Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 17 Aug 1916, p. 3

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1' 'r v t); -t 'I live yeara we expoi-ted altogehr neui as gana-ppsua. 1.ougurr leantble isMiunpuuyi use DoreUa i8 C0ls tage-ed2,0 s-woniiI t o fit liaI ami>' by eteriiel 1 Wieeuthe tlulng wuaturba iloaveu e,7 Uons et o.mapl aranmes-e 0ba ai-e vigilance viii il b. possible te, proý h n » tin ere taa itsht prode d hiee e sen>matou-la; b th fetv suundb'eaat.N ti it a C -I o in comparnses wfth eur capeblîlle. tee.t lie bonest maker. Those vi. u icc a siid . O tO i05"' ie'd sta e o1t stirck- vote dent, vi eke iPa" .3: XMilou ta>eusmie.l'. tu :n May ofet bilyeerthe. United Stalom bave blen Inalrmental la bu-nging Anlte op ,thé uuu'p&. wri. Olied sn.ai- ete brtck'suYnair, buplus . sbyay uoyriu, wilhlremove thoîr customu dutle$ spon about ticse HI rient reforma are An' ltei hw ft.pIS 'he Y8-8Wsdvemtpuc? billu ougbt te b. esbern.d onh >'eo8 MO O bah oi' mphe p-edu ts, U.u-by naturel>' m-i c i en ieged -sid t ewfsieée<llb 1 ' an ui tn _ _ at b t u pl w ts d ee h te sn an are t stâ tattuIiWepflated Rddba ina ct elf' ~ u b .b aeid ht opéning up tle us a market liattvil- tbutthe maille laduiti'>'stands on wri d tees tt. ou su mai-ls 5 The.*Wsta abut eut exaggerttennima>'be brmâ un- theis-eduold oh a groci. developinelit, B'sctd, up lieuglen, but as thei. uoce hj~u*f cean alut> fel longsud, T"e u-e.a'u,, a.beb* MoM 1% "o Mi ha e i Illuntede fer et lie present rateetfpo-il lb. unlnslted umas-kela ofGrecI h i i stC orne fatIly doJUto th tbaaludlug bt. liitti bs. lb o. vrtlgvu emagty o»tm ; uffl ndtroepwsK.b.v Buitem sund thc United Status Iying l 5stl owutaat' eui1 l.jhi.tot'fulhii TcYksec l _________________-betore Ilt-Cauadln Foi-saIn>'jour-. lstSllJlg woteUm la bAs ty-ive «o«lstbsud-la w- m? . - u. ,We (15Db tlrouagb thc du-ft eMnt l agbtuiud ud "ulmfuel tau fereuonté'e o i$' h el."y « - ~ ~ tolb. lift - MOug*61 Btmmeau"tte t OÃ"e"05r 5110u.i Iv WI4 6 'MS UN MO4 t 01'the. ve th"t bosasnso u5s flfi Lwe « e 1m illa O,>Ib udutt mimédine Froua lb.e sp nudort>.. buasot 1 ~ 0 M e i' fyolsa êsas>? cUIdtC.It i l 5e sted Liks à aPes efetWhfé tu frtPeefuwttklUy. "%Wse Vaus ts'it l thé **tatso*ahi»e INAàmom. st>wI o or CW<teetrelb.theau-lAte éax i f«t at C IS1<uIW bo wu SLZISM vM of tbei»e l at yioc tmMll sbout t l IWhave tamubuuts U.4éIOtl3 e tâhu $se.,"b DISS@~~ ite 1trvéos #dialame t t"O O .sée boa .>'u itWbe#"ema" iWbmo ~and sdo4o* - tmbe htb N~iS ~ 1W rituId dM sol m llu c hm anae",eoonu . e(XW % oo- d[ighoae te &lAllS usée00000d, te>' Je t>. sMd *1 eu. a m dc bd» tsvutbgbd t wr o a"omuet.g u 4 bdM »e& Ms y a '~ opouc if ns osa ea h d >eb t w'fs.<l--fu-m oft f utauenfot*ta ss 15 4sù9.utte,"st ü u bt *rsme othe re c ,« 0*» oel àW f oht M ltt "0 ui MM ""Mo- 15 Oflbgha PMeU se *m* r fluhU OMM .bo b"s'e êItt boit MMMt .POSTU lI~-W se marie< A11<Ires Oppo tonlt WY O was darkc, too leBstways, 1* wau for e.."n'? The itSm Fmenror etry nls tgirl, and Sandy knbws that the splash preparedne8SS fr m r r Te"rehs il."hnte T I% - et o wet on hie hand 113 not from the wmonffl là, the preparedness s et te ahwr rain that has been threatening for the tatcornes fromn living in teye th atte eenkd n 1«i order tq ment a wtldelspres.d demajmd the Marceoni cornp.ny han BRAVE LASSIES AWAIT FOR LOy- last hour. Se thesie thÊee go up the they éwed flge lewes tnetSern-d ma SCIIOOL0F tNSopenION ES TORETURN. littie etreet to the cottage where a t -oiywthe la. In S 7)dP hmele rece. (e.8 7 IsHadOfcS 17CR L FIrt.oNStresuM N e aImdaeaG-very old lady meete them. "Corne mer ct Ut tayfod ) rntdi 50 tIL ite Head fVC &o ffic 3 CIere t, YoUft mea ihamYin ben the hoose, arnd we'l1 just have ta a oiysrlghad eatfo eet earl o n authoritative contrai, thé tirst et Its klnd tit nsa. Unir avaBlndeiRedi opBatie prayere, jela a shesys when se vgr a eddheea~tha Bu hb dy Pal 9:5 Fra who degire ta ado p t.WireleussOperating las a professionseepdfro u n-rele- io.~ Srde W etBge yngte e o h ro An ex perienced instructor 1 la n rCge ot the. ceoIa.nd a Standard fields Fortune Welemed Home tbrace of ber son. And the four of Bilscuiit. the food that con- Prlti n 51 Marcont S e t la In une for pr.chtIalstruction. Day and e venilng an i h oybidfg teal tGla eteen h classes.Elarol mmediately for the rail session. Write for prospets taîryr. thera kneel and offer thanks. Itheidi MARUONI WIRELESS TELEGRAPB CO. 0F' CANADA There la a kindly wind blewing frem "45," or back further etill, and there matera igi b t etoh o ratcln tee"(e.8 2) rne YLE ef the Lndon Timnes. It ernes eteal- yourself, and aek what it Is that breakfast or luncheon with Thmi sn ibe l her e M M !4 _____ -- -- l~~~~ng down froxn the slopes cf Ben Don- bringe these mnen of the heather and beatîes or other fruits. cilantee]Jr ' 2) ne a F M L - -ich, ruffles the stili water in patiches the glen to flght for Eaglaad. They 1609 duction we couîd net poesilîy euppîy and creeps through the castle policies, have been treated as outlaws, huateda' CA A AS N P£the demaad cf 100,000,000 people. telling the great oaks something that and lain. Their drese and their mu- -4. re h lc-aee frteqhî O,>g L On April 16, 1915, atter eur Plast keepe themn whispering al] the mera. sic w1L5 forbiddeii themr, their very be aldteblrnofo."( tt VTyield fsrhd bee gthrt n The littie towa sem eping Thellanguage was prscribed se thnt it Th6 Vngr Il."h aal SU AIINDUSTRY a Artd a passed tOaw t6psho the bon aeswf h ls a crime to epeak ef it. And yet amend the Adulteration Act. This le welr beaeath the castle bridge fills -and yet the music of the piob-mohr abfteVngr, nta f"hePr h ad asml tateme ner iesbt i-th er.A heren st nds otionlesseche vrthe fields of Flanders and ae e h bead per ut PRINCIPALLY LO(ATED IN THE tie idea, of the etruggle and contre- in the shnllow water, surteited with the deserts cf Egypt, through the .-~,., od .tone e.t...d.eson oaee i e PROVINE 0F UEUEC versy that han been going on for the full meal he bas just finishled. ruined colonnades of Grecian temples, foi a ulshdi 77 alr nt.ta PRVNEO UEE. years before it was possible te per- Then from the direction cf the town and iseetn beard ini the African jaTe"lkd ibejhuin- Doyntikud arimn epeet h n hr ons h on fadum 'gr aei Cnd rlaynmebsbe ie e nl on emk N 500MkrofSgradyrpltturers, whe neyer went near a maple that the loh-side ie deeerted. la the FAMOUS POET H1AS ENLISTED. HITN U RI.MrinLcsi 61 b eg.ie " o' nw the DominioHodn 10) bu%, have been putting up a mixture- the ch 'rcb square some 200 kiltrd lads HITN H RI.met adWllmKlbrwlt "Alrgtbu cn odn ,0 f cante, sugar and water flavored are saying a farewell te their sisters Alfred Noyes, English Verse Writer, --waletutcthSeebCman-sa ned or Square Miles. eohrwt ialpretg f and imethers and other people'e sieters Joins the Armny. 1 Raris f sport ln the Recdes o ln a15)sy htolgt h elgv lr ee The possible money value te Can- Inpl e syrup or witb an essence cal and mothers, for they are nuarching Not content te âing la many noble SlIk-e r seUcpîtrwsfr ekf-myn ada cf thepe lndutry a a e(r-" Mapleine." These syrupe and te the wars, as their forefathers have peema cf the glories of BrItaln'e Canada is a land et trails. 200.0 ,01 girater than la generaîly supposed. Bugars were labelled with such names do'he before tbem f rom time uime- mlght, Mr. Alfred Neyes, tbe EnglIsh Trails ever meunbaine and bills,hther te arlthl ha."UIAf' Llm l There are lit pi-eent ne legs than 55, as "Maple flaveor eyrup,99 "Maple meniai. poet, bas returned te the Oid Couintryars pi-airiesadtruhfrss 000makrs f mplesugr ad srupcompound," etc., whle me"l were aot This little bamet bas sent men te f rom the United States la o-der t re s e e y~l h oh fers-Mt.1 3.Pltdi 80 lanfthe Dominion. Aldig at- labelled lit ahl. Frem the foîîewing every war that Britain has eagaged t.ake up milltary duties. Ina byn thi1beazuee ieebynd ac111cutr311Vda i- lth tndgFiesBil. An acre bush toerach fermzer wouîd mean tbewerese hexett hc a a n atrhwfa ak y ro o scrifie nltnlbeg po ws a atienberaadacres ouTry me r ad tsalcreteps .w h iaedattik that 550,000 acres, or about 1,000 'this systematic adulteratien bas in- ge, every enfaîl, siege, leaguer, every onîtwdpoesoroftEs ago h ie waatanukn. Trismdey r 0.Pine a10.V~bwem~ ar'en eevd l jured the unaple induetry, more espe- brawl between nations bassee Mac- at Yale. 1befered S :tue. 21).th tseruaremles odstt, areb mn eet ein- cially since 1890. aln Mor's mn well la the fore- Mr. Neyes, wbo weat te the United1 But the meunain trails re the Te"iiag"Bbe tdehre "eId e poerantateral for dthe, onstin-cfProduction of Sugar front cf the battle. And se it le that States ln February, 1914, when hb e a-,nicet lltiring ef tbem ail, and hittlng prîtdl s~wstelwe pou-rt ae andorîhetoserva tiis ofYrsrs. Ibs. these mien have left the loch-side and cepted aï profeesorsblp at Phincetea trils ls the rarest et sport in Rock- ebah-ael" Bl. "Adhotcer our large anens ilthn two this 1850-60 ................ 135,000,000 the hi-ar, have lrft the ishing boat Universty, le 36 years cf age. Neties or Selkii-ks, ail the way frem the. Rebki rssd brcml lag ren lg hn w-hid g1860-70................. 175,000,000> on the beach ad the sheep without a long age he con.feued that, unlîke the. Kananaskasis Page on the east te the Oe.2: ).Pltda183 sltuated in thbe province of Quebe.18080.........190000000o shepherd. msjority of ports, he was able te hivel Yale gateway on t ~ he Wt-HtreBbe.t-afY~ There are a few sugs.r bushes la On- ' en the precreds et hie muse, on whîch Hundrede <of miles ef excellenitna emadht e i tarie and s negligible number la the 188090 ................ 226,000,000 A Chorus of Farrwelie. Amerlcans prompUly dubbed hlm the -fate. eadhi w leas Martie roines.Fo smeinx-1890-1900............... 212,000,000 Tehs odbr r en ad Presperous Port. traile bave been made un the Canadi- ec Lk 4:2) rar n11 Maii-caProvncebsneer sbeai-rai- 1900-10 .................196,000,(000 Te s odbesaebigsi, For semeUnime, bewever, befere ho,,Ian mountain ranges by the Canru4 "TRman Bil. Peened L V plicablereao thsnvrbe el and a girl with ryese blur as the wa- left the United Statr», Mr. Neyes had tain Pacifie RailwaY n.nd the National hlmta a oaate h prtt Izrd that we have in Canada maillions Adulteration Stopped. trs cf the loch on s surnmr'e day bren working strenuously la tie Parka department et the Canadian i-saa vn5 tl o. Gi orDugs' cf acres cf mapie bush i-unniag fi-cm In 1900 the fi-st etepe were taken rails te ber brother, s taîh piper. «Secause et the allies. 1ýe bas read hie Gove-ument. Most cf bheii are made 29) hetpgahcle-iwih Slenue2c the north et Lake Superior te the la protest. la that yrar, 2,000 etigai- and ne forget to, pipe te they Ger-_ poemesud givenra rrdinge ia more! fr pnyune, and mounted on ene etof preutdlatetrtBeBbl ng~teMl shores cf New Brunswick and Nova makers sîgurd a potitien wbich they mans" ' he sys, "and look after than" 20 Amerîcan cties and eîxty oir ~~ f hprltdfrteBbeScey ae *Sctis, ahi standing la their primeval presrnted te the Hon. Sydney Fisher, Saady for me. I'm fraird he'Il be led i eveaty coureges and educatlonal in- chiot Impotance fi-cm thexculoousAofomaheca condition, wsitilpg only te ho tappod te thon Minuster cf Agriculture. The sway by yen French hassies." A cor- 'etîtutioas, and thereby raisedthou-wetyucabenexlrrtth crcmacsudrwhhIti-eAcfagoc-yt yil ÃŽt4h world its i-emsrka"1edificut t that time wae the impo- porslaswere bier, "l'il look after My- sande of dollars for war tunde. wilds and revel la the experience.l2oBiewsblnprtdatCn-f-cagodhu weath. When it is uemembered that ibiiity cf obtali.dng chemical tests sel' fine," sud lho kissos the girl sud . aothe imrs i nt oha v ie o ey fvryi c h devewy tl aOfbrIg n10,adtepofra "about the inAmerborcrantpoint Neet ireshcaueandremeveugaa comm roinshi$ledkste Lt le only la the border states cf Newthat tho whohe nation le anious te the triail revomie new wondere. hespresdh ei.pnîe Hanmpshire, Vermont sud Maine that 'be detected in, the maple pi-oduct. In The officer lu charge cf the cern- do whatever It can te help the cause' Many tra.ll tripe arreflow 'made lain omign"orman aetns the sugar tnaple grews withln the 1904 the Agicultural Departinent of pany give a warning, aud the men' of!the alles." Mr. Noyes emphasizee,c Uated States, sud that wlth this ex- the State cf Vermout disrovored thatbolet their wrb snuage over their however, the German Influence la the loups. Thons le the eue frorn Glacier ordthooyaftetiani- Tefeow l ceptien wo ln CantAl posseras the by usingr subacetate cf head tbeyi shoulders. The pipers focim up lu. educatienal Institutions cf fthe Uaited station up the Cougar Valley toe 1pteluh BIe ooy'Becd-ecrnaog whole world's supply, the great im- ceuld dete-mins if maple sugar Or front of the columun and as tbey meove States. "A very large propertion er caves sud bark by a 'oop route and t1~cfîC~6 u .e l nte'tigtaeln partance ef the iudustry wili be irai- syrup wre adulteratrd. This was cf off thry teas the drone sudthor the st afee h olee n nvreoe as that bringe te view sr, lro dto c 89 lied. material assistance te oui- Inlaud Re- cf the pipes ou te, the bollow cf their ltes," hoe aye, "has recelvod aIl its ef the subliment scenery ln the Bel- 'No Millions Worth. venue Department, asud in Feb., 1915, shoulders. There le a chorus cf tare- educaticual training, or, et any rate, klrks, The literi up ansd dlewne ts UM E OfLITSSE It pstgadat miinInGe-thus unique sconîc route, as the rail-- d Lt l esirnted say th Meti-uha bulletin wag issue-i giving the i-e- wells broen Inte by the wheeze of the petgauaeaanagnaGr-KL ITL.NS Eui PT It e stmaed sam heMotralsuite cf chemical teste ou a number filling bags and the buzz of the girat "«These universîties," sys Mi-. ways would say, add te tthe interest,"unî Journal of Commerce, that lu 1915 ef syrupesud sugars. It wss fouud drones. The drum heatis on the set- Neyes, "are turanag eut thousande or, uow lu the bed of the. valley, cleeed Aihnis eg tiîcs ui ~ ~ uW Canada puoduced twe million dlasthat 71pe crtcfthieclletinntsgdon feah eftfotendDwy- o hem, no'ec lf fo,-ad y sud t e ireat onacrtcaises viVteeCus anibi huen aysOn alta i e ers_____ werth aof maplo syrup sud sugar. lu was sdultei-ated sud only 24 per ceut. tbey go wltb caps flutterlng ln the shdente e-y oar oartainfcsys- byleesludhuge lmiant heti.ote o eth-gveteltteoc 1911 the output In the Province cf pr. The publication evidently had breeze, spcn-ans s-swing te the stop. emanahes fi-cm Gernuany, whiclu doefoot from wbich supe-b views are hadhe ayobeodcr.TseT- OIMK Quebec was vahued a $1,680,000, aI efcileff ect fo li May of ich The drum relis sud the glai waken- evey hIn h ao capture n.-oftekglpas ieSrDnld aura, 14 per cent. girate- than the rame yrar a second test wasmade ed s 1hbas bren many times l Intecorurage American students. This 18cfThe tkighy pae ie ir nad . te ie' -ý cen- ~,,~~ wbero we talI, fer, owlag te the ne- Tetaltaelrwl ldWa productIon ef our amaîl fui - wbich s,,oweda urcided i mpi-ovemfeut, Ipet wth the uît of oneof th..e ,,nest gulations exlstlag ait our unlveraîtios, region cf infinite varioty a.nd atirac- eycreo sdeuy.Bb iderably .girater la value thnn--the1 onîy 14 per cent. being adulterated. marches that ove- buret fi-cm the AmerIran studeute are digcouraged tivouese lu tho soireet trails radiat-Ow Taltsoudaay b.kp thep sldairnseoqual te',the sal From tbat hime the Departrnent bas 'chanter. "Balle lonaraora" it ls, bet- frem cornîng over here." n frmFedadldigu th etorpoultry, eissu edgannut lfbuut is wet ouaur o cees n atîe edlug u lîrlltins, but, fanding it tor kaown tho yeu as "The Campbelle Ia appearance Mr-. Neyes beri-ene Yobo Valley tote iYoho Glacier fieldcîîde.TeelenotemdIi'" it'tsC thelme outptaie r oet renansd di ime mpossible te stop adulteration, the Are Coming.", Round the tewn front, resemblance tei the traditional peet. as ils uppor end.asoesuti.ohehsti.u te enyotudfic hoe an act aîready irtceri-d te wee plaed sud past the old Inn an te retHoeright be mlst4ken for a college Lk ousanlrlopovd e vnm. Thue .comparigons serve ta upen the statute books. A mnt r-' tone-arched gates tote ctud l, tleean.*s-n- ernobeoe show the reletuve Imnportance of ouri tify ing result le showu lu Bulletin whrre the pipe-e change thelr tune te, has saad, "he givra the Impi-ession ef lectable t-ail pethe, especiahly thatthyae bslty te Ti.a- meaple lndustry, the. po4ibhlltiea of '826,5 s eetypbihdatogh h aue Fit Ma i. beîng a man as keenly eware oet h. headlng te Paradise Valley anrd its lt r o4 ymdcn elr r *@tl wîicîi are tee gi-est te estimate, if.,jted c ent.1916,bhieedingtheug the saute, "Farundt te p oarute. toiy Mr.wallceso 19ue Sta ii-cIae et igt s ts , sud fSte ene > ale 5cnssbxto h I Lthe nOs wo erf ntuiovand th whlrh only 15 per cent. cf the earn- 1 the mai-ch once more, sud until theY, man by birtit, maried lu 1907 e dauglu-lenthRok MunanvîeOt.edieC.,Bo- the .h ul be.. . he1 pa phets-i-rn yea-.t -une co tin es. 1h st-s .th e Pd teakihs.Bste amylsu inny Pa kes d ani, ti.reuien ar muti .Hearted Boas. get maried, a.nd 1 weuldn't raise. MY' tiat gttirig rnsi'id you Worth more t,4 nir, but I'm sure m eey." juet remember if we we'Il nord mnie riumberaw'ie "»4'sa an Nething. 1deserve zero on Ibit id the pupil, as hoq y papers, ýither, John, but bluet- rould give yen," saei Eyeg infaNmed by se- Rwe te Su, Rustaud Wu ~udy tellevdby Mart mest Elye comfeft. At Oc perBoUle. MuIbmEY* gel more pleasure eut tan a mer' rau extract gb. hoi waits for geed lucit and hrhp hlm ont àI thad luckîlehe onl>' hie way. avare, Carman. Orgies rlimite&. Write feu-4ÙO-4 Dawsom. Bramp'tonY. iNO NEWS AND> *0E r sale lu epood Ont*e ot, uset ad lnt*i-êtiflq 8. U In1ormation on Wilsoa Pubuitnln toe Adelside 'irecot. m zt aai e«rout~ Mre. t'saltse pLi- lwie l.si' ïor tn 1o oPe 3 e 4? 't i ~r 5.4 i il a :15 Z UT

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