Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 26 Oct 1916, p. 5

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Satiesfaction Pa. yen kuow a sinlel solitary wearer of Spectacles or Eye (l21tiess, wlionîi1 have fittedi wlîo is iissatisfied P Will you do mue a fàtvor? If you (Io knoXv of such ia person, uk thcrnte Iticase call go that WV iiuây îîljtîst lte tiifficulty to~ t litir stis lfact ion. Our Optkal Equipment 1 wottl' lilke als(i (o intro- dlure yotî (o (lie equîjîtncnt, wltî-îivh liav-e nt tny store, te fit youà'it"fstaiy Our stock of Lont, Nt)untiiig, etc , li e lits t w-îrî i uli-to- BASSETT In T0he Block With The Balcony Brock St. South NV. C. T. LI. whule (bey 1qt. i rai 00 1a_ a -'*e A~. - a no on, rk:tel he fate oai ycur 5'unday %eh Whltby. '439111Wnofit to, soelety fat large, il yen havt -1 I -e- ~national Ille, if you ilu any degre. dl.q S'Pt*UCK STRONO spRINÇj. yonng people, then yau augbt ta mi Chats. Rice, the deep weIl driller, ef whàt la wrong with it. IWhît0eysie, bas succeeded in fanding an- You cannot doubt-jf yon baveg other >atifoni spring In his searcl fer, ail-4bhat the S. S. in coîtilponedl water Whereà WNhitby's system laetnet1 belping hoante. social, national ant i Pi a%'9tl«bIe. rTlis time it ts ln the west- (6te he town, on teClavr aberi KtflIlsè'the Mines farm;. At forty.five' foot dep thin coarse shale gravet over- l)ylng the rock, a flow of seven galions a minUte. ar at the~ rate of ten titanis- and gallons lper day, ivas found. liverv nny lfiime bcîore Cthristmnas, anîd )oli ItI be sure 10 gel a iltlce of al] MIETHOI)IST TABERNACLE. files,.tC. A. Goodfelloow & Soni. suanday. Octobter 29. 0o R-.A. I-4. Poster, pastor, e lIAT DSCIINI MoeLigtservice. ANitii(eni, qftî Tîîrrc W 11 \ I t Y.(lAToNI DeLgt-Sott l( It(artIIjs 0,i Aros the eSen,' lîY Mls Edîta Parrâs' , ,Il'ut t or (1etloîîte sât hroet aWa. t 'a r S j iI>Om j w o ài Am,- se ?t Eve vi g serv'teAic hi. '-ot f ls ;'ale nIw fIil <le,ii .càà aof liiiq I10w' n thie Mlgllîv; ,soliiist, Mr. %V A ts ' ( re, toint , liite I, r' i tuid rslartle-d 190l0, "O llapîîy ltn , Miss lAna Il * N. aààc or"s riàî f c le sh oii; w àti iIl Farrow. NSt its dI'îoi- là.d*'iitàî d ftron t s otot- epîical Nlsoar nuî- àj 'l%î' Ii t llàjll ti. till 111l11t 1% - 0à11 m A iIiiiilier tof vîiàtà. nteniotifoitr I aui agaîn lireîîîrt.d toi c iic' .u ià li morA rie îîa t'i liti ;lI(Iotitrig <ird,'re i fr 1 ac W a trsti roii i i fil\\ 1 foàr spjort Si rut s1ah ii à' w reý\i làt y l'htr ~i'i \ iic in s <'aIrts S iii i oi Ili Ii lii cir,rI. 'î'Ilîiiàs ii l'l"; fài;li( riîtriersîtetîtiàifA tî'î gi sîwif l Ift là Ill, là-àcis l tr IIF:izîàààhi" thslîr e sîîPvi ii li îv cj'î "f l is" i lI N\o."y I i é àIàh li là t';li'i tià or rte J. Il jiIie; 'liài 14!.1, lus- -"n f i àààuàiî'i ii à'î'îààîitiàif,, b tîîîlà roin 476. 1 114 lî;ilîàd tiià i"i. alid tIiîoratit;N. 0,I " N i à;-îin if is ààà'à'tî'ààà là A Nâ , Ni1IE; l . tr .-:î. à",' 1Cî là,' iiiià % "'lI.i à 1-r àà th ""isi ' ààà',à" il 1 Pi V a i , %, sà N c it id h li i d ft l filh e, l'ýî à I i Iluo lihtià P) b' ' i lfuI l ' i. ii ài'1I àli 5 l ti' '. àà 's si, i l s tp l "i h Niàà. i 'l'h'l1 (li ýlý, i Ni 1 1IL S'[ IIPà ý1s %Nà4à Tt,'Ni F\IVs < b I â 1 Tht- iNw rtsflic I ild iilià'~ '- là"' " 'à' à à'sià- "1Persial M.n"tion 11 l i S it i v .lh".rà. 1' .à.' à ài M E (11%\ à "' à' X TUURSAY. OTOB~t 2-VIVE6 I - I. -. , PAG lino MW.ouf- \(ilei.'à. mà .à Ià 1,: \lI'à i 1"-. I ~'-' 'i IHNt1iV1 N T XI :-'î- -1"'.~ ~ .1' àà"ààà'. iii 'là. à'àiàà'l Nilà i l( ii àà à' I 'à à à"ààààîà Ni -~~~~~ M' - W'à s, 1'à% 1 \1à.1à11 .1 . 1à 111 q 1'là'. 1 1ii1 4 N 1là," ' " i , \à'1 àI I 11. 1,à4,à1 1 ,, (1 ,-'à,i,1à, I 1t11 ( , 111 illi' t. \% 11 t ii à I : tI à' \ 11i S 'i i;i, , i't \1 i '\ ( ),j11r:j i- à . ' < ii l' à.à ~ à à i'li idîîiii'ud l i Iiiic i I iià' on ,, i'; 0 ' ' à 'i à': 'f à Cl ugutitsi t iti n thu F àâàm'I '1-î h ààii Xi' 'àà-iIdàà 1Itti ti t 1 lig sf 't1- 1 i ,t;ý 1 à;à àà a i1î'làà1' t I lààiàà.às àh X '-i . iisi :l1î ai d F' 14 tlif,';i' ';nitititi i u "s-' T I aà't i mII t aî t .1 ii i l of ~I fln. ilaiât m î and à- s ;iî't, i 'in riîià iioniiNliion ayv itn tiv'iàt' i In t;t Io iu"'4 i Ili 1Ii' à'àuà NeIsa gaUààtitîeîà i-lài itiâha h > a dt i i iii'sàà ii'tà NI; a1ààî NI r Siiît-à'r ' i gard Ilitac I tli #3T:t t olzlà,niit"!otiuiiità ii l ihi (Iitt I' là i' ii f Ntîàà'àîî ià àlà ir 'iî g 'uliàl ofs u s-a-iiiii sc.;fftît ;hl<ii.ilii s N ik t~ an , t u-ctîsuti ii'àch i alii' sd , itf 51w la lî'i di by it X"datîsîs a lisi;taîi "II Ia1ilstà li îàîîa i mt'.o.f 1 'oh,îor air, s "l ' lai-' ýoIIvTI)' àî ls hi iîn l îisloîi. In t-sii n o u andàu i rtil iitiit'tlsit ai;, t use tiraa. i't. l %si l t(,iii li t tfiiiiî-.ilit <if Ilicrasusa' tttai. -siu îi--hi, (f tp -ui uîid Ii s- I.-' àeruilsý" ciltit' si i a taitIlu iic tîîîil,à o iii \uh i làali iI \0?,- jsuI-%là' ilii.'<if '-N S Sl. . t.NlIPAîGN IN corruiiiot-a.tairà-<' dair'frîin tii iâlr- t iluies lvI là' l. 'i-t i tiitc, iiof onàt-i îTHEà s INî-l-îmFS- TIi-F t' N'Alt's pf Stii'tCt ii'u i b .-à àà. I I bààît '; àhàiî iàu u if< G EATE-l'l' t.tA<~ iM MItaintliii', I-. Il 1 - ti , I1 - lnýq . cir N'I r. Vaisn ltIluldece a of th-' Nationali Sanilauriîini aoluii IfThere's 4A (111 X bIilni Iltisliý 'àl.I 'f lasi -se il tI'I àiîàit' S'àIà. Id 1tàà lie nrigaiài tionà I t l,1:1110'là fi.' 4, , i ' îà , îf 55 l %' i iiftý( à à( à a i ' 11111Nî.i i ;ood mati" AS ' at, o ioii,à "àîîljà'ifs <if Ilîl'; liruàààclà. iàî 'i,îài G -à' itîàr ààsî'îii o(iii oi "à f àlà t 'àî;îàh s îor I àà àli i t 'mià à' idà 'ài 'huis îlàà'i t' %Idisltâtlil fi ;11ic ià.à ljalis ' Xtir às 'tThe Hil à- . i àî ' I rs-itlàC airiamsîî.1 -u V h là- X c tlirnan. j Il L:'ai d 1- S 'c lis I'- l * ie';f, Tirrvs Jack- ' Il .1 n - N.MI 1ic la'l I1 'r 1iIl SîiTi i~ ~~~~o 'à1'sSs;ààJ' <111g. AN tis à,sàni,, I 'ii v, is atcli, Tru'-a Tleo. Aààc Xià. tOici . NiPriiglî-. 1-Iard, \àî tî 't- ;àà,îll.1àki- Su-ca n o i lte corrt i là" i - ti )roni i fli ilt c ut(àîitorntfî. '1li v lîtirniari and si-criouarv' 'strt'tthorîz- à'd to arranizv fosr a greal road moettng ài l t, 'là 'ld ht îr<- diirIisg t lic Noveni ber MlOREi-GOOt) IOAI)S MEETINGS. Oss-ing lstolthe Inclementsvent bar of taist Ttîîrsday.,' H was foîînd desirabte tO1)0 tiî oîte thle ment ings lui thle Inter- -sta, of gond ronds Wlitlcb bad been cati- u'd for lîrooklil and C'olumbtus. A deii- aile ai ui te'întas tlo tliedate %st'hnn te mcci ings ml l be bt'ld s--ii be mrade shortlty. ()li TiicsdaY eitignçxi. October .Ilst, a ineetling will le tii-Id ai. Good- svttd for 1h.' pîlcp-ose of organizing aIn Associationxifuir the Townshîip of lix- iàà-à àààwas à anthi% suli i lia't, u'î Ilitollg ';i'fm àîan lîiâr lit îow nl al in T e-day - "trsi age. i ne ii'( ( 111 as r;eing catIet Il LOCAL H APPE N IN GS [rtit is .ntîîrv' larg,%1*vils t ài ,' r ilttai skt ff uIT oltolo i nlteresi llta 'i1ip. r. '.A.Nie, < lieputy Mn- Il~M lr'là', ilitiàln tii làî'rt fîîra iiltku ( iewIl tftii'l"li '.' NtiSîcln loij Tii.'0ister of Higlis-ays, Mr. George S. a rîuuà îOnî '11ra'tuin tittaiçi.Fora'atali a11î% Su;tltîaaIIigl eiî n iencry,-.P.. mmtmbr oetihe York High- - tia jàitiàttuîl auer Iltttklîàg os-- S ie ia ii fgaitth-uta lla a g renut m ilv Commisiîonl,and Mm. J. B. Laid- NMr. liaîrnv Ttîionî'àsîàîà fii I l;r('i!ýnas c rtl ýa liefs n Nm ' ý% 14eIIWII )lti Of S Il i c n tîîî ilotis, i' s- - (, 1 s-'l iàà'i aiiii iNiàntlàîà tas a uit n-at esuta coi i o th o i %,of fNs-tIb -vu-Ii - a .as w ilas lîus-e os'o 'l-nt iIiidi~.~ t ril li tao our .ucd,-m Jford4iivery a> làkk 'o- olla. h'aid y -aI blee. A large aitenflalice is mquested. ilât- iniuti <s- . s . il iii- Thà us la ;lsri, tif a good ttiîtu 'lcli t hfu' Icir'tds (if tthéi (a- ea l<-in. thîrv-ve e He movement te met- A-i oîlfi on.-iàà. tat s- rj ii 'ay d< a% lt l t >.àaord iîary incotiragemet . 'h iti,- t rt tif Iit \ r\ . m'ns. of 1'Il- 1 ' liit k tiats <-su-c iât-r,' h,'iàtg lis au10s 1 t 1,;a sipza nt the timis iin regard 10 àa\ndt'-lt-: IN iui"F:-' J.' .lVOhttis 44<,o tsi s hm tt1gond oads. tiitî :ftt (r a n l rutt I i -itt-nt. Aîîong _______________________________ J Uit itIi' Il i i p i it, NN i n de-à ;ijà lis u' t i lj , il i-s îàg t itiiî iu i i t o %ig m il tî ý Is- lis ' tN O T I CEaiiiO Fiu t, 'GrîS T R ATuI OsNld -rF 1,111 ssi-î ti uh -îîuààtdîd 9' j iii"u il l.1iua tr lI i tuu lIa d o ar'u.,îîb i' S'ui-clàà.d ;ti îiai i ta ii i i-' N T CE 0F I E;i TITo0 i'i(iIic S i'iis'làiiàài i,;td Eîuu- àiàuiaîc' icta. ààltn'tîu-ttiNotilce is lut-mb>'glis-cititIEs by-taw <tii àtil w st g t--:tt l iii lithi. r s-tiiI hi'uàtitàSrc Io1 -s s îia.s-d b'.'t he ('oticit vtf the 'ros-n l î u ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ S r i t1i u i î u i i u ,l i - s X iit i s 1 iui à . à , - a hZI I I , t o'w e u l t â t S i l t i s ' t tf s ai i t l y on t h e ' 2 n d O r t o i j - s r . 1 9 1 6 . 1 <i ~ 'ki~t '~i. i ttt'iti u'iiii S iii a'luiià l" (Iuttf lI't us-Istààuà <ail itili ra-. iili mas- iîu g for the Issue of debu-nttres NIr t-' Io ut 'iq, a h ti ss'iis ta' ut ta l$t'd p iît i ne r theIIIlà c ; au lli. ( ti ta the nînount of $5600, for the exten- 10 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~$N f .sitti i isodcttiiatsa u5t.îtt. .I8nIîalItfj,àit -1lit'lu - d sîit'al, tIae' cilase' if, -îîid rltiàd it. iàîositetsadà' lsvr'. =sIO at it-ir t .-t Scitoot a 'iiilà uIL isl -1 Iuj-d îv-yhi A'siorts of themlAitier s-orks mains and W'iîilis.ioràka'sca, dIigts-cntibq-r 311, la -W. service pipes, etc, and for lte extension ttt. -'sul'uIttiauthNlu i liis-it -dît ttio(IIe -wi es and ol-b etrapîuiian ces Inlan \Va-Vi iili Xur I(iitI.. 5oi.'ty wisb htli.iâîsaît' suîî nossienetion vulthoheElecticLighting sys- to hak lilt w h%%o -rutlliiligî l 'tacîîold. Esq.. ,teti tfithe Town et Wbiliby. and (bat (od tiftimi lltitose la ýi;td n lite i Tr'aatiîrir To%%tn of N%'îiîtîbli t-otf tllia- iglitand Putblic' and Sea-suris b>'las-s -s-.îrogisternd il lt e R@g- forît a i làiinsi fr llt-aiil Rdl'ho" wtsuuistetheali,- Sî'î,'teisto i'rnoou'thiri ('h riFina s tlc>-Offce of the C-ointy et Ontario t-aisavi ..,rind fîn it' in, tta5--i This o ain k tht- l o ia-rt-a lt iià'Se1 aut-'lton (lie 7th day of Oe.tober,1916. inîa îîî lru t t ga aJt t lu ler t I o îndîarîî T é- F hliIFI. O) ( 1 1) NN j jj 1 y o . A ny m otion la q ash or set aside .Sokil nii dtu' '%o lu'dtauu li) Nr t;irotiget a ite etuti i-SI tFyLiV 4 itVtt the-sainie, or any partthereof. must be :ililli i ttstcica'ltîiibîistita'(litai .1. McIn- fît,' déatb ai' ir. Robe-rt S. oi. madie ss-itbin iirte monlhs aller the t yr r- ita\s lag 'l'hi-,tîprîàli g ut;îsIs 0 rk a aii- uit. acnHIositt. Iolto i litpîulic.ation01of Ibis notice, and ytn)i îîttîî'aboutaàîîIl auit I ' n a1% tm101 neoflils iinat îî roiiliî'iît and Dated ilie 9th day of October, 1916. ta) s- . s 1 l r .1lr r. tý-knosta commercil nt-n, Born tria JtsErit î IV M ns W'in. t ofil a' ii 5-tîaFStrma-t'o ('liitt>Mtiit-aa. - u 1r.LI-i'mIrt- -*rtare ago. Mr.Tw 'ek à .1iltutnraJi îîîofetar'¶ îi A ib1ts C.t <,(0 id I hi> n-mn 0 'ast. lia t 411 «a"tt a itîtllit ad tarmi Ia' r tsf 'lrodî'rick J'c P d tais t-dlucat ion in hil% ta' iiîtàluîs Sil-te-' tili' St Iilo Ini nSli alt-ve i tl'Tw n heisli ea ayuottiîg mni is fariiitl -ta, for lâtEtigiuaid totSat %Mis$ (orînack ucktioss-edga-s recu-ia I fn of lBoisse-auî& opafils'ees lirday. (itufitîrîben dontilon% for the boxes for clotlîing itwmchat.tÀ ait-r b'ecotnling Whithy -boys.ai tic.'front, atut to ivs'bemlrita 'd min»of tntsineutsin the t'i<-:stN'ri:tbX tit lt i Mm. Gtamge t'ormack. i1ipair stk>; Maritime 1Province-s. Wttott r. Dols- Sàtniiî - )clttar 2. àMtis M. Macdottielî. 1 pair oocks andmiatit rpired fruttbuàintîs .Mr. Ji-e lb Ot iut uihua', "a'itlt Ntioesl. Mr-. ansd %trt. J. Waîertioiau. te- ik jonéd iiqir0m of H. E.,lnain lit' t;tat I i'scîo and chaonife bar@. Mias MarciaCMn.a ~>~i-Y lndti ruriried for thet 7 p' tii ii î'îî 'Tt anialu- ýIian Rots licco. Mrms.W. -M. Pi-inulitIe hiongt thIa.Naritinir Provincx-s for bAls ' iffii-iuâ ita-t iii,-Stto-s îng-qîîamti>- of chocolatf tubas;Mi la 11n>' Yt-arsM He, s-sas a Proitnaent 4~uîtitn i EdIthTr éI'a. VIS: a Prieni, $1. etili ROUas Caîholle. anti a niember of St- tileore îebàsceo, ctiocolate bars. (-(C.. ara- Pr'anèis Romtain attiolic Ch tii-eh. lBe Itàu' ltig of tti-es-va-r on Atiiol nt'el. Contribulions are rtuqttsted to is surs-i-e'd ty bit; wifu and four ebi.d, Fira-et. i roiGltbertî lui vids-sa> tatst tue pin as cou as possible. con. the <sIda-at Et-ut-ut- beiasg lte %eil- tSI. Jotani ttîd Trenat s mets, lisnuoit îîa c-1 ktown t aiv'ie. Tite funerai lookà Inig î-îuîîu lt i. MIr lintr>'Siniih la I Thle fIii 0 h %or« ust le aSýFrnel hmh h et dtuius t)zti' s- rk. WIVîlitsiegang tli as 1 tn ýot it, om F'aI Mount118 L0 i pe nell Curc't ii.et - - ~~~~~~~~ttb. whb as pospstPa Irdy.MiatHpeCmî,iy owlIng te the canvais tonrite fBritishi' Redi Ci-oa is'iig to e h* ît day. svilil > ieri onFida> itftternqomti f tii week, a inte Ateullurai Roo>m.at thi-ee o'ttoçk. Mite Mei.Hlirmy viii aily-e a <Trvet TaIk It la armatly hoped a good aitenldanee wtîlb. pics- ent t4 a r ber. nt* "d te&eate the. .441181 10 o b ld .arly ta lsvegb=.w1l be appoites ait tis merllnx, Mrs. George A. Roms. Prp«fl- deut; Miss I. V. mecleilmu, See.-TI'mms 1IND BATTlALl0Y NOTES. Thie 11?ud BaltoUmbave nov w.eî lied tu lbé, Ariouries ai Osha afor tête wiiituw, Sud S&»1b8%4s1 Ww train- t4g foýr the bit tsk sMW," et hua. ~eesWtbiss possible Isma bees dWî g ënsuré the comtorit t tc làen..Ud a' remetion .rooam ubreu pruvUet« u theuir BIflhit 'ne recruthng ags tbave lise sw» oeptni la »t«nsa au""er «< verul dIrtas tii, Pmstweek le ms bavb,$ oferd le trrv1 Piai large et PI tD~Oekbs*0 bsmeç Te f» i ý bavbt dta 0% t ac Ott t a e I -o:M*by asté4 -ý,Ï ehnrtti bw. raê ê t A DOLLAR .sgh. good Ly. for.vu, wbiI. Lo4 f w j" tu4gr suin at»-MoW b 1PuO Tr -« 4cl o r"MWALI il-lem~J~ lt'i aihii.'job for bthepssI moîttf.' 'lThe.dlggiutsà tuas beaan ixiremel>' iard.1 ii'si-ssur %%Illiti ers-t a nsînîber et totîsas tilt Athiol ai rel- - - _C_ A LL SAi1NTS' CHURCH. (Iii s,ii-ay nexi. Ocioben 29th. flire wiII he spectal services ln con- snction wltb lthe 60th sanivermary OS the buildinîg of the 'châteh. Tiie 1*o former rectars new living will be the. preachers for tho Stinday services. 'Res-. JI . S.rotigiali. ot Uracti Cbpiici. Toroio. wlll Preach, ln lte morning. and iid1ev. A. F. Barr, et Toronto, WWi îireach Iii tihe efning. The aitendance nit the touîy 1lir«s. Mii strol entertanment on SatUrday-ý n1gitl waa thot up tei the average. The lîrograîn was mîtch as tin-ual. Tii. Mini- eimel portion contalned the $&me old chestnîts, but titere waa au excellent feiature lit the way' et an acrobatie per formance, while te basbful boy i*Ie~ 'performçàd alunts upoas a largo rubber ,iglobe waB a genulîiii~-augiijràêviier~. ý' The war-tax ticket& vere used ber. tor the flrat time, Mn. James lamace look- ing ailler -1he Lownm a tremis -ThuraAay sud- itiIt 'ise*r.tk e tormiest days tisai have been exp..- amooeatinualsit rb1neaa,. * thougb Ps-rda' Morning il-oke w1tbOÙfl rain, twas very m tyand 44betore noon te clouda began to pour doun their iturd"s~ again. th the afrnoon a very violent rain amditu ldstrm >- robe. Tb, wind dida reat deal damage te trem ansd aise laid low the, »ne of teleDiiole poule* and wir"a - - -t nnji ang telii. lnatoft Rond t frou' wae. treet t4 tho MitebeL NOTICE 0F REGISTRATION 0F DY-LAW. Noticàe la hereb>- gis-en tisat a by-law was passée by thie Cotncil o!flte Town of Whtitby on the 14th Octoiter. 1016.~ iarovlditux for lte isue ot debentures tu the amsount of $7.000, (o pay for thei tumpo, englues. etc.. and for extensImes lu the bewerage systein ai the 1T0*0 of Witby. and liat. snch by-law wau retisterd ln the Resatiry Office oftii. Couty of Ontario moe 17 tih day of October. 1916. Any motion bo quasb or set audoe the. a*=*. or any pant thereof, muet 1e auade wiîbn hizt i.muihu mitte1 Oirs puwuattor et is GoLoe, sa" canut be made hh.ouiu. Dairdt thé U4hdu of Octo4&. 1914. Toua Clk. NOTICE 0F RouQITRATION O? te PB.dtr tk o tb amou * m "m d.W am* w4dlg l " 9 ,pv la4* t* 04 ybe1 M d"a lOt« ora& th. Imm.ior 4 t oe4 bel aut -»1* et wmw, u - -. jeft r r1or SaleJ o lient, &c. BOARIDERS WANTED. Apply to Mrs. 3os. Auguatus, Gilbert hn'y Quesfflon liooi t-o yeur 4Iurch,' if you doubl; ltt ve nliagiving as to Itu rnuaking a botter .count ite value to the permonal lires of nake a personal investigation and seo given any, thought ta tbe quesition nit Jand shontd bo a powerful factor in ersanal life. mnacle Sunday School 1 000 ROAI)S IN ONTARIO - COU NTY. P1ickering, Ortober 15.-Tie ilng- ston lioad between here and Whlîby and Oshawa la In a wretched condi- tion, In comparlison with the section wltlîin the ('outnîy of York, and wheil the inovement for good roads was launchied rercntly tiMe residenîts of this district gave their appravai at once. One, of the serles of meetings In a- rouse Interest In gond roads and have a conitity systeni look place livre to- niglit in the flreliatl, whvtitt as crom-d- ed. Il was a inost enthnaiiastic gaittter- lng, and the plans for good roads In 0 n tatrino Co tt i y %vère è ndo rserd. Mr J.. 13. Laidl«w, who la a good moada eniiittesi, spake here to-nilht, alerng with le>adlng mutnicipal repretien- hi l<5of the coucty, Tlhtere ';îas anot her ineet in g in the feii t B1'rogham làt atero. It l&, fie tiillfttesfrom ltvre. 'lhonrond rân neciti g tmoti hatn wl th 1>1 ekerili g j'; in Lood icondit itin, conittaî'd w Nvi t h in;îàsîàià oaci, aiicti lhas he jnotiî ior iraliî*. On Sut îtrday, Iept s'eNPv Cou jrI Hotisi- alid M r. iRobîinNirtîiiI.iîîà'4 a snali ai<t'rîasIl tU1g, w-t t vil- top,comn- p'hîasî' rettirnIo lu azt't t'atnd llroatcle. FOR Oit AE P1IENT' A ss -n mntranît' tîoàise ontitiff- one tt Ian îî. -'aires ni latnd.Xài iii \V. NM. \tîsakîiàîg ilittà tf, Noîrthi and sîîîàli t'arts àf doubàle làiîàsî'. î'rîîî'r îof Maurà-nit ('ant r,-St. V'hiiàààce,î'tî'î'rte lîgl, 1inâlli !fi ecli làààiàà'. tis o Jamîs I'irie. XX'ilîly. FOR11SALE- Olt lENT. acrires, liât 25. coni 4: - sson Ini (ictotiar, 19lt;. Stînei'pliistig don.,Ct ... 0lii Itroi St.,Vii i is- ti. 7() acres daliy lisant, goo0tlcondition. 10 acres ifalt w ht ai.1 at'rî's orclitard, ihtirck itouse., 2 barns. 3 s-s-cls: 12 acres lui hay. 1 mite w est of Oshawa oin Ktngston Road. Posseu-sion any timt-. ApîyGeorge F. MarItn, . [t. No. 3, Oshiawa. I. -7 7 T S 41~ '-"s 4' 'i. -s WANTED. A good steve for heatlng large store. ApplY ta M. W. CollinS, Whltby. WANTED. Good ilp-slnlr girl for hontel. Good wages. For particulars apàply box 591, Whitby, ATD Girl watîitd for general hotits'svork. Apply Nirs. Allen, The Reclory, NWliitby. WANTrFI. Experlenced sienogral;îiîer for gen- eral office eorreapondetîre. Aîîpty 111 s-rit ing to the Pediar People, Lrnited . Oshawa, Caniada. Il0 UN 1) LO S'r. White and brown spotted hoîtnd loat. Last ticen at t ht- My rtlp ('P. 11. station, Thursday, Ociober 19. Ites-tard foîr In- formatitont tead ng t10 ucoerv. 0. Se- beri,lItroaîint. FOUt'N 1). A lîair of stel drtrmmed spectacles on lâtndas St ret. Oss-ner mas' have same iîy proving t'roperty anti liig for 11. a iMAD AN NOTsR AU f AY ON THIS STO-CK-0F_ Pa its, Mechanics Tbols, Cutýlery, Builders' Hard ae Nails, Kitchen tJtensils and everything e1s to be "found ii- a. hardware store,. Everytbing must 99, go quick, so that j>ice wiil- clt ne g an .Ib m he fmû Mà '-t Ir j j RELIABLE-MEDÎFES for CoId Woafhsr Aliment$& Fall is a season of changeable weather. Wct feet ail exposure to the cold cause sutiden attacks of illncqg. Neuraigia, Earache, Croup, and inny other aliments are usually caused by such exposure. The ruedicine chest shoulti be stored with reliabln remedies whielh wiII enable you to readiiy combat niinor ills. XYou wilI Bind the inost reliable andl effective retncdlies in our stock. Make out your list anti lring It in, or Jet us lhelp yoit inii naking selection.. WIITIPIELD'S DRIJO and STATIONERV STORE Sole Agent for Butterlck Patterns Sole Agent for Nyai Preparations j! TRURSDAY, OCTOBIM $0, 1916. Sore Throat, Colds, Couglis, La (--,'rippe, Catarrh, Nit, 1 '101- . W-9- 1 1 WIRITlBYO ONTARIO

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