Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 20 Jul 1916, p. 8

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THURSflAY, JULY 20, 1910. - - --------~---.--~.------~- - ru st tu ti O --t Mr. ana Mrs. A. C. Elliott, and M1re and 1rs. Ch»s. l!ll1tt andi baby, siet t é**,eSunday wlth relatives ln CIaremonyi. Iiews ae~s~s~Mrs. S. Aroiti wualni Oshawa this week attending -the funeral o! ber ASIC<~Atae~a J~f. mother, Mre. Stewart. VUS V IE~p ES5I Si) Mr. Jus. Hoduon andi biesaiter. Mn.C Wilkinson, of Rochester, are occupy- Ing Mr. Hodson's new bouse for a time. Mra. Chinnu la viitlag her son and BROOKLIN. daughter ln Toronto. The. six pupils from Miss phelan's Mina -Eleanor Johnston vialteti ln >om who i ti dt'tîe ntetin..ie Exan<i- Toronto recently. Ltion were al buccasaful. Mr andi Mm. W. B. Robson andi Mien flertha Offen, ot Toronto, la vis- grantison, of Hamilton, Ont., are oc- iag with Mr a. W. B. Maynard. cupyîng their home here for a time. Miss Hilda Mackey, of Newark, N. J., Mm. (Dr.) Beitb, of Winnipeg, te Las been with Miss Lille Grills. visitlng ber sister, M-ma. Adams. Mre. James Broati le vistilng rein- Mm. Womden, or Toronto, spent the Ives la Toronto, week-end nt Mm. Jas. Sklnner's. Hils FRUIT BULLETIN Puy your Cherries nowv; %hite, J3lack. Red Sour, ail Peninsuh tgrown are ncwv most plenîîiful. The Red Sour is the par ecellence for preservlti,. Ihave your grocer secure )our neccds at once. Raspherries begin to arr'%'e in a few day-s. E NSL - Look for this laUl un the b-isl<et. It is your guaraii-ee ci I',onest fiu i t NiagaraGrnxn Notetîle PAC14AGE G-owei's nimber. It isGR W SNOa4 his personal Gi.arantee of Good Fruit frorn top to bottom. Iiisistotn the label with the Mlap and Grower's Number. EAT MORE CANADIAN FRUIT. Ail Women Need a corrective, occasionally,, to right a disordered stomach, %vhich is the cause of so rnuch sick headache, nervous- ness and sleepless nights. Quick relief fromi stomfach toubles is assured by promptly taking a dose or two Of Boeecham' sPils Trhey act gently on the stomach, liver, kitincys and boweia, asstg andi reguiating these organs. andi keeping thexn in a hçalthy condition. These famous pis are vegetable in composition-therefore, harmiesu, leave no disagrecable after-effects and are not habit-f orming. A box of Beecham'a Puis in the house la a protection against the many annoying troubles causeti by stomaclifils, and laye tthe foundation For Better Iiealth Ppmt" riredbvTbornuumBe-cheni St. Helen.1Lanoasbfrn Bungluad. Bold ei-eYwbere ln Canada and U.S. Amere la bx..~ centi.. A FIVE DAY HOLIDAY- on the GREAT LAKES, Anid you will f cel good, becauae amnong the islanide of Georgian Bay, the gr-cen banka of the St. Mary'. River and the. expase of Lake Superior, fresh. cool breezes wiilblow new life into you. The 1CANMADIAN PACIFIC Clyde-buit Greyhounds, with their Verandah Caf. efe ct appointments and cuisine. are as good as Attuini es Express Steamahips *Asinboia" and -Keewatn' leave Port McNicoll every Tuesday. Thursay and Saturday Sfor Port Arthur snd Fort Wîlliam. Round trip 5 days.1 vIKMLI Tricketa. itufrmatiou and rervuîit>af rota Loca Agrnt. or W. B. ltowardDia PasangSr Avoat, Toroato, Ont. u w ASuyDpti inh.orh HEALTHIEST ONE IN -THE PAMILY NoIsigu Of Dropv MAd Kldn.yTroube Sin Taking "FRUlIT.A.TIVE-S" HATTIE WARREN Port Rolbinsoi, Ont.,.Itiy Sth, 1915. " Me lhave uisol ' Fri-a-tives " in our lionne fr ovcr thrree vars and have aiways foi ilten a piod meilicint'. O~ut, iii,- .C jr,, k/im n-at nbled zîi(h Aidnc,'vlPiscase-. The I octor saiI liu ami ol~ eor ailsu ller an I elegan dIecided 10 lry -lFruit -a-t ives". She began lia shoz-j,,g4roventent a/Yer - v/îad ginn er /r lahi ris. In a short timie, the' siveling i ai al gant' doyn andI lier flesît hevran t o blok more natinral. N ow she is ti hlie/cl//,-irçone ii f/.il/y andilias no signs of the titi ailment. Wte cani not saN. too rnch for" Fruit-a- aies ndl nould never ha without them 1'. ',L NfW RI'*1 50c. a box, 6 for $12.50, triai sire, 250. At ail dealers or sent postpaid on receî ptotprice by F-ruit a-tves Limited, 01tva. wlfe anti son, who have been vlshting bere for the pasi lwo we-gks, retumneti honme wlth him on Tuestiay. Miss Alleen Moore vîsileti relatives in Oshawa last week. Rev. J. Mllroy conducte t he ser- vices hn the Preshyt,-mian Church bers on Sunday afternoon. Rev. Mr. Haig supplieti ha Phckering. Mrs. George Gill anti son, o! Broati- view, Sask., viaited i wth Mm. anti Mrs. B. Manning thhs week. Miss Eva Deaka spent the week-end wth Mrs. John Ormîston. Mr. Gourlay anti family Intenti mov-1 hng ta Mrs. Barnett'a bouse.9 Mrs. Star, o! Toronto, ha vlsithng ber1 grantimother here. Mies Edih Francis, o! St. Cathar- lnes. bas been holldayhag with ber ss ter bere. Mm. William Ommiton, who has been la the North West for sevemal montha, han retumneti home. Mme. John Ormiston la vlshlla.g for a week with relatives ta Bracebrîige. « Mrs. John Maynard anti Mrs. Ket- chen v-sited la Port Perry lat week. Tbose who were fortunate enougb 10 attendi the concert given by the Empire Music andi Travel Co., urider the aus- pices of the Brookla Patriotie League, enjoyeti a tcent that seîtiom comes thîs way. The artiste n-ens o! blgb tand- Ing. Miss Smih, o! the Assoclateti Studios. Toronto, charmed ber hearerai with the exqulsite renderng o! ber songa. espechally her flower song. Mise Smith la atudyiag for grand opera. ManIer W 1111e Beenett, until recently a eboninter aI S8t. Slmon's Chuncit. To- ronto, possesisea a voice o! rare prom- Ise. Miss Jubb, teacher o! elocution at Si. Mildred's Aeatiery, gave ber seiec- thons witb fine expression,' especiaiiy ber niuber. "Littlie Baptiste." Miss Peel. teachen o! piano andi maxidollnaiat the Hamxbourg Sebool. ti th le honore> o! the evenhng lu ber fine accompany- Ing andi ber mandolin aumbers. ltlà liopedt laI lisse artiste will relurxi In the wter. wben they will be greeteti wihbanfull boflse. The proceeda o! the evefilng wenita lbtheSecours Nationale for French Relief work. Mrr. Cheyne anti Master WfIlle are ataying at Mma. Tomliasoa'a. Pte. Durt was home on Montiay to aay goond bye 10 bis fanilly before goîng .overseas. The fanerai service wilI be helti thîs (Thursday) afternoon la the Metiiodist Churchi andi Internent will be made jn Groveside Cemetery. The entire community John ln syxn- pathy wlth the sorrowing !amily. MYRTLE. Mr. and, Mrs. Frank Duif inotoreti from Toronto andi apent the week-end wlth the fornîer's parents. The Misses Nichol, o! Peterboro, have been the guiesta of Mrs. Levi Tordît!. Farmers are busy making hay while the sun shînes. The, cmop tbis year la a bumper oae. fr.' John C. Lawrence visiteti hn Lindsay anti Gamebridge last week. firs. Reuhen Hortop le! t on Friday for her new borne ln Oshawa. Mr. Holman and famiily have gai set- tled ln the hous recently vacateti by Mm. T. W. Brookes Miss Elva Smith lsasanisting Mm. Smith la the store. Mr. E. Carmhchael, o! Bpamgville. spent the week-end wlth his mother. Mms. J. Cammichael. Mr. anti Mrs. Thos. Price moloredti t Sterling last week, where they wili spendti wo weeks at Mrs. Prices home, Mmr. J. C. Wilson ls BOW behind the wicket ln the station during Mr. 1'rices absence. Rexali Orderhies are solti andi guaran- teed by Rrxait Drug Stores, as an ef- feùlivp and imili laxative, 12e. andi 25c. -A. Il. Allun. V INSALE. rl DEATH 0F }HENRY F'RANCIS . 1 Thero dieti sudexily ln Brooklln on Thîîrstay, July 11h. Heury' Francia,lI bis Dlst year. Deceaseti was a î-ery set- I ve fur a maxi ef bi yearx. and went to bed feeling a»w-ehl as aana.l sand neyer wakencd lie n'as weII and fav- orabiy known iu Ibis communily, iiav- Ing lit-ct bere for over fttty years. For a gveet many >eara he farmeti, but bas been- living rettreti hn Uic village for a number of yes.nS lie 'sas a ceonstatentl member of the Methodist Church. andi tic Sunday prettotsta is tissu per- toi-met bis regular duty oet aking up the collection. 'He leaves a£ vi*ta t raeurn bis los. The. fnueral ooit place on Saludiay. JoyUtI151te * roeul4e »EIaTHOP W. IL ELVIMS lbtis <onwu»tty -va surrstwpls &"i deattuof onae o B bt9ai's"I t, po ta Vas &tuit. w,,S S Sutieaim tU et til6 *t-f<AI mwpenmutslm"w 1h5 be vas tu. lne W*slot attentiam ma ,the funei-si et t bUeh. y ibi *iI met' nsii itit'- vill laet ai lthe home of Mrs. A. Sppars for the next regular meeting on Thursday, July 27, ai haIt past two. p.m. Ev.ery-body welcome. Mms. C. L. Mackey, President: Mms. R-, R. Mowbray, Sec. Miss louisa Stevenson is vlnlting wlth lier brother. C. J. Stevennson. MmI. James l'engeily palid Toronto a v lait lasi Satirday andi necumeti aa at- mobile. He anti family took a trip to I3mooklln on Sunday evening. Farmers are busy making hay. The crop la far above the average withl mont of lhemn, w-hile some who have old meadows complain of lighier crops. The acreage o! huckwheat Is except- lonaîly largee owIng to the wet season. making itImpossible to get ha the spring crop. Miss Cora Lawrence, of Toronto, spent Sunday under the parental roof. The price o! eggs seems ta be soar- Ing. Mms. Richardison anti son, we are Informeti, palti 28 cents for tbem tbis week *Suirely the bsn Is one o! the valuable assets of the farm. Norman CgIwiII shippeti a carloati o! hogs last n-eek from Bmooklln, paying $10.90 per hundreti, when the paper only quoteti them $10.65. Mr. Mitchell bas solti bis fine lot o! cattie that have been grazIng on the !arm eat o! the village for the splen- titi prie o! 10c. per pounti. WVýe regret to hear tiaI acanlet fever bas broken out at Mr. Gee's, south wesî of -the village. Dr. J. J. Moore states It la of a very ihi form. Mr. J. W Stevenson, to the east, han hati his Independent phone taken out, anti Inaal probability wili put la the Bell phone. Mr. Nelson Litigett hati à drivhngi pony get severely eut hn a harb-wire fence. Vetenlnary Alfredi Mowhray la attendlng 10 Its Injuries. Gordon Pengelly spent Sunday at his home, anti returned to Toronto on Monday mornlng. Mr. Fred Bently Is ably assisting Mr. John Corner., Mr. Mark BrignialilaI reeiving a 111)N eral patronage !roni hie many custom- ers. ant isl kept quite busy. rs. Mayne la away, spendlng a !ew hoîidays among relatives. Mrs. Victor Parkins makes an excel- lent organhat. Cattarrhal I)ealness Cannot be Cured b y ocal applicatUoaaas rbey cnuot rneb the diemt portion pf itie eax. The ne la only one way to clîre <attathaI duafuesa, andti hat 1Io ty a constituitoual r.-niedy. Catarrhal Ocafousla casti iy au inflame-d c-sudltion of lthearucotia liaing 0o!-the 1tuaI 'chias Tut-. Wheu thua tube U. Infiameti yon have a rumnblie auid or ImpIerfect heanilig, andi wbenktis eUure!ly doactiDeafuem a he h re ui.Ialema teus laaaiation eau be reduceti as 1 tht. luh>- e n.aed te tu nomalaicondition. aa;inewlI ed«a»ytd forecer. btany raff ,of deaf-aca are criai hy atrr. whlct Ilau futameti conduion of ihe saucons surface. Hall'.. Catanb cure ace s hroutb lie blootiun tbe mucon saurface af tbe. agt en. We wl' Ulve One Huadted Dollars for any Cam of Catarnbai [Isafuem that finnot b. ranc$ t-bv Ritla catamnb cure. Circulara free. Anl dmuggi.la. 7-'c. F. j CIRFQY & CO.. Toledo, 0. Take Hall. i-allv*Pilla fot conuataion. A brama, enthîleti "The Red Acre F'r. ilbe gîven la Asuburn eheol o MaJuly 21s1, t8pmune Atimluson-Aduits 25c.; cidren 16e Conte andi brlng your tnienti.. anti enjoy an evening of real .ntertanmenot, anti belp a inout worthy cause. 1-M>re. Wai. Jotulaton. et the Manse, bas gene on a vacaion te vt5lt'fIiclltl ta the Towntships o1f lfop. tuntiCavai. An open air service vwu heiti on fbe ehureh lava IastSuaday eveulug. andi vas hemrll7 en>oyed. EvaICI thenelst- bore ltti on their respective vemaa dais appr4elaied It, uuUlnt forth no, effort oui their Patoen 0of tDe m mm-ry eYufls is #illDDlQi - U %. A. JB. Flubtet'sud taily estor. e4 té Osbava andi loaanville on $atm- urd*y. Rp-ort bau It tbat terooosIort sud For making -,rem a ppetizing and heaith- fui cake, biscuits, muf- fins and pastry there is no substitute for "1, AKNGPOWDER Marie from Cream of Tartar, derivedl from grapes. Makes Home Baking Easy. S. S. NO. 5, PICKERING. Resulis of promnotions examinaihons: Jr. IV. to rim.I. ma. Sherman, Fred Smith, boule Puckrin (recain- mentied). Sm. 111. ta Jr. IV.--Gladys Puckrin (honors). Jr. IL. 10 Sm.IlI.-Blert Smith. Willie Bell, Gormiey Crawford, Lomne Bell. 1 Sm. I. to Jr. II.-Domothy Layefesky, Jr. I. ta .Sm. I.- Bemt. Holtby, Teddy Ayres, Garnet, Crawford. Sm. Primer ta Jr. .-Etinice Squire. Successful Entmance candidate, Ern- est Smith. To Reduce Tour Weight Easily and Quickly. If you are overstout the cause of your over-stoutness is Iack of oxygen- carrylng power In the blood andi faulty assimilation o! food. Too littie la being madie into the harder tissue of muscle and too much into the globules of fat. Therefore you should correct the mal- assimilation andi Increase the oxygen- carrying powver of the biood. To do this, go to any gooti drugglst and get oh of oriiene, only solti ln original packages and ln capsule form, andi take one cap- sule atter each meal and one at beti- time tili your weight la reduceti to whait it should >be on ail parts o! the body. The affect o! oh o! orîlene ln capsule form le remarkable as a welght reducer, &hd It 15 perfectiy safe.-E. J. T. Any druggist can supply you, or a large size box will be sent oS recelpi o! $1 (postal note or xnoney order). Atidress D. J. Little Drug Co., box 1240, Montreal, Canada. SUMMER SESSION Now open in Shaw'a Business Schoolo, Toronto, continu.'m until Augnat 28tiî, wben Fali Tern 4eb.gi. No vacations. Enfer any tlin, Free catalogue. -Wrte W. IL . APruIdt. Qfoetandi Worku OpposIte IHewia &.a., Whttby MONUMENTS o! il Duslgsaud àla te pt la Sto It viin pary yêp- t@ eIl At, Our' von Md nt p for- younulf Do not bernleledbyg*Mt&.We do, »ot OMPItOY the= a ul.Coquenly- etu fodd 4 oU te atqut's odl luo 10 W, ut.v*bt-oy, v eme Utallmaebi pufcthg ,um IAu adyi otctd 4% No AIum Dodge Brothers' Mot or Car A man's car in its sturdiness and swift response, a woman 's car in its grace of fine and dtsign. The gasoline cont-umption la' enusually low, the tire mileage is unusually high. Automobile Tires and Specialtiest Gasoline E ngifles, C u'tivatin g, Haying and. Harvesting Machinery, Plow.r, Carrnages, Harness, Hard'ware, Binder Twine, Ois and Greeses. iW. F. DISNEY Bell and Imd. Ph ones Professional Car&> LEGAL~. JNO. E. FARSEWELL, K.C. Barrister, County Crown Attorney endi Omcentt wMlnurt Hous. Whitbi Ofc, A. E. CSIISTAN Barniatar. Solicitor, Notarg Publlc. Etc. OMtie. Brock l6t.. ODP. Standard B"nk - Money tii Lon. - - Ut=UAGB LICENSES. 6. VUAOSMITH, LLL At dwelhitg boboe oppomlt methodmi Churoh. xo,*Itnomm srequtet Hnrry-J. nü%idson, D.DSg.9 L*D*Se thceso W. Adama.- 011k,, Dffltias trut. opposite Pm WIiTSY, ONT. E. W. ls',DDS.LD8 Dota PrloJu ^,ver- AMnedru~ ,Mort. 0 ofu:tâ Mra0U;1.0t& Whitbyý Onit. foRONTo'S Fe E., LU KE ABLE OPTCIAS -'WILL QEýAT A. IL Alln'a cirug sloa TUESDAV* dUNE 27th Ssbisa about1 our e7O5 163-167 Yongq St. TORON4TO WASTE PAPERÏ , RAilS,- Et&e - Happy Noskat ý- ,epal your vasté matiiê fo avbim. PPo«eds lu Bld 01 Va O. Ne ARTHUVR2-LVýNK~ TEACHER 0F 8SINNO Teahes at Whtbevery $aiturd7.i phon. BOU U&8 or msdiweaboS0, W'* IS b-- -- , i ý -du ýý -, - , I., - -.- 1 - -Éd

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