Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 14 Sep 1916, p. 7

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t: ./ ' JANSUTSIS-A MLIARY STAR ONE 0F TITE GREATEST GENER- ALS 0F THE WAR. W"ill Seon Present Bnitain With Ger- many'a East Afnican Colony B"t on Addj"<an Chriqtian Srnuts will yet play JOHN-H, I AMLîmîu, a grent part in South Afnica. Ha je 22' Malàm BUilding, Torojnto. one otf the cleveet lawyers in the country and a man of versatile et- ______tainnients hesities. I-e je personalîy M I-I It OR ~il) î -<' a very simple man, and te meat him M'ie -W-cnld not suspect that ha pos- Gerîil.iTaeîu ut Waq 0o1 st-qes so fit-m a wiliIand se deter- l Is O -rsmini-i a -haracter . Although scarce- lus l)gnit Yiv thir-ty oe~r f age and without An' ofi--r %xii ig fi-cmn tht' front bbc aightest previous axperience of Raye: muse-ivnorîiilig l'îiere.uî'efeil n- te our hante uilttrai-a errific' tîmb- 111-dîmelit turing t he' îiglît - I nex-er hc-ar-îlarillîîng ti,' ýil for. înteniaiy, althourh t it i mot lest uts long a s Romie of t he tithvri -tI1baie hearil. The' Aus;tii1ans xi\th. x',-iheri- tthaeci ler un Y ltht- \ illuîm.e "'k the' îi<îî%Nxi <b- OUt glreat lî'ss. I hai t along clint rsat ion xiih 1wc offi.e-s xxhc xxc-tttsi-,< pricievr- n- Werc Uin the p , (i--' <a gi' ltt'for- going bicktt,.lliîiiîtthi' lit' lBt,h. of tht-ii-ultnike',i db,, i iajiuateil, l tbce ren, aboiîî titi if thbei, xiv î-c fmîir ]y fOnt' apeýti i iq, Ilîut the-. ullt-er t une tbab îhev xi. olit ' mrii Im)i mu-h ii iid i i liaii.!,e ~ i mli ch ont i - -. i g- ii ti t ('Il(, tIll w ai ic 1.4iIdit' il li i l Nec -id 1 e m' ie fli11ti f ' t u cI." U.\ha- thal ti ý i 1i p e -t t-- i ', e. i i.e1i1 u\N '. i I t. /1;i*' l i to . 'i t il i t t n I Iu 1 - .1 i l.o I l't i.,- \us- li-\ ,ltt i la pI" lr i iti i-x c ti i i )Il i t il, inîî î' l '1 th1i 'x -I lp <' ui " h ill. ' lle i iii .ii;iii di n l)iiken u OP Il.t( i i tv hi f tle h-tii ' i 1 ]ni. liii ri 1 t i t ii itea %i a f t r - itqIv "idiii,i Iiii'ti- ' i i, tit - \N i2r-t-moi îunlfîuî nfolfa'-lî,î ii ilt i îdh-id io tlie, îî îfîî i, i tii bli ,rlta lL, ii î t l it tdw i et I i . tiifhu e r' i i -i ti-i-iîe - <Il,1 h. )i,1 4ît-.tIlu i 1 a t I uîih,-i <g <ii-e ini uni ; -niî i i-î TIîi"î Ii; tt1,l (bl liIt' ii ' i i î tîiî tii a t f- t , 1,(it di -irgie -i ei i d, r t'% li-t , \% i ilS <ut slIhî it -t nII h î' - ' - i ti -k I i i i-i , l--i fi 'ti ht111i--t1i lixi'îî tilth r ii I ' i- l , tit i iil j'y il-i( tiyd-iiv t i i l and ie i- i n-,i rite h-i xx aif-,c1t:"-- t. - ii ), fi'it ix Ilhu i tliiiit hutitilit,&t g i , v'r < ti xvîu fu"tu lî \ inîei li-.(2Iut t I iî c t<u elri-tihnie ni a t10 itre t,, trusi lie mlu yîîîî w i !î' fit ui itht-r -- 'lb zx1ii- xcvi-v mtuher<ll l 1kdi l l a-. t i a itt thoe ,; xva aîîvlaî \cItrt'i,'f Iii' p.iciI xx-hî'n t% h1 uiieug-,i i - lutei- mtieîl, 115 rthu i, -autate ha V-ru ce'xx\\huit axl er 1 itotft-rie I t sten<at ey. mlIl v t , îb 1 t-1. îu'o' \ a <i - t\'v Wont f i' ,11oi vtf i'.,lIt i t-b' h a î i t ht-d ni wt t i îî h(- r i. tuiul ih-s t î ,f g ig uili'u. Ti-i f li'I, leT thuî-\îîr a e i, ulhix'iitit ttic-t asnet huc1I xx-ii'h I theîigbi ii-i. rîutbî-u r 1)i flid an Irimh [ohl. Boluhie aked 1hu' fathi f ,ie a invenited 1i n Ir clnn'l. h*'g il se t 1w%%a q irap uts e Giets Attention- First, because cf its wonderfully delie joua flavor- Thena gain. be- eauae It îs ready to eat,--fremh and cr!31> from the package. But-the big "jret at- tention" quaiity le Ias abundane of weIl- balanced, easlly di- geetible nourishment, For aounâ health.-l every tstble ahou-ld have Its dally rationi of GrapeuNuts-m "Thcrc's a Rcasou" Qmam ait.. .*te s e e.U&.b WIudut, eta 5 i-i -i nilitlry affaire, ha tleveiopad in tht' lie ttphase-s of the w-ar mbt a most <'i libant pgeneral. t .Iteen yaars ago '0cm" Peut Kru- V-1 roti e this prcphecy anti chutrac- ter sketch cif the Boer-Bnitish gen- t rai, who, as inilicated ini the' waer <t.apat-hr's, la monE ntauilv expected lo it-( 'the fitudibtrîtist tbthat part of tlii Kaiser's nrmv w-hich for two ii t-,,; lias tuen ,flting zin the s-'arn ' andtforetq of 6errnan East \ft- o retain possession et the lest 'f tht' Prussien Co-lonies. 1'îîSnmuts the' lax-yar xiii go tht' ci- eit otf aî4iiîg 10 the' British tio- maîxinîail empire four times as large Ilt # tue tetouitNew York. Uc xxiit t. aciainueutas oe cf the graatest i o' i-n;c it' %au, and altrçaiv iii t-r r lcltht' îtîmiunil hec hîen mBet tha hi o b' -hall lii' xviit tii tht'frotutIni 1-riî xxbeu' is -zurpa-sing rrilii ti \îpclifiles miii- te 'tilizelt in driv- "g tlî< l- borii hde, 4'aik tîîcvîîîî ii - t.iiirii. i. ice'iors W are (ernuans. -. ti-an:u'. eisfit t" Souith ýI t ti ' t'sirpiî ielica101iuuîî' li ic.ut ion t 1 i ttii ,h- tîimu t ý1h v Itil Lenîite 1u loî'~i t -\n-li a 1 -Ilie' 1l1irdt ii.h i~ ~ ~~I c- :p -lk-t'iail linian -'tfii- kii I ,r ; a i n t cm in Sîiiih -tfuicît - i' i-li <ti-Iit lut hi' îal'. hum- i 1 i (I liii-e s p -o d o h uim , ý(t lt f,îdî- forîtxv-fi- , % <ar 'i t"'- iýth. ibi' South Afu-ican -tii thi -e-x u-her iinJît-ati- and îî ii -..1t"tht' iigrcst i)i:- in p ýi)c lite "mithe con'îtinenît 'i fu. a - S'î< 1< A ti(i atdtnii ii-ucr - in 1'i tle 'atnuî%i t-s xx îtb tht- laxx vi r iir- uK i ti i î1îîlit Idtii lie i' ngreat luirmer, lais ier. Politicien. -'liii' - xi. liiin <'11 afaim iin the Ti tiiiaal eltiix-ri cr-a ftîr hic- fihir bi t --- i n timî' ig tht' British nt Mýýi 'd-ý iii litila anti-liribisb îup eot tiinitb" xx.". t-il vuars cf a12'- 'lb i i l- .w-i-ti t', l- iuginu for i -îrî -îi pu iis i l, tîtt lit îvolpritc- il i t -ctiY' lorig. ik a e ebeLzan -ý' i e <' - icu o tf ltiti. hl'y goeig imb p--lui. -. In th<'sî- \va %xhi.- xwx-,i "i. t utt,unie Dr. ta;nesotti maie biq itîîiî--t'.ftituîîi--ici çtht bonrer for Iheî lclios f aint-.ing the' I-ov- il- Wis tii the Iti'tu'h 1Empire, il .; i it ', avîa polîtis iii n tht- Trans-i N îîa<l li i t-rit-o-c-Uuitis-h, cri Smuts; i.-1 i-rt il andl shit. a couple cf 1:.t 'îî '" îîîî1110,7 uîttd ticanît' tt. tiit- li rt iliii the '2mulu t tnt-un l1)ikd-iiî i q usa tri dItt, atnt (i tt<i as tie-n' ral andt 'r), of theec- co m- Mlomeuilous Eloqiuence. l-, t <- i' ncf the Borer eru-u'i ~on4 ot 1.pa., S Ooner tersirt tuai,- FREE ' c-: ~ Jet. I was laid -Up in bed for a fort- night and couic! not walk. After un- ing three bottlet of your MINARD'S LINIMENT I waa perlectly cured, no that I couîd tart on the road. JOB. DUBES, Commercial Traveller. Quser But True. "*Il'É a queer worM.," '"Why 1t "Stand up and say that riclbas don't make fer happa.. and everybody wtl agie.wlth you hea.rtlly." "And aveuybody viii go out and kffl r1ght on trytug W get rlch. MI- - On Vour rarm- Tou can doubit your =rofit utorlnt up go4greafdi mW.et an4 t&s #e e I berl; t selct - i , * .4 tî Pr er atdwt c odprVIaer',vA ot« qgtyà* - iln s~u1a 8ro*7e i tlm-t<iii-Stho met ;î'nîraî hope that juvenile crime, which has i xiitîié-tuî't uunîl SirAlfr et Milner, thet'le te guive sufficient attention te eerioueîy increaseul during the' war, place of every able-bodieul man who -'Hut b iimi-inrs <<t Smuts tht' exclusix'ely departmental work me y te checked. In Brandënhurg- mlght have been engaged tn peace- roto i the r-ank tif -taî"cqman. The ctnneted ttIwuth the' Board et Educa- en-tbeHavel, near Berlin, children fuI occupations. EngIaiid ha. never t îmi.~iuiuîhîsulwetvcnunable <o tieru. For, almoat frcm the moment unaccompanieti by adulte may <net binunia o uty as she is uin 1916, andr-î ctiti liciîers ratumne oîe ofethie t.aking office, Ilue was raquired use the streete aliter 9 p.m. ibut tht.coudnraeibein 1p1s- (-iîiibtt if the national delegties te devote bimsc'If very langely te sbt tif woml e ha e seep osd-D i n tii ii- viti!iif- utions;, % hi-ther -labor dquestions. -' il fwmnhdntsepdit thty-v hoiutl -exîrrcdîr uniondition- - A Tireless Worker. P.ATTES8 YAIE h rah t %1ý orr-Ptirnto he felilandrünlaInCanada there la net the ame ll wctra-tor n to th ticonvsd enion As a tact, thesle are the very ques- Oarcliard of 4,000 Trl. Planted li supply cf surplus available wemen, t hi.ix-tr l-c tijs t, cne tio ions te help in tii solution of which Fitteon Daym. no that ln this respect Canada han' t- et tîggîrhegiuls 'Nt tenszth Smuts lue was callet talc the Cabinet. Andl gui îiio-' a bearinig. île told them tht' in contnîbtuiag t-e thein solution he - New methode et uslng dynamite are not experienced soi great a revolu- trt' iielctut the mii-riî, huai it 'Anis bas dont' work of immense national bteing censtanrly devlsed. Ameag the tien ln industrial lt.fe, but Ma"y inipisstt,-1-meut novel oft h...inI.ts application new occupation, are belng openeti tupmtil t figub longe~r, thet they tienefl- work te which ho haî applied -la tht' plantlng eftires- ite Cauxaduan wamen, andi the de- (OUM deqe- ro' îelp from Europe Or himacîf with thatt Urcleseaergandi -Then. vas an apple orchard 'of manti forwomen workeru ln factor-' 'lmt'rtca, cni that funthîr rî,-;i.«txnce persistteue which are se charactanris- 4,0<10 trees Io b. planted. anid an wlnerinttiiijii get inuatl1f oî.îîtueele'iisl siglter. tac et the manx. For fifteen menthe vas approachlag no time ceuld be o f the ralwyu la .t.aduly on tht' litîbrt'n," ha îlei'lari-(in i what ln ha was engageti, w"t great suecess, lest, for fear a sutidea tura la tam- increese H Sir pObert Borden la rpre'titd allions! Siuh Atrien-ans an ifdealing with labor maltera iubmit- peratuirebshuld filee m. rund.t o el i. Iifl c l li ont- (i tht' riut elotjue"uttAnd certain- ted< te him by the Miuustry of Mguni-' The man wbo uDdertook the voitr seiebI 0,0 anda @- v lifut the moset mementous tiens, 1h.e Admiratty andi the War 0f- firt ounted a tvo andi onohlorae- tIer, 100,000 wouuen- mue t.uip«-' s'eeîphcc <'v.%er made in ibet country. lire, soinetimes in tura andti omettimes pver gasoin. engin. on thb. runnna a&lyst.p ile the àab oet uem xx'~~~~~~~~ huxt -wdt .ât att h i Ionce. It lua sll m%!Ddi., geal cf a 11bt vgos a&ti r'afged ll that&M the lalte. AY Le r0haaed hiii e t. rt-ad htesglonmiafast e th e uag ht A.. vsabl 10opeat a soit auge. W"th ht.out-i fer eriee s the huit etfaa"1"b Ill idr ild Ilt % b. mn.andildurnt ha tie. o as nabe o O vo ene ere able to put tdoli>as mm î« mu.alsiost to b. renhsd t, c .-'.î halt'hut au-id he nov clive tht' requisitte stterUotuo te de- malay bol.. Ite a dey sa 30 amen eomld tsb",qar ar.4worklugal.ç madiret. partment cf vhîch ttcvas the beali- have punebed i vida &barad ale4se. t of mm la - i. ati m ULA& I -1 lttfuture usclark, idr.but Ris ne'v appoînianent as Liber Ad& u -tiese bote. lbllhargeMt dl-O ri tit rI a» l lie tl xiIlIll t pîit up courage, ner Our muser to the Govenaentamtibit r. uie ver.ex«pWodt tors, n Melkto a te (anain, Pae Wlu, htoto soittruftt in Go&" tenhietu in the Cabinet [n "bt cap&. - ratu hi hbePlant trie, a ainw. tl5 1 teatd "eftImtmwo 1 el rcoatitute a&iegali"o f tte be of boîtes e ig «sdai a tdue. _ 1and àfsl.wb*ff *wy ar-e chnIMMMq- Let the Kaiser.î A»<<'<'. - npert.aeofettht' seris thebas B it eio Ueni. ial na hit» t*kgapub Mil 0m4 Hillu t it whter day w»a net long la reMrid , aandtortii contnue te aid e «M ' to« la ms!eiemo. pin o ln- ctr~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~f iomwo lut thnsti ar b w<OI.il lit lbor questionsl. ~- ps .aai.gn.-It I 'ite Stat.a c Soth trin r..lniU thevly.etet.iofflire lie viii b. es- eoevs sto.co . uqq, nulif Ilf .tuah" ofetthe var, and ti <terigbt M»ila the richt I place. 41h.*bu vj yjr god m er oîiri)armtcally ail the' "ast "r' Wb"lho bas do». tu the or.- cèle *W tle O. t mepdssdtoe Ldwo19ea lieet f *t î,'rru!orv >Cot ub eo'the Linmpopo r,-î '9*1244uoflabor for var spe '-."aJ1h a *y* To t.>) 'sua lioerepuMkica are ouit of gemnly' en& in partiUW. ta' iii. ll."duilDi4 b y «ste Up0*e <f ns - e.l-îi;-: re. hukin ithrir palll bâ f ulIolls ioe <e- rsM rI 0in.sa rMOI asrm 411 rierr tht' Boer.nation. The Brik itkm rt Alàà Sbew e.t of ex»,< tl.1i ttudetit. «4m $bIat 1*1 afftm ad- lk ti sw, wmM Go-v uer.t pve tce enfed.ratad Im» dîUSe lt.y and o P"m 1 11401 W auo bsal' u mu 1 hmetv riie5a parlamltent ami a lit"ee1detlraq. Andti derevii osaIl asat t o*»"j> M W 11111111te a -eruuîtîtu~ Io%, be les.6614110 forbies i - in*e biseofpaa f»L ~tipaowa. LoututiBotha tiand nJ« Saits ae <' dIUIP*b.el tlg1 stwh th-' lradîrg hec-r',asti e@vuieqtwntyet * ht'et*o mca, Wh uatho W*Iniwùy aI b. rSifflet 00e m» lignui sway the lc4cpeixdem et le fIt 5U1W "M teir ount$es fourle sy.ars deePm, are tw"U r Afries,, the eus a cl MaW *6sikorW b» hbu 1- bfliwi «A a uullIlary <laar. 0»e bumgo" VSIV-VUS hues 1055 I* aeo- 1- o b.yu i heborifr, -« hie SI4W a*Iisl' dete. late M" mi bu a-sdefl t tW *Wbh OPk.WO lpioli. *0 a as Ours.. owthwmstA ts 5 "". te khie I* ble urubI~ u rm4 atI s** md »e NU * b% 1l i Io.. bloma tamp . ~ t OM ou m ro- ih4i ý Off tô thée prontl Put SOAP RATIONS& '9Ot0 sm .RSINMRL yoursdf in- top-noteh cmn n'umak, M gnt&«EeY.Branch of the Armyr IoNow aBox Sawyers FOR«SNOW larIn .*r<r "Splendid Shape. BxM kr di n suto b ati foohrddedtJI¶IIA1A London Times correspondent, Wupieh egeat Bscu t a o ta SAfSdealing with the moTale of the Rue- ofupp dye buthe g ttamount ONLY là/*OUNCES PER MONTH madeproMpýiy lan troops, Baye:- LrU T W r TO AC PESO. o "le ecntf1ghting han sho'w, OIUnE@I WAqgE ofh h body-building mateal TO EACH PERSON. r that Germans shella andi German num- dighes attin O annuonthge CndtSoaeBto bers could not baset or bayonet theý digestion. You cannt get 'Lo.,Limltd.Russians out of theïr positions this 1fthnofln .iio to "the front" in any bui Prîce List at Which People Are AI- WHdAIS year, when they had something wlth uuvu LS, £AIWI ness with a poorly nourished lowed to Buy Clothing 117-119 simcOQEsr., TORtONTO. en to toe stiacfteoul n Is illt8KngS.gnt-oot body. eiiu o a. Publisheci.whh fast 'ith 1 cdPeahsand ________________ bursting over the Teuton lunesr Wlotiniandsd peachesbeha "There is another matter in re- crea..inlthingandoyonothecatinbe ad ENGLISH MANSIONS SOLD. gard to the morale of the army thîs And Me Knew lt. system. The new reguiations came year to which Gen. Brusiloif himseof TePcfso-lmarlm ea dn into effect on August 1. Clothes for 0ome of the Noted Old Castles Are directed niuch attention Now, as he, h rfsc-'mafad yda bot renandwoenca bepuchs-Changlng handu. said, the morale is a hundred times y0uflg wonran, that you find stattstics ed n-ithout special permuit cards only The old boast that visitors from moré., vital and deep-rooted than dur- Te ~d ,Y ung Wm -t l if'the articles in question are con- abroad going to Engiand atter a lapse ing the early successes in Galicia in ieena t Youag WomeN thai tained in a so-called "free list" of of twenty years would flnd their old 1914. Then the soldiers fought watyg.Letnn myhtl eta maximum prices. Anybody who frietncl establisbed In the samne old fought through i. mo-.Dl- ho.Sw there were 400,000,000,000 people ln wans sut i drsacotin mrehomesteads le vanlshing tri the war, through discipline and with a meagre the world and I was the prettleet girl want a uitci drss ostng orealong with many ather tradi tio ns. realization of what It was ail about of the lot. than the moderate prices fixed must Estatps are changing hands with This year it is quito different. - obanspecial permission of the "lm- startllng rapidlty every week, turing- "Wa a ttebgniga warMn.oed'a Liniment Clres Bm-n, Eto. perial Clothing Office" andi siign Ing new announicements in which town "htwsa h einn a valid reasons for such "extrava- and Country houses; long as8oclateul between Governments bas now tue- eWih gance." The ohje ' of these unpre- with thcelr owners are offered îi the corne a war between peoples, sandMeWsh Made in Canada cedented and drastic regulations, of Public mart. in for-mer years many there Is not a soldier in the army who 'Il wlsh 1 were dead," sald ho aftet, couseis oi onsrvethesuplyof such sales would be made privately. does not understand now that he le the qua-rre]. toei mto clqonsrv the sulyti e They are now too numerous, as a rule, flghting a hated enemny, and willintz lts wife dld rnet join ln this melan>. tetl oaeil ortecoh fgn-lor the agents to handie ln any but to die, if need be, to dislodge Ger- clioly yearn. cessities of the army during the third public faShion, kniocking the bargaîn mn rmtesUo -oyRsi. " ihyuwr nue, h i LABOR ADYISER year of the ar. Idown othe' highest bidder at atr. it înthj oncteptil on hih rins tsiay. " ihyu%,,pl.ue, h WILL RE USEFUL lopCad.of PerinsvIlvania ('astie. Portland, troope forward ign adlogg Soap la fl(w itllotted at the rate where a s-plêndid collection of por: to et at the Germar" This feelingMircsLnue ur Udil. 50 grammes (about 1 % ounces) per traits, autographe, manuscript.q, andi apainst the Austrians ie quite diff er- Gt iiJlN'~TIIELSS ENEGYTOperson per m()nth, including shauing Ibooks be!oniglng to the family ef Wlî- ent-perfunctory hostiiity, 1 shouldGeta-Runbngmb deut lt e poor. BR NG soap, wt an extra ration cil fine liam Penn lied been hougedi. in the caiIdt WORI{ OF NE POSITION. ounces of "soap powder." Any child 'grounde tif Pennsiiytvanta (Cate were 'ly addiin n o oe nIm xrIe born on or after Auigust 1, 1916, is the Norman ruine figuring ln Thomas provemnent in technique in every Bx-u tgvsodeerset etititled to a soap card on the above Hardy .s novel, 'The Weil Beloved." brnho h uelnsrie hi the bill collectors. Arihtîr lienderson le a Well-Balanced baiis. Speial allowances of. four Te eate ofas boutht bfoT.$J.,Te0. trenches are as zood as, if not better, ulmz»ieno and I'atriotic Leader cards are allotted tri physicians, The Penn relîcs were sold at Chris- hnths fthTito hi EED POTATOES, IRISH COB- nurseq lealing with infectiou s- ies otato Jh ente transport je infiriitely better organized be,,ieae amai re ot Labor. eases, dentiste, veterinary surgeons, of William Penn, bringlng $a15 than ever before, with the result that at once. Sup ly limited. Write for quo- It is weil from e%,erv point of view and midwives. Stokers, coal-heavers,,William Pens famlly Bible brought there je a saving of tinie, which cer- ton.HW aworauon tliat the rtevîgnation (If Mr. Arthur and chimney sweeps are entitied t 55 A treaty belt, the' original one tainly bas increased its efficiency fiftyCR1 FOR SALB7. t~.lî~,he oee epresentative oft two extra cards. presenittd by thp. Indians to William per cent. The same is true of the 150 PetergS FulRo ii LE22000 FRCoM 'otin f wamlpumn, hrought $430. A nOt 11ier and Red Cross work, andi every other t'rhaniurî î l: 4. Péterboro. the' post (J Presiient of the IBaRrd of, Men. ýtre1atY hel, the' second one' give.n tobrnhoteRusasricIhveKL NTD Fiuation, k ont to invoive his re- Morning coat. waistoat, anà William lPenn tuy the' ln(Ians, trought sen. n d lteRuabtno eartwece I paleand relQablec.A.Rs t eiîtfrom the- Cabinet. Ile je $2560 en n at u o esw TÇ'IIf,tKER WANTE). :*.T unItinluinig ni)te Cabinet, though in trousers,................... $17 î 5 (ommander C. Il. R. Slingsby, RN., have shelîs and rifles."W ocpbeadrlal.A.lus -i riew ,,tic - that of Lahor Adv-,iser T\veedl and sporting suite .. 15 00 wixo inherited a yeer or two ago thxe P- ort .\tî r it. t,ý kiv Iis Cainetcol-Freck or morning coats..14 25 large estates in Yoyrksbire of hie SV H HLR N.-(HNIIT IX(((DETiF letîu Ht<tunr tlrecudT",o coatq ........ 8 00 faîlirr, butt "ho bas not yet suc'cepded -311I nnchlnpq (, vise hands ; geiiicral lqtI padl <t ibist romthre cinner........ ....................2 50 Il, establlshing th(- iegittlnacy of hie Moher wo eepa ox f alW't.ges lfor good tmenThe -pieatthstte rooteintra ) If ab, 1ron \\,,tkq< liitel. tOwen Round. iii t c îeoiei aio edTrouser . ...................4 50 son Teddy Slingstuvln the Englistu MOnTiethe b h e huemyfelleKMîu vNEr, # ;r C10NVF', l aancel, ,)able, so pat- Winter overcoats...............715 1,000lcr sinfoff th ais rno tabout that the lives of their littie ones are B 5thoýer '. and czisnith prwer hn hw i cft i.Mackintoqhes or Alpine coats 10 00 The lied flouse, near York, wîîî tue reasonably safe during the bot weath - eh,r. weeati-J Wt. S-fi thGper dyRay, has hovýn hm-uf t lie Woen.sold, as weli as many hîstorical places er. Stomsch troubles, ciiolera infan- iManitîoulji Island, tOnt l'tIr-sitent crut icismn frnm extreme en .........1 ofemous ail over the world and durIng tum and diarboea carry off thous- - RaJicai <carters. had hati the effect:Cok............5 0tîmes et peace visiteti every year by, ande of little onles every «;umme', in WfABU03SL t edrîgM. lnîesns o-Coat and skirt.............. 20 00 tens oftMtousande of touriste. Tixese most casges because the mother d s ROF - KING NEWS AND JOB of ashing dre.lles dieesn'V Oon-ice. tiuîuance et the Board et Education ahn drq....... 10 00 Inelude the DrouQtng Weil t Knares3-i nt have a safe medicine etht o OfTie for sale ln good Ontario nolnbos ....... 37 bruh hr h ae o s e hen towns T e nt useful and lnterestAnt exbîcnxely difficuit. And ~hi t~Woe lue......... 5bruh wherelu wte seses give promptly. Baby's Own Tablets of ail businesses. Pull information on p;Issible that in thnt particular de- Washing blouse............. 3 00 petritybnig properties ; upgene Aram 's3 cure thesetobeo i ie ca pca. 78 Wson ela ide, nr om-o pal tment he rnay have been some- Woolen dressing gown ........S r)o0Cave, Mother Shiptons ('ave, and SLs i se y toube lsorif gwil ven ca piation3 Wet.eieS rPbet.in oru-o thing cf a square <w-g in a round hole, Washing iressing gown......soo floberte (Chapel. tsir igo n.ly ete hell chl wiIl rn Trimmed woolen dres....... 25 00 The Sllngisby case le now int theircmn n h alt r IOLAE~ ut 15nî ns that, by reason of the Skr............62hands ef the flouse cf Lords. (Cmi- guaranteed by a government analyst jJEW ONTAIIO-Fl1riE HOMES-,' large' immtints cf other kinds made Ceie.............mander ('ilngsby won in h oe t eauouelyhrues vnt h'IN Maes. pamphleéts and pictorisi Ceie.......... 162 )ooklet ma.iled free l'or 25c. postage. R. court, wten the presiding judge baseti new-born babe. They are especially iturris,. T'ont Arthur, Ont. Nightoiress................... 2 50 hie decision largely upon the ativice et of di umeKeasUt. e-~ UO8 LMS T Knickers .....................1 25 a fa-mous sculpteyr that the boy muets ett god bowume e a e ptheystomah L) IPTrniaUM xRne]. UMMETwlh. iIaetebwesadke teeoa utelainoimetralm ued l WIid Camisole ......................I25 tut'the' sonf etthe commandere -ite, outetaand pure. hmhey are sold by t Dressing jacket.............. 2 68 heca use of pecultar ear formations' we n pr.mi resl y abefore toc lete. Dr. BoUmau MWaln Wahig eticat.......3 00 found in tuoth. The case was appealeti, medicine dealers or by mail et 25 Co. Lint@d. collin-wooa. ont Waimono eto..............25 t dad ueen aîn o h'1 cents a box f rom Thle Dr. Williams brtesof Commander-Sllngstuy, andl Medicine 'Co., Brockville, Ont. *ru aRoItrdPuru brothrs I and recelve pay wbile learntng AButter Paradise. undpr C arson's crofg-examination Mrs. V Tue E@Ut Zersel ionpîtal of New i Tsyaimte ha h a av--Iork City lounaed lm9 Th ono rytdi et tseti ln a San Franicisco papen for a Merit Grows Like Fat. rm4 yth OT'Yr M Da duain Prussia, je descnibed as "a butter foundling whlch she wiehed te adopt. ucuam eicrapaed b nie1au u.uuu~ paradise" as the' ration carde just Lord Ashburton, the hustuand cf the publie with hie breast coveredth- meut bare on*.pu .~ introduced provide for haîf a peund tonmer New York show girl, Frances mdl of butter per day par family. Ber- Belmiont, etter dlspvslng et much ofci lin's butter ration Ibis week was twe bis family linheribage, Is selling Evîng- "heet1iyo etal hsem d, ounces per person. ton, InKaent. a beautiful prepenty colonel ?'" a friand asked hlm. "t Carde te take a walk are the' very which I ii expected wilI tue cut up and you Win some blg battît' ?" 1DOOK ONd latetfom f reies"inGemey.boughtb ty the' tenanits. The cuBeer peintedtot the biggest, ( . DOG DISIEASES They have just been introduced, ac- D bnlg e tioalet oaI,. le sald.'IHow to Feed -/ cording ttihe Vossie-i7chZeiung cnf * 4edefiteerhoai."1pt Aîîe-îà-es .-oAnsA-Ma I /~ e

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