PIPAEfATIIMLND markets of the World .ALTA F FOR REVERE N WEST German Correspondents With Troops [n France Magnify Horrurs m~aliltoba oats- No. 2 67be No.. h lisAei i a C V..Bilec: extra No. i 1 re >' i SUc of FI ghting Agaimnt AIIied Artllkry. No 1> >eedai 56v.tack lia paçr1ts. 7 diaiSy- track Toronto, __________________ ieta.rio fiais N hle 2 to 530. loinitui arcoordirîg te) lreights oulside. Adegpatch front Rott"ýr>im snys: n-anq conriqts only of a cbain of O3ntario wheat--Npw crop. Ni).2,. dsathf4mPai Max Osborne in a despatch froro the ,hell hoies jntea.~d of the girdie of teo $1 24 . Ni) 2 coîninercinl. $l 18 lomriceopane h E30mîwe front to The Vos.qische Zei- strongiy-huiit and fortlfied trenches. arocet(l ing toi freiglits iut.side ~ ia kymwoa tuflg, says: Immovahie men crouch In these holes Petim -No. 2, nîinallli, aiording t0 "DaBy Und Inightthe iBritish and with no cover front the sun or rm riâ iehîs ou'sllalie Tsuhima, s on te way French guris cttnl),3, huril their and not the siightest prtcinnolrafreigits (ed. hnurderous lend. Shelis lîurst aIl against the shelis from above.tIluckwhoî.ai Nomrinal. ito'cirlilig rtee around, nayexmoig frev - "11ostile flvers coe h oiin l u2, new, $1 (12 te $1 1)5 No. tin hr a es ofind>1e are *.g en>necil. omi tai n'<'the>g tp"osritorughonon -Plving. at a low height. The se temnfegî ie the alismren wooî Thyf si and andl etone S1i0 teri; n theo bote.qand (direct the Ago aîi, erFrtptnsI ue~Xt h emn, aQ over the >efeîers. lThcy fiiýg, too, French Are with a deilfly certainty ba'ga. 38i 40 s>cîîl ati-ni in Jute torn-off litiu>5, so en hin v cornes upon thcm or eise they Aire themnseives tli>gs. $i 70 Tdrn iakr , l t and the' rmen are able te eai the very with machine gung. iiitýr7o hur ew$G o inie itiiir<tiInruhute emasw sight of meat ik horrille to ihem. ,FV%-e-vthin bsto b done t tags. * much stronger than we e111pn "Thc noiýe tear s iii ' Iniglt h e bringing u frifre l".1,egiii i -'l1i 0 ni>> trii iîîîiî si.>r -ruant i e;t ship- > and senes. ît runthiialyiv irînis iùnmen-sirerovjflgthe wounded and IrrI t"mnmet]nth"hs one's cars. Net a feu,- tîi thî'ir hear- liurying the dead. To procure warln boiue 1e is. îiellvereîilioontreal freiglits, bags loi îiiteî - 1t rarei ( , î t worid ing completely voene. The -oiRit of aIl food for the men Iying out in those $26 toi $26 s i e rr toi) $2-1iii $28. Infantile Paralysie Affects Entire Un1 dSae tg the effect of thi- lîeavy mineq.. True, horribile condlitions Is seidom possi- l> eiillga;, lier teli. $2M tel $2J 9(, gond arlyi victini being treated by nureInteLno H.t8I rt » Si0 112,eLr$2 ar2yr, ge uto te bu f n rn t eaig h mnto drnk drty water rl i; 2ii - 2takThe hompitals Ithithave been handling patients hid5P rflV RIM M Nit the righit thrre is'a hostile fl1-er aboyaeout of the shell holes where there are grw'a ts irtiP$ o$. Iospiths re eing ot. (uitsar e the treniches i> in drects the fire of 'human -bodies ind aother thlngs. ira Il. Tiîriir>ii The dread plague atil takes ILs dailY Joli oflttelse.Rprstor0F A S the gunis se oore has te run t>î the left. '>When an attâu-k begins the terrors h >îenSaeteMslIp alyn h a ct4dct ht «ISe it gees on, andt olle i hunted of those places are beyond descripr- untr reslidolyuc.tlho1eua29eta ihin the lest two monthis there have been fppretaey50 ae tl- Up atiul >lî-nlke a exiiltîeai;t. There t in. Lijke the fire rain in Gomorrah 20 >rFen nrriiii, 4t antile paralysie Rnd fifty deaths from the dtaease Mneoa a a 4 29( . ~~24 ilie 2B> craear rags t et aeofoeI e.I h are times wherr or nen crirse and the drumn fire cf the enemy peurs lrIinis 33 lie 34(, .iids32 te oae 3h e3hrte0 n ete eteEstade(calybNW AOU HE USA areheescktrt n tt'moentcffrm eavn.Th litl selt~ 1ha lggs 24-w-laid, 241 t> 30c , (I o I ork the diseaae etilil hards eway. are orni-ik, bt i th m(rnen offron heven Th litle heler hecar lies.33 t, r,,,S flghting all their feeilings dfisappear. there ks in the trenchas or hele% s 1$ Lue hiCkeriis wçre seiling a t f tri i The~ sens>.' of dity and discipline holds quuickly flatteced out- With thunder- 19 In 20(, and fowl at 16 hoalér -e rady ing roarhen y s ell fro th gian- ientis 4 51) l $5. tii>- latter for ii e.l throrg e(er antitty ar'ral Îî ta h'v hasfo heggn > dUM SUNSET COASTI1MUSH RE A NTIs odru Ma W with iron île riî(îlontittrrcour- tic mine wipe eut everything In the -ihiecNe.lrg* i0qo 9 t age."i eeîght orhoodl iîth thpir explosion. At loresed liilt *'hIi-keris, 25 Ici -27 c îoraeso Gerg Wgeerin a e I t h t the marne tirme a rate cf shrapnel I fiil I tî20-1 to 20 HA UE WSTR POL The#-Kotliiische 7erti ng, ays: faIts and poîsonous gases roll for- fîwl, 16 te 16f, 'Iie .presettlîne heldt t >the (Ger- wa l>eiPatroeq Je> s> s cr bia. $2 5 .ARE DOING.Amaof ideheg tmtariîis lier tiag $? 31 Iti,$2 40 11tiie) Icîmînltins, 12b 1t3 --Previouslm atrd b h ulwt eyln e si>iii12 1 i po-r lriii-î taI gai- Pors tagtmuh h a NO1>R01SON O ENH NG RRIT bi P0frs of the Great West Tod GrandDkbtLtto cekofhetdn. NO OVERTURES ON OPEN HIJNGER RIOTS un ___ eID a Few Polnted EemonAg8.eshtcmaied BEIALF 0F PEACE IN HAMBURG PORT IR Mdîîfýlini. 24 ite 26o il(iecev Paragrapha.& t q Armi::pe frnLodnsyTh Aldalngalehe bauronle251»P-,k2c tIc kir. pliaire. 26c1> - ycrop cf BRh. but nan .15 tioiLu37fd iii.»heavy as expected earlier inthe avesoe w ipratscese icjo prudc i Such P roposcal's W'ould Have enple There Also Clamor for 3Lardi Pore lardl hiercies, 161 tu>17c' son. in the Caucss ocsoeaigi qarIwt I nair tubis.17 toii I 1> 'ails.,17ito 7tuacoue Iladisimrvig nSouthern TrihA-ai aen-a og swicrh to ('orne From Ieace-"Those at the Top14le4è.VnovrIad sipvng n: I ciîoiî-îîîîrul 4 ru 14 ~>an inidustnial seese te a marked .,occu pied M1 ,wihwscpue ac facmi n h the Enernv. Need Wnr." Mdontreal MKarkete. degree. by the Turk nAg ,adi h rzfgtr asLno AîieRpatch frem iLondon cava- Nor A deopatch te 'Tie London Chroci- l8iru2 !18 ti Aug 29. <'îî n ameiaîîN o ermy-eeps aedirecion coN atcfaTrih Ta i nAsrla le frem Amstedam says: 'O.est r-rn. Nro 2. f' ir. .Nu> S.File - Ian>this yaar in Vcora, aarecently- ~ a unuddad230mnwol h aic pence osertureq have bhen mail>' ex- Vicmstrdators. ai--i riaysr tra Ni. 1 feed> 69C , No 3 local white, Made îaw. TpRuscr ae.truhu h rts Great l3r!itin, Loird Roliirt Cecii, "Fer a weak past ti-.e port of R-am- 6 4o. I'lrur Manitoba Spring wh eatj The d eath of Mrs. Jua 0'Connor, ThRusaofiairptred: h.HnW.MHges Mic'-ercfWa Trdt st arît- hrgha benin s-se f avlu-mrtenim, ftirets. $9 50 -do.. se(conds. $3;5aca Miîtr ) arTaeridPrla ug a ee nas hre fro u thig trakers. $7 5MO iiier patenlts. ,aged 96, occurred racentiy at New "Ccaufrn:urtopre-itrofteC mnw tnent:- -y ltndror-secretary for FtîreiLn tien. One who has just escsped,' as cîîrîîe. 37boh . storuighrlie rin 6 i90 te Westminster. icg taeayi h eint th utdi r oga Affaih s, stafed iethei> li-iscof Corm- he expressed ilt. telle an extraordln- $7.201 . doin t rhg. $8 260t 13- 40_ 1ilIolieiioi ns -harrêls. $636 , - îag eof 10 Partridge shooting is to e baaiiwed 1wast ofLaaVn etraMuhcalt iteboHu statement Nva4 made in responso, to a asperation cfthie population, until ý27 -milddlilgts $29 : muruillie $31 te "In thedietocfMslurg- quesiou hySirJame ilunr ilîzil, -rlyhas ~vek hey rek1eu $3no . Ilay-No 2, per ton. car lota. 316 -days oniy this season. IWth1gteS quemioi hySir 1ams IenryPaliel vit-lylas wee thy boke ut notire $17. Chese-Flitest wemt-rfls. 19te Nearly 0 tlaswohv enln ro iin regarod te "pence riimors> u nî tihe open hunger rnets amd peace demon- lSic - .dii, eecateras. 18$ to 19e. lutter- cîem 3< I&aswohv be attopedfae orTuks it-toyasaot kpe. t hiet crearnethy, 342 o tu 6e; :econds. aldback te 8ervewill soon leave 1divisions i h aino h ilg a a oni ot situation in the B laîkans. 'Ni> îver- etrations. The suthonities Vacouve fo thefro'.If Bacht-a. asnona otosc a c17 a turcs have lueci madeifî pence," ssid have been taken. hy surprise, for the 3 4c . Ni> 1 sttoc-k. St>-. No. 2. di , 27c. Fîsh icg has improved cf late at the divisiondtokpina teBrdt-otsd Diresseiî htigs-- AhatoIr-killeýd, $17 to I Utîroli>ier. Tlerc us offîy îe .v ay police vrt'unable and perhaps un- $ 17j 601) irk--lleaN%-l'atiada ishîuri rmss.Maple, B.C., grilsa and a few sal- whola cf telt uks eiat mntr e er a rIne shich tîs'erttores ,fer ueace codtivwiling te qoali the disturbances. itari-ls, 36 tri445 huer-es. $14 tii$336 ' be male, finit that îs frîîm ainenemny They wh're compietely overpewered, t1rîna hure .2to eut.bar-k.iPure . 4 tr on anu cauht jue aesan- cosistn fiscmadr 6ofi nAsrls a e te the Cu>sernment of thiqscuontry. If and bhefure thc soidiers could arrive IaiImr 20 Lera eet. 16 toii166cIcucea nras f3 cnsprwel as nea i ftarriatso ae alaet any soi-h overture werrt maie the angry crowds hai forced their wsy nunea nraeo 0cnsprte1t i >Vnnipc.Aug 29 -Cash îîuotatiens -: Betwaan 90(0 and 900 peopla an-' cftw safofcrsvnaotec-FdriPrimntf csinsuilt with cuir allies. but ne Corm- streets andI emashed evary shop and .V>rrî cNe 1 Noerthe-rn,.6 8j -Nc 2'oS-san te " -i ithe Pk as Loi-i uin os miymue s d war bat.$4 e5.331 Nî6 19;e BwnIhn atwetured bin at1tnecnnnadCutsSeolh tnc niip A o h Blas odliniiay aue - eal rfent. $ 21 î >iats Neo 2 C W - OOc. Th'e West Saanich Women's Insti- three macinegn. fMthwAnlw Rehiert-rIaili the nmimt important factor restuile order. The utmost severity ils - Hrle:e, -Nu1o > 3. 79>'; No. 4. 7 5c;1 e- tîste ha Id a flower ebow aset waak The raplacfa usinttcci maetefrtabt jecheît. 69t .f eu CPm Fiaix-Ne. 1i. c0î--'i-timl(rf tite opernt.itns from Sa- shoe te ail w-ho venture outdoors, N%«i> $1 9 2 , Nu> 2 C. W - 3 1. 8 D. vhc atd$1 o h e rs.teTrihpstosacgteCu bcl bonci Ti'tile"' ettie thteth' >exep îurlg trcty hmieddahigt i heprvine asanangd ora asu fon wth lsecf3,40cassousey aybetr cow s ra -1,,oeild, hurs" UUAitd g& trkt'Thjroic hsinggoifr nwrr-tuutigt stsacoy ---Ninrieeli- Aug. 2e.-Wbaat-.q,-r>- course of six free lectures on demes- sian topl aotdI h uks mr tt ;»>l-rnmifacha0F HERO. eobr $1 64j .Ne. 1 baril, 31,86J; No. tic science to be haid in Vancouver. officiailttmn f hndy Te8hs1er hecifr STOY O A RENi 1Northprc. $1.6D1tote31.63à ; No. 2 TheCHVtrnone11C., cotecstandtoonLonden Bri Ni C(A NADI)AN LOAN -'Ncrthern. $1 56J te $1 61J. Crn-No. 8 h a-o, ,. ocetainanucsat flow: "acsi h hplg ýRVESICl1,,rll'.S.Cptrd0-eIudrdPusin y44 tît 46c Fitrur uncbacgad lBra- %%ho lire ait work ti tha hanvest fialds. tacite onthTuksadncdîoicaceorftsdpe Good Bluff. $19 50tii ri21AI0. A bai-gain in hay was secunad byI tiens we'nepl-ycutra-th iec ece- "You debattis. mac Girls, Howas-ar. duliestroda Ii boldly, cryls:"o bu 450 7.good4St o 8.0:fresci arscra.1~saaowos easuna Beuilin woman ant i irlt; are ne- ai-a surroundati. Surrendar at once. Sbeep. bc te 75Tilb,; Iambe. Sc to-i r l :1Pots-toes in e largO quantitîas are stopplng alBiii uch i rni .hakenwu porad s nt bingoerthusiastlc jThe Pruslans lcaped to t-hou- foot C.Jvesm; mllk ted. go te toc lbb . i..sebeigsvaporstded t tiha packig teRusas. i.cropaec i. lhttf@ifwted po-W aabouttha eing oîa ses w in laiarm andi zuruendsred their arma ted. S' 80 lb. »>C ot nâmued It. $s110 tôplant ,Ladsor. The.propal eb-ciossd thatiesttinusete klV ietf.ttseW Gabotthsica manufacturos ar ad ei-ding thein into a corner cof the Il01 t 107.mi 76e roes 10sbe8.eatit en aissnorl mistd ore'~ OtOL'1i*t1 te have produced to 1111,te usp-Inro0m. Fortunately for the. Duke deOoff cars- ______ A decisien te have a pies-sat ses.- ofti.ltrsalntet.m vt >1P the 1981 ta 4 foot-wear due te t e ce-ity ef les- -Roban, the quadi- frar o o n s~ JIJ' ~ o I~ ois cf oe amontis on this alnud oet aitg e sapsst iiuetst£3 IVTfriw ther cauneti by the war, but thebeotysm pndt-o ms-k odeei h bluff. HL ON FMA B. C. ilu couaeinoa i an order-in- tise relatiosc ietocutI~u tWO, tti iud appoareti _______moe___dly.TheALLOWED WEBKLY. couneil pas.d ut Victoria. The ss.- oe stimo e oli iey >au iii uu Berliner Lokal-Anzeiger declares t-ha t ALBERTA WILL YIELD son5 b.Ifts Oct 18. poit sareÀtett new shoes witis wooden soles are se 38 BUSH ELS WTCTE ACRE Bfd18 Goveremst Issum 8s s lDm0 utagtise m<>nth of t 4dytItouSdsr.ny lesa0000p. thrtOtilO? ide *1*1 comfortablo t-bat "they can ho worn tPs1tgWetCia ameunft c i îsuashsl n Ns-ual.cels te R1 i ne'aruuutw~ u okêo- aven by persona siflicted iwt-l fiat iThe Crop la Menant BISSaI 10 Bum. A despateh trois Berlin maTis1e Me Vas 178 hOuriSud 80 MIM15thes i.BitssOnea .lbwtti ii uti.bS. feet or varicose veina. er«Oe0et ois.15Governuient lias lssu.d s- decre. pro ie n am1.3 shes, hhset touiperstmr.matter te rlrtou f. iewr .aSr v ah Tise authorit-les cf Chs-riott-enbuuig. ,,A daaps-tch front Calgary, Alberta, vidleg fer ti.he laboduetl of Met uaa" on tii. à 0-h, hwt 44 oM the. 2"t.ti 31t h1. osaetftise largeut anti wéalthleot of sy:"'ewheat fields etsouthers carda fer 'tise whol. aempire on Oct.IL TAAMWSTC Bril' residontil- suburbe, have de- Aberta wtli avers-g. Uirty-4dglst Familles buteberla# for tisr omm TRECH TO CALL- cideti ths-t ln vlaw etftth.necesslty of bushels tote a*cme.Mon e in» escssptas rteteie crdKMJEESTO A<XCOVN r-a iSOM, 4'u U.Mstsls 4nt using practIcully sIl tise leuther la of lie Caudisu Norti.u Rslwsy systeus. bey wilI b. rouielb" te thse -country for milltary purpose, tise yi.I4-vlU b. btter tisfoty Imf esislO rm local uiathor- c b w li le.S »40«»~ the une eoftth. woodsii-seled boots sad buahels ttise0 crew la eth.r paru 15 eoebtlidgaiaslt__ obot muet b. pe;lulartzed, De tbsy the YoiId will b. yull ovw tiirty bo»oW aeuaUs i.maxi- #M- Aub lsaivostarted te fAt eut thse peorer busels ta tli e are for &U Mbert&w B= maonet off ut preuldedfer »i. Ad&p4*WF à 57~W1 uIt ul a rasidents with "hae «var boots." 'IsW5 U. S lexprussecm u dr tise nMW rd syltm uwMi be 250s aub 41*3u us use tapo rat, ~ bu Tlhureday moonlagby s- proulmisst eof.£Orme( 80obty mm " iUn1 aMUIW<Z ' " ~ 1 from tise Unitedi States s-nnus-ly riait bip adnhf Ts-MersElvutr omm PIfl#IhS4WtOutb itht.mtomag teCunadian National Exhibition-. s-y t its roiae.laTiliPamRBIO ith M<*o ?II t <mUsWMêk ~ _________________ IN ERBUMI HAST AMWIAwuklit11d M*.esel A d~ptehfrot oués-~ «0- #W90 Wb"Pf r te*fnI%> Aaim$sl #1aLbffù P1.11L AM*NptTER4wSUe" EKZEFtI>EIIKS p tj Adu trouLondosluu: ea "oime iimtIsset- n vsmildit ou Hé-*W*"ee. lie ;w*t*0 Bao o1ae -y e Ns-ts o*,bW etStelau<2<Mi6ut»il*'006» ýIl1Coi.m in l044a~~u*te nonte.s" e frut dem fwi itou IMam~ ) LI lta unt.-% RTIFICIAL NATIONAL -UN1Y vofold Supertority to the Teutons, Japanese1 ;erman Advantage No Longer Exista. says: Ad- i "But wbat bas madie thamn se strnin tide te Ad- is th air orgacization and] praparation Bate c in militai-y matters. Thein ativantage' o New on longer exists. The allies by pi-ad-,y ,oiNed Yorktice aod eypeniencahava accomplish- alled oun edaIl the Germans head perf-ected. «Ahi that remains te Garmany te- ricced that day is her national unity, which is superioritY the fondamental eiement cf ber Lh Admirai strongth. But I have coeate won- ae perfectîy >der how long such unity tan witb- 'ne a nation stand the strain cf the dangers which ver imnagin- thrcatec. Gerrran ucity is artificiai e le tl<e tast rather than natural. Their discipline Lmarvc'Iious lacks alasticity, and cannot lest.t ory ef the' Anyway, the deveioprnlent of the war l is entiraly favorable te the allias.", ER FTROM OLD SCOTLAND IRALIA NOTES OF INTEREST FROM FIEI BANK(S AND DITIAE& f[) I)OWNS' ,HFSlâ 1lîas Going On tI the flighab and Lowiando of AuId as Born inSota Poor 1Sergt. James Happai, H.L.I., prier te enlisting employe&_in the pits in 'Daîily, has bean awarded t-ha MiiifarY ît, of frail Medal. s andi arms, The denth bas cccurrad in Edin- an chic amd btîrgh cf Mr. James Portacue, J.P., The figure is for more than 20 yeans Proveet cf thbe fort of Coldstream. psîa. Temporary Lieut.-CoI. R. J. Stundy, -; wing, mot the M.R.C.V.S., of thé Ai-my .VeteranJ ous prepara- Corps, weIl known in Edinburgh, bas f oci mot te been awarded the D.S.O. Yet ha le Among thosa mantieneti in des--7 - ,s the andur- patches Was Major Denyil Hughes- i npluck Of a Onslcw, of i3alkissock, Bailantre, a n A nswer s. welh-kncwn Carrick laird. viaw cf tha The pestmen and teîagraph mas- tha moment sengars in the Buekia district have Empire-the succeeded i n colîecting ovan 300 Prima Min- na.zors fer the tnDops.t fth-and it is The Edinburgh and Leith Mastai Sladeri's ex- Bakars' Breadi Committea hava de- hes of Aus- cidedti t reduca the price cf bread cona cent par 4-pounti icaf. kipe. Lord Provost Sir Robert Inches 7 his wonderful epenad the St. George'e Redi Cross Xaes cf pour Auxiliary Hospital et Churchill in the ýnt te London presenca cf s large gathaning. hocd et West- Sînce the beginning cf Fabruary, anr ha ianded the rainfail for Abarlady district ha@ laten, agein I been phenomanal and censtitutas crie ae New South O f t-ha wattest sassons on record. - twenty yeans Damaea stimaed et $6,000 wes ýbinat cf th e cau set by a fie t-bat Qccurred et ýustralia. Rowellan Crearnary, the pmoerty ci the Burdett- the Fanwlck Farmers' Association.'4 td the notice Three persone wara killd and io inspired In tbre seriousiy injured whan the litaratura, to pramisas "cf the. Nutrimol Faad Gem-4 ýdrfulîy mcv- pany, Glasgow, suddaroly colleed. aceti. During Tha people cf Motherwell have pra- ecrestion wes santed te tha -Red Cross feor-use et lga anid watch tha front, a fuîly-equiped metor amn- bulance, and hava promiaad to main-I in what ialat tain It for a year. id. Tiring of The. oparativa- bakere ini Paisley ae had a clase hava demanded an lncraà se of 72 -~k« 1roâ tise Thsy >Care Itt.Nt blg *th( miy bel ilper NteeWW or l«er. lne [01us e e sons' 'ne masmo"I bavei trnsbes bs-ely t»W 1e . tébut $ an~p-t» noie >d w Us0, , ý b' bd«4