Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 5 Oct 1916, p. 2

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er usdt er hanging f-cm lier boit.t lutIn Isnstance the bag le alineet Md Interestlig proiies are contained i ~i the ~wa~ds rBut hem arne meri st in a statement from Petrograd by. eirLU PIIJ I ther forma and ahapes of this Im-f Professer Paul Mllliukov, wel-knownJ portant accessony, which, If iV doeeE as leader of he progressive pasty ian noV exactly mateh the costume should,1 the dumna. H1e deciares that is ,e haayeet aroiewthi.Sm party willl support, and, iiaving a Wone of f aehlon are. o-day, verlatt teve hroniz ae owiblacV. e majority, wiil pass, a bill for a genu- 'y interested, la hs "two materi-l" ver t trusteev eadon-sreof blaI e l-hs las liberation cf he Jews of Russia'dr-eses. Has noV Paris sanctl1oaed voet.wih 1 bead rand-ef moire itii froni he wqii-known restrictions un- them and put forth some of ber beat clrdbaa a om ifylti der which hey have go long labored. 'efforts in hs fasbionlng of new ver-!c-ain asetreyo uflso b atn1 1heufo heeInmca < acrochets'd bags there la quite anc According Vo Professar Milliukov man with an oye Vo'makln.g aven berj attractive aow st yle worked la varlousE Vhs "Pale" wilI be wholly abolished, last winters dress who looks with ap- brig.ht colora fonmlfng solid rows that1 and Jews permitted Vo live whenever pr-val on Ibis style. To ho sure, ehe go round and round. The bags ai-eT la Russia they wish; "some of hs may take advantage of i. for thîs runfnaoneihs-be rewd educatianal limitations" ta wbich Jews hion holds g-es-V porusitilities for ber; rud n oL- hnte r ie are subject wnul be remnoved; jews will but. needieeta cay, it was noV orlgin-1 'etpl rw tgte nacr be permitted Vo "engage in sny trade ally planned for lier. ru1 hog igan h otn a fliit&hed vith a long tas-sei. In velvet or profession.' Uomb4natJnius cf malpirals ai-e used and stlk hegs there are sa umber otE tri dresses cof widaiv differeni chai-at'-odd. lirregiilar chapes nas reillas aval It nmuet Le aated, bowever, that he tern,..qulte as o flea in thesont' plece aad round cnes. third promise can bardly Le realizsd uniesseVhs second la made more ample, Sa long as Jewe are barred f nom any af hs educational oppotunitles wbich Russas rny afford it is exient that some profe-ssions nl aili ho classa ta hem and that he "areen for tal- ents" ili still bav-e its artificial bar-- riens. Jewish commuaities la other lande and al persans attgched Vo human freedom tvill nece.qçarliy ake a corne- what expectaat aMituado toward <bes latest Russian promise, remember- iag that wbile hs durna ray propose other powcrs finally dispose and aise hs pafal discrepanciea that have s0 oftea appeared bets cen Rassian iawq and their administrative application. The case Is onue in whIcl i-prmise miuat he rcceived wîth a certain skep- Siism antilt-eified Lv performance. However, it is celtainly evidenced that thiage arter he preseat nar nu L e cansiderabiv differprut la Rassis. The ruiers of Rassis are apparentiy ne- alizing that ihe case cf the ( zar's Jewieb autjects demands attention and that certain charamt%-riF-tics are he predunt of tLe oppresgicru to whiîh ths Jews have Leen sahject. These ingenuous ceaie smeng hs pit itists w ho have liss aiasurîng a wan-weary worid that if the raieraý m'ho started hs nar rcaaiy kear what aitual war meani the-y wouid îucF pro- voke iV or keep lu aup are arlzaing withetît their hast. Ne', r inanil hie- tory have thoce at the head cof things kacra wbat hs aituai herrors are mors iiîirlutely thari iq the case just no0s-.. Thore il netu a king or aut cm- peror or a premident or a premier who bas not t'osa la the V sacthes aîud at th(, fiuntina ail seaeîîa" and on ail oc- c-sionsq The' recenit visit cf King tGeorge ta France mnerely r-epeats a previcas trip te Vhs fr-ont, while the Kaiser's actuîaiparticipation inu he camipaigna ia t-bs east and la he s-est bas lusen one cf the ietriklrîg featares of tbe war, and the Kîng "of Iîaly bats fougbt aide by ide w-lt bbis saujecte. For pathos hesusfft'nîngs andi flight cf Nichalasq of Montenesrrtad of Peter of Serbia are aueîsel nd als mach might be saici uf the quiet endurance and hopefuineas of Albert of Bel- giami. No-, whether for wesl or wae hs kingg kaaw whab ri-mearus, and hs kaowleulge bas not iesa-geru-'l heir determination cff lght iV out iii a udur- abie peace if; in sîght. (,OVERNESS ON C<IU>WN PIRNCE. Mad %Na>g af Kaiseri;Huiir Iold la New LBock, ~Vlt-cris i tuttic- teul iniknow ing about such thiruge iithte Prussian Gros ru i'rincc-'s squial fot niof aîgbt- more, wbicb îsa a ureztrm about white mut-e, will find pik-nt:v of entertain- ment in a n(5 loo, k.-inlathec-Eyrie of thie loblenicll,.-îu Hl1'-- lrrm (htels-r, I14 t, a uti Ia short fime lefure the- îutirtak of wma;,- M sa i3rimlule wue governes-.4itg)the- chilîti n af hs Crewna 1r uc--îad l'î laess. Mfiss liimle, lîke oîur tr lirt1rs, canait mtke ann eiugagiiîg pr,u*t aaty of the il ibl' t'h11e tr-t Priaice hi m ,c-If - Ilis 'i uit la( k --f i-i- rt. i f- oa i s is il- l;-f i ----- i i t, v LÀ,f th l"ht- I l, . o- . , r,---lý,-'11t o ) fi i n ' 1 ai. ,-i i, i v( -rtt. l i i fro-k for st-set as la the dre-as i5ý These patt-ras wuay ho obtalaied qulred for mare fermaI rean 0Of the' frorn vatîr local MeCa'll* Dealer or frorn fret type le the esmart dreRÀs cf cloth 'The MiVall to.,-,70 Bond St., Toronto,! and satin Iiiusraioýd bore. There le Ont. a suFges-tIon eoftht' mllitarv Influence la ibis dresç. to). vhimb accouais for a part of its charrn, sÈhn iil THE SUNDAY LESSON tavar tlil a source ofinspiration! lo 'fa.-u ion designers. Perblape h te lte erdtnary- iowncf bLuttons p-laced ITRNTONLLESSON qlraight doan thç' fi-cnt. perbaps Ilt8 teRAIOA flha four poroela siîh roinrded laps. or OCTOBER 8. yet Il msv ho the - shcilder cap-e, or al of tho-se togepther. that give the sctd i ie-rtv linge ta tii dres. Oase<an Lessoni Il. Paul Before Fetlx-Acta' readiiv tîuiagie the destgu de-vt'ioped' 24. Golden Text- tai satinad serge,. oi]Nt sansd mioth, 4.16 -'~ Verse 10. A speech alnsys began 1 ID MC-C LA% One-Plece Frock of Cioth and Satin toIt-ci snd satin, ren ay anisof tbese manrilîs tn twunetones A lIghI andi a dark Kstad*-tif gI-av cl', have bteut 'as- oti 'ouiaucm-o1Sfutty hy Pariien de- Figniti-ln tauicti a di-esa as tbis They have vvea ceîîuhined twvo d1fferorut col- ors such as tan and brown, dark gi-ean auîd gi-av. and nîahuogariy andi gray, Ptut tLe atmateur should beware of eoar- bhuiag tIwo < utr nises they are la perfeci lîranyii. for the reswuit may tee t-estty differeiti frtum what the banda c>f an expertea<-e<lceibinen of <'loi- would pi-cdu-c- la dresses fotr foi-malt-oer, tue ees othor onnvtli.auteae q A white tisoi-gei- te i-roue t It>utIn lt Russ'aa style waà oa<mb)tnetd ms 11hsMtrik satin> akirt antd thes tîca.- was edgsd sith e nide banti i-f black stilli There sas a shoulder capstufos hile lberg'-tto edgýd ith' cun, t',huch t tuuuut ig ulsuî thasheci ths tu'ng ls'i'Vo" An ttirdr-sas eeru bat a otuîî f tubn uiu e sclutfosu. ao un Ruitsian style, s-ana aven a ski-t uf liiî' etettht-sainiesh&de Pur f'slg" thde tIFne A tînite l ouu f fabluetwhlh' let 1utu %,t îg a 5t i-ti gappt-aI ru theLe,1-s iini-ý-i'.I stnis, lthîie " forColai-et o-unrtldtru- asm. hi-t-â4 îimmlag An 4;tuuu m-hatî-ýtn i-ru thetIlustrattan hue-r'- f anut4is t-o drs-sa su-lî au-t relg'i-,tr;t ott',tf b,-,.m- duq-tAientare oztkleir Liat'Ic mrrge om persan or pensons addres-sd la mon- tract ta hs barrit-ton Tertuttue,. wluo bad dwoit witb sudacioas faisonueness onu thuopeace- the administrattin cf PelUx broaght ths nation. Paul sys the only tuu thiug he coald say ia fav-' or cf Fetix as a jadgethuaI Le Lad thue experience of nany years -about sev on. 11I. Thoas cane-V take kiuowled(ge-- Felix l kno o lonta o Nefy ibis staternent. and a" the alleged ci-lae is s0 uecent It cesa.nsiiy ho tavestigated. Twfslve days--This Involves making the 'fit-e days' of verse I couai froua Paul's leaving Jsrusaiem. 'be days are thas accoantsd for. Fins-t, Paul arrives at Jorusalen; se-cond. meoies James; thIrd. takes Lis vow: seventb.- is arrested; eightb, faces Sanhednin; nintb, leaves Jerusaleni for ast lime; tentb, arrives aV AnipaVris; eleventh,' at Cassar-sa; Vhirtsenth, stands before' Felix. 12. This answers verse 5, bat con- fi nes tbe iseue Vo what Pehix had ta try, stuipped of rbetoricai generatIty. 1..iers Paul challenges proof that ho tr-led ta profane te temple or la any a-thon way endaagered hs peace of tLe city. This wae, of course, Vhs anly point ln ooaasei's brief wbicb' Folix Lad any pi-oper concera with. Uime even a "pagan" ereek peet COId 1Pento be eousins. Botb are descend- write, "lie mùot be pure Who enters, ed frotn the atàth Duke of Bedford. the incefl e-bftaUi4ng shrine; but -te Mr-B. R~ussell lu the grandson of the be pure la to have boly thoughts";1 great stateenian, EarI Russell, better for Paul Its purpose was onlry tender- known as Lord John Russell, who was nem for the feeling8 of others. Jesiis twlce Prime Minister. had once deliberateiy omltted a sltm. nis Moenitor Cousin. Ilar ritual, ta give bimasélf a text for But bis cousin, Col. A. F. V. Rus- a most Important lese-on (buke 11. 38).- seil, who has been chosen, by virtue of But certain Jews f rom Aeia (saw nie his office, officially to admonish hlm, ln the elty with the Gentile Trop- is n brother of the present and son of himus), he was going to say; but the the late Lord Ampthill, the latter of new point swept away the intendea vwharn ns Lord Odo Russell, was the concluslon of bis sentence. We are first British Ambassador Vo the Ger- Re1g ndBny littie Bunny got UP courage eiogh alwaye findlng this characteristic of man Empire. It was while he wasRdesadBnY hog h oeit Pau's -ehrnece n bs wlttn (r~ mbasadr tat he reay o Belin Rediegs was a big mallard drake, to push bis waY truhtebl rt Pau's ehmene l bs wittn orAma .ssaortha th Teat ofBeli nthe boaster and the bully of Vhs fan- the grassy yard. H1e looked al rather dictated) letters: Luke bas got was signed. And an amusing story i egtbsnm rm h eprud btRel5 a o nsgt hedrists had very wisely ieft these bimself, then Premier, represented orange olr fhi smtaeg.deb he h war sun ad ths egren miaterial m-ltnesses behlnd. Thsy Great Briî.ain at Berlin. And he pro- two ducks he hïad a fine trne grubbing r1s- mae'hm fret ailbis fears. would have collapsed under crosq-ex- posed ta address the Congresln in the grass behind the barn and How gooci it was to sRtchslg! arnination; ad even if their well- French-aad bis French was notari- swimming inl the littie pend by the' le jumped laVa the air aad skipped dri lied story had stood, Felix wouid ously Lad. There wns rnuch constern- 1roadside. wsvr ru f ba k aad frTh, anc had lsowae floi ondemnn Paul for profaning ths ation among those who wished well to .Redlegs tsvrypo o i he adov'. nThea, whc hsonhad topped temple. unlcese as an item ln the the British. But Lord Odo Russell wiagsl, which were sa strong thatw,( he ooiatts ga nibbe sanie tger ang charge of slirrin-g up a riot. was equal to ths occasionIlie went could fly almast as weii as his nd fsho t fgass, ef jumpcd hihr andt 20. The Sanhedrists nere no rom-' ta the British Premier, and pointed cousins. He bonsted to the biens and bfante ta bfre. Fista ad fast- petent witnesses of the tact aileged, out that the' Caagress wouid feel hurt picked quarrels withb the roasters ull-erhcwnfitthswyadhe hut Paul chpIllnges themta t conf,,ss if "the" address was not delivered in tii no ans in the barnyard famiiy lik- tha wyandoifotahe ~n ba ur- thatthei ony vedic agansthlm nglih "y th grates liing as-ed hlm. Most of ail he enjoyed piaga- ly flew round the corroftean n a hl kl ec ag Jst la tn Englis b he SatDenulivsiog magsuf-coloned rabbit whene hc had never been before. m-ý nareliglous cag.Jstas n ero nlilaSoDsalis e nigBunn ya littie bf uti rn the trial of Jeties. ths accuised was English. But probably he was not that iived in a snag houe of bis' MY! WhaV nas thRand tue t fo cendeînned on a charge which neolia- taken in as ta the neason. D)id the onenteban-lttehsewth of him wene Redlegs n h w ma-n would loolk at. and before the mon ever ix-e who couid 'take in" wire netting over the fr-ont and a ducks! Bunny was s0 frightefled civil court there were fliîney after-, i)z.N," glass wîndow in the end. that he tbougbt his hsart was going Élioughts ready. ---' - Rediegs had a waY of banging his ta jump right out through bis silde. 21. Paul te no-t bers admnlttiing that ___________________fiat bill against thbe glass window and He tried bis best ta stop, but la spits lie was betrayed into a wrong lin-, as of hissing thnough the wire until of ai'e811 o ewntsiia n sonir' conînienitators have veny absurd- Bunny crouched il, a corner and shiv- right amcng the ducks. Iv tnferred. The resurrection of H1 1I ered with fe.9r.. Then what happeaed ? Did Redlegs Jesu W5 he osi ointat ssue an "Ho, ho, Master Bunny!" Rediegs ýtara and attack Bmnay ? No. Thene Jestus m-auldtceaîlathrouth theisaettinnd "It's were frightened cries from Rodlegs the Jpws. 1usd devlated Iocandor, olca truhhentig woud avecofovsdthe.Sa esuslucky for you that they made your and the others, and a great fiapping cle-srlv saw bAt 5 9,edPu sha ouse s0 stroag! Dont yau ever lare' of wiags, as ail threers>eVY n reliter, d eor Arppa tArie 26. 7 ). Atm.ta came out here in the yard whsre I ta ths air aad fiew ta the safety of the h fthis Heoe A i em Asthma le a very mrlous and baffi- ,.l tVle pond where Buany could not go. til. andfo tuas liy taccused byJensying disorden. IV cannot ho properly arn. uny a tral ad ctalv ccs-d y ev-s"treated until ths uaderlying cause bas Bunny would answer nob a word, It nas some tirno afterBunha ______ ~ee dicovred an tht cusemayand at lasV Redlegs would tire of mak-, made bis way back ta bis bouse be- luen isere widh eachcsue Any iag throats and boaste and wauld fore he could figure out what it al he iffren wih ech uffrer A- stroli off for a qwim la the littIe pond meant. But at last be made up bis RUSSELLS PATHlainan cafl undenstand that infectio passages by io down I)y the roadaide. mind Ihat Redlegs was a coward at IfTinhaing dut right bring on an at- One day, after a wara ain ad heatand had raly been fiaid of tum cfastrnalaanyaO bo e pe-softeaed the earth faonr of bis bouse, hlm, la spite of ail Vhe boasta and IS NOT ROSY ON disc ofdthm a btnyonlayaa ould reBunny feu ta digging la oas corner thrsats. Aften that, Bunny feR ,no gaspse tot ibuotnevery oran o Vh near ths nire nettiag. for Vhe wanfr mare fear, and life becamne mach hap- HE S OTALOW D O EA e Lad tayat iorne time organofthbe of sometbing betten ta do. Before be pier for hlm. HE ISNOT LLOWE TO EAVEat the reot of the miscbief. A sthma kaew it, the eantb baci caved la and, As for Rediegs, he feitsvey sue ENGLAD. isat diferen tuestraceble t ~hethere was a bale big eaoagb for hlm'that only bis strong winga a ae kNLN.idee t tercuationt ther-to crawl throagb.. hlm from a bad beating wben Blinny kideys toth cicultio, o te nr- At first he was frightcned at what came dashing -round the corner se vous systsrn.. the digestive organs or hs had dons. 1He did noV dans ta yen- mndly. He bore himself very meek- Hia Viesa Have Got Him Into Dis- Vhs lungs. Vo errons la diet, Vo goat or tare out for fear the Redlegs would' ly. and made no more boasts or favor With the British ot ka ist io pope.renenvoas pouace on hlmn before ho could tbreats. for after Ihat day healaiys Gevramat.i l teperrnet, nd hei fanii bi» arable bai-k again; but iV iooked had a f ear that at any time Buany Govenmen intry is ofenpan they shoid be -very înviting outside, aad Banny was might taesit into bis bead Vo came The athof tosewho ppoe co- tugh ta uar ther gnera beitbtired of heing a pnisoner, Rediegs' outand tVckhm- uh'Gaa Tceîpt thseio ppsat ianje non-i tauhtto. nus noneeri eathhere ta ho seen. Little by 1panion. - ntb ret mreVotak exrcsestrs no noV oas that is strewn wiVh roses, as hs Hon. Bertrand Rueseli, only bro- ther and beir-presurmptîve of Eari Same thi-se montbs ago thi- aristra- ratio pacitist nas t'laed $500 aad -este, with Vhs alternative of sixty- one days' imprisonment, la respect ai a llet ni-itten by hbu la defeace ai thase wha abject ta serve in Vhs Brit- ash army. He iesa prominent msmbei of Vhs so-caiied "No-conscription" Foi. onsbip-a body whieL includes E uumber cf weii-known "cnanks." Sev eral members of Parliament beloni to iV, iacluding Messrs. C. P. Trevel yan, Arthur Ponqonby, Pbiiip Snon. den, and Ramsay Mac-donald. Natur aily its tenete are noV looked on niti *avon by a Got-erament wbich bas it handa full in enforciog conscription Mn. Russell bas tvritten a book mail ed "Justice ia Wan Tim e," in nbici he advocates an eurly pence witbou ay seriaus neakenîng Va any of th, rest panera iavalved, and the for nation for t.he future of a centra wonid goverament, "able and nillinI te ni-uns-obmisence by tai-- -ouru-cOfethis volumne he a -n.o diuth atrocîtles have arr Lotit idte," but seeks t the au,,.k.,untu,-on-tf aoiue on i 14. Pauh non tnankly admîts the' part of the Iniadment about wbicb te Jemns reafly careti. bu-t a Romunn jutigo noulti cars uothlag, as Paule kaew. fnom exper-tace. A mach hlgb-t or officiai. hs Proconsul Gallo. Lady decid%-d that Roman justice was noV i-anc-si-astiwth scc things. Buta Paul foots Il. necesser> ta dIspel hs Impression that Le belongedIo t a ttur- baient ad bigoted faction. The Way -the te-rn doubtl'etea starteti tram the' Lard's deseîlptlon cf liti-self la John 14 6. lu h a away of salvation- la Acts 16. 17. both nords thons being remtnîlscenes of phrases eonstantlyr on- Peul's lips. The te-im meets us'- outalde t'hristtanity (compare the! Buddtias . Noble EIgttfold PatL"). Set-ctDerit-eti fiom averte meaningj ehoooe , iV suggeis the ptgheîuiedness et people wbo choose theîr oan a y and care aothln.g for VIle opinion of otbem -indl.IttaJilsm rua mat.i. t ta thuas <ie exaet antitheste aofthe grenît Chisltian word catholic, whlch bue un- bappiiy been nionopoiized by ths least rcluajirUcti ntse worhd. The Goti o+r fethers- Sa thet the Way la no by-eVb. but la a straigbt lias witb the past Las 1pratuhets- - A' troquent andi comprehieasivte r-u for (hos Olti Tfftaiensa as a s-bale 153 This tersze malles It plain thaît the btgh prieetait a Satidures was tna 1 lotiall rlnoriiy on the deput-atiou The l>harlesos rîtîglut ho tur-ned agu.1nst tLe' Setdacees , lut de"au.-but tiihen Ilîi- lett Vhst Sanub'-dr n It w"î Paul they hiatc'-d. ra iAnanlas Ths'y badl sp-, plil e lltht- pawer tbetIIadthe "--e I shon i heir uuucc-iicloiusim olliLth Sadduss-f-à.. titiJe--i tua deauli, lu't Aa> thiey sho ioxk iL.' rt'el tend nom o ttl jusu aid tnjuet Tlt*' doctrine (-i-ct c-leriy laid do-sui. teis is- t-.ti-tes b Ia'lui fiai)12 2.l' h Stdur-ett. ni~ ~ ~~~~l pl-Jmun-Sal u areligion. rf- fusw'd IIbecsutg- lley cosildtinatitind it lutInu' to ata its'oco tue .point of b.- je.l4.rae thi.m Mark 12 v, 11-- i it ail'; tht, .i-r<'tt-d I1i. -ir c uisj rpobe mueîct4unu-dcm ti hs rePoi- <s uuucatc ryte. sudsVi's are net #-!y-aapiu. ceptble tu thr e Gcvernubeu tUs uap thPl ytry untir15c aon t nt. I$ l authan ;ot emmnettat 'lt0-ar <s-s anti%&aur, sa %aru.> -anti- ' de 1- ft ,they art altuot iiist-uttltgà maârtyr tuf lMr. RiueI .Il lit'.t, '-. r'edo! lis(amt..r-d"e -~ ~~ vtt fil* fitaaih ba ditm,-ua-h' c~ ~ ~~i tJntr-isn-- ts Iotioh fa t neA - (hcIfr-îî,t uu -obi)Ot" -' ste-C h.-hîîULy - wili strengthen hs chestu muscles and Vo tive an oatdoor life as fan as Pas- s ible, nitb dailv exercise that stops iiaQrQ nr uî ' t'- uea hev h-ul V e .1 A SYMPATHETIC COLLIE. How "Max" Helped His Mistress Vo iiever lot thoir feet geV moiti or net. Beai- a Surgical Operatioa. Astbmntic people ai-e susceptible t'a An instance of Vhs strikiag sagacity s digestive distarbances. and their diet aad aimoat buman sympathy of ber fi must ho light and simple. Ses food, extraordinary c-llie, Max, la fui-aisb- m especiaiiy choul fish, wili sînnys brng ed by Mrs. T. P. O'Connor la ber a on an uttack la soine people; and hey book, "Dog Stars."I White ase as i muet of course avoid it, But thons la Germany she was suffering frora a tý je no routine treutmeat for astubma; ciosed tsar dact. Inforrasd of a doc- andi a goatl physicien wnul ainsys de- Von la Baden-Baden nbouue specialty vote bxmsoif 4fret ta fanding out Vhs nas Vhs reatment of that difficulty, underiying caase of Vhs symptoma, asenent tbt're Vo sec hlm, takiag Maxq ndthon Vo tny Vo t-une Vhs kitlney along. t rouble, the goal. Vhs malaria on t'he Th(- afternoan of my ai-rival, ni-ites nervo-ausdifýrrer ibat he thinka le Va Mnc. O'Connor, naxiaus ta knon bis blame furir I. Oftea bis cffortse nul opinion, 1I n at once Vo bhis office.v ho rewardt-d by tht' complete disap- "Yec," said Dec-Von van Hoffmaa,.j poui-anme cf thc asthma. 'î'here le trouble bers that null yieldr Ini abstirate cases Vhs chIce of a only Vo an operat-ian; witb the beip of favorabule climats may aiea Le s mat- mcas, 1 eut a littie passage from Ver of Pxpeniment. Oas persan willi Vhs mys Vo Vhs nose, ksep iV open with finiti hut bis sttacks cisappearnut oce massage nhitc healiag, and in a foi- ia a certain locality, althoagh hs aight yaur oye- null Le neil enough for i rienri Vo wbomn he recommenda iV will you ta go anay, Witt you bave iV - discover that hoe cannaI live there in' done?" ctimfart für a dây. Miay people do "Yea," I aaid, "certaiaiy 1 nl.' Lest in s fainiy dry climats nbere Max, wbo had been lying qiietly la thonsenare n ide extremes of t'emper-- a corner, came forward, whimpered, aVare, and, ave ail, littie dtîst, for looked at me aaxiously, and laid bis dusite sancheaemy of ail asthme- pew gsatly la my lup. tic-s. Othera do Lest lnas climats that1 "This gentleman hasn'fr Vhs saine. la exactiy opposite ta that la which - confidence la me that you have," said t-hey have bee-i living. stu thut dnellers the doctor, smiiing. "Corne o-mor- Ly thes' so arc- LeVier iii Vhe bille, and notv at eloven, anti evcrythiag wnul Le - tios versa, InL. reaily bad attack reacly for yoa." some fo-m tuf sedative relief is usuaily "If yau dont mind," i said, "I demnanletL. anti for that a physiolan would mac-h profer Vhs operatian shouiri always lue called, miace self-ad-' non." ministnîition of sdative- medicines lu i arn sure Max pressed my ke net-t-n wise. Ycuth's Uompaaion.tvith bis pan. ve.Pr ulIlenui h 'Stayîng MWell" Rules. "It 11-at aei-essary Vo give as lAof time Vo t'he jttit of keeping fit," sys Captain Koehier, dîreetar cf West Peint Militai-y Acadermy. "Ton or fîttee mîrnucteut of Fettirtg up exercise la Vhe morruîng anti s walk overy tiay -noV necebaârily a long oi.e, but ane i-ail my assqistant. bandsaend will hold m,,kt'the' incision. He bas strong your heed whiio I' Max mtuat go inte -e will ho a canifort ta me. Go) Va youi- corner, aid lad. Don'V move Viii auissy oeils yau." Max obedientiy stepped back into ihadow. The cocaine did noV go very fan, and Vhs kaife steadiiy pursued its way and unaenved me, I felt cold and sick; thitîga nere rather biurred, but Vhs fea- of Max, if I fainted, at- .ackiag Vhs doctors, steadied me. NoVliking Vhs look of thinga, ho wtas gasping out littie whiaes and whiznpera. The doctor worked wiVh quick dextority and the-operatien nas soon over. I called eut, "Ail right, Ma'x, sfray where you are!" But ho came ta Vhe centre of Vhe rooni and! waited. The doctor and bis assistant sandaged Up my eye. 1 neached for my bat, anti Max bounded ferward %wlth greetings cf grat joy. Ho hick- ed my banda, stoppiag betweea Vhe quick breaths Vo give an occasional pianissimo bai-k, nad Inteilgently kept a safe distance from my face. "Neyer," said t'he dector, "have 1 had botter patients. Max did Vhe ci-ying and you did the sitting sVill." -"He weuld de Vhes zuffëring for me, toc, if ho could," 1 sald. - "I don'V doubt it, and I arn sure her nul make a good nurse," said Doctor von Hoffmaa. "He seema almeugt hu- man." "Hie unseifishnesa and fideflty are mare than buman," 1 said. Wbile wo nere going te Vhe hotel, Max kept very close te me, and when aine o'ciock came lie unobtrueively stored himsahf under my bed, ai- tbou..gh usuaily ho siept on a travelini u-ug in ths cerner of the rooni. But ho wanted to be nearer when I was in trouble, and bfter 1 got into bod hie Vail tapped eut, "I'm -here.te take -cars the other room." 'ofyo, ittIe misuy." And we botih 1o~ said, 'plese let hlm stay. ifl asleiP, DOCTRINE 0F CONTRADICTIO soidlt rwitb your bond sacf chest ap and ',uur shoolders iyuik--will work Adve,-sîty les Net Vthe Root of Bltterness But the- Root et woniters. Do you knuw wby ito Promise and -Productiv'ity. »Îmtany ni-tu areSi- arrov-cbseted anti i-e." ii, the weak ' IV la lit-rus-e hey nover have asît th giv£ustiseaiselvet, a chancetu bîethei -And ho uhaid. O ut Gos! mightY. Heo knew. the.end from Vhs e <usrms-A sed never bave given Vhs>- mnuscles i.' Me xii., 18-20. beginwlng. You know flot what a ;o ths--de* ngheoie mn. wmnadci- 1ke o n11 h adh day iay brivg forth. Thereore you. f tse Mauy eope. onnaisen su c-il- I ksena ma l i04 nso aidh.bad botter tblnkmore, tak loua- and!. 't of ùi--c-î tii-s, ai-e nemi invaelida mo#t et thiiir woulcf malte e million the. ftrst year t itten te t l'M. etvi- z lives Let-tans 6ôf thteIack of a te o-sf thes'ai-. He failsd iii nlnety daysl i "But Ged said,» QeGdba great' -t, net are Minute's 0! duily reet-ice andsi lbeh- 1 kliotv another whs said h. nas gelng plans for you It yousl only lot -ulm îrcs<te aune titt->n Iýr"t ter benît.attglIt SVo mari-y a girl who loved hlm 89k oktQnetwtot en eps prpe- ,utrs<m airige uil>fumch h. coulti trust ber wit4 h is e7 mwptou adcokur o ousu tsutencie, as ne bisi3t Upon at&tai V1111î&II.8jl. 8l wowea aa L,) t'A nd eé dmownrI r.nl cadtt-ta;jap»asittin wa h12h OvCery Wise and great and po'werfut thoughimI~< .SI ca"nof he 4:dyis bld n it mae afortue." "But Qed uaid,- -t a-ug ~ 'tu tie k-dyishlilta iapreper you mnay think yours.if to e b,,My son@' Thou foli" lhalintuplace W4,11% aile s-pusse o curry ons l yoaim neet by any asoan tu bthe alU 44 .4, tio hptewfn -tî ~rfuuetiena nith»Jt t'*'e- of yur swn> destin>'. Qed bas bealme.Na~1Ã" 4L1a Unit ens-t' tn-rita, acfus hikh every muarle tîhng Vo »y about iVt sund you wou1&! Atd,1 hibt fatful 1#i -à- ýW hi e i-' < t-hr" fO l>WYV v futith'ug il uw» b. a fer wiseu' eud happler man il o eh. sik :-irurj- tcb.' Vo spSzok. and noft' would Ozi1k l 'o« tîmas # wba9î otiot $ilana lirt et4n- ' le îkt iziothP te l<'catu do >lie lban Vo sey lnaUed o ud et f *i*ro b -4df kj1 ir- o ta' *bat it tas ir t tsd-e l kV «r> est t uaof the world wt hétYf do s ut< futr iUolt, haveto gayaa t yU<Vtt«W fot -Er*1.gt#al * u-i t t ~,a' *jf~çfpct4*rr sad tmrrisge, with wer 91017-Pi a Vo Y.the,~ t~~~G" '<'- ' *me.Ptes ar.1on t-<btduh "- --theii-et aUtdimody wet I n tUba motTi.Il IitWa~4W*O#< hi iti tIe a ai up w IIet u s'u a eo s! t titi 51008 1 * a m 'hI o pro$. 1 4bS h ï 0'fg tiît-- -- ~ cf<4th, imauîy ttty sam Mn* It~ tii là, wu'* gr .otw . ~it laàhOwt , 141 "wW, Ipull dowiial ISJII5 u 1 tl ou '~~~~~af nit, -1 c».juss. 54ýTbI Uê ~-h.&a.0 I WO %,WW a#.4 W" 74 tP mon *"SI A, xegesi M" Who, W" '0 OM 04 tut~~u~ -a 'M an 4,- B y rr

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