Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 28 Sep 1916, p. 8

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PAGE EIQET Mrs. Greigg, of Cliemont, and Yit. If Porter, of Bramipton, v1sited with Mrs. Chas iî liott Iast week. Il Mrs. J1. Reid, Miss Reid, Miss Kelly and Mr. Reid were Suaday visitors &t o~arCorrs~oaeats the homne of Mr. and Mr&. A. Ketchen. vus Mrs. Robt. Gliroy left on usa ____________________________for Toronto, where she will have an operation performed on ber nose and BROOKLIN. tbroat. Mrs. M. Chinn bas gone for a visit i Fisber and famlly have gone ýn to oroto.Oshavva t,., jve. Mr, Potter la moving' to s Bls orn o Troto senflidy nt te ouse just vacated by Mr. Mwt r Hals.If tornto p t udyFisher. Aih r aieîids inithown h we-ed Miss Irene Vallant, of Raglan, and mrs. Jnions inilhsettewe-n Miss Leta Gilbert, of North Oshawa. Quite a izinber from here attended were guests of Miss Rose Woodward, tht- Lird8ay Fair last wor'k. recently. Mr. and Nirm. Wmn. CaulI.-. frougham. Mrs. Leader and Mrs. Oco. Colwill 51m Stnday w ith Niss Mlie have been visiting at Mr. AI. Hriggs'. Mr. [nd Mrs. J. H. Howden, of Mus- NIrs. Leader's son was killed at the hv.gon. ýNilch., have bt-en visitlng friends front the early part of the sumrmer. lit ro. Nr. 1David Borna is in Minden 1ttfs, 7iizs. John OrnlistnwaInWib ..t- dgIxWý'liprseg at a fair. The on Tnt,'sday- attending a wedding antil- J)orinltn overnment basi; ade a gr>oi yv-rnýar %- cliolce In saýrur1ng Mr. Burns as judire. .Nr 'Sain Adainson., of Toronto. lias r. Amýros W. Campbell.,<of Hrooklin. bunz\d:st nu ai iL. niv .Nr vd ald by îeiegrain b Chicago to inan ýd:,.iis4q. attnd a serionis casé-e .%"hi)(> there lit 8 in. Grinder, $40, f reight pd, Ind. and Bell Phones BROOKLIN, ONT. m Important Announcement The Dominion Brewgerly Cou§ Liniitod loronto, Ontarlo ANNOUNCES That in compliance with recent Ontario legisiation, and in order to provide a wvholesome temper- ance beverage of genuine menit, it wvi1I, on and after September i6th, supply its1 Whïite Label - and,, Invalýid Government Aie TEURSDÂy, SEPTEMBER 28, 19-16. ____________ Vyiil malte a 9peclal atudy of Infantile paralygs. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Disney have mov- ed to their tarm in Greenwood, and Mer. Roper, who bas %been lving on Mr. Dlsney's farn at Greenwood, has moved to the village. Mr. Chas. Calder bas purchased a 8-16 Mogul Tractor from Air. Urlab Jones, representatîve for international Harvester Company. They wiil have it ploughing in a few days. Mme. Urlah Jones and cbldren re- turned home on Sunday froni Stoney Creek, after a lengthy visit with rela- tives. Her brother accompanied ber and wili spend a few days In the vil- lage. 11ev. W. R. Truscott, of South Osh- awa Methodist Cburch, will occupy the pt-it of the- Brookla MethodIst Chu rch next Stînday morning and evening. while the pastor, 11ev. H. W. Fole>-, la conducting anniversary ser- vices at Soutb Oshawa- A pronîlnent tai-mer who lives near the- village drove t0 town one nlgh. reeenti]y and left bis borse and buggy in the- churc> sheds. He put a parcel 6 H. P. GIL, $180 i - THE BLESSINS -OF Ha. Not Hait MnHmes' 1d.Sikac .T&Vifl "F'RUrr-A-TIVES%. mR. MARRIOTT 73 Lees Ave., Ottawa, Ont., .Atîgniqt 9ti~, 191--1. "<I think it m yduît * vt-tIl % oti %liat "I'nita-tvc-1' ii.;lins' f;),- 11W. Tliret' yrars ago, Ii ilpruî t 1 ul m- çloiwn and tireil, anilsit-(r,- -. n-- front J.i-uci-andZ ' 5f,'YTý 's/e. Ilainî i' rs-.l iof ';ir À u' 1l1oug'lib, I isiuli ttryit is s~I w-as snrpîîmnj.then sit,' 'lie juUt, I t listaake-l l.zai1N sit ricih/ad an: /.urt soi'ets -t ni-ns-el us>ng i'u ~tis- .anI I know -nosi- o lia aitI n sniI n .fr a good îîuany- .-ar- i lia i s, tIli n of a licalthlîidyansi choir Ils nIiking braits". WALTEI.J. MMHIÛTT. 50.a box, 6 forer$ , ial Si/.(-, '25c. At dealers. or beîît pst a on r-sipt of price by Friiit-a-t-ives Limitcd, Ottawa. containinz a pair of boots in ili(- îsu-gy and wh -n lie iw as r-ad y it o eisen. the- parcel oas tnls.sîîg. Tiis is ot11v onle of bhe înanv %cases of pc-z tv t Iiein, ii going on in the N Miage.Srl. ttsere (an h.- sonieç-n ltî one to stop t s le. ilarry T. Tlicrpson, %Wlîith> . for lit- fal lialts. 'li.inkgzi-i iL-Day.Moa.Otor 9111. bhe Women's Nlissioiiarv- Sorlety of the- Presbyîertia Clurch, Brooklin, 'n-11 hold their annutai entiertaînnrient. 'Ica wiîlilic st-rvecd in the-basenient of tl,( clîzîreh from 6 to 8 o'cloek. after wvhicli a prograni us ii be givc-n cotîsist- jing of an address on 'Christiaaity and the-%V'ar." b}- Rev. R. H. Cochrane,. H A.. of ('ollege St. I're.sbyî.riin Churchi. Toronto: mutsical selecions hv Miss Anna rammance anLd Mrs. J. W'ilson Armnstrong, homb of Toronto, Rt- v. W. M. Haig m-111 Occupy the chair. Admis- zion 35C. PA'rTERsoN-1n Erookln.on )atiir- day. Sept. 16, 191C, to NMr. and Mrs. E. E. l>atterson. a dauglîter. Catai-rh Cannfot be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as <bey cantiot reach the satolt te disesse. Catarrh le a local disease gts.-tlv infitienced by constitution. ai coudilions. and in order to cure il ýuu use tske an internai remedy. lhIlstettarih Cure le faken i:.ternatiy and ac ts rough the btood on the muacoas suiface-. af the systeus. HaIll- Catsrrh Cure iwag pr!scritled by otle of the beyt physicians la <bis coutry for >-tais. it l coins- posed af some of thse best t-'a:cs kuas.n, Coin- bined with oute of tbe best bloo>i purifiera. rhe perfect conibinaton osf thse ungredleuta in Halz*s Cattarh cure le wblat producri, such woîîdertuni resuit. la catarbal conditions. senl for teati- moixiais. free. F. J CibP.NEY & Co.. Props., Toledo, 0. 1AIl Drusga l)PIS forCeonslit.ation. D3A LS A M. Farîners are but-ycutn their btîck- i-,at and corn. -Miss iAiinie \IcKa3- spent the Nweek- e-nd w itli Knsale frl.-nds. I5roSl"ek, of Gulpîh, sp-nt a f-w da"s ut the- borne of bis pa.rents lu-r. Mrs. C. Cadlc'îx is visitig w li b er Parents, D. and Mrs. Jons. The t- -ague social ht-Id liiuhe Mount Zion Cii urch ilva- a tiplendid sîîcce.ss. Theilre wa.s a big cruvwd, and ail repIor-t a good timeý. Tb' Wlsaun achool wonî a great num-. twir of prIzu's ut the- school fitir. 'Tbey diii t-ict--dingly Nwejl, tiis belng th-i- fimst year. i ASH-BL'RN. ,Mm. H t-ni-. Jobnsont, of Toronto, 4a& boule' fur '<user Stîaday. j Mr. and Mmi.. lundie. of Port l>erry, s Ist-ed with Mr. and Mn-s. M ci-t on Sundasy. jMr. and Mrm. Hopkius. of Oshawîa. j 'ixnt Stînday with Mm. Gruer. jMrs. Br-asb antd Mm-s. [CUs e-e tu Port Pérry cn Sstttrday last. MISS Charlotte Johinson W=au home jfur oser 8uaday, i ena pnts. $1.75 ta $375 ut lHrry -T. ThompmûjoW hltl.. An op= nffloins of the Womme's GuiId wL11 I b eld fn laIo buasnet of tii-e church boSc tfow ne-ai monu ti.Pr- ticul-ars lat»u. Qute a tésw atton4d iii. Seheol fi l-d at Clarmn nVrlday Iset Next &stbýWh wtIý b. iii. R*r-X* Rm» - @ý S*umosswwtti j o~ S~nay At 20 am r - Mis.s M\: -sar tMrrst as r is Jshîn- t li fss .oo ms s s it is %i5. ý i couiplet-"failsirî- 'l'holli- frosta havel disîtis-uisid( ralle damage b mli- omt. .Nl. Viticeînt's aduies stsi0wt liu tsdav S-'cîtool 1is-mt- îuuid'ls us iimus-h alire- Nirs. W. -H. Toi s lsiii i l n,, Oshi .îsa Huîot-tl w i îtî t yllir.id feu i-. Mm. \V. Il. Frstisli meskcii zuacabb- s-rani last us i-i-k that Lis sots. W'illiam, bit-s bruît uvouunded. CO LUMBIU S. 'Miss t!azs-i Cook bus been htoliday- Ing us iml fri-nds iii London Miss Winuaie Moore, osf Oshiaw-a, is spieîuding huer bolîdays at home. Svveral from litrt- attent-d the- Llnd- sa%. Faim on Sauîrday. Mir. anti Mrs. Wm. Scott are tbe -protîd parents of a baby girl. Miss Duisy W'licoxson n-titmn.-d to Toronto omi Monday, after spendig a tws o w v- -vacatiimi t hi-r honie ht-rt-. RAG LAN. Mr. Thos. Stanton, of Wbeaton, II., bis muthier and sister, Nlr. John Stan- toît und soun Arthuîr, anîdNIm. anid Mrs. Franîk Siantoîs. tsf Raglutn, spent Son- da> Nvith frl.'ruds Is Fenelon Falls. Mr. M" lI Thomupsen bas returmîid to bIs hiomîe ini Toronto after sisitiîîg rela- tIves ht-rt-. Milss Pearl lIment. of Toronto, Is spelîditi a lier lil da3 s wtietr mtiiny frt-nds lue-r. Mizs Fleda Drin--- tas etmirned to To- ronîno attîýr sendunug a us-c-k imuhuer iamenifs hb-ms-. Miss Rlby Thîoîîsson bas rmci umi-d home -afler s isihintg sNithîluer sutmr in Miss nuiiodgson is uisting uvwithi frli-nis lu Fort IXrry ani Scumgog. Thbe ladivs of ibis place zire dolas- their share fortLise Red Cross anid Ici- gliun Re-lief Fond, hiavîîîg- two nula for s, al -itpre'setît. Qimîte a tiomher of Uie sebool child- rt nl fr-ont bort-art s#iusding cîstries to lbh- ,chool Fair 10 o eht-Id ai Lîroosklin. WV. bopiefor soce-sa to îhueminintht- womic wlieh tse>- have bt-en preparing. Mmr. anîd Mrs. Wmn. IHodgson bave ino%-t-i Iii ne the nutwliocuse on tht-jr fa in Cor-n liantst la In flilsw-ln-g Just il () %Vs be-iîîg uunied op by tht- eas-ly Qmite a numnben of the- Epuvorth Lea- gue inembers fi-oui bers. attended the social ht-id by tise Prospect Lieague. Thse Sunîday Se-bool Rally hers. was a grand success <ast Stiaday. Thse ad- dr-ss given b> Mr. Niekît- was greatly ar'preciatt-d by all. Oui- Suaday School ba-s reached thiemark whteh bas heon lis atm for soin tirai'. that of rechin.g one hundred tatbenr. HOMESEEKERS EXCURStONS TO WESTERN CANADA. Thse Grand Trunk fLalway Systcsni issue. round trip Hmeekr'ticket$ ut -ery iow ftares fr-ouistations la Canada, t» Point& ln Manitoli aa ssk- atcdiewên and Alberta.-oeb Tut.saday unil 0etober 31.t. Iaelusive, via 2!Soth flsy. Coeb-rane and Tlranamt-tnestal Pt#î «orvia Chleato. St.L Paul and Du.luthi.ad are boo euzraing *wa- moutha f roua dme 09 Uue5 Tltmut* toulu tafrpting mnreare os>- erate4 eachti oudst foW tz.p IIUS ngTorotIO »AsPie.vaTa- *«sVtatt SIl m tourW ife aO? M %« 1," to any traaê Irouk "f*et eeê Tb*. GrAu4 Tftwk PC* àIu"::i. with au alcobolic strength of only two and oaebai( per cent Al the purlty and the dclhcous th flvosr of Uic.. IncS pale asadia malt products wli b. retaiocd. White LabelA.le Mb. bond a um wp. bevrg for table and gSuai une; hwaid Stemt a MrI, tolc and tmi h -building food, coutmang t<.a uU-i-1Men C i 0 mae homsaad n ew -I m $30 per' Acre Forty acre lot convenient te Cherrywood Station. John Fisher & Co. TORONTO Farnis and Country Homes For Sale. THE WIOE OPEN DOOR to Business and a Good Saiary in tbrough one of ShaWs Business Schools, Toronto. Write for our descriptive catalogues. It is fre. \W. Il. Shaw, l'resident. Head Offices, Yonge -& Gerrard Ste., Toronto. HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS Itisunilt tup-ticket 8 ta points la Manitoba, Sanka t chwaii and A Ibe ra'ia Ntrt h Bay, Cochranu and Tr:îîcontîrntaîRoute, or %ia Chlclo, St. Pail or Daitt. mA aile ench Tuesdsay until Oct. Slst inchi ý4iVe, at low (sre4. Through Tourist Sleeping Cars to Winnipeg on above dates, leaving Toronto 10.45 p.m., no change of cars, via Transcontinental Route. RF.TURYLIMIT, TWO 0 'TIIS E~xclusive ai <tato i' sl.Final retura tJ.mlt on ail ticketx, [>ecdmîber Sist. Berth reneerwtionsý and farit articulars at ai Orîîîd Trillk ticket aflies (r writeC. K. iiorning District Pasenger Airent, Taranto. Ont. K. E TnPUENL<)N Agent. Whitby. Profossional Carde LEGÂL JNO. L IFAREWEIL,-K.C. Barbiater, couty Orovu Âttrauadi Cowity Sofflhor. 0040, uouth 'ulns court nou% Wbftbr ROYAL THEATRE EVERY NIGNI "Graft " every Monday- night. Wednesday Nlght, Broadway Future. ~ , Adîsion - Adnlts, 10e ;ebjîdren, 5ec Speciai show, 10e to ail. le war tax, extra. MRS. PERRIN, Manager. Oiling eto!livielon coulis COUNTY 0P ONTARIO. ýe 1. WHITBY-Miss E,-U.Macdonnell, Whltby, Clerk-Jan. 4, Feb. 1, Ma.1, Apr. 4. May 2, June 1, July 4, Sipt 6, Oct. 3. No-v. 17 Des. 4, Jani. 2, »217. OSHAWA-MI"a Il L ,aaO=nf Whitby, Clerk-Jan. 6, Feb.. 2, Mar. 2, Apr. 5, May 8.* June 2, July 5,_Sept t Oct 4, Nov. 2, Dée. 5, Jala.8, 1M7. 2. BROUGHAM-IL Gleeaon, - reen- wood, -Clerk-Jan. 8, Max. 3, May 4e July 6. sept 7. Nor. S. Jan, do.1917. 3. PORT PERRY- J.'- W. Barnliam, Port Perry, Clerk-jan. 7,. & 6 MaY 6;- JUIY 7. Sept -8. Nov. -4, J#2. 4. UXBRIDGE,-R. J, Moue,. Uxbrtdgpm> CIerk.-Jan. 14, Mar. 10,.Mar S,.IubW 11, sept 19, No«. 24, Jkit2 191T.- 6. CAN1MTIGTON-Tho& ]. EL roter; Cannlngton, Clerk-Jan. 18, Mmt, to, May 10, July 12, Sept 20i Hbv i~ Jan. il, -1917.. 8. BEÂVIIRTON-Chas, A. fParuas. B3eavertcon, Clerk- Jan. 12, 1:..S May il, july 18, SePt -8.noe 1 Jan. 10, 1#17. 7. C TERGROVI3 - Dpmtel Leenari. Atherley, Clerk--JanIl, Mai.. il May 12, July- 14, Sept 22, Nov. 21 .Tan 9, 1917. CIi.k of the Peso§.' Dathiat Whltb7, Nev. 16, M& IM~g Braillé a« Offce and Worka Oppoalte Hewis BroL, Widtby MONUM oaldsgaadael DO net bu mlaed bz"N a-eMplthe=. Cbxî osaan4dec shovw thei.à- et c 10 par cmat., ,wla oertal av, by pur*a A Cali >qoçI AL . LCURIST4N aftitSl. Soilcer. Notsy Pmblic. is MoD oBD.IoL.. Swsoe . a f#I of Brooklin, wlll aiea be present to zîve GAOUEENUEe a short and spicy address. SpecieX col This is the timle t<> decide on the puirchase of an Engine.W lections wiII be taken on Sabbatb. The bwy thhg èascnruioad Proceeds are required for chureb Pur- consider it a pleasure tabyo u tey hihl aaotructionels Poses. Admission to tea and concert, simplicitiy of the Engines w. oi. Tbe ilbr nyo h u 36c. and 20c. o sdadcnb odfralproe.Teeup nti o- Miss Harvey visited here over Sun- ~ue dcnb mdfralplp88 h qimn scm day. pee ul nayhrepwr -Mr., Louis Rogers spent over Stinday pet. ujt n any h rpe Sr. A E with relatives. This le poesibly the lat MNLR PE DR visit befpre going overseas. Our pedr make a bit with the ucae.-hyr-lo fMiss MleKay, ex-teacher bere, now ofSpeerprear.T yaeIo Balsam, spent Sabbath wth Knsale down, only 41 inees te top of aides, 17J inches clearance under friendst. con veyor track, wide spread, no elutches, Do- gears, will handie big Miss Coma Lawrence, of Toronfo, loads, do perfect work, with light draft- spent tht- week-end ut ber home. jHars>- T. Thompeon, Wiiitby. for PLOWS Cee Tee îînderusear.Fo vr upsbt iigadwlnTh kn t Jack Frost stmuck the corn In this Freoy ups, ohrdigadwakn.Th idi vlciîîity pretîy aeverely a few eveniîîgs pays to use. ago. -Silo filIîg wili hegin next week. SL FILLERS MmI. and Mî-a. C. 0. Lawton and Mr. SL and Miss Corner pald Toronto a vîsîtý One slightly used Ohie, Silver Box., This is a bargain. W. tht- latter part of last w,'ek. aIse have new cnes of différent styles. Do not miss tic Marvest lHome si- vice-, ht-rt-next sunday uand Monday. INm. Samue-l Famada]e huis h-tsed -~ IN y Bell and Imd. Wh by O t for a term of ypars Mr. Richard Wil- kil son's farmn at Mount Zion, aîîd uvili 1 uIUaUDS Phones , n romrletice opernîluns ou the sinte ut his üariicst oizporltuity.____ _______________ iA ntumber of recruiting oms-tcrs wüeE n tlii-diat rict s-uring .nil molinamc-s ofTH luis,- t-liguA- fssr î-tuhstnmut. 'Ibis 100k iiif n srn(is ofrnn.ns vtsfor lstc-st ci-i l A N li. s 'ý10 t i % lii-nfrs!îtw-STAN DA D B N fr mn Y (ns. isuu. f osur r us. sîsd smo! MOt NT IO\.OFPCANADA PsslrrhV I 1T-aZlem-, t1'-,f:mnî EAD OFFICE - TORONTO mntFs s!:branus!inimis Lold - DEPOSITS REGEIVED SUBJEOT j Vn i--guss ish.-s-tisu s s1~TO CHEQUE. I is~d iiis -~- t -ila lngeSavings Bank Deposits bear interest at I it Ou ittis> t-î-0.5a ST'D 1973 highest ceurrent rates. 213 V. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ B& issi \~sss> 5sss ~nf- HT Y BRANCH a ' i~is i.rfrs iii s' - tssîsk 1in C. A. McClellan, bManager. [ Orinding for i1 k por bag MIr. Farmer :-I can do your grinding for one and one-haif cents per bag with this big six herse power Coal Oil Engine, equipped with throttling governor and magneto which ensures you -an eveîi running engine under ail loads, and ne batteries te, bu>'. Tite cost cf fuel is less than it costs you te haul your grain from home. 'We put this outfit ini your barn and GUARANTEE satisfaction or-you can return it te us at ne cost to 3.. 8-1 6 Tractor Ask for prices of 8-16 Tracter fer ploughing, filling silos, etc., etc. Uroiah Jonebs Hardware and Implements !v rtma stout Ma SALEI FOR Il v

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