1 91-t lie Mr,.t.w, «ye Itm. ?rutc, bu-apur. ul<i &y anbuw-.iesd wlil tako chargé *ot tise deaîi te, sbt a- Der, ,1 wJ.b. znirem e*m, *- Slatè 'Pro" - tôt-,-Ma.(~lJ, tir MI',y,èa ak I, hu -enéma~t m anag«s !' )Mcean Publisbing Co., Toronto, ince leB graduation !rom Toronto Univer- Ait>' ln 1911. WHITrBY BOWLEI(ÈSWî?eÀAIN. Two w-tubs frutu Ciapcuncg1q-autoh Whitby last Tiure;day'4uif njoy1,d ganue '..lfth membu'.rs ut the Whltby I Bowling Cliii>. hotii Witby rinkeý bUL IJU g ii uneus ____naro mr 83UL 0 gili§eo oneaind wo. r5 )ay. FOR ONTARIO COUNTY. gullty of. LA~tUIIIUIUWnt ch for furtlter particulars aboutiTecniae nmdblw hv If the A Ilile big (ivic. Holiday celebration nt Pased the Éower Schooi examînation'Osawa 0fh Hedsoe Park on Auguat 7th. Ba~se- for entrance into the Normal Schoolscraigh bail, football, aquatlc sports, band en- and Faculties of Educiton ed. At lei E 9$irtaitrents something for everybody , nadtototeaoe te eq ethatthis v 1151h GOES EAST. iai Scboolp, and the Upper School ex- With thc inest cqliipment Two speriai G. T. R. trains of twelve amînation before they can be admitte4l cars vachi, bearlng the 1l6th Battallon to the Facuitiès of Education. Those B.LAIR-WC in Ontario Counity, and Our from Niagara C'amp, passed through who have already passed eitber o! tbese age, Whi past expeiience, there is to W'hltby on Thursdlay nilght iast, Jitly examinattio u re remlnded that the ter, on S reaon h weshuldfl th, on their way cast A large uum- Normal Scbools open on September 1, Clara Ja reaso mhyve houldnot eruo Whitby peuple went to thé June- and that applications therefore Muet be anderÀ ~~ive ~~~~~ tiofl station hoplng to get a gllmpse md oteDpt iîtr0 dc- Bokl biv ut offriends on board. They were, of!mdtion atlt e ta ntuge 25. ua. Brok course, dlsappolnted, as neither trainI F. Amey, M. C. Allaway, S. J. Bott, Satisfaction§.ve slo)wed uit for te point. BTb:re L. G. Berry, B. Carson, C. I. Cox, H. NTC wee ian.hormand nilth ec11Gy.30. ns . M. Luke, M. A. Duriag1 ond train went through about 1.0 Munro, J. C. MeFarlane, D. E. Qrchard, use a lawr, If w donoEYve Nil1reOnd . O . Parott, C. P. Purvis. K. Qulhy, C. the hours MONEY IN«O8309. Rosa, V. Stephenson, M. S. Smith, o'cock p.nx your« monlev. A hong that tipped the scaies at 83 .0 R. Stalter, W. H. Sonley, U. P. use of suc Ibs. was soid Ibis we'k? by t-be Ontario Spence, A. M. Wilson. M. E. Waanan. hours le e Ladies' Coliege 10 Messrs. CoIwili and . B /SSEIzII1 Hardy. drovers. Two others welghed MAT I4UALIrYFO RoiL0NVEH NgtO0L CRI 1040 Ibe.. the lhree 4pt4liing 1870 iba. FICATEN. In Tho Block Wlth The Bal cony The I)rire' litd tld Wfl. pC.I>? 1l.,tt.d thei The followlug candidates at the Low. suin reaîized $167.n. The largeet hoger School examInation were not suce- Brock St. South brought $74.70. Tbesemnonster piges cessfu, btn iewo h marks they mus hae i4e fd "onien b th lre erittd nde te rguatinsto The atte >voung lady sîndents. Mr. ColwIi ay quallfy for a Iower School certificate, to the foll k he XS1o.1b. plg was t.bebeavlest hog, by by taking the subJecte uamned ln brack. iiws Of titi lolbs., ever boughit by hifli. ets aioug wlth another departmneutal "No peri Su(eint- texamination (Middle or Upper School) Sprue ~r.vvU1.DAM ND ~ ~ 13 AVING OUT OVER $2,000 PER whlch they have not already paesed:. hie permise AMP. ONH.N. M. Card (art), A. E. Eîvidge, Departîmei 1UZ JL ER~~~~3 At the regular monthly' meeting Of~ (arith.), M. K. Hopkins, (arlth.), M. men, shahl tht' Il by Patrioîlc Commlttee held Johns, (wrlt.), H. L. Luke, (arlth), E. any hydra on ' tuesday evening: applications for1 V. Robertson (arlth.),,.J. H. Serpeil with the N% îîatriuîic assistance were presented (ariîh.), P. C. Summerfeldt (arith.), The pet *C. T. U. troin i nari> ithree score persous en. P. M. Soniey (edem, science). bove sectîr ______________-tlîled lu recelve help. These were pans- I IS DRINK. ed tupun and approXed. There la now i aver $2,000 pier mon tVbeing pald ont to AUDLEY. 1,; 1 . r blout a cot tage. Il nev- beneficlarles by the Wbltby brauch. t lungry litt1e sîutnch. Il- 'The Brancit l8 particularly desirous A Raspberry Festival under the aus - n.. rd a klss u îiof îy Il that those whose subècriptiaus tci the pices o! the Ladies' Aid of the Audley For Sý' ,,'. i d a garden or si-tt a lisp. l'irlutlc Fund are in arroses should Methodist Cburch, will be heid on the ir. i to swing itîton ilite gale; pay the anuounts at aà eariy,--date, spaclous lawn of Mr. H. W. Hollby, - tti*l:oil of fathier's rturn., Iln Attdle'y. Tea, will be servcd from six leaconteltîed h,'athlslone. LIBRATIANS AT IIETERBORO. o'cdock till ail are served. atter whlch a Threshl' ý,koilittr%,to nspre he li eterboro, July 25- (Speciai) - lngthy prograin wlll b.'. given by tl- White Tre rtiu 4ttirdý-'lride.1 About forty-five delegaies, uf the Li- ent from Wbitby. Brooklil, Pickering Decker Se iin înurlgagî's antd evictittents. brary lustîtute lithlie Lindsay district Iand Cherrywood, as weli as home tal- built, an( 'e br,'ad front the ingers of met ln the public llbrary here to-day. lenut. Miss Chapnuan, of Torouto, will Cbeap sai, I rîtîirs lnIt bom-s and A~ ver>',lîracî ical discuss4on, ld byMr give a lecture on Red Cross work. tf .iipicin tnd foar, bltrt andi Carson. tlie newiy-aPpoitited InsçecJr gTrendsil be s goti ue-afunouthe - Il tramies uî,iion Ile iteowers, uof publie libraries, took place. Thte of- rutsasuiy ulcdrn th 'wtligç- front tlte gale, fitti ficers elccted were, Presideut, T.H. evenlng. Adults 26c.: chiltiren, 15c. Oshuawa S i tiît, unles flylng front lte McL4.an. Port Perry; Mr. Deeringl Proceeds ln aid o! Red Cross work. ped withi 't rîîtrHuntsv-lile; SecreîAry, MsaFiavelie, Don't miss this treat. recleaner. Lindsay, At te clôse of the aflernloon 0 66,---t * Ir rut lii l rue.(~tirrîvsession lte delegates were euterîaiucd. 0 KOHEN TROUBLEý PROMISE TO _________________ WAMOF BB)ES TAKEN. COME TO HEAD. Enginee The large swarm o! bees that htave The notorlous Kolten case or cases for thresi beê'n înaklng titeir h.ome lunte gable oft at last reaclîed lte A ttorne y Geueral'e 1Wbilby 9) Mrs. Arthur Richardeon'a resideuce on attention lu a manner Ibis week, when or John A~ LOCAL HAPPENING S 1Ilyron t sreet, bas at lmet been provideti Mrs. Kohen, we uunderetaud, accompan -____ flPAI Witîu a more satisfactory domicile. For led by some of ber childreu, poured ber _____________________________ tor tihr.-e years the' becs have becît tale of toe'. mb the ear of the fountain ____ I~1l Inîg Jit he gable, anti have beeu catis~ heati o! justice lu tbe Province, and Il Monay Argret . ielii, u rra Iing nu 11111e annoyance tu the occu- Is met possible thal thîs family, who MotndaUlv. ula ls1,his bviltn pro-htille of lte itotse. This veek Mr. W. Fbeve beeu"a thoru lu the fiesb'" ot the ,Mlayor d Cvreîffî. - i \hl)% ý A. Fraser iilac.'t a hîve on the' gable' town andi County officiais for some t4ayor %arreii.rouf. and i 1h. becs ai once took pusses-! lime, miay be tburougbly Iuvestigated s The ig eierrîiat aIihî'drelrre lat u INr. Fraser will remnovel andt summarily andi judiclousiy dett Parkon ivi Huidrî . ii-iiî lrutl.i- lrit ".lithtîue.ybecotue well seîtied i Wtb. Paes on Civc the t;uig us t !nle ktrd i hrii ew itome. It le ruieretooti Accordiug tu Mms. Kohen her part- WaBigth forthe biggle. o Isk ni r. Fraser gui a large quentity o! bon- u ershlp bas been a mnisfit, and Kohen NVath fo thebigbift-'.v front litent. He itandles tire insecte -lias been acting very badly o! late. She- u'it bout teîtr, andtIli a mentuer tIjtý makes dire accusations agaiust the lo- M AltD WA NT11-). t'.artid bring dire îwinisîtmenî upon one Cal Police Magistrate andi Couuty You For genernl iotuue%'.ork Airly olu iss acqualîtteti wiib the ways of becs. Cruwu Attorney, the judiary lu gen- Miss Richardisun, 11%raîu S(. _- 4.- eral. Site says Koiten can do anything righti --0o-Ni) MoRE SII)ENVALI< RIDIN,. lie likes and she gels uo justice. She. es The dental perlor uoflPr. E. \ W sîceutu Varn Ings lia%.' been postih is week says Kohen's affections have been allen- Tee -Nihl be closeti front NianditN:'. Jîîy l Ã"SI., itaiti't ridlîug bicycles or niotor cycles ateti froin ber by lwo young women are ti to Tuesday. August l î.lotit lit. sidewaiks ufthlie tuwu. The whost' famully he ltelpeti when they -0 itrarlire bas bien v.ery prevalent titis landeti in Ibis country as Immigrants down Mir. Setu Vaxstonirahis beenu rcitur nas ~' r In Wilîby. aud as; long as thlose lit bard circumetances. Hie main Oh- finest -Chic! Constable d'utîg it.9'.111C oît f, wbu do it are careful lucre le no cern- jeci. she affirme, le to gel ber te sIgn ea Chie! Mact.rolty, wilciî coICîltdeS un jîplint. Tutere are altvays certain one, off ber dlaim on thle property, and saya s .a Thureda>'oettis -%%-t k. 1uu'.'e'.er. w'hu abuse their priviieges. lie bas emplayeti ail kinde of achemes b'and itivtîpyeîolple, eRDpeclally ladies, 10 accomplsh Ibis end, such au aubmit. l&v Miles Ada Collins. putbill ut Nir. lb uinImNe L' tiitaninoeti, andt a few accidents -tng blanket tuorigagirs for ber signa- own f Nichtolsonu. ias ucefîl iiit at4ieig aî'-trrcd bectisâ, soutue cycliosepro- ure, etc. These echemes fa$ing o! the InlroductorY Piano Exaitat lut it ! î'edtia( calreak-îîeck speei, luot the-ir aiicgcd purpose, aile furtber- te Toronto Contcrtser oryu tsic, îakiitg lte trouble 10 even slow îîp siates that be hati laid plots to dispose' -ielti on FrIda?', July t 411'..%% '.taii pi.t'sng pedesîriaus. As a resutît o! the, wiole famil>'. Theise siatemeitîs Rtichard Hamilton Poak, of the Uniont be pllbilshé'd which mlgbt ouidu ttal. Blank, Willi, Sask., gon o! Mr. anti formaaon o! value la .eeiuwy. If. bits. R. Giti ey Po&k. Ex.'îer. Engirtti. then. certain .4x.ets are. cci refereti te'OE the marriage t0 take place In Atguuit ai or. lait lea'.e Visità , are flot etiroicled Mbelila, Mali. as sucb,'tte public rnay 1mev on whom - -<> - ehoidOr-s to la.>' the blame. 1%0. nowu' Two iqtudeitîs oftheiî' rookluPuiblie paptirmen have nio £lt#fuatIve but,1 ~ Scitool have stîcce,'>dpd ln isbaing thej obe>' the CenaoV,'uniewsa hbe te go te Junior Ptibhic School <Graduat ion eist- go-ordsbdiue beirssM oe Wb' oilidIIWIO £ a fiitatloîte. aiicit gives then thie firat p,w-ec vt>':ibira u»t ta tuake t r;y; M.trl l.'lgli School. 'rUe.cne-cos- tIbeirs but lo.do-5nsg.'MdVI ay-ISg' fuii caîtîidîuîî's ere'MNabel Bell andi Et- gar [iuglartlà . WHITBT II O DY Everv owîter o! an auitomobile shonlti Heyditsboê Pork W b h rfrlh npm bave <iii,'o! the îtew Ontarto Counîy 0f A bitg CMC ie RoIO eeaf «m nuaps. Tuevht' elaonly 50 cents.- the Augut 7M. 11%«ewfO Ib ÃŽ Afflu 1ise! tliteas la wu6rth ms.uy dolita. ltEts.., tbl aU « uIL d it.t w t& ccii lit'purchaaed only IbrouigitC.A.! ttrtslu1liet5~s. "* 8 4 l lJoodfellow & Soit. Wbitbv. îr#F«ituner mon5* '~-- i THT7RSflÀY. 3t1L~ 2?. 1010. PAne vêwm tbtey bave been ?-epeatedly AttorueyGeneral -can relteve ýthe trouble they have been kere, he deserves to be knigbt- ast, le It beyond Possibiiity vexatlous turmol be abated? Pr. MARRIAGES. OODWARD- At the parson. ltby, by the Rev. A. H. Fos- Saturday, Juiy 22, 1916, Mise ane Woodward, to Mr. Alex. Armstrong Blair, both of n, On L 0o 'E TO WATER-TAKERS. this season no person may m or garden service between i f 10 o'clock a.m. and 5 m., or 9 p.m. and 5 a.m. The [h service at above etated Lbsoiuteiy prohibited. (Stgned) W. J. LUKFÉ, Secretary Pub. Utility Com. 0o NOTICE. ention orthe public la drawn Ilowing section from the by- îe Public Utility Commission: son or persona. except the ndent, or those acting wlth salon, or members of the Pire rit, ln their capacity as fire. 1open, close or interfere with Lnt, gate or valve connected waterworksq." nalty for violation of the a- Ion is a heavy fine. W. J. LUKE. Secretary Pub. Utillty Com. aie To Rent, Etc. FOR SALE. Ing outfit complete. 20 h.p. acIon engiue, and 36 x 0 ýparator, ai thorougbly re- id oniy -used a short time. Je. Apply box 505, Whitby. FOR SALE. LImproveti Clover Mill, equip- sîde fan wind setacker anti Cheap for RNih. App>' box Uby. -t, MEN WANTED. 'r anti separator man vanteti ulng' season. AppI>' ta Port 'yntiicate. Malcolmu McTaggart Alman, Wbilby. -6. UGAR servlng Timo Is hore u know wo are always with the prie of sugar. are the days when you hinking about putting .fre(sh fruit from the gardons in Ont.ario. re here to belp. Yon ulwayu p'it down your 3EA.LE BS ýv you aillyeun eed? ave the lateet style. our Business Friend i.leoko sossetlnsea, motoe kSIbn n ea VsO bébom n a d*yý (Onu rr, @aOtie, plâia-,.*would sapeek Nttway). I ý lte«taylng, mulîtichangés ta-Ic' î 3ausantd yefaît tobrlng thetu about. The evOllullon begins wIth th.ebi'dil; thore,unueonricionmly, the Ideala presentedtie1theb opc:îlnu mind are grlpping the 111e; later, il takeal positive lortu anti a nation i. bora. llow niucb ont voing Canada'@ future tiependa on Ibe Suinday Sitoool's vision anti presesatlin i Wlli sbc mltlrk ber responslbiliiy or wiling sud giadiy mneept ber great task' -Tabern à cle Sunday School BUNGALOW PVOIR IIENT. Six u-ooms, bath anti electrie light. llear Junetien, station. Âpply to W. Bunu, boxlf0,, Whitby. POU SALE. 'New solid brick boue, bariwood dloors, anti aIl lateet Improvement. flrock Street south, corner St. Peter Street. FARM TO RENT. 100 acres, lot 6, con. 5, Pickering Tp. CGood butildings; silo, nearl>' ne*, plen- ty o!fîvater; fair orchard. Apply 10 Wilfred Sedier, Brooklln, Ont., R. R. No. 1. -7. APPLICATIONS FOR ASSESSOR:. Applications will Uc receiveti at the Town Clerk's office up ta Monday, Aug. tist 71h, for Assessor for Town o! Wblt- by for the yeer 1917. JOSEPH WHITE, Town Clerk. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE, TOWN 0F WHITBY. At a barge;u, the Yaruolti propertyl on Dundas Street. One acre o! Ian d- Fruit tr-ees. House, soliti brick, 1% stor>', furuace, vootisheti, stable andi drive bouse. Ail lIi gooti repaît. Plis- session November let. App>' ta Jas. Tweedle on bhc premises, or G. E. Gib- bard, 1204 Queen St. West, Toronto-tf. TENDERSWANTED' Sealeti tenders wlll be receluret by tbc undersigued until Tuesday, Auguel 8th, 1916, for bhe construction o! a 50 tact bridge acrose bbe Nonquon River et Seagrave, Ontario, for works an fol- Iows: 1. A concrete bridge according 10 plane anti epecIficatlons prepareti by Messrs. Bowmp1 & Conar. Documents can Uc examineti at Na. 31 Qucen St. West, Taronto, anti aI the office o! the Count>' Clerk, Whltby, anti o! the County Clerk, Lindsay'. 2. A stlel superstructure t0 be ereet- cd on concrete plers ta be constructei under another contract. 3. Two concrete plers. The piers are 10 Uc completeti ready for tbe reception o! tUe superstructure flot later than September 15tU, andtihbb superstructure le ta be erecteti anti completd not latar than September 30, neuil. Ail other information can be obtaincti frotu elther o! tUe Cou-nty Clerke. Tht' lowesb or au>' tender viii not neccssarily be accepteti Je Re MeNelllie, Clerk, Count>' o! Victoria. Lindsay, Jul>' l7th, 1916. Undortaker anti- furniture denier. Bell and Independent pitones. Day or u.igbt. BROOKLIN, GFdd Lots of SUM'MER LIMNES1 NOTICE 0F REGISTRATION OP' BY-LAW NO. é41. Notice la bereby given that a by-Iaw wes passeti by the Council o! thc Cor'- poration o! tUe Count>' o! Ontarioo en tUe 301h day o! June. nincteen itundrea anti sîxteen, providlug for lte Issue et dehentures 10 bbc amount o! $20.000 fer the purpose o! auîborîzing teisue Olt tiebentures bu the saiti amount te ralse moue>' for bbc payment o!fltee our o! building certain bridges lu and ad- joiug lUe Count>' o! Ontario sud les otber Count>' purposes. Andti (at sueta Uy-iaw sas registereti lu bbc RegUiaTy Office o! the Count>' o! Ontario on the 101h day o! Jul>', A.D., 1916. Au>' motion 10 quasb or set aside fb same or au>' part Ibereof must ho mals wilbin thre mrontits a! 1cr ltefirit Pnb... Ilcablon o! ibis notice, anti cannot be matie thereafter. Datcd bbe Iltit day of JUly, A.D. 1916. J. E. FAREWELL, To Bes Cloarsd Out This Wosk GARDEN HOSE 150 ft-,3 ply Garden Hose, in 50 ft. lengths, complete with riozzle. Reg. $3.25. For $4.25 Dr. Williams' Ply Destroyer 13 only i gai., reg. $i for 83C 4 only 1-2 gai., red. 6ofor4gc 11il 1-4 gal, reg. 4oc for 33c Cou fait. regular 90C tfi for 68C Sweeping Compound Regular, '3.5C tins for 29C - ~1 FrkS ofor $1;o >o for xî HAMMOCKS Regular $4.00 for $31 450.for 3.89. Fruit Baskets- Our stock consists of -400 baskets. We-wiill clear the stock out at 5 îc eâcb OilIett's. Lyc. -' Regular xoc for 7c 6oc per lb. - Ar-seaâk of ýLd Kand 15c per-lb.-I H nSprayer-s, 4Oca n Thbe Board of llcallthbheld4à a pecla metuinîg eu Wedneeday uorýning. 8ev. cral complainte bad ben regtt4 m -gainaIpgit 1iPelcaking crua poola> #te. Mie Board mateie nqlîiry hutq &Il th#, comnplate. anti Isueti ordrs to -the. O aîîità ry Inspecteo te otZlalUnhîd tw thse parties conceruel Hlaroldi Lick. soit ofIr. Elasr Uek. et intgston Rosit, sumà 0dtei pemIfu accident lait'W"*.. 11%OOq« Maner a'hayfork tel), sud a prong emugbt hMm on itise back, -ttcl#adp *hlciî rqlulrm tti atteio n ta boy recvr natiafac____ly »lo for aun (ulll tib..a bmzim ut* 'këks Antiirlake-.lWwber. tf -a £ou ILatm»nanh.. iainx uîhftà &1. - t. - Il c. JOHNS ('arpenter anti ContractIug Builder. Plans prcpared and estimates fut- nisitet. Brock St., Southt o! Post Office, Vebit- b>', Ont. Phone 131. W. A. VOIJNG Civil Engineet, Topograpiical Survcy, landi drainage, subdivision desiguing, plans anti drawings, etîmates, etc., on contract woî-k. Contz-acting. Box 243, WIIITBY. 41 Iý PIECE LUNQH SETl-ý o00Ilaplewaroe FOR 35 CENTS Each lunch set contains: 6 Dining Plates. 2 Long Piatters. 2 Deep Vegetable Dishes, 6 Handy Side Dishes. 6 Salt and Pepper Dishes. 12 Sanitary Maple Spoons. 6 Wood Fibre Napkins. i Wood Fibre Table C over 48 x 6o inches. They won't leak, they won't wilt, they are strong, they are sanitary. WHIITFI ELD'S DRUG and STATIONERV STORE WHITBY. ONTARIO 190le Agent for IButterlck Patterns sole Agent for Nyal Preparmations r' ONT. 1