02Hallani Bulding, Tor-onto. BRITISH PENSION YTM Pi-avides for Wer 'ictimxu %ccordin ta Their Civil Station. Gi-ont lritnin is arranking a syeter of pensions for mon broken la lh war and for the aepenulcntxa of me Who have falon in the wer. Thi schemne le net yet complote becausu owing ta the peculiar composition o tbe Britieh -rmies -more Iban Aiv millions '.erc' maiseai iw volint:ury or lstmeal-- ha' ejustment cf a scal of pensions fhiat shutîl be eaeenabi and fair tote varying degrees o sacrifice w liah men ix-longing t, widely difft'rung lx'gmrees, of social sta lion made Nben tht-y joined the cel ors le; a cora-plex buxsiniess. The fI-st alifia-ultv croco w-hen proposai for nt lat rate pension Nve under consialçratiotî. A genrral fut rate tuas fuxnnd tmpruuctirabie. Fiv, dollars a week iri tht' case ai an agmri cultaural hbubor-m waulal have beiaumor- than a peae-t auna',wvjLgvu'lat for un uurerablu' ualber cas i il ou laihav been wbclly iadeuju.ita-. Su a aaei was rra- tin fatsor ouf ala' flaut ruitla to e hu aplanuerte.b ICOari ng tl aryO' ing tuOuu'ssatic'a. The l lua lt r;ate'pa' al-- fua- j Wiutow mw ahhuuat ahlî $.3 a week ot tha aigu- of ther estlauura-%4 att'. incît-eas,(>a'olbomuaxui-.s for chilulmen rt arging up tu $5-40 for u a ixuw 'a' thf und morn, if the mothu-ri For- mnuth('rlu-e-, h liru Tht-runo a total ta f, r ca 11 -Ira-1 is over '15 b ha- 1 ai luu sou-e is $L120 a wet'i. A mata %,.huaia totahby ul asalex wtll moceivse $f, week, m-ihh mort' thogn 50 cetnIfor t'a-h chilal, andiai mon partly dis: Ableul suach an omount as witbî tîbi w-cgee which ho mut>' hodeemnea cap- aîbe of eomning %vill amaxaînt t $,b week. A genemeauxainterpretatao t t-o Iao placeai on the 1er-m "a aa' ment." A man in a conditioan cf dis- easewhich bas been il aggmavabu-ab l wer servire wilb gZel fcur-fifths cf th- ilisabilit>' pension. For aifiu'ems and their depexaula nis Ibere are ditiemenit ecabes, tanal oîa new feature ie that the' wialow-s of Lieutenants and Sub-Lieultenantz wIll geL the ates hilherîo ailoltî' LthaOi widows of Captains. Tht- ratu's vomi fi-rn $250 la $5110 per annum, with rates fom chilulmen ranging fmom $>51 ta $112. Ioal cases %vhere an cf- ficer wae kiiled in action or died af wounds in thte war bbe w'idow' olsa gets e gratuity an addition 10 thu pension. Officeme Up 10 thu' ran-î uaf Ceptain lotaîlly diualuleaiwilI meceise pensions cf $750 a veer fuor al luhe- low fifeen years' service, anal $50 ad- ditional a year for u'ach y-ar cf ser- vice in excescf fourteen. up tu a maximum cf $1,250. Iliigber rank4 get bighor rates. Pensions for offi- cors partîy uisabaîca are proportioned according tua the' degree te whic1h eerning power is impaired. In cases wbere the impair-ment is oni>' sight the officer may ecu'u' a'e nratuity up to $2,500 in lieu eT a pension. A Wife'e4 Wit. "l've guat ail awfully %vatt' wifo." boasts Sulumon Bench. "'I gel Most of my grooti stuiff Tmrnlier. to tell ya'u the truti. Somoetimes, theugli. ber WIni is tabut toaa, sharp fuar u'axmtaar t Now, the uther evernauag I camne home feeling somt cf mean. I had e corn thet wes misiag thunder wut'h me. and Iwa.sn'L in the besl af humer. WelI, 1 came iimping up the waik anad Myx wife stead et the 'door, eyeing me, suspiciously. "Whet makes s uu waîk 'o funny" abe said. "Corn!' 'Ileuapped, grtu'uhtly. "Oh," see aid, 'lturning awuîv. b-hought maybc it aus iy"' Brightens One Up There la eomet.hing &bout Grape-Nuta food that brlg'htuens one up, infant or aduit. bot? physically anid mentally. What Is It Juet ita delightfui lavuor. and the nutriment of whole wheat and barley, ineluding thefr wonderful body and nerve building imfuineoi ment» 1 A crlap, ready-to-est tod, with a rnlld sweetmaes U ta own; distinctive, dell. clou, stlyng- Grapc-Nuts à "Thcrcs a. Rcason" existence. eltecr hm Nooermi -nnaa uau. 'Andthc sa," i'- ownpeole el ofta cre themNaother edigSmeRu&aWhieh Young Mon Should Mr-. C. S. Douglas, <armer mayor, wounui up their narrative of aack hoine i o iheaid to athrs dng -Foilow. af Vancouver, was uaved tram drown- tînîl flames, -that tha- Garmans humn- lets. The>' ruguiste tbe stemach and l)em.nd e strict accouaI ofthte litt inir by an expert swlmmer, Elelsej ed the baker elive.' bowels and are absalutely uafe. Sold thingu of liTe. Anyeîl, thî-teeri yearsaiod, and littiea the ai soldier' the urprusung a s I cents abo fdealers r mil st 25 Tact andl common sense are the sec. couver. The children held the. un- IGent,-A cuetomer ai ours cured "they hudired hîm isi i. up er e. M,,t' (o, rckvThe DOr. Uil m et o! a stucceseful lite. consclous mm'& bead &abve water avery bad case ai distemper ilaa **he ure hm nhi pp______lt I-inlCoBrckile nt ave ogrit andl pluck. adtwdhl ea valuable- herse by the use of MIN- li cra-dat h.vî,raî ua-a"->--- __LIve "thin your rniens. Exti-eva- ..'- -ARDS LINIMENT. la-it wieek on thIe Somme the gnei h odt almYustuy Firench army 'took îuany îhau#'and M hy Mothers SSîng to Bgncaalbbsa italie.VLADEFRRS car N!aly ewthe Cgo0f your iei.gruater Infanile. ourm rul>' prieonere. This trer-rviileu-e ma Pxyctiofuts uho hâý aie fEnglshma tourng i tii.Righ was ane of t.haoewho was sit te10çuiilthe chateristics oaiInstinct Seek Otii-thiCe ktgdmof aiHeaien ilrd iSctai1. i> isotn aua'-d thern, with otberiu of the Ger- en womnan have diaovered , n wy - andi uue, ea Chrittaaie i-oui- foun-îtelanoe bs w.>".N o athe lg a m tuber' illers campany. motherz- eing thei- -hablee to leep It daio.cottk«ebuytheroadaihsa n*u Grerutans Cofesaed. s net irly iii pured by thue expert-. ne on asallela , ckotage atthé .. dorhso whet us etin i ttîerslep a hei eild-e, ooee r actoiler ail. 'I<> lu the he.ur; gud t th e ha .opIsa& : "st Tas. laA i.Obvt, ¶-r -" One ai tbe Germans exaunanes bis lbut it is the prîmes'al cali ai the icut- j 0 ea-n $y a, for kym w i i- eu-yo > . mi4.7OAMU5I T " . uh a sT reme-aI inaignia with interest.. The itone natur-e. ites s ,uteMI ipr>iompt-. n O64* hr. u!haelst, uu1'Il~~51< aral rame back an>d iooked et it andl meUter. Sau-gt motherst whoarael Have reepect fur boumsy. U wIa a-o obi..o tuni, n lah'cme ak vl.never krawn tW sing upon otiieroc«. lih .iifu1lI7 W'oretan l.p' "Yc. l e j -- our rgimen," sel he Fionsa ian, nariably hum andi eroon t. olyduh. .talgco~g1. raWuesi around lGer>ervillre 7 their ehîltiuiet aiet a n..sd upo u iUU U~.0 j Th Frech oidier aiskesi"mue other Insteare, %-hen th" 'au-e piant-' !~~î ~ 'i'-~..U oatoe a<o5 iquestilons. -t'he Geu-man uaid t u e &la ee& bi Tecliu-tyo ti.iPVFOm LOIfW IVS. ____boue,______ and others ai the. prisonere lied been Zuni native -oman a»d ondee wksIcI A BI'uit" e.14'y I"a omosldsr. prceseznt et thebuu-ing ai Gerbe-r - jsg e e-ebu% re-centi>' unidmtood, atrouble wità abs Co.fGemspri.C&fl"W««l ean fncr a vîllerLa 'The tUcory of primitive people j, that *amar i se b~d -la ahbgb"bsudhd 7j l Luýe ea 'I MnYoalice-- would le-t ., 1 Usai-qi. teM yatrtaIî euelesdlJlMab 515~ lthrtruo t s ws&o would sitp ut>'beyonc't tbrougb you5'bet.weee ps.oual etf a wemm'u i-avies pumaedM d eue .1 à --4th*wtag o<o middle" sAid the. French bolauier. cilt- &ad graewlsug tM*Zg. abusu!t i l 'd-'- . tmil au4sCu4s a tin ni* teetk -bw-Imu SW s stesa dt'vt .m »i»» atm* a o à *kdtu T -'ou wauld bu right," saui the- Gr-,bu?0 w man sclder-. 'e44 Àa kan" iUOm L -k - i t* * b i tere. I tikI nom ofet em, 1 kept I'neueotatm'.l.&f- s < a MYmy e bana <ra. But the Oh*-d d yarwd," "a loc» la gi-at trils b1» Tue-y ta lkeél off u*M qp <(u- d"r rouafert hlm. -110. w«or ». te,&'«* OC day,' T1%r German umuad to ha-". bies, I &ww, il. caud. AM- dM uomig cm hismmd L ne vooldba* t t é»O. mebwO am o o *h 'te~ iSai op ta 00 mà sabjetAM *m sky tis"a m . "M - »1eS sway U-m. At "I )o t h. M t.d mm etey»1»tma a m et Ile coçaldresi»at a. mers Ie 8 'Tuv.le u es " .. M. terneseau . <, hlmm % boeiqffih. 0*M o» = oves," sOU b..« mi10i*l T.dnsqwam 1" * , T 'sht isa l 4 O«unmm.sbm hoe«Mbma ts 4G«- ERASBRFD A Real " Peach Col> THEBRITSH CANAbIAN CIASGADCNL bler"t-Not a soggy, TORA E-ATERV Effort to Reutore Traffic on Iaterfor 'Made i a a a INJ M doughy, inedle comnbin- miumnIPMAN co,, LIMUTEO BA E N A V N ation, but a crisp, tasty, 117-19 eLOOO o»to China la reported obcnsdrg TERBE DE T~RE- easly-dligested dish of whole Aet o h etrto fteodcnlss TERRIBLEwith ATeaches-and STLJDY 0F THE "MIDDV" IN PEACE.Aetsfrtemreorathion the old cntanal ss- VILER, RANE.wheam. Cov e one o mr AND WAR. Willard Storage Batteries. 60,000 miles wlthin the empire. Con- V I L E R , F A N E . T e m . o v r o egrrmr et r i e f r s o h e C h i in e e d er t e ' Shredded Wheat Biscuits Rgreat ilraketri eof teChian era the Da AIM An Odd Sequel to a Heroie Defence, with sliced peaches and then J He la HIghly-Tralned, Efficient, and Batterfis, Magnetos, lfrom their natural courses, the w- Ifh~ pou crain ove thm. elfRelantGenerators, Etc. I ters of one turned Into another's b.di Dya Few French pu ra vr th efRlatYounIg and the waterways carried along in, 0 qlly SyOII Slir.Nothing so appetizing and M an. ____________ the direction of desired traffic. value, fJLltê0 oral U Soldiere _________-and_______________ The ancient Grand Canal extendu mt, This is not primarlly a story of s3ig ad ohn < Cocky, cheeky, perky, eesentAaily a from Hangchou to Tientuin, traveru- Ieasy te) prepare. boy of boys, the British rmldshlprnm 'fM IM ~ n h rvne fCeinKang murde. Itle rtherthe toryof the bas proved tirea.and again d'urlng the IFRON SUJJi'IJLIT Ju , ShAngtung and Chii the total diecovery of that niurder, of the eas and aetrain of North Sen, watch-sg amassing of proof against the mur- Ing and tbe myrlad emall sa a-r length of the canal belng about 850 AkY u -derer, of the proof of that oid adagetlthaelsee rng b.WWUT'IE ES RN POL miles, says the Christian Herald. D ae that "murder will out." There lata aejeee uigte aWA H ETR EPI China la la desperate need of trans- eoehn butbodgjltnei at b. la tbe equal of the belt a.nd prain n thsbe qiae soehn bu lo ulies toldee't of veterans w'hen the real thtng, ARE DOIMIG. portatineerandtit b a enaelmtedn gseems, that forces confession, wrItes .~ . .*.. wlth ail Ita gristIy hurror andl dellber- byegner4ht1h aalsse Herhert Corey from- Gerbervillers,l'* ate, machIne-made elaugliter, cornes to- can be restored at a lese cost than« France. the grea.t .iIént serviMe wrlVes, AdmIrai.Porg fte ra etTl that which wot>ld be lnvolved in theM In 1 Two years ago the Gernians burned i . R. Freemanmtie In LondonI Anewers.Prre o th Gra WetTl building of the necessary raiîwayu.Mlhy eaIt 1 auglit young-at the. age of thi-naFe PitelWhth caasaannoerto D yu.MrStcthiktta l!Gerbervillers. The. world knows the ten-lndate<j îrto the alphabet of in aragrapha. d it t he anabildain cn gopeon et "Do ar c ou trog.te ob n story. Sixty chauss9eurs with a pair ilits profession nt Osborne, dev42Iope'd agrpi greater leieure.90O trcmacn e of machine guns held up a German In the nagnfio.nt i§ea-echool at Dart- needie ?" e army at the crossing af the litti e ~*, mountb, he la tauglit ln the traJning A case of leprosy lias been dis--. ---. "I don't kno.Iiloeea- f river that rne through this rural MV.ade lf.'..Sfanaa cruie'Br that bis primary duty le to covered in Chinatown, Victoria. D! A ANND NCHE. Mit that my lweehv rge 'e, village. The German artillery had obey, and to go on obeyln«. The Fraser River salmon pack in IUKE A NIDA HE. m hog n- not corne up, by which the sixty Mayor and police force in Gerber- Hie Varled Joym likely ta be the ernelleet in history. -m hroug sm vr eia lop e' river wave ein lo andldrThbe villers now--ordered that the debrie lat n the ko an eo inluded mi rty of 100 Indiens leit New Stony Indian Garb Sula the Finehae. le frve Na rnyoo and chargednit be bcleared away and the ovens be lat complis en ta a ba leshlpIWestminster et week to pick hops Figure of His Royal Highness. Xn'Lnnn eee .aga j opened. They had neyer beeti jhe In a boy no longer, but a hlghly- 1tAgssz During the five years of his Gov- aO a narrow lane toward mechine- guns touched from the day thbe Germans 'tra1ned, efficient, and self-rellan4 young Duck shooting seeson opened Sept~ ernor-Generalsbip, notbing bas given One-haif tewr'd1sshp h while the guns have certridgree and fired the t.own. mani. 1 at Creeton, but few licenses were Hia Royal Highness the Duke of Con- 'other baîf becas thsmny thei don v aro.Itcn In the tipper oven were the thigh The curriculi of hie school-s are far applied for. nuhmr lsueta h ee bcln.bonies of a man. different Train any founal on ahore. The outlaok for the luraber indus- mnught, meepleesure thon the es-i n So that the (krmans hurned the ___ nstead of LatIn., with Its borlng de- try in the Neneirno district In botter Stony Indians. This cereinony took -7 EED PCTTEIIa CB Stown wben thc sixty chausseurs, clens4onB, the mrsterles of as'tronomy now than for sorne time. paea afweeteDk n s bes tflnally mnn short of cartridges andi OUR KEEN-EYED 'KITE.S." and rnvigatlton have been opened ho- An evaporating plant bas been paeetBes weeth ue and t obce. ve ae ema re ietqityaa.TeGrasfore hlm ;h es-aea oompl Duchess, together with Princese Pat-. tlos .W men rmtn 1also led tiftecni old men out into a IIow They Are Ut.ilized W'ith the Brit- lof theo sui, and gets hlm to tel] hlm thh.. t opiseret i wlna mnth.llb ricia, epent a delightf ul holiday this 1 - 1 ime and the positlon hies ship occu- gin oSumnmer.hi amoth CPasture field and blinded their eyes ih Armny et the Front. ýgA h mle tTalteeae'umr 1pieis on the wlld waste of waters ;hoeh On Idas howr ne:1(0AR and shot them down in groupa of with Large Un ~m ~fve. Many other things were done 'Above the lines, looking towards cafls the stars by pet names guns now employe< sorne 1,600 mon wt alk rbadsm tbe ue 'uî the Gernian trenches, was a great and ammuotion have been investied'a monthly payroil cf over $180,000.j of whose exploits form the beck- Scott. BrueseleAiyF . 1,cfor tepie ot erreorizan sva cluster of kite-biilloons," wrote a wmith charms peculiarly their own. and ' noescino Gadiw(a. to Ralph Connor's "Sun Dance bin tie ot.TheGemos til amos ar(-rrspnulnt ndecrb-infooad of handling ghot-guns and pot- couver) fifteen doge were poisonedProlaenwgodctzn nd CUL S ANE» I>vlived that war could be made so ing the bginig f th gratBrit- ting at ro>cketing piea.qanîts anditw dysbunonmscen. hold Annual Sports Day et the great 0- 60,t)No 8 0~AEQJN terrible that France w-ould quit fight- etnn e grouse, as do the brothers he con-' L. tttN ouhaefrse.loMkr' a in bcng frsh roo oftheGerish "push." ýt,,mptoiuuiv terme "shore loafers," ho ti siae thatth net pro touriet resort in July. The picturesque 'm n etcs rc.ApyUIe moninhlltyhoundrsan tb ~I They were poiqed very high, held juggies witù glgar:tic pieces of ord- cedgftercn optlFu t aio a Stony Indien Chiof edniir- Ttrase & ,ead Id.24S.Hln (bol(uv c niblt o uersopnd.he tows steady hy the air-pocket-s on the capes nanco firing haiT ton shots, and oi'îen Duncan will amount to between $500 aby uits the fine figure ad strongTororio, Ave.. C pepi -horemine duing thi of the baskets where the artillery ob- xvith real ship& as turgets, especîally and $650.I profle of the Duke. F0* u h~~~~~~ reî ftro-wr ytrclwt erve:-s rit. 1 counted sevent.een of An these days. irhIOwl eolyaot4,0,0 Princess Patricia found particul R OFT rrof ter4 eehsria th thm, the larizest group thet ba-s ever B-oating ls no longPr a mere pas- bushels of patatoes rom the coasti pleasure this Summer in ridîng ber pl<offices NGNWSAD o fiirht., for thi' most part. It wnaS Only1 Hrnnilogou rnt ie: it Is a source of delighi andl of thîs year as comnpared with .48,000,- j Maunted Police OfficeDanfor maie la goaa OTael later thev began to piece together !pony Dandy along towstr e.eThte iootzu000 in 115. ofter.mtinge "Sausagtes' they caîl these kite-bal- thi' hc ol trevnteIoI00l 95 the mountein trails wbich radiaLe application b lo n elaig~ >f rn each othu'r's story a uomprchen- loons in the Arrniy, the name coming sluggish blood. As the result af 80 much SI1ow and.LfroniBnfLhog hepse n y.!3. 78 WeatAead tre.Trne But the baker" thev a4ed.And Hije Dangers. frost last year unusually fine appies Banfoverug the pass es a nd u- ~L ~ U a bvu s the' baker 'Y ' nce the craft have in the air. ýhaIt a gaie of wind le sendtng e-:veryi Valîey this year. heNCP}thim They have one great adv'antage aiternate vxave crashin-g over tb. e eýVle hsya.isl pn uho i ieI i u hne kner ahad disapîaorcai. Noover the artlinary, old-fashioned bal- gunwýale ;wýhen one man of your ..i t oo outenhrsstahulto efoser ont uch ofhe Urn e ib-ut(a'ineta adetrra.cre lh lus ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~on bosnaobe utc onan . on!y can they ho held cap- heen must Incessantly bale ; when1 telescope which le beiag establlshed in or mobun t an cut -thofthd evion-utpnb' o hometet rt v llid fhue inamass f caned brican tive in a etronger wind than an or- met, aid enougb to ho, hie father bang, on the top of the Little Sanwich snwas caught by Mise Yorke, lady Co., Limited. 1ohnwo.Ot ha!flcni is fclindbikdinary belloon, but they are aiea rnuch 'or ir ver> Iveson hle ekIll Inla8nd- Mountain, Victoria, B.C. rlnaein taheDcesfCo- 7 E FA ER a andl stone upon his laking ovens. etat ntear tu edrn h lin-g a kicking. bucking tlber, and bisj South Vancouver echool gardens naught, wha lended e moneter ai noa m At» a a.nha, nuo onu- knew how-tesde n t hecurcairgv.g b. igt rdes t uffre rcealy<rthearudrswha g a AirovePleliFrea postiniftton up frofrossthoscurcyin "up" te forrdrsatpurposescetl frm aofdr i es tannie ads Tetulhe ~tn y ouai otIw rauedthe tac bse"rvatian, etc., more secure, cam- peleyth orc ecn Vincaried off same ai the beet praduce 1laes tan in ponde.Ttahed sulphr SVerti Afan 4 u.- thuit the' ixker had been Ibrus t fortalulede ffectie.,the midshipman feels that it le înde..rasdbytechlrnw1(aPhter wimming outtcbfed ate T nt a tokSo Y att(>one of bas tuven-ý andl burned I nsedof eect rundinsc. ,good ta bean officer of the KJg raihesed ye chiadi-n. telvegi C Rhoelwe.e ouceofgrat Sea rd ati\e, 1-vbtht' ulier> No> onettet o ig oudinshd Nv1. n the keelofan ie t15-foot rulvsel'dlhcat he ad-mey Demist ih a i.ii hhu-y are elongateul, and the part iAiw-ays srWnlug, aiways witb ay size onthe bereof ur nletructed Rg nashtsno oyl rty, I Prie Lu onis> labnt h e S knawn as the "kite" is a kind of half- natured growl, h. sets a gooti exampie hesaesa uredIneW5 tion, are being Lakea beck to, Eng- 1.-- ~ V Burned Him Aliue, open att.achment ah ontecnd. This ta thoso under hie conimaina, anal yeti laid at Vancouver, lest week. 1ln.Temn iiao h o- Àà ýf \o ane coulaI b' found msho haul acts to the main balloan much as ea lie muet ho ev'er reedy to deal wlth Althoug inlasanie parts ai thelnd.he meo ayf hvte fai tedCon- A11 I a"n ali bi raivhbng 1. Ct-r b dots ta a kite, catcbing the wind emergencles as tihey arise. Fraser Valley the boaey crop bas, this becomiag the chief social centre AM D'G ISE SE 11 ino luLthe gista l' w-as thre.u-n tudigth abo.A kt- In the turret or tbe con4trcg-top, when be fiue LoLdnralrit ith et uîg th ume dHw oFe eballoonButptarsttaebe rearedeup on1the sheils are flylng tbbck and iatestd everaged 125 pouade ta the colony. othe. TetAmricge s wh hae xan11%,19Ln ~u \5'Uaai Ot b>'fargtonn end, as if the balianet weregos to'mnarwrkgatt> The freit cansigrnent frora Sidney, the money ta trevel have deserted Ak' h uio h -. L'h us search his avens," h I egtdaddagn the re. 0of prfessure w'hen aay second may be hie, ri a o h odes mut y MIl 01gish.eakdSgeJui, t h e ve ellasi. the, midshipman proves ta th. ut- a ritjmfr h o0 remui-their own National Parkesno that the imr HcAT1OEC.le tuait wbho as more' CoUrage thaxia nnth ..s almost perpendicullar. most the value ofthtei trainin g b. bas I ing te, 250 pounde, bas been sent in' couîd be nearer toae real Duke, Dii Rcul WaSaSeeeYe f .rmy uorps, and who drew ber si These observation balloonsar held r le nbsscho-ol, adadeenta Victoria ta b. farwarded te the____ raurnulg istr un u lio ebndcaptive by means af a strong wire more lustre ta the name Ihoealready In- front. jMBMo I nment for ule vrffthee.I- tu-rtû aapos. oGermn ary, ad cbie. Tho cataio is heid and paid eut hprihs lIn the traditions of the sea ser-. Fresb, ripe strawberries, a second -7.Su fPoaosh r - inpeser' ily lu tht' rmans (.a lgîwn ablonma vnAe HeNre jwr nte e etintrmr r l ba oi)iose'a il suu-eussfully N othing by an engine staîioned an the ground. vce As i e .crap that sold at 15 cents a box, Doomed. 04 in nlu nts thap hat ort cf cl orte But Sus u'"nhrd aamtr eil. And hie lite Isn'l all work. He Plays: ket laet week. They were e second 1A os ohr"YugM0lus C TTO HI LL th b' pct sh-tof ourh agea. t Ts e hosrersnthea bask et of e. j usas hard as ha toile. Gymnastie, crop <rom Fraser Valley. iseema to be quit. iriendly with yau lai uic te ballon are in dsh drep, eirnnung anl boalng, A bush fire ai sanie magnitude ai late. Do you know what hia -in- P noA to - Wuheard the story first'>" -heon i teepaton"lc communica- hockey footer, cricket and golf-eeclirk u erWie ok o etosae i aku-d. "Cuve nme soneprouaf le a in bhe sttin"beow w inlathedr dîue seaffln-g-lve him muscles broke out nea Whlte Rock ontentdons are? îrxtbut tîs atrylufor w gi in O tuu'n is in telephoiie ouch wvith the of steel. nerves 1k. piano-wlre, and I Thuredey, but was aoon brought Un-IPet 9gtr-'o n o' 4 gangl in ta pub cy befoxtru. here ,di artillery. ta rude n-betpes s i n of' dercntraI bythe ftira rangera, as- care; but I know what mine are-"#a m a, s~-. 1- - ~ ~, a~ ~ k sy > ta