Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 5 Oct 1916, p. 4

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£~ WMA~ SHOWING- New Mail Suitings and Overcoatings NOW $18S to $40 t l.4 1 ' 1 t i uI . 'tt,' Ovor 100 patterns ai $18. BIJY NOW. Har Tc1. hompson Mlenswear Store WHITBV Nom Beautiful Walls dit Lower Cost Papes bas boem usqd teo or ma.because in thse paet t" as nathkllbottei at prices mithin reach ofthtie About à years ato, Fr.eo-Tbne, the wall finish C"g od«Mie" of beauty, durabthlty andi àpoferted. Although f ar superlor to papes, ts ceut w-"tao greater. Now wal-.paper hias risecu l alimaet potbltiv prlcw-ýbut the cosli cf Freso-font la >actkally the same as birfore. Fresao-tomeisnet a kalsanae. It la a duratAe ail fishh. o.o tise sof t. vlvety beautyet mate- colore vtth lh. lauik peameamace of high-grade oil paint. Il m« ybe ppSd dliii tu plaster, or ove poper, buzlap, o« mosi; bas ne porees fibres ta> catch dirt a-nd gsr, m .a-iwhoa soas mmy b. ws.shed mith soan mater. Fne.-?ooe lMma-" in 20Obe.autlul a Us i *"sy to qq* sad §bi omet &à omb.pmtothtr magf Fr.eoe-Tm e eon r fio roome titis FaU ande b.a s~p b "cm ont four whoe hou$# Yois can ego ue Fr..o.-Toue f rom MOîNYRESIIARDWAR1B, wVîîîriiv, ONT. who arc ouf IpcaI sg.ste. Ask th.m forýcolov-crds aad beekiet, free. là J1ENDNDETRS RiLhaa u :h~ LieVU H eF. GADSBV, brilliant Canadian Party Journalist, con t inues in thle J Octobtr nuenber of MAGLEANS MAGAZINE bis. notable series o!Canadian political îtudits. In tho Septotuberismu. lie deaIe xih ' The Duff Boom." ln t iia('ciober lemue ha etelle je a mou 1arliman %ray of fordes Et woyk ai Ilime prsentlfiieme it b.Liberil piarty utcanaalua the Novessibcr igoue be 'Ail have au articim en bm Çnaimrvative Party in Canada. Thtis serte.te unique andi of llvei ii5U d est, pa4Iy due te Gaday's racy tylo. and ;.artly te thelad t t poasaee4 -iwpde ' informationa ol a piqueant mort. Us Permanent'-Peace Possible? Stephe Le co Steptien L«baeSk give you fresh tboug6t egli mtia1l tuhisetsimulatiiag aad weiliufonned article ini li.UOaobmr MACLEANS. Amnerican Elections and the Great War. Agites C. Laut th ctbrMcLà,L & Hlw will 1Uhe (eimn- American vote go--do lilaglasor Wilson lbhue «Lael "sa W imson wai getl t, lier vi7orous miti, lier ' mouide" idoenaato«, aaad tib uttîaeu«tofber style take &Li atm eouln t onami nmà_îp# readuag.- - - - - Thue Man trons Athabasca Robert W. 5 vi j ba gipping aî-the-flon l batisin lbe (Ictober MACL1gAN'-tlae sloiy ci a (l'rizzied,%Wcmlmmn Trappe: wu 'a-ul overeas. London Stage Favorites aid CanadiauS oidienTe,'*'d'à ment 04 our Cauatias eoldleseLa camps,, 6ospilale astd eoraissesl bornes, by esttarse t&"nl la"g&es l're article atmoadstia la rtzaias. Jaqey Canuck (Mrs. Arthur * b7 "' " StImI1sU11 mamrby)-tle lrtW%%oannm&,« So'e ~ U'iite an Canada.A ,Hpe Meu&s a atndy of ~ iisforeettal wogta, S anti tip Unwbe i '01 gie iraîficahtt%%ouiema Nore. Mary E. L.'ae7-0,18Cenadla. nsent in W.esterna Callada. bwes. Rev'.IeW of Reviews Departmerit The lese i iluin luie bell uagsalee. eondeted f«i el yr,.dmi alwaya a fille &D4 eujtqanioprealûso b b.~.êk ALW&YS rend hMÂcLE&Ns IIAoAZIWI- e.aotanugs ina pirîlt dpurgose. A x'amuaisie. tfIl fr s ges ai lum Yod 'ili -and tbs magazine of jour =a4ti maMW in MÂýACLI3AN'S MAGAZINE OCTOBER NwmONsALI; isCENTS SUbsSCipTiON PICI it $14PIB YvS b. Mas PabilslagCe., I.mlted,143 Un bwti 14 ,.Tue. TMYB8nÂT, OCTO»Zà -ï, -Ul1. e - - , t p v - *oId vatler ePOs te..propom&Jah~d tO at -once, lbut above tiiê clamor Bdr. Con- Jh ibe st-lJi au oppeitioli agaiasi it 'bicA i ln'. violeeeould be lièard. E.. R. Blowa ..... Inubt b. dhhfcuît tao Éset lu-case, ipon *On. moment 4adj ~amn througia. T. Aird Mtdi'ray "a th ad r fl à ~WbaaIw« aColonel Fawll asei?.anienhairm Ce dmstmble andl pre.ctioe.bl. le 4btain, Liet . . . 'Wiy vas the m. Cere crttciem b. vîthbeld anti] tAie termeferredtiaol. Farewell tb sec 'hetiier MiIs are Nilly andl cxpleitly made thon.11e Counil eouM pie4g. the tovu's di That t t i Mf.n Nt4 ct eflusup a M)r. Aeae-'"WheS Mr.-QouuUny .OP L»Il . mm 11oS amfor ie-,um «-kflocthebbcCouacS] it trylus f<ýiute Ia ~ ~ - hlm iown. .Watubsd sec. - Word te g tnee the. SIOV ___It lsa s8t.y untrue. rMi'Cn1 Depuatlot. ~ t- "eM,.I l u tel h: t i& PCOL. - _______1 14slMd us Wei StsCo on. propceditatç he ytout etft«Srt 1vertOç Le__ e y a. in, ýAU i-r-eguIar.wf outil g-ethe uetMIothe MWataQ ibis fam t'acIer le remit>. vae Ue thoer Smasmber et-b var tante. a murnitIoea duoU tryhpce- tt ou w psak.c. M s~~~~~~ cb est e ere .slea te mak ie ermans~et ns<%an but -vhme e"molàs'. m ts ieuU4d. .uj6 ,' pradmet.-= tiLerwm m ot'ue 5 deual~desues formeiyla uuly "Na tbe "- _______ ti inx opponr lyoScre& te ;je ,naju Vae caprem o thlie c"Mai etut lpe s' lb. se eer bau l Cauti«for th evt*se ,.Gua duty iUlVoui Upen ie oboms; a lb. llam rsml*W aies te ou v u exul t hl . C eu x « Ms i n b u m *a b lb . gool forum in bav1su Io ldm wtb 41eutM bua.u prgoatduet » em1udît t a sIt lle charmcer',o» A- T.Lawwl&ILs. E. . eC-A. Goal. 'Ct ..s 411 m »U« er eru fee'. W. Domule, J. M. Dwaey,*lm >qt e 051t bnr FCalrPnII ou Mecie J. W. a4a ?aeI' ieius* - C o a Il. .- - sa 3m ghabe te b. u r M t duIbeale mbtit m twýer P1Mf Isa u ii eteffuaOs s i e rirsa b. pu a a qUuOthUu oteaumZ. - -zqn lie .mtIy-15h. ~ al 5 -»M .WMU, Proomtethb. ae o *km lse, - bpy *Ou 04 by a mm*% et «b«l' quo* kww 0o , « *a*~ WuSiu, sêOs 000 I w"awJO of the w e towflBET ht thel 1cause ed tbis m -f'IAMr.b -v lau.- Posal t-uionNum erbai been intormed that there was noo R aittA oo peraü'gâàthn tory of the City. ladies ln thie work, aMehat l Some weeks ago we announced t.hat To titis Mr. Downey replied that Abat asked to..arrange for coÇte$lng th we proposed Issuing a postal re.union could hardly be no, as he had literature on Trafalgar Day. toug number of thie Gazette and Chronicle. ln bis office Issued by thie Colamon- Council should start i4imW- e gooti In 904Whiby ad n Od Bys'Re-wealth Co., of Kansas City. He bellev- by a grant of $100. He ernbodiE tri 904Whiby ad a Ol Bos' ed the men connected with the concern in a motion, .and was eeconded1 Union. This brougbt together bunl were reliabie and trustworthy men, Bateman. dreds of aId friende wbo renewed their and the deputation had had no reason Mr. Goidring, however, thougi -,outh ln the happy hours o! feiiowsiip te îbink that an attempt was being tiere had been so ma-ny calis tip th& folowd. reunin sch s tatmade to play a bunco gaine witi theni. town tiat tic grant siould tha !oioe-d A e-nlo sui s talHe believed tixat thece must be an error made, and moved an amendm le pi seible cnly once ln a lçng wiile, [n the Information supplied tbe Mayor. that effect. and then it enlails a considerable cx- F oilowing one or two more questions lie was seconded by Mir. Conli pense. and replies. Mr. Conlin rose la his etd.aiso thought the catis were soi pense.Mr. Mayor," he sald, "I take excep- Dus that a grant ought flot te bc A postai re-union will] met only a lit, lion ta the way tbis whole thing bas "I think we shouid lettre the le ttme and a postage stamp on the heem carried on. Two or three mcm int hebands o! the ladies for t' pait o! thie hitby boys and girls w-ho bers o! Ibm Couincil had been wockini sent," lie said. "If they necd fii have left the oid town and Nvandmced on this thing for four or five weeks be- id inter, t wili support a grant fore I ever heard o! the matter. Thei On a Note belng taken the far. nevet- Inîimated tint there was any tment v as cacried, thuse oppu. If twenly-fîve. or 1fify. or cue hîînd- thing going on ln connection with Il grant bing Messrs. Cuntin, G,- rcd o! the4p Nvoufld eaci write a lettl-r, until they sprung lte lhlng ail of! a i-aiitt and Watson. -vven a short one, lu Ibis jiaper. said let- Fudden at a Coulnci meeting." Tie ladies -agreed la tako ch Hiere Ileeve Do)wney- was on hie feet. the colieciing on Trafalgar 1). lers ta he ptuhiihi d ail [n ane speclai ' Ihaî's nul true," he said. "The irei t i le undere;tocd tht-y wiii give issuiw o! tir paper. u-hal a splendid I ever hcard of tuis proposition was on .11(1lti la liithe gentltement m i inei Il %would be--next bhi aIling t ,tlie day liat 1 catled. lie Mayor intc 2osed the grant int'oîîncll. ictn cwgnvrlran edr.my tffice te discues 1." (îotuîIMAItIOî îN s. n.-îis ele'nw ilrsandredes. Mr. C-onin-'The wlioie thing shloul!d A pelitan ,vas preFcnied as]; li a%(, alre-ady rcIN-cî a starltao have bcen put up te lie whole Ctneii, strect lighis north o! lie C. P.R ivrahue r"-11!l :unvbr. wbich we nul confind ta a few. Anyway te mat- and w-as stgned iy tbe GreMaer hoet ake î'ur Chîristmas auniber. tcdentapalametosrongly. Coa., Oo. M. Rice and othere. Il o th oldboy an girà, herAI the t asl meeting tie promoters said -Corilin-Annes moved that 1w Il om-o! heoidboy an grih v-euthey had ordere from tie Russtan Gox be put up north o! the C.P.R. w rîîinF t s. coîîld eclcose a cecent ernment Nvorlh three-quartere o! a mii- Il v-as aise decided lu natif hcorof o! hmrsplves. il would ndd lion .NoNy thal turne out to he wrong. P. R. tiat the ightlng at the tiuctt he i mîresi o! ticir [eller. Il lii oniy some flniriRussia.' grounds le inadeqîmate. We aainappel t th hunred of n.r Downy.-"Tiat as also untrue. A letter was read frein M There veas no mention o! lie Russian Willii, w-ho remlnded the Coui people o! Ibis paper, w-ho were once Govcernment-' a grant had been made ta thE reeldents of the town or district, but Mc. Conlin.-"Exciise me, there most Battallon on condition tiat thi wbo now resIde eisewhere, taerend a cerîainly was'"qatr fte atlo ea lettr fr tis secWre-nionnumer. Mc. Annes.-"No, there w-as no refer- He caiied attention ta the tact enewhaliever te the Ruselan Goverti- 182nd le about la return te th( In te leiten you miglit tell tie men t. l'Il asit tie Clerk tet refen te and ta take tip quarters at Oshi titings your friends wouid like ta kriow- thc communication f rom tiese gentle- urged liaI elepe be taken to about you. Wbai are tiese things? Juet mca te prove It.,, Battalion carry out île agreei Whiereupon Clerik - White produced make their ieadquarters bore. thinge liaI yau would Ilie ta know the eaid letter, wicb etated that the IR Ibis conriectlori Mayor about them. Michigan firm b ad a contracl fram a said he had iad a telephonei Neyer mmnd If yau canît write fluent- ceputable Russian firin Col. Cackburn at Niagara. lbh ly r wll.lu ourownwaysyw-bal Here the Mayor raid he may have re- toid hlm ticeflattalidan was ly r e. n yur wnw-a ~ fecred ta the Russian Government ai be sent ta Whltby or Oshai yoi w-si ta say, and if tiere le any thec met meeting of tic Council, because Goverament favored Oshawà poilshing up te do-icave that teails. he gal the idea liaI lie letter had said was Icylng te bave Whltby el Dear aid Whitby boys and girls - lie order w-as f rom that source. agked the Mayor te lry tO firii wontt you send a word of greeting and Mc. Conlin.ý-Weli, tixere wae cer- itg tI Whltby wbtci would' tainly some reference ta lie Ruesian date tic w-hale Baîtaiion, iL.s o! cien te your olti frIende and a1c' fovertiment. However, ltat doefnot erriment wouîd rnot aîîow lbý quaIntances tri the aid 10w-n and malter. These mca aay they wil] builit be billeted. Sevenal places county! a factory caeling. wilh ils equlpment. menlboned, but natte were su - _ _____ $200000, and liat they wIlli empioy 100 avaliabie, go Mayor Wacren te 150 bande. No 11cm liaItle a gooti noiify tie Colonel ta that effi ht Looks Good to US. business ficm would spead tiat mch Th Counci was desiraus oaiy 100 bande. They ought le put up iacated tri Wittby, andi a m Thc proposai tae et.abllihla Wbitby lie building, andti ten ask us for aur Anrie-Conlin, w"a cawfled, - an industr ta manufacture a tcactar guacantce. But na, tiey warit aur 'Tiat the Mayor commun, fe-s nfrs ofra ne-guaranlee tiret. Wm. Smiîth, M.P., in an mn, for se n frin, 50facas nfo- Turtier, i feel that, Ite deputation bave lie lSJrid Batnflor-« mallon as 1e conditions andi terme ine vee 100hasty la going 1à Ludlngta)n. lered in Whitby." f available, seems good ta us. I thinkthle Councli d0eegafleO-a lw o! In lie meantime lt'2wii ltgvlng seen the machine ln course Of ie stembers te go on' .lh.i deput-atlon. wietier suitabie aceorn'%«¶ Il w-as ntIntendedte l aite a traînloati beseccureti. manufacture: iaylng seen lie com- an a free trip aItie expease o! the Conîroiler Morrie, of Han pleitd machine la opersiion; havlng town.'" an Idea as taelte redpcing ol seen lie expensive and techieal plant lic. Batema.-"1It la hardly worti cest o! ltiIng, 'aiclcibe pIat nequlred In lb.e cntrustion o! -tic'aille replilng te Mfr. Conlin. He tIbnks tie Council by icîter.., part, an havng "n th lare ane o! lie Counelk>iad Information UtheaiiPOintmnent of a GÏi pars, ndha'ingsen 1. lrg stffabout tii propouîlidhi sUite wÈeksa b.- mIiOdn, etC., etc, ttW 1eý1 ýcf ekîlied mzecianîes bueily ai vont fore il vas piaceti before lhe whois ways and meane of handling ln lie etiope. ve are consciaus of a Bos.rd. Tial le not truc noa fac ase1 sacies of!lilt under-Lkvekitm- ianging te one lie prapaseti Canadian kno'a. This deputation w-as appolnted Irai, ln order la effeet a ce conetaWhtb.W.aie io-at hast Councîl meeting. 'aiti power ta prices ta consumers. l l factorycy m eWity ear-t -atit i tIs numbers. Wby did nat Mc. Tie malter did net app otighty convlaced tbat lhe artiele'lu ai. Conlin maise naine objections tien. I Cauncîl, and Il w-a laid on mont perfect for the varlouig purpom& . sm glati 1 vent la Ludingiton. Tic îrae- Several communleutjns n for 'ahîc i 111eisItc.d.d; ve are salis.ter impremetime, ý, fariner, - mont front T. Aird Murrat , bs lie tht te lrgeordrs how tethefavarably. It dit! fh ýwb fuit tree eer, referIilg taeniatterse c lie tit le arg orerssbe-nta iemen and i egit ar mac-e bacees quît. as lie sevage pumpîag svaîiî deputatlan art genuine; 'as are con- satisfs.othrlly and muci mare quiekiy. Wbitby. vliýttedtiiai thora, la au almost unlin- If 'a. cahget the company hece Il viii The ebA.! Item concerned fteti -narket for thîs artleî- market be vorth:*bie." age o! gazoline at thlIs tî Mr. Bateman alec expiained liaI MurcaY atatedti bt # vas likely la b. Permanent and abldiag: Ivo a! hhe,four aulelde nie eze of M>1 MIt M ge and laetly, w-e feel asured liat lie lb. depultln baid prvvldcd. *.bi-e'n a.sàà uo- s i ol t e;nU-@men ma busliaeme and are ttanzsportation, ail tih vay la Ludtng. eleetrie evitches. qulte capable o! doing vial they say ton andi baci, an te t4%àcoàt uath ' Il vas lierefore ââGO 1 thç wi]. o.,Thm ar me w o!ofthie eêveçtk'en probably $5 a day for ernent gasaline tank aI th îiçy a-lUdo.,Theseare en h ime 1ùn eb.vas away, [n addition ta near lbe pumping station, i -are ln tii0 blg Ihingu. Tbey are lîve Ailetîmne. . nect eaine le the etsiMem vire.. Thez are associated 'aiit me Mc. Conlin s1111 couUinUed te b.arp on p1pe., vicit w-lU serve tol ~muirg,,~g New Price Augnf t,19 16 The following prices for Ford cars wiIl be effective on and -after Âug. 4, 1916 Ruuabont Toustlng Car Coupelêt o Town- Car Sedan 0se s$450.00 * 475.00 s49500 . 69500 f. o. b. Fosrd, Onftarl These pricee are poaitivply guarantt' agaait ai yre. daiction bef are AnjuatlitI, 1917, b t Lhore in no guranlie againet an advance iu prie. aauj time. W, Je LOKE à SON, WNITEY, ONT. DEALERS ,ýTREASURER'8 SALE 0F LA NOFORTAE il' Dy vrtue ofa warrmx(under thèbhaAdot thé dW 4i th@ $1uem it ~tpration of thie COtuiýy o«Ontario, datel ltt a5oteter»er, ».14, I = &me. te 1ev2y upon thé I4noi r4 e dl e101pDolt tog Ot~rum ofettaxes thereau and IOt8 A" hoehIù,0« rtlà 1 iehery Ieno- c lme»s scb arrearelad cotare sooer jad i kcompi$a feth the Auapepnt Ad, prQCeedto elli bY publicancio, e SmJs rmqmucb Ibereo e mey be necemeery' for the. taxeI at the Court 19MI 9-19be Town et Wiltby, on T"uay, December 2<th, 181, tteb u4 'loci lai the atternoon, ~ktLot 'r*L ot part Lot -% - U i CO. H. 2 CO&. Aces Taxes -Cobt& . Totl ai r1,m 40 - 12,03 2.56 46 TowNBHIP MA" zrwur~~.' i 1106 us i4~ st4 TQWNSBW O? WBITEY -. Ac««s TaxsCta Ttl..4oriàe' Cou 'O WNSRIôP %A 12 10 17.44 I(3 2»,02 8«4@mE. A.mM MIL mou 1.tbg1I,21.Cni~ psr~ re ~se tht~new ~ in,.: ~s by»&-rcft manufacrr iiCai 'dlE have secured the azeflcy for 'National LlghtV Yand 6Silver Light' Coal Oi. Bath are im- Lported ails and Just. a Little Better. The ncxt trne your can is empty, try it, and you wvill see for 3 ourseif. i 't. LINOLE'S HARDWARE It was expected that Mr. Creelman, Mrs. E. Cooper, Commercial. who Is the gentleman chiefiy interested John Collinis, Central. in the proposed new tractor Industry,- wouid be In Whitby some Urne this FIBY week, and the Councl was adjourned W. L. lanson, Windsor. Whitby. to meet at the cati of the Mayor, de- J. H. Perrin, Royal. Whitby. pending upon the lime of arrivai of A. Bande], Whitby House, WýbItby. Mr. Creelman, when the malter of the Ot-TSIDE. proposed agreementl cari be considered C. E. Hepburn, Brocit Beavertoil. more Inteiiigentiy and 'effeetiveiy. U. R. Way, Wayside Inn. Beaverton. 1 Geo. L. Roach, Brechin. STANDARD LICENSED HOTELS. Robt. St. John, Mansion House, lJi- bavetake outbridge., The foilowing boesbv tknot B.ascom House Co., Bascom Hcuise, the Standard Hotel Livense 'in Ontario Uxbridge. County, which Includeà the r4¶llngs of W. D. Jewett, CanIififgt-of. North and South Opt.q.rio,, a ' d Mr. W. S. Todd, Goodwood. Louis R. Luke, of Oshawa, w ifi bave W. H. Pangmafl, Sunderland. those under his supervision as Goverri- W. P. Foate. ZeDhyr. ment Inspector: Mrs. IL Gordon, Udora. OSHIAWA. Sam Mosure, St. Charles, Port Perry. F. W. Barron, Oshawa House. Jos. Stone, Sebezrt Flouse, Port Perry. OLO If you va)uld iiito ne, pIoased and gu your oit That i.9 store ar that are If other broken I ns and-,o you if 1l The chai n Th e 1 Tic regul 'Whitby W. Agnicultura -Oclober 111 quesled lb -atiçe of lie j oc Big stockt lins' choc si 'Net] Ycllo Ia Whiliy, ders mayb .AU1 w-rk . Il wihl pý 'Spectacles .Willis', dru Frcee W ter's Foun Imperiad F are guarai andi opticia 'PIger Br Waltecs'. Mr. anti vicw-," Whi ment o! tb ta Edigar Ieton, sont Austin,W take placel Jiiel rec boots, the -eviry a I am ai .orters for iy. Place * disappo[nt *customfers -thie Peace 3or write - 476. Buy yoi Free-f1 batie Of 25c.boa -g £151 anti Mr.a aid Wblt -day. cali mer daisy tative of tailors,a canal te years se! found 1 'wbomh i Just r. -Glasgow elstry an vwide; s silit anti -Bee Nt - .ettc la plusl B Ibe.- ' N ational Llght,' 25e per gal,; Sliver Lightl' 20e pop gail.; gali. for $1.15 gali. for. 90Oots c- mx m ri .t, 1 i Bette", but no hlgheri' n price. i. Xy a Ulm

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