Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 22 Jun 1916, p. 4

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bave amuI, oppottuit# -Mr Itiry iàT AO ~ àg u i.qusin-thé ft Cîtubeým djusât eihft "Winre bi mn meres of Council out tO eee clubs vIuielu- ¶#1bé. tomme u Th@b Churoluon a8mdsy eévéniuig1" îsit îne-w oudtot ftIuii8% 5 #» idemi nbt thaI; tolier imipeinent tof out, ex- 1'eeft Ae ift**IliliIt»it l INIIIdl 1 90g-ma» apulcluetin fevery former andi 10 thei wêla thie privaete 1f cf itzens? -Weiland evecyone wviii u ibs i 89uby 0 0 6 attend tii meitngt lit Brougimn flit When Dr. Millitan Mild liaI he con- Thuesay ahoulideo n, for li! hef r Isidered lil, an evîdence if a ahallow <~> ~ 51 mei.j chaatir If in or vomnen spent mnuci lime over tard pimying, b. probably o iec e tW u didnl knew liaI emd-piayitig #«« as da ote e eachs of the average Whit- O trl Ladies Coli86 by ititen as lie air i bre-lied. * Thc 1916 Commencement Exerciea A constable bas bien ar.pointe4 lun fttOtnelde'Cleee' n tii village of Thîrnbury Io aie that lhe augiurated on Wednesday evenlnXg if bells are laken off tii cowsait the ltast weîk. June 14ti, ead vire contiu- stricts. Happy, pescîful village, viere id. witi nomne scleduled event effti. thegretes anoyace e te tnkl ofde-y. until Tuesday of Ibis *eek *ii liegretea anoyace a le tnil 0~the final day of a mont Interestlng wiek the cow belle on the grass.ccvered vas brought te e- close.- strets! Wonditgo the natives mcvWEDNSDAé lt tiat a great war in ceging la Europe? On Wîdriesday - evening'u.Une 14â1. 0 0 tie uni!er e-dntes cf M ~Collè~ge. An exchange says, "Riv. Mr. - gave a reci - 1, wbich pnovei deeidedly cectpie th hor wih a adres onInterestlng. Thi program includef su cceuiedtiebou vii a adres onorgan selection by Miss Muriel Sdit- St. PaulI and tiis vork tant &xnde-y." singer, piano sieeloii by Missis AlI- St. Paul snd hile vonlaint Bunday! cen OHara. Isabel igâfton, Gertrude GIreat Scott! Wî thougit St. Paul was HIi and Doroliy WhIttekcr, vocal dendcentrie ago andyether i slolos by Miss Clarice Paekigin, Jean dîs cetunea gosudyetbin hiWilliesand Olive Wocdman, ead nead- .Waa found working lait BSnaney. Tii ings by Misses ia Dodge'anti Winni- Lo)rd's Day Alliance wilI bave to gît f nid Symington. after Bt. Paul If i doesnt quit work- THURSDAY. lng on Runaey. But, Iink cf our IThi Thurssiay evening concert vas abysmal Ignorance ln bîliiviaig St. Pau) one alisoof vcry great Inteneat, because vas deati! h vwas provtdîd by members cf thi * *graduatlng clansa Lin, suclu of Ilium- as viré îaking MuM!v or- Enpruaaiea. * Dominion Day, 1916. talla upon Sut- 'rus vas. thînîfoe e elest rucitai ap- urde-y. Will thei mîrchants observe pearsuci of tie yeung ladies as a clams, Faîurday us a holiday? Saturiay le us- und lhe prograni vas consequiiitly mach appreciatid. It ccnsaid et piano ually thi big business dey' of li eki, ueletiona by Misses Mabel Sharpe and but therc should hi ne dii¶Ielty lnu Geonglan Smith; vocal solos b>' Misst closlng up 011 Saluarey. If tic public Marjorle Gilnlock; sud readinge by la assured that Saturarey Io te be oh- iMisses Mel"e- Hetbeinugtofl. Marger>' aervd as tic bolide->' they wyul do Moore und Myctle Faweitt. their shopping on Friduy. The ques-FRDY tion cf closing ahould not be lefI ln RDY doubt. iowever. The merchunts uigit Il lias hein thc cuistonu of thi Dca- contfer togîther und mutuially deride miatie Club of thc College ecdi year 10 ilpeu concerei action. Othenvise I)esuit fit lecst one Shakespeare"If anome may close white otheris keep open play, eani that chosen for the closing ic;?. NeiLt veekinadcvertisernenlts wek vas givin onlFri'iay evening. miglit indicate to the publie liaI rie "Tic Tamlng of the Shretv." storts will iw closedcilnSuuturda>'. Jifly The tinte of t'ue play n'as ln rie l7th 1 et. 1centutry. mani tie scenea cf action vire laid In Padua, ltuly. Tii story cf tie * 5 c i tra etlla cf the artifices b>' which lhe Nexl Thurgday. Jtmeî29fl.he 1wan- ycuîîillg mnrPetrIlctllo tamis thc fiery nuai meetings ot the Sott Ouitarie i apirit or Kathenine. wie possesses Farinera' aui Women'a ilusitutis "111 a îretty (ac4R ani an abominable lim- be lielina(IBrougham. referenre te rwu, . rd deetareBshp ieyl hi subJect tb which la maie In an ar Isenient lu n nmo. another coltumil of ibis puper. Teini-, Mis lethanine MIcCormicl< as Pc- pcrlance cf tuis meeting canne otbj truchio. and Miss Myrte Favcett, as cvereatimatesd, as offcirs for tie uew: Katherine. vire partieularly geod. but Bourd of Agriculture are to e 1ertced ! he whoie caste vas worthy of praise.. The formation etf1theIBoard of Agrîctil- The admirable n'a> ln which the ire-ma turc la a forward step lu the malter %xas presintei showeti muci diligent of Goverîliierlit ork for Fainer-a, and la application b>' the young ladies cf the Intended te ON-reme some ot the dit;- (1,iq. ln addition te tii abovi muan- aivaîllages w1lclî pertsiicd 0Io thelu-!tioruci, tiose vie participate-in tahre tm-umADR4 aADA The priceofo the New Ford Tourlng Car FulIy eqîi ppcd with etectric starter andi ligluts, electric horn, etc, $640o f.b. -Ford. Standard equipment, fÇob. Ford, 530 Run about, fully equipped, fo.b., !Ford 59o R unabout Standard, equ ppeJe See the new modela at our showroomis. W. J. LOJU aiSme. DOLM IR.1V. Bell l'buomeoI»10lam oto8 0 8 Draytoui Ave, Ternnis, Nov. 101h, 1915. A beautifulccDlplcxiofl Ioa hmd<soiii vcm-n9s cllef giorY e-ad thecenvy cf lier lias fotunec rivais. Vel a séfI, c'lm sk4n -glowingwitlh henti -la ouly làdr nausnulresatit(of re Bibid. "i1 n'as trouhled foc a considesbli trme vithi sver>' snpleasa#t, diu/igmnnaj Rash, vilci covercd my facie andi foc vhich 1 itwd applications ead remedies withhut relief. After usiag " Fruit-a- hlves"Ilfor oeeki, the cash Io conu- plete1>- gene. i1e-m deeply lhunkftil for the relief andiln the future, 1I yul not ho without " Fruil--tives 1. NOuAIt WATSON. bOc. a box, C) for $2.50, trial nize, 25e. At dealers or sent postpaid on rcceipt of price by Fruit-a-Ifis Limited, Ottawa. play were Misses Gwendolyfl Gauley. Etta Jackson, Mabel McKinnon, Melva Hetherington. Madeleine Preston., Ida. Dodge, Frances Fraser, Léela Beachl, Hazel MIII, Eva Hutcbeson, Ada Snidîr, Margery Moorp, Mrs, Merkley. SATURDAY. Saturday ipornlng and alternoon were occupied by the students ln par- ticipating in or witnessing athietic and swIhnming exercises. The aquatic aide of the day'e f un was particularly Inter- estiuig. In the evîning the pupils of Mise Gott and Miss Colline gare a recîtal ln tii concert hall. Thia musical pro- grain was enjoyed te tii full by the audience. Misses Enid MacMinn, Win- Inifred SYmiugton, (le-rice Packham, Murlel Cook, GÏace Linton, - velyn Cook, Frances Fraser, Jessie Love, Jean McLefland. Marjorie Ross, Mary De- pew and Maud Shaw took Part. SUNDkY. For the liaccalaureate sermon one cf Canada'@ foremost preachens, 11ev. Dr. G. M. Millîgan,. pastor emeritus of Old St. Andrews Ciurch, Toronto, had bein secured, and tie Methodlat Tab- ernacle vas crowded. 'The Presbyte?- tan and Baptîsl Churches cancelled thel e!ifls ssIcèe a nd ail tire. Ja oti oned ln the splenid service ut the Tàberftaehe. On the platform with Dr. Milligan vire Rev. A. H. F'oster, païtor cf the Tabernacle: Rey. F. L. Farewell, Prin- cipal. and Rev. Dr. uHem Principal ,Umerittu91 thte Coliqe; 11ev. G. A. McLean sud, Rev. 9. <0. mecorümeck. euh b et Whbotokpart in flue sec- vice. D>uriag the evetitng the choir renderei ma uthesu, and MIsS OeIl, if lte>Colle"-e raciiîy, sang 'There inaa Dr. Iwiiga chose for-iuIa tet Gin- "leil 1;1-AsdWbeu XMcam vws nin.ty yeacs cld -and ni» e eLord mi#pered tg Abr-sj, Andim paiio W m, i Î= tue lmitir ty .: ik bitor. mmimand b. thoti petl2.' il. laid par- Ucuiùemplme ubn th it Dier. Fr tuIis test Dr. MXIliu4" prciied a v.u IipcusiY tmon. t0 fMI t e ttuugbt anid expulm.ee tlat ib-def slYnoPsis Woéeb. ïIwpouisle. 'Ïûu.r mtaéd oesiya of verbid *aOttta aI hoaimowess, Sd vsnttyf. #Muidelflsuuiuswhibeb cos mppu*eut tw «r l,. UV« . neutxd bis boom W do.11k. A&brmm,,tg put SMut IMage Lest Wh e Iboe la me.l. tu - b:L M.e M I ihteeme h.w.éi ti. at id it Robt !.Onets S toYenor LtI" la 1" ee~'Iitig. rthe- p ilél o hcuh*ewcl btoc th ou #M ets inehy>'w elle etre"l *eldn.llW»flsu tii. monOfi Bar tet Eilution eàeandL '1Bre1&S", odn Egad u if pt'ese.nothe bârUue xlii m$lad'In otfée a weugt fhe be amt ee J*oabi iBetenve r edélfotiié ti sotivitié Roet- ur Ure, e esuit* hgiiusa t d eldstninin MEIèè l. 5ien ad tUiO1u deo nlihav Pt bt na4baewel tmea mtnt - oreeasiifteir huactîvits No 0e p r b eOne. bÈS-u rit 70- l ftd urn 41bs é?ane er ting~~~~~~~~i Johniftey..' wc.B lalgii a neqit elwy erss t wTt hlm yi "w;Mare.their i ny, otifhsve i th epwoenaiof r- Ing hi pckgsbprie te intueo hSilfY5 iiyh*nr0,r ;Ai beeuucfthe!oiron uring teeitis cf trisSfO delofAsnaeofLadndbigusdflnpry (liet chréttr. ¶1e etir micut t t1iîi.""CanadBegans&maoowLondfniel that haff o-pertud gne C it gly. éme te has keptveirOWbelespecmt ptt vn wer A4e ieu i da ippy famedi"-forad wthe Ct wt.fOUTd5 ipe thersl and làoe a st . andbign hLm iJha en aien ou&d by aenW.haealresokohadn bokli & rste. afa> y.NO dstnglshied d vgtisir rsm overs60lC peb.anr lbMas I*biatiil#fe ighty-é m fth. ee t alte fthe w actbalytw mil"Ne tii. ted*ck et-Mlii Msxel d rin. H anade a nlUtien face exprbem tf Dalpa ib prbtet hec-Prt eacffe ea te pobe n obcaled-HA DW prh mesétt Dr.* Rarf.bu eda ir pises. i vtie se ve o fh bis.tee - - P ot e ih prc f a i G e n a r a hamny tand. meitlo±id abeo,te pre To migte liiionthof teriesn WH f rent f ediTbY, ng sm frspay Rev. Dr. ihnèttr te. Mr. rPlgty Mrn. vonnshdin tellwieth som l.ait Aepteison, ia. lel, .>C.am-d toens ra nisapttiron leir commun- in« *èton lkeunk e ., c a.p Vmly.anog nd onth. I ty.rspctI , r. Har, lýMes d .H. Riieu-nin i csr*John vas e tl d y adid upn ehv ag tc o di D *r. Ormanà, 1UthP GR an Mc. Ond lecnlub vsi f ither bf ulad avrain $00esi ec ldat .A biiht;2 . a Fou rs.fv c Missâ Baili, ofaleil. dhe w re ss. le tewrpoabytoml I r mm . a aeh li htibu t t' bout 9:45 omso utais d rfa la at b lgs botcclBlSllCniB arc ndait cv ausOU iarsg. I- f'î ,e no w a ce ei a l to its hprobfmmiiy, soon t e codpie en elzd ay hrbrevr i rpry iinTe" v he >" ii. duO t a lt J h eiifow ing i. hudeplar Ouînr-,n.Hn ucn aual ilte eae .A Att, Eloa .R a onp rhe Posi t inl .om res, in Canada ves fnti rgase.Tihgetprc a el dfcvle thClipper ticobe aFourtwre, aTotako heeart oldher Uvn- OThectloesfrtisaeve rty r t r ihM. ERIO FPL; OMAns cobuJ M Grdousitcson wiitprntd n hihY Dr. Rare, M BuepJ.H.ihard soxn, Sira, hn w odl .ludduo Mn a » a xwelO.liM.n. dT. aeaC. $0M.)-wr sl a . .bruh PzÀo.-~aiilMa-ry Sharpe, Manitou, Man., Qeorgian Wilson -8 - ee Michigan. VoÇA&L-Me>!orlei Honford Garlock, Phelps, N.Y. OaA'ce.--.yrtli Ermina Wesîlena Fawcett. Hosui-ScuIyca-Relin Clark, Orillia. Ont.; Or-ece Ethyl ieieer, Rochester, N.Y.; Florence Grahami, Brampton, Ont.. Emlly Fi-cia Pennal, Moatreal, Quebcc; Myrtie Grave Ris- zin, Lindsay, Ont. S.PRESENTATION OF CERTIFICATES. Intermedlate-Aileen O'Hii Jnniorc-Graee Lînton (ho Ptimary-LiolisDixon. Voc.L- Junior-Aillen O'Hura,( Sbaw (honors), GraC CcirMF.IlLÂL- Bookleeping, Sbortiand and Anie Juib. Sioctbai and Typewriting- Ce-pt. Jaie Graey la detallhii t .- tend a tiret, n'eus' FiliOflcera' course aI N lagan-o-tie- Lake, coin- mencing Juuc îtth. Min rejected during tic veek as pi>'- alcalI>' unfil for O. S. service aec: Jos. Vickery, lirooklu; Ljeonérd Brown, Whitby. bieulI o lii UIud Baîtalion, 5 filtu cf vae, pictuf* wire shivu luInlte Royal Theatre on Tuesie->' atternoon e-ni eveing cf lait viek te cnowded bauses. 1Muei thmuka la due lie Mn- agenlt cf tic, eRoyal for tic their generostîrln placing lie houai ut tite disposaiofethle MIiallon. The ceunît sieuld be a'naterialI nereamo iln cé. cruiliag ln ibis ilniy, and the avili- :ng cf lie Be-tallon ruenulng fun&. Sergt. Bain.,rêeuWued on Mioniay last fi-onua sax eeka .signialllig course e-I Toronto eand ?fla*anaop-lie-i#&ke. Sergt. Pergusosi lacdite-lied t l s- derland, laking chai-geocf the diill squai at httplane. Col. Cochkbu c etucned oui «ondvày mornlngImreuil"e-uaatter a sîrenuou i veewa' ouse lp maghlie Quau- veek ofimmsMd bmon uâit. la welcomng, th. Colammi-mnuOffleer Wmus citum.n Cap't,Cummet.,. etunll8tonthéo, C. 'tirCo... -cSouu*sugot duesmute at seayéten, ,Wlaihsge, Bcwbus snd qmntun.-bas orginad &bd tl- ervlaa <niL v thé i :*l@b. aasltuuse ra (honora), Isael Grdo. unor) - finst-elas honora), Eva Mud ce Linton. Typîwitiag-Mra. Leprai. -Annie Toms. Hewgill ritîîraed to Batte-lien duty tram a course la Musketry ut Niagara on Jnc- 7ti. Tiey ai-c ictalîci for itructtonul vork laMuakîîry iu "A" Compnpsy. Pe. G. J. Bravane-d W. C. Jackson are on comme-ni ut Port Penny, sut- ing lu rccruitlng. Lieut. O. C. Mackei aend Corporal' L. C. M. Cockiuri rtaraci te Batte-I ian iaty-troni a Lleutl.coacse at P.S.l., Toront, on June 16ti. A gêerai meeting of e-l tihecficrs et tie Battlon. vill ha ieîd e-t Bat- telion ieadiquthrtere, Whilby, on Mon- de-y, July ýSnd A sigiialling clama of 18 picketi mea bas cammencii treining under Signal- ling Lieut, -R. H. M. Jolliffe. More min et goed educaticna end techaicul train- ing are neoded for ii worn, Lieut. En. 0e-g la starting Ibis week a dlais n Machine Gun vink, Rire aise are neeici min viti te abilit>' le think sud at qtulckly aI e-IlUies. Tii date et golng lie ocamp lai slIl somewial uncertai. Wonr bas com- mmceii on th1e ground*,and tihle Bat- talion zoginoos hope te ha-vo thung lit éh*pe ta a 11111.eove a veek, they b-v- ut ateli t culliebsy lu tb uie n.' lime untroesleu ta ei ng mai. foc, bettéfU abt itn STRAWBERRY ýULLETiN dRig lii fru it snorTatonbll egnins re t offcai s menta et the Nie-gara Growece- and mu, bo dcpînded upun. - ' Strawbiriis shcld bo ordered earl.'The crop is god and tht qua- lty excellent, but the demand yl hi heavy. As cherriessund plumea ar going te hi scarve ead dear, honsovives sbould premerve or oaais waiy strawlerrieml as possible. Do net va ,t The Wil lua m, the b et for canaing in now irîady. Tell ycur (lester te-day n'hat you wîlI requine and ?NSIST UPON BIERRIES WITll TIE LABEL 0F THE NIAGARA FRUIT OROWBRS. This label (with thieniap) us&- your protection. It in your ouly guaranty tuat lie fruit se growa eIug aCanada Best Fruit Counfry, - -- the Niagaca l>eunenula.o WSt .8 4- Tell yonr Ic-aler tiai your f ruit mnust have tie vnap., and that you vili take noue vithout il. LOOK FOR THIE MAP -et 409$ eeî; t À Complèe. car ii ,Evey.Farticular, W s a Ca Yoqi W De-, >rud oOwit les tue ia compute ce At mywhevenet oslm s MM tlw ord t"oote ileia4iglachugl. therectmiesm tha. 2fu*e tIbatitlt*a sMUaior. Tlwseioe h104 kbes. hebmtires" efm4c1 l'mmm eeeotins la.i q' .yii C lb putôWlu-ae-d ne, Ca lr 'no ef bur IRH iE pli of -1 w a~dî gi.,r I b 4- a- t 4, ~1. t? 4, mmý -F ý, 1 ýje

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