary for driv'- sase. the blelief that the torture. the utera- iAIlhe ent home-wiVhout ahor, word.a- lion i diahuluca passons o bats iuîgVhs sîp e~cessflly o ehor, wae This wonderful power of recupee.Inhg fahr Vhs only tbing Vbey could do before tion, varying as it dos witb individ k____ luuî amihWood thirel whjch chai-acter- I esetillareogi' of.. J7edwr nmeiva ndacun tms ,daJgh.uals, i sni aly apee eo5 81)wri edea n ncettms3. Tbsv knew no-Note that in youtb, and may be expected Vo wear i~TbTbTb adTn ssfu arsno oner osibl wll mn thirActs 28. 1 Luke meye, We knew," out normally as ege creepe on. In awasnîg brs. .ImssBrve, i~ ~.apparentîy suggesting that, hie own Vhs young Vhs word may be translat.ed tuiruan, echolar and a m easurer 0f t k now ed gre of th s place cam e in ; in "t row in g off," so com pletely do the n a w l - u c m h r c a î m n h w o r d s . u s f o r e u l b s a v ' b u u t o r y b a s .t h a t c a s e e a d f a i e d o r e c o g n i z e it y o u n g fl i n g t h e n e m y f r o m t h e m , b u t ,w r b yi v . nieeu rscordsd, ney er hinted et, sîuch a from Vthesena. Beach--As distinguisb- in older people Vhs procees s loser VogrwtybenVoethonadsu becatom .' The sacrifices ni' primi- i ed f rom a rncky shore. Bring Vhs Vhs correct translation of th~e word "re- ship safe o shcre ( rargin)-The cupcrate"-w bich m eans to regain, o i bu n d ho h it dd oV ee as f un coparion wth Vh eyesrneic ireading le identical i pronounciation, geV back what bas been loV losedcrdi selaughter of Armenian men and with Iheeqsly wlloranîeddepola *but noV in speiling, with thatu in the' We often bear an aging person say,~ theequllywel oranied et;oli- exV. It le appropriate bers, as the "I arn as well as 1 ever was, but I do - tuuîuu of their %v' un and daughters. B ailors had formed he hope that they noV recuperate s0 quickby," and so a Pl1L rnight save their sbip; the catastrophe mille or two la graduabby dropped from W hau < îb~ s gnifl ance o this de- .. .- ni verse 41 w as quite unexpected. the usu l w lk, or social festivities are À ~ o s T E U J U I mnuac out4urst ' Polîtically, let us40 Catn f-ieal,-aigrtdw othtmpn rpfr- hupe, t foretelîs the freslngni' Vf he 0 etn f-iurly hvn utdwo h epigtpfr-* elipped off the- anchors ail round"- gone, because it is found that the hill HT1 OIG O VR I Armienune from Turkieh ruIs. The V_ î CLZ there were four of Vbem, round Vhs for repaire le Voo much Vo pay for the Turks bave proveri themeelves ftrever stern (verse 29). Loosing Vhs banda-- pleasure. This le al] naturel en- infil to exercise control over a race Two long peddles forrned Vhs steerng ough, nd therefore noV Vo bc deplored. 1Sjr Joseph Mad loyal to another religion. Since g'sar, one on eacb aide of Vhs keel. Whsn nature hints, Vhs wise beed and lv. u ivilztin anot tolerat iros ibern~.~ These bad been ieshsd up Vo be out of' obey, noV only V'o Vhs lengthening of Vy vlzto ano oeaetecn hs way of Vhs anchors. Now, ni' ife, but vastly Vo ths snjoyrnent ni' it fence, Minister ni' Landa n eea oceelfrBe li:îuanuv of Turkigb rnis over atuen course, they were needed for Vhs wbils iV lests. otiiers. race!, critical operation before Vhem.Th So] f U j41. Two seas-The situation seerne. Health Notes. The ar, sul oIonrRecTi TAeMnOMENT OF e Lrge 11gbten be a sunken reef, with contending 'For severe constipation in an infant, "o' ad eauG. ln i hene Cat fav Lrg Hghcurrents. Thome who support Vhe give one easpoonf il ni'sweet-oil in-' lionaSely earsago bigbuai 'u.taid StuckI a Lighted (andie Ilo the ('ollers claim cf hs prssent "Saint Peul'. stead of cestor-oij. hnr oeyasa "Black Sand." had ealrgbî cerise lining which show- Rey" identii'y it witb e narrow chan-j The best liniment for rbeumatism' eeu e eeac fwlh ews heerR odod8n'Ao.V. m a n a g in g d ire c to r, c a m e V g i f. A a e 1 2 y ar , o e d t V h p i m y Theru la a triking Illustiat ion un cd wben the frounts were rolied open. nel between Vhs shore and a smali isi-, is made by rnixing one part, of turpa, large proportion ni' Vhsehrswr icin Puis Bkh fur Aile ni' ths fact that t Glimpees nof il wsre asen seen in thbe and et hs north end. The Bey ep- and Vwo o-f olive nil. IV le also gond beld in Great Britain, anj r ed NwYr ii ,4 ie i tet imernoV necesse l'y Vo roern over Vhe lining ni' Vhs collar and cuffs. Other perentiy suite moat ni'ofVhs data very: for neuralgia. went over there et once( eemndad170mie i ufceeas worlul b find ad%,enture. The German Jcberming combinetions that bave been well, but (as witb ail these identifica-1 When preparing a mustard plaster i htheEgi cd mercant f Vs u.ory oun it~in bs sen in hs way ni' linings, are brown ions) there ila ' cutyin the serliset usethe white ni' an ezg nstead n'hoEfihW;gaar, ewllhv h own ace fulthe s, iii Vhs uiet it h iigbt bIne, and black with cerise. links ni' Vhs tradition. What ie un- water; hs piaster willnoV blister Vhe events, should noV suffer. al fl Vownni' is brth.il bppend onhie Like hs cnet in the illustration, a! portent bers is that they neyer reacb- ekin. I h n epi hr ia i opVlV ooeee wt toln ufhteiewdi h aabuirxygra en odl ho h.srigte te'bec,"btstcan ak pedcn wibisdsarsbl uon'ni wn pcet hog e h ormn' opestonAt veu- go Te1 p fthr1 . a oing mon Vsfot-iu raeui am a ot a te vseltk il o asea a i icen'prsnlywa nfn e alefr Fft etr-AVsPra lb "J haut my hanqîsfusfIl îanti coululot icm an>-thinit eI-sethat iV bas been Wue roic 5hite gfour did net flind i c--., ieed in seeking Vo dia- On i lsthât bas corne V utio. iTersec eate o h bigi p temi axee.corne unto existence tîli about a Cflc over nev.ý-thoda. and get.s out nof Sic 'epb received hiebrhtyKna iyBadn'Pbi efr b c î n g u t u p , V h s m i i aN- e e r e d .t u y g o , w e n a L o n d o n c i t i z e n i e d e l y r u t s . T a e k s u a s m a n y .j u t t s « ' 1 1 w I. H t ' h a d p r e v i u i e r s r i i g s f u d n ' 8 6 Û O V u l "I sttuck il in the black sandul iithe do sme uh uua ai a ciaer. o as Vhs am anaVhseno ni' Vsead ni b rhe on theocinedQuethe open barre!, e expleineul. do narne hiugli aita deidn 1ted Vo ay.n Atnthgen for threfyanx knfteul oýn Vhsioccasinn'Vs ii But hs menu(hauuV hed nt iuiel to whie as fashinnabie et that perticu- you wiIl neyer nias Vhs time or moncy Duke an<d Iucheas e o rfali 1IN bear er ot. Ito Ie hal uun clon j ar perioci. Paddington determinec te ceai, but you will rneet Vhs ne-cw year Nev Zeland in 1901. f1isloa her e ot.ltoth al addonhave ail hs fend ai tbe fees 's f wlth frssb hope andl strengtb. eLl,.D. of Ettinburgh Univriy the elrseresaing, he %ubel ih colon quile differeni frôm thrir n-IJ -Although fi'iy-nine yersn'ae- in hie; hroat; deatb already ueemeul Vo ' noal uelook biesig twaui have its grip upon hirn. wi..T ac h aicohleAGATSN l a e»b1i7Srioel oa W hu iintePo e Juet berueatb Vhs roon in which the "' ould have Vhs breaci white. H" 11 n4,» «»edg flot î"ý" nkbihe. lfor act hagh guesta wers asseau bled atood the fatal cle una-naiie ae <auog 9OOth U. In igut part, enowhre or e na ni' t- <"'K, ~~~ferenre, endi ordennd ffour grouncadu at edtui hat u o rghtluithe podr. g Taow hie bre, sflalyfipteocainSsb a Cuopus, the,gaent oftheii.soler sy»- hluslove ci' outcieor liteaieer's. br e.l e iintepo lie saw e long piere of burned-ouî thintneveu lied been board oft liste.teu. ila ace'dig te a rfenet calcula- Until-Î) a.~eyrcnl oISdpb eil.1nvrs xl. 8 wicksa along iV-eddlsof bae, ut ---apecFtdi>rwhite fleur. Prodtic*ddotin ot Pra<. W. F., A. Ellison, torty- îo bout andi play vrikc ngîny," hv euefrileiels,. that saVk sn he fe!edsnfade, Ia ote tii inur grain of ths wbsait5i . u.sOumad t"«esAS briglit as thse t-wc a aisens>hie yeunge yh:my i.prsia a. " i.o deaperate move toward he 'andie- iSon,' sturaly Look on the ecou MLStilL iadtge,'la On u. miJÉred enjd ardt i Ouuter.,.Vs ets utl isy-Btts anci stopped. me silghtcmî Voucli or rngwrld colora etfithe graine amd thIt7-feur ustirc ait fthe.auar lu t tseia o onbe.wtcntt*sy aditpe.Teeilts oc orthesetor. vas #LarkBut Paddingt« W fl*atIcssumaddines rger la *ilg oft-wick laVe the powdei-. 1He heard j wanaud ît ,hib' kara whte.aiitions MWAM am aso Min"rmonr test.34t'*-a>uutg yw» Vhe sound c f Iaughter frein aboive, and .badtkfrthse tailler, but atajSMd ivent hOUMKisd unielarge. lin . un tht equls fortemaun.- h. tî'embied.lie atareti t Vhs light.maay osià enb. me<g in produ. Mttv.i&uê ?bdittans et o! ttramn u».rnttir's nensewu* the J* k sk~ 1k .~. he trembed. [leetareded theslirhsnta poweseste oreliog the deaured nesuite by I.kiaugaeeodlng te- the smm authonîty. in Owea dagisir'e p<eres nIoeoy tise visite. lifelesa, Starwisypor- tour b» -1 d and ,,,0 iglit yIu e.. titue whu.n you look. Suddenly ths end oetVhe wick noci- e .d ~ ~ ag'htwI .eit Ibo mmtiv,64,onlra ll. e ed deci, anti With ius movemnenitishe mer- «4issru î& hinpliMhj-ke, b,. a " M * My*ai?: .ai<t Ms vheic-you ois ,upW N vonde0$160 chant recoveritd- frein bis mmentary - dellIIt.4.-.. p < u W* paralyus. Cautiously hie thuusi botii5mW4* 00 w heail*a aldmt ie<uioe. ub. «ilion ekon."a. ov. As b. am distmneèluvs bod is -a 4Wat wMdu iui7li. eneladJ11 a thetwhso bande toward the candi.; dura, wiîb ' 0d «P*<te& hbisdiscaseprived tt lt~!iaslrse. lieu of'£tri Ue* niâ.td,.n i.l a suddea ffeue., h. smoteuised Vhs Tut" reiaxing bits lolci, h. sarrisdti r .a ttsmueâos lbit. elghiy4v. esîfreâwtis 4tise spam ~a. '*w4 e ie .' s- a~ieiuvwednt5*<eui~ belrc bmle -thé lelu lve fnbg t44r W5oflttithet l l* pmgetaViuio4 .ryiwJïtu ver mabe sthe Top.êa a w»riti, Ife tet a job las Vhe local bgik A weathy usue .etnsihm ln -fi ut0# *ro4M $4w *mV*Q a»)Odr tiese treet -tin'enorning and «Wla:- out4pkS £tewa. 0# - bgr. "Wl> Lo, uis ev ars you rgtting on- 1 sl.s? Is5Pb" th ise l us fUO l I we ku*w You willl bu pmeldnt oftheils Yý, »moita dm»& fistu eâ$W M O~ f W4W»%411&1ba u mrnkV si,I Mad WUev «4ettkO -__ Iqm Ie"replW dthse ib <'î'm »tdUWA hb 0906et e e t am-- ~~uw" À ----------- No one hermed Vhs beblo-s, for Moth- er Cucuinber Vine had sewcd sharp green barbs over Vhs nutside of their 1 swinging crig; but 'as ture vent on and Vhs white seed babies were be- coming brown sced boys, Mother Cu- cumber Vine found Vhey werc getting uneasy and were fretVing Vo ses some- Vhing ni' Vhs outqide %ýor1d; an, Vo mase them, s knit h-m a pair of lace trousei's. Now, evsry boy knowi how% fine he feels in bis finit pair of tmounuars, end Vhesaeed boys weu-e di~t';oly, you se, thers waa jut <ue lpair for he four nof ther, So Til.ý;t naul Tabs occupied one leg andl Tub!; andl Tony Vhs other. Then Vhs real trouble lv 'ýN ioVb- er, Tibs la crovwling! ' c -pliiind Tabs; "Mot-her, 'fubc slagtcting Vu. i fat!" wailed Tcny; andl o iV %vent frorý mnrning unVil îigbt, tititil Mcther Cu- cumnber Vins was neary distra ted. 'Such boys!" Fbe lamentoul. "Sucb baul boys! 've a gou] rlinl o open hs duor and tun you al oVt o shift for yoirF!eIves!" Andl that ws just wat qhP did aV- 1as t I V w a s a r isp O e-t n)b r day, when hes euirrels emc arveting nut. The seul lboys baul een un- uuually restcs; the lace trousers no longer pleasscthem. So. Mother Cu- crunber Vine threw open a uoor etths foot. if hs cradîs and crieu: "Away witb you! Go geek your fortune!" Then out popped T'ih, and out jump- ed Tab. and out umbled Tubs and Truny in a heap on Vhs ground. What happened ta~ them efter'aardg bebonga Vo enother story; but if you have any doubt abut hs lace trousers. 1,jut find an nd çýîd-cucumb-3r vine and pick off one of hes sed crades tht .swinz erpty and beaching in the late .auV-rn, and if yu peel off the outer' wall there you wibb find a pair nfi hic trusers.-Yutuhs Companion. 16i wrkinguen's ornes, which 'ibi rent t a io'wv figure. Henry J. Schilnewerk, rairod man, awarded a Carnegie medai in 191,'- for herosm n l stopping a runeway locomotive, shot himsti' o death le hs presence of is family in Fort Worth, Texas. Mrs. Lucy Cahoun, ni' Chicago, widow ni' William J. ahoun, form- rly Minister o China, applied for a passport and will eave for France tn do volunteer Red Cross Work. M. (alhoun died a few weeks agro. Capt. William R. Rusqh, U.S.N., commandnt etths Boston Nay 1Yard, who led hs force ni' 6,00q .mrù'es and saiora which. landed t SVera Cruz froin the Atlantic fleet la 1914., is o retire-aiter , forty years' s ervice. Soding saved a man's; life ln ("'evbnd, (O. Mrs. M. A. Kay talked V o a man wbn lied attacked e street Chicage, prebabiy mortaÙll"'Yw0uusdin Jacob Klaus, who lied beenàMnIant by lier buebenci as co-reispondent ut'-i duivorcesuit. ýSNDIMAIS ish, and S Do Hope, Ar bîtlon5 age la an old-m en s v r u l f - v r f e tise aeg ie'sn- mlght m c e r g t n bulets iubsltituted' au~, But - Y'oung sIuen 1woue lia. new -e, wftis vison'o -eta wvend hmen & a, -love ofci IFmi orn mepte -fNazaeth cati no# 1>ee» tie g i io Unwflling t. break *th~1e-'è risn Pt tise paït our ' p 1 tu ày tons woimdhae e,4"titlfýl

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