Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 10 Aug 1916, p. 4

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- -. THt~1I~DÂY, AU~U5T 10, i~16~ 1- ~r ~, ~ s Y; -'r <i. - -. r N ut n '~ ., <sf1 k Y, -s--~ 't1 ~I~JF~< Tae ffgrat ea o dseom!fort. -the 1abb th I T t tIH P ENINGS -. TiitktC.» I.1t C lucd 1 hei bthcià fremoirig théet OF"HE 182 d B T AL O the bOt et weahei', llws ,greter enjoymielt et the Sun-N fluing tehtspi o water the day services, why we say-Take It off, - quentibnjot the h u a ecm .a Lieut. V k ery o Oshaw , and yeun g men of te-day. These eider men m enSt ti k of the o r a s I c huh "a nd en ey tNm men ake ff heircoat lnChurh?" Most women regard men as fotIIsh LÂut. A. C. McKenzie, of WVbUby, bave did the Pioneer work ln this country. A (1oulile oftlinstances have been noted we tcmst otwa rcsue.been detailed te attend a Scout and They had te filht against al sorts of- Infle>rs where minîsters have In- we tcrest o etercsue.iombing Course at Camp Borden. Four edds before tliey could prepare their IIe eýein-the ircrestirs Wrlting ln a carrent weekly, a Toronto N. C. O.s heve been detalled te attend farise te earni their subsisterice. The tdo 4 mn te îîir lady receritly said:-*"It la pathetie tea Bombing Course at Camp Berden, young men eft te-ay Inherit these O n ta todog, d alyohrmi vtr itness the ipologetic air and the re- while three hâve beun sent up te tako taris, and do net appreciate the diil. have extended the Invitation wlî.lîut lcac ihwihaaa eoe i i special course with the N.C.O. ciass culties whlch are faced by their fore-' recolvlflg newspaper mention. Felitlucac it hc amnrmoe i at the same camp. tfathers. The fathers ef the present In aeelpDns ro aprso tecoat ln a temperature et 90 degrees. captain James Gray, wbo bas been generatien were fighters every inch of1.e ingie are chlpigi teomaers Te tirt h en many et the women appear un- adJutant ef the 182nd Battallon, bas tbem. One wonders wbat will be enid W disiic rgarln th mate. Te ire .blushingly in cestumes se sheer as~ te received bis prometion te ho Major ef the fathers-etf the future genertition. tw aefaoabpte w lttrar e- ee tl ethImgnio. and second ln eemmand et the Battal-1 Civillan RecruitIflg Committees bave a B -d twde are pposed: toltetr d lueuieL teiaiaIn on. -Lieut. A. B. Ceckburn, wbe bas been tormed ln the Townships of Mai-a,a B t cledyHot ether dress retenu lg eadlY heen officer iu charge et the Base Ce., Rama and Therab. BomavhleBttean-Pof ~"needed arneng the men, and te matter has aise recelved his promotion te t.be Ail et the officers efthlIe Battalion, ex-C0u f A. J. Jobasten, acting pasier et Slmcoe f er -l gcots ln hb I a aeed rank of Captaîn.1 ceDt those detalled I1er courses, wert' St. Methodist Church, OJshawa, Suindayermen casnur g A Most successful series et patrietlc present at the officers' meeting held on morning suggeuted the men remeve! way te start tbe reform. Perbape the meetings were beld tItis week under Tuesday, August 8tb em.tee theln cents and set the example b>' re- editors et the Pnekef and te Revieir the direction et the Bn-talien Central 1 The Central Recruitlng omteofM s mp l mioving hie ewn, as did ethers. Dress-arntveysrg church goers thon'- Recrulting Committee. 7l1e headcjuar- the Battalîctu bas warin tniends lu cd in white, lie gave a splendid sermon., selves. If so, we can more easily un- tors et No. 3 district, Beaverton, was every district. At GaimebrIdge ene each towvnship The evening service was held on the selected for twe meetings en Wednos- gentlemen offorod, the use et bie car at chtireti lawn. derstnnd temr aversion te wllat the3 day and Saturdayr whlle on Tbursday any tîme it would be et service. At tshawal !tcf9r,irr: - The Oshawa may cai 'sensationalisai." Te us, whe a meeting v as held a' Garnebrldgo and Atberley a Torento lady made the samie Thei micister who discarded lis ceai lmet go te churet ai least ence or twlce s en Frlday at Udney. These meetings offer, white kindly offers et assistance' 9Su4ndity and Inv liedlits male adheretE, i mentIt. it appears te be Jusi plain corn- were wel) attonded. and a large numbe! jhave been ma-de wberever meetings post to 'foliew suit," certainly otught te etfn'en etigiblo fer rnllitn-ry servicel-have been beld. Thtis betokens the bave a maise in salary as a token ef es- m0on seuse te remeove ones ceatIif one le wene Prcseg eaeach occasion. Sppeech- geod spirit whicb provails ametig aS e fecen. tuee warm wihit on. e were mn-de by Sergt. Gibbons and large part et the population. Thero te Orilia Pfro ':t luI an 1'xtrrige dîierent members efthte Recritlng are soene people however te wbern self C'httrrh NStînda> hefore hast, the preach Staff. At Beaventon on Saturday, the means moere than sacrifice. Thtis leaaM i *- tnvitetheme of theîw ea0n FRONM THE wHITIY 1BOYS IN chair was taken by the Reeve, Mr. strange spirit te be in evidence at sucb themca (-ogreatBînchard. wbile en Weduosday te Rov. a time. It Beceas almeet incredible Elei îlcd.aketoffthlng teuais.ddanydcoen- t elwa eie eieGzt McKay acied as pnosidlug officer. thai men eau be found whe are wIlllflg lilid. ilthie t beodd iidsena- ;aztte Mre. Pansons. our lady speaker. very te sacrifice If -niecessn-ry their hîves,Di land Chasiile was i signed by Indi- uafontuaatitly was calIed te ber home while nelghbering farinera with tht-e Bowînanville1erirt',,c- F'or te vcmryvida aebta tt ind"h nCohae w etebgtrstio or sens are net prepared te en-cri- shtort lime thai yoiî are ln church or iulnms u a esge Tt l at o hra eoungteLtbgtires i eeente xrawrkLou hee- chapel. It will hurt ne man tn wear \Vi htby beys la Beigflun'"Ilwill ccc- Thefineartt ee fmuîi. an ilsliten foeo the stra wowIltlIe on- hie entor awomn tew-cr ter ît. . e> the aews te our readens thai up Tcfnebedemeqlos-dfislsmetteuetUces udn'-. bis ento mctdpor judgm v leatr tl h aee nia I Ielclwitich wene ln evîdence ai oeeoetour Tihis spirit 18 infectious. Il la a pity etla per sexte anpor witîoîît fthe.by ithe t tinBale ocalenemetings tItis week botheredlte chair- that smorne thte yeung men canuot t-ca plhe e e p e ar-d eneîtgh inu their tlhretigh the fi-tlgiiflguascathed. mac net a itile. They teck a decided lîze that there le a day et retnibution Some eo- aecrt ikiag te Sergi. Gibbons, se mucIt se at hand. At present lun te whtJlOet ways Ie forget lt people have enough Belgitîni, JIthy 9, 1916 itat te had te descend tren' the wagon Canada there a-re net more tItan about Ewse destIoe t anm, ctotena Editor Gazette aud Ctroatcle: and cimplete hIe nddt-esc lnte cen- 900 neturned soldions. WIton the war le o u We dstr toadd ur oir tu he a- )eam Sir,-P-ohibly the peopleofetire ef the noaLd, la order te te f ree f rom over esttiates place the reiurned seld- jeriy wlio are ln laver of reimoval oft wtIIthy v ttld ilke te knew ttat wve, or lte-se peste. lers -in Canada at leàst 350,000. That such as when ceaie during hot ucat hem. Men are thre mosi of the beys that carnie everseas Lie'tt. Patton addressed a meeting titese meu willhktve a promitiett place pecular einte France \vîth lte 59tIt Baitalien, aire ot the Beaverten Town Counicil lasi Fnl- la the future lite et our country, thore lation, total peuirblgs. Mn-ny ef theni lo:er atwl elatagod time utile ia day evening, peitinlg eut lte duties 'ca-a be ne dotubt. Their wtves or tbeir teciseteai lndthearotng athsrutcidar. Etîand. W'e bave been lanthe ienctes and nequesiing the appointnt cf a familles wil te here te snpt.ott theit sh oim n a thick cent ~ ~ ~ wîc and ftrn Bifclar wc nd i t a very thrillîng ex- C7IvlI't Rerîiting Cemmttete He views, antd thon, If net hefere, theshoc, m n ratten titan apPpar in sanie coslitrie 1jtcriPnce. WVe have -;Pen fnany etfte %vas accordud a verv warm t eceptioTt. selfisit civIhians et tte proeut day willl ote osthai camae trom W'tit> ulitItand a st-car cotnniuilee of prenuinent be la an'uufavorable position. c u t debenl ltai la more conifoniable and decidedivthéotr bslattalin. %"'e ihope te te ritîzt-ns tas heen fenmed wltIt Pria- A aew speaker bas been addod te thte cocher. Pnobably one otftechee a- bar k in taiada p)rtcilvBoutn. We ulîl cipal Given as chait-man. recruitIng staff, lInte perseti et Pte. ens why cheneti aticadanre le ce sllmi close ncu - hopluS yott can fibd a place At te meeting at Brechin on Salut-- Preston Entes. Pie. Entes wa-s a 2ndEe dunlng te bot weather le that mcc i ue.r pai-r ithat yetit eau ciii) this day, a splendId addness un-s made by Butinlion mn, ti-t fougbi n-t At-mon- I n'uprtr eca- tî-erenir-emiastc îolee Wib ISpps m ese ihs was quile imnpromptui. tiens, Ypres, Gevluchy and Festubert. r ~uoudltkc te heear front th( beys ai the but thIe knowlecdae thai hie son ivas Ho is nom, a member et the 182nd Bat- erB they ana wear neglîgée attire, te ai- front. This liq'rs t ail scilii vell. a pnîsecer la the bande efthlIe Ger- alion, and ls a very interestitig teuding a chut-et set-vice w hiere thcy Fremu thec,\Vitbv beys ma-as, flied tte speaker vith t scb on- speaker.. The tact ltai ho leaeueetf ivo are uppsedte ît.wîtî a enten a a i n elgili thuelasm thai tie carried lte meetiing brethes w-ho are n-i iiit.te service etf arespposd teBit ith coa on n aby sienm. Ih eente certaintat lte theiKing, makes one wonder n-gain, meu-tavIte are tee eld for milItat-y set-- Wiy sIteu;,j one famihy de se mucht, vice musrt beloag te a differeai clase w'tile ettore de suItuile? entirely te those wtc are now eligible, Meetings are belng Iteld titis week ai -lu that ttc> carry wIth then'lte en- Canciaglôn, Sunderland, Wiltred and - thuSillin cf tlgt pat-lotie motives., Vt-emactcti. Mrs. Pansons. Sert-gi FRUIT 13ULLETIN-thicI seen' te bc lackIng amoaget tce Gibbons anad Pie. Emnes will speak. h ud av BI1G TOURIST TRi.FFIC. - Tpe dPubirtone tewic us- so ld h v Houewies re dvscdto ut ow plitj otedponitioH ope Tt or's iithrec in flt-ty in th( 1- 0swvsae d'sdbptdonpe y fTtheut-iter oethiese lines bas, juet me- weeke, owIug te la-ck et workmeii, bas o e-w nSs ,Plumns this year. tut-ced front a ten days' siay anîdet lte 1nesutn'ed its Isse again. o eýw n9 e Th elhqaiisstmmiet resetth Ie Geergian Bn-y.___________- answers a th, The eath quliles IAGAR& It un: eNpected, owlng te te extreme- i of fruitarewell knowvn -wtaddsgea weatter cf Somi-Roady Tailoring PENUN1L>lJue. conined wiLi un-r conditions, Iiiist on the Niagara - tattbre would be aemali patronage oetttc tou-s resonts tiIs sonson. TItis Ilennul Bra d- ent-, Itcever, bn-s net been exteusively I>nisuà ra d-reaitzed. for some of lte rosonts are Suit& or For SvhooIs this Map It is yolirpat-onized te capaeiiy, whitle otere o f e0 FULV LEhave a faim average patronage. Tite Overcoats F rO fc gu.-irantee of qu-ility fUL VLUEcottages appear te ho pnactically all oc- - WcS N 4-ei p pe.nthere at-e ltheusual . -'$18.0 and honest pack. otseemeC. I lf teta.e Tabfcou t h~easlaie ar.Every owneî EAT MORE CANADIAN FRUIT and keep your Ou tevlite <le the tourist son-son le well to $ 0 0,heodryuc l utc heaveragoed« success. The bot m )neyin Canda. aiter et July bas; sent eut fron' ad- m )ey n anaa.jacent teuns ail uho en-n possibly ge Trousers, awa-y, even If fer only n fcw days. There are bundrede and tbousands etf ' $4,50 Cut Out the mon-l? Il Indicesil the h.child la gettias ready te tale vorUl gsaen«ng. very îcw NA IO ALp-eoirgli SIM B"y iren th. eruption et the teclh Mn-y b. dolayi ornat, as higIt asr$j.60 bier basket. qj% A IN N TI N but . wheuever the teth do appear îhey imuet be- t-lien s a Bush incres â 00w burntflg in ni-otal »umber o! visita toreajaent:.*OOY__gob Nmii A se$pt hjnout r.clvei la i tes lm o eions. torte SflilhtII labItIIndIý The foight evtthe baby, increasin silaoudfrom -vek to veel.i. th ie air dunthe xtii ai veea - beau alL - fainath* motb on-. 0*t f the mcot InioItant indications of the baby'. hethb. , if ail hSoins very smoky. jn-it.4tto ,tii. ome, W ~ ~'tii inramsatahl;If 1he velght la alatiousry or If baby la bg'îcre* iévi n- hi '"t 1..1. i *ôn pntolet 1 el u@cf yehht, it le évience that thé brout milli te uniuttabl,-U.s4 le baby 51«U1 VWiae l.5#*NHmiiOtou Sut1dmeY tKmpir - rv'!uwlul ê iroe srltCA b. wwea, or pal rtl aaoi, irrespective etfnaxe. 11 tbo motb.r in evenulJuly 30. Arotiiet!"W ihIA te» 0ineuh c ý'gtrf«trom a&Dy acta or citronle disos, or If pregnant. lie baby shouli MOiiuiry 0fe121M 1md agi iiI 10 dl igweLa-: A4 to th* boat Umne for vownmiDo uot depend o* thie UM efet be Cropuvetabl"a mii fwita %It tg *#5o -iy au zbneuse. Ailthiaga belusa-qu lhen-ny apisa or Ut*at, 00ta lmSSWW W e3 heu hOuk fir8tut tol panlong about t4 *lt* or eoutb motb. tute firet onrésaulaurblu f ittor (4) onacaso! go"d cir* Mdi t"O (3) ouum et balrloy voe vetesi vit" a litie suW et o literIvo al obslttt tb i, for two regltlu mrsss. nu4Eant flb ~aoup~etWeoka *tic milli"dabarley vater miy b. aftensait.,. â Ereog o te Mtuhhor terntmoiti* bebrenS m"Y ho Utùûd à1atogétitea'. l is vsy the bali> viii b. veaiaf grutual lnt vS'euâly, mité 1h. liena Ia-pao$troubbe Mu i1lb'lb. j wdous motber, w*hrn -lu& t I i nftuTy glyq Il 10 m* tbof; lte ,momefood lb. baW @ab . ti lte&ble il becomoi. Il cris met beanme et biisa rbut abuéIts ch le oerlUiIef T07 yla luherproeof voagIv n-«dmqro food ln durtbu dls aouif tomprfl emliisud-ad «Iqvateror mo ,ho othot Mum#,iohos or but. m, morne d fruit,. eoe»" *ules ýt f n-Nef. and ater a sott-boilef ag. - i. suto an i 'e- th. baby pl.shty o! puret-wn-er. andafkop Itlta tic ýt h* lby la fr*ttUai, koopirnst isîa ts O M or,ïuo lth ié>W a I FW MAP no Couty, eClr ive*tu Sole Ag9encY ýo and Ne W Map of Ontar'io îity, lnsizEé 22 x 34 triches- the ~ 0 ne2ifl and lots are clearly marked. rei loot nthe mapah iees-s- i 1reisalo io on th v l h tm Rafices, Raiolay nm TRavled sRas, ins rAoveSa Level isaions Co I,undearee, rision Court iNuxnbers. STA IS TICS givein, the townshipls were first settled, present popu- assessment, taxes psdmncpland ÏWipal and sehool debenture debt, and the- ture debt in 1915. [orne, Every -Buisiness Office, very Publi*c Buildinigo Every School a copy of this 'map. iNot one office or home - county lias a county map. Almost every day . oration ý 0e- on tins-!- p. i. uM mc. ousaud quiestions, and neyer gets. tired. PRICE or Public Buildings (rnoumtsd en saVIeS wlth roture) *$1.00 br Home (wlth lin mountiiig) - 0 Sent post paid to any address on receipt of price. rof an automobile wants this miap. Neyer put of! tili to-morrow. kp Enclosed find ........'........ for copy of ypur new Ontario County map. -pe... .................. mI. e b -CII dI ý Mppan-i eserten miliibave beéa tingfortht cited eafrO MIiss d!n- &,.MWuS are. There wili be a-large fo e vicen-ble hiiit Ëunand Mis& fIoml- Ployeea tl&iovn.eut go!* hel! In, t»> sm ah0*i4soiieW i'upootired f-. lIn MIIL as tii. pin-ust$e,'f esday t addOt c«loi .,: IWItl liied fruit h W i nib.el amore porto! It ia.Themkoi IIbïoid butter and' ozm Iuty, t ,. ot eggs, Mrm. L140law gave the saervl40 a «O'~Vrmm 10 dIi tii. hotusé, hand DELIGwrg'ULLY 0001 e ârO. Tistcbei 'dù4 othorebrougbf l j"" S gitnalfer the le. MA S Tb-us, St t le *h t4Itougitfui- l'eortMeNice». aate* -1 ni an offl .-no me g e I-itpjlai4 tieýt n Wlathie-0.'ien-i' am were un.*- îaglntb. to*e la ýiâe; »mos4lýih ".àiu ast t r e pattit le-a, 1 i.W tl ol e~i4*Y ~li n-a âd t o si BCO?? t-A * r With t in Ont, past -ex re asoir give y If we 'L your n ln The -JE1 r ai h i t y o r - r - ( rs r il t 1amly ttc Cet jou & preaebl M-r. TxIo and - f oriel 'ure el sage -ihe JE caped ets Fr-se la Co catiet Tht - the r sole Oal>, sytti Exo ci -IL --l- Statioiisýt interestin.o.,r statistics are also )me au send to-d ;zpTill and informatioù- ý given on this map. iL au luitp

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