Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 10 Aug 1916, p. 5

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I preacb ut -bath pemvîcos. - wUnU wtilb. tte b nett ofmy cus- M.lamina Whor. sud '4sr#j. Jobhn xa.srs wila Cemmîsion hua ariauged fer a, slWly MNoning-Suhject, "Amas oet 'ekos2' tomera,'concluded Mm. Mumpiy, wbo 10 -nigWo sa science gmad- Tom-ente tlim weik atending the. lotf_02M bp. frurs tteIlydr.Elte- Anthem, "Come. Ye Dlsconsotate hu baben sellng SemI.Hady Talloring »ite et Tom-onto Univeri-ty, and an on- funeral et thet dau*telb-14w. MmL Commission for tt* Oombig t»Md Esn lng Sub et "J aus ani P tri t- w ttb incrm-ea a u = m.s for te patt tae-o L anti Surveor, bas ben connect- 4lbr( Er. M a~C r. v n e t 2 u o m o î u isn."Auhem "wet euretPry-six y7Q5e i4. with lUse 4ospitai ftr m Umtiie lua M sir- l. 8llghbîelnt et mOi', n - o - -'" tihi , "S e t H u r t 1 mt ie c ap aciy et surveyem, sud bhlm mc - W ho l ahm e in Jq« n a o q o x t4 e T t m s it b s h i SENTRANCE 7 0 NORMAL SOIMOOL. "la lnthe ilai g ou of-owband plglsfol, -tu. p t moe o re&*"et " mntits year b hi- iiaddi- WHJTBY MEN ESCAPE PIRES. Tt iuistehet Ndue Shoo nralwsa bs euz flinist vleti hs atv betm e i.ýa <fIêotir, _i amiînefortentrmae nnwthe so>- t h rvnia oenin.Mr-. JM*Comwnh1.if.labuse * berse ote lOtit Uati uwwhe r Two Wiîtby men, Mr. F. B. MOmare ma s oo saxgivebw. fususeg--'le va& lyY uemisa, a romlueut Wîbf for &SgebeUe«àe 9nde Ubïi o ae îtîi Mmr. Roti Fraser, usofetMr. anti fui candidates wbodWirte 0stêebdthe Onimber of Wblîbi- socteti-. BIaS î-th.*tity, j. nttyre, let o W "~ lai 1Ub-d.l. nt ,Nrs . .,Fasr wrel Nrhen mngsssono et Nnci SO luat0IM ddtnet lie titat way, n#um-ra- orWuland, wher. lithmasem.ctwd,& - Mns W.A. raur, er luNonhem ~ eamcaof li.Nomnia S itol ith Ibm.' am«y et botsxsl oiip taritunate iu encapiug inJury. Mr. Meis. amiltm mtthiInei,10Whope-fWin4, mli" is gLy blus mme cIrfo tjefléay lot 30, um -ilWw tire eudeavered te get a telegm-apb e-Mnsit-0 dctit ial reh oedngbumW lia 0n ~~ut-ti~w~.sl o te bs m the , M rà. . S ctt.-ltm M u a-, u u t 21 . T . omma et wat e 1- 4aU e I vh t 1 1e u .t e &Y M M lt 1 Wi b.. w « * o ,n W hîlitb y, b u t a l the ires e re d w i, u sb o o w 1ill p e T u e t a,.S "W p t, v a s invrla ly p Upe li li *t. 4 a d t r - m p e ýo r v l -ond lie liadtg(p hocontînt vîit anding.g t i&Lua..at w>itl* lim n'd. t a s am».e y.mcimt w9 the aslt.Wb miut lettons.hMn. lied Fi-aser. W ho 18* 'lu dates Mntpi-sut t$ium>mIie. fate.stMe mil iin mt *,at' W» the w«d -S CO, stetlb %t, ~ t lie jeweîry business ln Cochmanuf,«- u(utolfowItig let, *rtîint Sire us -Maisigamp» in' eîîîd aim, anti bat te Sdvlse hi* pOâ> lim es or st e usuut eo 1*te.lm Wb11b7 tUs etm M ý lc bM I w " é W St'tti by letton. Hla isteri MIss CWI rie <WtVM i<nt. te i- te te t lb. art oet illgiaste -piteumi fi-mes «t, w*wu.,«tW rurwho lns been teachilg $&i0W $»bylilOiOcool*.è holssre t spe mny ~Upos lUs iia iochn. l nwa hm n-hem- va-à>- --- eb ml»»br et géo- M0 The- new Ceunty of Optarlo map le 0. W, ~ 'tebb n.ç.ealvomi& the tesi ever publîshed t. lî shWs a» XIL UCa.'uai *M dl& tma uebo iaule te luI m -or nilý ain travelteti rends, al tllWOS<#, *qUst, 11ý . Cjttt5» W KXF*Q tbt______________________ats 1-si offces. sebels, S t gi s te dt . rs tIl fio ., twtla D).A4. tuv t . miali N' m mla "r hier valuable nfoM aiitlsI . A te» .A. 1 b m.L M m > _ _ _ ,ol.- rlgbts tlotui"it01 0W LIVoe O':îl 50 cents tacith - --j~~ (1A4RD OP' TI(ÂNICB. t b4~0e NIrt. Joseph AltigttuieSt flbIIIIW Uêbe Y 4 ist I o a thank heur r thé-10 5L b. IL ý,4l '.'.ipulby shownthem ie ula t tlttam tý roenieuent. Aime the t îttPf>t A liiiuac ceC. for thtiirot.~,ANm.fkM M si-xse ne Ingumance pouoi-.- I '9SASOABL GODSI ufiohewht î~ i -4 -lflet tourne in Aerlculture at ~t1,la lÙu t0Wn Main f fte remalà. WISNÜn oît nioubteilty rio iot every person readîng the ail wijl imrnediately gaged ln InsPecting the school fair of aur resi, elitoponadbut, if right4y and truthfully told, gradua iIy tii. 'publie cornes% lt o h earmn fArcl OrdarlIihg Mll j plots folyuknw, ~ iet ~ d r the vacatn fe wlII b len away Auguet 11 915. nt î<> ture and deepiy missed. Mliny lives respond ilowly to the teacher's ides's, but if thougi 'bîlly Mr. John Mowat was home from Ot- In a Ionel and Bilnt ravull an prestented, nw, perhapa, to teacher or tae'gbtarîtb tawa over the week-end viiiiting his Where the trees their ran wave power is gri ping the gieater lif. wbich wiIl enabflt Dot ouly to sw&y its parents. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mowat. Lies our litile RimFli uwn pertona iîty, but enables'it te b. a strong force in tnouldlng social Illfe. "Jack" la engaged ln a munition plant lu Illiscoid andi abrncl SudapSho lin the capital city. Tabenacl Sun ay S hool Mr.Wn. (Gibbs, formeriy an Ontario He bade naoeis laàt fareweil, riie chair@, gh-en te our sehool by the Young men, add much te Its County Counicillor, was lu Wbltby on He Waved his handte t noue: a ppearane and eiiciency. Mouday renewlng acquaintances. Mr. itss irlt fiedibefore We kç% Gibbs la now lu the west, igge n lo sThat he frein us *fi gene' od-building anift engineering. Lo. y ii..hb l aieit adOf the w ud'so:tie ad homeless wll e ru , and special trains operateti, sedn w iO Btoh .ad r.J VngR eues on ete nulWrR- aigtetip naot36hue H. Nicholson, at One Eye Point, er Ex m i e urNqR LAY IASEBAL1, le etn nML ,Ags 4,adwtotcag rtase.gian Ray. Me lo on bis way home te IV N fOn MondaY the 11Pastlne Basebaîl flnd eut bow iin may help lu ibis "Going trip west," $12 to Winnipeg. the West to vistt bis parents. CI lbof Toronto, enJoyed a holiday tnip'work. 1 Iteturnîng trip east," $18 fromn Win- Mr. andi Mrms. Wm. Roacb andi dat:gh- te Wbitby' wheu tbey playeti morniug 1Net long ago a Canadian soldier lu uî peg. ter were lu Hamilton for the week-end, E e .andi afternoon gamleS With' ibe Wbîtby the tronche,. madee the statement that Cbusult C. P. R agents regardîng wîîb Mr. Reacb's parents. Mrs. Roach Eyose Greys, a team of boys averaging tri age it wouid ho Impossible for the boys te transportation west ef Winniîpeg. andi her daugbter went te Detroit ou about 17 years. The gaMes were playedti ndure the hardshîps andi sîramn ut th(, Auguat l7th anti 31-From Taronto Monday, where they wîîî spend a few !the Town Park, and dt-eloped tfluch firlng hune were it net for the splendid Sudbury LUne andi East, but net Includ- days8 With he fnest quýpnent Interest. The Tononto beys were well way ln whicb the women of Canada ing Sith's Falls or Reufrew, also Mr. anti Mrs. Wm. É{. Thorndike, S. fieteuîmn t-aind, ef course, were able ta hav-e boen backing theni up. net only t;e-m main Une eaat of-Sudbury te b~ut Tennyson Thorndlke anid Miss Grold- in Ontarjo- COt>nty,, and otIr defoat the local team'ni nte first coit- -{hrough tbeir messages of cheen and en- netg, ortudlug Noadntr. Bdiiy. , hee s o test by 16-8. In the aternoon, nowever, couagemuent, but the more practicl August 9th andi September 2uti- Harvey Edwants, Pickering, motoreti peasonexperiee tierelB f a MUch keenor conteat was put on, the gifts of fieldi cemrts, socks, etc. Can F'iom Toronto, aise west anti South Ite Lindsay Suuday anti spent the day., reasn wh we houî not visite,-. Just ueaîng eut a victery by you BOw or kuIt? If se, are you tioing thereof. pl tîclarMr.omaCanaian '-dti<ltaj Poat were well behaved& genê,lemanly play- PcfeTce gns rW .Hw gîveyou - a score ersta6dth aewMell ePaü Mido l uni t norg h slin' Pcfi iktAet, rW .Hw tenaatigths games 'lt..Te en d - OTICE. ard, District Paseuger Agent, Toranto. PREPARING FOR AFTER THE WAR. Satisfaction§.n er 7.30 ng as aint qotý Parties wishing automobile for atter- '7. ntelteroteabvsu onte .0 m tan e'Prnî: noun or evenîng outings (long or short Anto etr nteao e D If w donot e wli edistAT Onces) LMshoulti cemmunicate wlth BOARDS 0FAGRICUJLTUIRE ON A, has been contributed fer thi ek u Ifwed fo w wI rfnd DET1F R . J4JI~ aCR A. B. Edwartis by Ind. phone No. 416, TOUR. Lelw eeih yourMorey.Death camne v ny Suditieuly te Mme. or eail at l'est Office bctween 8.30 anti m"About forty members ef the Boardis To the Editon ef Gazette anti Chrouicle. y rrTOe.Albert E. MacCarl.,Bl MCaul Streét,!9.30 a.m. -7 et Agriculture of Northi andi South Dear Sir,-"If we are te face the fu- q Toron te, on Monda>t tzorning. Mrs. 0o- wentworth, were lu WhItby for a few ture witb auy tiegree ef confidence, MacCarl. wbo was the wife of a Whltby Sea-side excursions August 18, 19, 20mnuson Wdsdy ttnonatethseauigwremaifc hay, son feeling n' Wilt,4M mbutrm, ni2e hret elSptxbursionsteretu.whîîe ou a two day's tour. Their ob- ia as an educatet peuple. Negleet lu di- lTh lo l TeBqoy Ma been eing lu* tcli Sal ~ up iebrethl usoste West- lîve vas the stock farm et Snîith & rectlng or educatiug the child resuits la ho ock Wlt Th Ba on fo a y mmnng, a e m l U iktter b i e c u C n d . G ei g l g A g s 7 Richardson, Colum bus. They Inteudet ln waste. Our natio al business ls te ~ f or aislg, se cmplanot te er us-1 anti 31, $12 te go anti $18 te cerne buck. te rpturu te Tenante the sume eveung elm atwatlub anbinga a Bc t.Suh1baud Ihat she ivas unwell, a"dtithougbt See Stephenson, (Wbitby's tPtw hyht enatteOIrtnatell ialot i w stuflna, aningake ac Db Bi'~k S. Soth a docier shoultihd be UPd.M.tikt niteerabofie o pr uThey d e enist he aIsUe esta.Wailhuas n fodbetn d t oliin e hb MacCarl callotillulier aeter from un- ticîiars, choice et routes andti trough Bratn. te ii he oar Paepitateighît heuil nbi r capactyofe reative _ othernreru, anti weu( lu -w-sreb et a tickets. Aise cal[ on, write on phono Bapton.llsTh te amer tcked ea- wothemfllenlalor mr al anitispi rtal. S docte,-. When ho returned inl a tew btepheneon (aR Yeur leisure) before crtooss te bs, ib ean tcewod a- 'Tukmaeor faces o (ho sprun al.ze minutes hie wife hpdissedaway, It taking a holiday oi- travelling cr-~oswth oartibetAgricutuer"unyurfcst heuraie wvas tbought ber deaîh was due te wbere. Choice of ail routes. Aise buygrausetatm tatlytteb.I 9 RiY'- PnworILoar e Agicltue. igbeteso ireta eyt te b. AN» hurt ailue paaI tc your Toronto, RI thecitizenetdtaelanada e __stok. me avedaeani IlOtvrI u niiy aa, ugat4tt ho will be a grat anti espanaîble birtb' S, ows r- tickets ut his office,.cuti anniversary of the outbreak ot the to-merrow. mer Miss Elizabeth %tlce IrrInger, --- wr services were conducteti lu Ail of Waterloo, Ont., wsj klbout 35 yvars Rev.Thoc; oliFed ewtayo ainsr, " t .. I . n lIf It ia (rue that halt the ceat et 0f age. she had tochlrnbtbohtev. Jopren hisFtinsciarti ants' Cheuthe ai SofafoodIl arn. antih W.wC.ch.lofrthn, taitinboîhane.Shen reufCunstenAsocato, 8 p.m., by iiev. R. W. Allen, the rector. lviglthcotetoihnwtte ~N' C.T'.<j.cf hom tlot luinfucy Th ftu a ri u onn for a few day,. ln tbe Inter- whele wonlti calllng ton econerny, there or was helti on Weduestiay afternoî te ests of his work. He le asklng for belp nee I iewe h edwsD Norway Cemoiery. , .- eýýý1lun ehabilltatîng Feme oet ho meu who Whlmby boxvlers werp lu Clarernt grenier fer cane lu domestic expenti- F'NEI'MONiA'S HANDMAID. * f- --4"l' have lost ail lu the heavy fines lu rocently playlng a neturu gamre with'"(une. Non was theme oven a greuter m Thce seniti,. tafor PubieLatBuler. A StFFCN ELI# RS. IF Notheru Ontario. the ninks oethuat village. Clarement 'n" efr knowledge neganilng footi %tesns u o ubiain Ble 13UF-'ES o 1t .values anti prepamation et nutritieus Iiiu# glviîîg ativico concomniug the pro- "The nmîpetel greatvefv gréâ" de- N.,TÉON,L SERVICE CoMM.ITEE0 foot alat small ceai. This laeossentially servat ion cf henlîh. lb la net nun by 'clareti Mn. Fred Dts ' iv; nauC6rnmi;- MO R K. tMn. R. J. t'nderwood Is onectlng awa pain et t ndrutige ho on- fatnaî>cs, btt; la enm'agri lu offially tur- sioner ef the Provlincial ((overnent, Airs. F. E. Starr bas neceiveti a Go,-.'re.aIdeuce ou the block at the conne,-reai m ea a a y toftilterealine niiîtg saeetific conclusions cnceru- whc. witi, Chairnian Leo, of the T. antinzin postal card trou, pionur et war, ofet Fulîidand Walntt treete, near the thow Important (at omk lfaitlu (elie- Ing miations atlecting sanitation anti1 N.C. Illî at;hu been direct ing the re- Lieut. A. Curnie. saymug: "Reteiýed eue now eccupieti by W. L. Elvitige. tains ot lite. The usefulnea, bappinesa pýrot(ection agaînat diseuse. A bulletin' lie f nic-an.uroa on behaîf of the Govern- your parcol iîhneugii Canadian Ried _______anti efflclency efthtbê ldivitinal depontis tssiied ni long ago centaine th s etate- nient for the fine suieerâSln Ne0thlrlu ('rosa.' Thauks vory much." Aiso f roui1 liett On tario.Pe. C.I1tnom, cnwegn argely upon bealtb, which, te a great "The Iiiulteti States Public l-ealth Pt. . ostnlom'ea1ue-et1lgPersonal -Mtention loxteut le governeti by the sultability of "We Il neet i al lth- nsslcslne'P we a Ried Cross parcel. footi and ti s preper prepanation. Service brauds strong drink as (liee au gel fnom ail aven the country If Fromu the Canatilan Wur Contingent M.W.Clely tTrno a Ternee h vrdsern o rnost eftlllent.ally et pneurnenla. It de- these whe have ;uffo'rpd f nom fine are 1ssociation the toiiawing rnesaà.es MartoW ouCivier]Hoday. to, are"Tbeiug sdoythine W, an t (onvgouen t-larcs that alcohiol latg t4ehoimraitien te be preperly caneti for,*' continueti haNe conte:lntwonCveHidy1ar egsdythndndheigu -oft(he diseuse svhlcb produces le per Mmr. Dane. A. G. Hewlett, R.Q.M.S. ltb Baîtallon vis.itet ',I rrEntB.siaeneo oh nolid. he place e-on 0 ucbtou (ho vent. of bhe deaihe lu thi Unied States. Commisaqioer Duntesauldthe repso acknowledgiug a cricket set. itethrpansov heoldyterpacseed smu nte This la ne exagoeration. We bas-e te the appeal for clothing. etc.. toi Frorn Lieut. W. Monrehouso, Stb Ilii. Miss Rita Lawrnce, ef Toronto, le wonk oet(ho womnen ln (ho home, (bat 1 lîown fer a long tinie that Indulgence meet thob lingent îîeeds eft hi auffTerers Bgde., Machine Giixi Cny., au ackuow- velu e ut r.J .Btmn (oiprac tI etasmu m lu ale.oliolie lutors owens the indiviti- bas; beon sony graîityiug. Hfo'Matie it 1ledý,eent l'on secks. Thfse were dis- Mises HenrIetta St. Ours, et Toronto,!phasis. The importance et foodi lunre- mal vlîallby, anti thit. the man wbo dean that douators et clothlng bad Iributed i aîong (ho boys anti veny la vtslting hem aunt, iMme. Geo. Mowat,' latieni te human welfame la great, yet drinîks la pecullanly susceptible te pneu- ou ly te delivert- ho pancole te the ex- axîîch aîuîmnet-taîot. Jr. bew many are brought up wi(hout any mou la." , prors. or naîway cernpsnle adtiressaod From QAPt. H. C. Dean, C.A.M.C,, ac- Mn. anti Mra. Lairti, tf New York. are rouI kuewledge etftomeatie- affaira. 'oMn. Lee, Chiairnma'of th-o T . & N.O. 1knowleting magazines anti othor anti- visllng Mn. anti Mme. Clive Hatch ln "The tiuugttcrset Canada shoulti net ~~Ii ~~Ry. Commission, or'-htimif. iNorth e, % wlch cv en uhaprcaeitown n..hosent te homes ef their ewu, witheut 1 R-ay, snd (bey would bo curniet re b i i t heDnecn taio.Ths Nr. W. Dolby, et Sutton. Ont., sot-nt (ho ueceoeary training for Intelligent of chrge o thir detinaion.git froni thie C.W .C.A. includeti cooai hie %woek-eîîd wlth ber sister, Nrs. %V. Ibtîying anti satisfactory proparation. ---- co (eceig u.m ited on Pont Wbttitb. They sboulti receive IL at home on be 0 ThY *)ITSE EAC Orý nîl.k hublots, vaseline. magazines. Mn. anti Mrs. John Feston, et Chocota, sent t~e echoole whene (bey may bo AGAIN. An appeal bas coe rtom the Cana- Okia, are vlslttng witb tht- latter's sis- given an appertunlty te leitru. Can Mnr. Maurice Murphy. wbo bautiles titan liedi Cross Society, ef which Mrs. ber. Mrs. Chas. Scott. 1 we net give (ho girls of Onturio Ceun- ~ HT1~ OY OINDD. Semrl-fleady clething lu Wbithy, was St-arr ls a member, te nrnmemben (ho Mrs. Wi. Saufiders, ot Chicago, andtil eh.nocessany educatlon te beoMe WHIUYBO WONID. oun>A visît lu Moutreal neceutly, anti neetis oet(he men lu (ho tronches for Mn. anti Mn.. B. J. Hil, et Toronto, are 'capable honme makens, by establIehing Mm. anti Mra. Thiamas Marris, et calle t thile offices et liis firm, wbene %-hemn lîtle luinlte way et manoy la guest.s et Misa ,Saundera. Dornestie Science Classes ln 0cr town?" \Vlîtby hae ben tivset (bt(hein ho ta oee of (ho bet-knewu deaiens. lu coming lu. Thiere are se many men out Ms..U.BonetSbyOt,18________ son, Russell, wbo ban bien with (ho wrting of bis vieil, the editor eft(ho- thenre now that more tunds, anti net vialting ut 'the home et ber daugbtem,'DSRC DOINGS. Royal ('anadian Herse Artlllemy, bas frimnVswppkly bulletin ays sareuede.Mr*.W. augustue.ill WHOLL AND GROUND SPICES FLAVORINO 'EXTRACTS WH JTFI FLD'S DRUO and STATIONEBY STORE WHITBy. eNTARIC Sole Agent for Butterick Patterns Sole Adent fer' Nyal Preparatiom Thnesbing eutit co)mplote, 20 h.p .Ca-etrat etatu uie Uhlte Traction englue, anti 36 x 50, Plana pmepam-ed. ad estimates fim )eckem Sepanaton, ail theneughly ne- nishei. mIlt anti oniy useti a shot timo. I Brock St., Suth et Peut Office, Whlt. houp sale Apply box 505, Wbitby. by, Ont. (t As A. ROBINSON -W. A. VO<JNG Untientaker anti turniture dealer. IClvii Bngine, Topegrapitieul Sum-vey*, Bell anti Independent phonos. Day landi drainage, subdivision deslgnlug, - nlght.1 plans anti dravinga, etimates, etc., m. IROOLIN ON. ,contnact werk. Gontm-actung. ROOKLN, - - ON i - Box 243, WHITBY. STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Efficient and Prompt Service 98790toi$, SA INGSeBAKr Dep Banches. WH:mSAINOS BAaalBrnhe WHITBY BRANCH MeOsUa., ODO LIMES.0F -SIJMMER HARDWARE .4 AT COSI PRICES .4 Reg. ul.7 fur' $285 Ee .5o.Ifor27 2 cati mft Pie. 82.00for 81.50 Taira-I Mît ttug. lAi fe.' ,,oe M 1ISNU Reg. 5ô iteg1-Oc for $.(0 for noc Ai saieet Wla lU WlodowSOtroons ani SOPOW Doâ t LwPqu 4 .4 .41 7olyme.8 efor80 Praeg8a, fiflt " e*4for A, ENÉR 111P CouityoI sciatie,î wish (q i-l nil onatton oet$1 l&utletigcet fNo'vu' -y n'as given <0o ivuy ticmeti advIs tion bas doue el iattily, oee f 111*1 ulleeqti et te -fue l 11, camp at RIti WARW*U4G-*CAX Mm, Thomase-Çhl 3treets 4iut* P)eraonsliîave. b fta ref use inietà 4ýA "eux lie tes-el hlm t' i N t- '1, 4.',- -i. k STICKY FLY PAPER FLY POISON PAD$ I :i .1 - -t" .00 1~ -f A-I. 4 t- - a Phone 131. FRIPAR RING mufttr.

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