Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 28 Sep 1916, p. 4

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New Fa11 Suit'ings and OvercoAtings N4OW $18 te .$40 Over 100 patterns at $18. BUY NOW. Happy Iu lhoinpson Menswear Store WHUTBY I =~'= '= 1.TIt Washable Wa11s No matter if children soil the wafls wvth gxlmy fingers --no permanent damnage done by the soot of a smoky stove-no need to remove dingy paper at frequent in- tervus-«f your waflarac finished with The eaaily-.zpied artixtic wait finish. Cbfld-en's markings, soot, grease or dixt, may be easily washcd away, leaving the surface as bright and dlean as whca it was firut applied. Freaco>-Tone bas aU the sot t, artistic beauty of water colors-and yet possesses the d#rability of high-grade oil paint. It is nmade tu twenty beautiful shades; may b. used ove2 papoer, plaster, burlap. or wood; is easily applied, and Petas is ts original velvety beauty for many years. 1 e.o-Tone Tour Watt, This Fait A bookiet and eocarda fully descrlbing this most desirable vail finish may b. obtaiûed from MeINTY'RFE'S 'IIARDWAB-E, WîîtTl3V, OINT. who are our local agents and w-Wl supply y'ou wlth genuine Fresco-Tone at reasoxiable prikes. BRANDRAMHfENDERS~ON MOI4'SSL- ALIAJi5~.Oft 4 -TOfOWtO tP4tI< Oc~ober "lu. New Issue of te 1l4th Tekephone Book. qCopy for Uth eiaTelepone Di4«ery closes on the above daeI- gOrder your telephone amW, soa t your name wilb tew isvse1 q eprt changts recuied toqur Lq4a Managerto-dau. The Bell Telephone Co. of £m T1TTRRfAY. SEPTEMB!iR8.1916. Article 7. Whose busine8sIs it. Ibis task of pre- isaratIon" The home. the romniunity. the empire, each so dependetit on tht' others. and &Il depending on the Indi- vidual. and the home, community and the empire rettect the training and the ability ici make good. no malter what the need o! the bour. In tbis age ut jitneys and cbeêp transportation how can the merchant ot our town k.ep the people residing ln bis vicinity frein geins bo the city tu du their cbopping? That lsa aques- tion whicb econfronte tilobsisde oft 4dl- cis tbrougbout fthc country. W. admit that it is a m-ost serlous one. The sit- uation has corne and tbe merchant DitLof Ia . NichoIsas After an Iliness of long duratioti, during the latter seven weeks of whicb Bhe was confined to her bed, Mrs. Robt. Nicholson passed away on Saturday morning lazt. The rnd came quietly. withotit warnIng. For two days prev- tous to ber death she had been rathtr m-wcaker even than usual, but II wa.- rot suspected trat death ias so near. Onýaturday mornifle. abo;;t Il o'clock. ber daughier saw thpt the spark c life was becoming very teeble, and alr.osi before those in the home could be rall ed the wife andmrothr Lad pass-d t(. the Great Bevond. Seven weeks ago NIrs. Nicbolson's eondition became so spriotis as to neces sitate tVtp calling home of her son. -Eugf-io. from D[etroit, and her husband. Sýt-rzt. Robt. E. NirhelIsc>n.or the 1S-2nd Battalion. She rqllied somc-what. andt r ater a tim'é- father and ý,on returned1 to thtir dte.oniy to be -summondcd a nontb later to the- bereaved home.E Nirs Nicholson's life ha-g b.en one- of sr. ic-ý. She devoted her Lest to the car-. of ht r fameiy. and gave her nexi1 !hi,)îgltis Io ht-r triends. q-id ber home e~rr~kno-,% n as rn- w hrre hospitality1 ii"n's at.ore for rneiglibor and1 N tor H. r cdrelç of fricnds was ex- *r,,ieC-.it de. ardh% tr' ont- she was iýd In the- hit:ntst reg.ard and f-s- tet m ,îud loýte 'ý a memnber of the- tlaptist Uhurch. qhu Lbecame one of Its inort bplo%;ed mtmbprs. and there has nd"e, and general rEgret in Whtby ovr her death. As.ad tenature ot becr dpath Is that her yotingest son. Pie. James NIcho1l son. ..s bing wounded In a hospital In France. Altbough he la not wouinded seriousi>. It was thought advlsable to withhold the- news frora Mrs. Nichol- son, as the- shock might have hastened tecnd. and for two weeks every pre- caution w-as taken to prevent the fart reaching ber. During her Illness, Mlr-. Nicholson has received most devoted rare ai the hands of her sister. Miiss Chatterson. ber daughter. Mrs. Norris Luxon. of Detroit. and ber son. Robin. By tie lutter, wbo is tic only one of the fam- Ily living at home, the los will be feit most keenly. The tuneral service was held on Mionday afier-noon at 2.3- o'cbock. wben the home was rowded wlth friends of the deceased womart. thus paylng their last respects to a departed friend. The service wb.s ia charge of Re%.. G. A. M eLean. pastor o f the Baptist Chtirch. who later also conducted tht( gervice at the graveslde In the Union Cemetery. The palI bearers were Messrs. E. W. Evans, A- E. Luke, John HisloP, Geo. Mowat, Geo. Whbitelaw. &nd G. M. Goodfellow. The floral tri- bute was large and beautifill. The husband. famiiy and siFter have the sincere syinpathy of!the. ahole coin munity in their bcreavqemfent. Pîep&ring for Afier the Ware M"s. J. Webster and Miss Cule motored froin Bowmanille on Satur-ý daý and vislted over Sunday witb Luettne and Mes. Pu.ckrin. Mr. R. I3aladon and Miss Edna Proune. of Plçkrtig visited with Mr. &nd )m. Wt Bbiýoa on Surday. MMS. T. C. Osborne bas rcîurned borne afttr spending a week wlth ber mother ln Bowinanville. Miss May JKem.thore arrlred bomne on'Friday ai t fM the West, where alte has been teaching durIng the aura- m.er, and oà .'I'u*MaY retur-ned, to To- r6oto t0 complete ber universlty 182NDKT(WMRTfe FOR TIE WINTER. There seema to bie a naturai disposi- Toronto papers are tu be believred, the tion arnong sume PeopIe to &pend their IS2nd Battalion ip~I be at Wbitby for money away fruin their own home te winter. town, and aithie expe-nse o! the local It is said that,at a conference on mnerchant. wbo la part ut the conimu- Frlday last at C.aùnp Bordeti. between niîy and who assists in a large degree Major-General Logie and Ottawa auth-i lu build up the community in wbt.eh orities. it was 'deelded that battalion13 tht-y liie and in wbicb tbey bave their shall nul be divided up this winter. but holdings. Wbilc the' people of anY ithali be quartered as a unit in the sameI small community hiave a pî-rfect right town or city. One battalioti each bas' tu spend their money u-bere they been allotted t0 Niagara Fails. St. Catit- choose. yet they muaI consider that arines.- Brantford, Oshîawai, Wbiîby and sf-vérai Ihings ef vital importance enter 0Orihhia. Into the- proibitiioi. Ti-,- jsroLpoescd amnalgamnation of the To htt.In w ih, If a citizen ou-ns Prop- lS2,,d 0-ntario, 220tlh York and 234th ,rii in a towr, be ctn 111 afford to Pet-I flattalions io torm une sINong - iti-'nul fils înouey eswer.E%ê.ry dol- u'nit, w-as laid h,-fure the Under-Secre- rs-r taIt ýi- stenda w îîb lis bome mer- tary to the Nlilitia teparimment. %%ho, citant lis in sernte ieasure to build boweit-r. dt'cided that. as ail were ,11 iL- ttiwlt Mfort- iiitit(-yspct nwsith coiti vbattaliott5, recruiting In iheir tits, hom.me trchaiît wotild m-an ruiOr- rt-sl)ettcti -areas. tht-y should Le give- - .nit% ftor tt.nstin 01. busit ofuta rt-iasnabj limure 10 rtcruit tilt bo -Oe ! -rý-tI.:.u mort- is t -est ren t Il îbths 'trý, nrrcbii-ts intuutisn big t-a r ,dockslrgrstort-ts, mort dt-îîarîd ur -o- I. iglt-r incas -for r-ilt-s î'.SBÏ~INtHR -i t n vi î gititu-r:. i n rt- tosu- i n ta n:ty-. Octotx-rr t. - -- - <-.uîti.iit s t w!w s t-înd tto a!- Il tn atutî Lo rd. lit-ar Mi- I * < i --ites utm utifiri nt' Voi! - ol. H od T tu M - ia -in ttgt h leu i tP. 11gt.t r 1I. ct! l; t ar lord7 Mies ý%Kathlz-u.-iN Sehtil5s)O I zt s ' t, ~ -r.u-rUwser oft Iza 7 1)ni Solo. C Ibc ~ tî~Bar - 1-(1 -- -t t r 9 i. <-r r N ~ . ,t azd- - I. î lLê i l- i !. at i l-nIt t!! Iciur tl it .îu 4 s Mm-titr ra t'Il at)i.Th e.-nmiel- Sonde.. -t Ttt- t. r) ta«f l-n ftt wanl theticom4>ftfitin thefS-c h r itetn Ctr,-etz e 1 brI'.st and f'-îls--ul%>Wjee, 'hySt.nÇas. f ris nut rron ~ttwity trpeustIe tP.aarGiI tidc- jbï4a ot*aa tu-t-g. Our mrrttmt Bla ANNUAI SOMMER CLEARANCE SALE Hlaving thousarnds of doilats ot l i lc4and Shlcs on har4, vo ame determined to clear up baJance cf -,urrnitr stick rxt (b <an tlhe pr<-sent wholesaJeprk.s* la c rdcr to make i oom for hei vy fatil stok these goods must be cl"tSid «t lin pody 31oen's OXU)I-S!, MOIlkiiei-* f cïflat*hsr, regula ' r ùte tsOê salé Wfoo Womena QOxford*anmd PuMP9. rf gular pvkeaw qvo Job lot et f irnhs' a ii Mn<r<sh ..4 i3.wp4 ;guýprço,,,3 sll SAl kladi of QUtig ebff si grmaÎly'"e Wous"N M.itae Weight ftot alir pît" $.so t ,1 . #se Iê k pmU n jn <Q& 10's 8.111suit Cms, lr w*t an - str , r auigr e i l;t ta t-ue 1i~ O1 t u 11tom - p~~a~ tuwt~4 . te$~ûlsi SOaNtura, Sep itema, f0Mrawand Mrs. G. D. Conant, a dalÈtxýtr. DEAT}IS. NICIIOLSON-In Wbitby, on Satur, day, September Z'3,191. Louise Nich- oison. beloved wife of Robt. E- Nich- olson, aged 57 years. . 0's c e o t ently Iasued, shows ail the main trav- lied roada. stations. post offices, routes if te C.P.R.. G.TR. and C.N.R., and tives much other valuabie Information. rTe price la away dewni, only 50c- on taper, $1.00 on canvass with wooden roUere. C. A. Goo«&to*g Wh. Wbit- b:. are the soie deââht. Bread Sedan .... 890,@00 le o. b. Ford, Ontairlo These prices are positively gusrant4ted &gainât any re- dttction before Auguit let, 1917, but there ta ne guara.nfee againt &a ad.vance ini prire as any Uime. W. Je LUKE& SON, WHITBY, ONT. DEAILERS s' M akingContests- At Ruiral School Fairs PRIZES-Frce Cou ses ai Macdonald Institute, Gueph - Free Poultry Raialng Courses t Oitaro Agrieultural Collge - Free Cook Bookad Magazines Over 15W0 prizes in ail will be offered in bread-making contests which wiIl be held titis fail at over 2W rurl shool fais taking place n Ontaro. It will bc a great event at the f airs andi will stunulate int±rest mn bread-making anong young girls betwecn the ages of 12 and 17 years. to win for Itcr,.df naFrrc Courwe iIi Diunes tie cSice at the faions Madonad Insîttut., Gulphb. Ail site has to do is to bake onc double lo t tsbread and enter wili -tend you on request, The boal muat bc baked with Cream ID West Fleur the hard wheat flour euaranteed for bread. T i i a a .piundi t! fl )uor w h l i t rai - i - 1)gg s t b ugi-r- b c - w l r t li ghltc -st zand m oit w bolas cm e La-e.d y uu ct b Lk i t . riâ t ý ict u lud port'.tzîty taîttr-,l uur & ug ters l bin ad akn ? * ILit.l t 1 t . ïa *e-u-- - l - s - t ui rui u - t - t> tt-i tSe t t I y s ?td ii ri- 1i-. eu -.i tttt-l s1? .tiý;t i-a -- i te -Lîr e ~th Ut - l 'c «9,m" ' fa- î- l z* i it~.. ~ -- Wa-. e.'rw. r-u-u-tSIito. ttd p--s 't.11 se wxm'Mi îr-î~ht <t-I riutts e ! I * .t-usî tie îit tug ieute 1-l.su rnsxu. iti ~.* la~t o tat tt.? t e t>ic t tiat 1 usý tit .5*1 ~.ta uthe K Ca'utl , ly tht - lsa4- îsr-t-ae t 'tgte iul. i. Tti-<t-- ,, Isrrrtmpete tor toiowisig protmtela tata-% 11C xaitt n i '1-4 arMas, Ur tird and ourt prizcaS, fzbuM It-tittet e, (;îdunt-f2y Dtttut cene a. 44eW1 Lncitte. 'bcM*atld instýitute does neS ccrept twuots der lte usie u1 tvetiail the winner tic Iess tlt..u 17 ,îc %iii'iteut lier aitti m cettit-aSte cttrtint h« to tahe tas ,c- - z~ t -i suc herçxsbc.. lt- I îktî cge.Value ur cour-= 97-, se tc,. it 54i fut Ih u wtilboardknd tts-s. tt.itkufIl , i til=diteipit. U â cure rt st -e ut thi--r- e. tuît ooui boeinc lieuses will b. t-ýt ir rt t i e-1 wGldpt . Vaue atuf et-eS w5f1OO wbh ctâ- <ut1au -Sovi<'str~e I seek)tai Pcxitry R&isutg -at tJtt eeeii ( tw-b iatusio o eibgcOMiCc L'e~u i~ nai 1t4?eusr kest(dk ow14. Tir ConUud srett 41W4 'Ný- , il ius M xutý Mme r -w q* * t v ~ ê4 - b. seperatd *4lkt tgse k, W" bumd *a bot » et àse t " t.db . -be QM udo t bun *auga« l BETTER 15ER TMIATHIE L_ YOU tRJl 1EEN USINO ip E hve sec ured the açency for 'Nationaili4ght' PET P14 T W and 'Silver Light' Coal Oil. Both are imn- GET YOUIR MONEY BACK Just a Little BetteP. heecrr rciciyevrimgta Pr nal eto The next tirne your can is empty, try it, and you-will ia wanted, and their priros. a int-iný see for yourself. cases out of ten. arP asIon-, if not low- Pr than that of the bile clty merchalits. Mtrs. John Quiinn. or Kînsalo., callUd ato ' k fnnn lI 5d~ or 1i WeP believe that cvery citize7n oinltroi tlhosn Whîthy hast 'NtioalL15111, L2U5C UIpop II 9 Whitby betieves th.it otr town bas aw-. most wondertui futuire. and thra dream 1Mr ..('hi,; Bar:on. Sýr - ,as ri turneti £Ola ih 0 e gl. ai O'U I ran be realizd. Butt how? Jusi -iV.t froni a tisit xih htr daiîzhtt-r atNia-I UIivUI I0Lg r,2eppgle 5gl.fr9 t thé. local merchant ail tht- t-cotirn_a r. att- btno smUd ipnrlce. mini possible. Jtîst patronize vout Io-,\tNI-sF. Hn rv, vre iirn -d t0 o n 1ýTiB te' u . ~ U cal m-rhans-the pt cihe that v tax- Frit1ay aftt-r a t.owîesholidaýy in es,. that are striving- to bulild up ýour - i otk. town. that are In n lvi:ibît îva, in- Misýs i iltiin -cflro( o.bs ttic creasin., tht- valuçes of >oiir proîî-rty -,ut-st ut ber atunt and uncle, Sbe-riffG'-tet htb.mi r.Pxot.R U and greater place. and the rising gen- - --r-.-f -r- o.v-st-h à -A RAda serve policy o! our colintry. and we are- Mr. and s mt. nt ako.o sure Ibat more good money will stay M.adNr.Jnta akoo rIght here at home. The Individual jSt. Thomas. have retrîrned home atter tehome town. but ihrough this means ronto. _________«__________ hserves as obldu h t and MadNrs. Wm. Davis and littie 1 th empre. dauighter, of Toronto, motored io town M. V andspent a couple of days with Mrs. S. Jakoof Port Whithy. Pi.R. Rankin, of Niagara-on-the-i Ra113 a ase f uieSCES-ait Mrs. Orvis. receîîily. tully.1 Messrs. W. Ayres. W. E. Rire. and tiPr. ard Msrs. Pringie. Mr. and Mrs;.IWm. Heard motorAd to Lindsay on C. Mo rton and Miss Sa.ie Fringht Priday evenin.g and spent Saturday ai rc s1 adspent a tew day.5 with Mr. and Mr. Wihl Stephenson. o! Moose Jaw.,Ne rc sA g t1 19 6 .M r. F. Rowc. Sas..vsited hi-, sister. Mrs. A. Ban- S. Miss Mabel Macke3. ut Toronto. del. this v;eek. MIr. Stephen.son was a spelit the week-end bih er mte eeaefront Moose Ja-.., to the Trades Tefhwn rcsfrFr aswl here. a.nd Labor Congres eld in Toronto b fetv nadatrAg ,11 Miss Hilda Carruthers has returned this week. b fetv nadatrAg ,11 tu Toronto to cornpiete ber university MIrs. E. Edmund Starr la In Tornt"o course. attendlng a meeting ot "The National MIss Annie Carruthers bas returned Committee uof Women for Patrioti c'si . . $4 00 to ber pasition In Tcronto.1 Service," aise placing a tase of Sol- e Miss Wood, of Calgary, IsvTIsiting I dit rs' Ccmfortz received frorn a wed- Runabout e 475,00 with ber mother, Mrs. J. Wood. ding annivers;ary patrioîtir shower heid The fttnerai o! Mr. James Wtood on Ir Western Ontario, and ma.king ar- o rn a 9 @ Saturda.N last was iargely attended. rangemient for Christmas gîft t toekings e Thei deepest sympatby o! Uie commtl- for our men at th roi gnity is extrttded lu Mrs. Wood end tam- , - -0a- 6 50( IV %9 f r p <.e% 1 cnc>n t - ,B IR T IIS. -T o w n C a r * . 7 8 0 .0 0 La wat grac Price Pl 'ully tht' adn insane, in an i -choses , an; con not onl ,o? the fromt discoun1 homes acquain ber uoft] and cou the soc -~play w l hem n yo w ape con- IWest l 2- itn reus -2 iw ranbe ITh t i-ltse Sh at 1 (-ven enrC -Mam laru be 1 - -do bef< U i Tb* Lthe~~I t'- t - I un 11', V Vit', 1. % qi l 1

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