Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 5 Oct 1916, p. 7

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Il omson. There t *sg epettally beroic fabout Mine Paget. Oit ber mAd»e noch lâughedgrimly, "and aheqI l gvè yôêutouble to bumu" <'ill look out for that mytelf. l'ml ioon à. mues responsible for her bighr.Cen minded citizens should flot have to Sboyerage of mli herd in with a-moral leper." "That's scarcely a fit name for a Grant 0Owaid's voice was emphatic. 'I never did class Misa Paget with- ladies." I D A " lay"I might as weil tell you before you goi o ntigo h ottawill fight you iegaliy. It wouid be the worst sort of business proposition ta drop Miss Paget in tbe middle of a :A successfui run. It is not f air to ber. good Tea ao f grea! boneit If an actress does the work you ask a satisfaction i6 extraortlinarlly bfhr h as the right to make any u SAADA"at l.. t... ne-pleases," Werlhworth's tone was conclusive. :EJY STORES lie lit his cigar again and stood si- lently beside his desk, biowing t-he smoke acres8 the room in distinct 1 rings. "You said you had severai jbusiness matters t-o talk over. Is this everything for-toý-day?" Hie lifted his hat frorn the rack as if anxious to end t-h. interview. E O F Owldsok tify «I bate.toi -~ worth. l'Il conf ess 1 have net a great NJI~ NJ<1 /II1 dea] of fighting blood in me. We don't! .Â, iYVN.O R Ta seemt- o get along as weii as we did at first; I don't know wbetber it is RI)ON CURTIS, your fauit or mine." H. paused as if waiting for Ennch to speak. Then ian from WVoIvertons , he continued. "There wvas one other thng. I have been meaning t speak; ___________ o it for anme time. Probably others 1 have rnentioned it t-o you. The news- ha.q not giv en mie the man's naine, paper men are asking me one question ci - -- n ,, ...1 e Jall the time-they want to know if LAWRENCE ST. Is refined -exi.dvêl, froni choiesugw.snanar udI abdl*sypure Gweu.t t"ésPM" ctis r.fnfine, sI. cind<o u* 'nyccoâv1%0* Tm lSVà â.,de*k.~h.p*>4 Plums have a spicy zest whîch makes them a favorite preserving fruitand several excellent va- rieties are plentiful this year. Preserve all you can with LantLic Sugar for the sake of econornical andwholesome desserts next winter. Lantic sugar cornes ini 2 and 5-lb Cartons 10 and 20-lb Bags Pure cane. FINE granulation 'The All-Purpose Sutgar" I'RESE5]RVLNG LABELS FREE 54 guoemed and prleted labels fr a»d bail tmae-nark- Send to Atlantic Sugar Reflnerles Ltd. tower Idlg.. MBontreal 68 H1ints for Utcefnome~ oEme a 1eip dri t-er pie soi si;4 flo a of tht Co st fi br dc th si sw-dshut up a iedgcr andi car- vene." yos ietut or aonjJIthe play rueý it to h;e safe. He arn] Went-- vhenge."it -you pare oatazi ork- ou .a-- other.--pia-y-"a vvoith had i fniýs!-.eî a siudv cf thelr "She tlb you t-is?"- Enoeh gave him a savage look. lit monh sfinnce. 'bcfigreswer "e s, i have baîd a nice morning. wss a look which puzzied Oswaid al __ matits finanr eso.dTheiretcipaion It wvas gone over st-ep by stcp at home, day long. "I will t-ink of that when' Evc endbc iýhscaradthen again with Miss Paget' She I get gooti sud readv, The 'House oif , ecn v'e wfuoueoisate, Emuoh lenedhackir is hairsud ts the cbld." Esterhrook' iq gooti for one seasen nonM is'" "'an. d "Not if there ii, anything I can do lit a igar, "If we eau stay lun New "To rare for?" more-probably for two"' Then b., Yiork tili spring -and it begins to-)o ik "N Wnwrhtne hgv flung out' cf the office andi siammed i for you, Jason"* as; if we might--you andi 1 are on t-be "N.Wntoht-mdhe Ye the door behinti him.1 "Emiline's downist-airs. You know hivh oi] I' bec' ni(. riuîiur n, t-' - Stuîiously lu anot-ber direction. "She Oswold sat iu silence for a fctv min- "ho Emiiine s?" Ife paused and y Oswald did oit answer- le picked lut-oda t-o send him back to England ut-e.. is face was ful of auxious gianced at Robin. t; Up a paper-kuife and tested lt-spli- Immcdikiteiy. Why sbouldn't she? pupeîy l ospto i a Dorcas nuîdded.C -Th I'e w " ln onse -udprpeiy f oe u nbsbt It 't- wan't b. ineonivenienein' she'd ancy by bundiwoman. Aosbidoudleounister would ndhels anti ovemoat, and w'cnt out. lunt-be like t-o sec yc'." by ending aimohe"keat"t v . u em ow uek u bel.They lobby lie met Zilla Paget-. She turu n-uus hatt- e e "Wpe toth," b.f a oeA"do oud lndth -at ~ort' in an as"'Ium. cil eageuiv as if t-o speak t-o him. Ife' Wyde hwat ose mt bape to bik f nyon wo 'oldTher- isu't- a dould that b. w'oulul bisfeîlhsbtwtbgav cuteya Jason « * "' t-ste Zilla Paget's part?'" hpirtee"i e i htwt raecubsyad 6 tutet-cl, Ni- b Sh's e e' Enoeb laid bis igar on a tray and hapaelthre"d past her. She fîllowod to t'he Cari ~ esds e stboit uprigbt. "W"vre you in frimot "That is your boneat- conv-iction?" door sud wmtcbcîî hlm w-hile b. cross- a-pieadin' en a-pleadin' fo' yo' t-o see satsueo-oetin.Tatba her, se I t-ci' ber, I'd ast yo'." Iaat. nigbt 7" he asked curt'iy. "' ueo n -ig htba ed t-he street."lisebr. AdRisupe ",No," Oswaid spoke gravely. la rot t-o ho harbored lu my bouse. "elae'ire crlt n bebt o I seitber.And fo in ut-tle osie 'Miss Paget andi Iorcas ad !nine Suppose the mot-ber made it eut-a case ber ifpacte fneshe aretdootept-î goe keepa aognuforjar in t-e wpan- cîrtain cails ut-t-be end of tlie second of kidnapping?" brlpte h age otmt-Iekesaogntjri h ai act. Tbe g-liery began ta biss. Ueo- "'I bail ntilîoughi cf it-'in t-bat- ousily anîl burrieti through t-be dark t'ry . Make Jason t-ell you a st-ory. piedowstars oied n. an ouligbt- theatre to t-be stage. 1 he Place w-as FIvin-g borses are notbîng lo t-be w-on- piedonstir mmd u. 'ai yiudeserteil. She w'ent. straigbt t-o t-h. der-ful things be bas seeu," t-hitnk of auv actresa who la free. or "ei think of it uow," Enocb bumst îet-îer-rack. Iu the abeIf marked P Emiline eut-ered timidiy and stoed eugag'cd for t-bat- matter, capable of out furiously. "I arn as fond cf Dor-, ah. found several letters for berself. wait-iug unt-il D~orcas pointed t-o a toucbii4g lber lu t-he part?" -cas ns anY brother couid b.. but ahe She 'sas turiugs-i when ber eyes chair. Sh. was a ueat-iooking yei- 'It- was n",acting last- nigbt. Were le t-be sort cf girl wbc can't- be moveti fell upon an eut-clope lu the lower cmr- ow girl, but theme w-as a worried look' you back of the ardues ?" whtn she takes a st nil on ar.yt-hmng. uer cf t-be rack. She picketi it eut ou bei' good-natured face. Enocb brutiîîht down bis fist mwith a Misq Paget la a ciever, hantisorne wo- arnd stood for a moment- staring at- it "ntng -rgEiie'asei thuti on thbe table, "I wa8 not. anti m an. 1 cannot b. wboiiy at odds blanki'. t-be ah. gaped. Th letterDorcas I'm sorry enougb t-bat 1 wa'%n't. 1 witb ber. r'eeing ber every day of mry w-as oc'e e, h~wsadesdi Wog brt'a' rnMs w-old avesetiei iing difeently-hf, asI u."<~or s. haky w'itiug, "Mrs. Alice V. Went-wortb'. l'se ief' Miss Paget fe' o bae' bruitbe vhlroe. . Do ry meh ofaret 'T hat rs gmo.' 'hn pkeBttmoGotham Theatre, New York." good en ail. Lawl, w'hat- a whack ah. t-omc y sverl copl. )o cu f ltt-ng er o.It bore the Madison Square postmark. bit' me w-heu I toi' hem some'ings I know t-bat MiqsPigt chilii isl'iOn Enocb 'sas on thbe verge cf checking The womnan's cye were furtively t-hou ght!"- My home?" bim with an impatient- exclamation,: seamchirug t-be gloomy tbeatu-e lu ail di- "She st-ut you?"' Dorcas stareti Oqwald beul bis krife t-o t-be point but thbe Englishman interrupteti. "You rectmtio, She tiuîl ot hear ai sounti; attbe girl in astouisbment. of resiatance. l anappedi lut-wo havi' bail youî- aay, now' 1 am going uol>cdy was lu igbt. Sh. lippei t-be " 'Deeti, Mis' Weutwortb, she st-ruck pieces, He to'-seil lbe fragmept' inl a te bave mine. l'ou remnember one day let-er lut-o ber muif and rau upst-airs. nme bard, st-raig'bt 'cross ny nouf wid waste basket-. "Yoo mean the luttle turing t-b, cariy rebearsais 1 tolti iberha'1 oltkedlwt(er blinti boy?" ~~~you ahi 1knew cf Zilia Pag'et's st-or-y. --ha.Ioudtkdeaw-sbr "Yes." Went-wot's voire wsas 1was beginniug, t-heu, t-obave quaims CHAPTER X VI 1. I eon, en gi'sedaaes, to I aiu't- fierce wit-b irritation, "I have net seen cf conscience about bringing ber over jagon to.'a.The -odntbo bim i1 have n .uhabt-oBehm o-adst-u e mn ect epe Ten," continueti Dorcas, "Guieesh bavin' auyt'ing t-o do wid ber." The e ov sehm or adsttn e mogdrn pol.lfted tube lady t-o t-be horse's back anti gir-l'a face qeemedtito wbit-en, andi she' castoh met-bs mrni~ wat-abs ha Sh lawore thanI iag'ned Ir t-en l.mpd u before ber. She put lier clasped her bauds in an agony cf t-er- Ratidt herself wit-. She anti I most degmadeti wonam you finti brute arrus about- bis waist andi ciuug t-e rer. "i1 wouldn't -wuk fo' ber nobew, thramhed thé question out." lie feeling--brut-. motherboosi I mean. hlm tigbtly. 'Rise, herse, rise,' b. -I'd rat-ber go on de strecta. Mis' - laugbed unplea-.antly. "it did preelous She Jacks t-baL" cnrred. The herse anti aIl t-be ha- Wentwort-b, ber tuqquoises amn at-urn.ý lit-tle gooti." 1 -Mbto gave you the version of thie% drede of herses behind hlm spread eut in' Mren!" "Would you hat'. tummoctit-h. cbild so ry ?"1 their wlings and ros e in t-be air. Tbey ',What do yeu mean" into t-be strect?" t "Merry toit me Iast nigbt." went fiying swiftly acros8 t-he sea." jEmriline spoke in a frigbteue-.i wbis- Enoch abrugged bis shoulders im- "l'eu have net seen Dercas?"" 1 "Miss Dorca," inteirupted Robin' per,i patiently. j 1"Ihave not met Miss Wentworth, increduouaîy, 1*I didn't know t-bat "*Her tuqquoisesamar a-turnin' green "I ou'- anît- gosivr -bequs ince yest-erday morniag.- iherses could fty. 1 t-hought bhey trot-- I 'clar' fa' Cawd, dey il" pt-on %aint iéPut- etmn a awhardte! io it he.sa cae f uired-ofptemoted on t-be streets like this." The boy iDorcas taughed. The octeroon's poitdion wi-h Msa P ar t ave1t-e' tien %ilt t-b higbnch of them.nslipped down troim his chair and kick-' tatement wits an irrelevant it was al- chiit u m bose. So ar s IsecI Tey iiitak thngenerail If ~edl it-h bis beels upon t-he fleor. moaib funny. s'anuot tom hlm eut-iuleas my aist-'er day or two. You hati botter have a -"uea' es aiwn~-l Lwy i'Wnwr-,dntg geswiatbdo hlm." e;tt-al tee Mia agt.Se a axau fairy horses bave wing'a," Dorras t-o iaughin'. I reckon ye' don't knoen "Wbat o yen uggeaI7' t-oseleyo," i wbat- an awful t-ing dat-la t-e bappen "Gto Goti! t-er. la oniy nue t-ing «"l think,.' t-waî<î spoke <aody lt-j "idi you ever saeea fairy horse.?" 1nebber heard t-ell ohhit- lut once., te ilo-sond the child t-c t-be ayluramuuld bc belt-or for Miss Paget If 5he50 an afraiti I nover di4." Hit don't happen exceptin' wbon a wo- where, ho came f rom. The mother is did not corne t-o me- 1 ml.ghb tellber'j "Then how do yeu knaw t-bat- it'3'oman's et nicked et de ol' serpint- ber-i lu the right wbon she wmrts hlm sent! In plain Engtiah mny opinion of lier.1 true T. self!" back t-o Eugiand. fle woa ln a goed -I-adn't we botter let ber go?" I "Falry atones t-ell un so." "Fjniline, urbat on eart-b are you enougl borne t-er.." "If we dldn't have te take into con- "Oh." The cbiid's brown ele t-ut-- talking about?" "*%ý'he tuok hlm out. oo! h 7" siderat-lon thse uiu.eton Of WI lm Aflidte ber eagerly. They weri inter- (To be cont-muid). "I don't understandth -e situation, fit te Play ber Part, ter'. ber con- rpt-d by a Imock at- t-be hbrMrydean.________ Misg Puget- knows, I fancy. but ah. tract. lit ls lron-beuad for t-he "'hoe Jason enbened. TE The gentIy mtiulatins effeta of to aiL T16o price.of comzfoet and L mmii wbeu y ou can gel gemuine fith of a cent a cap. AT ALl GROCI THEf LAPSI EN OCJ IWE By ISABEL GO] LAutior of",The Wom ppnfui eea. wtern buttertlu eponauldelofwa atiiutercup t-art applca wiichbhave been pared,i coreti and slced, Cook slowly, avotid- lug s>coroblng, untl soft anti dry. Mash or put t-brough vegetabie press, add any seisonlng deaireti andi plnch of sait Mix one,-thîrd eup cornstareb with a ltt-le wat-, and use te t-btck- enx apples pulp. Juat before iaktng from fire, whlp lu one bealeur-egg, Turn luto wet moiti or dlsb. and set aside t-o cool. Wheu colti, shape luto any ftn d'ered, ro!Iln a gg and breadci-umbs andi try ln deep fa- Duat wt powdered sua-ar and serve bot. toyse hari-e aggtwo laeaoona flur orble gtw tablespoons bleoehî fabiesporab cop ued , ana an talsS ahchopped paolyn îttegrtdnul-d chesat-atipope. ut oygaters nt tieg coo landtiroIr w Puto, thek n lug ckitnt-btbebtter sac] fuor lr n- edg tca-et-ebutteraand fscesenl- luge. StUr unttIl butter Ia t-boroughly meilet anad pour ln deep dlsh lined, bot-tom and aides, wltlm a.lf'puff poste., la t-be center aft-e disb set an Iavent- ed rup t-o support the top crust. Côver wltb paste, ta-sten etiges t-lgbt. sih cruel a bIt t-e aliow escape o! ateam mec] cook lu qulck aveu about one-balt heur. If ertmt browns toc quickly over dish wlth paper te prevent burnn-. Testy Pies, lefand Tometo P.-Iie tOfold They Sheuld b. Dlsplaced V/ith Bitter with iayesef thlekly alloed tomates On«.théExpr« ay. and enlace, t-hon adai aea.seng. Con- On. tbe Ep.utaBey. tinue t-he loyers. t-U thbe dtsh la fuil; Trylni to-o break" chlldressof habiteadUsufficlent gravy tlO mote t h Oe le an err r o mtbod.. The. 'asoc lawîolo Svi vt-h parbotled pot&tois that ha-bit. acoordi Dg teo WilIi-eJame, eu l elo.and Ake ln à medera*e a giw.t psychologist noet là i.Seeed oe o n o naturebut bas betosno aturO lt-Sel.OM e'en er &04a tbat na-tutre la net te bc drtvea. but Bief and Potato Pl*.-The lagredi-1 iue hoioae andle. nt e baieae o ne p%unisd of .4 Di reaity 1J1tà otvitle t e. e u o u.tw ndhall!. RelaeI on e PmY 0 at- povae t ot .4aad isait t aue t tisMetter svie oura rasst" m" Ipoww. a icea fo th C 7h. 4e*van il icty "Ym gg CX4 boputd i ate sg.dfor aot -be Uns _&P"___oAra"____&OisduMi eb t : Ci YrY. cm eBtifl« ub S at ableor es . 1 a* ~ ,e eais t oat al. Drtil fe l . s SM tii4d alurOe.tf todu a d « 31 Art f« 14>1og BI&4 - The St Sa UaPW glve t . PumSs' i ibol Ub oefSthe t-hm, Shtry elM4te geand541*U P « b c m . Uki qw* .t~4 t-h.,a. b.xs y hSaUd ooiop.t-i at dgai o*81 bu tod eoeai. Muat t ~s ro~ . aweuI4«t-d« eIt ïMfl t e* « * -a I..*immai tm m r vd« ui. M ptniu1i Woo kuots.I weep o n hrweddingduy.' Saskatchewan. Farm Lands large or SmiaII Blocks Easiest Terms. Payments Spread Over Seven Vears Clear Titis on First Cash Paymont Most desirable Woations right onrallway i best mlxed tarmlng district In Saskatchewan. Intermedite Sections Iagely settled. Churches sCIIoo1% etc., wlthln convenlent acceus. if Iat.rested, write lmmedltely for. further par. Iteulax. W. J. Iiaight, ..Agent,9 la W(ist Ad.aldtst. mToetê Meat Puffe.-Make a puif-paste with rlping or lard, roll out about a quar- >r of an Inch thick and lni oblong so0es; place a spoonful ef coiti ieat Eany kInd, choppeti fine and weii seea- *ned, on each piece of paste, roi] up id brush over wlith egg, and bake ln a CNA îick oven. t% Cheese Sauce.-Take three table- 1 N poonfuis of butter andi add four of ALUM our when thbe butter is bubblin-g bot- ix weli Pnd add &alhait tea-spoonful of ait, a few dashes of paprika. one and h lait cupfule of milk ar.d a cupful A iOfîof turpenthie, u ýfchoyppeti cheese. Cook the sauces saucepan and rook for about an heur, taIJleffP lIDwle ve-I before addiug thbe chease and auda a t ttr b eut the .ru-st ded to" a coPPerful Of water i I1c ýfirve a-. soon as It Is m-e1td. imb edlin pieces and ;rrange tbem adcioesinar bohed w-rn eanse wttf Stuffed Beet Salad.-Boil sevE'rai round the stew On a 1bot dish. ateeldsiveC the r benOUt dfo nediurn-slzed beetýs without removing hv h he kins. When tender plunge itoig to enener iSt reel ing esoater blngusefwfo rild water and ruo off t-he Peel. Cut, T na o'eRemember. fiebasrtpe ea orn vhelthave theU >ut the cent-crs, îeavîng abelîs ta be î14ave a day. r ttî iadspt nt e ràe o a shor ituffed with a mixture o! peas, oui. (racI'r er cumnbs are botter t .?n he, s te wleti biVStiesfel bredermb an maon.ale.i breod crumbs for scaiiOPed oysters. you keeP It covered with a doth nerve on lrettdueleandes yob,2ise.-iSmalI ebtîdren eau eat liananas If wug )ut lu vine-gat. This wlll keop resd- sadwchs.iey are thoroughy baked. the cheese fresb lndeflnltely. ured andw ie.-Bekacu Ailfruits shoiidbe pePled alod If your cake îoU'l<harq and tougt ower tîîto flowerssupt hmuo seeded for very yoiing rbldren. luadpdih ibaboioht ollgsiîdwtr A s Olives, a smnall Qua-ntitY of minced u n ereatb wta - lo o beyin ateddaithe m ns a oa- rpd peppers and a -,pxonfiil of capers w'ater udîîethad leave. Th thy r tnerdri te l acla lceas5, t he svro e t aa. steam wiillmoisten t-he cake and rmake er. Dust them ail over wlth curry Sweet crn sbioWd never bell more lT ofdeanwhiie glovea in a burry,. powder and fry t-hem lu bot fat; then tRtrpmnt,:I tbJslne orle put them In a stev.piai, pour oxer them ta be iue fI oslne scrub thoîn witb a mixture of Pe)wdeT- acuipul of stock and ilet-thotu coek for It will io'mucti (>fits sweetiuess-, ed alun aud fuiier's earth. Briish oa', fie minutes. Squeeze over the juîtŽe When a bek Fin1.1111hetotOs buu4'dt antispotfnkle b eroeda of hl aitalemon and serve x-,Ith tem wltb tIng. ube( out rice. or 1ti îPtofwt apcohdpîo a pti -e a ermvda Rice Croquettes With Chcese Sauce. It is a w12e %PrteeuIc>n to plut 'wîth t-e aatr, ndjetuid e risbben -('o>ok a cupfiul of r celu twosud a'quantitv <f sald intliebîttrîm of ta ean la erd and et e hs, In lait clntuls of sait outil ithatld- ol va(- Tizer br ot us leazoiflo atutltenidir, ad-ttpping vr After washing ollrloth an linoleum igmore iniik If ngeedeti. Add two - h tebe s ur rotriyndIf ieft cal9eril f butter, a ds.sh o! kept from direct contact dit i t wiîî spceediiy oadfn.l Paprika Rnd mix with iwo beaten egg hio i b "~mvn eUohr become totallY SPOiied. It 18 a ra cUiks auid hen cebtU. MWhen coid and v%îse tic Y niay break mlstaki, te use to0 mîîeb water for Ftiffened moid in cones balis or ieodîiltosuithbed or washing IL. The cloth should be 'vioder forms, dlp lu orunibs. then in <'uke for puddinig; the pudding wlll be mnereqy wruog eout and passed over t-he egg white and ln crumbs agalu. l3rown îno"r3 liglit. surface. n fat and serve witb reese sauce. j To hurry the î'cokiuig c f nnlything in1 Peanut Soup.-Ono cuip pi'anut but-ý a doubletuielir, add sait 10to ih' wateril ok ter, onecliup choçpped ecoiery. blîree cups 1lu the oule-r boler Vete an Begs ta do Wornm ok illk, one îaîîiespo-n est-h butter, fleur A sir'(fp-oosa xcellent saeaegoer fl a Elritisl armny veteran sudchopedonln, n. nd ne-aitUîig t elh'an wh ite otîciotil whtt-h 1 living ln Wall send-oTyne, te heip ln c'ups boiiing water, en- teaspoon siait, has beconie disligured liv hot ceix>k- thbe war, thathe1 ilig too une ighh taspon pppe, tree ug tenilswoman's work. [le wrttes to a news- tablespoons iuced red or gremn p(p- Whenorcm the mitcms nu criris et pape dolehbas apoal ee or O I. pe.r. Ceook celery andi onlori luwater fruit " îg"they shmitd be remnov- womantodonet. aw Cross n haedlework lintil tender, adding water asI~ t ex-apor- Pd, the jar of fruit rî'ste»rilzcd and t"I arseta o aa, but Iav3 eanlttf atst k-ptooea4 n-al uefresh rubbers put on. age iu Novemnber, and have served my Ilquid. Add one clip ilikto1 peanult; A gooti soft (Ici,g ls made is' th t wo lime lu the armny and amn a pensIohiel butter andi blond. Heat rernainderli cupe of gr-aniilsîed siigar aud ihrpe- sInce- DeceTnber, 1882. If you wll let double bolier, thieken w1th fleur anti itîariers clip cf owe-pt milk. Bell me be a wornan lu this show I shail buttr, ms-nie boeihr. dd toc ule minuitect; cool, hs'at arîd flavor. teel much obliged-" and peanut butter andi roilk mIxtur, iii ciiingthe sritu band lm- season antd serve, garnlsbîing with pep. package ;pickrt-be krot tmp anti eut tlm. pr.mcdlately beiow. and you wîîllrelease Orfrfahr emndi ab pers. i - , ,. very unlucky if thbe bride did net 1< St-- 51- ~ v 1-i i. 1,- 9 q-t Sugar f eeds "and sweetens in proportion to its purityo RED DIAMONDi GRANULATED ý" Pm a m"M'm W* %ffl wffl"o I@Wm ami or emk«M MM4 ta àtwoy, te 4

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