TI{URSnÂY, QUPTË1MgÉR7, 1916, PAGE PIVE Mrit. JaMesS mlth Étiént the holidey Hiave Your eyespropejly Wd- accui- ùtely tested anid fItted. Wkiaantôe -1erfect esatl5faction ln oye glass and I~ geètadles. J,* M. Wllts,, druggist and j:ltician. teRila01~a 4Ve o TRAINS DELAYED. A block of over thrèe hours was g catsedontbeRalwa etween Ri',er- I Cl The local train f rom Toronto due at hee the Junction at 6.19 did flot reach here util 10 o'ciock. Consequently the' north train m'as obiged to Nvait, apd It Nvar, neariy r'i-etn o*clock wluen lte( tra he Hp lnwustation. The C B U Y N O W ~~~Pif train, dlle b oleave Toronî rt aPe s n] N nt n B UV NOW i 1IMûlonMondaN nt2ltdid not leavr esnleto M OLO PRICESMrknMrl\tii-F ____________ \ \ IJITiIIlY MS PROMOIOîN.j iatt a fumt dexo xxh . tuin lui!ix -\Ir lri-Is . Stfîîtîî et ti aw-x ~ tlIt..rtn r rl't isa în REGINA WATCHES i1 l'ex bt nî 'îîî t CI ,d i Mr. W, >: iii l nddaniliîr. 0f(J i- I toIm. I'oa i i i tii. liîo xsas xx ~xi~lt î- ~'Iiiii tC grtirn tre lxi ty.ofs < li, ii' iii 3llie nif tli iiallk f lit .J1 tlc Sxî Pricos 8.00 te $60.0 Oaaitt:îxxa Mn. Smltt bas hxe'-tî NrI N\, j \cî' 'a-r 'i.i WALTHAM WATCHES < oi tî iatgii flx ;fonii-lt. lix i i Mil eli x ae' '.5 nec-lt , ii ls lirninîotioin l iJ. 'i i fi.lbru.fo t 'ii (if l;-c Il" Prices (.00 te $120-00 olîan <ti-t- . , lî. lI di-nîIe< , ta îiît f i i îîîd x ' x r rtîo'xs iî fi t ýI- lý ix ohh i u iii sa tîtlx x titt 0! i'k ELGIN WATCHES 'of tlIx. Mis-.'ixWilsiiixi ami i lxssrsx. t-.ttr lt lt. le ~~itiiill l~~~~i ail ad . ,xAi \ ! I. u,0f\luh Miiott ..x;li,- Prices 6.00 te $68.00 :"il Io li -1 x~f 11i î1, .'ît îh(. il îil t'Iti OMEGA WATÇHES li.dilx f-.i' ,1 l. Niii .f X lî 0'O-iit Prlcls 6.50Oto $80-00 t A'h 'i i ii ., HOWARD 4ATCH[Sli --.:n.2NTIn ;T 'xX oi PIn Tî BODk Wil Tho Baicoly".i . t Uir Friend 'nacle S. Se THE IN1FTHODIST 1TABERNACLE 1For Sale To Rent, Etc. FOR SALE. Property known as the Royal Hotel. Apply to J. H. Perrin, Wbltby. -11. BARGAIN SALE. House, wîth haIt an acre of land. Fornace, light, water. For particulars apply O. Fox, Port Whltby. -10 FARM FOR SALE. Plumdale Dairy Farni, con sistîng of 100 acres, beiag east haîf e« lot 4, and!I east hait of lot 5, Ist concession, Pick- ering Township. May have possession to plotîgh aI once and fîull possession on April lst, 1917. Apply on premîses toi T. E. Piip. 1. RE-OPENS. LOST. Siîday, Seplenibpr ?rd, înaià ed a On StalUrdy:.- %pnsi 2t'iti, ctwen a rtand Trîînk Jîuci ion Station, Oslî- no-poch in the history ofthe Church au a.and SItititon Farni, Kingston MW0f Oth e iîo'list 'tabernocie. For itnad. a largoelîritîdie and %wbite cOwV, ,ii- lia-stiomnithte Trustee Board lbas witlî bras, due tencut xx ii n aficxw duixs. -u, a îsl ivlumsi in ug new seat s and Fi tidt-r iltiutnt i fY 1 nianittiffîîrd t irilebeaul ifylng Jhb nterior of Oslhawa. l'honp 26Y.Lilxirl re:-trd. lxx (ihurcli. The mworJtop the Board17o SA.7. it ,-eui asi gratifyjng, and mmucii ( idtis duie (o the inen wbo gave sn ConINClMa loti, W iii slilîuips an iît-intinlogîxor their t4me-and Pe rev sîxIilfront st-aI. iin god rdx'r. .Nlc- fi) 'rotiic iti aneffect 4onthie tbttrchLa'tghin niaie. Sîixie iarnr'ss, oak t' -ý titi tOi !Sati it ustslyv îr.otd tMat' Ase Ui xitîd iiiv xx.O. nr lias of. iliîfett fiitti r -r s.'iuor i lie tul)Ixixt-andil xxiii ilmArIdifrmon Suuîas- tiorîiine ssiiirns' nimpro Nld>n a it Ltîzet te t*txi Iil. Fosi ur, xxho ixad jîîst Qlcx tx i n i (ui a nient lis hni idtî Bs \OF'RS1110(%, e D EIsiO 1-oiic-Ilf li.,oforgitaxi-tix i, cour I"I i . sidliti 4' I o Pxi lixy'of Qî iltîîî ni' ' i xb 2iîî ttI a (xîi j j x' x i. Han u x xtr ,1p. 1 1m i li h i h(Id. iîrsîîanîîItii li,, Onttario r- 1 ; p. ...îd liuIiii s' ii \cit. hl-is t s tuiir tli xoron-'x'il-r xxoîx<f the (oliuiv tCourt noft- < ournt- \i ~~x \itîîl. . Ix ril -~o of l.Otirio, uit lie otci 1o - * e- - r-c . fîh-, q4 trioliliii tulix. -ý151h Ilday <if Si item.- o .. nI' 'i 1- I a -no (f h r. IxC, ati l(I clîtk it ilix itîtxî \V widMis xKlithari-xid dx iixxtîtonoitxl;tlîîtiis 0fý i i . i '1'ixO " rî xrs tandl otmissltins !It lf ', Vit. (f I w 1II I ' i I (Ji hi' o\r l - - , , . 1. 'I j l 't ' - EVERYTHING School S -AT WH TEIELD's DRIJO andi STATIONERV STORE Soie Agent for Butterlck Patterns Sole Agent for Nyal Preparations W AINT FD. 1I,0 IX A brick or fraim" bouse w i 2 cr 1,a1t11o andmahino or of ailI kinds 4 rompt Ni m;,Ilid- te. T,11i s \O hat or more i n \n or on (,d,-,( f torpror. - ,at ed " i v Ii i for 'lo Ia u~.efor cah :Stl bic (ia:xi I' ..; j >g tex.. 'o.I1o0.it o,-ilti a1 C. JOHNS i'.ii rin-îx.înîd tand E Stiti a fer tilix .. , ';îotîe 121. - . -"---i. -- 1- \\'.(». V L i i ix i-I ix Woh a Guinea a ox rera' -l': for 1ice evil effer cfofquick i "o - litx! itt -ti :e'U liv- i * r- i d-.:î-- h r et -ri this T. u'..kk'\ hrn~ 'k4~z. GT. P.. tOn I ."I rTorntliat t i alx ti Viîi'Juition nt S -i ted .-; a i.,niî 9f120 Li. i Li'TOWN STATION. t-i. r' 2 t t- i. i -' C. P. R. 0ile z' - 1i?.a - ; E . i - In .1 la at 10 a.m. Mr. LOSE t..30 P. * 3uIts or vercoats - i - - i i.---' - i ' ' ' x i. - -. x - -o-- 1 1- r ,i'i f J i i pit'rit I ttillx JI i sit ni-- - 'x' - - t- i 4),>\,,i ail ilii imaiin ii -- zixîd i,'ti ilx lt. i.'I xx ricei !z t xl it. iîîx o-r ils- 'O.xi0 11i -o- 1lit11t i- il Nx1xilig Il\ . iixi Ili loit.xd-ixudxîî \V( txî t i ii i, t xx jol i t., 1 i t ; t I l ; - r 1 . i1xli.Ilxi---0 -i. Nii L.i Uxry-. I S 1i t it I %lil is Hlîn i,.\% i li l tidi -0- ini ii- \hu <itîir.-il noinis on Fniday. 1îr Arthxuî r-.r. to lxii ii't oin iiienii rthinien nigai 3, p. T)iiilas Si reIi'tix lias.,; i - r> 1lil it.nu ThuIti- ck-riir brancihis Itxs-iîg en- Lard(in.tiji Miidtx\lixt îxckî da tloi lertaitic(l Ili% titis iraîîcii.and wul i 4ro- tuai o irniilsii.x, r i %xliii'g i-d 17 %f îde t hil trograni - A fu Il at terdancut ounces. WVho crin tai t liis«. of thelie uunîbîrs antîi iose lnittxre8tnid - O lalnaisti le tiorkix l loîîd for. M rs. Oh for Lonidoniiniiî'i tiitav Exîtibi- (;(,ii.,%. oss. Pn-sid-ili . .V. Mc(lel- lions. Cliîxmp tlck.'îýý gond goiuig 514.- lanu, Secr-luîry. tember Mili and 41h teIo tht good to - retorn tllIii li.Tic'ke-ts aid ail par- Col.J.E. Farîeel, KC., lias returfi- ticjars aI t li-usix'W t ii ~n- e rmhs -ttoCiago h c t'apltrisijictdt' txgit'e officd e Alsocasioui o? tftic'meeing of the Ainerlcaîu cept ai steîiîeon's. andhoc taIlBar Association, lat whlclî lvtas one bcetsa rotue. hno'. oc falof the fnw laî-lted ('anadian gusts. bestrouts. 0The meeting lasted for threle dat-s. and The W tir Relt Sou i ti,h8 1 ac- ttis attêiudid by 5001 or more barristers know-lrdgr' the recelteof .2.5o as Pro- front ailtlparts oft tue United Stat-es. ceeds oi n saile'of foii ors 1the1follow- rThat eent ni tesmian, Elihu Roit Jng childrem t loroîîy Jantes, Howell t-s1r'teto ieBrAscaîî James. Edittu Mélnc Kathleen James. labi year, and prestde4 over te delîber- rie moirie), ls 10 be divid.d equally be' iioso the assetnlly. Cl. Farewell lween te lI6tlu attallon Sock Fund1îîad the pleanure of meeting Nir. Root, and he ed rossSocty.a150 ex-Prtxsid*uit Vm. H. lxaft. wbo auîdlit Re Cros Sclet:' one of the slillakers, as weil as CONMI. other notables ofthLe sBar.,t LitetUnilt- -' . -. - - ~ ~ dlegactarylrm..E ukOt . G og d Staten. The Chicago Èâr gavé 'the Toroiîto's îcadlng optician for 20 years.' can be con.solted about your eyes for glasses ai A. H. Alltn's drug store, Wilîit y, Wednesday. September 20th. DoiVî miss seeing hita. Diffiuit cases Invtled. Satisfaction guinranteed. 0e BAPTIST CHURCH. Sunday, September 101h. The pastor, Ret-. (. A. MeLean, 1B. A., %vilu preach nt botservices. Mornlng. Antheni, "Thé Lord la My Light." Evening. Antlîem, "Jeas. Loier of M~y Soul." Parties wishing auto for atternoon or evefIig outings (long or short dIs. tapeçs) sbould comlnunic*ite with Av. R. Edwards, Ind. phone 416, or call at Pest Olilce between 8.30 aînd 9,30 amn. -12.-.. - The, rûpilar moîîlhly meeting cftutu Whilby '%ar Relief Society wlL. be e- lield ln the Coîînci Chaniuir on Mon. day atternoon, Septeataber Ilti. at 3.30 o'clock AIU the ladies of the town ar'e Invited to attend. W1ilJs' Black Blerry Cordlal for Di- Arrhoea. Colle, Craînîps. and ull i sum. ancr complaflit.sa. J. E. WIlJIa, truu«4ti and optician. Flfty cents la tuie -1rlccof, the,,new Ontario ('ounty itn.p-th,. bet tâpo Çon>ever Iaiued. C. A. Gofl 'Son igsll ILt, Sent Dq*UN441 0 OSHAWA FAIR. Arrangemnts are ail comptlete for the teMtaunual FaIr aM Alexandra Park. The tunrles are eomnugln fat, and the Secretary andi bis staf are buay jtetting tbem .gade op1. TheG g rounds and building» art g«Ioq Uielr final touche&. The people on iimil taIk-> ing about the big aliow neit week, witlîis live stpek, pouitry. fruit, vete- tables. adiea' work and Indoutal ex- hihits ail there. The automobile (ovin cf Ontario wiIl look Il* beéait MdIl' citizens will welcoine the vis1tors, The~ fort that Il la war year will be meuh- gllsed hy the premeofe Col. Coehhuru andi bis bravë boys et thei 18*4om iVedneeday, when they wifl #Ive a gmet exhibitomn. Ther la a tesson fur' ail te Cogne. Ml krsew halthe lb r 'ii. Soin. wUll ame t> 5tee Jbe Fai tome wtll cogne itc Mthltr'rfiec.do sn.loe nt ôe Jwrt. 10 pt a ho1$4*,.J somte wit) corne betiisse Ibe 111hof Septszuber ta s-imnear, morne Mcm o eýhule fellows look Jt * fr bhal date.,,Te ii. Witsand beAa i1*the iaD.rs a"dthe rTcurd of te 5'Mr l thiput al tell wbst the Pairwill 4o. you wili et inore for yourUm' hae& 1itttù? Urne tu i% * se -L.-w s for 13-oxigla a dxtrds, î.ri.iîrlctor. MAILS C 3,) p tii Vo o t-art Ssmi-Ready IL\o! to $30,000 Trousers $4950 te - Madlet. your measizre in 7 dsys. à -bou" Sadk.8t We French dry cleaqu or dyo suite, dresses, waists, gloves, chenil!, cortains, pi&uo covers,, etc. Pressing, ropairlng mad alterin#î elothing iL riodeut. pricoe. h S~erf ~.~ ~ ainptle V'orfd. 71 1 lIONT. Sld;Co.,~ ..L te~.g. ITN)Lkthe i cv G rc.:ey.Ox forc i ing plhn y cil eau nilW bu. Gurr.e) -Oxfciri- (1 ?i t\' t< t s it a piice not to Uc met Uy a in-ill order lou-se-. ý,c. these Ftnw c-; on (tUt floors. flhese priccs arc for tle stovc s2,t t.,- 'Oîfl \ýVc teî;c!r;t e estoves. \Vc pul ish it ;iftcr it arrive. Wc c- tt k frein the station a nd set it on yeur iloor, anti tuarantec th.It if aftcr 1c0 dias' time you are flot suited w th te stove wc take itetadrfd Gurnoy-Oxford "Nugget" Steel Cook Stoves@. lIn great demand %vherever a - heap, economical, but perfect work. ig littie cook stove is required.- Body is of good steel plate. Top is cast irori. No. 92.j6 with duplex grates (anid gal-vanîzed reservoir, Witbout reservoir *-12.jeb 754 Ther Priïce î<cast troa ânatg Tlif I aetw * # * c * e * e e ~ # * *î 'il~ I à NAIOLDE' ------------I------- of the oouuas wa ltt as tb il @ul 30 tmiles .way. "odemo o eors* tomnp ÀAt Omy.D tio 4 - j 4- -t .A.ROBINSONJ 1,' xi iii. i - ( -1" -lit' li~x LOCAL HAPPENINGSi xx'.. EV I K S-uGAR Prosorving limeis here You know wo are always righit witiu the price of sugar. These are the days when you are thinking about putting down frcsh fruit from the finest gardens in Ontario. WVe are here to help. You have always p-it dowu your owxi fruit. SEAILERS Have you all you need ? We have the lateat style. Your Business Friend Wm. Mookor WHITBYQ ONTARIO