Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 2 Nov 1916, p. 1

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rka do ve ris- nL TE~:AND ICLL Vol. 64-No 18 WHIITBY, ONTARIO, CANADA, TEURCSDAY, NOVEMBER 21 1916 C .GOPLO OPbi It W'iII Pay You TO NMAKE WilIis' Modical Hall 4 I -f WILLIS ýt and Opticlan a Whitby. THE 1l1OU-SE OF QIAIIV T.he D)ealer iitî t tIt- î><I i thest '<i "Scranton Goal" The . ýtanderit 41AFTER T11E STRIKE" \)New Prices Now Establislied. F'roli flhlieul - Scranttonî Cotîl '-- an 1li-',-a, ut colunîg t1ai iy lt it) o\ car i- ciati brigiu ild d ary tillieil tOtl axa- slxitinug COai ii lt\aii ticl. Xou wilut theli lic-1 Es R. BLOWm Betllphliî 9.i 110on1e1E. itonc I J. IIOWELEL JAIMES Carpenter, liotider andI Cant ractr. Plans draît iai < st iniates furnlahbed. S;ash, doars and f rainvs. Agent for Brantford Rooflng Box40.% WtIT13Y Phone 14 9 Marriage Livenses. lssuer of Mirritage Lhrcngas. Corner drîîg sinire, m ltby. Nout wItxi-sseqauirnd. jîbé Oreator Canada Improvoment ài Land Co., Limited Whltby - Ontarlo Rente Coileeted, FrI"îl.îatntqA4Tatgedt, 1'l)rtie les i ~lt a nd molii. For teritbo% aliy Il-a~d l>ire, ilèo-ek 'F'. B.e1l'l one 1913. Ilr . I 'hone70. 1 SAVE VOUR EVES 01u1- knowledge and accuiulatedl experieîiceof over 20 yenars id our ser- vice. F. E. LIJKE OPIOIANI 167 Yongo St., TORONTO (oppomite ISioib"ou'al Shw8 Tolograph School girns thorouith course% in operaîlsq ansi st*t4glawork l'y Ilono Slnd7 I>lant.or t'O tbo*.>Who .ttiond Day or Nvkî t emon.. Pul-artiolarton requesn. 1 rite W. il. b8h&W. Preident, 8(JerrqrilEnsi, Toirontgo. Ai ku s bundà.I Xmboýê mWit old on Borne jood ýw"aid bm Md forsosoi; 1ai OSes TRAGIOR DEMONSTRATION AT MEADOWBROOK Thé tlampeeday tracior demonstration The Ford iraci or cat anîd îîlîîw lîîg umatchnov- lanlrogresai commenti. Il Is the 5i5] R. .I Flenîlig'a MNeadombrkhatm, is btte tay Il co-eri-d Il -- îtrnîk Parilittila- shtîîno<f mui-%,icl i rit%io~iL t- d-î froin ftar taid i-tur. t-i iax e a spa-r-,d oui the i 'tIlbi's ittt irt 1mida> - iotugit ex mile-s ai ttn u , and. w-lut i- i tg i îiiai -tu alîi- as*rt-garda taeta- la ut taotdîr. liairin FARMI Lused no little lest of the lot, tie gromnd was s8 Itla a ald road or lifteeîî in ptowing If -g ietest on i.fCn tiit -- îfll-t i - rthi-h-ssite VWdnssdaý ,<i rawlng ..a tl,-n ,fi rra011 forît 'tsi for tYiti- nîalîittg Iad:1 % ai POîlW. h îawed an acu- of ground hIn lai i-at. i-ai.î, - .,niintît-s. JI "(rnq 0 Io - -asity oper- Il-iLt utI rie Utîiomic arm t bita îir antotrithoumh it lm t. iti lu Y, ln- ýTUE JUBILE0F EP15COPAL C Ali Saints' Chureh, Wtitby. celebrat- ed 011 Sunday the «Itleth annlversary of the organization of lte church. Twmo former rectors were brought here frnm Toronto La preac'h. Thve ele- bratlanor i he Juliple was continued ont Wedaesday eveîtnng by a suplier and eniptrtaltnmr-i bin he school room, and ,1tttiii gi l lm 1;x;: v--i) l-e------ on-oit titday tnxt lte servicles w-l ti I I iii-- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i %-t. -e-oflili~tt-ti Iitta i iosi fa'--lhq coiiti itoal, w-len otlîer spectat speak- fa l i [I. A -s i rit t-1% f ttl I f IlrZithi-le Impire-ssion. f, r arei expectn-d ta b'- preni. lf d - \ -i for , Ill N ai tlis -îllibilîs orf NIti Fordr h iîtis(1f ils ai)t110t111a-t t to be Il-i 'I r. rotithall. ri osa- tir G race, tailli tiii it - t ilal t i îl-id i- t i- t ri l ; t Il lut- rit-n iitttl<-itlîlîa i tîir( i., Forontlo, itri the pi-car-tii-r ut :-l'-- - ai- - Ilt-t ti, ,i- iii- i t ' flt , - If tt iItr, i triit IItae ii it ithi- mr nriîlg cser% ce and 1-1<v . . P - i- îttf fîI:)- s 'l \'(lti. i - tut t-I ttr t ,1I -t4 l#-c itiitra iiiionstm teld liai-r atIII i- i-it ltg sî'r - , trîtetilarge (t-1. I Fiii-.1itiî 11ihi ot i ir.1 I lt- 1 - !1ti ý îf t-ry. sait f-I Nlassey, -tartttois wee lrsii 1 - \ t i- -î tlt ---- - tttt -i- iq-lit I\-tît.: \ttt!Ist-1.tiîmrs. 1iii 'tiip- îîraLtîtgîîaîî eipsed s pic sar :t.- i l tilto lItalit- I 4 l Il. i Iiai itî-.(ii ln l' ittp t- gi n~lî lit W hi by. lus firsi .1 ~ --~ lî~t-- tîrîltîi f-tit tit i- Iti- ft iii-îîît--ît - as titis cliarclit. andi be t it ~ - -i ii- itiiîl. tt! It l -lIf 1 f1 \\ alvittt-i- li iiiîtitiî- îr itdt o lt ae li fle -ngrgatlon lit itt- titi ttt tits - ii- -t -ititt ii rti tiît isd~ -t l , ta ivw -iîîi w-ere atî%lar attpnd - s Il ii ta- - ilit-tI li u - -' i îî lt tit :t II'- ýla- %%as llt'ctiîlti<-nt. 1-Jr-Iliaid - . --tt .. tit li ii to i. -i i--- ol-I- iît'i - ii-i'- of great lînproveenîeni V, 'l i- iti- t i. t-st Sî \ e - :1i 1,()\i- î-îîî i-alli iii ti lii ii tti- ti , ta uit(] i s glaui o sec sigits - Ili, Ili 1ký of M e !..Sl l-I\ \\ill Ii, !wIiif1 î Ill tic e l t -; Itl. IIpletiattî iva is me m nartele 1 -1 l. l is . 1 ilt tI- if p't v fi itî. l t-aaîîi- v ht-rt- lie, itad ruade f!101 '~~~ut lii Il ii I id tv r hlw lo -- -- lt -rt. 'aifiti t1a- Urecd of thie iitrcit was tinlier discussion ai Nice N JCI I) '~L "anid ti îr- w-as muiihcn*o(rv P I) '1PI I\ (I STAT~iIN QUE)IlSTION 1()ItIv eutuistila els vgsk iiiiitiii lltîti tliflicword tif lthe Mayor Given Power to Have Work Completed. 1 tjiJvsiis was 'ttr%, God. eqiîal m _______ - xi.- a tri-ialît-ri lietit-iIli."- Niceni- t redu 'l - -i-t7t--i. lui t ilt i-f N% liiia - iS , Mît ltvtr. Vs air -tit if lt w itt I la lite creëded tfthe (Chrlitant cil - i- - tt tti - -il (H i i 1itilt tt tm - - - t i i iii 1 i-lIt ci ii l 1~-t li i l l r i - - lut-s t i i a il t I n coi~z lîl li;tttI t- - h iilîîl.c stla>,tît Il- 1 '1 iit l;ti \u i-t litil itIl Coi t1 i t l' r itll l t 1 % . - 1 - 1 l. -i ,i ili i t i-t l.t (i lt-i i i i , t ii- il 1 1 1 s-iî'lit.a 1 i i t i -ti ;t 1. t 1 1it a l .th- tt hi 1 a nit i l) -t i i tl .- ;- l iltio\lt ,t fttd- i d q 1111 i-- - -g-or -t Il.,-yitir ;, l1lI-l 1 l I - *tr t A ti -l 1,ltI iti bl or - i i r r d , C i ititttilut t I fo l re il - t I ill I ll- lu i t il - I l -- it ill ii ti(t i i pitit i - rc l-i io t- - tt r i- xi Pt i tht t i t a- i îi i ca eail itti-indix $ilii liit-r on ili ai rtilrri.ttittul lllîb>tutat- i ii I f t.NIl-i l i t t(-Il v % rail gto l iiît- Il-% i nult s.lt-tilit s te m toslitir It 0 Il ttttii ttt! i ti it or-lt hw Ib l ii it c.iry rd tii-ip ottt.- iiîtsrag-tnks m I Àtiihe- gasotille etîgix-lin-i-i l>theî t-itgltîî- lruke latose, Il bi-ng go-tured toiti lalgit, îand hIImtai'rande-nad usa-li-ss. The iigna--rfialty rerauitndd rîmno- Iluig rail iai-deicai î- parit3 ofI(li--ntgi icP,I ta laIt-bt t sdouai, anîd thla sion Is 00W 1 tauliIohi- fali tof mtelr. Wiiltbl 0118pra-sa-oatIou of tta(' ase. the. Mttayor esskad, Wlhtî hah va- do'" - >ri-c-dia auîy discuxssion on tle quaestiontti-e('lt-ri raad the agra-enieni iuiagl i-t t-i-cii lte tonot an dIthe Ahlis- lbalinu-rs Co. - Mir. IqaItitan- 1 - i ouild lîka- b kuaîw wa (lai he ('otusi l astu dat t lthiléI Mhir isîlîcîlor I.li ee-. lw-t hlm gîte uts1 tlis uiplnani hi-ther mei-havea- alegaul- rilii tg) du-ail m jtil the itatia-r or wtî-îaller the 1I>ublitc LtiIJt)yCoturnîssion i>% i sriiiciior, rotin certin setcîîtisF R rotit the Ptublic 1Iillet\c f c. %w lita It S R O si-rt* Pd 1toa1Il rotw4otInv-1tîgIlît on titi-orCast- ani afîî r iagooai diat of dlcsCilî. NESS5 S ,IiN CE... -ýaI i il: - Ii-iîttlt i tik ut m woutl lit- Ont h ALL SAINT5 .HURCH-, WI-ITBY Chnirch to-day so fair as the dlvlnlty of ChrIst is concerhed- Therp was only a dîfference of one G'reek letter-lota--qulvaleint to a jot, between the wordlag or the Iwo state- nipnts, but It made all the differeneln the world 1n the Christian religion. WIllî ttil as a baBis, Mr. 1lrotigliatll preached a dellghtfully clear and con-1 vInclng gospel sermon, appeling for irsonal rolationshil wlth (God. The Gmd tic nîust know Ila utc God wltom Chrts it ievealed. h laIs lic soil ibat coutitis, and not the, borlv. We atiglîl jr) gte our souls as rtuch rare ai; w-e do otir bliles, The soill woni'î groiv ttalone (tue latibe cari-ful tIo 1er- fomni oit t-a ni gb <ta dtîiy lii Is en tIici y It oral <r laogrow rp ilrît nailît. Il la the o osefisti, noble, seflf-sacrlflcliig lîfe thlai conis ; tife lint> whiltt od la aliîw-1 r-d to i-ii r. a-id wtItgl aohî-d I ciii Hia; dîret- loti and Ili wlll. M r. llraiîghail i caboralî-d 1 ta til)jeet Ili ait atle aînd cioqîtent matiner. andr tite is lia lî-ard h lxii wonieri-d tai 1i iîe fatc tiati e le re-t or of onle of tlii- mai lin portaitt AnitiIcan (lilirclies In To- ronl 1o, 11ev. A. F. Blarr prcarlted an abte FvrlltîouIli the î-ventiiig tb a larger con- gregatilot t han Oi liof lte mornîii,. Wtilic rector litrp a fa-w y<ars ago Mr. Blarr tv-aq ext rvituelipoplîlar, and'lh la reinovail frot t Wiîltly was greîally re- ~re t t ed. MIr.hIarr bitasnoai ieet Ili lite work o-f lite inlnlsiîry for sîtîie (ars. iii- la nom,- Ilii uitîlipeqa bn'Toronto0. Ila- wilti litart Il v welcoîncd ltaek IoAI] In~llta" by hila foriter partiaiîloti ors. wbo ti îrned tit Iln la rg'- tititniliera 10 h cvar hini.1 DRUNKEN-, SEPTEMBER 16 -~~~~~~~~~~~ h Flw ovtal Iilatiîîc ntittk h -rr arn-ttfor d rttîken na-ais i hti Irkhîti tr-k lookl-t t îîion itî at he tlit I i I i )itt i ad colitlti igIl." ltias hu-tuitiiadte In Wlîi thy lt ai îce i ue wotîId noi -t an-lo kead m , ni. aid began la 'Il tii-rt 1 piltit iti- i riict se-t itsaif t-ollitiintuu forci- of the Onitaio Ten-m i- siat. [lv ltii îit)ta tiglt lantd gave ta aiîlout dtiiiug wt lýitIle nitt t r dirt-i-t- ieai e-Ar-c-ta as ittade taat Tiirsday su raîg argitintnttio Ile (b ici - who lt i-vet titi w-liral' ef %Iar(',ott*,, t ok w'ias wîîhoîit i loniî. Tue(l hlef goi A ilIsiiaani-rs lita% et- tinandoti thetr ti liaut Ktrkîiailr-rk It ciitiaoay. About Illie asslsiatict-tof a l)ittsçz-rlv. anti afttr i ttu t5t li tti Niîliiii " a t Bi i all "Iri -l it aItir-lola-i. itli t ltIiif nat-i rkpaf- a fît i-iter irai gglo iii- lbIo talat u nan it tii - rît-k. w-io wa Intoxicaieti, anal started %vas 1tlnr-r-d lanlte cells.j lititîitti.-h -Tti i1iii îgla iiiti l-P,,w-ai-home, Klrkpati-lek OunMrîîdtay Ki-kî)trlî-k came Itefomo- t--i i t .ttittiil~ ttattit ii i- pitl l iittîl-iigt.t tgo ai ounce. In a 't'ary few N aigistrltti- larta'-. (ut1. FtîrewP-m , lieîl. -t All- htiit-r- (11th-v uiii t. tw Il( i w va ar-k on ('notaIt AtOn-v, jros-a-ting Ile i i tii- t- i l lieo f 1hfrr i-uitilllti %,S X- Ilrtirk-k tt-et-t agatin. 'This limeoItle ('-itif liaea(-l gattty "ta lia- charge- tf beîng -~~~~~~~~m (l- eti--li-Iutîsiîîiti lîtîk plet-t-il llîiiind'marmesi, uand îiroceed- drtutk. 11<- sakl(, tii' ati got ftue'Illtator t t.t.t-lii.t ttlîY - -i irtak ibut to thelor-ktp. At the ln Potrt iotiand lîad sioreri It at 'asi -t u - -tu t -f t itilti ti lo cornetr tif îrtia-Itand Caiiborne sireois, hoime. ie -forgot abitI h outil ho s 'tît tii 't ~h iiî. l Ile -. u-- .foîtîtd Il -bIte niox-lng bIs iotsa-hold - uI iottî îtitno 1 i- rt- a si iaî -S . - eiTaciato anotîtîr resIdeince. Then lie- ~tia~ ir 'ti tai ir i ii-ti 1ai-sîituti a Mm -tai k(,d ip, and, ]l i iiw tif the long, "ttt .t o1 tai I r& gmd i i- ti îirut it-il I tatîir- -VP lit iof s-vR h lad a iyhng 1 a~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~il do il.%i iii a t.o d ii it t1hvanqliiit Ilui rght." dry ai-Il sitice Seîitem ber I 6tlt, the nul lie ituidi-i-staaîd Nir. UJoldrlng dld liot take Up the stufaf-t- îsledmr hnh x chaleng toprov hi sttemet, ow-pected ht woîild. Onflua charge lie was MIr. Yolaiîg tut dliociîalleîîge 10throvo lits stafm , o-flned $10 and costo, amouating tf0$15 Ma , o m s t g ., orcrSth attt-cla-c- The Vtvor.--"Mm. You-ig, If lias bee n al, r 15 days. HP e ad the nioney irli- r-aiuîiti-ilaet li- nade-. Ttîa- Mayor, Raid hl' i tese eîr-ctr«c motors 'tvîl comlng to hlm from his place of em- toî-i-.d-ni-d that titi-que&stionî bad ntirt-rDlata alp lc' htpoymaint., and gave an order for It to ext-r tii-in i sciissi-4. ' ndoeryorkPitht say9laè.Wh pay lus fine. Mmr, Yoting. -'lbî- alarin sysiem dMo.young-a"Ye hywhaslt- To thé charge of reststlng an officer atotîlti iltalae rttng axiymay Iii tia ypves Tua-y have been deslgned by I efrac fhedtleae r-iii,toi ilia-i i îas .îîo iarut donc. The! la- - -y ayn ha te he alafil1)111 Njl no Nvrk ,,engineers who know. They xnost cor- peaed mgullfy, andu a f e Chi o tit oibit a InIhiucaseork als lld ainîlîy wlIlwork. This le pot an ex. shrwea my arm, and ance l aw hie 0 titai di. aitilx ibitcae he lunt d perîment. The saine systernt laInstaîl- shew a Ilite smdo encIn a heMa titi. <tat liea 1-bn-Il %utld not bave Ped ln many other iowns, ones cf whlah Tepoîmo et-cn h a it it ruîng. I Is Oa.kvIîle, and han been rxinnlng sat- wBJ one Ihat gave the Magîstrate and ,ti6es-smi-d Iotosilie bl trouble, lsfacforîly for the iaast wo years wltbthe r tonyago ele andt ntattvra îîroa-a-eded. ouit any trouble whatsoever. -bfle.Krpttkbsawf n M rn. Ytatîng (ýilaina-d that witeik the A suîggestion was made thait the ho-faîlo!sxan agaitr wud j)ii, rie nWbily ona- of tho ic<ation of the stat ion shouid tue cbtang-,alms ovl u>l let ho ftiaas had a dont In thte top. Tue AlieI- ed, asi; he noise of lte gasoline engine senGotence whcomwas flnaily decded uhtalîierut men Roldî-rsd Ift toprevent tnnda-r the road was lhable to frîgitnen ntpncby Magîsîrate 1-larperHo eud lv-ning. Evuîrythingîg 'taorked weil for horses. pnyMaitteHrr. ebon fi%*- daii, .f rom SePember 20 ta 25. On To titis Mr. Young replled thut wheoflKlrkpalrlck over to keep the pence for title 25th a final test w-as made ln tle the station la get ln worklng ordor the a year. If ho gîves furtiter trouble lue prit-sinia of the Mayor. Mr. Murray and gasoîlne pump l ot bereuidwilil be stiiteic4rd on the above charge :Ir. tSchrag, of thei Alls ('laimere3 Co., l f i< ~teoeti ater. the penalty for whicli la anytilng anid a "eNIficaîc- was lssued to fthe A.-C. pumps wIllhot nmake a noie.He ha.d uît e er mrsnet ik Comnt îuy- the ufmnot confidence that flue systein patrîck promld a th fliew days in Mr. GoldrIig. --You knew flits floal would work aiît, gaoif. euedhlm et any further de- waà denied bn-lore If wenfliii"i Mesors. Goldrlng and Watsen refus- sire to boeze, and that ho wouhd go ta ~yea.- Igt c ntesugse omtewerk and mend is ways. Ho wam --Di y)d>ou flot know <the magnatto wua nd tr.acf onoagt ed COflItfItte, thereforo aiiowed te go d6n hie way re- bad o n, lt wu fnall moed hatthejoiclng. wllb the assuranee that bis basayo do bc a lhvn powermo e can ge tile and chitdren saved hlm front a -Whydid oulssusca flual certl- ofarsba ln eer treakirchare gaoi ferm ntht. tinte, but wouldn't do "W'b> dsi hOuo affaie d sc<li 1 rpir re on the next occaion. Mr. Voutoz--"f -oîî wlil rs-ad lte Mr. Goldrini urged hastentag slow-.m c-Oufs-act y0luti wll sec thuabif 50 Prrcent- ly. but tere had aireadut been enouti METrHODIT TABERNACIL iiliraild do Il." of tah ptirt-%f pricet was <o ue pald Mayor Wr-n if nîalî.r 'r a1% bit hlpms-nt. 4( peîr cent, on tatal- dléicautuaîd hast J-'brtiar> Itlit as da-cld laion. antd 110pair C511t îa<u day-aaluter. id thal blthéta-n îaaaîild fiaish tr- ie fita %i didfol gît- afalnicertltlcate. but tIon bsfare hanidng i o-a-nr f0 the Coui- a hîrt>grir'stcîrtlicaté. whlch entited mi.tmaô'i."AIIls-itaiuer.acordîng tote Lertms ni.t-i- f>>wliîe). --i la ounrll h" Of Your conlraa-î. taiu.l but 10 Per Cent. nothtisig ta> do wta1h ti. Evenr>thitig la Wa' sînaPî>-artad accordlns tote ie n- cotituer-îloc i t1h tha' statilon las bs-en tract, Te agreent iîsays thlaC omt- lîaîdled by >ou, Mr, 21Ma>or. liave you pany ax- 'te flpliMe anyfhlng foumad te be4-ii acting as Mtuyor or a.s a ma-ailer ba- defectilxo inaufitacture, andilte of tlas- Pubi tirf'nh.h Comsumlaonr 10 ps-r eit, or $230, ta sufficrient te May or -**i wtaa di-cidaîsi ln Couneli oi-r t hat'- lait wlnf(,ra'rta'm-e uld completk Mr. Uwney-'hie whole situation tiot work. Azythlng 1 have due 1 taa, ta unAvoidable. If la uap te tus te gui. doinx an bMa)yr." lhe thIng stamred. That lathe i.mata patemn.-*«If we dîi agre to Bnitshtig t 3Y oMM opiUiOU ta fat Iliums ihiîs Ihlng, basi the lar-rigiat te do ser MOters oulsi acier barc beo Ui 1».tb l)owiey-'Wo borrowed $!500 and icw the imua" hatdesi It oear 10 the Publie Utity M. 1îoali-MY padeam l1,a uhi ('otmnîii.son la order fuit faey 1 btelbaustd8 iwauld uay IL the «Sinse« rwt>' for titis work. and 1 n.rodtu not preparod toecompleto "at tlm :tbey 'ase laandttss tii. unater." ai Cttu t iius 58k for titJM5DtItoS.' lTé Mayor oxphaintsithat l i tCm To 1h1 1fr. Toms greplu" tt& nilesaon bc!md n ou nly a a s.IiPS OM sood diiio the b. mo~tud vu t"h of trial susa ani basitht-n baad.d i<<utat 01lthetowD.. Poe, b.i4ti tuick to -he O CnL the en4lac*etS m ot 84P554te bu1 Mar. A. M. ftqsa. (Ihafrmm .< fthe b- i ls pthe î$a statueuIM C*'7 4ayaA" Ilae :ii Itay Commission, belaiu prss.n tb" f5417 WW104SISt MM* U«I e 4OimP 'cas aikard -what theflua MIMbad #taitM YOw piJ POO41" 09 ilWtii, fs te Say. fM4 vWU mIajb O>* vet o~p *w. Mr. Bsou txpfalned t4~t *0 COm- lËniton ua»tma» 414e« mission hasi takmeno-r àvwy Pen «fMTb. StofDWf thue sewerage saenselefpI Ib sstw qv4.usUaîchuibe. b. *aMO&>liaa lion.0!0àatebo m4 ~V d b0%1l4ed *Tbt ovw ia&4.1lbthensIa. up Ut. C«Ubka- Ut. YV4%0&. V64 t1 it ten d pf01 19a14 ~ uia. 0"te i lm*WW b*c lake up a matt« a hlit th.* uttalSg T*? â N0. whlch * kaiws»0Uis. 7I.bo tr UU140«b1 wu8 Ihi* tby ib* O"wDqa m jgs 'g 1gr. CMU--"tr mdi U t* 1 ît W*Wud bu bttvr t to t«i Md** b.« Iibu Oby u te uuiB m »004 q U a MM*"* ni. te bu tonaJ*PI buW WbkU r »UiO O o uw m(b.outw Md 4aon" o r Ir a*b»Utmo e M Tht v abse W woî aieiay tht o ncîl thouguit, and the mo- tion Wtssed- Titereupon Mayor Warren conseat.d to assunie charge ef It, but remtnded flie Coin-cii ihat hautwould expect IJien te pay lhe shot wlthoui a murmur. He wotild do hl& l'est te put the whole Mat- ter <ireugh as rapily as pouable. The meeting adjoumred wtthout fur- ferbusIness. Suuuday. Novenaber S. Reut. A. IL Poster, peter. mornlng struttes Anthet, "o FIrm a n undaUio." Antbemus,"Île Kueputth ias PMro- »V-enins te-At.,fnlsy 1(y Qed, t'a « 7h.." 0'Ton 7 XeM.tii 014,,o OtSr,- by Mrt. T. &E.U 'rie pastor wM u"u *y0b.PUlpit St botta servces House in Good Repa jr, Town Water, Electric Light and Good Furnace. Saturday, November 18, af 2 o'clock Offered subject to vcry low reserved bid. Terms ruade known on day of sale. Lot quarter acre tnôre or le.-ss. Large and srnal fruit. Good sized garage. WM. MAW, Auctioneer PO-TATOES New Brunswicks, $2.OO per Bag Bad Included. Oood Stock and Good Keepers. WANTED--Oats, Barley, J. H. Downy owpaqy, Alsike and Red Clover. Whltby, Ontario For PRESERVING TILlE The Ch6icest Fruits'J Qem Jars VegetaI,,,Ies for Pickling The eicest Spices P0kesRlght. A riay, oNTr.- 47; -Irdepnd hilders' Mark. q ?aitLts -i t Tou Wsii* T your Buying contre for Druga;, Mediîcille's Hubber 6ooîIa, ( onibq', Toth tl l3uslî1e-, ,Il airIbîit, TIalcum i lowl cm, 1ltî-rFufu-a ani Sa :t- ihers %Ve guari Lo lie the1 ate 3OUîtirt J.E. Druggist M EDI Brock St. 1â4 ACCIION SALE -OF- flouse anid Lot the property ot Charles M. Willcox Byroit -st. South, Whitbym Living Room, Largeé Hall, Two Bedroorus, Bath- room 3 piece, Dining I'Roer, Kilchcn and Back Kitchen ail on ïground floor.2Beomsupti. Egg, ~oe i )ýe Ut-1r w Whi:by k Il, -- -- 2 Bedrooms upstailrs'.

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