ENOCHWNWRHma *Mà anwation in 'his' eye# M eo_ By SABELGO D N URTiseus did not sis. Her only tà ïÉhaSimet of By SA ELGOR ON CU TIS ws eý the happiness iln storeFl yPifCrur Authlor of "The WOm an fromi Wolvertons " n.tworth laid the pages of mantn a isn oe ap w ki-soodth a kgtoips scipt On the table and cleared his oftheree omkte dt tabryReie.bnn ra sraibtenti throa. Oswld sa read to bstow e eot¶% hStrawberry Sanidwiches.These arslcsospnefgrca. bhsiness-like attention upon the rend- crut fine &nMi@-eéd hom to hame delightful for afternoon. teas. Fine Nvralwabb oueanr- CHiAP'É1., V.-a(Cont'd.) "Where are you going? asked ing. WenEocmifedte*istnrr tright.eaven when French bred% or bender.bakinç powdeinbttewhatuetacdtot Hie dropped' lightly upon his knees Enoch sternly. page his visitor asked: "May I knew JUus icitsre stebidn rlre tebb a evrb-lae. in rot f envothwhn e nih- "I'm going straight to-bell." who wrote the playf" sweet berries slieed and sprinkled wit Grpsaemc mredlcosi t ed. ~~~~He lifted his gloves from the table. ly. sugar. Somietimes a epoonfuloftearalwdtolenicwtr "I awit th rd t ve leside them lay the manuscript Of his "Ah!"*simd the Englishnmn. ue whipped cream is added to the berrie.abes lemntsbfr evn andreered e geu ' hehe d lay. He stretched out his hand and noticed the startled look on Doreas' Strawberry Salad.-One quart straw We abr seksesdy hisfiges po Wntwrt'sarn ndturned his eyes en the other man, face. lit escaped her brother, who set baerrofes, ablesonulsoiv ipu w2o he tablespoonfuls bon looed ngruponwta.exptanrts&mile.dwathing himi as a thief might, who turned half way from her. daho a6 abepofl òe, rs ra n fwbedrmsi fears being caught in an act of rob- Wentworth began to réadi. Hews and prove St. 1 alspofl eo uclt ihi. Enoch wrenched hie arm f reean bery. an excellent readerl his enunelátion Gea packa'etfBENSONW aru ue7as n ulbrie;cti eov ri tisbypuigbi- rose awkwardly to his feet. The"'«Take it," cried Enoch. "I have a was slow ari distinet. The stor.y fŠroce and cStetow r etchlelnghie aea rsigigwae vrtestie ufc, comedian .drew back with a startled copy of it. a cope nm'onhn-qicl noddisl n tog ii e rit inf anad«- tifo by beating the honey, oil, lemon juichangtfalroadiaceftre expression, ai; l' fear struggled with writing." language Grant Oswald, who was an " w and sait together until frothy; pourfe. bewilderment. Mferry stood finger-ing the pages- ardent student of dramtic literature, TiEMD A msAe CtLImfD o ver the berries and let stand thirty We amn tae udn "You, see," Enoch's lips were per- "What do you propose -to do with fell Immediately under its spell and aoaN, Z 216 .RmI^ " minutes in a cold place. Drain ar-pt1 naclne n tn ti fectly colorless, "Your mental ability: your-sewag?' listened with Intent quiet. rneo etc evsaa ev tte tanr hswl k udn IL; ledged to me." "Call it by a decent name. It be- The mindis of both men were sooneorckdlihflyig. Merry started at him, curious and'longs to me. Money does not count vitally éconcentrated upon the drama Strawberr Roll-Make a rich bi- Paetethrsosholbew. perplexed. with me in thiq transaction. You maY that they were scarcely coq elous of a cuit crerts,tZen roll out the doughtoaofwthacthhe hyarr-OPN NO claim niow." Enoch i;aid deliberately. but the authorship of the play." low chair to the window seat. She lay _ ness. Spread thickly with berries erbe note. A ndew pokein gcorse hiser. "Notingbutthe uthrshp--"bac agansta pllow gaherd th ThaSpniars Hve vercme hei dregehightyhwth louranda lt..Hiatdewod. she wil clan in, "I don't undierstandI." Merry's glancewas a malediction. , folds of a silky portiere around hier,Dilkfo tle sugar; roll up, soistening the edgeagtorocrywe.bm n ThsWr I demnand your play!" Ile dropped the pages and bossed his and stared down at the square. She Dilk o er. to keep them together, and tie ln acohadäpytewo a sb "You demand my),play? lTO sell 1", hat uponlhishead. Wentworth watch- heard her birother's voice ln fregments. Victoria Ena was born an'English cheese cloth. Lay on a plate andrbigi nte tie lcs a "No; of course niot." Wenteworth ed him curiously. The outer shell of Those fragmente were always the Princess, was brought up in the strict- set in a steamer. Steam two and a Tm ssvdb utn h og jerkýed out the wvords abruptly. "WNhy the maRn htd changed. His clothes, words of the girl, Cordelia, or of the est simplicity, and when she became half hours for a mnedium-aized roll o aigbsut ihakie h shiould 1 want to sell?7 I want to pro- immaculate an hour ago, looked dis- father fallen to pitiful estate,. She the Queen of Alfonso XIII. she car- then serve with sweetened cream r bsut ilb npet qaead De hs du, e it -a mine, a,; one -1 have writ- heveled. A lock of fair hair sftra7e%ý clasped her hande together with such!ried that wholesome freshness and hard sauce. teewl en at.hsrahd tenf down over his forehead, hie linen had a grip that It numbed her fingers. A f reedom of thought and action to Strawberry Shortcake for Five.-elpet l\leirry moeý1 towNar-d him with an a battered appearance, the white, strangepainand a horrible suspicion which she had been accustomed -all A L- ge cupful of fgour, two.teaspoonslwd yd agon of erro in is ees You hyseinthsq drooped from hie buttonholeý were seeping through her body and her life straight into the heart of ul- of baking powder, a teaspoonful o NLN W KNN.Tege wvant to tukle f)(om me my one com- like blossoms which had been touch- burning ln her veins. Outwardly setacnevtvhuhySan adadoeo utr Mix with cokFlne e plete effort, miy one amb)ition, MY ed by frost. He stood for a moment was, inert. Of course, her behavior to the mnilk, mold into two large biscuits andCasDsicinieaigDwocre n ev-erythm,,g the wvork which 1.s making'%with the door-knob in his hand star- Suddenly she was awake again, wide, Spaniards was almost unseemnly, and bake in quick oven. Split throughWiesrtn o n n a man of me on wvhich 1 have toiled ing at Wentworth, who returned his awake, tingling with life and emotion1 they didn't mind saying so, behind cenber and butter and pour over Same id >steadily fori ee. You would do gaze with a cold, ruthless scrutiny- listening to hier brother's vibrpnt closed doors. They were positively one box of strawberries which have "esaleageteouin Nwoe that!! Do you uinderstand-while Iý Merry's eyes fell before them. It voice The day of release had come shocked, and they could not under- been mashed with one and one-hal fe h awiesa nls n oen w-rote i1 scarcely stopped to eat or was the first palpable concession tu for John Esterbrook. He tood with stand how their Proud King could cupfuls§ sugar. Serve with whippedmnt h inaolsJunl Rnl o sleep ? Weni id sleep 1 dreamed of Enoch's; stronger will. halting, tremulous steps, fearful at'bringi home such a bride as that. cream or ice creamn. Tene ftig ehv eti n i n it and "Good-by," he said with an unsteady, the sight of the world he had leftl At last, one or two of the King's Strawberry gunshine Preserves. teps oohr il eoeah eivs Hestppdto mc afete t lug.iIe closed the door behind him. tet er eoe iighseeeitmtstl i rnl fte Select nice red, firm berries; washprfbecriuu fteftr.Grays trust his oie lie laid one hand Wentworth turned to the table, lifted, from its tumult. Then Cordelia ran suirprise of his lieople alb Queen Ena's and drain. To every quart of berByswlhaem eatntogvn over the other aq if to still himFelf, for the manuscript and stood glancing to meet him-young, hopeful, loving eccentricities, to use a mild term. ries have ready a isyrup madâe Of twot h-lbrto fthnsta r u ote hie was tring through the closely scrawled pages- and eager, Dorcas forgot the horror His friends' complainte fell on deaf cups of sugar and one-half cup of wauseu ahrta eeyon-hbt ut Wentworth stood Jooking at the 'Then hie crossç,l the room, dropped It and doubt which had swept her down! ears. er. When syrup has boiled five min etl nln hswkndu o younger mani. Something eold and upon the mantel, and watched until, for a moment, she was thinking of1 "Wait! and see what they will say utes ar" berries and boil exactly tentenegfdigtig hc eeiain a relentless crepit imto his eyes..Hlai d each gray ash became a filmy atom Of' nothing but the play. It was greater, in a year or two, minutes, no longerq and then skim outa n iebogtbnet h t-sfe w his hand on Merry's arm. dust. more human, than she had dreamed Meanwhile Victoria Ena was pro- berries, placing them on a platter. Bci et ogtigta oki oo. i oa "Let me talk to you, Andrew." 1 of that' day when Andrew and she fiting by the lessons given her ln in- the juice twenty mlinutes, remnovingal n rvlg o ob e aerrn "Talk! Talki You damned chief!!" CHAPTER VI. walked home over the beach at Jurdp-, ternational diplomacy by that wise; the scum. Thnprtejucovrsidbyayraedengnosof h Hie pushed Enoch aside with quick re- er Point. Her eyes grew wet with ad tactful uncle of hers, . thelae.hebresndpcentesuhi. "oteldesforlndree-cetss. pulsion. His face was blazing with' "Jason, this Île nobody I know.", pity, then she smiled happily as life King Edward VII., of England. She Cover platter or dish with a piece o oigtewreso u am, Il et wriath Hie wenit trampling about the Wentworth sat staring at a card his ceased to be« a problem for Cordelia. was not hie niece for nothing, and glass. O)ne day usually sufi cestoadreong odadgetwrkty ashe roomn in a vaguie heedlless, half-blind- man laid before himn. He knitted ,his Love had come, and the father turned the end certainly justified the means reduce to proper consistency-whichb hs en nwnin il opr lyd eti f hion. A thought seemed to brows querulously. "Make him un- to work out what was left of a fu- for Victoria came out with flying col- should be a jelly-like sftate. Reheattejyolevctu ligmn rnmsin st.rætL him abruptly. Hie wheeled derstand that I'm engaged." "ure. ors. Spain to-day speaks with par- and then geai, or place ln jelly glasse omryepy ie ihtepla icvr around suddenly and faced the mani "He's terrible mnasterf!ul, Mtarse (To be continued.) donable pride of her as the most pop- and cover with parraffin. This makessr htcmsfo eigueu.toia o beside him. Enoch," said the darky apologetically; ular queen It ever had. a very delicious preserve. I swneflwa oe r c r h#yl "*Why in the devil's name, Enoch. h' on el sey' esagn Victoria has the gift of wearing her 40 opihn nal ie.tdol h sh 'uld you do this? IHave 1 ever dlone'tieman all right. I don' believe 1 kin: PIGEONS EMPLOYED AS SPIES. clothes well. Madrid was mightily Iaexpensive Cakes. "htd , hn ftewr net vm ne r cruel, disloyal act in all my g it rid ob him easy. - proud of this, and rather ungracious- Wy hr sol n huhta Mdr "Tllhm ansartnmiues"Many Are IUsed by the French and ly, some thought, gave lher the sobri- hlCflur nae-Onepougan, of os-wnhl i hogh n oealfly hs eýcrtt worth didJ not anSwer. He re. Jason ushered the visitor into Went - German Armies. quet of "The Peacock," on account of hl luoehl agrnoe h lae o t uiiaino utamg F ure te erorinMerys ye wthworth's library. He was a tall distin- ereqisttse half Pound of sugar, one-half pound o huh n cin o h e iecmaie a clol Fstubborti glance. gui.shed man, with a fine, highbrq: Aillthe nations atpresent fighting Spain was considerably upset when crathl ito ik n e-i a rae n h etrsneo huhi e "Didyouhavethi helishpluderface. {iA manners were exceeeingly use carrier pigeons, not only for car- the queen insisted upop having Eng- spoonful of carbonate of sodta. Mix h rprint af ftig'toswih scheme t mind wen you rew up gaciousyet simle ryin messagres, but aiso for taking Ilish nurses d physicians. But have all the dry ingredients together. Placethrisaegrnsinlltquifhvecsd that bond ?" he asked unsteadily. "l don't believe, Mr. Oswald, I'vephotographs. InteeupetOf them she .z The ancient Spanish the margarine in a basin a little wayfrbugueu ntebs es fnswih "Wht dd ou aveinmin whn et you before," said Enoch. all the German and French army corps rylnrey ihisdrsmr from the fire until it gets soft, beat i h odenrso you ade m your ave i ?" "hn .You haven't." Grant. Oswald smil. are to be found a number of wicker ralnursernd out-of-sdaeequimbetu with a fork until It Io like cream; "orl hsi ongt eli hnwao "I mdn't kno-.-exacty"Wnv dcrily Yu a elsm anøscnann enseci andea d o itbra hteuwhoe mxa taponu fcabnt heftr if fornain n tured ucha s'raghtorwrd a eu hve xe yoenrmnutes pa mn isntld og Étonok afetrtesut on vr wit-htefr i f od&i, tteapooful of mbinlkwt tcmstebeligu ag-G urnMerry that he realized the manI'lgstahtobsne.Imanbra ture, white wall nd bright hang- Set aside until you have mfxked withly fcasdsictos h ok wnspkn g h'rt. A odi.nglishman. I have been in New1 The messages which thelabirds car~ ings. knife the flour etc., with tm:rgarmemnhsloeitte ihr'lse ht yam-thatingh rt A tel l teYok o tre ees.Iwant to in- 1ry are written on lnne tissue paPer, The Qenofdanisnta rl n ilk, then pour in the milk andadtecekmsuees.Btwe lemdc Ptryuth tht h ng buamt a fancyog etmnyinsmtigaog ththchsgnrll olrudte ian6 womno 3a à nor desahe retn osd;ba el.ni hruhymx-te aecm oete n tecr frt mine When vyouprca M meawith theatrical line." lg1 ndfstne hee ymensofabe 8eisbuifunadkindand ' ed, place in a greased tin, leavin rnhs n aefudtoete nkes kNWAR, 'Un F D- )F ON ()FTHE GEA-- 4T Ë(11ýNlsi-- Was tartd bythe erd 0 lita 9prit o Pu- war man tat hMa-- Wasc itate béy the ber u- genét'ation 1 !test ofall archseologi trie, says that là whai Egypt, ith Greece, in B3ab Rome. After bhat the of the world's mont é',mind scientisto,--Lieut.-Col. $ e, whose tname is potent wledge magie, hints that, this war to be the sign docadonCe and S Warning nIted Atateé, that hationa - lbe chan~fed, national as- LIsed If t ;ar of to' îse. [d's wonderfulllm brilliant..........----- ts him among the fore- e world's disitinguishoà known service to human- discovery in 1897 of the by the mosquito in the' iof malaria fever. This as been as importait toi- ntries as was the disdodj ow lever can be transmit- ough the bite of the saml cience," he said, tlsoughto made It Possible to con à ty war without the ac- t of epidemies, even carried on'among' condi- twenty years ago would ý4rightful waves of sick- undoubtedly woufld ha*veO sible for- more -deathsl la so f4ørae cusd ismei'l h.rcr work In #Fwg à e fighing rmonefcily hem lncu ito d nolis ocewa cl. Gieità lný._ ,Wetorh ited--h«-dô-!doomed city, onebird ucesded' in Pl;t o .of marmaladeUmilk as required.Bua h t hvs hmy big Production, advertise it as a play elippings and copy which liftered bis carrying to the outide world0on one M m.thré butter and sugar together, add beteepot f caase ftne o up your fame as an emotional actor." ndkel efi HTis extradinay et was accom- smoking on the job out there and Mmoe the soda in'the milk and add tone avacmn ha,4il ountdla hec.e teor lid Hie ad just opepihdnymas-fmcrpoora rdhim. 1 gdre hibhWfour days' the above. Mix alH to a #stih atter n noeocso oeEuef muscript when the door n d yte esae eigArtpredpynd*"told him to clear out:t Bake two hours ln a fairly bot Oven.ie a e-wro a one actor in A merica who ear play rrigasi ae.Framnt raphed. The photogaphs were re- was only looking for a job."erCh.Tr-qatrponlitnntbugt woisrsntsb d r hacos te1o n n nWoth forgotthe visitor lnids r h.aot o yr npheontersdnfttehveanou bilfuy Ie tstretched out hs anm. Mchssquare, contained SOOOo word-sonu fsiaiteenae a otm oln p "lnes nld dealth Wentworth a stinging blow, -d Bless my heart,limglad to have Sixteen of these films rolld upin a oetapofio fignoehsgn otefottecebt oteeet a-ctoss the mouth. "Thot actor won.t yu ac, e rid."Nve " Llquilt weShed only one.twenty-fffth tasoofl f oaawihthnido cmasdndaya,-f edb 9Plu, -t.Do you understand ?" any He hae 1 ah part of an ounc. Mtemilk. i l nrdst th arvet Wentworth lifted hiâ arm n ercely, .,e - --4...---- -a - eagMd oq eber, then wadd a » WartaMimty A get thien it dropped nerveleuly by hi*thmcicll, Iws ke h oat &WThe veins rose ln bis neck and eoul ay a& much for you. Enoch. FORTUNES flFOR SEtV ANTS. a à waf*ins ndeuate 0sareywatda»2l,%oe.-mn eetd eraea lketat crd.1e t Ydeu look decidedly seedyr. I:ve got to ...... eC000-rehi04mpPndundps ohafe i g ueedlk at Meror ho îe aboustay gh br*. 'en theconly one Beme .arge S8m« B gDethed Byrsny ind, of k Merynw -th dac od .O i n uer ae o arpa the ri aiue hitfey had"gan sçftobuinSitrk.Drr-otexcty o- eassasa ",de ppr. 1 bel tn "Odeore nodic a p ma o&a sh de"a re h I Tb sat her e be # tM to d, he"doon ur. I will s-t ar n r ewta mry1n hr l ooma asin f M.On Eyeig itp r en Inon""e"""*M rïi d h* ond grin slfat suutm tlof 4ýnt e ae88bs. OM * y&à Lli Wbn e pek a T bemaie Inm o upp Many Inst u sw y V» M that- such watfare develop theiIndividul, necessry to his best. ,but therei can be- found rthinking~that suche hinery and submergence- Idual s that whicha eing conducted by3 der- Petrile gatheredev nc cles of decadoieee~ and natural law i behind the -Onseiof their dèes aï', b