Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 19 Oct 1916, p. 5

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'a - e Record Of. Satisf action Do you kuow asingle solitary weairer of Spectacles or Eye Glagses, wlsom 1 have fitted, MVil you do rue a favor ? If you (Io know of such a person, asic (hern to lilease cail so tbat wtý iîaly auljust tho dificulty to thieit' satisfactioni. Our Optical Equipmont 1 wouil l IksŽalso (o intro- îluco yotî to thie î'qtiîprîîcnt, whiî-Iî1I have lit ily store, to fit you saisfîsctxrily. Our stock of Nli(,iitirigq, etc , isthe l;îçt % xi in ici r-to- I Bî rck St. Southj W. C. T. 1U. b-is -. a i -t, -: i-w ; t Coli---------r -- iii-I r 4 ( i t -l ili l i1 i ilîî 1 - - i l Il i - 111111 on M 'It i Il- iil fil abli i ll, 11t'- - fi t l i l . tia îlitit îîîî ai- jIl - i - i - .1il i r an i sl -i i i r it ,îlî ,i - l xiiIsilo u i i- I w-bfeic i ii iii-- Ili ltI'lii ijýa la it inaii a tffeci tliilitis 'i-tîî îiira ii isisioîîgl.îtî- lliu i-ii i.-i 'tuiiirai i l) alit ands Iil:i abstinîî-î-fronîîîif-s(ii BASSET TIItTRRDAY. OCTOBEI~ 19. 191~. P~~GE FTV~ M i ii iii i-1iit(.1 1ji-1l se-i r i ric ii iii i!ie pi k N l -os - n14l ei i ei r iii T ii r i i - i i il ln - ' -'il 1- - n i iIlI il itIrii, i ; 4 -"i lLZe i- -r i-'iit MIrîi. . -i. m, 1l- - , 1 -f;ilt'iiei,-l Il liil(.lb il i i- - i - (Iiti i. il F: iii i - - - -' n -l'i- - -i. - -- jO ---i---- iii - i - i. - - - - (I . - --I - iii - i I - l'il'-', 'i - i.\I - - t> - i - -- -- r- mi 1' - -, - 'i ---- -i i- i i. - - -- --i - - -- -- - i j ~~1< iii - t - - i.- - - --i - -- i - lii- ii-i---~- I i. ~-i i -I i- I i- - i..-~ i i' i -i j., i iii - ~j'l '---"i--il ---- -Il- ~i ~ -- -l -- i---- - i I-'-ii- iii -1-, - i. ii,.i i-i - -- iii - il I i-.j - i~i - il - - iii -- - - i i il t'.-'- r. i-~-- --r - il i!.~.i i i' iil-* i \tiîriijiii. -- n-t-i Ni:ilî' iii. - V n xl - i -'il i il- - s-i-. i ~~'k i l2riirii - i, i Bu k ij~ -r -- St c s Rai <I. i i i j - îîii< -î r. t- i î' i i. n iii- i - t I - il -t - 'j- - - - - -- --- i iii- il Il I. k--i - îl I - iii- .i. - -- - - \l r- N -i-ni \i, 'i - - --i ilse cornmittee had met and had con- uidered (lhe needs oft (le work o! tie department. They mkde a Équlaltion uffôith le- Beard fer the sum et $375 te ce-ver the purchase ef necessary equlpmcent and fIxhe tltting up e? quarters aecured tn the Agricultural Departmnent building on Dundas street. The sums equired fer thie purchase of equlpment will ulti- mately be retumned to (lie Poard by the Government ln grants. Wlth the ex- ception o? fiting up the class rooms, the expendiitores covered by the retii.- sition were allowed Io stand for furtiter information. The following accounis were passed: G. M. Goodfetlow.... ...... $ 7.85 T. G. Whiîfietd ........ .... 32-21 E. Romland------------------4.40 Canadian F.xiureso. ..---------t W. G. Mstiers ......... .......5 \V. M. Pringle------------.. -Af liolt. 1Bamnes ...... ........1.4,5 M. J.-Al-n-------------02 B 1R T H htters' Miist.g it f i L s- rn4Leng & e~. Napoieon, Ibe ¶reat? warrior and iceen observer, aaid-" Onenian, con- asId better-thariýe#brý show.-- fidently belieeing thât lita cause is-right-, fa as good as tiîree doubtlng WHITfY no WOUDED.Our great Empire leaders recognize the tremendof asset in our soldier Mr. nd r . obn OUNnoeceied boys, fully realizing that îbey are standing qtarely foi, riÀî%; adr.icedou sui Jy bat thDr eirsnck are Inthe financial and eoinunercial worl-d, wbat a q0ijditY1ýîàa iMpiration adieeon wunded ina the ieg.o Jack ar underneath the Mie that feela it is standing ox-rigb t !.ý . Wa en vrewohe Inb (le 19th Backon.îlelino eamalltask (but a task (to be proud of) for the teacher (o anciiOr lan covepay with taenumhbef o other life (o the fae-ý Liai- righ-is a winner. Wbitby boys, several of wbora have Em.5~iS h o been wouinded since gelng Imb (lie;Tabernacle SuUnEay ch trenches, and one, Robt. Correilliae 1 ______________________________________ made tlie supreane sacrifice. __________________________________________ Special for Satîîrday, Oclober 2. C-ait n-p- and secoîîur samples o? Donation fromr s Stevenson..2.00 Mens double breasted tweed ulsters ,Christ mas cards. There Ils notlîing in -wlth convértable collar and belt, spe- be zalned hy lFaving orders tilt ihie Total receits........ ...... $494.84 ctli $9,90 at W. G. Walters'. elevenîh hotir. Order at onc for de- EXPEMITUEN 0 '1~iverv, an ini ime Pforo(bristînas. aid To \V. G. Waliers fer 6anneiette. Mrs. Arthur Howard las rereived + you surl ' e iirtIoge t a choint- of all i-ic--------------------------.541.74 word l4at ber seondl son, Charlie Wig - i . e .A. ofnav&Sn To (anadian Red Cross for work 125.00 s ton, bas been woutîded, and la!no%%i ms * a hiospitalinluEngland. Nlrs. Howard '- Tm ak hsir otal expendilores .........564 m'a,, notofficially nol lfied, buft was id fr i -wom jiind1iae a WG aane ihnd---------321 vedl'y ail ltrse u lin opithVterr.A Wtesr «as ead from the Goî-emi- I thartliv- r r.oiinled on Sep)t(,rnber -'X.1li ent lioîîtis, Toronto, asking for con-1 lf s lrothtîr. \ rthir, %%-as \% ounided mi XETH 01, J A îltZ m TT irt iît ions ,toi'ards the Duchs-ss of Con- j <iW cl, go 'f ihs 5< ikîînîîn iir ~ aîEîsFind for ('anadjan Prisoiem 1 amn agaln Prî-pared io ee Ijii tî-,di-inici JîîlwEz Sct. ias-do lis'(f Wiir. A Coltection for tflua was, orderzi for Pi-arE-Weal(-rtriiplît ~Siida- -sacIi r 1,ii. -af . r a a ki n iii.froni ihosÊ& fesê ut and a- Placé,tiiitiifiili Afig îsi of s Io rfiîi(l -; c'; f 10 l'dx i 2jjIJ<k Tîn- mcciicoiivenors ripporled a in- A log 1-i f sqjshýd'-ru-lxvoý. n--lii. 'uns a--d ý - i r s a idi ii cl(f 177 pair, knitted dîiring rth- cîrtîmras-tlrli iiîile snv o lnf ir iiti' ria rlsiffennicnîh. i, lkiiuc m-lintiîîonîo? 7 or u~ it- .1 Il Ja, ' .;lîiIllîe t liiî 47<1;G i-i l iii i t'( i <m k. i é,iE i i i n 1isii m jitdf i ( r , sid - ( , i - 1 I . \t 1 rý:, Tod. wn-i î:n-n f sîipplixr. nr-- i 1< , ( aS iloursNaticsnl,;leil O p.-rsci t .n- ut -i- s- 241 shirir 'lue gmade And flmnuit1 i i tri lie, .;mIl nul: 34 rite sof fr min ire-o iit n uîer cariiiouf sud t1" - \ i )\-ROS -fl ocii aud î ici t>-made: -I piairs of'~~'i si nu îî 2r7r - ptairs (il ri-;k. liiijîî \jir:ctî i-il~~(; MMrd i licha îjis -i r i nz fpiir j, cf i41 t.ti 1UI -- ---i - - - î rn-- viii ii i, i1 vi - h- iIîl~n.of MaNI - -- ' i -- T o-. r r ito. t-or i i c, I - t-rn nut Fi' ci aîiaii il v. 1 For Sale ison. a son. .1 A p R t A GiF:,-. -i fiil Wîthv on Tfs r l71h i "; ii : l i \.tDr, ittil, i-<idby Rex - S ack. Ariîx NV'iiniifrs-d Ros,I i cou liE-u u-i Iaj To Rent, Etc. iii? N 'n -i iI '.1 'r - loi rr i i -(fît n-ih rtlt - n-- j - N- i - i - i0f 'li'coidiior s na I k i c ' î' i- i mfN i i j- î;l i ' n ioe-i i > uir' i %H (F..', F, tT-r iitn I - ~ N - - c'îî îî10 t!i, (ii m ix cf ti- - i i IIi îî -lr n - iii ni-' i.-- i i ---i- n 'n i--îixr\ f rmîi i i i , a d -.- .lrh:j id u i.ïï -i - iii- i -i; - x- - e --<- - ~ -<~ h(1- ---;itr .î- ll>l ii rini înn - - f - - -- - - - , 1- i' î:l - - - n il -a.i ii xii) - -0 it IBiî 't (I i lit >. i - i.:- i îîî-:lîl-ir' il - î lît inlîiansir sîî-î iîis a . r- nil r N idrhii An i ij f -~~~~~~~i c . é!I ol, .- isîi-j f il Kid 1 ~~ij -I-ti~N<ilx(j t)iîrit- Ili. - i- - i. i. i ii'i i x - s-il--1'i1 NrN 21:, - Ofî~ n ~h ': f S -- i-ii----i - -i. i~i<l I l-~ii- - i~ i - iii.: S- li lii5-i--i - - - i--- i--- i - iuiiiî-~ 1. - - - - Iii- - - --- i - i. i'.- iiii.i iii- - il THIS iI cii îu;1~ i-i.-ilu luesi iilga luî s-ce 1rL a l i i zj 11i l 1 a Nit 111 i d Antil "a iý1 alîîîîî- h ,s î - tî lit-t i tC « fi (1 alifi sj îiî il 1iîg ickei -- ith> nIs p i. i cint oial f i lisf léu-s;u(;t-i ý-f-nJed i o (1 - 1 ; rli <il-si-is- i til ( )ýi ls. iiiil i Wiiijs-n Iîs-u i t.ii I , l iii il sl T-il, 1w)(l ie ;ood it i i -,iicai i 'ha s be s -l I oi t - , il ki. tu 1 !i îjjîî îi fîi e i i I . Iii al( otIl f r nis-.i i.-!- îîîrîî i- - - - i s# îînt1 -, m i 1 h.e-a o rlie 1 -lT pli ii -iiiig, <e t-.-fyîîîî ii i ~ ~i l isr-(1, i isi.1 t iii- i-iiii el-w s. o k' -ri. ..j -....-in4oi n n - i n iii--i $25 a 1P ii i-- - .i - î 'i ThvV ý21jd . N ;i0--ilni i. nw-ui.('11 I» i ,1 ,, i i-n -- I. - 1 il 11;i.-ii,- - - - - - - -1: i i-'-p . 1.1i x-n-r.- 11"- - ý1 .ý ... 7,,1- Ilt V s - ---I, i- lit- nii - sr- i' i i li iiNslI vsi 'l'tus i i uu - - - i - - i' s -s mii!i.î*(it, <s '-xi. -- -1itn î,-s ('( ix o-r thfa i ai hImbus- il i- a d 1- . i1 ii l !ii 4<iln itif - - I% 1 I r1u' wM <i -i-m iti f j- uiîiiîit ai r u 1 in -iNiulxn11 i-li -.eL hîî I s- nus. Ilius- s iiiin imnruinik- M r, . 1 t l i ;i1' , 1 il il I i i> ftîr W htiilî. ;.ptiîiti- i il li-ar one - oft ie iracks oni liii" i. geiii iii l -ii tiiiirî na Ni B V it. w'.. i tuMMus mi I li iîjs.îiho-nu s ofuli cupleil b> iC, JoiliiirI i i i sis im rds s i ti i zn-il uaîorig tircs r-lt ai sune- o? liii-s mu Ict,-s tfI-ast. --0--nls-îîds min- larc. Iy Itan is-.r lMlIun eMi t h i-w a aa ouig minu sîo hau WalterI-ri i ii ifN 0-i( k.ici\%i i in Flic iThel(erunui NI1 lit orseh-. rUi- t ad a broad tainiiri . anud Ls an exeep- hnas bei-a i helus iiîilutid ., Iî2îat iai- nîî sii inulins-s iiririaiI mii' ilonually <lue ss-a-ker and tinker. Hi-i talion.,tlmiili te i S iiiup - itijii-it isaîhi<ilnuiiîeulaimter h) lookiuiri ,ou i- rsmuons lare s-imuple(suit îoî-land havigug ti îids n e raimii- n fli r i n i- Simirr5h is srani sAtr'i-iiis ns W <e tin ir4-sg i v - Thte s-h oir 'of ithe Ilaut li.t trouble llnIisc an-sd xii nimît(-an take- iir ord-m foîr di-ilu s an, ni a c' lezi 1 iim-Isliue elisciai musicfor -0- imtin ltitisa b.anmre îrf a good choIes' i us arîîîîu rsaîry. ui-ilcli ll.idd ex-en Guay inos agalin. Thu-yttlis- 114ns- o0 C -%NGoiiiftM-0%& Sonri ors- bt t-e ortisoruA large cmos d la Salîurdxîy ofttIi tess-ek 1 lues toi sirsdiml.-d at boili services. - - Ai. i la. 'h s ,iîo..ssî I .O-î-ER MEETING SITfiI'fRAC- J Have y otan 4 E-rs xcx usi d ai nilt i-sut-ltsi foîr tlis- tira ttis hli-il Bassetis. j i -rosa Suds-i yisli-I ig nadt' aitl ou s' On NVîdesday -i eralîg lagt Ms-srs. I Catnaida. lisoieiu ir h-sart,- taklaîg <tislnu-Sentiemss udHunt beld an- Tbepulicscuîssi <f ti.fuîi x as-j iii teesnts-ninmiesh stliaaa'asrn. 1ýii bter cc-eee'e ws1 liimeaubers of The-pulicaaîd l'nthdu %ty-<->i nt(,!i fIftb>. tIlle Tcs n Couanuil îîa' . auh1 - Tous n Ceîancll an-d etizens ever the Pro- to.,-cos d treaeddesablismt-ir o? ht- îalnus f -MeetIng o? the- SoittiOtino Tt-actieirx'lomlzs-d the- San ltli-? Socle-t> to taRke ualhiti 0letrcrl- lnsttut, wilehla a'tîg ls-I luOst-otnt ibutiong. and an endesu or ftobs-f rg -4Auatmy lI Wbtby -. anaadi- 10not isrît sli ueilgitaeidxl-ns-d lai' Mn. Huait. solicior for Mm, Creeiman. .aw. antis figures of?%iiti. Mii> euenîusne iitha dratied a ferm o? agreemnit Men' $1 Ti s--il lu mtdhc'd to i clii-til mdlii anîd gpno-rniss nsct-s-lof ihd iaz taini up clause by clauSe- iii i $1lis i,îdli-s uuto (.Iliîtujii thfian for asud euunsaiiy ceutsids-red. - Any objet'- $9.90, Satuiaîy'. i)sisstue 21, aits .M(i-ui1 ', 1 ta oits on ;mopuus.e lialugs wttre noied - - Waîteris'. um s 1* eadtsig roeeded. Tie.points Carai.Juîk li ha. - î < -lasil. (h l-ldi i - isa Vir,-ni ~. imd aisaitihid st-rt.-returaxtd te later an.d Cor)].Jac Liiiiii of"(' C. rhi- c-nfe-t-uc.-routtfuued titi afler Bn., noxvIlu Eugliiad. lauîid . is-l li' d.isugitf'-r oMrani n"sruWd.oocauTîrda>, re \%inaIaaff.s eo wap is nt-mrorfn imuîu a l u.liis'fT-sda ->ýîif as-sIll -t1t1r4aLisin -i nuîuuà.If> atisfactory seau-1 -- broibi ,whtu siic'ciubt 14IiTIiiutita. s-hi.- asusialns il a ractuco? a h. autikite- id tîaavet--ta mei che-d - ti~lit. Wars. sIn ami moraîix Ais te ielsr ifbLasas Iote hotLioan proper ashape Bargalus lan camvlng st-la mkt Da.tî't'sltid. Nfie.s k.l llett. ai sue- ltalleif ia-id jsm.-asnii--dte Ceuncil ai lis mecS-. ---I>- farrt, and v s lait-cros$lrsg & fis dId tîÜs ingsai t Monda> nicbi. The qîaarts'ny meetligofts' WlhItby 8istiJt.rd iito sa nsil hleln trihe. irouid, -Par-itruisr-aas te ?urîlserntn-eîialouv 'presb)ytery waa itelinluSt Audms-'s 'A sIl ht hîs- n-sIt tts.at bs-r aukle w»S sua) beho ?ulsel eft-hicrrelIbis Issue. Chaircit bers- on tu eas's or y if ît s--nîsse.and the s-ght bouttIo be-ar 'CoMmi-teutin luhir mornliîg. A faim 'PIii<iifi ratased a fracture- lTI»i.' jury UI IL TIi8 HUItCH. *~ttendance o? ministers aîd eiders i u-mis lvsia »4edtÇa ttticonal once were preseut. bt t ttcyouns 8lady vl)li e c.onfiaed t I Sanday. October Und. zthft iu"s for a ronsiderable urne. Prof i G. M&llhews. 34.A... Ph),, of ST. JOH-NS BAY CHURCI!. -Io- IikMasser t*nlvemtaly. Toroito. vil) Hoiy Communion will (se adminnstr- Kaf va-. forks, aàoons. beat qualitls ima odîktci (h.Service.ai I -l "bd 47 ed ai St. Johun's Bay (burch afler ucIll ntra PamIaarîa.~sri. n e Aui il o'clock service on 5unday. Oct- ' 22aln 1-his- (ouniy ef OnUtre 1Old;il Int WU nWilu Tbon Save Ut» Peole.- e- - - -. Ià». (IIoofhb .Authos. i. lrRocoe>auL Watcb chaîns ai speclal prîceas at i Thai ncw map et Ontario County l8 -a dandy. E-verYtbody wbe sees h aaYa s0. Oct one now whie they las. Only 60c., sent prepaid On reeeîPî tfPrice.. or $1 if waated mounted on cravus and reliera. C. A. Goodfeilow & 8oe. 'Wlatby. Me~. and Mnr. Thomas Taser hale' mnoved te BowmantinhII. wbere 14r.Tas ker bas charge of tbe Royal Teatre. Mr. asnd Mrs. Bain Perrtn, wise have been Ia Bowusanville, bave remoted to -Whilby. -9- FA-MOUS STÂLLON DEAI. The. champion dyd«4eedle- anlion. Làord Gleniffer, belonglng to Qrsbs-UI B3rou., Clarentont. died on 'euaW nightluiat. Thie touns iiliquh beiunchampion at Ciicago. T«ori INSTRUCTION IN RlD1Nf*. Mr. Thomsas Centt,,c U tsM ett# o tb. »onpltai fer, tb e sse, bs bec uippointed instroielr ofet b. elom, -le uaiderwea.r and a b« ef t &ckâ te &sc ('anadts.ailied Cross. and ilusY vIsAs c ironvry their thansuIo Ste tlAsrwhO kladly aili(ed tibem vlita b* oseing suda kuiting, a"nd sutlarly ibiri Iwoc young girls ite «et.ibutsed ai: POtU et sockx- Tise 0id Girls wviii costiue tietrveekly knsitta s me<ihgs a" .111 b. ptoesd to el e ss UY Wbse MU ta attend. Yarws may b. procurcd trou Miss Pusser, IYros Si.. umf et ise =-- Cm"""*" 2 prisessrsa War ruei. bau fowariM au ac»ataveumt oi rsspit « ma.4 ut" mb C.lIw*mo J. ii xm. to.mmu l ; 39ma. 0;v i nclse ,sui t" - (1fr Kse> iç") lêm lm G Ie I" Ad, Mt.' Evmogs eMvce - If rasAlibe. LoItAwsy <o Juîati8rnbts). IVs *aooi5ukd Astsa. 'TSos VIii Kf m=ias i Pet! Q«tPe .(Se.t.#. ft4Irpo>. DBuusdldu4ecipsit, vili reni e icf*Wtailî r ps 1,mnav Nuoe 9 9Illu%<uuM)1, itmani (C bIs*>, ReS5mj#5 C *# UrS -Àust atbei lise le etb *W,0 a je,, a pce I'<iif iîîit ý f.iM nL- Ss cif MS1ie As'. N75T E 1i \i .. î! iîo :s h erse.-tf i a ,isOu- (ifîtîo (1é ol) g i f ,i un s um l as ltir irsomijî N n-n--wt îî o oi- miiiî 1 ii .1 >a,-jl--akf r. îîonuIlie S>uiîisili-. i(i N'd -' Si. ,Iriit il f- w.- i A i lis- ctose cf tlt- suir j i -n S tln mail- for lielp for stiffe-(rr-110 sE --LINT. r1 tin! tîîu as decIded thiat N$îîîîid0 ril) ii!; fdu -fIi tsi-ru i fmiîclof te Sociri-. cre oMa ndC teS. 1,îitmd lis, io-uiiiî-d for Ibis mot.di- mounsf taxud(ieSi i-ýi la e lt-ct nie tiglf, liathtin u ctci 1-Bîuse, <\pl o James PintE-,NI-lh il- flli't ES ONJ«SLJ11F PjB BIC FR nSALE OR RENT. SCH-OOi.lo. in l 111H S(lI10L. 77 acres, lot 2S,oon. 4: possession in Tîc ni-ports of school î.inuipais toi October191i.; Sonne ptouving don(-. C. - iii Board of Edîcat ion cou ernug hie . - i. 13> on Si., 'Whiiby. -t?. I îîxntb csf Sel-.t4mlbr show that Iluere FRIT ET jar cmi-nu ie mol! oflue puiblic sohoots FIMT ET ! the nines o? .31 iilihs. Dundas Street 1 î-1#0acrmer. luTonalip o? Beach: i acloot. li5: lHeur-%St. achool. 1167- I good cday lbaux, large bank tarn, soiid ltrîck . sclîoot. 60,0 There are luow I Luick biouse, good welts and minning tii inaine-s ou the roll othie Htghj watt-r, good orchard. This farm la lu S. 1001. i rsi y ear cînssa la so lag a good state o? cultîvatlon, and bas tsia thai ý ifcut nfnii accom- neyer heen reied. WiII be teased for Ii-n sfo cial], lafuig a tprin o? yesrs. A ps1, 1y to Wm. NIa w. iThe pincipaalof 171?- Bmock street I Slitbu Onîtanio. -6 sclijosi rejiortçd sru ioitside pedIls inFA iIM TO LIENT. 1 cs .I o fi-estthe priciptalyw s uI -7,1 -cres. cia;- loam, good condition. i nit- îus h rnias1 lieiiairer faItl -ent, -)acres orchard, -isî îiîion l)aia> ent of teces before attend- hrict i u e ante. 3 w elle: 12 acres .c - iias p(inuiil, lu Intht- casE- ýofîîîlin ha;v.t1nmile ~i-toOshawa on i-tr ui niiius.the rios etiî-rt'a Iiruston RoaiL PoFsessio.n any lime. 1,11 or h-au- tifi- clîoot, tI i > 7 rsrin I P N:rb.1 l.î1î.. ci 1 - l . o... n.m- porî.d.It .1 il si-f- are il' 92jîipils enrolihd lu the( vitrionsclassé s iin the niglît sehool T!l. se stîbi-cîs «rfeîaiight - st-no- .Lr.piy, lîkî ju.arithnîeti c. dcc- v îîîN s Nig. t-ory of construction. A conînincaiiou me the estabish- nie rit of ny banks in the schoots ,was rf(-rred Io îhe Management Com- ni iiti1 e. .Mr, Etvidge requested that certain me;alrs (se made to lte schools. The subject o? Cadet Corps outfil and accoutrements lias been iving the Board some ceaccrn. About four years amiu a corps was organlzred In the High School. and sults and rifles puchased. Last autuirn, when the new Principal t ook chargie. and an effort was made Io locale and assemble MIl the suits and arms,fit was found te ho a diffilcuit task. Ult imateiy the suits weme nearly ai)liocated. but manyo e thein were un- ft for furiber use. One Ross rifle was ,misaýing. and, iiotwitbstanding that dil- igent inquiry and searcli ban been made, no trace of li cati be Iound. As the Government bolds the Board ot Ed- uication respensible for te arma and other accoutrements9, the Board la de- sirous of IeeaUag the mtssing rifle. Il asiy o? the former pupils, or Lily other perso an riglve any InforToatioii rhieb wili iea*i te the location cf the rifle. (the saine wil ho thiktui)y rcceired by principal Johnson or any member of tie Rloard. The rv.ljrntion et t» aw.taker of Lhmdas Street tSkhoot was aanounced. anad the ProPertY COrMlittfte vaS lP- atug dtoetg an e rtaker. and passed appototint auaivialoturaJ commitle. Io manap e ie w ag1kI- ural departnscnt e tOf UseI4lIb ehool. vThs coe<atttc. b" bom nasid ai (the ga e uettug A DIU flar ou egt 40V&w 0» epst it o.agy ay.."Tut vmat àAWO t- s o ":i htoir. OEliam a. 1 Geore 1,' marui, a.f --tN . à NO)TtCE 0F REGISTRATION 0F BY-LAWS. Notice Is horeFby gluen thai a by-law uvas pssed by tht- Couincilioflte Town o? Whitby ou the- 2nd October. 1916, isovîdîng for te Issue of debentures to te amouni et $5600O, for (lie exten- sions o? the w-ater werks mains and service pipes. etc, and for the extension -o? the uuires and other appliances in cou- nection wltb the Electric Uighting sys- tem o? the Towu eof Wlitby, and that Isuch by-law was reglatered In the Reg- istry Office o!f(the (ounty ef Ontario on te l7th day o? October. 1916. Any motion te quash or set asidel the- same, or auîy part thereof. muai be made wihln three menths after the tirsi publication of this notice. and cano be anade thereatter. lJated the lftth day of October, 1916. JOaEsql WRITF, Town CWLk NOTICE 0F REGISTRATION OP BY-LAW. Notice la bereby given (bat a by-law was psssed by tise Council ofthtie Town cf Whltby on tise lêtis ctober, 1916. providing for thse issue of debentume tae .amnunt of $7. ta (opsy for (ho pumpa englues, etc., and tor extenin to ttke severage system ofethue Towni of Wbitby, and (bat sueb bY-law Wu' reffistred ln thse Reglory OM01 M lb Couusty of Onlarloon. the 11h -day et October, 1316. Aar Motion ceo'qui* bor set, au"- the »»#i. or a»Y pan Usereot. eusibe mode rubis ibres aMois aft th«(b Sm atpublkitet Mthis note, a" enot b. vade rstr.. Dated Uhe ts M7 of October, 11 NietormovmTlvs or Notice la berlw (bat Îa t'w'- vu ib.t *0 . . = y e44 et 01m e»t lm ~~ 1 t* b VaN be iý li te M W bt R.ubber Goods For- Every Need. We take great pride in our Rubber Goods departmerit, and are extra careful in cur selection of ail rnbiber prcoduetq to roake sure that you get the utm-ost satisfaction from mnerchafidise which you boy in our store. We arq well satisfied titat we are sel]iî-g better rubber goods at better prices than you cari obtain elsewliere, and y-ou wiill i nd in our stock rubber goodcs produets leigîîe< to ineet every requiremeîît, whether you need a b)aby comfort or a ho<t water bottie-he safe, sure and satisfied-corne to i, If it is not convenient to corne use the telephonie. We wil!i na«ke na -.eection that wilI be thoroughly satisfactory to ycu. Ii<ugli ive cerry a large assortrnent of rubber 4g(oods we do no-t iailit"ain big stockq, preferring to order frequentlv, turn our stock over qic'Kyi, thus assuring that every piece of our Buhiber (;oodl, is dCean, fresh and irn the very best of condition. wn mTI ELD'S DRIJG and STATIONERV STORE WH ITBYO O~NTA1RIO Soie Agent for Butterick Patterns i Sole Agent for Nyal Preparations ' ~.t -t À 4 e .- -a - -~ e - - - z --i -> - i -i -q 'if a7 r -xi--- ~fi 1 i1 * l1 M A R RIAGFS. N[r. aind MNrs .Jas. J. Ormniston, hoth AUSTIN TURNER - On Ocînber 11, ot East Wib. 1916,. ai t he honie of flie-bride's par- ents. Whitpvale. Ont.. by 14v. John l~A1S Trickev. assisîe,,d li Rev. H. Crilk NININO -\t ihe, Paticnî's Prlvate, Pa- ington, AIlic-E Baîrirp. only daiîghter villon. Toronto Gene-ral Hospital, on of Mir. and Mrs. 1). S. Turner, toi ,îunday. October 15. 1('1t. Frances Edgar Taylor -Austin, son of the late IWleriaNimimo. danghter of the Sylvaniîs Austin andil Mrs. C. E. Aus- ltaie Robs: ri andNMary Ninitmo, of tin, Whliby. South Mnga.Ontarlo, and be- ORMNISTON BADCOCK-,At the rpsi- loved slsî- r of M rs. J1.- Howeil dénce of the bride*% father. Raglan., Jameks. \Wiby. on Monday. Ortober 9th, by Rev. Geo. SCOTT-ln Pici(ering Township, on Nickle, Miss Ivy E. J., daughter of sunday, October 15, 1916, Jabez Mr. and Mirs. William Badcock, to Scott, Figed fi.- ..ars and 11 montbs. Mr. Alexander G. Ormiston, son o? FEEO0 FEED -IÉ e -44 fi FEEDI i -t - il ---i u - We are taking in stock several cal-s of Ground I3arley, Oats and Corn. Farmners wvill find it to theit advantage to seli grain and use this for feeding, as we propose turning it over at very clcose prices. We are always in the market for ail kinds of Grain and Seeds. flogg A Lytie, Llwitod, Osuawa. -I i. - -----.---------------- -----------------.-- i Spoçial Orèer. We represont Semi-Ready Ltd. and Fit Beform Ltd., makere cf the finest hand tailored clotbes wrm by men.- Sold in over 800 cities and towns in Canada frwulalfazto acvr 0.11 and look over ont large r*nge of saniples for FaIt and Winter mear. W. are siiôi-wiusg a omOb l..lin« of or«e~ ug snd sukinge lui UJoneo Beav-, costings for uQWtr. la suiticgi tii. lia. îinctudu blat and bIae ÀR Our elotho to t" - i *10 iwoy a tsu ~dy& TaiI, orig- ~7~ u anUtzl.4- 12! BOONiER-In Whitby, on Sîînday, October 15, II16. to Mm. and NIrs. Roy Boomer. a son. JIl.VIPSON - lui Whitby., on Suinday. O)ctoher 15, 1916, to Mr. and Mrs. Wrn. Bau tdsoui, a son. LU»F nluWiîy on Sinday. October 15, V1ett o N. aud Nlr-,. A. E. LÂîke, i son,. iritllborn). WiiILSON Nit\VhithY, on Tiîea-day. O)c!ob(in i 7, 1#If, to Mlr. aid Nîrs. llairv t)., sua ilsgli 1er (Jsean NI\T{ISiN ii Wîtîî> on \Vdnes-ý i-t-.- lu-mb r 17,io MNr. and rs. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, I.M. 1 ,better than ev4-r this ýcar. filibs , 1?1.111 Ulit 1 V(-I»I0Iý 1

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