Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 14 Sep 1916, p. 6

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E make a hero of MerrY. 1He did wellIRODE PICK.A.BACK to-nlght. 1 have seen h*.rn set the W'hoie LàHT eip ruvmseuf To town taling as ho dld ln 'Esterbrook'i ON CAPTURED HUN Dorcas rose from ber chair and tossed the long bralds of hair over ber BTL NCOETL N shoulders. 1-er eyes and cheeks were YORKSH IRE OFFICER. c fl .blazlng. Wentworth's face grew In- UN VYR(OC R IT wtll dosretian sattsfy bis ravine î exorable. "Enoch," she crled, "howlR ý for a omothtneawet"-titwilsuPLV - are i-ou say such a thiug-to me ?" This German Ougeut Was Decorated lis utile body and IIj'p' "hat do yo moanln"With Most Luxurious- beaitit and atrength. hlm to knn wa aiIÎft - E E Tfls YOIJ G "*Crowm Brand" La a wholesomo, nourlait- ber chin tremble. lu spite ef ber Taste. inc food-as well as the anger she was on the verge of teara. Orwunesodeshvlttee myutdes. o oftbL W'hen people we-re calllng for the au- offer te the seeker after traglc gloom The recipea Iln out new ther, bew titi you tiare to go eut and. or Infernal horror. Tbey entered on book. ' Desserts- ad talle the applause ? Have yeunon con- the present offensive ln the Spirit etof Candles", wl tell you lust how lu use it. ln mat-.y roee cine i onrlf____sotse.__mth oito '?" ways. Write for a cvpy lu t-r Mottroal Office.sinenhoelet "oo prsm.Fomterontf___ Deaers everywhere have -Crown Brand" ln 2. 5, 10 and 'Merrv get as mucb appla se as one view thbe push la a "Great do," "As 20 pound tns-sumd 3 pound gýas jars. man Coutsan. lie looked at lier gooId a show as evor 1 saw," "om M CO ý1MTED ithdoggd delianf-,sbindy. 1 cani tell en," "Hot stuif." or THE CANADA STARCH a ,MTDwt ogdtelac "A lîttie bit of all-right" MON-RI[AL. CARDINAL. SaANTCO..TO1T WILLIAM. "Thiat makps vyenne the les-a Take the case eto a second lieutenant e f Atak's-lL', Li4rs~oî' .'~î~JB,'I.,R S lilfil a Yorkshire battalion. who before 22Star-ch and ui',Li- 1iî~î i.îA Encch l ddnot answer. Ile puiled a the war gave bis days to office worke _____ --. ,j~ cigar frorn bis vest pocket, lit It, audland bis lelsure te outdoor sports anti ________________________________began te smolce. Ho did net fliiuc be- amusements. He Ianded at Southamp- VR - - -fore birsisster's gp7ze. ton as a stretcher case, by reason of _________________________________________ i "I should bave beýen.the happleatithe abarpnel wounti in bis rigbt thigh. girl ln the world te nigbt. almost foel- This la bow be sees3 bis own particular r, ~.é~w"Eishly happy.' Thore wasa pitiful btfi Uv N - There s ne doubt It's a great show. quaver lu ber voice. 1I teednew as If There's bound te be ups and dowfls, Dainly Dishes.Th god oukeprsteon SrC T H A S F1wore disgraced. Mon have gone te ef course, and In some of the Boche CenTitr.T oecpu ie he kep erhos i prec cn tlà( penitotary for steallig -bas regîments there's a good deal o np Cr rtes-ooecpu ie h ep o than yen did." 1lf.t nt he wee,1 tnap i,-y chopped canned cern add one egg dition aIl thetim inedethig i Wetwor h lLLghd scrnfll.ite got 'em n0w 1 don't fancy they'il weil beaten, with one-fourth cupful a wild houseleiig erY lte ENOCkI WENTWOR I7I I lefI. Bu, on the whoie tossvd bis cîgar into the lieart et the 'ver gel the upper band again. i dent fleur and SaIt and pepper. Drop by w-hile. fiand turned upen Dorcas nsud- wan i te brag about Our chalis, but theY small spoonfuis in a hot, wl-rae To wash chinasl assuelle u li S B L G R ON C R Idnre , Seln sntane are Immeasureably superiel' te any blazer. Brown on one aide, turn and warm seap su. Te iiel w oi tienrag Seln antanc Sauerkrauter. Tlîey're real sports- i lbi-wm on the other. The frittera cool waters 1n -l naTrihT l Autho of TheNVomn fro ~Vovertfls ~ ~ ~ ~ia as *mon. Yen can't malte tlier throw th(I rshould be about the size of a large towel f or twe er eoe rnn. S porn-d, W don't kdow how It's tione. oystIer. For a daintyufrc~ ucwr -~ -- - '1 yen krîow asked Wetwortb. Thre Rest Went On Rice With Tomatoes.-Wash a cilp take the juiceethreemfajuc prs UlIATEI .1 tt'îLtd) ude -of ditai1. and t4strarigo irrogu- %Vy't liigrae i li Itratice. 'w bal ditihap- i j"tw-as as vo cillbed out over their of rice and bell it. Take seven or of one orange, eepn fgaejie ny t PTRpoi liasMrr ever taken yo n mie parades, maltiug for ihoîr second line, eight good-sized tomatoes, boil and one quart ofwteroncpofsgra lî~ mui et ti uttb4rE'abne lrily et lifi' hig ceufiçbeîce aibout titis transaction ?" that I gel niy log pMctrd Bu strain and seasen with a lit-tic Sai fyuae~iigapdigoalte o eb o h pr i st no(xi ga out heoic o i'le 1Site 1,<-,ga ti elit e over agaîn tihe la-st et 1,1-ut IlI yo a e @uai fotestd t.rYea INol('('. ît iIL' aQro'algbrath as Nior' as nvrsaîd ene word didnt hurt a bit. andi wî'nt. rtght on. and alispice. Take a bakiug diab and with a WOodien po ette itOlse hm.st lite itt)I'ochncelie bte tir wîhoredtheLitesrangîing terrer again-1 yuu te nie " Our chaps wero .in whooî ing fine form.'put in alternate layera of tomate and vit-h the hack e -i pOi t~ a imltefeslt then It JýlelieLnver.ianey erW11hline tilie brhee 1 a'tid Thonrosevyour juiigment untîl, And thon, onIy a fe%%-yard3 furtiter, 'rLce, finishing off with a layer ef toma- carier and becee cuiul îh bn lirfriéitai-, sih, lie 'oîî moneseti up iîrt îigb. kîllotimy second i--pot do sîîch a llîltg as ibis !" h- l'iIllnhit 'o.aoI If-ard )1Iy(faeirlt offtl a l.at amVbtco utetUhr ta ecrb se u with grated burd- IntIertme lit r -(11, 1p iii -ilt itîiîitt., tripplud- i Li(ýt Ifhi- îdtvî'dand iuor hre - - 'laeî"she lhourd Ni errys 3wliiitper V sragh. hnetelri, ',sronat urni-il rtreBk n a moderato oven for- a gootilest much eoteraidtif ittctfu dea>'iboub iedin 'Lea. l oo hliLit'tifor oit, noint iTiti-nuIIt , ihion ni sraor, ot ,. bagab. Mv lhI cnreatm'nedt imbmosetiwUmîeibuer uw orim, hnapes av s ciprtythrug th di -Dal ildoe da birga;ii hietglit anti paiti ant i sgnetid i 'ibme, but of course1 -1 Zilla l'a got s f a coas atoai-pe qttýlry t iiaiPlif'aiInslanebae al-hur sIti arikltlevr heaple b- t i neot matt- r VhaItitos atit Ling niai frfnut tiCv. li gs - iaing i- r îsrnoa t"Liî - hat. Wa oral aid a Lightning Omelette.-Butter a bak- fore the crust i ttOi îlgca- ter ? Tit, play isa î succeas 'ion be- TiLorI, a ýsîtîri iin il. anti crLLt 'iv weçte to gît on. ')*ou get on. an' give 'oui ing dish put in the bot-tom sulces et îy improvo e florf theie lieve IL Iii t idlt- tr _U Wa intooti et--fr bt- aa F-e'i. begîitiîng Bugiart paid anti signeti for ?- bli i t ltidhini anti on ho vent witlîst-aie breadti on read is better Grarme. do1rreaotth,î-fl u tee prfiy. 't IicILarottatt(i In lirgl Ia rop I'ifhtgirl Ilit slow ttmilter- lto pateerit-han white if dippet in milk) Put on cup; of graham lerontaepo- Thvae ohngI s. rfi- il,it I iolltt ettlti voit bîîyand pav 'I 'tas ln a bit et a amalblibob.,a layer oetbhin slices et Bruyere fui et lard, tetbeponu5e u Tbe ar' id tig I) s aîuéit- ihait- tai ahi-had ii" -r oIt' îîowvr, afior a bit 1Iç%riggîled back ec aeO ceiIocs uI' i otr~e î -'to lOt b-r 1-t bt-ore Tt-oh, 1tiw-ti tgLa for -niuliiitg oiitcCt'u ý by another te Iliat Hoche front Lino atndicrosseti -chee .Tk wo eggs, beat- up te a gar, trwo teasperfl tbkn andti el liehn)t litaoi-i-If Tii-yl tii tuat pa tait n ad't - e fret-h, add saIt and pepper. Pour lu- der anti saIt, i ti it ik -, -' irliiTrg i( -rbtr artitail ati rirtt h anoihr ilî miea shaîîow aap. I was rostingah b io%!-Te r -ol 'o fît it f - iait liati "2.tiire w lion, If yoît'll bolievo mie, 1 saw gretiients into a baking dish or top ît yen desiret cmv th kne St'ilariedtti i)t"ititueetig o tf telitad isfltidt t ilier :tîî-ntery - zilla "hi amylttiea hl"an- a Hoche etTcer conwiaciimblng cau- et the breat anti cheese. Put loto a peppers, diropthe eboln war drop etîrtaini, iben siafi iul poto i u ali'-stiop peciti1 A hi Iatipropliestedtai lic-.r "Cor- attireti Ei)ocbroltily 'Il laia farîoul î u e i u-out wtt 1hot oven until it ia browned on top. anti simmer fî iemnueoqcor yh elleni'ittin fitîleii.t. ttit1on:yuptîiihe du w emutîui tica deati faillîro Be- ne1w eiati w-eult(1i tîderstatîii ' lie put six bomba ln. He w-as a capiain.i Serve bot. ing t-hem siighy ndpango b ou bouse, but blîi lte aceuuta Stage ot L uie la ooi i i pansd otilgbi anotiior cigar Ition lho'Ho bat a bonîhIn one bandi and a rifle'Cdihwt g ac-aeeebele vrhtcasafwmnîe iu hianLis %%-to itati o-ot ntîggirtg pro.pet- t onse îuoiîlîtg atîdiscorîtiii M erry n rnIdlot lDoîtrna- t'.itsuc tt itii(îritv'.-antibayotiet li theo othor ;sad ho 'vasapudo atcdih oi n e wl osnt îles abtbîîi siotti ettniess. A ahl" <'r hiai itiilite hter ino ii- ecaiiLe real a, liti- hatl nti(r uti-d to e ltr bf peerlng iraI oee way anti thon the puniet ska coish, FBellintir-wloseth kn crcpt oter ihe girl hto et irry, lay -N -n esytii îiî eeoother. like a hît-glar. 'Ou. yen beauly!', move tb nat i oe. igh-- Great care soîit ae nhni Titi-wttilîiittttLterattod Sut' slirt#itk - vn osa n gbt-fore yen Ithougliti.Anti mat thon 'hoesnuggt'ed 1 ly lu butter, addiug chopped-up pars- ling fruits sdvee-blsWir îlis Land tion iiirs m-th a lit «idNirg 'uba terrer mwhlcl mas scarcely salun leavetue roemIl L ieul ot te quî'a to,_wîtagairisi a gap iii ltoir parades ley, saît and pepper. Stir about cou- , t-bey have anariroctv cv-I i clatip tuai aî'î-îi tt-t quîitlit-r Sut'lalîte durig 1ti-ginls tonuxitoof edoin eofte autliei-lîtet ofIbis play. It (back waIll eta tretîchît near thbe ug-istiti ad ddfrm time te time a e' , t shîl thokuTo, - oudlvrEohsekn li ida iit'r ho litti liai al cIlt iiupoîtila snoî to e iibrot-glit iitpagain ai an>' ont anti betidet bis rifle cemferably lit-tle b-oiling water until t-ho fisb la to accure the et eut i ee u a slrotig. vibrtanti vuicelue tenv Lino hi- - fr- u? r epet. Seen nie bi-etL (u1I s [te yvîouxîter- for firiîîg ai our chaps it bis saccentd' oroughly cookcd. Then beat- upthe tables, exceptintipaan bnwu hînîl thet 5t'Oiiî' tmas l- tligni td un- 1 stantiq- , lino.ylkettoegsaicokoraw huib ptulecokuboin dorsa îdî ng ex cepiti- ilft lis vto litlite tt(, n rainîîrosi' andtifeil tipon - iircas aîtsw-ra'd Four Officers 7rtiped. ynut-esf more. sanecoeon om fe wato eat -h ac mteLbelto 1i1w te 'tieîîî'xî Onco a '.oîîav uof xiurilxî.mintsmr. Sueeo m wead bre blrrei a itci li lii'attuiiCi'itîse%'tas hurli-t i aIZilla l'agi-i -andtt uuiî'lL> . I ttit-,rsiiiîtît i lasptrfertlîy i Yencao bot 1 waa glati I bat nîy lemon juice, anti serve.aanasooaspsilatrvge bati heen, Shue tun iii iiigîutiLot' ai tieflio Mer. ic alo o oý-nI iistite ailtAiIn ltappy tiLnttîit0Usald 1la t h i)pal le a onLCieice'rifle anti ploniy et ammuiition. 1Ibe- If you neyer baketi any peches, bry tables have be de. Crflpl rerry. ie a utîîk isfactntattng i i -ýanti NItu!ry stutetin thîe w ixîgs wailixg wiicii la dtad ' ýlhove ln thc goto It service z-ifle. t-is: Wash some fine ripe peachos, washiug eo Ilvgt-bfsl 1o-e tioti' iiThitlinsIýv 'tit i [tercrs To ho conlinur-ti tNo-ver dit Lothpr r with revolvers antid"so grow palliti aa grît iý.ahstit% nt - art51O5 , bt mnthinga. Se I got a Ioantîtul bt-at on ,but do net pare t-hemn. Place in a important i-e. At algenSp Docsiulut ti'tt> frein liii-clas u i n:g il, d i- adene hotu titIs chîap, anti a second laer hoe was- ie aaig ih, aprinkîe generous- vegetables ,otsanitbrnseliL îîîg liandîtant ilîto ber dressinxg rooîî tnten1.Thymo nter tvhere tond Boches go ! ly wit-b light brown sugar, nearly cov- cnisp ant i f- hn u nt co. at Site was ciîokiig NtiIt sotli -ShLi'efl'hll iti aLlll)alî,d 'tuîîitnly aweelness' SOM'E STRANGE BRID)GES. _"I chiargot i nu>breechi again, anti îoo r witb coid water andi bake in a slow_________ whLi'ri- AiLdros. ut heVhîdttttt- sonrea bon ingi-ra tîigi lveArwhdgu'Iatuti ii'îtt,'iol5 ini thoy phi.son doue Oint tban mny nxtarget oven untilt-entier. Baste frequently, ASN to clied thbe, antd th on- 'as a look e a g t it ofttle i i.' tot, One of T em , in Britai, Goes Back bobs up-a lieutenant. I g el h m wb le replenish t-e water il nec ssary, anti te Iher eainthee Centîdîry. 1 be w'as looking ai bis captain serve with cream either plain or LnosOc oua eil a i i rrl iilirt' t -I1 th'g lke- lia." ait Osmwaid sltwly. "iiee ieîitýh oatd n ieifrlt hudrbae.bttb whipped. od' O Atice Voik sai waitiig tft ier hlnttbe' am- o i h-le ldebtte d reés in g-ro îtfi . Litl u lu' Ju n pe tiId g l tî u . u îlt' kîîo w s c b s ran g o lb ri tg es as S rin a g a r, t-e th ro u g h th e ea t. eem e d 1 mg t a s et b utr m o la rd iv n tso 4 l e t lu rT e a so1ab bsoazb ta.h r her ootmhfýiiDorvs oivrd. he' IR lag-t' suthan aling l hocapital etf('abruir, in lutin. The cit-y w-cII ho lu a grouse but-t, andinothiug 'ofwbutîe lr ou liat oft sur, Tehn girl dii not s-t alu ir <'it ai)' teti e ioe ta t n theou bss than efficers for targets, mîn d w lsont atifti eP uga, d e igbtyse yas ao-nD'.2, S chîîttioho tisttîiJis uil ntebn fteRvryen. Weil, te cnt Il short, lwo more! one teaspoerîful et ground ginger an 834t-Josepb Aesu -aum r chl nbr ooi\*iel" Ititrcas sat gazlng mb the Jelm, w'hicb la cresseti by many lot1 . ai u rmthtam daaehaIt a teaspoonfitl of crenm I wel-uown rtedsgerttee-h "Alice." gsitev titieîl.Iot"îp net i\tift cf ii-cah int- shi e wt vIer wooden rde ied w'ltb eltianti dil tulieutnatîgarnaIl iremt heteunutset t-ai-tam, uetesowueoIakn l-kgnown- al ad lieie teg ot- iîi ifhnaiwlbrcelt oetes r ey-Aacr, u eka nuoeu ttapog n a? any - soreteinabis o- . . on ' Theofu o bk Th' oîîîn it- tiLi-gitaîî'k s ost. Bae n mdeat aen1 Bwim iname a ae.H fe. blet- cii t - hurt-s a'.tin.'oui of ht-r rt'verio witb a in hmndrat1 ante '.a ho me. desb. easponful sait, a le-wUgrina ef cay- yer havinghludeexmntea 'tooeti ngîi 'liegr h rda ïaiTedKrbe-tînt erciosoi, One cf t-be curlous anti ancient 1 anid, lch villIe seben tileser biaclng en suad five eggs ete lghtly. " r eywi. a -opep 1'hîî g rlmiiikî'r d atrirt ht d1 m n h î'rC o oke n ti o c dem... m o for a uteine-stt ilwas inttas4'ly colt. ati nd il F îk-i eHl% face was'biidgt', in Europe lu t-bat- at Croyland. dug-out.Goct that!' Te st.Co*wt t raey censîstenc -but unexpectiaaer anti sutiv reu a furn t-it close te ber gîît iti, îtî egî'r. îtuî)etueîis tri. - laLinc'einahire, whicb la suppoacdti te Donnrwettl>!'andi grinne t aI hm Str constantIy andtserape from bt-1 Want- 10kow hayud.te chn rie l>îai lr qu'ilckly, for ullpl, jb, uIt- talu -ire lusheti. antidt-tefrom the aminthcentury. No'tuo show t-heue wase ne 111-feeling. and ltom ef t-hoe u. "I *work.' PO the- sîrietta w i'i ctpi loif iehcla.b4s asinl .lie toopeti auddêniy -read noix pas«s over maid no water hCUiInm&eId t-o make couactjon. JAUon e n-ut Fïle.-.Olidlp milk "Wbere deie ok -Sh AlongRtgliiitiwaî liýhi'îhaîn,'s wi're t)li,,s lit-a i -hler ithe <itinet speak.-Ainder it.. lt-consista ef t1iri-e pointed mitou ds-out nwuby a i kbomha ie opn alsonu ontrh *na tnk.IlFici-'ilid 4t >ors mince saeh.lad seen -arches. whicb me-et ln the centre, and&but, tst i U kn hacly ouesix e 's.twoeggu .One cup sugar, jale. aund *'May I i-ere t- nirwhtyc Jamýl 't(ý(i îîtig to n;s'u t ho d"0r îî un Ilii ýucl1îa [ - btheascent î ta e -plta-t only foott rsheu e arkaofshae îwnt rW d o m eiin, ort-baifetct ooa- mintai.f o r nlict en giic îIntil uittht' stepu utlefils ws haDti b t 1tu hotc-rylt-arfut pe "1or.* 'rid *why tiltyou rush1 Pa-asnge seau go ove! it. Ulpon tbtbe r-l.a0ia4orWl T nut. Ba-t ma double boilçr; a 'You waattn nwwa ae dusluy nid f s mas cri" grilloti î-, ot %enAdd a cocordes.aSftdfiuei tneo i&ffel.tku ri ambot ,Urh î»vdi cltw ran h atr lîglit Iiî' ail jtsi rétIun,'ýd freimiituh i-Ee>o> a tn e irobed Saxon king. by Uic look eftILI.Througb t-bat we1 su.ir- tat-l smooth. thmli <IC o-.crulctln eih or b- i t-ear aLt ill g-'augItiaîet- g 5-eýu VoU ifiew1041ppopie off, thetrns < e aad1M y». y.»al fer ie triumiph i ofaiîîonteceming. tthi ee.iset yt ekm f!- lotidown fottr e1oP84aito r muM iat.. Cook Ove minutes a-tdMlpour -1ma-k.$1 awes' "is'"lie cniet, "yu' cert'îy dn ulitne!t'hocritict vent utild ovcirryou Clarbuor ui u b.thr ýitowenlba-kd pwmcr*li.Buat wbitea us p ttîi(. My bout! tî iildn't ci waiwns < neve yi.T-au- ATALSTN EC.a Tjîkey car-pet on tee nr a-nditi . ff<g.and s&Msitwitabléspoona mau- blevd e ab 1toedyehsenyezîhu row ycu'l hc the alk o e t c-w a- 1:bea-tftfult -apestfyýL cr-as t-o the ci.îpol«tpo gur& hull". itite abyi bed eah on Everythlag thai bat Nurret Ile it -Itl-Mr s ava-ts l.Ia"sitoulaý-- i aka. iVer ma-w a"bias 11k. t. <-. B-a uti tBigat ega tut ebber a' uit -o ntctex flne et 1L - crlit 1 s<A wor-'e g>-j.s. 'I'b.ee r t-la«»."e et boer WW iioel ye' dette. 1i used IotePlu)' 1 wtt-s o' , U-S Iusu. -y t ).tstuff ttce, I ha-sia boMe blacli hîule. I reckon VI' don' 'iiem- t-bat la a ten- heurs tlies du-cm tSs 01 à îiU"by ?u-oi'o.orvois WIJIaaoMIuu&*If riglt aa-my.-, Thrre w-«»e shot-Vca s ~ber booynidn' til un VI' et 1 lfoet s rhuld bt ave ('ore tnie. The tt,MaiI.norff. privont- rezrtof ethi:. nai. 09804 t«o et bu".spou l 'br huy.rdi'nil o l'V o1gini laughed lier beu-t bat sudtruai, ~Berln.a. croup o ~f G«,. te li t-fl lra s.a.s.lCIO« *kit* com assasiunll O jasýn's back, de ivo' Fitdur ve' n-%,%*us vntst of dlg sus r 9M b~s tags -<40e u-4~.su tv»kepe TY hosey. a-workin' tuc up MhiI 1'clar *gonlttmn«at.iwoi W»mvno"ibmo 1us Mo mma t "M 0» i,<~et-i geçdiet's 1mies' urrt my ci' e1i<'sout.' a . .nu<tm&esya l. L-!Gk".tieK-ahi. Eduasd#tieyr, 5a gnmffl-"Ut'a -a-ad as. Ilai'spg Wbeît Marte Euoch coaie eut en matie lieve lit-fer ansd Adot Wffl..hsuea sM&M-. au% 0f lUitii 51 .< oa-* hr1hatguplesfUIP05b4 hsedy dat speech feika 'ahello rot en soti in lt*te badi eriii spou et nU- eodaavtl. - o ra-a- e t~ ou saa-t bk»ti tim W m ualela< «la 0 b ot11~ oir der- <cet- clapplu' enri ngîs' stt-rku on, stalle upUon bis Ilisa 'ary yïre ai ;hglnain< et t-he "ru, rM101644 l oittera kitt! t o# t <ho lia-abs thbe Acor, I1'clair tu de Lawt dar wan'i- uiee'proposaitoui. Any ether'«W il part. as îpow; Iaiiada- 1< e elibsaa-a lt «P Ofiestyt Ia V IW al.bsos spra.-pr New Vork don vpcutd bave'b4d ber Bmdt-£ru" t- WWe li Mttgà* d» axw la Mi 0««0, a- 1 am wms ho»M .&.*1ii a I- a prouder'ol' darky InewYolituSist a- a-ter etiounoibyMu& liiaij"i-.t& iod u or<ov.*tm~ oa m t'a adtS rs lsh. 'Unche Jases" jtihetriumph Iou-st Why, ritla, banda fa. brpuvpoe* et eouuquest-NMv Pk-sk .11 ut ~ 'hl U6l ~~~1Vis I<riet-ekunirâOUeulmtwO sîraabIt thtat- vo ltav* ha-.dra&w l- 14 ii a i.p-t..f- .4st heS Wall-1 sM., ~ gut Dorasbegn e augt ndcr> a ~pedesitat ni ny utOMenwg au a~çgngws, sad uau out, pet- it-boa' *ça e ta-* W#t. taizra-Y lafta *am ~t. tis-a-teybaw*.ma once. 1 ftmàbvtm hh- .btl ea% s "a.tpIwIgaa auv.us~~" a Kilie'rcac.Eenilintbeu àY 'luIh t<bba w'd Wtbe# tueit -- US a- do----t LU a-"a-wa, Wsy My "J don' wonder Yu'% 811 doue uP. o rieis ttî" taliea Cw1sm eiua rim1Iie no 'i qr&"aa a aaq ol tuIs0 st'UY k*q;Du i*u.-i i eibm a-r" is s ogt- de fines' suppe'r ready Enoch ben i a-ad ttti4ber tac» t-i t ho rM o gépdiwit. kesp. But t6"a-be *Mud Lt a kt-h»U2 am 'paw# t wu -ýp.o$k449s rem W yuy' eblber set," 'be-r or-es o "t li t-l bog*Wefta- ft tbnaeo<41" be VOM WlMtâwtie Wa' ha-Mtua- 0"t-o ta-liaMtU*ttom -boa __a-* - »=sc w-as toueunfo"d t- ti. Mer minutes.'- at i todly. 'wle --iwths-t-lu My a-4US* e.whIo atb"- ~Wa-icwêd a cup ofutcoffee and it-ilhed - cualiy uagttioied whs:Iaoe t-iuta- or. thI ~a- LUwhkb *"y._ the. tII.jo tlulags Ja-soé bat prepari'd. i»w. sWor hrutto vi -de io m a-g i26" 5da-**B r UM" 41e the w-ont spa-tairsan~d 1' sontuo to a.lta esi e * rhe i Ia a*-j, hia- - ttoâsl'--' gg 131te bra-e rbotu aî, puait- > ~ aefs g~ Mdi 7 010 h#a4 lvU t-yn ieY a-w&ay. Oh. aboemIboOM baI. UMM .Ia s . ~ g a-ibout t-ko uldon uand-M 04 a'a- boi" - 01Ml ter, psu tboga I- ilit- boes.to « 1.o~t, -ri a-m I m, a-t*ia eta-l ai l 1 Wént,tl*t f t-sarut rioy. i; vua à«MM bwa-smg.atâm ftm' be 001M.l tud «IW" wahdan ?* Otr Oe»tOO t-lia4«4 b". 0<Wme *ru#w« .- *,W -. Tfl SOLDIER .1 i t- -I - t- t 2 - <, 1*- - » A f., I YTHIN STEEL WILL STOP A POINT-BLANK BULLET. onan Doyle Argues That Attact Sould Be Put on Level W-ith Def ence. rArthur Conan Doyle, the f an- Engish author, writes the fol- g letter to the London Times: he Editor of the Times -ic-: r,-It la a year now 9nc Sgood enough to allow me to ex- ssome views about body armoi our coluins. Since then, so fa4 know, nothi ng has been don, but we have got so far that the Min- .of War admits that somethirig he kind may some day come g.To me it seems the most im- ant question of any, and 1 ar- ly hope thut you will use your ýnce to keep it before the notice he authoritic. pon July 1 several of our divi- swere stoppd by machine-guir Their ossegî were exceedirLgly .y, but hardly any of them wrt nhigh explosives. The distancE averse was only about 250 yards. problem, therefore, is to renLàer )dy of men reasonably immune te ets fired at that range. The man first-line trenches were thin- ýd, so that once across the oper infantry would have ad ne dif- Ity whatever. Like That of a Roman Soldier. ow, sir, 1 venture to say that Il ýe intelligent metal-workers wre togeth-er in consultation they id in a f ew days produce a shild eh would take the greater part of e men safely across. We have nite facts to go upon. A shield of Il of 7-16 of an inch will stop a t-biank buliet. Far more will it pone which strikes It obliqucly. )ose such -a shield fashionpd like tof a Roman soldier, 2 feet broad, 13 feet deep. Admittedly it la ,y-well over 30 Iba. in wcight. it then? The man has ifiot far to and he has -thc wholc day before 1. A mile ini a day is good pro- es as modern battes go. What l it matter, then, if he carrnes a ýy shield to cover him? auppose that the tlirst line of storm- carried such shielda. Their only er armament, besides their hel- ts, should be a bag of boxnbs. With se they clear Up the machine guns asecond wave of attack with rifles 1POssiblY without shields theni nes along, while the heavily armed antry, after a relit, advance upon Snext one. Men wcaud, of course, hit about the legs and amnis, and ,, explosives would dlaim their tims, but I venture to say thgt we aild not again s ee British divisions , up by machine guns and shrap- iy Caa It Net Be Tried At Once? Sothing elaborate ia aeeded. Only many sheets of steel ct to size àfumnished with a double thong »arn-grlp. Shields are evidently Ler than body armor, siace they ibe Lurned ini any. direction or in a screen for a sniper or for -a >uaded man. nhe present private contrivant,,- n inadequate, and 1 can well un-ý rstand t.hat t.hose Who could afford, am would-shmiak from using a Pro. tien which. their comrades did noi se"". Yet I have seen letters il] t i -j' 'r -il .4 ,?I~ àku( , JL V VU JLJLIW &ýM - î

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