Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 31 Aug 1916, p. 8

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M re. M. Ros l recovertng trom ber of New LowQII. Ont., are visl;tlng their I recent Ilîneas. Miss Beatrice Ros., of.grandparents bere for a week. ICoum ls i staying with ber for a Mr. Lou Alients spent the week-end ie. twith is parents lhere. Mr. and Mrs. Les. MýcLean. of To. Mr. Mn. Hoiliday. of Coboconk. was O I ore ona te ronto, visited over $unday Nxith the ln the village e on da iiiglt corrspoden foriners parqnts here. brother, Mr. Daniel Holliday, and cail- Miss Nora tiourley, of Toronto. 1s tng u.pon oid friends. ho Iyng with hli parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Gascoyne. who live on BIIOOKLIN. Rev. H. W'. and Mrs. Foiey, wbo te ibe hu ' farm. north of the village. 1~1r 1> Bona nd augterEthlilave been lu Gore Bay for the past recelied a message last week that their bl r 1).Burn anddaugter the 1%-)weels. have rettumned honte. They only son, Pie. Oswa.ld Gaseoyne, had îWere lunl)arlintîioî on Nionday. enjoyed thotrivthpîoroughly. t11ougl11beeu seriously wotinded, and had been Dr. and Nlrs Chas. Broad and \Mr Foley Lad a %-ery busy lime, sent to the hoýpital. dauiglter mio1ored from the' States aud Miss Jean Hayeraft. of WellesleY NIrs. J. W. Ewen and Miss Margaret visited witli Mrs. Jamies flroad for H-ospital, of Torouto, and Miss Helen. and Master Cordon Ewen, of Toronto. several day.o! o (shawa. are hiotidaying with their spent a few days at the home of!NIr. Mrs. F. Caimisa and cblidren v isited inotlter aud Nlrs. George Blighit. ln Toronto tîtis weo Nirq. ('relgps and Master Hugh Pltgh. Messrs. Ratph and Rtossait White, of' Miss I-t>fipld lq .. lit tng friviuds lof ularpntont, liave beaui vi9iing Wiib Peiawaw a Camp, spent several days at Torn 1o. Nr, nnd Mr.Chlas. Ellott. Mrs. El- thpir home heiré. On F'riday worniug a ts a big' Inotor iott aud baby retuma ed to Claremont ,Mr. and Mrs. A. Ketchen and Mrs. car rt'tifi, along the Mlh concession. mith Mrs. Gelgg. Stevens were ln Ashburn on Tuesday %vent Itbo hie ditctî over tae cîliart. ont Monday. gei%tentber 4tit, Làbot atte-ndiaig the funerai of the late Nyal- wlitinJist sotith of tht %illage, The Day. te business places of the village lare Stevenîs. son of Mr. Jas. Stevens. front atl%%-as smashed, but Yortunaie- %viiilieha loqFd. pf tat village. Deceased had been 111 l7 110 ont- wfl5s eriotistŽ iiuttd. N-Misses;.Margaret and Helen Ketchen. ln Osham-a Hospital. with pnieumonia. Mrs. C. W. Flewell and son, Vict.or, --of Toronto. speut the holiday with - - -.Mrs. George Blight. Mm. and Mms. Albert Robinson and Mrs. Sameils. of Oshawa, visited with Mr. sud Mrs. Luire Robinson tis week. Miss A. Otiar. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Grass saud ,Mms. Eddy and datigbter FRUI BU L ETINare holidaylng at Hoddington Farm, FRUIT BULLETINPort Carling. u Jh Toronto, motomed f romi Toronto, and, speutnt aim hoiidays withi their cousin. PEACHES-The Famous Yellow St. John Missý. Florence Blighit. Mmr. Jos. Hodson ba-s retunend fmom- Peach. Nialga:a Peninsula grown, now at its best. lits northern trip. eu iiln e ss lu Oshawa envstn e Will be followed by soti lAoAlama M 1 Afff ARA Nms. Wm. Taylor. o! Port W*hitby.1 ohrfrtcasvari- speut a few days ai the borne of ber othe frt.clss ENINULAdatigliter. Mrs. Geo. Blight. eties. Plumns ready Mse Kathleen Hawkins and Joey for canning. sud ami. Mr. aud Mrs. O. Seberi, for the past ta'o mouihs. have returned Look for the map. to their home iu Toronto. orqLLL VA LU E We are- sorry 10 report ihat Mrs. It is your guarantee FWc 140 John Kerr la vary poorly. Sha was taken 111I suddeuly on Saturday. of quatity. MNissg Edith Hewson. of Oshawa, Is visitiug friands lu Ibis iocality. Air. aud Mrs. MeNair. o! Hamnilton, are visiting at Mr. W. B. Robson's. Mm.' Fred flowtas. o! St. John's, Micb., is vlsltiig ai bis honme bere. Mrs. Cîlun 1sf t on Tuesday for To- ronto, whPre she will visit for a tinte. Miss M.itnnia Colwali apent a few days lu Toronto tbis week. Miss Jean Johnston, o! Whithy bhas been.visiiiug with Mrs. McNeely. Mrs. Alva Thompson, wbo was cali- ed 10 her fathers bomne. by the iliness of ber sisier. Miss Stella Robinson, re- CANAD AN PA IFIC urued on Mouday to ber honte ln Bo- TiAD A N P CI IC hre lna Moe aturit Sabsksc.n !la *Special Trai n Service TO TORONTO EXHIBITION Prom Whltby $1 .15-Goôd going Aug. 26th tc' Sept. 7th. Return Limit: Ail tickets to be good for return to reach final destination not later than September i3th. S5G-Good going Aug. :z6th to Sept. gth. Return Lirnit Five days including date of sale, but in no case te exceéd Sept.i i îth. SPECIAL TRAIN SERVICE 8îî)ecinl Train %vilt) le o1.rated between Wbitby aud Toronto September 2, 4, 0 aud -., as foiiows: Leave ai 6.59 a.u'. Retuim Special i wll bave Toronto tU'nioni saine date@ ait l> :1> p.m., rtnnuing througla to Whibby, making &Il interniediate stopm, For regnlar train servit e se current foidets., Extra equipmcnt on ail reguiar Tfrainam. Full partreu!ars ftomti ('aadian Pacilie Ticket Agents. E. R. BLOW~, AgWent, Whithay,<Out. %V. B, iIONVARD, Iiituiet i>senger Agent, Toronto. STANDARD BANK 0F CANADAb eÀdâ MEADO OP7icE -TORèOtT sVIRYf good &MILk bas a ftRBRVE FUNlD asn a Pm>. - - ~ vsiaon for, leu»yeuts m»d &ti mevtube rWm ay . This Fund bas bem seacouaied fronu Surplus Barul4s and lu à source oi str-ugth and ssubility. Eveyone shouldhev aRERVB PUNI>. Without It Do one le la a sala iamcai e h"ion. Our %vint@ DeUmutuànet ode e ideal ujpeflumly fe ES'D 10lor$ .uiial.gYO PRRSMVlUNI>. --WHITBY-BRAN4CEî C. A.Mmc m.. aauu coauntry th,% nail1 otlaerdiueases put tagether,a&bd for yeuts it wu. suppoed ta be lu:urable.1 Doctèe presctlbed local r.medies, amd by con- stauttv Iaitiig taoiute with local treuttesLPro- noun&;d h incurable. Calurrig a slcaldiseas, grently influence-i by ceasttutionai conditione amd thetefote requîtes conrtitutionuiteat- ment. Rals Cturth Cure. masnufacturtdby F . J. Cheney & Ce., Toledo, 0hio la a cou- etitutionml remedy, là laken intetnully and acts tIareth labozd on te MUret, Surface of1h. M stet. one tlmndred Dollars reard la effet- cfor uny casethaut Balla Cath Curte aiis to cure. Send for rirritiars sud Ieslitonlxla. Fj.t.CHENEY & (:Q. Toledo, Ohio. HaIL'1 arnfumh PiI'i for constipation. COLUMBUS. Master Freddie Adamts. o! Detroit, ta vlsitîsg at Mr. S. Robert's. Mm. esud Mms. Wm. Brummnell, o! Brookln. spent Sunday aI Mr. Thos. Goodmau's. Messrs. Smitîh & Richardson have takan a number o! borses 10 tht' ExhI- billon. Mm. Charles Grills la busy putting ln bis new cament waste gatea. Contrac2t- tom Gibson bas the job. Ou a.ccor-nt of tht' wet day only a amall number attended tihe picnic ai the lake ou Satumday. AS HBU RN. Rev. J. and Mme. Malcolm aud taxi- ily, o! Cayuga. Indians, snd Ma-. Jas. sud Ma-a. Malcolmt, o! Markbsnt, taited ai A. MI. Ellîn'.' Mms. Johnsten vas lu tht' city on- Tuesday. Miss Lana Ellis bas retua-ued home afier visiting lu Green River. Ma-a. Reg. Nighswaudar snd fs.ntliy. of Lockpomt. N. Y.. are staylng wlth A. M. snd Mrs. Ellis. Miss Lena Parrot as lu the' clt-y tant s-eek. Miss Muritel Ellis lu visittng lu To- onto ai paesent. Ma-s. Wilson bas made qulle an tnt- provemelîl ou ber bouse, by havlug II patuted. Mr. J. A. Varcoe la on s trip 10 Cal- gary. Mmm. Ruindle, o! Port Pera-y, vlsited wIlt ber daughter, Ma-s. West, a !ew days 1aI week. A ver>' succenatul mneeting o! tise Redi Ca-osa Branci ai Ashburn waa 1*14 tu the basement cf the' chai-ch on Tues- day evenlnsg, Aurait 22eî4. Dr. Johnt Moore-. or Bi-coiita.viseo as (ote t as cisairmman, vas wtavoidabty absent, and pastor 11ev. Wtii.Johnmon ftroi thre chair, opentag thse meeting witis a b>mls&ad~ a sort prayer. A obtulel pregrara wa. renderl by is Rocheran, i. a C. Joisston, Nr, IL Alleu n sd .r. W. Kerr. la a tew piossîns romauke the pastor litrodticed àMadame Roherean te th# Tise anbpt et o!ber renirisa wasthse wsrk wblch wuasd*#ent aby thse fIe cours Naitonal. te wilctt eriatîmim etisl very celey aamb.4. h. ex- plaine mot !ti Mvo~iat tt la »IssimaiEd e 8~s v« us-'Ibo E«e - d.e4«»%"t en t$sat oostwy hr fowl- - lg.Th# ral! vois tW 4A$dwe a latv. ldansés. suidiadeor uloa4.idM *m r~wliI*la trus. de tivo, - mm la tase. <et se wI T» awekm ue M mmi uIuto TIIURSDAY, .AUGUST 81, 1916. Thse Dangerous Condition "eih Produces Many Wel Known Diseases. HOWIOGUARO AGAINSIT THIS TROUBLE 4'FRUIT-A-TIVES" - The Wonclerful Fruit Medicine - will Protect You Auteiatoxication nmeanîseslf-poison- ing, caused 1»- coutntnots or parti constipation, or inaufficient action or the boweis. Instead of the refuse matter passing daiiy frorn the body, it is absorbed by the biood. A a result, theI%,ûdutys and Skin are overrcorkcd, in titeir efforts to rid the biood of tlîis poisoning. Poisotuingo//ht blood in this wayoften causes Indigestion, boss of Appetite a.nd Disturbed Stomacli. It may pro- duce Headaches and SeeIlses.1 maay iryitate Me Kidaneys ami hring on P>ain in t he Back, Rheumatisni, Gout, and Rheumatic Pains. 1 . is the chier cause o! Eczerna - an (I keeps tht who/e system rsnheatthrby tha constant ahsorp- 'Frtit-ates" odotii ls ue mau/o- intoxication or self-poisoning-as "Fruit-B-tives " acts gent 1 on bowels, kidneys and skin, slrengthens tîhe bowels and tonea up the nervous systemn. 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial aize, 25e. At ail dealers or sent postpaidl on receipt of priceby Fruit-a-tivea Lirnited, Ottawa. the guest o! Mliss Gladys Harrison asat week. Miss V. Stacey, or Toronto, visiîed ber brothers bere recently. There being no preacbing service, here on Sunday, Sabbath Scbool met at 1030 a.nt. Next Sunday it will meel at the tisuai heur, 2.30 p.. Mr. Howard Martin bas taken the contract for graveltng the road between the two Myrties., which wlll mess les Inconvenience to the public during a wet Speil. A nunther front hiere are attendlng the Toronto Exhibition. KINSALE. ssnttht' wencaI ome.rnt, Ma-. WithedeS-edie as roete bi fara tr Sde C. F Macroty e! Cou-s stabfe . Wb.tbyfr .teto! yeamsCoha tambnrposseityfo n-elsriufg.as, Woa-d baos en 'receive rnt ht bod as wen wetsoe 1111 tIte aos Theyentoye thse itp sud ae age.Tthe sedyeemoinetrisuad btg psy, ag ntedouemlt ii gianexcllet satiafandio bu tei t loyge.clln Mrtsft. Brier esud Mar pntoe MStîuday aI flona-Markfe wlt fred Tbe fermat woe avea it ried ou The fr beW w~reortbte ladydove lhibî, esecla reort ,th crop not ta tigrper!, ovlng e the ex ntrma- btursud onSrtaont droethe xr for ueamlyand conta.tht'yhacr orii meake upwosontwhî orTh'ebycotagelu othe ylreld fo.h sotael Mthr. esu M.Gbso!Tone Mrpentde ek-ed it relafTvestl, Kse.teweedwihrltvsl Minaeley flltdhr.etSh bathMoeeyng.. Ne Sunda m.Tel- btn wvii be.hoe tsud viiracToi 2,o0 p.nt. hm adwIlpeaha 2,r . Cako Rgro Pceig atrendd diviesoerc Pihee ra in.- ath. Mdin.eervicla ee o! tt' oi eath.eMer sflens seue ofwho e 1 mu Ibs vicîity reeas. Aeihlve lns ete ee hiiiky or 4msud exte tisebaud e! weome. -.,ad xen hehn ofMem. u M. M.. rsdf.blyv Mr. atndsuc ailclrcaldst arbhather lneten.d el cuuiuîed viath tvest on-t, anso ale opedwhovet' Most. oe * Kintae tpeopalI t e oua ser.ice. luethsfmlyt u servicet hwasbaestwa brighteeuphoerseae l yl er- bhta ela tlê-bueat sud ib-o ca-eps. Publk eoo$willl re-opea next veek. MIsa Miller, front Canulugtou. viii be' thse now teacher. Mît' izis ber every suceas. Mr. George Rodd visited hls aiter,- mm-s Maya-lest Baisbatis. amre threhlng. neat oir vllage Ilut week. 'Sme tail the andutai favet thse veê-et M-F- lO8-rqîm (Mis Leugion. o! Lideis. ;ttkmmbrde.l kýeit ofIIJ utro#. î Ad11 lidùer iteM. A,1 'lu&umwimd- o.A t Ise, p- tmth-r.- su!MM W. Mrs. W. Balsdon and Misa Lois Dais-!GASOLINE ENGINESo a -ngn e dotn vîsited iii Pickerintg ou WednesdaY: Ttsi h tinte to decide Où ieprhs o nEgn. W mr. and Murs. Rloy Morcotnbe have re- consider it a pleasure to show you o the hii ls asrcîfl an tiitned to their home -at Fort Wiilam'siLmplic-ity of #the Engines Weposes._.TTh ey il u an !thefuls aftar spenadint' some Urnme wlth then wueadeub sdfoalpr fomnnn's parents liane.no uedadcoeuedfralprOe.Teeiplet1 O- Mms. Goîtld, of Toronto. te, speuding plete. Buit in any horse power. a fawv days avit Nirs. MI.Mancky MANSJRE SPREADERS MNiss Hituten. o! Toronto, is vlsiting rL . wilth Miss N'cma Browtn. Our Spreaders make a hit with the purchaser. Tuey are-l0w AL'PEY.down ony 4 juces o tp o! aides, 17 Juiches clearance under- Mr. and Nlrs. Bell apeni a day orconveyor track, wide mpread, ocicen eas ilhni i fwoii1h friands In î wilimtbitry Tp. Iouds, do perfect work, with light draft. Frank Puickrnu thresliad abotnt thiriy PLOWS bushels of whbite clover. On accotit o! the wet afiernoon, the Freeyprose, both riding and waikingr The kind it plcuic ai Simcoe Point m-as not a stiù- Freeypr cass1ercnty etoe it eiec pays to use. SILO FILLERS on the Martini tan acres. How it omît'- Oesiltyue he Sle o.Ti sabrgain. We- inated lte occttpants do not kntow.On lgtyueOhoSivrBx Tisea-bi Tînt' barvest. ut tinte o! wrtlng. is also have new ones of différent styles. about gatbared. AIl around lt miglit_________ ha consldanad au altrnîdaut oua. The untdardmaluad landi that was mIn ood yUBel an Isa trlin, yialded au axcepiiloualiy good crop U11 lbiUm 08 o! stmaw. wblle the' kernel lu anyW§ F. DISMEPoe fields wili ha îînaiuy near welgbi. _________________________________________ PRESENTATION TO ('HAPLAIN 0F 182ND BATTALION. Ied on thte grouinda o! AUl Saluts' ['utrch. Cannîlugion, on the' avening o! th 251h o! Augtnst, by tht' ladies o! the ýhtirclt. flriîîg tha autertalumant s itrprise was gîvan the mactor, Rev. A. U.Lunimer, wbo lias beau appolnted Chaplalît o! tht' 182nd O. S. Baitalion, lu bettat! o! tht' congragation, Mr. G. H. Woodward, Recior's Warden, presamîted the' raclor witb a wrist watch sud au sddress. Followiug ibis ha ladies o! tha Patriotic Society pre- auîaed an addrass sud a chaque for $35 oe the Chaplalu, te asalat bmm lu bis work wlth the' tan o! tht' Baitalios. The addresses foliow: Capi. flav. A. C. Cummner. Chaplals 182ud Bn., O.S., C.E.F. Rav. Sir: - flearing, wlib deep regret, o! your ntended daîtarture front our midat, for dues te which yoîîm counutry bas called you, tht' ladies o! tht' Patriotic Society take Ibis opportniy o! ex- prassing their regret over tht' lament- able uecesslty wbich calîs you, sud the' vary great bass our cormtinity sustains sn yotîr. wa trutitemporary retoval. We also wisb 10 express tht' appre- clation o! otur soclety for tht' noble work you have doue for tht' boys o! our town ln the "Cadet Movennent," aud our admiration o! the' progreas they have made. We are proud te send ont' so capable te tht' targer duties te which you are goiug, sud tht' best wishîes sud pray- era o! or-r Society shaît attend you and the mes of tht' i82nd Baîtalion, as you go te serve, ln otur stead, the' cause we believe muat triumph. lu bebaîf o! otîr Society, we wisb te present te you Ibis cheque for $35.00, wblch may ln as mail messure aid the' religlous work amnoug the men ef your Ballalion. sud we trust thaltbtey will always remether thtat lui aervlng God tbay serve Ibeir country besi. SignPd, ISABlEL.SHIPU,%AN, LooirrIE HENitER.so., ISABIEL FOS-TEn. tl si i c FJ t Chapiain 182nd Bu., C. E.F. Rev. and Dear Sir:- Wt', tht' members e! AIl Saluts* Clîurch, Cauninglen, casut elt this oc- casion o! your tentpersry leave-taking pasa without a remînder, tbough lu this amai wsy. e! our appreclaîlen o! your work antongsl us. Wbile we regret yeur absence front our midat, we trust ibat lu ausweming tht' call o! your King sud country, Ged wiit abundantly blesa your work te Hie glery. and grant you a sale returu. Slgned on bebaif o! tht' congregatien o! AlI Saints' Cbîîrch, Cannlugten. G. H. WoopNAiRn, Rector's Wsrden. Wur. AstET, People's Warden. lad BhttaIioa NMes. Pte. Walter Parrînder, o! Brooklu, bas aeceived bie discharge on account of bis beiug undel age. Sergi. T. Seeda bas returued te Bn. duties front a Speetialts course lu musketry at Rockcliffe Ranges, Ot- lawa. Capt. A. B. Cockburn bas aetua-ued f!rom a course luntmusketry sud ma- chine gun, sud le now taklug a F. course at Camp Borden. Lt. W. 0. Tennant l8 lakiug a mita- kolra-sd machine gun course at Rock- clIffo Ranges, Ottawa. CaDI. J. A. Patton lsa ttendlug a Field Otîlcers course at Camp Borden. Tise Bu. lu eouductîng lu conductlng a vigorous recruiting eampOa throughout tise eounty. with tise resait tirat sa ret mauy bave signed uii andi iii report st tise conclusion o! bar- veât. N. C.'t! have been sent ont trom bter. la thse varfouis townasip to assithe lb vsak. Tise fllovflsg bave bs-en taken on atremiglis uring t#te paet two weemi:.- Pus. F.'. BaIwIey . ~okn LAl- trIt. Qsb*wva;W* MeMIlla4 n"11rchb; W. M. DuUf, ÛUritge: A. Pi Qmb«it.- 1Brooklla;P. C. 8ail, Os*v; . Padze. Brooklo .J . C'fluttle, Port Perryd.mA., M. Saldom. èuba cb.I Cialea, tosi; . A.C. Whippy.e tom; ]M. MerrboS. Dubasrtous; )X lsk- sud Bayenet Fi1gblug at Camp Bor, dan. Sergeant J. 1. Crofton snd Col-Pl. g I E. A. Blaîcbford obtained s specIat, mention aud were awarded good certi- Lt, E. v. Oag, Lt. t. NM. Wylia, Lt. L B R A F. Gj. Wallis, Lt. G. Munroe, are al pre- sent attendiug a Captalu's Course at SINGLE FARE Camp Borden. Capi. Adam Wilson, laie o! the' ll6th Good goinagand retnrning Sept. 4, 1910 Bu., huts retîurued f rom s course at P. S. tL, Camp Borden, and la now atîsch- - 10ONE-THIRD ed 10 the 182nd as Adjutaut. . Good goinng Sept. 2nd, 3rd and 4th. LIs. McKenzle, Munroe, Beaton, Goo to returs Sept. 5Ih, 1916. Dmew aud Steckley bave returned fromi courses al Camp Bordes. ,Retoif tickets will be laed onAi lu anaa astofPort Arthur and Lt. H. W. Penrose bas takep Ibhe ?aPrtBrnMieb., litîi. - ,- oi place o! Lt. I. M. Wylie as recrulting Niagar frtIsanld si" r ou4ft W.Y. officer ln Whiby. Ticket andul partiteexaPfl Lt. R. H. M. Jolliffeanad.L. Corporal Agents. Craighîon are taklug au expert's courseal-OM lu slgnalllug at Camp Borden. CANADAN NATKJIwALXonIPT The 182nd Battalion basebsîl team t ButickMoets at raeued faru tet Toronto1 travelted 10 Oshaws Sattardsy atter- ftremaîî&Il 80»in Canada. OIibla patîcu- noon lu the transport, sud beat the lae fr@oh m eran T owr ate, ex-U borne test by the' score o! 14 to 4. cueon irmOrMT ,At, bib. lu spite o! the drizzling ramn both _________________ teasadisplayed good fort sud put up_________________ a good braud o! bail. Cook, the' heaver - for the' soldiema. was at ail tintes mas- ter o! the' situation, sud ailowed only a 811118i Division coins !ew scatiered bits. This is the' second victory schieved in one week, the test - baving beates Beliwoods interxnediate COXJNT? 0IF ONTARIO. testn front Toronto on Thursday by the'bu score of 16 10 6. This testa won the lutermadlate City Cbsrupîonsbip Sat- 1L WHITMBY-min Mt, I.&liacomzwi. urday asat by a wide margin. Greait W11t070 c1.rk--Jam i Tl .l roi: . 10 Interasi la belng sdded 10 the gate Âpr.4.MY 2.JUe1JUF iUl S owing to the' succesa of the' teat. O 'Ngo4v. 2, DeS. 40. Jia MI8. Pie. R. E. M. Nicholson bas been 08R.&WA-MuB . i NMlàSI pronted 10 Shoemaker Sergesut. Wbltbr, CIerk.4&, &S Ms. 3, t. -Ï,. The Brasa Baud arg haviug Il baud- Apr. . 5luia 3. lue . 8. ew 50, #P ed to thent rather oughly. Tuesday BO 10,NO.3 DS , a.8,1.0 eveniug tbe Bugle Band defeated thentI RIOA-L lU5 GNr lu a gante of basebali by the score of wot iCerk...4560S a"8. t E8 27 te 7. Wednesday the' Sergeantia 3ly f BoSet_I', v.OJa.4.1 ,football team dsefeated the Band teamt8 OTPET .W UtlO, %by a wide margin. Nport, JuIy1 ptOla.5 4. 5,191?. --I years. Alma Selleck, a five-yesr-old child, was knocked down by a horse and bug- gy and serioualy Injured. Osbawa golf players were defeated by Port Credit golfers. There la good prospect that the Max- well steel plant will yet mstertallze. Mr. Maxwell wants an extension of tinte for a year. owing to adverse- présent conditions. W. H. Ptl>er'a home, Westnount, was'struck Dy lightning, plaster belng ksocked off the walts. The current psssed tbrough the body of Mr. Piper, who was standing ln the doorway. He* was flot kilied, bowcver. but was much affected. TH A R ThreeNMhte a Week Dupu'iuug .ly mand Au08ut,- Maowa, W.dme.ay sdStva lraft" .leivh.aymlh Admisson, 18e go ail, Iû-War Tai. Big Broadway Feature every Wednesd&y. L C AtomW u L PNRE4, Emagor BRAC12NCÜIV ¶1 J f ~i; k [1 Special Fares .4 c DSe S MmI*1 Oê '86 Wo~ -t atol Dulosaîi ui4

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