Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 31 Aug 1916, p. 4

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g -. -j--~ ,ktaE~<fiattbefr IIT î _,~ t r - o n yo M e rn o tollection in Ontaro a dI ti D 6 a 2 V eVenn, d t mçent *at w go t the e.O tro a COUnt faS Al the rest andi residue-of the os- <g N ot.Zî.adMs -Ë*e la r ËIýn efr Lue earth 1me-ovrneropintaBie.d "In resencedit t h orerc,$409 3 osmr a ART~S ftted 0 IRYfortii.1tîtle hc wec Wttl srrondllg hie conui rîsîgt set eoeinghînîlngni 'N- C etint read, howevert lte peevt nispf:16Cnda kko oi 11 rad tb) lly ïbecome dlt Np g'. t$3he 50 liOUtïlay, ïanti hm %Ir, Holitday rtheetth oroos î. comitc rafe te eah 0 Mesthe37 c0oorntoduitte ý_&fustd -to py for ths tly thim were obuecgraofutho rbe; e iip tgiCouintyitoiiognii ststhoniantieitincangoanbedisposethe oflunes 24m, ttra 1),n.iiiPerinnd tnliorporation faonition fordm thr.andi by vnig e whoie performanice taliIng about rond improuinent, xvhichs fethdahofMsHy $2 tip Fi istdt (ti( n n iaint i toyat r od e ir . D rng ht An o. Te Ci r bnd, 10 byteb d'5t Mr. HuoiildRY, WlîO vas rcpr etdwsrpatei, Ilhe grounti drying tunder x'xtith deev.d L.A. BUCIIsosed f n.2 the eloctricity mxlii tthecaimrrndt sprafig t hy exent Aic'Iul by W. E. N. Sinoiasir, of Oshawa, stated, the leofrihe rentidtheceiranne penseaiç mn ng'AsbWLSot«qoedng pe thol rialhat opiortexires. Dirsse1t hts case to be tht.i: Ite madi irne paanttutelgtat 1e o r su oCut r terni Miss Edith IVarrpn le given the 3(.10. wultsvitli LtU-Col. Cockburn, of the I as groutideti. This turloous occur- strenkenoiloii i rit-Fi 1 0'gîv e î:riîai ainrss;s- cîncii ihtorstec n e ftt sae ar erBloOt, NpfeOia 182nd Bataiton for lhr-e solier torenc gae 'tePbligUtii nidm anodesnasd S(-ociofihe(heiflte1010 cres(n ownail f Mdcm est an litr o thoie rate 8111 anti the Pubon î 'er Uuh worry enbriuen ch m o t' on a'rI leo! (hortCo n f o benl e rtt--cessrera n ts tohoredne nd! 1ne o t20ars( I:-0arssJt ~ bt er Nveekfrliafora eek atth ra e f1son uifth m e v ry u infor er ant ttbe bore-O t f t e 2a a. ttrwoknfo i rmwhle t lase. Messrs. Mlntyre anti okpna cceo oadcn aEqofteCtnyofteb-iht! le $2 n dY. tter worig frsdhlm fron St. Pierre xere on the searcli for the struction jutilsatpreso-ft. or posslly toUs terir d fromx a gooi roads ss- Ing, theY were recaliete-t cabmpn hetobeda n w-t e ila talî' l.Eng;i a ii adta heonesad cn- Ti-wl lodift it eu Monday momuing until Thursday rnomn-mît tee Rie aiit-orii-e te b arrange for ment hoe et'--Ite Nl iss Heyden anti acreWibRl iearsaji 1111t'hiniIlii a bati way for hetp. T 10 r Mndyt atra.laid "Pern the' f-et thut ge. cngth'y public nmeeinis w hen tht' inatter ciiti other momibers oi the inrnily In 'St. in, $,;Bidftri htYT daYB, but lie tienieti thal they hiat work- OH~AFi.sr nodrt prepare the ratepay- Tne reroiuion wa cebated i a some cef-ti $1.wt.000. on rdvefriwib',2ars ed for l' m More than thmee tinys, antiSAW AR.- 'ncd- olenspth. anti w-usfilnatiy inanimotisiY Th(, will. whirlite tadateti Janrîary .14. $2.50 or aiWib.$.0 1 h cR1h ln addition cialme th 1181 hey weme flot Toronto Exhibition dlaims attention crs of the oiitnty foir the orarad stop carried. . 1914, provides; that ln tho rase of -alîy ticrWlbStetRlaYniPrk eatioth 0 satisfortory workers. Fuîrtîîer, he aim. first. Thon cornes Oshawa next. The conitemplaîti. Il was rcoarllvd tRial The foltowling otfurs were thon nif tie brnotVýIarie- dtsputnt he vatid- Coma( 200 3BdO' otbno ~,0 ëd itiat the particutar muen araigoi fait faim dopsanet lose ils Interest wlîlteIlle action cf the ('outri' vCo incil creeice:ity o! the wxviiite bertiesî to (ho per- $25tOttaoot rprY( rlni 90 u a for wpe>t nlsent lanhM.nanti ln l1friontishili tasts. The annîtal re-uitn 1 OPPr stedn-. bpMiro oscnont hh srvkd 10:Pr rhi os 670 ht n Ofwa i alda"çwda"lt e stFul) ietVhc reb r i ee.odicil matie in Aprit of the samne yetir deéBylt,$.0:26Tlo iet f(lset Io 0psy henli. laytng enphasis o -n >or! Ile nint aegone. The goati roids Fs>stt Nu s in ativanceofa II -cePrsue.r't.".Caan.provires thai tlt exectitors. James H-. $14O oft' sati Lk ii ieeW5l of hatht aitti "lw ieali iAlo-xnr ar-tmie ubi piiniiteechiy ter obbr adGouieT.Caksn é trhet fr thehwothoietalsd thapoar distictrofsaycrltofe vlue, a terlepfia ek10show t.l'ic-"int)'.r wîitwtch ugo ssoit Reing ilaIt iireaction of Ont' yçar's ndi VIc-PrEritent-. WN. Tltie. of shalltroidtihRe residue of the estats ln wit nirc> ad nTute he choepfor Ilesowr s -ek ad.ianti cane troracs. tuz o h w opil ihpwr 'Ih a frhe soldiers va %r. Il. NI.Brooks lias the track îIl ' ounictl was n scintiet i b iat whiciî BePvent on. 10th Ur RiB ean. ,he o întae;caieont hape. The horsetmo wilentertain as olowed. S conyTeplc AV. Nolp.n, o!wS ntstI U lue ByrLieut. feaon]Hewho vcinedoti ,. .Uxtritige. tRiat the io litia Act Peuxides for the iltiual %wite they gel atter thie 000 il ie nov prolrcQ lat-t ti a h anti Aftersher vt a! Rvvil fthanks ta _________________________________________________ "havesingflirloligh" simpiy as a~ hu l ri i> o -.Taibl ' rn tint ipahiiy In thc crtiuntY ihere Mayor Lapp tire mEettins atlotirat-ti. commotiloti to tRiefarmers, anti that 1races1 f oaeriean tinstttia>.eten aCommandina Offlcryrci iis T epocattractions Ilaifrottof the cRialiéhocarritti criadihrt aii Arua toepe-iwere ihe foi- me taylmi i esn, randi Stand are particuts.nty chosen persistent camp.it !cuztolnn otg took th iiievi tence o ! M ajor tGray, o tr e for theo fair-- af er-N hat w a., show n e îiiglit n mnt regar d ing theR e R int-fis Front s iie : - Nayer C onan , gain %vas matie, tiat lucre tttar Thîlishow iai Nortili's Opera Molise bRedn'dbyaomut>fi r( ' , .C>diPM:W .~ g re e n i e n t t i p e rm it t h o m e n 0Io-ar î i î r i e F a r M aR n a g e - a to p ti fg a o o i ro d s y F e n i. in f r - T1n Enen e r; C o . J F GNn for Hoillida>' for tht- di filitro ook mi nu aiso. tlaii way arrangemients are mitory as to tlir P rt sî sorailndtoe son. Town Soticitir; F. E. Haro, As- a wefk. Two o!fitie mcqii noitftRie tandard reduceti raibs for ail biitld, anti how Ires-t ta inainlainti tats1stant Clterk: .J. P. Hènnessy. Presl- itFmte' i r h otPrr ri rsdent Iloard of Trade: D. NI. Toti, Breadi gaVe evidence thia they toit tire cmp fi-oni Oshawa nti6 p ra botha igRis. Yeti roid vwben biiiI. tht' probLble Moet per Mîfg.; F. W., Robson, Leather Nlfg.: J.. ait Thîîraday noon, but hati reaîîy ont> catiî coin(- t T.R.. UPtiR. or C.N.R. Buy mile ofthtRe rond propcetl;i. he organ- F. Bales, hardware merchant; W. E. N.U bee wrkngfortResdasa ticket btfore giptting on the traini. iainat qlm'iirqtrt > iclair. aitomnev; A. 9. Mebeese, edi- Owa i Magistrats Harper orriered M~r MIo Thie Oshawa Hospitat lTent %%-tIl 1w cotit' which adopte; the scîrîme: the ton Re-former. ildy 1 py fr îîme iny - in lilstirstir place att tiîree tisys. where -EaFi Wliliby Township- Jame-s Mac- piitus $4 cor thrêOata, n s tht $9-,nrali; ant i ttchrs cati be secureti ai assistance tae eetiveti freintRie Prot- Kensie.Reeve. W a e t e S l g n Y plu $4 cou t C nt, a d t its th at nu irohure ai rekasonabe rat&e. The incial oe m nEtiL w tRe ountyg s iOaha aR. IR. No. .-W m. PîrvreWe. hem ~~~~~ ~~ rîsitiat fine wetiier bas; been onderiti ln 'banc of rosi cirouti bcRi ais-d-wblib- n.-.Clibs . resn ar-O t - I sptieofnitRie long dry spctl tialsets r-r by gonorat a.Oe;sG.eB.i alorne am ba U rand N w a o Ellectric LiQht Trouble tRemebe th dtei.s, eteme lgnr ai asss-sniît plus a !rontàge l a Caningto-T, . JFrancis, Reeve. Discovered. 12 anti 13. tupon Ie properiios sbitting uipon raidi Brock: W, V. Piper. Ueo. King. G. H. C u t reds Woodiward, N. D. NMeKInnon, [Dr. Bar- --J. S.I-OOG INJURED AT HOSPITAL. Tèeadmn te ustoswl e.A .Mx For cevemai evenings tasi weck NWRit- Nlr J. S.Hogg. %%-hio la ('tort.of i nimn> te îesî' ît Uxbridgé- W.F.L p ayo-,Miost Complete and A c rt %Ip E e u l b> was tn almosi total dakiiîsc s e ora te ositlfor teIsae ncakoti anti muet Rit'aniswered (n a J. A.,Vernoti, Wm. Smnthi. W. Ormislon, street ilghting: EacRi evenig wlreiitire waF painftitly injuirot tact wsek w-Rendfntad lirc m ne ndIe Edito(r JoîmalA. eVr .No.anKeller, t Re c lrre n t xas sw i ch ed on t Re lili rs ie 'll fro ni a g ac ff oiti. n x-i ch ie h a ti n fo nrm ato nii ffiigt-ti 50 w itily t a tRh e Ti m es: o u r a l; A.W . Jo s o ln . . G o ite o w s i h shoacti ont>' a faint giow, andi were abi- be-en standing vRille Inasecting aulne naisirayers la tht, remaiesi parts of Brock Tp-T. H. Francis, Cauneit- T eei lo so n o h a i h soluteiy îtseiessunti late inthe even- work, He fl abolit txveiit),ftanti the tCejinty w-lu Rie Intormedti tpan the tom. he i ing, when iRe>' became brigbler and during thie fai sruck obstructionsa. Mama Tp-Jolrn MoNabRi, Brechîn. fiuait>' lml ta full glow. Thie next evon- which. thougli proabby breaiuUttRiesîbet Reexe: Frank Thoînpson, Brechmn, Post OffieS b os lux the same trouble epeaied ltftetl. force of his ifscent. Inflicted impinfut Il le sigîiifloani of tRie altitudeien- rCou.tciluor.St m Ral yBal y Th Spettedetan lt asitntbris r.Hogwa fud e eun- eraltty maintietowards nood roadpMiain 'Traveled Roads, Stations, futiras suedea-or ta tucat.e tRie trouble. ridant reacheti lion. He hati aiea u,5 oéit he frmer of orkCioi<areCotîfllor. Man- bîut It was Dot until Saturtia> morning taineti a fractîure of is amm, anti ceverear bbyT.FeIlwRv:E- tRiat Mr. St. Pierre, tRie electrtclan, bruisef ta Rits body>. He le now con- flow keen for tRie comptetion ofuth(e mer Llck, îVm. Oke, P. Hollida>'.El ato s A o e S a L e, fotun thie cause o! 1h ail. On iRis Base 'valcng eattsfactomtly. but Il willi Re system Iin that coiini>'. according ta tihe Wily ol-. .L.itw.J.E LUne tRe ie res cnrylag tRie current are leeveral er-ks bt-fore ics comptete me- ra ~îo n e. .Hny e-WII. .r.Hwe.A .Allun, G. Dvso or onais att ln conduItsantins Rie plact is 115cuver er ReYrk Htghwsys Commission. l, A.E. Christ ian, Division o riN m es -hanti on une ofibese conduits near tebro h okHgwy omsln 'J ue .J yd.W I li; endi of thie ine. Mr. St. Pierre recelved NIiA TRY i-'uR DOMINION HOI'SE. But il is unty whRt MigRI Rie ex- E.*iW. Evans, R. M. Tipper, Jus. Heard, iiso a strang shock, He kaew aI t n"tRial N .S. M. Nextan. formnerly editor pecteti. Thre farmer w-ho has useti a C. - A. GoodfeiIaw. tRie trouble la>' theme. Further tirxes- o!re(,WRilhy (tn:clIqf' and ChDiriCt seif-binder wouîd nul w-taRi-to go back Pickertng- Townsbip-Apli Hoover. tiatusoe htteIslto a o dtranti propriélor o! the ta Ranc biutiing. If11 bs uet aTp-S. ..Kennedy, Canning- S A T S T C becon# woi'n or upeteti frua i ne ufthtie prince Tlipert. U.C.. Et'eîifLV khn pi e ton. w-Iesta tit.uA tthtRe cndilt sntiha res-ilynînoîneti Ispropetiv iorse-fomk for iloading ha> and grain Agincoirt-G. S. Hmnry.MPP. the c - ent hod goui The Super- eandidtiunre. rspreseuittig tRie ConsEr.lire wouid fDot 1ke to et urn tu hanti Yoiýk Hlgbways ('ar. of- e tbe,iightoi, by' thie tact that tRie e-ctloirs. ni. Noewton w-as te a hn eddl never oihooibo de Frt ry le . Sbihuzmrh ground was probabi>' damp anti tht' bt-oi a canîdidsatR i e British Cul- eêseeim1ntIlresertt db"rf noati-. HFoiP rr . > ase ec- uha hen theto nhp weefsts tld pr electrtîl current ivas golng simosî e- iitmbl iîroiital t oecions, 5t0imon st wn.I i a neejoe n:W .Load .Fammer. Ethr u ha w tiret>' mb lt tbrougb tRie conduit, with 1take place, but withdirew iv ten tRie IRe canvenience of rural mailt deiivemy Stà:r. the re*plt tRial tRie lghts were very larger apport iiuiih> wal5 ufferedti Min. ant IltRe rural telephone Rie woultii tZ.phl>'-jollfl Uagermain.lbîD. lationl, total assesm n, tx s iio e -n u g-irve enjp ioyen a.eig .w ýem n $tIndetrlae-Jçs, N. Su on , Dr. -a - -- - - ---- -- k ~bem r ~~ k'~ W21am r. ivebY,ùRiuntl,,, , sehools, municipal n e o l d b nue d b ion.-'~ ~ I couny d bentre ebt n IuI ~w-~yw R~9ePING PROTECT VOUR BUILDINGS WITH A GOOD ROOF. tParold RoolInig is guaranteed by the makers to Iast for 2o years, if properly applied and painted once every 5 years. $2,e50 per square BIac-Kote Rooflng a first-class roofing hf every way, $ 165per square- WKTB9ON T.j New Puices Angast Il 1916 The follewilig priès. for Ford cars will b. effectiv'c on and alter kug. 1, 1916 $ 4»9.00 *49&00 . Muge.8 Ch-asss R"nabout ' Trourrng -Car Trown Car tigRit wouid not wanh ho mievert tg gQ- Une power andt he cuai ail lamp. And go It 1gwIt ail utîlties andi cobl-n leuces.e* People are ottený slow about atiopt- lung a proposeti iippmos-eaenh or me- form, but when once tbey have exper- igneeti benefits themrefom thry are ever afterw-ard strolxg ativocates thereof. Tt w-ii be g0 lu lbe cage of' good ronds ln Ontario Ceunty, ad 4 i;latu 21 otiier coustes whicb bave adoptcd, a, gooti rondess-tem untier Govermaent Tiie movement tiaL w-as iuiauratati asut Frtday ahoîîid nov b. tollowed up w1tb persistence and encra>-. 8O tint s-hen the Couaty Cotîneil of next year assembles ln thie County Chambes, there may corne before tbem a weh- defined and cuaiprehensive plan me- gardlag a county gooti ronde systeai, janti that tRer. ma>' Re bebindtihRem a jrtslag titi. utf fvorable public senti- Iment- Editouial Comment. Thre Oillia Pt kct bauds na gentie bint to Hon. i. B. Lucas lu Ibepe- %vords: *«For bis incs. lie Hua. i. B. Lucas is probabl>- as cie'uer a navigat- or es muet -lantismen. but lie had bet- ter underatand ihi-ut atemptiag 10 steer inorth b>' south scunfr or later brIags disaster." Doubtieas the Hua. gentleman i wlit tuow w-bat tbe Pac-Le-t menas. eu-en f others do flot. A permog ihp-lips b.., about a good deii ln Soutb Qutarlo dnrtig the paa oeoptii estimmnes that upwards et 100 tai-aer. la thre r1i ar d centenipt.- ltg selling theïr atock. lInpleumtssa4 effets sud alving up, tarudns. ib bti empor @tht: year.coemblaed w1lb, the gsmts« ou-.ty et tabor "sd hkgli viea rem sl t bel the me tIS the'8 uni-est. tootbes IL. l'fu t"« gepowm e this futw f th U<f the I»W«ertrsê'o doi*bt bolutatat t0001t*4 wtiitbe U11 que u-tWestnwobu »£4 tsmer- stes them.-<>rU ak«e. -Pleu-aP tht tactt *1*8h pbUt*«et 8 #004 &My met iare nt puNtahm o-etOe s8 piri.#* JourwI mm$ hbtre S3e 00 onte a1*1 p& of. stUt ti* e idtal t-ad*Pfpkm.ba $cott-T. H. Oliver, 1R. Hat-man, A. H " ermas. 0, . Bcquests . e et , -.Hospitgls ,by ILate MIsS licyden. Nâts Barbara He'yden, w-ho dted at Toronto lji Jur>'., 1"6,-anti whRofe wii w-as filed ifor Probate intahRe Surrogate 'Coutt! on fiday leat, wns a native of W hf by . er fà thér, t be l ae L aw ren ce HeDden. w-ns une of the first lOve Irîi- meàý ho settle In Obtarto Couty, a- ampLg thre nuipblr- e M6.» he f M ir ot Ml ýïor Wa*- , ~t~itbv, 74..ey de- iý ue~ n tRie fmm now owned by Mu-. Alex. Jeffre>', anti inter moved -le. 'orputo, w-Rere lie w-as ia a position Jz Ougoode HaJL. Misi Heytiea resititit- hem. 19-ber youagcmr day.s, andi la w-el remeinberet b>'thue older reaideats. At tRie une utfRien deatb M$ss Hey- tien was ver> wealby. anti ber estahe la disposeti of In a inuit comaiendable w-a>. n ver>' large isa>toutit béing givien to <ëharity. Under1le *Hl1 the We#ton Free Sanaiarhrm for Coasumptives dn, tire GraviPnbffltk Free Sanitantrlm for Coasuimptives >1I~eve beQueste ap- proximatlng $160.0( cash. Thee l disposes ou, an etil. valueti ai $456,- 487, eu.mprtsed as foilowu: Real estate la Tomonto. Port -Arthur, Bolton inti Wbttby Townships, $111.700; mort- gages, $281,686; -boo&debte. etc.,$8,879; oasi'l baak, $8,507, stocks, shares and bonds $40.7183; and i mscellaneols é9- Seus, $6,000. In addition tethue bequesîs to the- SaUtarla. ithe folluwing giftsta hbar- ittes w-eue -made:*' C tpeWyO Turento.; M3001 - SavattofiA Y>. 11,00; SSk 'Chldi 1 .Iototal, 11, 000* Ageti m.n'p 1$0 ,,Touto, $M-.; - Agel Wom.ns o ;Tqat, 50 wtdw etIjue -. C1bai>. twVVI U*a.br $U mm-.i*i50 NUO-S. ittet Bo= 2ftiYu vis d6owof théiat sob4, R.Lwea son. ïIGLE- 1-n tIf' Wîe- rnorial CRitroRi, Hall- .y evenIifg, Augrict 17, tRier, assisteti Ry Rev. D.P., of Ambemet, andi iley, B.A., Of SA ney, Carruthers, B.A., Of r"' o,"' fammYOf Whit- -eue 1,Vig, I E.. otti- fRev. ant irMs. Hain- Halifatx. SHAWA. ln Carrifige C'o. have tva thre balance of tRie matie to thre firm ln Riat futur years yct ho le domin nOshawa un A lati was monu over by it tRie lake fronDt, but iy burt. lors- shed. l ,y marked. ilso gvn lisentp pu - and the countydebenu-e dbt in191«5 Every Home, Eve-ry hsiîs Ofo Every Publi*c BuiIdis&, Every ScLool should have a copy -of this map. Not one office or home in fifty in, the county, bas a- county mgp. A1nÉost every day. one»wautssome I'nformation given on this map.Th mp auswers a thousand- questions, and neyer gets tired. PRICE For Sehools or Public Buildings (mntot sensauvas with relsv) $4 For Offieor Home (with tin mounting) soc Sent post paid to any address on reèeipt of price. Every owner of an automobile wants this map. Nover put off tili to-morrow the order you cau send to-d.ay. eut Out the for copy of your new Ontanjo County map. P..-' ,. . . . f.o.b.FMEM*1 - g ptht'ei Ou-k pnitIvaly 5U5T£B#*O4 0<11558 asy t.. tilt jurofete Aigetiet lai. ISI1,~II8I11OtO15.30555I1S1* *~. i~a mutIvîsce Itu prie. *1 am~ t1aa~ -4 ce- - i - 0 %OWOVVN lCe r Bi larp Il>. C4 ai tUr i àibdi Aý con> Ibis tr bai La ire M ktVJ3&- q-te Jkg 1 > ---P- L 1 t--ýw 1

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