Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 26 Oct 1916, p. 1

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Tii-E GAZETTE AN D CIION ICLE Vol. 54-No 17 A New LiQe W~e have adlicîlte our large stock of Drugs anîd Mediciîîe au a'iaortrnext of FINE STATIONERYR enr me î'h2cjckg'u art- gi%-iiîg HI I;E ue u itt i Carter',In Imperial Fountairi Pebis l7Itu iNtîl at $i 1.50. $1.75.$2 each. I THE iIOUSE 0F QUALI'Y Thte Dealer utuift theCPa ilif l - xi- "Scranton Coal"' Tne Standard 94AFTER THE STRIKE" ]New Prices Now Establlshed. F-resugljiuild" Scrtantont Coud '- E4 g Stove, Clîcstuut attîl'Len, coitii luly I n lii)x cars -ci-ait, bright attîlliry. (ra ne) tcal tînt ismiîlîintg coai ai ixys in stock. Xou want lte l'est. Order iîom, E. R. BLOW, Whilby Bell jl i i Home phone 14. J. H@)WELL JAMES Carpenter, Iluilder and Contractor. Plans drawn and estîrnates furnishe4. Sash, doors and f rames. Agent for Brauttord Roofing BOX 467 WtIITUY PbOO0149 Ma rriage Licenses. A. H. .êLLIN. Issuer of Miarriage Licensea. Corner drug store, Whiiby. No witnesses required. Thei Groter Canada Improvemont à Land Co., LImitêd Whltby - Ontario Re8al EnLate Deaiera, Entates Mfanaged, Renta Coliected, First 1Loans Arranged, Properties boughit and sold. F1or terins apply 11,ad Office, Iruck St. B.l] Phone 10. ld. Phione . SAVE VOLIR EYES Our knowledge and accumulated exl)erienceof over 20 y(e,rs at your ser- vice. F. E. LIJKE MTClAN, 167 Youge St.. TORONTO Shaw's Telegraph School pives tboronith courses in operatiag andi titation work by [Home SItdY Planq or te titose who attesndl Iay or Nàight geasiona. Full part irtitlar. on reque.t -"-rite W. fi. Juan & h rai, IJIEhI, SALE AN SHORD«bINS tAS iWES andOCIï BT.WNITBV, For gae d YrllÂÂÂ>li '.J~l1V IUs ALN&VA, i U±IDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1916 IBIG PLOWING MATCIII As the date for the Ontario Provin- cial Piowing Match approaches, Il. be- cornes evideni that the affair Is to, be much bigger than most persons ln this communI[y imagine. Aiready the rail- lwaý,§ are advertising excursions to Wh"iîhy on thie Orsi three da,-s of No- t an sd jitney and meai services hiave heen arranged for by the Secre- iarv. Since Ille match wilil exîî-nd ovor Sh r io daîvs and peopîle xviii he presprnt t rein nil over thv Unied States and Iînl ~ ii, corlajilltai Whitlhv wiii I lI t.f) the ilmositeoaccoiîîrucdate lasi. o xiiib(, litre. w xiilichniatch liehre i;i, 1.. h-if a dcuuîîcstratiou of iigfîî nrli .siliiiaiîi foi Oui arfu Caibs im kt:dian fai-rii, tom lit(- aýI1,rfolIs k!!IdS co iff îî ury UtuI ,)i 1,f;iriii, îlia aî ntbu eiurafed xxfth n cr -rom ritusent indir-1n s i1I b(f frein Ioi40 trac- . n an:îd 1luit cdSt;Lti's 1w. i lain ail tfîrve-daý s of il . Fl i ni gs M--tîoxv Brool Fai i. i *il se,1'..of iii îîeî cifi fit as lias ( i s o l ini iis cînIun li oit i km'(if charge tan a g roa t * ~î x us c. t l,,v .litind ig Iun- d'hf l i iîîlars .A roi-alwiltentmi, it ,i o'dd fi ali ili vI sitons. and iti .1, i n:k, r::-iînlrusiuiiuî cf the, 1WHITBY GIVLS OVER $2,200 (SHAMEFUL BUNGLE 0F 1O HE BRIIH RkID CROSS THE TOWN'3 BUSINESS r,\il 11t1 l-r NiJ îd I I f y i rc d <n nee i-îel v seineone I ,\~' i : î , ri tZi. ik i i i , îf: sfxeîii Liiia crîîîîiii i iîts g-tiu ii'as 1.')lia li iii;l i!lu t fi- a tiiiio of If ho dccii flot kîic w to t fix IUp 'n i x:îs,- oh :Il C. 1\"i il)o il. lis fo f'o us e and a delj ierma n îd ness. xxi Ifiax t- 'e not soet officialinl J ~î l- Ir':- 11i1 I.li 11,l '111 i s. cf1(bir1niu'fihaotxxr i i koN-xs t'tough to fire hlm 1:. n *î' . -, . i . ' .illx 'i:rfîi im wîcstiiîan îd g,-t a mani -uicdo(Is knoxv. -e ~1 -i i: ii I iti' - ~ t lf i bathie iiu or-Lgti Tn tfis gî,tting l;a&3t bearfnz. ltl!d Vf I\i a Iblhbt 't i 1 ' fI .i. tr,îlaîî. lu, or and L.'glili.t'uNietliiv Conmmission sliooid f -:- rt:ikt, ioid if thfe work iurned over 10 i'ili) i 'i rilr a il ifiî \ii-z 'I ir Lne Ii, S(udfî Wnril sexx'rage t ,hini by tfîe reclite, or they slîouild net ni ticsd,,d il s:i0-itt h' asstnt iiîsrf s f tus ti i..lii \t V tank, ,,rîfti : isltk-ilIi. tir tinder I:i ()1d clcî- aixthen heuir. 'What righit Yîi:ia ldlt xi.iIo ii01i-11f1 is î' t 1tîuilisouxvi. :nx'vothe mî-tiîtitrs of Ibis Commissioti lade-,\% ri sia ioiA liýi Wik. ýiI1 1l-x -!t ])lace.,cxx is f it at the iirtfus' iii deo the work wfiich thee teo- îîî::,sît'u 111oIi' ,' 11. i l, 'r. iîs 1-1V Il r, Miszs s.- inour aloias iîo Lnî r,, 5tîil foi lng xii it ifti h j ie2s .xtc,, tîvoi oi: ftf hie lbands cf e (trit. i li i-i- 'ii x s ~ , (i.'. 'OtO -- .' tfîîr in\îng Ntiesix ipouîsand Ctuncit and uiiaced iintheins? (t f 1i:î feiîiîla' . O i- \' xiMs bfîîianc t.:1ila ltni dcx ii fta he 01>coiN elThe restît cf ail titis baby talk ana I n u if (t a t. n- î' ' i- ~i ' -"' f îesirexedlfao ie¶ng waîir. Thoen jînonsen:se is ltaithe Counciliis Ililly i-ioanîd ta.x tfsioi: i'i isl' an. .Xir(frîstf:xîî and as-' filing '~uit zîgaîn iUs Paris als-cat i hi- teuîiiti a public uiility, gettîing daiiy ret l f i \ Nis itîî >!xxas -!xiI1I \ ý 'iîî i, \ii-s ttux - ii Ec' i upandi sent off for ri-ltir. leax'iig deeper Ili Ilite mire, losing lis îiinev thuresil j1aiLas rvor mi ndf ho a liantce to ite dest rcvetd at the bot ,ait- more mcnev, and tbe Publicetl bevie hY ort cf a great tank full of sewage iîy Commission' is sitting qîîietiy by, H~~~ i-i(aitr ru t s ia1,i xli d ifî t ii i s 1tu Nlri--,tizi 1.and n:itatatîii t'cliuted xmater. ni-gis -ting to look afierthie pelopîius la- l'il:î- II>ar. ad uît th îiixss 0i Wliai bas the Cùtîncil te do x-thi lert -ais from sheer Indolence and care- rs i îraed un tt-itîei toe,,and rtctJii td 'NIrs J. IE W ti-s- Drf. Wfisonî antd , ilt a Uayav f ntoricse more tags. 5flt ou xa st sttî ,j . fî1-olillouîass a by-l.aw ln Januari- lasi What does Solicitor Farewell say as -d.r> portion o t h e 0 sîxy as -Nito hll s \iilN îîrJ Il ' - tîîan frîîîg tbe sewerage matier over to to tbe iî-galily of the Cou.xci's position I-d Àtd i Il sae t sa tht 'ot alfassst;iit.-;the Public Utility Commission? How, %%ien It contintr,.î 10 manag-' or umis- a dozcn Personaln toxu-u x'ene mlssed ejlss Edit:i N lisoni. Niss 1-lin M4t-thien. can the Colxne-4'~iu algi iiae ulcî'r UrUcpol ln th-p cany-assIng. Evy-ootribtition cheah and îtssats$:3.l y otorgptayny h0rtshae'oe i u !LieCucr was r eculted giadiy froui copterntîd Nir-,,.Jos. King, nIrs GMN. Goodfel- of doitars. xxen beyrdeiy have nohave-tddsotofteonl' iticklss upI to chetqutes for the- largger cx antd itSm'ben lt 2.iufditou athey ial? ae no akeabadi ti hlg r.E arnoîtit.s. jirsdiWm liinthe m'iir? aitda has lnstau ths-, On Edh ifute oiîtniandloaosi$iui> x as rOnu -ose autboriuy does Mayor War- ton, and let us get a stop put ta titis 0iieconriblio of$50 masreci%-$31 ý S.ren and bis UCuacîl kFep toYing Witb flagrant waste and mis-use of public ed. une of! $25-0, ibitte of $eî and stîtirsi. ebo- 1 ) a thing îbey knew notbiag about and money. ninteroîîs chteques for sunailer amioutitis Iî'rx Strect Sc!tuo - 12 have no legal righu as a Councilta'Yustuy Exeithéite chool chiîdnit did their iiuîidas St rt-eu too -Y.i2 îuc'SOtuTH A 1Whai's the mnalter wiîh Our high. Port Whitby, October 25, 1916. GI-ARGED WITl- NEGLECT-_ _ a bribe.1He considered Mrs Sayers' Cowle saw of hlm untli Wednesday, OF VIFE AND CHILDREN insinuations a gross insuit. when at the Instigation of! the local Mrs. Sayers and Gladys Mitchell were Police, 10 whom tbe malter of bis fail. ____-botund, over to keep the peace for a year ure 10 return had been referred, he waa Police Magistrate Jepbson, o! Plck-idtiriiig Ibis period. lie enumerated tht.Ilanone hundred dollars bond. urrested at Burlington. near Hamilton. erîig held court la the Court Hotîse on Saturday evening lasi. wbeît onet IConeter aupeared before hlm chtarged witlt uelectirig ho urovide properiy for bis cblîdren. Cotuier Is a big. able- bodied mati. wbo lbas bextalivxing 96ith his wife andi cbildrett ai Audit-y. On Saturday, October 7tb. Mrs. Cottier trudgttd ln to Wbieby andi laid ber case1 bt-fore the Crown Attorntey, Col. J. E. Farewell. Site tJailmed that ber hua- bandi wouîld not rive ber suffIcient to enabie ber to feed the chlâren proper-I iy. andti Iat ueeofuen hailtu borrow foodi from noighbobrs. She wu. very thinly clad. andi appeared ta be lni a MIlte of diret poverty. Aceordingiy., Constatîle Potter, of Pickt'tring. pblaceti ('Onier under arrtsi. andi he was helti ln g.aoi ututil bis apînl-.ranoe intucourt oit Saturday eveniuxg. Mra. Couiner told a ffliful stor>- -Site bad wanted to reomanin 1 Toronto. where ber parents live, aàs skie (lt cer- (min there would b. more work anti bei ter tImnes for tli tamiiy te-v. Ht-r husband, on the cotitrary. refusedta l huve lnthie eity. anti came dot (0t Pick- erinug Township to work. Each wt-k end ho woulti go t thie cIty aud aiinoy ber w-it endeavors ta set ber taecause bu Ptekeria.g tureeldo. FlmWaUybe gave in. andt ho famlly 'noedta bAuti- Mm-. Couer dociareti (ba ber bu&. baud would net work onattgb ta pro vide fer îtr famUiy. 8k. nid ho wai rtain ln bed until 10 or Il L&m.. «1 would thon go away a"d üMoiroeu Untlillaie st aIgbt lu. ould give b", esiby a 1110le btt et mooy io a lime. andi of tongave hbe mjy about W. & tuek.intho-iostil Prie ab« çgO pl&at. ab. bad b.d cati aboM 4$4frIm bi-m uitu wbleb 1tfo Wlb. ftMUy. Olten îtey aceewtomt, 1usd. A" d» bati b.d to gr-t baisai fo UM lia . Cenatabl,%u«.vtaula vote te ü»1 Poui«il«bo»eWe-oa" ak arruea. D«r w-as01 UffheM abov^ » 1%«« waUetM for hi..but tu lb umaag.b. sa"esa ea*aauos«u00"e nho vua M»ni » aât"iedbM la 111e kuse, U .prutiM s oe& tu e#."t wbet »-eoM 1"1eW&. e I - PIrm ~ Mtb s. "AMtbodl differeuil farins at uu-lich-he had bten etuployeti, andi totalleti up $33 he lîad earnied. 0f thîs sum lie saiti he liat glu-en ail to hi@ w-ttc except abolittg for a stove. H1e did not know wity bis chiltiren shoulti go huangry, as bie bati 9ivent bis wife enoug;h ta feed themr. He bad no tIme hlisel! ta si-(. ta le. as be v as away workIng all day. H1ecomplalietiof bis wilf&s conduct. Ho sld iskie refusedt o iIv-b ln Che co-i n tiy, even tbho-; ie h could do better lucre. She contliîîuîl: qtuarrelicd vîit hh-n bt-cause hie -o i J nôt move L tw c!tf <y. &a would tt w mort abusive Ixn- guage tuward hlm. He cocn!eased that ueit-r-ilîot for bis chiltiris, he would baiec letî is ilfe long ago. Nirs. ('entiîer diti net w-sut 1a seo ber busbanti put ln a ioi and w-as wlling to go back <o Audley ta Ilve w-tIt hlm If tkie itat reamouable aamrnce thai ho voulti pruvide-for ber anti be-r fani- tir. Conier ws.s beMoore allowedt te go on Buspmd~ed sent*nce, giviag his ou-n bail la SUî(O. mund iê'illb. helti respon- ible for tho future cft ftetbs family. Il b. falsu ln Ibis h.theltidruun hio s to the Cbfldru-'s Aid goety, sud Con- De.r wilU go te gaoL. Boy StealsIlorse and Wagon. A boy, about 16 yetars of 8.ge, gsWing bis naine as Harry Taylor, wenl out Trott Hion thelnduien ofyara Itorouitaon (ho af oo 0faOcb-r 111frp with tdeaprio @ f ted ant a. eone ith [ore prncew0fgoh, ods irove n Hienrsead thago somedis lnc. t M t ho a n Hien sî ord t for a hou- figure- Mr. F. W. Cottrell. 'ne of theoOr-m. alter following the lad or se-veraI dams got kis borse andi wuagon frein tb. mm to whom the boy tati moditiL. On Mionday, t4e lad work- d for Mr. Ceuhin. tor-t cof Oubwa. mtd thon icame In (oalthe ivory bau» )f Mr.Jaeos Coaie (o rouit a hots ant hnu. Mr. Ceai. lotthe . dbave, the herse, andti tttw-as thoelI fr, Tb. chargee t aasa.ulg erret b CldsMscbenI aainat Mes r& h..a .iti uabelwubI. ls L . pu nuee ?. lut qait~~ lem* w bell" I" 7"uowo tbe authorities there wirlng for the Oshawa police to come andi get hlm anid bring bsck the hors. and rig. It in thoughî ho may have escapeti from Mluntco, and le under 16 years o!fe.ge. Grand Resuits frorn Gov- eTnment Garden. The frelght smash on the Grand Trnk (lie cuber week. huDmntng oppo- site the twonty-five acres of fruit anid vegetable garden on fthe Qovêaieiit fa.rm. broughttthe b.attenition ef vis- itors to the, wrecik the grand restulta aie" attaineti in ibis experimeigt. Thrbbunderdniiand cultiva. lion of the weU.forUlzed sandY ain, eve-n under the. adverse coudttions ef Ibis mm.ao have reulteti [nacrpoG« vegetabies ta ould dellgbî the mt crtiualJudg. 1"om the luxuriant growuz cfetOm t* mal fruts muast ais. have funt #oeieala loato Mole i l lg aênbraoaa - :1 C.A. GODFELLOW & SON, Publishers POTATO ES New Brunswicks, $1 .70 per Bag British Columbias, I1.50 per Bag to arrive in day or two. We have the Cobblers in stock. $1.70, Fuit 90 Ubs, Bag Inciudede THE DOMINION BANK * Paid Up Capital $6,000,000 Reterve Fund $7,000,000 E Depositors in this Bank are assured of efficient service. EA GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED EW1-IITBY BRANCH -9-D.TER R" Eaagr EOSHAWA C. N. HENRY,E AUTUMN -SHOE FASHIONS You are cordially invited, to inspect the new models for ladies', gents' and children's wear. Wve are in better position than ever before to supply you with the newest and best footwear on the market. Our Evory Day Shoos for Mlen andý Boys are unsurpassed. Phone 151 Brock Street, Whltby J. PEUL &SON[ For PRESERVING TIMIE The Choicest Fruits Vegetables for PickIing The-C',hoicest Spices,. -~rIesRlght WHTBY, ONT.r PI~ts4~4Ne*47 ; Inefindt, No. 47 'T iter sae of the,-z pu.ptchased êoi Co, of.B*a id Optlcian LHALL a Whltbv. -'k 'i -1i~ J s' I I ~'.8 0~ 4' Ai , ; 1 11CJ Druqgist an Brock St. 1 WTTTrrPV fiTrnàlc)lrn H. Downey Company, whitby, Ontario Gem Jars

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