Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 10 Aug 1916, p. 7

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S~ FRSIUVSOSLAETANMarketi of tme Word~WRLD'SB~FTBTL ONLY TO B O EI O N TrntoAug. 8.-anitoba TeBrtshRc l heGeaethiNmbr, ua Gernian Losses in Men and (Ions In Desperate Fighting on Rus.' Mantoaoats-N~o. 2 \V . 8~c ; NO.rifceThesorkl Fcta sian F o t A re C l s a .No . 1 feed , Sic No . 2 feed , Sic BaY Fron ColssaLports. ______________Amnertcan corn-No. 3 yeliow. 93lc. on tra.ck. Toronto.I "ai A fdeepflrh froM Russian Army ed wîth German and Austrian wou * 106tu $81 a.07 :No ,.2 omercial, ; A despat.c ri h rotsy nycaLruPzee the tokhd sas edTbieStokod psitin isetrme-No. 3, 6 to 98c feed wheat. 91 to 92. Amnhbspse ic h ei rudaota oI lleadlqtarteî e on teSohdsy èeStko oiinl xrm-accord inirto frelghts ou laide. A ot a Pgingof th <idsprt hr l tog ntario oats-No. 3 white, 48 te 4ne. igothg Alîd itoisoutaide. sng of he raateintePcryittegets bti fhe rtghtiig te rnot deeeratechar ll strong esboth in the east and Peas-No. 2 nominal, $1.75 to $1.85. asPhlpGb.Wehoaeben rtshacisherati arter is in progresq on ail positions ws aentsfiînl eue h accordlng to sample, $1.25 tu $1.60, a-othr n of our froilt. llie' (terrnans, drîven morale of the Germans to give grun co0rdlng te freiglits outaide. 66to,, uther daw heinnadbrdrto n arf d Iarley-MaltInir bariey. nominal. 66 tdayheByraiotishhepo sso av ae eee osies to despeaton bv tlîer loses in guns for supposition- of a sudden collapse 69-; feed barley. nominal. 62 to 64. se- codtng te freights outside. and Men, have heen launching counter- of their military strength. The bit- BÏuckwheat-Nominal, 70 t10'Îlc, ac- thetkebeah odfr hrefnleleeu]hy a attacks almost %vithout cessation. terness here is extremely great on cording te freights outoide. hour tohour Monday and Tuesday they were account of the persistence with which ,dig e-No. ighcom iel 9107,ac moet and isgisadlseTe aekle rwul pouring in fire-sh divisions which pro- enemy flyers are bombing hospitals Manitoba fiour-First patents. in 4oie tm on ceeded froni the trains to the battle- and dressing stations, which cusbg.690 eonpantn3ut with any glor tmyhv n n es fields, where they were rnowed down on an average of twice daily. 1$6.20. Toronto. tra suedosmot. Ths aete linhs by tse in aIlataes ire. With huge Ail of the German and Austrian Otrl iurNwWler.acrdn ,I-*tasy ropablat10,0 U by the Russi1nte0sample. $4.60 to $4.60.,in bags. trac~ , t bi lseinalatcswhich so far have arniies on the easterrl front have been Toronto. prompt shipmnent: $4.60 te Delville Wood sIhv ecie f n ot' lhigi $4.70, bulk seaboard. p rompt shiipmnent. sveral tumeshabentknndr-prtotebttei th -eendelivered, thcy have been beat- placed under the supreme command of Mlfeed-car lots. dellvered M ontreai enback. Canoonading continues Field Marshal -von Hindenburg, frac- . gý Ictdd rnPrteoaenfeoe ftefecs fgt hc a ntytedd night and tiay, at twnes reaching such cordlng to a despatch quoting a Ber- $22 ; shorts. ver ton. 824 te $25 ; mid-iginaltsbtteanisowfry aovthepanfasae violence that it is impossible to dis- lin officiai aienounicement. This de-dig.petn.86182. odfe flour. per bag, si76 ~ aItn hhns h British hod1 ayt tl.Te r tlnguish individual events. It is sm- cision was reached during the Em-pato i PlY a continnious roar like thunder. peror's recent visit te the eastern County PrducU.patoHihWdndnthletoti. At nighit theiwhoie sky is illumin- front. A simlar announcement, the Puîrprir 6e darpoe 26 10 27e ated by bursting -hells, searchlights despatch says, bas been made in 31 10 32e. solide4,.130 t SIe.P 1 ________________________________________________________________--14___50_____$5.4 me $5. ie faor fo hand ISLANDS BUILT TO ORDER. leI; tripletis, 1 s. 16 inF R~NW T MI B Mavie syrup- SI 50 per ImPeril gai- A Photo Which Shows the Odds Our Men Are Surmountlng. RE R A O UThe Feat 1s Not So Very Difficuit As, rloen. oity-C eeS. 26 10 27C German gun crew operating machine gun froni bomb-proof shelter of rol.2taîesNw 26nc.k 1oda earth, rass, and tumber. The gun fires 600 bullets a minute, and is rak- Official REviwIse tOtw W Y 0 S A Eit Souncis. ttn2 2e.--4wBusik uda Wn heBiOark AchpeAgoEno $2 çppr bls:eM 1estern. $i 95 ing the enemy's rifle, pits, two bundred metres awny. The gun is mounted o IthBimrkAcieao w!on an elevation madé' of planks and filled with earth, and is covered withofEdo Ju pennulthEmr occupied by us, are two small Isands Prevtiii. a bomb-proof shelter. that the Germang, with characteristic 1 itaon lng elefar.18 10 196e P-1.~rl Russian Nut-Cracker Is Slowly, resourcefulness, buiît up for theni- 1 ioiti M-Nedium. 24 to 25c . do, t'PavY es 106o21c -. mIls. 1910 1te ii, breakfos tAdepthfoitta ys A but ri-eistiiyselves in a sea where formerly no bareon, 26 to 27v , backs. plain, 26 to21c; f~~, acroas a wide ctretch of round, Gen- special presablei sudb h ucsflfa a but rd sistrlylard, 29tier0ces- 6 ic IIV U~Y V~Haig would smash the German linos Census and( ttsieOfc eot hl nDbi nado r notd as.0 a . l'ulr, tece,1 1 1itwieasmchSgo.NodMbMnEh cnitoDoRIedcrVEi an olirsadNalos Clasing In. This, however, iso quite e diffi- an îaîle ý1 & t 176e, coinpound14t ihwceamu vgrNodb ntecnI Adeqpatch froni Petrograd sys. cuit as it sounds. One must have a 146eIN INTALST, the progress of the British forces ada at theenofJlinpraso- Tnplcmnhveb The ultimîîte Russian occupation of louîidatioi-, of course-s coral reef 1I M LS AG S irhthb ap rad, willbelwhiand OntreI h eisua (se iaieCut:ocnm I1viaiLebr n tertr-for preference. Given this, and also 1 nreiff..&ug 5 {orn An encanrace, il e lw n Otri ment of the Austro-German lune of an unlimited supply of native labor, 'Nt) 2 eI1îow. 2Io 10 4bc ts nivrcoty TeGrmswllbcutyalrgcopfhahsben nmnyatsoSuhI defence byn h u River are 'and island buildingin these compara- 'ian u. ter i fee2. 6e d. . Noura-TH WHO LE GERMAN EMPIRE I1 -,orking twenty-four hours a day harvested i peddsae ha rpmaoshv ens now regarded here as a foregone con- tively calm and tideless waters be- ,%l pîan g hat î 8tetS frets 2 interoni Teente.eshooice. 86.vo5 . mtraigostroadastoyCambrai. aButètheç losses, tbeynquite as'standardoayet.Cambtsi.Butitbe Pte.s thCrowîey aRst Boehm-Ermolli and von Linsingen, dtt0s bouse-building t'isewbere. ;mît ersq. 5 70 10 $6 75 . do. tiags. $2160tussifrwlteIothT reo-beo avag.CnndoecrpFslesfDbinbs- whicb have been badly crippied in The Solomon Islanders, for instance, t0 $2 60 ltoi1ed nais llarreis.Si O $605t ably. Britain wiil be bringing into are fair, thog) ae ha sa.I thei efort tohoidbac th adanc areadets t te ar. Wen he 0~1$225. Sdorts.11 $2 Idd$2.iings. $6:The British Must Take Bapaume, and play next Spring fresh millions Of eastern 0na1 rp r ufrli rs-rw e oao t lto fayiln fteg o n. cr lots $1730 0 $132 Chese, .A.nertMoveeFortyard Upon troops. Se will Russia. Germany will froni lackof ostr.Wets lng rigbt wing of Generail 1russiloff's antsado h ru onurle. $ 1 0 t83$19iay, No. 2. per be far down in strength. Austria will littie grownitcodinisfran ,adthraparcenI forces, have becin forced to retreat te1 becomes too big for comfort, they just westerns. 16Î il to 171 . do, easterna. Cambrai. poal aebe lmntd for it is beginnnr erpn aly~t 6cnsprsôe pontbc evs pntea-<eo work and builti another one, and 161 in I166e Butter, ehoicee t ereamerY. poal aebe lmntd a p o i n t w h c h l e a v e s o p e n t h e P -a ilep r a c t tc a32 cp u r p e s e s . E v en30 Ji f i tib t p e o r , a ir atre ri cl a teua n d v e ryv eui fe v e n.sM ru ri ckaW prahe qths woiprnein-shesr doswmin er. aete't-, stic. 35' . No 2stik .1,t No3 1 Lord Salisbury once advised friends November before the British arrive at Oea, the mtimpratco toWlimPt trs n h uanilng oeéioe ndt, Te saipln ito hoose a cora.l2 tock.26 o27c. who were studying war oprations te Cambrai the Summers camipaigri wili district, shosomgradieenapon have begun a ni lng m v m n, T e u ul p a st h o e a c rliW ni Ilin use a large map. A large map is an have paid moat bountifuily in exhaust- some cropa b ig fr d an e , o - b enD p t wblch lslsowly, but apparntly irre- reef, which must not be submerged wî,Iinieg. Aug i îsh quotatione s s ta or a consideration of the ing Gerxnany in preparation for the ers enly afe ines ig.Aot TeamrsrunN sistiiîly closing in upon the twvo citios. more than three or four feet. A raft Wlî'eat- No. 1 Nîrthern. $1.331: No. 2 seta o h onyCae The German lues of the Stokhod, is irst cnnstructed, and anchored near Norrîheron. S1.311 ; No. 3 Northern. achievements and tasks of the British great clean-up of 1917. The decision three-quarteso h a shretc îeC.Amgi o crossings and terrnl-none h eteo h ef hr h a No. 6. $1.106 ; f6ed. 11.04 Oato-No. 2 3 tte aeared andb Rusia crssngof herier eaesWr s halowst T ths orl C o %V'. 46ce:No 3 ('W_, 44i ; extra Nol. Wa byhv led andb once Russien troopa pass Lembergla poor; poaesreeatyettnlagtacsfbi R sicosn g fth ifr a gtrom the ouwter n Tne ofth e cref, t is 1rtaniey ; No . 3, 7214 c ; No month of bitter, persistent fighting, and when the British pass Cambrai, .Northwes rvn e- h ete noimnortant lino f defence beforefrnth ue rneoth ef see,4i BlyN.3,2i;N.1 Kovel* except a natural barrier zen- brought, and piled up pyramid-fashlen 09i ec-ted. 62e feed. 62c. Firaz. anid the use of stsiggering quantities for both events will compel wholesale cenditilnsetJyhaeengnea- Tedtbasoure sting of a wide swamp, whlch un- te form the nucleus of teilad oi .8196N. '. 8.6.e aboli, os ve ama ona large bTeonretgimnts in g op the o fr ab atouhlclai-dneDuie M.Hr doubtedly will retard the Russiali Lastly, eartb is carried in canos f rom U.ited stateic uark. R the once rister-at-nlaW, for many cro scateler s l n n s r a ve h e a p. C t e omprera o Gwith a t a T hei e a a n e h eav e nr.at r h v do e s m da ge te C ot B r n aî progresa. But this mnovement foMtenaetln adsra vrto Sinneapolis. %Ufr 8 -Whe-at-Septe Rsin hv cieei bo-coal ccoauttresare planted, and 'ler. $i 341 ;I)ecemnber. $1.34à ;hii teNo.er o ali ad The French Hver Panrt.a inFch crÎepacniu t hw fn th etaogterot iwYb-crbccau-re ard. $1.39à No. I Northern. $1.341 tertbe Carpathian passes inte Hungary, TeFec"ne GnrlFc rmie, seill n1arn n tw o e n th o S a m n y -K o v e i a n d R o v n o - h o m e s e re c te d . $1 3 6 4 N o. 0 , d o . - $ .3 16à t e $ 1 24 . C t!ook eke a ol -h l .a m a n a t tvs e h v e ah er B apa y i n t ellin g b e a o Kvlrilwas n 'ojntio ith Shipwrecked British sailors once -No. 3 yeiIow. il§6 921e. t-N o okie ml.h.Yti opnhelSo e pat ecplay in thea'aiesme fleoGanontofu-ad h a i the Russian pressure brought froni huilt for theniselves an isiand of re- 8tente. $7 irsi 4c.iears.*57P snd îngatsaeahn o htGrmn w rthe ie fo elyen'cos r~gien fndly hopd was anunbreakaie de-enoeor$thre;miles roni Bêioy...o$6.cr0ps aecaildgod, anci arvestin wlan Ja et pothen ineh tiuiuthuoafe hs aho. nig tecers 3. ATi fonce KaiserSanterre would threaten the rear ot commencesonrtawaexetdicM.arl, elf' the soutb in the rginof Viadlutr- fug, afterIthis-fash1on. l, 1880ethendleas .o 3.20. Ilrane$Kaiser Volyski boh o wbch re uccsa-Quýeunsland labor-recruiting schooner 81 3s8;Np. i Northemn, $1.36 10 Il 37 thth ranticaiiy toela the German the Germans at Chaumnes, andi Reye a month ig.Wetetig se-~ bl cou nter-a t ofs i conaire 1s o teI di p n ab e R ef, w ic s n 2d - 1n .3rac .38s5 * br. tha hopedt d t b ' b t A 0 a c v u a fully developing, despite ail Germaen , was cat awsy and battereiltd pO No 2, do.,nd liii 10 *1.th8 Se tombel 3.36 ake; ecember 8216aaked Gepeanleey difficui. The Frenh weud gand-reets andpetesaego. m akn the utc B c o a s red G r- o m pte lyndspe b Rergo , and itu a t , ser.8V 4)n sejuîem82 .6 I $ -8à *t eont is guilty et treasen. The G n Lasi gny u t e The Fsenth w uld gain aî a IUS' a tl g a b ii o a Theopeatinsaganatmoe than thrge und tte d miles f.6 rom mbr,8215a»ed;tcrritory, but get ne important cern- NovaSoiNwBnwckadoblpedae makig te otcore asurd. 1rom ocohêr $21j Nov ember. 82.15 ; Dec-géra staff appea1s fer confidence- g aamast uththedGer-, more than byrthehmunicatmilesreadaerallways,1orlargeiPrincetEdward theandnreportnailacropramlntyt, ar jar Princeter importantins agoeral . Atter beingty iles mbeund m a n s a re , aim e iia v itig a ota nt t h n e a e s în b a b te d la n d .g é é rle na f h stie r.a p p u ac$2w n . Bu33s s t hnbldh a effeet in faciiitating the advance' The pilgt ef ber crew seemed hope- Live Stock Uark*U. tg e nerlsaff tut ther s ia populacet fowna. But bas the Fencmleh e aig ed rwh.l Qe agalîîst the Austrians defending Letn- less. But instead ef giving way te Toronto, Aug. .-Choice heavy steers, eten ofentdeed. ii rmasin aisvaav el i oenn, whacthe Fuentncfeh avti. ey sufafdn, u gouct~eItL begsiceteyenbl teRusinidepir toyst te work te manufac- 8 6I84 odhayaes*.6ten tth usincmpiFgaa raen ght, at. Qnuetin. cIfthe have uffrdfemdegt.B Rsiaie8he ets ber, ine he enbl te us i 10 sarteys t85.00 . Iutchere, cattie. god. $7.90 o e rtev rihrymlsaea i n el te exert pressuré agalnst the Austrian turc an Island on the linos indicated $8 16 . do.. medium. 87.36 te $1.60 :doe. tnor.wle r hrt mls rea Feahge havegintriaicitte Clml eot oelcougo- Asroetr cu the sutbwber Gen Letcitzsy's 1mb ried n th sun untl the wor $5 0 Ilteucsè.6: che 7l.101 tere oryourriee n-tefranufght it . 51'as h ronlcuig~Cgn&Snsoln ltoops a sucesiythavriagteflaiiy fond lva n rscud for eel eîm 80t 1.5 tCer.7ofmes esbiiis helv r Frne Le e and hamane. teu- ch e. 72 eac 7.60; o. te 810 l.00 ing n th e ss i n thetiCwosterneCothtif -And operaticnamsted alarmtehus t. 187fithato.enrorgfiulleen$4il0stNo.fewke»_thanse1-n-diffefaintasiceeAisonnera.nGlorgng L in the vlctnitY et Victor achohollse nnetgo mut'nor au s- uu- us "- -- - - were wlpcd eut completelyi. Ose farta- mai ol.ut0h, ang it il!' ejculatedms euneos ine euou oeuy amuI msitItreolaalts iesudraieI wt A*«rd or reportea a e t $2,00, ssnd many the badgered commander. "What's a Ta t a brw ca'mcieVS eedgua JBp.tie Th le M>'Satisa*9 1 60 la0pW»ê1*944~s I8l s~l 4~ other fermers auffeied heavy bons. your behastby lîttleie anu'6rîî' 111 th" yledificea nt, ws te bave I>iiti ifMd leaffr îéopnt itilniAlSi .S The sterni appealU te have besue- n yi fen6 Y I"Some o e Germa prescontie ossiv e afui't #nbla anh ie>'dsryd i256P4 pat"sl>'y magei qssr ~ stist îy local. T"Te ofsettobacco,"repliet thse ment os the dest fG«9«1eraVon o r le j«sBr,2? rcsu at*î. ilportaqae tNord sgtu *i otmr e suvoer s.i, _________ Chîef promptby, andi helti eut hie haa&MoISlatis ofcns intwes t t.te vyt ikftfl - teth ~~.I > ~,Ss1Y- GERMANS BOMBARD TetbcowspontypouaI, Berlin Lokalasselgr bhe tireW 'for-. eje t es ahtce WSXBIS u it.. andi frop that day te tiatcf-~tue athon e Br" gaasBS tis xw -prien tt *xue HUSANIOSPIT AL-' h fa-gotnthee -- IpeGra tion~s U.W i.dstu*i untIue eeleat ,.- RUentANoetsea-girt corai-roek tita serl- aot the ualandst tise bottered despath fro, Petograds.>' acquireAn-thebast'heinhé knownorass fh*rb-, eont vas bonlet slalgcuirmdaastien knwn asfer te IUS" or90WUMSMo- s It s thedagrudile "vbo. comNEW'% A depati f om"Ytrore 1 Tes Stick IladLod n teappoetint.ntleas t FaseaMnt the 85* mel pieuin- arýItuB2'I of 0of nOtbessAmmLfie$*of.»&lIe The Russian official atatemenOt la as, s*rs.hal>'" follwa~"An cm> asip1B81 bni-"la the spisadt sceuseset rtoi. b.Smm Sit'O crae*am bardeti a trasport containing wund-'rM'I .& ei ar uitoi, on te Vladimir- CURE FOR TRENCIR FOO0T. BiraS pan S et the ampai - t 1I1 ' 1 glum n sd Frais e.ica cgls V olyn ak -L t k rou te, il ng one an tid *Fi t Ri eUa r t f sI > r i . v e v r r l s i 'atk>-' 1*1t,1*M W Inurng twinst>'aady>' oundeti men.s rDet e r ge.lu s mayIts wi duc tht. lid&bde The saine cpafli aise bciahartietanFeu et MIIthé.me ut ~t us MUi" uMp4*é0 -th ti laonm ha APri ee.poenit et tise Jour-te uvnts sea&* killiig ose sud lnJurlh It 0 hospital 0*1 Of tihe AmeiaiKiIBieees- onîrld.Cucaslafront . Our <l ien msltveatam itr"cstiw st>' Inn vii' > mw* SECOND don s t icat ema tics cleueci>' .' m - rance coutsais. th areebfotrbuben mso 04*t.t- bu i spitio uet 1aire-'Wi -LI 1)IBLITARY CIoss Dr. V. RayM» et, the iMi a ob WON IN ONi FAMILY. Pit. t fV&14deGtAMS atiDr- J4 Par#- o m»-of To thé second mmnir et ttise Bell:4W t oicIrisais tot do~- I r i i o t t s i li y i s e c o u t s e o n r t o r so t it t ee t t i i t n t t a a Crs, corl#te p &IW**. stiv Je mlauove*a rusket bbbut a mudti. av t ceIveci tu Vauceuvem. Ibist l e, et 9titoL Idtn*s oaI~ meopsltole i. aDatr> tu aI *w lwt~ ee by tise m*W of qycutasi-capturwie t u» qataiekslfit "W . wrln' ystiI scuêt 1518 b>' tbc Gn*iUu5lt 0 " bic diï le- -- e CANA~IIAM OUifl ,batus. * r MTER aon-and the high nenth, by tory, the tin vîum- ,rongholds. Frmandce ahy1 wide by - ;o brought prisonerls. ýedan imi- ie y's ftnest 1 1y. kicai facts 9î the tirot Picardy, 5 3eyond and ,i~ others net imnpossible .i. enIsle oit-.M& nid lâeitof ,ns recentlY ah disabjed. on injured oe near Bal- an. lCildare firal . ld at prices yai Dubîlil.- bçen award- . duet Moda. es have itou Blfast Mar. t90 cents ilson-Lyiich,- bridge, bas jLieutenant ewtownhali' . ksoquencO of cent presolil ig. 1at bis rosi- r>' felt, bai- 1 yenrs secre- les. ýly' prosecut- Petty Ses- $80 for hnv-_ is possession. Sesaion, lMau- bailiff and spended frouli ving chargeti 1for, seven rards runnlng- se steamer. asat week. t d. at midietoin Mesoru.John >th ee1 Id a..,... '-i-e.,. -r pi-..

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