Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 3 Aug 1916, p. 6

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~n~ APSE OF ENOCH WENTWORTH By 1WfAlUEL GORD'ON CURTIS, Author of -"The Woman from Wolvertons" 1< $he ,stepped from the. carniage and T. ,girl rose--sudrea&h- passed swiftly alons thse sidew&lk Wb.-bhind ber for s box et cil - id the lia. -of s city's poor. 8h. lt, one. 1ouW gdbak ta bgaltat'edf«r a fe seconds wban Sob chair, snd puff.d rings - ,pcsied the corner, then the stretch.d1 towards the. red tars out -bier bond and laid it on the wt'i--.stJao a uec've 0 e i.Mua before ' Ni.eH.th» Utss.. Tir quie turned aibid sbared ut ber fer ome da- vbw he h.dcjk sts'uk one. ed motp*at. Be dld net spuL it. g t&rtod. - , nUV s¶l$le oui't* r *un isdhm thut "UMlm. Dorvas, you vnt -thi&#wase, eplace for a wq= n a # 0 hi tlk1 Iamnt rob po, brddnlght stom, nd hMa dearn teo Pro- .p .tether etuql th bum eto b.for. 1 -1amaswesaka e Mê1a i pe, bMd iuItlj IýMPth* siepi .1&U e afteru.on." s#Id*Il UXOwiout a wuord jf5 l*ad. lber 4mewnthe. f'atfflt 1 p'¶aow dld yen adav.?1BS uiovmmt caunse a score O sa ttes»d wmen puua e . daj ~ngwith qui4 cgrIouatyt t gdýr peo *Ia4aw fo t%4-uê7randointihe Th oef tIau rmmotsIad au <>pnl" 1'EVthIngelse yield-. "2hy wu*e net eàkhi ed tothe mrbtowrd food. MYouw.rer t"- q1 D" s Wmftfr 1. tbe. *&y to the 1 Dorsa nddd doatt BoLsat m fbbo e 0 XqYY te. hâwho: beldl 8.MO ,r a minute bis gaze. ged te girl Ieepaned and her eyes. te say. We ou can trust u May go 1 will pro- flnd yeu. 1 hand and f orward un- Of Cours You Need wllh a velvety aroothnea-and a new dollclousnee-whan il la mnaM wlîh BENSON'S. Arnd 1 t la pretty hard toasak for any- bthlng mtoreddestr-than a Chocolats Blanc Mance or Cream Costard wth *Fruit, made of Bénsona 0Cor Statch. SOr new Recipe Bookc "Desaerts and U Candies' ,telas how and horw much to Offlce-and b. aure ta tellyour grocer to send SENSON'S. the tandby la Canada for more t han halte* century. TultCANADI STAIU CI a ITt Practicul Reelpeu. cheppod aweet peppers and Inoistened Lemon Butter.-This in an excellent witb mayonnaise. fillingfor tarta or a spread for bread, The stnali pin feathers that are se andi h delicicus on bot biscuits.: Juice bard tO dean from very young chlck- of two lemons, tire. eggs- beaten ens cun be wlped off witb a dump lightly, piece cf butter the size cf un clot~h in mucit legs time. egg. Mix ail together and cook i a It Is wron.g to, put shees neur a double hoiler until abouti the consis- fire te, dry. The lieut is bad for the tency of custard. This will keep leather. FU11 damp shoes with paper fresh if preserved as jelly or pre- and staitd themn where it la warm serves.0 Apple Relis.-Cbop or coarsely HELP THE VERDUN REFUGEES. grind in food chopper enough apples te make about six pinta; aise mimante To the Editor or sweet Spanish peppera tu make On Friday July l4th., the Toronto abu.-Acp. wti W Brancit cf the Secours National cele- INA A .OTRNALIST TE IIow the Vessel la Ct, officer Plut Charge. "Every man te Ibis Stnd byl" abouti tbe fffteen men cf the. orew through the subinariri post On. at a tinte are opened and the we the tanks. The subma that water taken Into be blown into anotber the vesiel îhmply by ti cf lever and pump u u cf the erigineers.W. SULS 0FRS ,ntrolled bY the. red in station îioW. îe ekipper. -The w are distributed ie, eucb at bis now the valves ,ater rushes inte urina ha 80 built )one tank can rthe lengtiiofet le manipulation adar the tbumb are aow engag- .CHAPTE£R VIIL-(Cont'd) .. Merry stared ut ber fc Dorcas glancad at the handfui cf witb dogged obstinacy in h Men cowering in a shadowed corner. "Wç>n't you corne?" unl A suddon fear saizied ber, the f emifline imPetuously. Hier celer d terrer of,midn 1Igbti treats. an eager light aliene In "You den't lmigine," sho çwhisper-' "There is se much 1 want ed, "'that 1 shall bave any trouble? shaîl ba quite alono. Ye It is possible 1-arn making a mistake Jason.' Afterwards 'yeî in the man. Are they dangerous away-if yeu wsh-and characters among theta Y" mise neyer te sttempt to "Net, exactly dangerous," sai the will try te forgot yo'u." off icer slowly. If they're danger- Merry stretched out his ous it'a frem hunger. It ain't once touched her art, leaning L year ycsu flnd a crook hn the bread tiI hi s face wa scloea te1 lne. It's tee easy te spot them, Dorcas, den't, say that. waiting es bhey do for un heur or you that night on Jurupi two in that light."1 have lived a lifetime cf ho "Thank yeu," Baid the girl. Site herror and' remerse. crouched behind a half-drawii curtain alene ha saved me from in the shadow efthtie carniage, watch- the brink of the precipice, hng eagerly the gathering of hosuolesa, 'thing." He lifter bis ol bungry men. They began te creepi "The oes hing," hé repq toward the bakery f rom evory direc-1 could not fling away wE tion, ment of thom with a ahantbling e ry that yeu truste-I me,1 step that teld cf il-ehod feet or sama- 'ieved ifi me. and were ed-reluctande te beg fer food. The me te make good." skies ha.d been lowering for heurs, "I trust yeu now," cried and justi before midnight the first veice breakmng into a seb. atertn cf the whnt.er came down. It waiting for yd'u te make g began wth keen, tiny needles cf ice, yora corne hem with me?" but th ey stung and freze, fer the wlnd The cab stepped in fi drove theiri hn mercilesa, plerclng flur- Waverly Place home. Me' rien. The loitering men crewded te- hem reluctantbly up thei gethor and turned their faces sullen- pauued for a moment wlr ly from each furious cloud ef sleet. Justed the key in the leck. Hunger was bitter enouigh witheut the "Would yeu mind seoir storm. Dercas watchad tbrough sbe asked biesitatingly. mîisty eyes. She wendered at the stili yeu with dry clothes. H patience of the throng, Below her glaRd 'fo see you as1 arn.' in a basonient a warm red igbt burn- 'Rixng for him," answs ed, Abd through un open door the quietty. "J1aon snd 1ila wind blow tii" fragrance of boiling I1lf and bour latter Mi reffee ucress the street. Slîe Saw a inte the library where1 man thrust a sllm white-faced boy waiting for hi m. It sem Inte a shelter between the wall and the mere requmption of himeaif.fortqble clothing, even'th< "fIwere stFrving 1 couLdn't ho etili marked hini. had ziv patient and courteous,' mlhe thought. f reshb valor ,new digmnty "The smeil of food weuld madden me, He luughed nervously. 1 would btter a door do-rn." juvenation. isn't it 7" he She started isuddenly. then fur a glanced ut himself in moment ahe scarcely breathed. Down "Jason unearthed some Tentb street sgleucbed a tal. stoeping left bore." figure. The man wore a shabby Jason was an excellent overcoat which covered his body al- hot bath, a shave. and fr, rhost te the feet; ita collar was turn- had made a man of Merry, ed hiuh about bis neck and an old cf fuir hair whicbhubitja sglouch bat shadowed his face. Dorc&s bis forehead made him ceuld nee little between but a bristling boyiah, although bis face belar'd. The keenet detective searcb. and carewornT. ing for Andrew Merry would net navu "-I have eaten nothing gianced twvice ut te figure; Dorcas' ing," Dorcas Raid. I1 tc eyas followed it with grave pcrplexity. serve supper here, on a lit, 8h. had been startled into recog'ni- Ride the fire, where it i t"ý'tion the night before when the man cheerfu.' pulicd the shabby hut down over hii Merry dropped into a f ace. She caught a glimpse cf NMer- wndered if the intensee rysr long, white, siender Aingers # and the good tings ef life was noted an impatient, Peculiarly grace- ougneus. The oddor of bc fui gesture which waa chararteristic sight cf a duintiîy selt t of hlm. Dorcas hud seen lb, frequent- diance of a coul ire, theà ly, semetime., when ho WaLs on the shadt«h lighta, and the steu stage, sernetimes while he had talkod doorm brought a tinglir %vlth her. which aeemed like mer. ai Hie paused before facing the glare Menation. Ho shivered foi cf' Bu'odway and Puilled the huit brim as h. lisbnei te thé storni careruily about hit, face; it might dered what hsd made if halve he~r h#ter f rom Oihe ting- him te brave bomelestqneE U19 bîats cf ileet (ir for 6etter con-_ gar and squalor. Lookini ceaIment. Then be seemed te gather he realized he had borne i hîimielf toffether with enorgy hem cof lives through pain under t despair. He st'epped quickly forwurd an anesthetie. The mnis, tind took his' pince ut the end cf the mind hud dulled thte cordi, bicnd line. A hundreod men steod ho- nesmicf mere existence. twen him und the beneficence cf fooed. Te Nierry that supper Other.v were closing in behind him. tîval, net wheîly becn4ise Ilere ai-r there one man turnei te satisfying cf ravenous a, 'iicnk txo another; the man Dorcas wau because it wus the. criais w"att'hing a;tood'immovable. Ha etbrust -Dercas sensed that if her hit, bandas deep in bis overcoat peekets ivas rouI, Merry would ac h's cyes %were fixed on the whitening: she was feeding a famisi, ia.dewnlk heside him. oca !ura Jason bearned upon tbemi The mmm ted me bore et aslgtt»M y alter' dy,, ya.rs mot ntfo **, 110tbu yis. '?" *6 p~. itte .xae th" a* te b. opli a1 trlp of " Met lad bitme la am s voe bevy Bm*laha sr om n»»Mecsf ddsy.I lew*uW*be pniuam t-ru ti..tri» sut asoit,sud»" a-« itî» tot*b"dpi4 6mtiiesing t, But tbatIs Mtt &% f, ut ae bulg ed te mmr "«»«»aou i ssf« i rosa"i - tikft bim thrwjý ds tritte th Wu 5*Wot le. *mg., osiswey. , ip a pet. 6fruiaqtomom la,-. . frtu. lA wbIo uth. s* m be wWa.sr- -A husapose6lof ûo u t lut, bit w u e r.ey udl p vst i - usada tet the ~e- WHAT TgE WES3TERN PFÀOPLIBI Ans DOING. Progressoftheii Great West TOI& ln a Few POdnted Y Paragraphs. Michael Philips, J.P.t a Wester& oid-tiiner, la dead ut Tobacco Plains,,, B.C. A large colony of storks bave re.j cently taken up their nesting ut, 'Ushueklesit Harbor. Premier Bowser unvelled the Burn. aby, B.C., roll of honor at the Muni-ý cipal Hall, Edmnond@, B.C.1 The steamer Northland loïaded 200#-j 000 f eet of lumber last week st Port. Alberni for AnchoragsAlý. Struwborrfeas Ix Incise ln circumj ference have been grewn thls year by Mr. Carr Hlilton, ut QuamichaiL. To head off competition, tee creai5 dealers at Steveston, B.C., are nowl selling tce creum cones ut 5 for bc. As a result of the. recent fle" aut Duncan $272. 40 has been dIMded be-1 tween the Blue and Red Cross Soci-I. eties. A planer named Smith had bist arin badly smashed lait week in thoi Aiberni Lumber Company's 'mill aý Vancouver. Mr. George Swanson, second en-' gineer of Port Aiberni, bas been ap-ý pointed clty electrician. There were, ifi.fty applîcants. - Lionel D). Curtis, father of South [African municipal system and noted, author, was a distinguiehed visitor, ut Vk-toria recently. A Japanese namned T. Sato is under arrest ut Vancouver- on the charge of obtalnlng money by false pre., tenues fron a numrber of bis comn- patriots. Quarrelllng about going to a picnic, 'Louis Mann, of Vancouver, B.C., threw a pot of boiling soup ut hus wife, bad- ly burning lier neck and aheulders. Purcels of food sent- fromn New Westminster to a prisoner in Germany were ineyer received by hlm, as he had 1been exchanged. The. parcels came 1back ln good condition. It bas been found that the fire whhch 1broke out ln Victoria, B.C., last week was the work cf an lncendlary, who wighed to bide bis crime of - stealing $850 from three Chinamen. Edward W. Berry of Murrayville, B.C., bas been awarded the bigllest ,:honor in the gift of B. C. education- ,ists, being selected to recelve the Rhodes Scholarship for that province. MaJor W. H. Belson, who waa Sorganizer and inspecter of cadets in SBritish Columbia for seme time, aifid ,wbo -went away with the First Pion- c er Corpp, recently bus been-appoint- I ed aide-de-camp to Lieut.General Sir 1Perey Lake, commander-in-chief of 1the forces ln Memopotainia CARGO MADE RATS WEE>. SuBt Round Sacks of Onlons and Wiped .-Tears Fromt Their Eyes.- The French steumship 'Ville du 1Havre, arrived ln New York barber ý,recentiy from Ganilia, Spain, bringing 1 1,600 tons o J'f anah olrnins. I%. Y* , ote Sher I left - RT5CAL.su gar anu LtWo taLesponu'J'LLU' "' rated the Frencht National heliday by od in the. procescf "bilnming.' orin1 t O SA5TpootD.216 ORT WILLIAM. Cover witit cider vinear and r eal a flag day ho aid cf the Verdun re- "Ail ready aow," abhouts the. ca9- « Pint 1an ~glass cana. Citepped ceieny o el uestan Adinnohrmue:'Tk ery sed udad andesa delicieus flav- ues an n aaehrmnt:"ac One thlnk or. 9 Tite roceipta anteuntad bo more titan 900 Ibs. Into the forward trhiming Oein oor. im pîy oe quiet tone. "They have ben searci- Goosebrry Consrve.-One quart tae sut asked for, being $25,000. This tank." The valve la pened and the yes bes . e e y w e e ely u te puo one g ose ba r e , o e:rn e ns fo r h contribution, generous though it iz, la rush of sw i lng w ater can b o heard. eatd,"tht stebrok. Eocbla~ M tralbox seedd raisins, two pinta ; gan-ýsma.ll compared with the neods cf our The subnturine begins te settie f or- *ate, "hâtEstebrok.'Enoh isin ontealulatod sugar, co-fourbt pinit wnter. brave ally. Refugees ore conting ha ward. ath e-now, looking fer you.tlLg fnek iln buadreds from theo war zone and "Puntp 200 ibs. into the trimingl tht you ba- M erry laugbed itarebly. cft m eogrne Mi ailinredkiet the relief cemniii'tees have been abI. tank" The valve in opened and the wiigfor The girl clusped ber handa togetit- o etgidr i nrde te tgis-o thent only Army brend. These rush of swhrling water can b. hourd. er. "Mr. Merry, tel] me, are yeuj and co o wnyo wnyfv th il b rEnocb n e longer frie ds?"an minutes. Peur ha jelly glsses and su ferig People have 1et a1l their The sub rarie begis te stte fr- "h ir ern iî Ade ikdu i ia n wo odpu vratu oeln possessions and are in danger cf los- ward. 'i anstl Adrwpikd phi cgr n wenclpuroet praa. Fi sx iassos. îg ng lite itacîf. Siace thte need lbas "Purp 200 lbs. into the trirnlTng I o. o't1puff ed it untril the retilapark revived. ofprfn ilsxgass become kaown several cil ies c.nd tank af t," shouts the skipper. The ced Wo'tThon hole uugbed ags.in. "We are . Quince and Craaberry Jehîy.-Cub towatininuttb roicsae maatt repeate the orden. Thte er- rent f tii nexuctly frienda. Ha h told you poeenaepudciqicsadci-j them Oshawa, Goderich, and Seaf orthtdr n eetn fedr on n'y f olloed aa.ythiag ?hl pudcfcabane. Coveland far away Saskatoon bave writtaa like the cbunthng of a litany. The. steps. She (To be cent.lnued). witb cold water and Cook until soft lepesn a wlsb te iusîp thes. ut- captain keepa on fllling aad emptying hile she ad-Drain. Measuro the julce, bail five fering People. Thay propose hain tanks. aile aho ad- 1 .KS minutas, udd throe-fourths quantity et ,F'rench, daysandjiin ueiit Under thte Wuten. HARDSHJas0FnURK". sugr, hou fivécesmnts a. u n withi tlat cf Toronto, la this practical Nothing but the sea, stretches ini 'He Jan hep" star i iied glab As. e. ee way expresslng their syiatiy wibi every direction suve for the far-away heoil eas Tre eSx Persons Shure Loaf ef plckds Crab Appies. -Seveponsand admiration for France. In ordar ceasttinre. Now wo see our floathng 2 -5 Pounds. puna -a-licheuppvies, forepouidk te facilitinte the holding cf these prison settling ia the water. She veed Iery Astoy o th trmenousharshisuginam, o cupm inbour, cad, stik French duys, t.eExecutive cf the gees dewn g'radually by the bad. 'red Merryals stomych rredu adhp inao.coe nbesn abiSecours National offers to, serid treeFo yfo e rpdsrt h me ld ais" nw bingundergono by the Turkish1 until appies are tender, thon remoeofalapaetedwtm samte ftcw r erry walked people and an estimate cf the enornt-1 bell syrup down and peur ovar. caloas seijtla shielda, flagsandatur.Asîy anderteter and lookhre Dorcar, was 1ous lbases which have been suf emed Canning Cherres.-Select meiu deo4th onsaise in Toronto for Julyy eu evner t heuracerndghtiipni- ýemed us if, by the Turktsha been received f rom ripe cherries; wash and pit canefully anytow aor th alylg for aem. acu.. Aothe rfaminhue adthe i oua, com- itheev. Chu mis igfonry theCon- e ee fuit flmm. Fi11 a kettle fuli Perliaps it ih teemucli te ask but~ waves corne up te meat us-and we )Ugb ixtee yeas a u Con of fruit and allow it te cerne te a arggee!Thepeiscpe areuer hungor mussionandrouy Uths trogoh a aurd etl.wiem l. ~ nd we are dewn 25 fooet. ~~eni thdma tantiole, T rentM, Rias ewbo - b ol Setadpu i hntruhfollowing the precedent of Trafalgar Blwtecaigtwnte r retunedfro Tukeyatter a buzard- baken from the cherries. Take a ket daY a sum could be rais.d lante pro- "It is a me- f h renbsrcaty' eade eaiwai-h uc t ed eul-ettrledl oetmanlpulating the tanksa. The process ak as h. ous journey. tie and fili haIt fu.llofcf ean, col#itvneeultta agdi ooti oehn ieblnigacr te m.RigstheTukmwuter adding sugar te msweetea well.. wha a-iien rbb twuld pontor's level. The depth-dil aaie t h et h mDro . a c r d a n ge tl e i r a m a i a n i I oo l t b h ' h b h v e h a e F r n c o , F a n c t r u g 1 l i n , t e l l s u s h o w d e e p w o h a v e u b m e g - duda ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e I oncr'esgmat tha Puta hion s wc 'ra beeia, e tiuph.n. These are ed.All ut once the bunds begla v a e , a d a a t h e D r d n e l l e s co f p i g n w al s s 8 0 , 0 e d h m u i t y b h i i t , n d a y s ef d e e d s ; w e r o u i z e , a s n v e r m p n l g r i d y a i d w b g n g o valet,, anB m h ubrcfkle asm-sowly until thev- cornetue a good boit 'rnn rpdy n w èi o esi ruiment) turnes placed ut 600,000. The Govern- The cherries should ho cooked and the b etore tho futility of Word»; IV la emnpty ing dovin fast. The tootmarks fly by 1-he lo ment alotmentof breaf, whic is thejuice abrtg o aayk asewe Paitiuto ouay aell sited tii.weindicutorheiandatstopnd wito itiahjerkrkut Thy e loc nt o tniet c bmadwbib l th jca bigt ikaelr. Purin ale "o hu ed" Our expres- ferty-twe. The keol et the vessel ia ily ~ ~ i fuoeprnialmoec on cf theT rsMm igg anaan eusien cf syinpathy must go furtitor, go tweivo feet below the indicaton hand, look almoafstats saroto aavto u Pineappie Whip.-One-fourth box was pullid ~frmtret six porsons fre-gaai, a angnedpnapl ao forbit accempaniedi by a glt which anid that rneaas that we are dewn 54 quentiy sbaring a boat cf twe and one-, baîf cup sugar. crie plat creani. Scak wlihelp te f eedtae hungry itomeless fooet. since niera- flfth pounds. Conditions are ataadiîy gelatin la as litble wuter as possible. waaderers. A gi.ft la soea maîl Net until the trip was ail over did old Jason te beceming womse, it la stated. IMix pineapple anid sugar tegether pienty cun Fmanc e ie nec eat e psn ger-t sth ti.subrnlsae- ýtc fable bc- Says Mr * g in part: 'Morningan bring te houl. Add gelatin and lnyadFnc'dieeest. e psngr httesumiel i oyadby morning inConstantinople, around lot stand until iV begins te gel, stiff Foi Ifomppoly tue g, tc, and sud donyttet offottencet"e cyanithe ditTerent bakeries cf the City, (bu ir.hus. Ba nWi-Ms .A oatn, hro nrne car Hogathers a crowd cf woen and chil-,p Brem. Sev evodin on.SeretryaecudaNatonl, uton the et tria tofLtt 1 hi.ledren, with a sprinkîing cf olti mon p&iuss . res, tppei wib mmaitioi ng St..AWeohst oonto. divoea ucesul eotaea cnoimn f whose officiai papers prove titeir >ss opd wt aacno RmSreayScusNinl, Btnthnx ralhette ;pure sensu- right te secure a dajiy stipend of Jear.51ng St.Phed t, Toronto. dvwe floue 80feyetiwn, aand ot cof ee, tueberead f rom that particular ovan. They iRaisin Puffa.-TWD babteaooas su- Ja chrn Trno. w air t this0juuict ro wo triaeda able, the mu- often wujt fer heurs andi the aupply et gar, one-hlaitc.Àp butter, crie egg, one 4.iike an acrobat on two legs cf a glow cf red- fleur bas become se short that : ehn .p milk, two cupa fleur, two tea- FARM HOME CONVENIENCES. chair.tty imst"device wichbas eena ~~~nt~~ shtet.tebet lat onsec u tspoons baking Pewder, oanecet chip ng pleasure 'two and a flfth pounda mnuat b. sharetipe raisins. Cr= uterad sugar, 1Needed Improvements te Malte gh. iAopted on al ubmarnes. The cap- miml gat. ýbyf rom three to six persona. Most' add agg, Weil beatenh, tnitk, fleur suft- Rural Home Attractive, tain sot a trip contnivance ut 85 foot. ninalmoen at ivs-f by iv ranl o d. ihbkrgp 9r hncopdThis imeant that whea we bati sub- r amoentnaive e Trke hve aiîy n thBakn.olete bpe At the. lat annul .tn ttemred to a dopth cf 35 feet the. . He Won- breati and i wth other ataples from AfverisPs olir into sMall butter jelly Commissio e Cnsa etioftrepetmeclalmwol n adsn h possible for te fifteen tunes lueir normai price it tumblers. and steaintco-hlaitotethrýee- bfa nsuvey Conct ati on 400efart veanl U wute trisuracd ena jhey ss andi hua- 'laamalwoader that the peor are quarters et an hour. This recipe wili ofaduniag1915was ested.400cam l- gaiselp tankhesracvlesinaeify acka on eit ustam iThe pol aatieiav aesi ag ufteresting data were sacured reapoctiag 1,justeti, and we sottie downwand. At t a a ua ralaubtitteafor wheat fleur 1 RbdCia ibb i ds.c . cniin l ayrra oe. 33W r tila ig-t3 tt ho power cf amnong them rya bread, cern bread ad' as fredcaubge, coe arge cauli-otosi n ayrrlgoe. 13. ea tlsikn- 3 eil aeyo i alybeabtteehv enu -foeon-afpn Keeping the youag people on the. gel.A s the, indicator baad moves ery t bs bmle brati butthee hve eanch> floeronehaî pltOe red kidaey frt la onaetfCaada's national pro-frn34t 85 th.laasidt id wretched. taiaad oaîy in very Braatiquantîthea. ibeans andi eightean clovas e arî. int.Maycass ae3en4u- l tchin 5somehere l h it aldeno "It la a sud puçture teo ea the, ma-;I Boil and thea draini tubento sais- e gstfr t.Y caseshavfor te ucîty.Vin submie s oIthle voand o Swas a tes- Vrial f rom which the Turkiah army 'andi thon seauato tham buta by le àst edoveulncset the cfotheCty hoeonb adie ha t traloiagthod it was thela aow beiag made. Long lhues et and sait thent and lot dry. Now pre-Thte nvees te cityattracon. th nar uy.strs oi h ýppetite, but Youag meu witb bovine eyes, ahuffiug pare tte picklo; goil tegethor on e titmta n of t s, weveatr, arctiut&et he Depth eth1 bi . tait and an expression et utter -apathy gallon cf vinegar, bwo pinta et water, Nfewitfartns g have intneued these a Otof theit eod, on cwn itunger are daily beiag breugbt luote .city eue-hait cupful otfsat, euen ce ai cenveles it hae inrornes. t e teao pei oaeîte ot f eaî thut mfro ntoe nollan pro incste .ppe, etand titi cetd. Cut Of tihe 400 fartera 'visited, 53 per a lvtrsed eaelfe u hed outcast. md aeslin.Se il a"- four ounces et ginger l in ceant c ensbv aund ul l her ani thtei.depthe s authougit sene super- in -simer en- dl. otes.wihhmeupun shirt aprinkle it with sait. Let ft gb lies. W th th,@satnaiargenbutireuceci own udf "i in flsfippiag* uadeteronce wiefrawde.Wsdr i rieniy snd oerus front U ose.e htlafjlînetiier germent£, tbey lookc as unpre- ne-ow'h puandetmusardseou.tha ouy te ti-mrs ut t ofr a.iidgy, iionue*et.i hiefr ek. Ws, rYaobuls ung feop1e it 18 a regrettgj>le tact hou.Titrpe"aubst an a, Iiigmaterl as one ceuîd imagine. Put s layer et cubbag. la s jar, thiuud have buta osin tei'aay psuuns.Veob- during th hseces i.rerls aldeslye tcaanewrsd boans, aud homes. Ouîy 8.2 per. cenL have wukerrnehakbeu disabled Io as sube ais ohore. Fo oy fseventeen sud mennofltity- aprinkle between ayeraie .bruai ees , ny25 edet bv ethe e VItesa ie acreu or suad among thein are Vth. haIt- k=ust&rd ssci, somti whol, mustard plot.serv Oic ercdnouhav2.2 po cnt »ak liii ctf- b i, the. ickad the. cripplei. Atter seeds, gInger, ganlia, peppon,'allspice hv lcncigt T ha 0 ensuaxu, sud, vory frnuIcy,-.thon, je w ho r b a f impw e son t adu11thOe r c kea fa n$Psud oeue un a. etf tum mer lc po ider. on y 1î.6 per cent, have t e . tmoine m eue fetrelief te ite niutiatd- an btly intepcleM W hs ie Otl'rU6 n bt1- ued. Witat weutd have happened if ithein sinart aew German imported wili b. ready fer usé lu about two te' cent. bave furnaces in tihein.. q4TiieseOubotadeyd w nth sund uppel. accoutrements te entrain fer the' ttre.mentis, and wwlll b.found hi b. conditions sioantlnrely WIUI tlntecn-.bottoinl- If ne recueri tad -cerne Eat"veny deliclou. trol eftVhs farmera, 86.7 per cent. of 0W' raId .sch ma would ýsave been uew .are - i~~.wkom Ms the b ers,'f et as&ver.- sbuutup lut. tii. conalng t.wer lu --£- tn" um healr pressuetumeai on. tii. QIr -4

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