Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 5 Oct 1916, p. 5

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"iz1'fln Av nr vnwfl 5. 191t;X1L~LFA 010 0010 OR SILVER AND PAY THE HIOHESI lbBBOVrT bDIEC tf~ilà 1 -1-6. *w mp 0Gwor neeomig ln Appli to J. kner, Brooklin. 'j ~II~ ~C ~ GIORLS PLAY flÂLL. IThe Girls' Basebal Tearn of O)ak- Iwood, Higli School wus ln Whltby on Baturday afterpioon last,"ý when tbey played the girls of Wbitby High Scitool at Henry Street "Polo Gr-ounds." -The result was a win for the visitors, but the play was most interegting, antd the .YY~RMOTTO! "4Be Dependable" For Sale To Rento Etc. FOR SALE OU RZNT. 77 acres, lot 28, con. 4; possesaion i October, 1916. Some plowing done. C.1 W. Smnith, Byron St., Whhtby. -tf. FARM TO RENT. 200 acres, la Township of Reacit; good dlay loam, large bank barn, soiid brick house, good wells and rxtnning water, good orchard. Thtis farm Is In a good state of cultivation, and has' neyer been rented. W'ill be icased fori I EBUTAINPENS PREIK-1ER lOUNTAUN PENSO Much superior in every respect ta any hitherto offered at similar figures. In material and skilled workmanship Fountain Pener they are perfect, SUpplement to the Whi:by Gazette and Chronicle, October 5, 1916 A COUNTY ROAD SYSTEM F mlii1 ali,\% ublicaet ion 1is -îIi (d I' t is anm ahît danit suppîy of stone on or ili4 tltîîîVt"; Nlt'iiarntiîfl, Nlititt,'r oti I cite' 1tlIe road, and frequently tht' Pltiil\\X îi-kýtutui igliv mxc tf 0lttarlo, ti.m'k ile n'of regradlîîg and ptttting ti it li<itt ii elt -i-erzit ilt eabolttît a a; i-tctot tr an nId 5(ouî' or macadam t 'utt tt it iI î Il iii -'i aIýkeýi îîrittd, In, sucli cases aicost of $2.500 or t reiii'titî ti-clted li-uttu i .I' t" ileit'is an ordinary t'xpend' 1\ti 4tiit itîtîti tI î'iiîî ' ti t j tt-ti distrIct.s, tiin ite oter baud. i t ii. i 'i s it ilit 4,i ot îîî iii-ud: i ; i i ti tnîbtîun i supptiy if gi-aiil. a 1'-is1lmIll i i ttu iitît iiidt'r <lit Nim it t ii ii" -mde havet' iti gravtl'iid il t'lii i i ii ttit ii ii it tiimt li i tut tut io trumeî'antd ut good foimtda- of Iii ii t mmîtîi t ti îl tindu;s iii (i-k iisiitil'\ cîtîsiete tif rîtîmot îîg st'd Iri :il ïïi ii %i 1 î 1 il (I 1id lit 1St itîîi uati ( l i Ici u rl;, tîtlîrot\ ittg - tht' d rait a i )aud m i It, .' iii'liii il pn .it tut .m aîîî c i lu \ti surifa'e tf gi-ai el cosi1- ili i il i t.ii ,tit tl' j fjiI Nhiiih nima t ii'îî I-o it s i i i to $*2,(ýI(I per nîll ' for T ii tt 1 ' siisiaiitti n tik sîîltvt'd 10loctal traiiu- t titi iii .tii.,iitt'i slittiihil 't 'tii-t liî.î.îî i 'ut'. i Xi i. ettiti i.iî:î . t t i~ t i . I t uit iii t ut-t. ttiid 1'- i. t . 'i I .ti.ti.. ut 'i.', , X~ i i i i i i t t. t *, ,ttltttilt.<.i t ,t t t ' i il i '-'iii i t" il Il i 'i i il 'itti, l't iii. 1' t i< t"' i t titi i 'i t il tlii..iiil X~tt t ~ ~' 't 't t't i itu .îi i it t( "te),i s 7ç r Iiîtîd biling itg u( ti'SStîiix c lia t, s' "<T l ir lif ' i 4n i e 5 i uhî 1Ii t i , q 1-t ii i i 1 i lsii s l ut i ( m 11ii i i qt '11wiil st .î t' siîîtî i d ii dte ut fii i i l 1î4't1î inti a t t i ia 1l i s 1, tii it h -rI i ud ii. i i l tit i ss \\ili" ii . .ii t. t gtt Tiic < i ta i p. t ;,!il C c' s tuu it iti i fd ilit t t \ ili ali i a ri t i l u I ll i - i mi tior ionti ;o d )1 1 CfIi-t t tl it m t1'tutu s iI i't i i i i l 1. tt .il t lt ý.lsl (t.11111 1 s i til Ilo i "o t 1il (l c i lîttîli i u.îm t i llli 1 ~ 10- i. i1,Il 111lu Io it <it i 1 th, C ti o g ri 11 oih.v J, i iii111111" fur I i- i tuttn i 't t ia i u i 1,11-1t t t <ti 1 ,.: 1li)t' ciii 11 s i .1' I itî..îî i i> t tîtînkîi tuti t 1 Il iii ' t tU t ' i . t iii t 1i i l e t titi itl <ii i ut I.ms i thît)c ý1t 1 .( eIi I l l ' l l ts t 1 1'ci1i)111 t( t tutul i d t tlîm ît t)I lit yi llmi10lit.Il i i I ii ii t i it ii Ii' I lus1 %se,. lii;L i i uut 111iltl l t,\ i ai e tif iii~ic i uuii îiiI i' iii ut 'l'iy(tuttiirliil) nîttîis nl îtuaierimuhly' tidlde ii t~ ~~~I. ;t ti ' ttbt i ui t taii Wni s i s,'ît i îtg tli ut'g'ii-a.l stanîdard of rouids iit 1 i» 11 t Iilic t1 lii itîa s uutttr<i.itg o10 A N'%% i lit UDt'. -iltes tIT t'tu.:.TEIt. St:ttliît ., il.i me titteh iat-luiemnder utar- 1 Thte 'cotty road expéndil ure ils y no tlt iii titi' iieil 1111itloi'ty 1Y thitis j neans an added butrden. No new roads ltt.îîiti lfi-lit *v il 5ti tonti e ndtio4i ltfiL- lare creitu'-d. riteronds are essentiaîly cîm i-1 'tmttht tîtt t(ri tilt s Nýfortm htî' ttîî e wxii hare tîoivmost lîeaî'ily tmav- tti-isIttIZlituiis rad-ltbd anud threfore require a consider- liii~~~~~~~~~ lii îîmitatcamistlttte'tn in ttw'îsîtîîîexpenditure for mainten- t i Iîî's ' utt'itiiit ritii 5 t' i t- trliite - tr p 'st'ii simili. Bridges i " t"ii~<mt ~t~iiii"itt'ttit îid tulît-rts on tlt.'mtustt be bultlnb I tt. 40 l iq , i t"iit tfrtlit t i ii t 'ed- sui-uthtt' offsciI io nauitl y' approptria- Ji tit t 'tuisi ruit bt"1 ,% I hi Ii i'PLd tiilo n an alluring prospect from its unique re- Leather fancy sewing cases at Bas- BIRTHS. lationshlp to the Queen City of Can- set s. BASCOM-In Whitby, on Tuesday, ada. The wonderful beauty and end- -- October 3rd, 1916, to Dr. and Mrs. H. less9 variety of the lake shore scenery Choice best ocean steamship Unes, Bascom, a son. eastwards from Toronto Is an asset of homeseekers' tickets to Manitoba, MRIGS untold value to Whitb. Mr. Hawkes- Saskatchew an, Alberta. Good to return MARRAGE way of ptttting it is weIl wortb repro- inî two montbs, at Siephenson's. S eDqsdAv.SKINte-Aer 7. 1916.ob dncing. Here It is: -- -MvilsaSltme 7 9Cb "ion would neyer believe tbe differ- STRUCK STRONG SPRING AT 11ev. R, W. Allen, Rohert Shields, to ence thai is made in the perspective FORTY FEET. (Nr. d isi.o htv and set ting hy a turn Pastward instead cbas. B. Ilice, the' deep welI driller. of m-estward as the steamer iasses of whitevaie, Pickering Tp., who bas W\NTIITIIY 1IGH S('HOOL FIEL)D AY Ihrongh the eastern gap. The prospect.,ltten drilling a w eh for the Grealer i Old 1robs spoilvd thinge last Thurs- as- von ltead for Niagara, je famniliar Canada Contipany on the Lynde Farm. day, by sendinag heaiy rain ii)tt 10the enoiigh Io eve-(rybody who has had sev- n >.î westtof NIr. John Rice*s, on the noon Itour, lime making impossible the enîy fit ectnts and an afternoon to nloriliern botindary of the iown, bas holding of the Hhzh St mool sports, plare.,lbut the hililsides of the' beachessrukaprtga forty foot depth be dîr sdfrlt f are iiikno,ý-n to he sotthboun voy- hat 1whicIlthad eifotha- arettnnow tothesothbundvoy t atbrings a supply measuiring a lernooon. A hiast y 15 0ftt<tiw as ,aiesz n 1 at1 b hosn housand gallons a day rising 10 within iaeullFia' td1wiiiie5 Isýl andes îhey become a sylvan rampart. ii't e feel of Ilite suirface. An attempt ( îtf sfra tossll nFia j i'nh. assaits vibich have swept the dig a mwell acording 10 the old method îarîg îr in cleu odi( ile I i-tes dlean from t he lapp)i)ig waves to faiied. Tlie long contintied drowth bas the hiotus of lte pituils, loti lie sk y fIe îahleland. The honses are hidden tint tnlany neyev(r-failing wells onttOf cleared î'arly enoigli laiow flip 1) foilaN The a' eniues. when you are commlission. The drill penetrates the -sport s 10 he carrjed thi h u ,tc(,f)rdiinz fa r nýoti ï1i oITfhoegive the' lm pres- low er antd inn re o\ erlulsoitrces Ofi to echedîtie. ston ou\N:ti s-d groiund. N'on know, of'sb rttatsiîix 1.Mr. itice lje VerV i'X odcodnt-dý t i -s.i nitte '\-are graced by Hie l)tsy tfiiiing orders' for drilled w elle' w gond roît -d attttdt'd i lt par ,n pssin k ti a d fro tf foilk s w ho are fro nt fa rînt rs i n t Itlie su rrotutd ing c olttt i w l, t t w're l ed o a t tIi' iow îî par ;t. ti r toih ( titf the iimbrageoiis m-ealth in t ry . leld anîd track ex tits,'Fhiere w et" a o itihlixdweli TIe chai-m of the 0I nittîtîti- ttf ctttîisis foîr il irlswhoi o n le it n lin' diffetit- ,>onnow tun- Fotitain Plse. t2Ç 10$6.00tiiatnriîltarettnles.m ilem- lriaidhen ii îalkiîig down the Itset .îi'îterif' for liotutrs nusiiostinli- iiii. ti cuinu lie acclît liv from the 0 -temes ti luz. ît ck gf .il i iiir ' îrntisiîtg veesel Il()\' IRVXING Ict'l'iH,1.i'N 1)itt Iriz' winiîere g~ t as fttliîws iiî:t1isaiune oiii v.Illeforeîgn Nî\rs. James Nîtiltîlait las i-t,'ittd a 1llroad hiînip <Jr.) L. Rvi.W. ri tr' ii >r front i llt adjiltitîutofutlie 16ifitît Sitlit, t'.tîiic 12fi., Il ilu i il ii e aii ~ g a st(i. Stai-horo Ilait;il loti, 'atad ian Scol il sh l. E.. Broad .hiînili (tpen)i- I. T;irveýs, F. iff' ;itl ii 'tiiî a i itnrai art' a1 -i tt i li Ondeath of lie'r son lrN-itig i dg . f.Xdtsoi 1 . f N.C it. 'îr'toti it' itirt Its t10 ob'kindîter, -hliolai, iiinai' the sttpr.ýien e ac- 1101. Steti) anîd tîttît (<Ir.)i- W. b s i'iiitzllg co si t Ijl'ii itt ls mt nuit' t niItIIt a tî. Ili tastC ollow sý i snithilî . h.Ravin, F. J100i,ît mi f't. j Tii. \iiîi'î.n n isjsil;itîionii 'intîîtiîtiding (liher desires nit'e o N10 idlrît ti'îi . Nm ii lra tii i-t liki'Scttrhoiti ('iffes are iii tuu lusit(ruer'sý iimathiy oit tt ii..ll'i ,\ Vilsîtti Ifi liii tim i ci1 iI up(r L as i îtfi"'i hae doit<'o muclib I an, w ho w\as kIýlitiliifil ctotI(i igt tmtI.ro.linîîF.lh 10 iitiki fir;iw tu Iiti 'r re'iitiwiid . "t ' ii i' r t, lt 1)1 W'as itistatitat-i _ jjjith 4 r. 1fi, i l. fii- I w .\0 ili iilit'y itînohit' le oriit itis, api et' tif cii ;î'îtratitig lits l it Jiurnttlottt I M. t s 1 ,ii titIot iiSt i nî' ilt\' vlito.li' us uirit'd ntiiirîo/ierettsi i A., ' -1 iu.Ifi l, ili i iiinul\,it i tefîînt iil tt.lke. ('h e 0 t .I I'oîg Ile it' sî'îîîîîîî5 iglttiitg ,inii at Ilii Yards Ilash it (ýiii A . W ilsoîn, t n t n tii,îl:i'cluiicî' o ailiecile l ittariuî'- ,it lias lit nu iiittîn55llile' is y et Wlitn M ar s itnii i lt frtîîîin lit iltî'hster eltainir, w'hit'î otr a<'is0 ana - lîwed îîî itu Yruds :a (J r) V. itîit. W. t',tiilîtg lt itîit'mtt'cosIy lîilît'f to bi' a9ond coidit'r.anid was Smuih, 1URavin. 14 set 1lIii iiiil duv, mis a citcs"Il 01tii tht turi 10111lar w il lu 1<is conirades. fi"; Milie Rutn ( Basset t -St ain toit rît h- "S't (titda tirst"idt'a. nl'-lt xvwiiih' iitit uailiota-dtstttialy 0 \.Wilson, Mi Taurvis. 7 mIni -s lo uth" îolîiiir liii nit t'the land llits lîtttoi In kt itnly fel. jOe-qiart'r tile rîîn(i.gt'n h t\ lit t'ils iii dEnttretttod bhv -a itopula- JoiIN . tn.eri-Staînutit ('tilt) M. Titrvts. A. \Vil- i iii w h liiIldt*'s niotrualîz' lion'mag "('tîlain anîd Adjîttant.- son iue 5scne flifi ltt i Is A letier lias aiso come front onte of 220 Yards Sprint <r) .Jititi.W. I ri ige clii nuis, Illeî. A. H. Watson., t Smtith, L. Ravin. 1,5 se'conds. statî.s iit ithi dit'd facing tht' foc. Hte llifting 12 lb. sîtl(r) X.Snith, LOCAL I TEMS n as uttimalimîg a machine gual, w ben aiF. Jtibb. L Ravin. 21 fI . 7 In. piece of sîtraipitel sheit struck hlm. Ht' Piiing 12 lb. Shot1 (opten ) -F. Juhh, XX'A REIEF OCITY. dit'dinInL few minutes, and dld flot stîf- W. 1lyde. 23 fI.. 4 In. Tue IgulRELIEnFhSOCmETYn.f u fer at ail. lie was buried that eveni'g Pole Vault, f Jr.)-L. Ravin, F. Jubb, The egulr t;onth metingof hi' h bis cttmrades. who feit deeply bis W. Smith. 6 ft.. i i,2 In. Whitby War Relief Society wiil be lis, as he was one of the most popular Pale Vault (open'h-F. ElvIdge. W. held in the Counci Chamber on Thurs- and' brightest boys in the platooli. Adamson, A. Goldring- 7 f L, 9 in. day afiernoon, October l2th, at 3.30 --- OfIL, SiEVENTT. o'clock, owing ta the holiday Monday. Watson's Underwear at W. G. 100 Vards Run <Jr.)-M. Waîters, Mllé. Malaval, a native of Brittany, Waîters'. M. Mcîntyre, L. Senft. 25 seconds. France, lias bp(,, secured 'to speak on --- Throwing Basebaîl (Jr.)- M. Wal- te needs of ber ntx land, and a The County of Ontario Old Girls' As- ters, G. Mattimoe, J. Long.. 98 ft. inosi intresting iaik is tromised. The sociat.ion witi hold their regular Throwlng Basebali, (Sr.)- F. Hen- neteds of the wounded soldiers are most înonthly meeting, Wednesday, October derson, M. Mattimot', M. MacGrotty. 86 uirgent. In a liastily constructed hos- Ilth, at 4 p.m.. in ithe auditorium of the f t., 6 1. itta basedofason' f hebei, Llbrary. 2." Yards Wtdk, (.r.)-M. l3onnell, where a famous Parisian surgeon op- - V . Barrackman, M. Walters. 1 min., 10 t ilt ;',lî mut it y. tiigt-r u't I,-(iose of tlAC IlIN ER tY. 1 eraies, the oîa'ratlng room consists of a1 tuit lus 'îîstitrk Ilt sioli "lx' uîatîî Titi'mciiiînery reu.iuired varies wittî tliink stretcbed between two deska and i ci' tiri litlu' uprotiniahl stiislid t 5ls Iothii'ne tp if rond itulît and material cor ered m-itb a comfort.er. 0w ing ta S I,ý i'it ofu i itlit' itti tii-t îsed. If rio local Stone Is aviillatihe. the scarcity of bandages, tht' aid anesi 1101 1'1111. it's.ti înt1 stone crshtittg plants wilI not hi' neces- bave Io be contlutuaily washed and me- mli iun ttii etis itigi-av t ti trougit a crusher and utnd no socks. Not one pillow tg ta be scr-n A ('atnty Ia rî"quired ta have fotuid ln tht' bospital, yet bere le overc The (IIIIN Sit'tlIS Ot-.dl tar ai vai one' steam raîler u'osting $2,800. 300 sî'mously wounded soidiers. and h itîtitîî i t;teilivr (lite)dFtrrvr Themeage (.otinty bas gradualîy b-nte place la always full. $ Cîo .14tîuîti) lite î'ouiitrythe' Prttt'- %t'stt-d about $20,000 In machiner>' and Came and bear the' needs oaI ibese h i ~~ rî~~î $t;6î;, mutlIIt ~tn.hîplntOftifir te Prov-ince pays 4() pour F-renîcb soldiers, and see if out of e loc. ctitihité- $66 ad té ((lu îtt'r t'eit. A judiciaus expenditume on Your store of plenty you may flot spare d îy t111.4îtus Ito etîttl $ lbfuît601 uîau'hin.'ry is ont' af the' most profitable a lîttie i-a add ta tht' comforta of ibeir lIViI itî iiidii u'cotiti titi tgts20ilier i liaIt anbi-made, a.8 proper equIpme.nt boapita li11e. cent if thé l,'to<tal cot'of <I iiiliturt ce w iII reduret'thte total cost af t.he 'ark, -.0- eî'tu îuîuuîd on ut siiimîr tuatîls anîd wiil prrduct' better and more dur-- V. 0. N. MEETING. 'Il tJiii t t'tg frat; i t8tilt Utc- n aabl- resuits. When ntal n use oni coti- Tire regular unonthly and quarl.erly cojjtuii mysîî'm l tsitîIaly train12tao U îy roads, tht' machinery imay be ban- mettings aofi-be Wbitby bra.ucb of tht'1 pt-r t otia tite itotlroadl nlleagt- of od ta toaxua, vi'iagî'a and townships X'ictortati Order af Nurses were belda tit' î'oîîîîî v.and tere'îure icoars giloine is1hing ta carry on apeclJ i.'tu- l lnie Home on Monday evening îast. 1 propoturtion tlte ut.iiiiîim'r af townshipseî lion. Bealde tht' ladies there were four and ai-un of th, oithc Thf'I'b' nrave- - Iembers of the' Advlsory Board present mvli ofV) er entor he oad vvll s N blea C astas -Messrs. T. G. Whitgld. C. A. Me- coninit)tl y st-r- 7 f, in-r cent. af the ' 1elw. Ja Igad0 .Gotl t raîlle Tite'average county li Ontarioaow basm about iii .mll.'s tif cotunty roada. Dy F. Howuti ,"çxr. .The' nurse, Mi s on Ma.cken.e re C'ut N'f- ti l uw IASKT sOÂPS, Ont' of the' most prollfic ast weil as ported a busy month. with a total of 1 Tite roada acstuittd art' sucb as will proficlî'nt writers on the Toronto press 2f33 viattu ade, &ad $65.60 cofl.cted ln c accommtodait-e tte gretlr part of local ta Artbur Hawkes, Hia articles arceo tees. marke-t trar et, cr,'niing ut sstetu aIof lmost every conuccivable subject ofin-a Tht' new senior aura. Miss Derhy. maint xmarket roada fur I arIn traffltt. leresita Canadlans'. Appeatinug la tce was preseuutied teut.e Board. snd vol- Thî'y are the' raads rdiatilnltf rom ho- Star and Star Weekly. with t@ lrgeat cotued te ber work lunte town. 'Rie cal marke't cetnres sud ahippuiuti points. circulation, ai hoasi for thet iraiof an> utîw sciool nurse. Misa Shaw. le ex- Tbî'y Stouid bttc onnvýt"Ct<a-6tsf ar as tbILL>r in ibis province. tcy are of par- pected te arrive about teMiddle of pmactldîît Lu- -oserve tt' niteda of ticular concemruta readers t[ ntiaito ctobrr. ttrongh tmr fa thte loc.alty' Th~ts County, wben., [n te casle or a travel- The N'. O. N. reception held for tce cotnt iîy aytt'ma abouid flot hi' contu.acd ugue scrle.,tiidei' the captioa7*ee Ca-n. Pare-uts a-ad children lit the nov achool witb aid rounty rouîul many of wh"c ada ViratL" [boy desi wit.h home grown aî Port Whitby wuva ottd by ail a have' ceuwd ta ta' tht'roada of greatenl seuefy 'fTieltj-oduciery article va» great sucea&. snd te Sclalusitere trateliieaded. 'rooeToi-oneto tteSeta- In heUt. hool and te pieturo preStsed <'0,41 P"s 141uZ tAs-ILIIIltdwetllwitbtec omnparutive nucrit.awer muicli aPPrcciated by both prtn- Tht' ronds cornmonly bulihiunder of the shore msonsryof! ike (Ontartc io, s- sad cholams county roadiisyte(ma art, nlot nece.5aP casi and west tri Tom-nte wheu ben Tihe donations. rcev@d this mouth ily exp.'uîsivt'They are uâus.lIy gravel f rau h cko User t.-rhzi m'm ltntuu'lliY eknowl.dged. ronads, -or broket irae roasd. well frOsi tat it y.- Hia uuquallflcd praisi. Cheque for $5 ro r . jm .King. gradd ani draîued- -suelias s erve ithe' aoUcthe rboro Cltff., as b.oeils thi'm. bute a-d gga n[111B.beets, appies net-ds of f armit ralllc Prt-emably ms-altoU o gt er1 vwyo u hl[is cotwstry 1Oer. Wu'atees, Pol.AtQe5S. bbags. té-iaI of te localhl>. gmt-el or ittokel kitova Ujetsby thename of Scarboro leaB. patatb«. cr-a>b siu.tresh fruiL stone, la uid Il thert- ta ta oca m, l eluata important uas mtuagfront llgi>lwood and as *1moste.eTo a»l Ut, ti-rtal. ad hi bas ii ttc brouxhi lu by tsaEngii.ahni, baua< or bis fr. gl- ktlreude w-o baie m thooabifaiiy rail, (lite rosI la gretee'.-blt Il litaable ompOUItIM etfthe. Casidh*itoen.- #'t'iit&inbfd thi e edse, fthe mW-ou-k.ia ah ared b>- itle 1rot- lac-t-ery w-lt te worid- tmous [ovclf&cteg ty w-tbeste tender lItcs mom' A numl"'r af district* ln Oala-rio, of te boute'la5d.Wlub t vrt.ain «. tiakat siurit as portion*s of York. lel. liaitoti. PatiSicit1 cari"da nd th*. coequpal and Welland. have rio local ta-Ici-l maiuluto he i.groIritet Tem on m utarr i aesLaoerrylsg whm AM for read-,nakitj. ilu uc-bcases an en- an e«««'!acoe.si&1s a*ode orvagsldty, 1 ala as MIlie rwash « là b" OU& tirely ne'uuroa.d muet b. bulît. Gon tson srrta letollow- fi t.e plandid «uata-l-dent w-ile opsrwiis a er«olr MW. a clay subsoilanid trrhgtitrates on i tutton of ni many heeis nias tae U.Tiatm wuvas c« t»us Iii. »M eaoemuat hi' added. aII tenâlu; letoi wmtna oft Utw-a. »sou sslas a vw .taiftug av» imuches higiter cost. antd saouting le I(mm laettons d w4 the r t ue À Alite $4,0l $.00 DC: m erMiU&. blhhy. as t e u* et wtbmev.4. J Un Vbai lb. daiMsm wami- mo lu other districti.. sutd as FrouteUiSL. qtal*ty quippe Ifersubui-bsn er-tO.suit «*»or mîbesibook& 41.aM L.s-urk. or Leed-s and (Grenvile.. ther" te s-agivelmfodelm Mrmpw#dh a vgm W, Coulas'*0 am leld card tram ber son, Arthur Wig- toit, date4 i9th September, stating he 'as admitted ta bospitat wounded. Within three days ot this date- she re- ceived i-be second telegram stating that Arthtur was dangeroitsly 111, but bas re- e-ived na furtber news. AUl bis f rlends tope i-bat Art.hur ta progressing fav- orabhy. In bis hast letter ta bis mothter he said. "We will stay with it ta the end, and we're just the boys wbo can do ut." ----0- New stock men's conta and suits at WJ. G. Walters'. Oh for Tha.nkagivlng dinner at borne. Tickets good going Saturday. Sunday ad Monday. Good tilI Tuesday nlght. l0tlî, ta return, for lare and a third. or good going and returnlng Monday ati single tare, toa nd from aIl stations hn Canada. Buy those and ail tickets at your leisure at Stephenson's, Whitby's up-town ticket and teiegrtph office. rry and see Stephenson 1efore travel- ing saywhere for your tickets. SeS bis ither advL ln this paper. -- FOR THE BOYS AT TE MONT. Furtber contributionts bave been ris- ceived by Mln Corwack for the Christ- mus boxes le b. meut W al Whliby boys at tefront as tollows: Mmn.. F-EHarrison, Cbooelates; bM. S. Trocs, large quaUtty of cigarettes, tobucoe, chocolate bars aud gmn; Judge Melntyre. :M mm <R.',) P. W. Allen, $65.Mun. U. GUclirIt il.; M .J. H. Gulllvuer, $1. Mm. D. IMowat . 1M. John Art. $1. AiU frteada or relatives et Wbitby boys who aime oversm arm agaha urgd to gi'-. the. sâdremsaof Ilium bois 10 Mia. Cormac et once, as it la bmw atIve ta k'aow as 8oo8 as ponbm how uiay boxe. will b. roqulred, PORT PMMI COUSCILLOR8. 'The ntîui» .lewonaa »W la Port 220 Yards Walk, (Sr.)- -F. Hender- son, M. MacGrotty, T. Procier. 1 min., 25 sec. Three-legged race, 50 yards-M.N. Waî. ters and C. Neil, V. Barrackman and M. Mitchell. T. Procter and I. Robinson. Besides the above, obstacle races wî're held for the boys and for the girls, whicb creat<'d mîîcb anîîsement. The opening of the boys' senior events ta the boys of thet' twn attracte< i mny of the local athietes. Personal Mention Capi. and Mrs. Gordon Kean, of Mal- vern, have been vlatting with the for- mer's brother, Mr, Jos. Kean. IMr. and Mra. Harry Harrison, ccm panied by Mr. and Mrs. Def ries motored dowa f rom Ibronto on Sun- day. and spent a few bourti with Mr. and Mms . . aHarrison. t I I>emry tauiPrldt* 01duSt.evacaale cumsd b>' iii.re.igaai Omcftourj CoMudioi te u tlahe cboie.et IL. o. utchuma.W. tI Paat.r. i - no# et obta$is celu s 1t m lut& #*& dm epoe, $1 mos WUifvi a> «MusiiaoA" àdaY s ms #*$&WUMet pem c ý& 000P4waV & O KINSA-LE. The sanliversary services of te Kin- alde Methodiat Church were heid on Sunday, sud wcre s-n unquallfied suce- cma. Rev. A. IL Fouter, of WhltbY w-as t.e pros-cher atternoon and eveti- ln& bi# sermons belu" very fine. The Brookiu Methodiat choir provlded ex- cellent muale. Thon w-cie good crovâ s-t es-ch service.- On Mouday, a upiondid ehîckon pie aupper vas partakea cf -b> a very lai-g. crovd, pomple bolsg present fi-m Bm-coUSun. Pceuin, Omis-a#4Whltb. -J&. short. trom faraind nSa. Ibe supper providcd could not have boom botter. It vas probsl>ly the Ozict e'.' served b>' tce ladies of te cureh. and everyoss vws mort [bas déchgted witUt Rey. Ur. Toiles prusdff ai te en. t«Ualssot vbteb followed. U. DY«i et Toteuts. amd ta the absres oë, oMn. Dysi" bor sister, Min.s Udi, wire the cal*elkit bj*hsl ectiosveon et Bul amus ". 0a ep i . iesaS Î;I"Zot Itbri spolte brfoY. Tb* «W.» slv'u'7bilabecu a -MM Om mi ' lb. bldie s-a&ai t», e«Afl « m tobe r; Your Businpýs Friond W&. Mookor Ion Thuruda>'and Frida>'. 0O"ctobut < tsad 2étt. Tii. pregu-sU lcha pca I lg.. O1, Uic cYciilg ettb*f ra%&W., Prof. Duehajiai. cd Qumlt t hi* w-ll i glean iiivsiraisl»«0»U*M. AsUwoly I* ',lth# 1 d#A docioek, s-ad local tainsjweitýbw to te et bltltewt 1mnm abul 1! 6' 't' ci t ; if '~ it¶. j Quaimgicau .9c.hofbl M$9"M NIEW STYL&

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