Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 28 Sep 1916, p. 3

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SCORPSES PULFB IN MOUNDS: Maîkets0fflThc WerM ME MILIONS From Erin'GrnIseFSRAE TT ROAD SOAKED WITH BLOOD TrntSet1 O MKSMEN NW TMI UMIP _______1 Nnrthern, S1.7J; No. 2. 'do, LAND'8 HRS No. 3. do.. $1 63 No. 4 wheillt, *15,track, Baey ports, OId cr01) trad- FROM MACHINE SHOP APPREN- Foe's Losses iFutile Counter-attacks on Somme Are the InI BeTuton Infanry Hurle lleaviest Since Early Days of Verdun. No. 3,b(Io.,61c;eta No. 1 f eed. S7bC.happeinings ln teEnrl aee No. 1 feed. 669e, track, Blay ports. American roi--No. 3 yeliow. 94c. InteTeatt Ilh track, Toronto. Frn .VfeliaPiatrp Ontario oats -New No 2 wlilip, 52 t rn A idnipsPiathOym A cdespatch f rom London says: Be- north-east corner of the village, Only 64e . No. 9. do., 61 to 5c, stecordiuir toAdepthro Loonay fighte aut.qide. la the ide of Hia Nature Not Qt nsl tRscmo e aainConPic' rn hlnd the French Army on the Somme: 1to be driven out an hour later and Or~ntario whpat-No. 1 uommprr¶i, ronOas nsli The worst sacrifice of life since t.he, rout.ed further back than they had $1.26 to $1.285 No. 2, do.. $1.21 t<i $1.24, Kon cently fetched tercr rc fo h om aeadsea No. 3, do.. *1.i7 to $1 20, accordlng te early daya of t.he Verdun battie mark-' stood before the -action. freights outmIde. New crop, No. 2. "Wbat has been the bardest step of $5.28 per barrelof4atn.Itptodrvbckhernc ed the main Gerrman counter-attack The laRt attack, deliverea at dusk, $1.33 t $1.35. ail In your career ? The recruitingcapinnBeasth Proe-mbehiha Thursd-ay agiinst the new French1 was terminat.ed by a séries of checks Pres-Ntsoug. 2b 21.o<rl o "To get out of my overails. to secure additioareresfrtehubekteion igta positions noith of the Somme. Ac- costing the Germant; three whole régi- BarIeý-Malinz. R4 to 97c, nominal That was tlhe reply flashed back by,1 Ulster Division i aigstsa-be taiycoigi nte cording to un nrtillery officer who ments. A Bavarian company belong- frôlights outside. fOTOiI a<rligt tefrmier farm boada he-s f heptory progress. took part in the battie, corpscs are ing to the Ilth Regiment tost 160 out Iluckwheat-Ro tbu112c. nomIinal, ac- Theetie hoistodathadohta pileui on ench îide rrithe rond from of 200 men. Two battalions of the rOrding o. 2,rew 1,13 n $1 15, r atest neaift'al an in e nit.ed h eahha curd ofM. ie nismd1gtcmui Combles bu Rn,îcoirt in moutnds, 123rd Prussian Ré'giment were total- 2. n t few lii O tshai or tlie Amrlca.n1Inter- C arles osbseifo h ot htteatmtfi i eien sa-mn mrcial. nominal. national Corporation whlch la to con-, C.Mah edo h lm o ltl h rnhhligt ometirnies tîîrüe' et nîgn. ly oestroyed. Io argiet sap anitolia iiour-l'trAt Pate-nts. In Jute quer foreign markets for Amorican Charles Lowry &i o.itosveyhr nat Thc German effort to stem the ed a loss o! less than 60 per cent. o agof b.ndptnt 0Joecmmrehaaoih)Itratoa iApblcpstofiebsren Thiati etrt ron i'ft, 5511> tr(ng haker'. in Jute Bacommerceporadionfth Ite ratnhesAopene blinckvleHl, pe eneaothafwy French advancee was the stîongest its effectives. bagm, $7 9». Tomofnto,,BnngCroainwt sbachspedinS mae ice the' beginning of the î nebrgDrce Btî. (>ntRrlo fl,tr -N*ew % inter. arrordinz ln many lands, head o! the Mldvale Sackville street,tosretpraiy CmlsniPrnn.Fm9 niade ~ ~ ~ idnbr DrtedBtle namnple. S6 25 in togs. tra'l<. T<ronto., Steel & Ordinance Co., a director and a h ...frDbi.i h onn ni ihtl Somme itattle. I laserd over ton hours proat sasrthne . 6 15 bfoi anti was made ' y tao lviqions, which Ninety thousand men directeti per- Pr""mrKt hi-ment ,se6bo5ard, constructive force in leading rallroads, M r. Wmn. Murhhredaeifnr n ult gis auffecr etiterrifie Iose;es under thoe otially hy Field Marshal von Hinden- Mlht. ier Unr t'd -iran, prMon lnad upbutldor of Industry. Waterford, was eiul nue ohsue nasre !fec 126 ahuri er ton. $29 , rniddllnnga, hrIoaFnkAVdeipte heaviu'st prt'partritt>n nriltry Fenhpositons i hergionOf r ton. 33< oui fei t four pier bag, were met byt a bailne o! bulleten ly Il Fencb 't in there2on 5o mentions even to intimates. Perhaps while driving a siieihre knowni in tiiot sect or, from grbent iguns Bcouc'havesnes, on the Somme, accord- flIsv-Newt No 1. ver ton, 110) in$12 tewr ! hsUkow;adr Torrential rainsfurcnl ntesasfo h rnhmci brotight frc m other fronts, 201 Germian ing to the spécial correspondent in tr. m ar ohave t5' adbr sk m.rfl- ng to do wîth Roscommon disticadbuewre nd rtlry Tht h G batta!ioný, began the aqsault with the the flelti of Paris La Liberté. ' Strav-Clar <ltg, ti,,.bon 5 7 tu $".t0est',cessor Banker V1a.nderU1.p. It, flooded to a delt fnal ot entt nk urm i triple oljceeti\ t'of frecing Combles The fighting was extmaordinary tra,,k. Torinio. at lcast reveals wlty ho deserved te Many fartnerssufrtasrou reeabshhec mncti from tht' danger of inv est.rnent, stop- fierce in the centre o! the region at- sred es ping the Fr',ech we(dize hetween Pe- tackpud, arounti Bouchavesnes and 1u.ntFreeq PrucWoleaa.1ti12. pthe sl'nnowîi ansirp is Vander Mr. Forster sy h'WrOfc aeib h erfedufr ro ouei t'Conls, and driv ing tht'fiuis 1'Abbe. anti nt Combles', about Buterlresh in d:b _ r sieolce. tto . u he36,tplan.roi'. h possesses inforionsoigta rcddac natyatc ronlie rmteo ll N.Ii teefrm swl sFt n 0 e ,M .3 or.24b 2e. r'-ri r in 6 Wlin a struggling rriter inie allîce frum 1w *'~~~~~~~" ' i E,991-No 1 et oraigre.35 bu 3$;(- ;stor- cage, qiiPPoW~ng six dependents, he ilarge quaniiso a aenwbe h ag otnet ho 76, mwhili lorninat- Mont St. (2upn- court. At Prieze farm two Prusslan nec, se1ece. 37 bu 38c . w-laid in car- ue'0rn lcena i it-releaseti for the s !cvlcosm ate tin.tattalions were nearly destroyeti, atits bonsi4( bu 42e ltesdpotltr*- -Chlelu(,ns, 25 bu 27, place and send group aliter group of, aai rlni h snlswr anht Tv.Pr iao M luttai uns, v. ho lori tbbc eurreFpony!ent. andi a similar fate > uwi 18 bu 29c . docks. 14 to 20ecicty waifs to enjoy a stay there ln the1 Untier new rgutino!heD -_______________ th tt.iuao h arvcr a;gilee< tRncutb t erer dloz. $4.50summuer-irne. At Christmas, bats-ad fence of the Ram At h lit ii ~e ci b lri'z frntv e w~ ufertietRacortbythee b.t iu«tr\ (hekn.17 I ste b tegn" rset, oan i hairi', outo f theirrtrenecli , %ch"n t;<rman regmrrenbe. whîreh. advancing Çuwî. 14 bu If.. due(k. il b2t,,!"ocan 1 prsnsh atclt Secretary o! Stat a rhbtfe' ,,i thv rridni-beforet'hei in four Mwaves, matie the tast desper- it.hee." New. large. 21à tn. 22c . twins sillîer p ayed Santa Claus amorg the' going to Irelandaypro or U UUI terribte Il (eo! the "75's."' Further:1ate effort o! the day. ! u-v Ent tifle 'îua~ibv 2 .lb, ins, .iih Ijet south four i scceissive waves of infan- Malcolm Ross, corresponden tb(0hIlbI "(rt'urv elt . ,I A serieus; fire rk oti Cos' tr abîc<ign loefomioîn were the Ncw.Zealanti forces on the Somme, 3 11u2f.. 5 u 2stineraa imgs a ast.Tat-TS OUBJ semshI ' b " nch"l s"The states thant the Allies fireti twelve fss pr ag3175buSI55 trtdama'oi", vlîccfBouchavirmnes was tht' s"ene million sheIls tn a prelimiriary bom -p int a Vhf.', si 75tnhsi 4bcd itixii5". cigbt herses inthsabewree- o! notcmat (iOte e32lrt10 ik iirbaf.92cueti with tiiff iculy othe no e ttlloi-ri c cf, bbctartlment o that front. "The Gar- Ne Irusaikuttr.1cb<g2am- da, hnl' adi-lft scrfai th:mn,"hanid, "are bld in a fog lHetîns -Tturil-pLt 1e4 5 Ri,priimes, 85. " Negotiationsar prctin î(,r7iqsucce .1ci lir n 'i tho ' auseti bv the smoes'o! the shells.'"c'0ably between tre of hecsstmaFmPrvne Wbr Provia.tona-Whaleaale ~ ~ ~ ek~< Channel steamsin opne nI OtroBj u il Rnuok<dci eiae.md~ 24 to, the dock laborasi hi mly- bRAIDbSa.ies tON ,25bu2e irHoac Punet,6coha be d.ti, ~22 ru 21. 86,d 15I <ment in regard oainrse!pyILin. RUTILESS METHODS 'RAIS ii Y OE. ks, plain, 26 la 27c ieie.25 buiSrorace o h ls evnwes riretP. am 2r Ick1cd -rdru ,iired <cua~, cet their work becaus f Adsnr rmVnc asMo-1tl crasteresult o ratscctii ide wn AGeut 1.TAN a Fontaine. bhc Patciarcb h 'r e on ca,r t)af 'n 14 bu ing whila untieron ramn N- 'et ice, has publisheti a letter from bardt lue" Alta., 17hipped foure carloads I' oj' lBecnedîct. deltporing the at- ' utýs.1:1r 7 pis17 à,1. 7e t Lxa d(ir of (liermdn Nat ional ten'tpti arainst the churches andinlui 13bu1e- The Local Coei etBadhv ef atet inpgls lhealI>r~ d~oete~ treaslirt's o! Venire anti rejoicing that Baineau iu Montree the Church o! Son Giovanni Paolo as ý orIraî Sept, 25 <abs ('nnadian - i ans to instituelga prcdis poneifrevceoees Fright fulne's-. copal destructive IbloWF, cnly suatain- Wtetrn, No,2b ., (I. 3No a 5èc gantth A <ucoi'hfrm erln îî,sMauring damage which fortunately cariha e 39t) 5o4 ed, 59J -M, No.lca fel7jhIe.3,000 vaccinatio dealrslth tl. itadc f th Nîî reparai.Flour- Manitroti Sprin~ wheab patents., union area.Lit.JhC.Mcuce Ernt ;kiý,rma nleaer(ifth Na Crabe. 5$87') duo. Rcn S. 8.60 ; atrongz Eroct ilast'rmannThe Pope catis the explosion before b,tkprr' $9 W'tintcr patente. choice,.I. The daath h1 curt !M.1..ue r atro h tionol l.îleral party, in a kevnote 12f. Mark, the destruction o! the $7 75 . sbrabght ruIlera 17 20 bo $7.50 .~. Hamilton-StubesDLatbsrs-cooBadhsbe k 4 ~ ~~speech delivereti t fret his constîtu- (hue o anaMaieFrmsr n i baýqs$3At, bu3155. bag 0f 90 ls. a ag atone-ntecut oseat eraavr 'i "t enta ibi s 53 of S abua5MarieRFor m osaatand dence at D urro' , Q e n s C un y a(c i n hi Sarrutkn iîtrt' <e-'hp damage te the Church o! ScaîzI $2 !40 bu $3. Mllfeed-LBran. 826 <t clarel that bbcecul marine campaigm "buter wounds to n heart," anti re- 'hOrbs $8 . mirldlings, $80 . moulîie.. anti was Master ftaCut onsl h prtRvrdsr hati been postpone i ant i not abandon- gea$ht32 ffrs apevn sc ota, 35. ay-No 2. per ton. carfoté eti.eBassermean aeivocateti therent suc( lotse-s ias. westerns. o tnyaars. e.Major Bsem n doaeth ifrue haefid.Iec o- d",. easbcm-ns 20c. Buter- Fielti-MarshalVson oxe aey wids'st possqible ue o!fIoth slmesu tt"dbs eten'ysnrigwod oc,,'Frs. .tletd 3c: o yCmmnie-n-hef6oe1oce, Cld,86a1ooat teo rine andi Zeppelins andtiheb most co m!ort to thea population of Venice, i stock. 2ec" No. 2, do. 34)c. Potaitoo- * Inspecteti tropslokBrakro aAbrao'e a t ~~ruthtt"s'u methouis o! warfart'. \i ith a wish (bat pence will soon be Par tag. car lots. $1.30 bu 11.55. Dresqed ' , istngof h rs omn r.W e The' Natitonal Ii4.ral leader as5z'ert- bucoga -Abatbbulr-killled. 511.75 ta $17. ~icni ~ ~ Ryl Rg-b at tathe iev wreshrtiby~ re stored. j- Pork- lt-ay~ Canada shorb mess, barrels ment, Leinster eietat oa h rpites edthtbi iev wr saedb A-35 to 40 eeAes. $34 te $865 Canada! Frank A. Vandes-lip. Dublin Fu. ilier.'PtrGne-P, a - - - shrt cut back. berrel.q. 46 te 55 piaces ilrnl voni Tirpit'z, Admirai von hýot'-- , OILD Tt'RN KRUPPS $32 bu $33 .ard -"mnpound, wooel- The Lismor ani-stctRd letrsdnso!Cga tee, l'î îles' v<>r GREEN WIHEN.1 .%oud pailî, 2o 16,8 net. 16 te 16be. poor on a scale that involvad real Cross Committaheprstdtei wnlaatwek s lbpli iemitaiet atiConta , WT N' ol.2 bnt u1e-d. ue i - p mîuîntaineti that "in a ~~sel!-sacrifice. bon. secretaryi r .D ral. ti.ac itit strrîggit vb trein the existence o! Ger- Adsa -rmNwYr as iupi Gan eebrdOdCus ihasle many il; ut stake the' nost ruthless TA Btis a ro maNeack says: 'nin WiflflAISet 2Gr-as. rcsIgteTesryDpr-te fvl use cf al possible weapons is calletiTe rtshaemauacuig e 'heî,b No I Northemn. $1.581 eNo. à On enterngheTaauyDat for." This sentiment ,A-s heartil a inventions "which wouid tura the' Nortiierii. $1,5. No " Northero. $1 53ji; ment at Washington b4, took several; hon. secretary.ftdrcr co ilb lyap wrNo. 4. $1 471 . Nu. 5, $I 391 No. 6. 1o! his po-o friends wlt.h hlm. found <Tev oesa anti Zetppelins', continuetiMjo as aDr. Benjamin Rand o! Harvard te o.1fed 1 N( fe.SO.i:ts onwu homn. bario ! htem haa tin aa isd a B eonl ieLr utwe 'tnydia sermaribi. were the mSt effective A-ea- University, who returrieti rom a visit .< lv-Na 3, 866e ;Na. 4 80ic , e- 'sînce madie thair Èhark.I Mayor intieCyHa.Thyaerbintiy thesathta pan ageinat "Our arch enemy Eng-i to Englanti on the steamship Andanl.a. Jce-ted, 73hà>': fead. 796e. 'a-No. H haa put and la puttlag numbersrs i npc lanti." ~~~~Accordeti privileges o! Inspection by N W tC. S1 91 . No. 2 t $ S1.96. Hofardsinspctei shpbtndirg yadsnmchin riht octolhe' ___ theBrltah oreia Ofice Dr.Rant deervlg yoag ca troug col' ati lnea actrles Snodun Jin Madn, alwys orkirg a te bgt siie of Trarnylvania la nov in Roumantani Mont r1Ni. Set.m 25-4ood ut cars ol'behaaddad. alway iooiag t t'e brgis ants. Tse cmmuncatin as: "n' on am s et mn0 8 4 6 2. while uthe M. aeriltplitonae!fthe Increas-,marchandise e i id atn o ac.Cm .rdcdt banti tire day recently as ha tisfd Itise north andi nortk-'est fronts r.w* brougbt t ram $6 Io SiLW and bulla bng aumber o! eminent business laad- ec.Alts atre aeba.si a.Tsr a ra rutisîessly on bis bcd, "it'. the' docto'r tliting continues on Mounta Cali- *i l' 86 7i.re »ave a $4a.<'il-ors wio are more Intereain amalt. vorking et fuiteasualdalweulvamdekon I'ra thinging of. What a bill hie vili mari (KelemelI) anti GiurgilI, visene for 1,ulis and at 8376 ta $4 :6l'or caet igme isi a sklgmllos ba. ' NvrmnJsp. adhsQueb" s- aock ai 89 2s Io lit &0 Per ewt - --ing stanready o bpsn strArra J .Mlns %'ife. "You know, thre's Use nsur- chine guns. A detacismant enteretiShrees 8&650 to 87 Pèrer wt. Valv~es, choic, ance mxwtney.n Orde.rbet." stock. 9< te lac. lower grrades f rom 4 s& MAY SHAIVE UPPER LIP. tise var. a al u uibtle Scpe pu d %e eaitlogus-4'hils altis he pad eeatvs a ami naht ap - -~~ rom Re scts ut $Il 26 to 8Il560.sadOttawa Issues Order That Moustaches »s a»rbolgcntuttsdl bri it iacr u muesiuni andi bsa"v weftts ait 81060 10 Whhh Net Be Obligatory. sid tisat thrnmorvl soiii ae flAIIIAI#JI 8150 Per c- t . weighed offcas rI A R U M VEOD YTEUTONS ARE SHORT There le food le-Vs fo>r the yOugsZfl b3I ~thetact that mrhn eel i .vseibsbus ese GID N FGN N HL&alterns wtso have atruggledto moeet a premlumvsspaeeor.,agnr !Wulpg GER ANSAND BULGARSCRUSHED A 0 GN A! 8 &th is e urequiremenswih ceIl whils OtieraatlWihbebenscd b pkgu ___________ ~Adeapatal'rous Lendonsasyi: The ..w ~tsa u iii have vibll oMrhdiatliiacsI.e. offlebal repartfrein Bnîtia ed cmâais mm wIîI tb blt-d * ui>ipAUl Il tospao esh iaAI Mackensen"s Armies in Full Retreat, Burnlng Villages bRe. quartiers In Fratwe ceaaim se i .; ~ ab. onse oremmrlivr u ii brl ueWiupg u bard Pureucre. lowlugt by ~~~~tii.War o i de No te m fo lb sd vl a i Ubrged .dyt m 17 ecGd. 'l tard Pursuers. "~A capturati document signed y hen ______b____iv I Md il Gemeal von Faiktaniynviile Ch Ut E». s N dlslp eut dtty4e ea adsIV 5>UIh 1 of thse German Gene-rai Staff, datied i eeLw 1îiýA despalcis f rom L eder s aya. The; The Buchaisa t W ar Offe an un- Au. 24 stllte : TUE RIGA FROTNT.U Sdos O i , io f tI l sbc-day batte in tise DobrudIa bas et in an eaxlier repart tisat tisa UUaac- iewaa.of cubSl ie I S8Aept", rou audeTA&a endet iIn a Ruseo-Roumaslan vlctory.,Roumasiana have nepolseithse isvsd. (iv iisatis bas bt»« caeiwrbly la TO cE Fieldi Marahal von Macktnsnes "a ' #s tuinary mnsr," exeat' of prodiction. 1%e . a§e, Ttsrkh Ù tffspabave 'wsPAK8. Mdde s«tuthepi rlgbt ing iiRoumala, instlgof wisele front, and iaunebe~d & of !tis a asnitianIn bour ne. 1< rlI.U7 438?d*~ authfo alA ________ riget wie lit RomanUa, ronh. bien sal.f»M Peb"wm~rd. Tb.i aremlad v c l a.Geraa Ms Germnana, Bulgara anti Turks, la ri- oeunter-attack& Tii. rtp " servis i of. ac b mlté isentjoa m- Gra u uUladw, s* o aai~owsf n;s tiseforras o! obre. vîis obutlna#w. Ruggo-e cMaali OUAiminuon.e Ylut aiW e y of a si' bI .upm s eua.jW *t"u.Mp ý us ivi ts C News o! tisa resaut e! tisegreut bat-1 bleopa nipuled ln a aanguinavy nmm'u. itiiveyii t~saeTIl 5Ii V iaia i.Prs mpq~ r slste-- tle wvls recelvet Inla abrie! a4suiary1 ner on tue whole fitc t .1 Uck*, aleo'o uevo oaaa l'bsSms e td10eW>~t tPS *dE a moisnga. Mfl tisemv0ach s t «t aa*lbtop e e s ci a Roumanlan Wmr Office atatemeist1the entisy. &s »&d iMad S-aao.~p.s'uieo aeni hd visicissald. t.r-attacki. Euemy s.roplamdrap- < Si ton abrae,-44r fern~ o t80 aU 5 abst <~blt. "Tise batte between tisa Germas, Pati bomba en Coutaua, viser. 8e ggekj g -OUR MiU!8 OYUWPmm mt11L Bulgarlan sqd Turkbmh troopa un4erf ou. vas ljureti, a»d cm Piast Gian.von Mackensen, lu thse bobrudja,t Noantu, vast.am a s lujormiL j t& Àdepê"la.»M Whiicis baubaun luprognuma aointe Use WSo liday a&"te UsaI.â- - u's.j" "'The ,susy la retinng ouuiivards, ho*m&»l M bo eiugUhwam.wu P"laImslu»md emIpa ver.z4tt4 aaui$ ise SV~O A ds~ ~I~oMMyaUAmm tihaeo o'Niati. auie , sos dvmahe! h m s Te tIoA ime li D@ flu lffles.. in Do__.I1 zp-_____________m MPTS MADE TO BREAK IRON RINGI in Massed Formation Against Gen. Foch's LUne. s: Tise threa anti a bal! mile front betwefl north tise Prie-ze fara anti the Bois L'Abbe. e at- Inaoea attack at noon the Germnaf n f roms succedeti after a nunber af bloody anti checks," ta the words of tise nîght t ias cômmunique, in taking a footholt inl se two tise nortis-wastern part of Boucha- War vesnas village, oniy ta ho drivea out lue re- aigain nt thse point af tise bayonet. r om- Fifty prisonars, inclutixg some off i- eir po- cars. 'er made by tise French in this :ato.Fu reeding "wavas" L.ad7 ouh-been litcraliy mowad downhytsa, etween French fire, the Teutons ratiring in o'cleck tibsortier, a-cortiing te tisa Frenchs~ s Teuton War Office. Tie lsses suffereti by eneral themn are dascrbbed as "important." e coun-i Tise British lest night sutidenly . They shited the fgting te tie nortiera ,a antianti of their line, capturing 200 yards ie guns of German trnche-s. On tie. Somme ermans Sir Douglas 1-aig's troops beit off all )rt ta Teuton counter-attarks. an h- Tie Germans again attaketl ind- Frnch positions bn the Champagne, whih agt of Soutain 11, but were re- anti by' pusat. A similar action in tisa Vs- n into gs, nortbast ai' Altkirch, alita brko do-wn unîler tise French curtain of on tise; fire. W ICross for ronspiruous bravcry untier havy fire.J But for the prompt action of a neigbor woaa wo beat out tie i BRI. flames with ber bandit, lttle Grace A Dohrty, o! Calgary, wcfuld have been burnedt t deatis wien er clothes cauglit in a boaftre. 5Many 6re AT LONG FALLS. How a Brave Man Attempted te ,r ara Rescue His Comrade. ae o a I waa determinadti tahave a neW e. bridge antd dam avec Long Fall. A Bashaw, neighborIng towa wated eolc ine of fine Power ;tlil couny wailted a Bafr xeak. -and botter bridge:, and the lumber eea-company, whIcis hall a long an'd valu- re a-Iable log chute. was ready te have that as pro-1lmproved anti strengtba'ted. The isospi- work of raplaeng tle wo)odwork wlth ste-el girders andi cament plers and, ta, for- aIdes hati be-en well andc sa!ely don-e.' Calgary The workmea vere comple-ting and, iitintestixsg tii-e stop-log appa.ratus of tise 'dam, when a 1big pry stick bruite and i two m'en vero hurlad .backward. Oaa . plentiful f-eli Into tle log chute and vas swept, t, Alta. vîth great speatide-va labo the river ve been byon. A log malts this journey' la four seconds, andi this man wenti nly pool- down la bout the a"me tim. ,Hoe operatedi'kept is prsence of mndt, andi wh'is iellr i'hewagpluned atothepool at tue, 'le other andi, ha swam as hard as ha% coulti under tue water ta escape the o tie!ogs whirll'ng above hIs be-ad.Wea ry, vas ha came to the arface be-waz la cota- eriff o! parativoly quiet water, and saa î ea.slly to tise slhore ; but 'ils com-DaIL- Minister'ion dîd not f are se well. Manitoba!t Both aidese o!tie eut through whch .particu- Ue vter ftll are rough andi jagged. Tisa vater la lasnhet Into fury. Prom ae badly tiseangry, tossing foot. mist andi rwss'spray constantly ris-e. r n 0 The second vorkînan vas plunged, drove bis <net 1-to thselkg chute, but lato thiet roarug chasm. Ha as a clver water-î 1Western, man, anti, qulck as a cat, lie turuied ln 1cns Te mmaboya could bsrdly a«, raa iat ap aPuis& me0 tlick vas thse rlulng silat; but the« auU,Ou' saw ear, lugresur laver and! lover un& tlt f e té eeme t tisaho. mat rs- i r anti h Tera cme a reassuno< tut oàs e me 5rsh I Tiss- isam. v-In d, 1ri 'moo eut uds p btOv% à"'or tthe b.1 U'tors *aw tb mis bas! ls ý anglne e m Kma treo l a4 h'M« he i.rocka. t a b uai 0 4 fa to A ed u i n C m t Thse rucuen ui _ ra u e «o toý the* B. r"i- bu isto io5'itte tw, o su-ad ixme*a or tbe reoeset bPp» a4 mn ~ o Mae-c *e Wlflar et omudtomWtbi wc)i

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