Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 3 Aug 1916, p. 8

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THtJRSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1916. hines Clarâ îviooe, who bas he~e ler- home bore for -the. Past week, hué h<~'~y Lattais ~ returned to Tôrob.NIIM Aswe go to présa #ord hau reacliedi us that Mu-s. W. Hall bad used awa. ou orsodn: Deeeased was 94 Y .ears of age. A r.1 V account of lier doath wilI appeau- in our ____________luneo Mu-s. Harris, wtdow of (the late Rev. BROOKLIN. jas. Harris, andi ber daugbteu-, Mu-s. 0'- Mrt. and Mu-s. Ilobt. Spencer were ln Connor, were here for a few day. last Advbm Te U Whltby on Tuesday afteu-oon attend- week to attend the funeral of the late Tb. i.. SUSg the funeral of the latter's brother, Miss Howden. Wbile here tlicy callcd Mrt- Jos. Augustus. on their rnany fu-ends, who weu-c mucli he Mlisseis Moore, of New York, au-e plcased to sec (hem again. vlutlng their brother, Dr. John Moore. Since the fires in Nou-theu-n Ontario Mir. andi Mn. Jas. Luke left thus the fact has been impressed on (lie ~week fou- a trip to the West. minds o! our thinklng cîtisens that Mr. anti Mn.. W. T. Bruce, of Osh- there Is veu-y littIe tire protection lni Maa sPei. a few days at the home of our village. We bave buekets and lad- Mir. A. ttchen, pu-tor to spendlng a der, but where téltue water. Theýýfciis imnonth afithe home of Mr. Don White, are 10w aoi th% tp-c, the r*al s4>P1rtý Aa'hburni of supply, goliè.' Could irnyotdb ugget- Mr. F. Scott was in the village on what could be done in case of tu-e? Moaday, completltug the sale of lus res- , It (s a notewortby tact (bat the Idenee to Mr. Alliu. Broolilin Public Sebool lias presented Miss Frances Maundreil. of Toron to, the- .blghest standing of any public Yrss ln town attending thîe futieral of sBcool in thîe County, having passed- Miss Hlowdetn. ailtithe Entrance candidates, aiso the Mu-. and Mrs. Gordon Hall. otfl3ramp_ two liapils in the Continuation CIa. ton, apprit Siinday bure. Miss Jessie examination. The result i. dlue, o! Smith returned home witb them. courge, to the bîgb standard and efil- Mrs.Grahm, o Tornto,(s ilng dient work of Miss Phalen, whoti the lirs s aist, iss l-of Toonod it, conmmun (ty regrets lias been dismissed 8 Mric. Kennedy. of the Oshjawa Hospi- becaîîse corne of the ratepayers were tai Staff,.IL' home on lier bolidays. prejudired against ber. (t la unfor- "In My opi Mu-. Chtas. Anderson expects to mo'-e tionale Iliat tbis bas occurred, as Miss ln the worl i5 ~BortIy Io Nr. Henry antînrs house. PlinIens utual will be bard to find. li on and fndig- Pte. McTlain, of ('anili liorden., spent Kind. gentle and retirîng, she was loy- Suîiday in (lie village with friends. led hy those wlîo knew ber Inlimately. lw-as asu ffée r 11ev. Roger Allin lias mioved inito bIs atnd lier mnny friends here hope ber rive vears, an anew home recentily purcias(-d from M Nr. fuiture work m-111 be mc as brilliant. tion, MNusic, 1 F. Scotit. According to the Inspectors report, Intestinîal l'ai Mr. (Ioîrluy nand faintly hav e moved %Ites Macpherson dld equally good blcd minn Mrs. A. .ilarnît i s lioiuse work. aheblhr Mrs. Bell aiîîd NIîter Goîrdonî are A letter bas been receiveci from Pie. eating, and Il visiting In Gr-tlliN-r. WVater Lawrence, of the Royal HIgb pis and me< Mr. Fred (iw.rif liifkegon, Cavulry, France. in whicb bu acknowv- noIhnhle Micb., wns here ruticuding thebufinierai ledizes ruceijit <of a box of honey and tînhlt o! Miss liaudinll daint lus sent ley Mrs. J. W. Stevensont to try "Fnîi MiNssMîrîtie (tu%lu 11 uns lit Torontlo and ý1rs, (harles MNlckey.. lie express- six montis 1 thîs week. <d lis . rygreat alilireciatlorior theu 1advise anv I lhorribile trotil) BINDER TWINE Our stock bias arrive.d. hundred discount for cash. Get )-ours now. 5o cents rer eCRN ([JLTIVATORS Wie havè a Iew new ones tf , also çorne second hand ones in good working order. SILOS 'il' il' -I. i 'iVrite forý A few left at la-st >'ear's puice, Dunlop and Maltese Cross manufacture. W. F. DISNEY B ell andIndmi. Ph one s Whithy, Ont. SAV E YOUR -MONEY FOR Tl-l DOMINION WAR LOAN TO BE ISSUED IN SEPTEMBER. By purchasing a bond you will help to WIN THE WAR and obtain for yourself an investment of the highest clasa yielding a most attractive rate of interest. DEPARTMENT 0F FINANCE OTTAWA. MUSICIAN MONTREAL R. ROBEI'4URGa Casgu-ain St., Monhreai. April 2Oth, 1915. inion, no other medicine is so curative for Consiba- g-e'slion as " Fruit-a-tives" ýfrom tliese com plaints fou- .d my sedentary occupa- irouglit ab--out a kind of ýral ysis - with nasly Ilcad- ng gas, drowsmness after 'ain in thte Iack. I tried élicines of phiysicians, but plme. TVien I was induced î -a-tiveus ", and now for havte heen entirely wel. y one wIt' suffurs from that blu-UluroîîcConistipation with the resultant indigestion, Io hy Frui-a-ites",and y)ou will be agreeahly surprised at the great bcnefit )-ou wilI receivc ". A. IIOSENBURG. blOc, a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25c. At ail dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit- a-tives Limited, Ottawa. glft, as etich things are Immensely en- Joyed by hiie boys at the front, more han they ran express. The luxurles, are hlghly prlzed by them ln contrast to ihelr regular rations. He hoped it would not be long untîl the war ts over, and lie cotild return to see the many frtends w-ho have been so mindful of hli wlille lie bas been on active ser- CAIID 0F THANKS. Mrs. W. H. ElI'.ss and ramfly wlsh to thank thiIr many frlends who show- ed them so much klndness during their recent bereavement. DEATH 0F MISS HOWDEN. A sudden deatb occurred ln the vil- lage on Thursday, JuIy 27th, 1916, when Isabella Ann Howden passed away. Deceased had an Ilînesln April and May whlch left ber beart ln a very weak condition, but for the jast two months she had been ln ber usual health and had been goIng around. She iretlred on Wednesday night ln fber us. ual health. but was tound dead ln bed the next mornlng. Miss Howden was the second daughter of the late James Howden. who settled at lot 16, con. 8, ln 1832, where the family llved until eleven years ago, when they gave Upi the fai-m and came to Brookln to re- sîde. She was well and favorably known ln titis viclnity and neyer miss- ed an opportunity to Iend a helping hand to those ln need. She was a wo- mani loved by ail those who knew lier, and w111 be greatly mlssed ln ber home and the Anglican -Church, wbere she was one of the Most active workers. She leaves two sisters and two brotbers to mourn her los-MBtu s Howden at honte, Mu-s. Porteous, or Gait, who bas heen staylng wlth ber sister for some time, and Hugli and William at borne. the funerai, which was very largely attended. took place on Sunday to St. Paui's Churth, Co1umbUj, where a most IMPresslve-service was held.,In- terment wa.s made ln St., Paulw cerne- tery. ReV. Mr. MUIrhe"d cndueted the service. A Splendid WaY to Reduce Une's Welght. There ln, perbaMa no on,$ th#"g tiat shows the pssslg of aur youth go0 much as tlie hi>rylI tendency oft»More us tO Put Ou tOo uUChU Wlglt Lter ve ha~e twed th au or 26or go. Nov.. ««e ruu. Our t face n» par our ftu« 081"gV4 Do awae' The cause et thle overstoutaeu j# that our sWmsameanvet U* $«4 » v »Kt bile 1NMbecasetiiee # t U@u«gl *l~~em la th* bte.d te Pro4uce a pro. Per omomostosite dw *0 *OU t w. Te. To" 10lce e'kwstot #0te a - rstglui u4 SPt en 1« vilstai1 Jtunlôti lis' needie andt thread race --ladys Rogers. Senior girls' needie and thu-ent race- Gertrude Lofthouse. Junior girls cgg and spoon race - Leta Pascoe. Senior girls' egg and spoon race - Janle Sturgess, Junior girls' hamnuer and naui race- Qladys Rogers. Senior girls'hlammer and nail race- Jante Sturges. Senior girls' potato race-Ruth Mac- Namara. Junior girls' shoe and stocking race -Irene Powell. Small boy'. uunning race-Tht Her- man Scott, 2nd, Chester Robinson. .Junior boys' running race-Tht Euric Dean, 2nd Walter Bus. Intel-mediate boys' runnîng race - lat Ronald Elliott, 2nd Harold Pascoe. Senior boys' uunning race-lst Roy Lick, 2nd Hilram Drew.- Senior boys' runing broad jump-lst Roy LIck, 2nd Hiram Du-ew. Interutediatte three-legged race-Elh Pascoe and Edward Luke. Senior wbeelbarrow race- Roy' LIck and Eve rett Jackson. Intermediate wbeelbarrow race -Ehi Pascoe and Ronald Ellott. Senior tbree-legged race- Everet Jackson and Roy Lick. m Better Cake and Biscuits use Royal B-3aki ng Powder. You xvill get better and finer food and insure its healthfulness ferior baking powders because of apparent lower in- cost, but there is very littie difference. i practical use-about one cent for a whole cake or pan of biscuits-a mere trifle when you <i consider.the vast difference in hèalthfulniess in' KINSALE. tavor of food macle with Royal Bakilr Mr- Jackson, of Brock fload, camp over to preach on Sunday eveîîing last. Owing to the extreme lieat, not maîiy weeout.1 1 Royal Baking Powder is made front creari Nirs. Maddaford and daughter o! To-devdfrm ga e- ntra od ronto, are spending some bolidays at drvdfo rps antrleo Mn. James Pengelly's. * fo ie Mr. James Pengelly lîad the misfor- conti-asted with alum, denived fo ie lune to bretuk bis car whîle down at and used in the manufacture of some bà Heydnsbone Park. (t was iiecessary toI attacb a team te (t In ordçr to get îî ders because it is cheaper. home. AIr. Pengelly did tîte frsi thru-slîiiîg of the season ai Mr. Gormley's on Tues-1 day (ast. (t being alsike clover. ROYAL I3AKING POWDER CO., N- Miss Frances Davis, o!flochester, Is vlsltlng ber aunt, Mrs. tC. J. Steven-' son.- Some from bere nttended the funeral of Miss Howden, of Drookîlu, on Sun- 'day last. The Harlock famîly. of Toronto, vis- - - - lied at Mrs. Ricbardson's on Stînday. Nexi Sabbaib wll bu the regîuar The Preshyterlan garden party last MYRTLE. quarterly meeting ai Kinsale. Service week was a decid-ed succt-ss in every Qiuarterîy seriuce was held lucre on will he condîîcted ai 10.30 arn. AIl will way. l>roceeds $2011. Sabhatb morning whîen a goedly num- be welcome. TPle swimnuing pool (s (n grent de. ber were ru-celt'ed int the church. We regret to bear of Mr. Parrinder's, mand tîlese hiot days and niglils. M.adM'.F rtoo saa sudden Ilness. At lime of wrhtlîîg the -Miss Marie Gray, of Oshawn, is vis, M.adMs .Brtoo saa doctor had 1(111e or no hope o! lits ru- iting friends uîere. weyhlausts eek. adMs sa covery. He (s Mr. Arthuor Parrîndur's _____ F aestareecoig lredta faîber, M-ho lived (n our midst last Fth e uîtene he(srling the grtan summer. MOUNT ZION.thInes ets pnighgrn We congratuîlalu Lockwood McBrien C.. L Maekey and wife. o! Kînsale, toorspl. r)Cak !BihClm ulto successfully passed bis entrance spent Stinday witb Adani Spears. r.(.)CakofBish olm exams. ai Wbilby.MoIoIbfrerofisvcnt bia, (s spending- the summer with ber Miss McKay bas been spendlng a bave finisbed bayi-ng, and report onepaet, r.nd rsWmTaes few days in our midst. We understand of tîte best crops for years. .- she will talte charge o!flte Balsamn Russell Jones, o! Toronto, vîsited sebool after bolidays. wllb friends bere on Sunday, ri rn a. Mrs. Reed (s (tome afler spendîng John Walker, o! the 71b concession. Trii lmeT be some trne near Pickering. bas btîilt an addition to bis bouse, Mr. Levi Mackey, -o! Toronto. Is whicb adds grcatly to the appearance spend(ng some ((me here wilh bis of same. brother and other relatives.- Thomas White and fam(ly. o! Toron- ff Mr. and Mrs. Faradale are now re- to, motored down and spent Stinday- - jolcîin (Ic h addition o! a fine baby wt i itr r.J .Jns boy tb theirwlh issite, rs J H Jnc.1 Wilf red Sadler's farm I adverlised- - G. T. R. te rent, and mbould secure a good man. TI-ere la more ('starrh ln tht s rection of thé country thb- n &tlothe- diseasc.p,,îti-1eiher.sudi for yearu il wasiîp-oaed f(o be in uruable. t>octort preuetbed -local rentedieg. unI1 by cou- stanilv faitn o cre with local1 trehet let. pro- nounc;edil (t netialie. catai-rh ts a lcc Idiseuse, 9greatly influefted by eonsthtlonit conditions sud therefore requires eons'ituti -nal tfent- ment. HalFs Ceasarih Cure,. manufactured- by P. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo. oh!i' ta- stilutionai reîîîedy. is taken intertîiiti sdcta thi-i ie blo d on the Mleau. Surfaces of the Systm. oe Iunjdred Dollars rewsrd i1. ,ffer- euJfor any came that FHall'.s tatUtCure faiils o 'ente. Rend for etyculareansd tentîmouiat.. F1.CH EN.V & CO>. Toledo, 0hio. so y Diuliga 7w. Hall'. Farnily Pilla for conatipatlot. -RAGLAN. -Miss Loltie Kellinglon Is spcnding heu- vacation witli friends la Stouff villc. Miss N. Spencer, o! Brookîila svlIsIt- 'I»g with Miss Bertie Luke. Mu-. and Mu-s. Clarence Hodgson, o! Oshawa, spent te week-end heu-e. Miss lu-ene Vallani i.s visiting Ia Osh. a'wa. Mn. and Mu'. E. William. anti Mr. and Mu-s. Wrn. Hastings, of Oshawa, Motored out and speat Sunday wlth Mu-. and Mu'..P. Vallant. Mu-. Thontas Thompson spent (lie week-end ln Toronto. Miss Doroth-Y Moffatt i. vlting with tu-tends. ln ttca. Miss MgrguiretStanton bhs ueturne' te lier graitdmotber's heu-e atter spend- Ing the weo« witl Mu-. and Mm .WMI Drydena« st flu-oolin. Harrest tu la fuli swing 110w. A vieu-y plissnt tinte vas aDent on Thursday « lIat weekwben ,tbe 8un. day School heldtheir Aft plee T wcatber wus flue-and eve*'ybody enjoy. ad the dAy-gretIy. Donot forget (the Raglan cburch gpý> don party on Auguat 101hOa tne ehur-ch lawn. CLUNSUS. Mr. $114m11. )iou alat suay lth. Ipamit BDaayber, h**naielM b he batebar. go $un.' ROYAL THEATRE Three Nlgkt&,a Week Durlng JuIy and August, Monda.y, Wednesday and Saturday Graft "' very Monday nlght. Admission, lOc tu &Il, lc War Tax. Big Broadway Feature every Wedrîesday. silltgs o Division COURS OOUNTY 0P ONTARIO. 1191&. 1. W M MBY-m" I.L Umacionneli. WhItby, Clerk-Jan. 4, 7*. 1, Mdai. 1, ÂPr. 4. UK»- 2. lune 1. July 4. Sept. 6. Ocet$' Nov. 10 Dmc. 4Jan. si 1917. O8HÂWÂ.-Min KE.L .MdaelL Whttby, Clerk--jon. 58. Feb. 2., a.S 4r1. 6, -li 14,juse3,joli 60 sBqt. i OP£ 4. NOV. . fe. t8. ianS.lui?. 3. ROUQ1IAU-,M. hiiescaGrog> voot, Clerk-'-3an-, S.Mati8. Muy 4. Matju>ir . Sept 4.& e. . eu -A . or, .Urh WHITBY JUNCTION. 0 Ing W eit...* 4 $u.rn. 1GoiDgEaat...Ioa 7 80.10 &.rn - -....7.9.3p.rn. Sunday trains (cave for Toronto at 4.52 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. From 'loronto, -trains stop ut Whitby Junction Lt 8.20 and 9.55 ar.,. and 9.30 p.rn. UP-TOWN STATION. Going North_ I -ar-n. Goings outh ... .19a ;.4J%-OlhP.M- .. 1.1 p M 1-bdo .M._È .at.r -,C.]P. R. O4 Weatg-' am.I oiugs *-IO.a sm S a~min.2ýf .55a. 4 1.3 .M. 7 35 Pis . 10- .î13-33 98-M Leaie tWt'Bitugbam st 10 a.m Mr. Etivardu, proprletor. MAILS CLOSE - For Uag-7. 008.m. ILI# 1%11. rl ott oit Iy- 8.40 SU Profeustoual Carda i.: ~ - ~ZGAL -~ ~rouu - mat :~, ~ WVSUUs( - 10804.~ vinS c.utt Koum~ WN*5P l.~taSè1 n 4 S~ 4~iiU~flAf4 i.7~ ngrowvuer. n of tartar, ?roduct, as 'ai sources, Mr. and Mu-s. Cilsliolm, anti Mrs. Dé G. Ross motored to Oshiawa on Sun- day. Mu-. W. Ross lias leased Mu-. , Black's bouse, and will takc limdiate possession. I.. I.. o HOW MIJCH- ARE YOUR EYES WORTI ? f Don't take chances" when you eau geê- my gervices of over2> years exjperience. Fe E. -LIJ<E OPTICIAN, 167 Véonge Bt., l"eTGRIT (opposite Simupbon$.)- Now open in ShaSw# B.usinesa Ocliol. 7 Toronto, contiu*un til .Auliist 8h wlien Paîl Terni begs <,ut$s.- Enieran ta.. ee catalogue Write I.SIA I rmut Oeficemdat WDOr OpPSite ËHswt&a, 'Whltby, it,ým paýr yent. cml Atew o~ imt tnapeotforyouzielL ARTI4I I Q W~e seil the Cieosote Treated Wood Silo. prices- AUTOgMgDBILE ITIRES 4; !MM 2w t Houscuives arc sometimes led to use for Baki-nT Powder In ail recipcs

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