First Une Enemy Tre4cheg S#Xaightened Out and Munition De- pots Five Miles in the Rear IIlown Up. A despatch f rom Paris anYs :-The German aircraft have attempted tu correspondent of La Liberte at the cross th@e allies' lUnes te spy out pre- British front says .'«The lntenslty parations, and each tixne has had te of the Britishi artillery at certain'retreat, pursued by British airmen. points is frightfuI. Shell folows Since the beginnlng of the week Bri- sheil at only B few seconds interval. tish aircraft' have destroyed five The# efficacey of the lire has been noted Gerinan aeroplanes." by reconnotrlng parties. Not only Major Moraht, the Germnan military flrst Une trt-nche have been wrecked critic, commentlng in a recent issue ove-r a considerahie ares and sorne of of the Berlin Tagebiatt on the Bri- thrin entirely straighened eut, but the tish activlty In Flanders and Northera ,spcond line and third Ileece rneay We believe that when have corne under the British fire. Two the Eigliah really make Up their nmunition depots five miles in the rear minds to undertake a great stategical havc- boe'n bl-own up. 'the prisoners offensive the end of the British army broi,ht back hy the British appear will certainly be in sight. We do not to lin' tuinned." i %vish to underrate the seniousness of Tho correspondent after hlghly such a fight. Neither,-on the other prnîsirig the Tiritish trench raiders hand, do we want to shlow the British ail.>1 the gr'n.-ral spirit of the army, to fraghten us. The British arniy has Fi ý1(1 q: «"ot, and neyer will, have ttie opera- -Ihe Blritish flying corps lately has, tive strength to drive us out of euvery suiccpsvful. Time and again. Northern France and Belgium." SMASHING BLOW ON TEUTON LINE ITAUIANS GAIN MORE SUCCESSES Atistrians Hiurled Biack on the'I Three Loftyv Heights Taken by! Kolomea Front and Soutit- ward. A dos-patch from London says The Riissans airain are hamrnering their way toward Kelemea. Wlth slow but sure strokes, hefore which the Auqtrian lines, weak without the support of Germaso troops, are crumb- Uir, the Czar's forces are closing up- on the Galician stroiX,-rhold, the key to I em berg. "On Thursday General Letchitzky, after artillery preparation,-sasys Pet- rograd's official statement, Il inflicted tupon the eaemy, despite hie desperate registance, a great detent in the re- gion betweea the Rivera Docimter and Prutis, and teck possession of three linéa et trenches." Over a front ef 25 miles the Rus- ilan masses were hurled attise oppos- lng lines. Fierce hatt]iag followed, ia which nrtillery combat gav-e way te hand-to-hand fighting. Auat.rian e- serves were hagtily rushed te the threatened secter. W'ith these new forces the Russian onalaught was halted, but in thse evening the Czar's troops reaewed the assuit with f ree.hvilgor, and drove their wedjge tismougis thc Austrian lins. \lenaa admits that the Teuton forces were elonpelled te retire Il from part ot their front at Kolomea and soutis- war,U' IROUMANIAN FOOD) MOTS Four hilled ln Fight With Police at A deapatch frein Ami§terda6r"",jUrs -According te Bucharest dttiliïohes in Gem newspapers received hers, four persons were killed and five wounded hy the police et Galatz, Roumnania, Monday, whilo represent- ing a denionstration of worklnginen against the high prices of foodstuffs. The despatches sdd that the worklng- nmen of Galatz declared a general 4t.rike Sunday, owing to the authori- ties having prohiblted meetings andI demnonstrations ln againat the' high cost of living. 81-PtENDID BRITIS~H GIFI' TO CANADIAN SOLDIERS A tlespatch from London Rays : Prîncess Louise, Duchens of Argyll, presenteti a silk Union Jack and a Bil- ver hield te the General Officer Corn- rnanding the (,snadian forces on Sat- urday. The. colore and sheld are the gift of women and children in the 1 United Kingdern and whhl remain at Shorncliffe until the close of the war. when they will he taken to Canada.] A souivenir, in commemnoration of Lord Kitchener, wss also given to each dis- abled soldien. QIrEHEN %VI(71OR[A 0F SWEDEN BAI) A NARROW E.SCAPE A dleipetch from Berlin msya: - Queen Victoria of, Sweden, @iter ef Grand Duke Friedrich Il. of Baden, was at the Castle ln Karlsruhe durlnt the rocent French air raid on that German clty, when 110 persona wpre killeà . by bombe, asys an Overseas; Nom Agency d..patch from iulKri- tube. Sh. escapedl haras, how.ver, au on the occasion of the pnevtous raid, when she alse was in the city. h ITUIIEN REFUSE FOR CERMAN 0S A despstch fromn Amsterdam says: --German newapapcrs receivd boe contain an ordot of te Federal Cosa. i cil compelin Z san ad commueltilf exceeding 40,0L inhabitants toeôlilet kitchen refuse trom aIl bousehotda The;refuse Ça te be sent te a Gor- ment factory, there to b. co=verte lnto condense food for milch cows. Cadorna's Troops A despatch froni London sava Furtiser successes are claîmed by Rome. The lofty heights et Mente Cianiondo, north ot' Fuain, and Mente Ca'iojo, have been seized by General - (adomaa's troops. Lying betweea the Posinia and Astico, these positions give the Italians command of a -vd stretch et territory. A furtiser gain, in the jr aweep across tise Asiago Pis- teau also is ciaimed by the Italians. They have occupied thse seutisera aide ef the Assa V'alley snd aow are aterni- iag tise stopes of Monte Rases, Mente Interrotto and Monte Mosciagis. In addition they have reached the Gal- tamara Valley, having.carrhed tise de- tenasi Ve position et Monte Colombara. HAIAFAX GOES DRY AL'TER l100 VRARS c y MAGNIFICENIT COUNTRY PESIDENCE 0F CANNDoA'S NEW GOVERNOR-GENERAL LOST S. German From. Th TRIPES,I NOT lIS LIFE Socialist Dismissed Army and Given hirty"Months. A despatch 'frein Berlin ssys :--Dr. Kani Liebkneeht, the Socialist leader, was seateneed on Wednesday te thinty inoaths penal servitude and dismnissal froni the srmy for attempted high treason, gross insubordination and me- sistance te the authorities., The court adopted tise view tisat Dr. Jiebknecht was guided by tanaticism n id net by uapatrietic feeling, and therefore im- posed thse iowest penalty on huan.. Dr. Liebknecht ia entitled te appeal froni the sentence. Z.500.060 WOMEN IN INDUSTRY. Increase in British Female Laben Raises a Future Difficulty. CANADA#S -NEW COV.-CENERAL iMarkets of the Woîld Toronto. July NO. 1 Northern, NO. 3, do.. ;1.121, Manitoba oats- No. 3. do., 62c. No. 1 feed, 60c; Bay ports. Amerlean corn track, %Bay ports; Ontario oats-P accerding to fret@ Ontario wh ~t- to 99c; No* 210.d 88 te 90e; feed. cordlng te f reighl Peas-No. 2 nei cording te sanir cordtag to frelgbl Barley-Maiting 62c, according to Buckwheat-No cordlng te frelgi Rye.-No. 1 cor cordtug te freigh Man itoba flour- bagsa.f6.5-0: seor le6; strong baker Toronto. Ontario flour- sample, 14.05 te Toron te. prompt bulk. seaboard.1 Mllfeed- ' r1 freights, baga 1lm 120 te $21,' short middlIngs. per tei flour. per bag. $1 ceuni Womea the wonld over may b. - Bu tter-Freeh Fory-ax Bns ereload Lst iglt proud efthtie tact that la answer bo inetr23e2 I ..'ç Wee oge Lst igte Sic: larerlor. tise calet duty and patriotisni ome- Eggs-Steadyt -Lqur enMs Fgh. thing like 2,500,000 wemen and girls 2, . 9c:.. ac Beans-$'.26 t( A despateis trom Haltfax says:- have entered ths industries et Great ~* band-ptcked. The 46 liquos- saloona la this e+ty clos- Britain siace the, beginning et 1915, Cheese NNew.1 Maple syrup-- 0(1 up on Thursday night te remain wites s London correspondent. $~1.40 te 11.60 Pei closed, in coasequence ef the prohibi. Wit'h tise exception et certain skili * : Dresaed peultr: tien law pu.sed at the lest sesshon et ed trades and occupations necessarily Potatees--On h teLgsauemknHaia"dy confined te men, thse whole 'ôiorld utf a at 1$1.86. and Nsi the eg~slauremakig Hlifx "i7"per bag; Westert as well as the rest et bise proince. It iwerk is now ton the firet tim. in bts- is 169 years since Halitax was fouad- tory open te women. The nation isla Mn ed, and for the finst time it will be undoubtedly benefiting largeiy in Montreal, Jul No. i yellow, 8 impossible legally te obtain a drink many ways by thse influx et woflefl adian western,D in aay publie bouse. m tu te labon worid, tisat las W say, 8 ~ 3e. extra No.1 white, Sio; No. - ---4--.-- -inte that portion et it wbicis up te tise .soie Barley- K EEP POOR K ITCHENS present time bas been the special pre . Floue--Mams. Si OPEN INUEFINITELY seneof tise maie. CurI4igly enougt lu tuer laa vry serous 1lirtage 61o.bae A deupatci f rom, TIle Hague, via wor' ao aalr~nme t- ~ tbmelo.8.7 Lendon, says:-ThÉe muaiclpality e ee stCdacifyla etlsam b.2 $ to $ elibade.edtkeppnineclotising. The tact la that thse higis bl's.ouilite. $27 10 wae adte munition workers la re.- ço s~toncar lota. $2 fin tis te municipal peor kitcees. aespîu- 'piýest western lpevusyas eeopnsponsible for thia deacrtion ofthtie - r s enla.oi te la ony ur.n uewite mnli, lo-leas well paid jobs. Domestic er- e ~ . . . t reanisry. soe; vanta, laundresses and waitresses-fte Z lng et tise end ed Marcis. This year t peî . . stock, îse. POU thse closng has been pestponed, aioath ut a tt:: m-.r 9 atte menisunde presur et ise Tbey don't seem satisfied« unleai - n.eeds oethUe poor people, andI it hais te r aigsmeisn ia x Winnipeg, JuIl no benfiaiy eidd e ee ~.plodes, rernarked an employer, vie ho Wohea-8.109 no enfnlydcddt eptefouisd Il difficult te get women werk- NorhertNo$.09 kiteisens open for an indefinîte porhod. eNo. 4. $1.0.N Tise Vorwaerta says tue Iitchens are ero. I C"..ou4i crwd4 u a idwlte atitiat'-.This fresis industrial revolution bas Noi .. e threae ay oplînsreaiîgbnomgbt vitis il nov problema and tue tyNo .69te threar mnycoplins egrdngWomen's Labor League la doiag good DUCHISS 0R DEVONSHIRE. boiced 60ie- tise inaufficlency efthtie rations ev. service la imitatiag systtematle 'la--5______No.___C. quiry -aad discussion upon tucm. One UsUtel THREE PEOP>LE DROWNED. speaker at tue opening cenference In, IM % iu:uYMn. Oeptmb - London hazardedth ie predictien tisat Im m'u 11,1111I; No. 1 Nu Caao-elng Tnagedy on tise jacqîîcs ut lesI 2,000,000mon nov la tue 1 No. 2 Northerna NerSt. Catherine. Queber. army inuet be regarded am lest te in-' FOU M E N whI ~ ite. 3à tr. A kpthfo ubc»%-dustry. ine tbey would lie eit$ser lansh1p$19n00.. .' A lepsci fro Qebc ay:-capacitatedor veuld refuse to go back 1 lut",00. Tisree Perauns vere dDuluth.on' droned 05te tiselr old occupations. !>f'I'heft, Recelvlng »sd Obtan- Ne. 1 bard. 81-1 Thursdey morning wisile caaoe n n evriela uelhrvedwl[ h y as reecs.iE~; No. 1 Nt th ie aqusCrirn g oan eethls h aorwdwl n YFWPmmu o. 1 Nenîherfis tis Ri-smJaque Catie nar ain î confronted witu tue aecesaity et-i A dspalcis fruit Wlnnpeg says:- Northteril. on Catiherine, They are Mmi. Guillot, adJusting ir tswbole basia andi policy Tisomai Kelly bas been feunti uity e JuIy. $î.sa whose sumbad la anage for ar- e new conditions. It la clear t aéNeft.. receivhng, and obtainlssg money 8.04 bd ceau andI Compa.ny. dry goodis dealers, 1thmenro=an verser cannot lie excîsid-'by false pretoalasa A verdict et8*Dibd ef titis eity: M. Jobhn, fornserly & oct wisolesale, neither can ise b. ex- 1guity ufour eut of thse love couts ila fle famed ixe'enesssenstougand hiat eplît for tise hanefit of uracruplous jthse indl(tailpnt on tlie chargeaa'lilisg Toeonto lsal agtl axten. It e tougsttist tseemployera, but befome tue matter tani eut o tise cotratta fSr Ue ereeien 10.600 do *0 eano caalxe ii rouis ater bi eqitably ad.juted tuer. yull bu ofethte Manitoba Parliamout Bulita tet8e us --trouble. w- feuwl by tise jurr la liseAssijt n. IIL IRSH OULOK entuas. the. Wouaen'a ILabor Court on Thursdmy 4feroon at S& t* "S 118 ORE OPEUL Lgm u abteda seim f Sn 0'>OC1 attr ltbdteemWi fr86 oW a deiatc - erencesinlaan endeasorteouttie tise tires isumr5 .iu. Adsac romn London aya :-.. question tisat tisa vonklogua n l 10tei.35 bo Tise rias outloek generally is morethkngbratbo-isfuuef hopeful. Tise Dm117 Mail predicta ans the wvenis ho bave lieradrstted BR 9TiSII O0F I)TES, t îee;d. amicable settlemnent. Tise Dmly itta i.duiury btaS, etise plaoe et mes04 Iiht Chronicle, on thse other hand. aya tuat aMi tha offeton man'i ague mnd lb.eMmmaf&metrwCam HaSee .C«IMO ath#*» baev Lord Lansdowne, Minuster without gieraI standard et living.mmu Kiel. pbrtfoeleo, andi Walter Long, presitemt I ý iti,.dOWt . tew. bulag ti- . et tise local Govermmnt Board, bave -t.-. onaall 1 b *4i . resigned. Borne otisar papers uMytiat CNLY UFNrrtON<S FUMMPY bis a h ret&laa u k 1Jial no one, basfBerbaneettoL4theidaImut A dsptehtrm Ptrgrai aya:- Gessaut Bm ulganlan t'affiata. Ai Fr huI sbo edes la cor. as il 'riA frspetue nom eo »Y cf a fana* t& .,* t #«dya MM- I The RossioItnulco(otin e , h is oe Euw&ddl, inOMe pat»die tue Tuudrlva tas tvbar* tise *buï*1 ,Iý Turks frodraglan et Kslof antoule. aiaa (u Ad.*aa dieci of SouvW wafhave deloetéd&a ti. m GFRMnAN PAFFIR FAISUWf 0F WAR0» SIFRT Impressed by Great Activity of Railgs Forces, Which IncIud~ Several Attacks With Gas. A despatch froin Berlin says :-The Military'circles here are cawIy intensified artillery activity on the cofdn taGrtBritain'sga L* British front la believed here to lier- est effort v1l meet the fate of'4ie aid the long-expected great British previous offensives, but there iskýîn offesiv. IftheBriish nea b - interest to see Kitchener's new amies ness at this time they ghou1d find 1. the Germans in a state of prepared- i ein h eea pno s~a nes. Te crreponentis n apos 1a supreine test of strength bet eei neas.~~~~~~~ -h orsodn sl p i the British and German armies du-. tion to know that the Gerinan line inlin g the coming summer ivill mari~ the the far west has not been weakened as climax df the war. the resuit of havlng to rush help to the Austrians, and that operations et In the expectation of perbaps de- Verdun are belng contlnued systema- cisive military events on -ail fronts, tically in the face of the po.,slbl1tyj peace talk bas npver been Bo dead as of a British offensive. l it is to-day. BRITISH GUNNERY WAS THEBTE GERMANS ACCIJRATE TILL THE FIGHT DEVELOPED. to th th n( t: tafftufas. Off icer Toilas of Havoc Wrought by 4:-Mardtoba wheat- $1.18; No. 2. do.. $1.161; thse Dreadnoughts'u track. Ba y porte 0 -N.2, C. W., 626c; ie extra No. 1 feed, Sic:;Fne Ne. 2. do., 49c, track. A gunneny efficer, describing the u ri-No. i yellow. Sli. Hern Reef fight frein hie special point a 3; 85c, track. Toronto. -No. 3 white. 48 te 49c, Ofe view ia bise London Turnes, ays: c ights outeide. "n hn aeeietwsta -No. 1 commercial, "a9tigtaeeidn asta .94 te 96c: Ne. 3, do.. ship for ship we are much more than 83 te 86c. nominal. ac- mtc frteGeas.A or it cutsida. d amthf teiran.A mr mina. $1.76 to $1.80etc- accurate gauge et relative stnengthb lie. 11.26 te $1.60, ac- would be te say thst if they cames ta outside. 1. 65 te 66c-; feed 610 te on two te one we could stilh be equal1 qfrei.'bte outaide. t hi.Id e a hsl n ominal. 70 to 7lc, ac- ote.1d tsath i an 1 ,ts outslde. spirit of boasting. It la a considered8 mmnnercial. 94 teo 9e. ac- opinion fermed on knowledge venYà hts outalde.8 --Frst patents. ta juteltlittle of which I can divulge te yeu. id patents. In Jute likgs.t rs', In Jute bags. $5.80, Lessons From the Fight- -Wlnter. accerding tii "AIl sorts ef lessons can be de- $4.16. In bags, track,1d e ri h shipmnent; $4 te $4.10. ue o h fight. Let me give yeu prompt shipment. une point; ef consequence frein my ownC lots, delivered Montreali mcluded-llran. Per ton, observations. Our gunaery was much ta. pr ton. $24 te $25: better than the enemy's. At the n. $25 te $26. good feed P65 te $1.60. stant, as a nuls, the German fine was accunate and deadiy and thein guns try Produos. wene well served. Se it remained dalry. choice. 25 te 27c;whethywrlasprestenh 4e; ereamnerv î>rints. 29'wiete eeI ueirsrnt 29 te 29. and able to throvW four or five abipa te firm; new-.aid. 28 te ' nia. 30 te 32e. gainst every one ef ours, but se soon .0 $4.50, the latter for, as they came uadcr the fine etOur large. 16e; twins. laie. Battle Squadroa the. Germana began -Pr icea are steadj, at te deteromate and their markismnansbip *r Imperial gallon. lfeIl off considemably, bisough they stili xy-hicens 26to 7c.wonked their guns isard. 1 arn net aries quoted la car lotsur.nsdta w Brunsieiks at $211supiedta the crcwa became te rns, $1.95. some extent demoralized, as they treuUgart«*.apparently did by our gunfire, for our U 1f 4 .-Corn-American gus wrought awful havoc amoag BIte 84c. Oata-dCan- theit. No. 2. ô 4le ; do., No. 8. "On board our owa shipa tiser. 1 teed...53c; Ne. 2 local 8 . de.. '51&c; No. 4 do.. were many casualties freîm gun-fire. -Malting. 76 te '7OP- I arn net rcferrlng new to shlps tist rends, us boatxta were lest, bu-b te theselith«vereit te $2.46. :Rolleli âe to twviat tihe enemy'uffered trIz tise $6,5. ,, do.. ba. $0. Ibm. lm« tal.e llran. M te r> MI0 Sl., 14 Middlings. 2516$3. Tremeadous flittlng Power. $53 Habr-No. S Per 00 te %l,$ 0. Cheese "The following wlll give yen an ris. Btter,e dolsat'dea ef tue tremendous ittng power ;seconds, 29c. Engs. of our Dreadnougstu. (One of out: No. 1 stock. 35e; Ne. 2 latoes, per bag, car lots, l2in. gua shipa--the' Hercules, 1 be- Siheve-put ber salves lIet a Geronn - siip se accurately tuaItuehe a ly 4--Cash qtiotatton»j- vse ses litee~udrts Nurthema. $1401: No. Il heavy blows whihstue Hercles dealt ýNo. 3 Northern. $1.068; ber. Of course, tisat German vaut 941r; No. 8. 9010, 2 -o.ic. t 4ie eout of action. If tue 12Wis.guns woul4 satra No. 1 fus0- 4"c; do tblto & sispboy muesmore du. No. 2So6teeie. Bar- c: No. 4. 8410: . metsd structIva méuat b. thse vell-dlrected 0.Flax-ro. -1 N. W, C. fin from tise 18.5 and 15.-ta gun. W.. 81.64t. urb-ftith peoplu do inot tison-, tam uaft& o*gsy 8~ti tc uIf lbe Gen- July 4.-Wheat-July, Mm, l ubpi WM&fr ucaped inosl «r- ber. M1OTj No .d îq Ie ;ortisern 410~ e 191..idIIaw7 e ter pat M hua eu n. $ .s 10 ÃŽ. corn an crlppled flr us-ietiaIt iey . 76te 7e Oat»-NO. à 37tc. F'lour unoha.sfsd; con bu @t no f ur u»for SM», Main. 1.Bran. 817.00 te monis 1.0 cle. lThq ama likea IMO r 4Whet--Oiîtract'. glist mlê&int -thse >inÉ" villa bot t.101; Nu. 1 North*gi. eye cos, âms oe broSsa,. - a"i . 4 .68à v;tu a îîac irf ad_1u #V ý fsirne tq da6en b reu Nevmbe. tOnf lb. G*Mll Bot, :~ ~"ou* remit M Ibis batti, rb*he * geo leey'x 1I,40 te Lx dt"elney t0 1 Imporbt « c mmm' t*ttle. clsaia. 159 mSwry. Il vs. lgalbeebat II talaifat' Os aW v a b*W bu1Wi aam eumy suanmyolf, b7Z ou* Io mace it less easy to see la a link sat joins it even more intimately to te prototype. The pits -with sharp epkes at the bottom and the caltrops -.4our-pointed iron instruments that always stand with one point upwand gweven they faIl-are survivait of îedieval warfare. The catapault of Le Romans that once threw sbonea 0ow casts explosive grenades froas trench to trench. The German fiame nrojecter goes hack to the days when armnies deluged each other with bolu- ing oil and bunninr, pibch, and the use of poisonous gases was - anticipatoil by the Chinese, who for centuries used stinkpots. Mine, couniter-mimie ad petard, reinforced to-day by gun- cotton and trinitrotoluol, are revivals from the Middle Ages. Screening guns and -men by the adroit use eft touage carries us back tie the days eft Mac- beth, when Birnan Wood came te I»un- - sinane. But, as the Engineering Re- tord points oute the war- bas utilized one means of 'concealinent that ila strikingly modem-' that is, painting ihips, guns, and even men ln streaka and spots of dîff erent colora, se that they are quite bast in the shifting filht either ut sea or on land. The trick had i.ts enigin in recent discoveries cencerning the pnotective. coloration of animais. A PROFITABLE BUSINESS. Big Profits in Hotel 'Investments Without a Bar. Hetel investinents -in Most parts of' Canada, and particularly la Ontiarlo, have depneciated verynuc-h la value owlng -te the *pread of prohibition, and mnany ownoe's are in despain.. But there is ne need for thus. O, thse other hand a new and much better' ers. should now open, Hetel-keèp$ng has proved to be, and may, lan Èada, be madé, one eftheii.-Most profitable and meputtblia et butineuses,, -Itis the meat pmomlaing field for business de- velepinent. ,we know of.,t6-dy for ain- bitions capable yosmgià end< The twtluble i. »It out hotela.diav. obleet Most botel-koupers have znet hen *busià ess mon,'bt ql>j lers. Lodginguaand- food bayeb houa nierely an Incident -So"e o! teM ex. pected te lest money on tbolertbls iThe wasteulnest was appalliïï,- >rM thse supplying of geod feà 4,and goUfod accomiasodatlon la ont ef té. mat p*o- - fitable businesses in tbe Wold4o.d*y. l InCanada It bas, been- rmo re or hsal'of a disgrace to e b so<çated *1*1«o 1even seon In, an hotel n Europe and the Uniited S"ae o~o ie * k"est .are lnvestlag and namlag b e tta*. themaseves Md 1thse hotel la b.cMbagý a -sodiouetre. Thse tmo»ta aucc ful botel-ke#pm ,aïie mon -Who began lin »e kiteisen wid firom lia i o. lthe; 1b$x Roteilin -arsil r la -$w -fnet in the venw«d to-day. Kr. RItz, viien -the. ' Wit.r finitknew hlm, b.d sla 1K£1111, *asU uv&,. ~~B8 i~SUfl etseaG*rgeth*' 0a4 r ýÃth@ W d-uoeii4an W tIM ow, uri thse -woïld, Wt Âu Orne Generia" sSeealforim% Il Bs,ý A deapateh Irom loMade Thse Colo* V oV thei 1e gaia4mt sYPM At.i* .1 DLJKF OP DEVONSHIRE-